HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-09-16, Page 9Clinton N ews- Rec�rd,
Nos. 38-39 — 70th Year; Whole No. 6323 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948
Second Section Pages 9 to 12
Clinton Colts Now On Playdown Trail For Ontario Tile.
Eliminate Hensall Team colts Mildmay
Start `To -Night
In Two Straight Games C>i
• (Bystaff reporter)
After defeating Hensall twice
during the regular season, Clin-
ton Colts took Jack Tudor's lads
out in two straight in the group
finals to decide which team would
represent the Huron -Perth Base-
ball League in the OBA Inter-
mediate "C' playdowns.
Colts 8—Hensall 5
Hensall made it very interest-
ing for Colts down at Hensall
Monday evening, and kept on
fighting until the bitter end. Hen-
sall threw a scare into the Colt
forces .in the second frame when
they went into a 4-3 lead, but
Colts 10---Hensall 3
Too much all-round power
brought victory to Clinton Colts
in their . first Huron -Perth Base-
ball League final match with
Hensall in Clinton Community
Park Friday evening last before
a large crowd.
Colts banged out an early lead
in the second and third frames,
and then coasted to an easy vic-
tory. It took only 1.41 for eight -
end -a -half innings of play. The
game got away in good time and
finished just after seven, despite
one delay through argument in
the fifth,
that is the closest they ever got This, tied up closely with Hen -
to winning. A 5-5 tie continued sail's only counters. With two
until the first of the seventh, out, Corbett and Boussey singled
and then Colts added one in each
of the seventh, eighth and ninth
It was Colts' homerun belting
that won the game. Neilans
knocked one in the first with
White ahead of him.. "Bud"
Schoenhals banged one in the
second with no one aboard, and
Bob Draper made sure of the
decision with one into the bushes
in the first of the ninth. The Colt Manager
last was "the blow that killed
father," . because with it, . the
game seemed to be all over but
the cheering. •
'O'wo Twirlers
Bob Draper started on the
mound for Colts, but when he
loaded the bases with two out in
the second, walking the third
man, Manager Hugh Hawkins
took him out and put him in
right field, replacing Bill Cook.
Bob Craig took the mound and
went un to win, although Bruce
Glenn, the next batter up, laced
a stinging single through third
to left field, scoring all three
runner,s Tudor, Joynt and Hor-
ton when Neilans let the ball
past him, Glenn himself romped
home on Corbett's single to make
'Hensall'stotal for the frame
stand et four.
Bob Sadler was in good form
on the hill for Hensall, but he
just couldn't handle the Clinton
homerun kings—Nellans, Draper
and Schoenhals. Their wicked
Pelting had hiin baffled. He ex-
ercised marvelous control, walk-
ing nor hitting nary a one. Great was credited with one of the
things should come from this cheapest homers that anyone ever
young men in the baseball world. got in any park.
Art Woodcock eturned from The point at issue was whether
in succession. Mickle came to
the plate and bounded one along
the third base line, the ball then
scurrying into the outfield, and
the three runners scampering fast
for home.
Leftfielder Neilans figured the
ball was fowl and made no move
to retrieve it . Meanwhile the
runs crossed the pan, and Mickle
nton Colts, champions of
the Huron -Perth Baseball
League, and Mildmay, "C"
champions of the Western On-
tario Athletic Association, clash
in the second round playdowns
of the Ontario Baseball Assoc-
iation Intermediate "C"' series.
It will be a two -of -three series.
Mildmay plays in Clinton
Community Park at five o'clock
sharp this (Thursday) after-
noon in the first game of the
playdowns, with the. return
match in Mildmay at 4 p.m.,
Saturday, September 18.
Ina recent series with List-
owel Canadian Legion "B"
team for the WOAA title, Mild-
may won one game in four but
put up a close light in all. four.
Listowelrecently defeated Colts
in two exhibition matches.
Hensall Midgets
Edge Clinton 7-6
Jack Tudor's Hensall Midgets
came into town Saturday after-
noon and engaged a Clinton team
composed of Midgets and Peewees
in an exhibition baseball snatch.
The visitors won 7-6. The return
game will be played in Hensall
this Saturday afternoon.
Jack Wilson started on the
mound for Clinton, but Cam
Maltby took over in the fifth with
Clinton leading. Cam was a bit
wild in the fifth. He walked the
first three batters, the fourth was
safe on error, and he walked the
;text two. Before three were; out,
five runs had crossed the pan
and the match had been blown.
Heimrlch, Hensall pitcher, struck
out 11 Clintonians.
RENSALL: O'Brien, Jacobi,
Fee, Carlisle, Buchanan c,
O'Brien, Lavender lb, Peters rf,
Heimrich p, Moir rf. riext Week, Will be;
CLINTON LIONS: Clare Maltby I Elmer Campbell, R,R. 1, Ex -
3b, Cam Maltby ss, p, Aleic Wil,. "Nobility of professions has der, a student of Exeter District
son 2b, Jack Wilson p, c, Bill intermingled the golden threads High School during the past
Nediger c, es, Don Epps lb, Jerry of science with the precious pure year, has been awarded the school
Holmes lf, Bob Carrick jr, cf, white threads of humanitarianism tuition scholarship up to $125 a
Cowan cf, Bill Carrick rf, Bob and blended with this the varied year for two years for the County
Garon rf, Denomme rf. hues of administration and hos- of Huron.
Hensall 000 150 1-7 pita), services. Some threads are The scholarship is given to the
Clinton 003 030 0-6 of necessity strong and stout, pupil with the highest standing in
others delicate and intricate, yet the county in the departmental
Ties all are needed in assembling the examination. Elmer has register-
Londesborobest care to the sick and injured ed in the Junior Group 2 at the
Wroxeter Rockets which is a great monument to University of Western Ontario and
Bayfield. Native Honored
By.. Hospital Association
Mrs. Margaret Rhynas, a native
of Bayfield residing in Toronto,
has been very highly honoured
in that she is one of three Cana-
dians who have been selected by
Hospital Executives to receive an
honorary membership in the .Am-
erican Hospital Association which
is holding a convention in At-
lantic City, September 20-23.
During the conventoin a recep-
tion and dinner will be given on
honour ,night and life certificates
presentd. The other two Cana-
dians to be honoured_ in this way I
are Madame Louis de Gaspe Beau-
bien, Montreal, Que., and Judge
J. M. George, Morden, Man.
Mrs. Rhynas has been ,actively
engaged in Voluntary Women's
Hospital Auxiliary activities for
more than' 30 years, 17 of which
she served as president. She now
is Public Relations Administrator,
for the organization. Mrs. Rhynas
has the distinction of being the
first person to lecture on the
subject of Women's Voluntary
Hospital activities to a class of
potential Hospital Administrators
at the University of Toronto. She none can evaluate. It bears the.
has received a medal from His halhnark of the Man of Galilee,
Majesty King George VI and has
several citations honoring her'. yet is of modern design. This
philanthropic work and out- 'galaxy of threads, joined as it is
standing leadership. with nobility of purpose, mercy,
Mrs. Rhynas is en author of truth and love which is the warp.
some note, writing a number of and woof of Christian effort is
booklets mostly in connection with timeless and fadeless."
the Hospital work. She is a life Mrs. Rhynas is a sister of
member of the Canadian .Authors William L. Ferguson, Bayfield,
Association. Also an outstanding and spends several months of
speaker, Mrs: Rhynas has travel- each ,year visiting her brother in
led from coast to coast speaking her native village.
in the interests of Voluntary Hos-1 ' 0
pita work. Her adderss, in part, • County Scholarship
which she will give at the golden t�
birthday of the American Hos- To Exeter Student
pital Association in Atlantic City
civilization. Just how wide- anticipates a course in Business
(By Jack Webster)
spread and unique is this tapestry Administration,
Londesboro B -A's and Wroxet-
er Rockets battled to a 17-17 tie
his trip to Western Canada just or not the ball was foul, or in Blyth last Friday night, in a
ins time to get into uniform, and whether Umpire O'Brien at third, scheduled game in the WOAA
or Umpire Thorndike at the plate, group 5 Round Robin sofbtalI
had called it. The former ruled series.
it a fair ball, and so the three Wroxeter grabbed off a four
run lead in the first inning and
at the end of the first half of the
ninth they had the Londesboro
boys 17-12 but when Londesboro
came to bat they meant business
and scored five runs to tie the
Davey Neilson of Wroxeter
proved himself a home run king
by getting three, Saundercock got
a homer for Londesboro.
Edgar and Stewart pitched for
Wroxeter and Bloor and Carter
signalized it with two singles in
four. Neilans had a homer and
two doubles in fourand Schoen-
hals a homer and single in four.
For Hensall, Don Joynt had a Orchids to pitcher Bob Craig
triple end two singles in five. in the second inning! With none
DougBartliff played one of the out, Dearing was safe on ,error,
and Glenn and Tudor were hit by
best games of his career at short_ pitcher in rapid succession, filling
stop, handling eight chances the bases, Joynt fanned, Then
without error. His throws to first:the Clinton twirler forced Ross
across the diamond were deadly.; Houghton to pop to him, and Bob
There was good deal of argu- threw to Bartliff to get Glenn
Ment with the umpires over de-
going back to second, retiring the
these which side. It was smart baseball.
miens. One of
aroused the ire of Manager Haw- Harry unser out
Nig bat drove
kips of Colts, was that at home a long homer to deep right for Londesboro,
in the eighth when Neilans was
centre in ,the fourth with Craig—o
called out for not touching the away, Bert White tagged a' scratch
plate. In 'the sixth, Corbett of homer in the sixth with no one
Hensall was called out for leav-
in Mi ] 1 flyaboard, beating out the throw to
Bartliff on the paths and two Seaforth Wins
g thud base before c c e s the plate which was wide.
had been actually caught by Hensall AB R II PO A'
Neilans. Corbett, if . , , , .. , 5 1 1 3 0
Although the . writer was the Boussey, c 4 1 1 3 1
object of •a bench ruling by Um- Mickle, cf 4 1 2 2 0
pire Thorndike, we still think Sadler, ss 4 0 0 0 5
there should be less "chewing" Dearing, rf 2 0 0 0 0
at the umpires and more base- Petzke, rf (6th) 2+ 0 '0 1 0
ball. Glenn, 3b 2 0 0 1 0
Tudor, ib ' 3 0 0 10 0 til the last half of the ninth,
Joynt, 2b 4 0 0 4 1 Seaforth qualified to meet
Houghton, p ....: 4 0 1 0 5 -Centralia RCAF in the group
Totals 34 3 6 24 12 finals.
Clinton Colts AB R II PO A
1 Bartliff, ss 5 1 1 3 3
0 0 0 1 White, 3b 5 3 2 1 1
0 0 0 0 McEwan, 2b 4 2 2 0 1
1 2 10 0 Draper, cf 4 1 1 4 1
1 0 3 1 Neilans, if 4 2 2 2 0
1 2 1 1 Cook, rf 4 0 0 0 0
Softball Group
Seaforth Bosharts defeated
Wingharn. Mercurys 6-5 at Sea -
forth in deciding game of play-
off series in the senior "A" series
of the WOAA softball league. The
game was played before a crowd
of 1,400 people. Each team had
previously won two games, and
the clincher was not decided un-
' Clinton Colts AB 11 H PO A
Bartliff, ss 5 0 1 2 6
White, cf 5 2 1 1 0
McEwan, 2b 4 1 0 4 0
Neilans, if .., 4 2 3 3 0
Woodcock, 3b ,.,4 0 2 3
Cook, rf 1
Craig, p (2nd) 3
Schoenhals, ib -.4
Colquhoun, c 4
Draper, p, rf 4
Totals 38 8 11 27 10
Hensall AB R H PO A
Corbett, 11 5 0 2 1 0
Boussey, c 4 0 0 5 1
Mickle, cf 5 0 1 1 0
Sadler, p 5 0 0 2 6
Dearing, rf. 5 0 1 2 0
Tudor, lb 5 1 114 1
Joynt, ss 5 2 3 1 1
Horton, 2b .. , 2 1 .0 1 2
Glenn, 3b 4 .1 1 0 .2
Totals 40 5 9 27 13
Clinton Colts 212 000 111-8 11 6
Hensall ... 040 100 000-5 9 3
Schoenhals, ib ... 4 0 0 9 0
Wilson, c 4 1 0 7 0
Craig, p 4 2 2 1 3
Totals 38 1b 10 27 9
Hensall ... 000 030 000— 3 6 7
Clinton .. 104 401 00x-10 10 3
Summary: errors — Corbett,
Sadler, Glenn 3, Joynt 2, Bartliff
2, McEwan; three -base hits . —
Mickle, Draper, Neilans; home
runs—Mickle, White, McEwan;
stolen bases—Glenn, White, Drap-
er; struck out—Houghton 2, Craig
7; hit by pitcher— by Craig
(Glenn 2, Tudor); passed ball—
Wilson; double play — Craig to vincial and Dominion Govern-
Bartliff; left on bases—Hensall 8, rents, Feed Manufacturers, Pack -
Clinton 4; runs batted kle ing Plants and all interested in
T' Bartliff, White, ns -H McEwan ll Production of hogs in regard to
Neilans 2; earned runs—Hensall
supplemental feeds, particularly
in relation to production and
disease. • Two very successful
sessions were held and largely as
a result the entire day of a three-
day conference, at the College,
September 15, was "Swine Day",
* e *
Producers of hogs are especially
invited to attend and to feel free
to ask questions. For detailed
information, contact chairman of
Township committee, or County
committee of Huron Hog Produc-
ers or County Secretary.
About 17,000 furnaces and heat-
ing boilers • were.produced in Can -
pair before lighting itfor the ada during, the . first quarter. of
Summary: errors— Neilans,
Woodcock 2, Craig 2, Colquhoun,
Tudor, Joynt, Glenn; two -base
hits - Neilans 2; three -base
hit—Joynt; home runs — Neilans,
Schoenhels, Draper; stolen bases
White 3, Corbett, Tudor; passed
balls—Boussey; Colquhoun; strike-
outs—Draper, one in one and two-
third innings, Craig, three in 71/2
innings, Sadler, two; bases on
balIa-off Draper, one; off Craig,
one; hit by pitcher —by Craig
(Boussey); left on bases—Clin-
ton 3, Hensall 10; runs batted in
Neilans 3, Schoenhals, Wood-
cock 2, Draper 2, Glenn 4, Cor-
bett; earned runs — Clinton 5,
Hensall 4; winning pitcher,
Craig; umpires ^— Thorndike,
Clinton,' at ' 'plate deBeaupre,
Clinton; on bases; Len O'Brien,
Zurich, on bases; time of game -
Tommy Jardine, Wingham
pitcher, lost his game when he
dropped Eisler's high fly. There
were two out and two on in the
ninth inning at the time. Woods
crossed the plate with the win-
ning run.
Wingham had tied up the game
in the first half of the ninth with
a three -run rally. Buchanan,
pinh-hitting for Hopper, drove in
the tying run,^
Wingham ... 000 200 003-5 7 8
Seaforth .... 010 030 011-6 7 8
Federation Notes
Tuckersmith Township Council
met in the Town Hall, Seaforth,
Reeve Arthur Nicholson presided
and all members were present
with the exception of J. W. Crich,
A Court of Revision was held
on the Geiger Drain and as no
appeals were entered, By -Law No.
8, providing for repairs to the
said drain was passed,
John Watson end William Old-
field appeared before Council in
regard to a drainage requirement
affecting their lots and were ad-
vised to ` call a meeting of all
interested parties with a view to
having the work laid out by the
Engineering Department, Ontario
Agricultural College.
The . Clerk was instructed. to
apply for interim subsidy on the
road expenditure and By -Law No.
9, 1948, providing for a further el contract.
appropriation of $11,749. for road Council will investigate the
expenditure, was passed. This 73y- possibility of having lights install -
law was necessary to provide for ed on Egmondville Bridge.
emergency expenditure on the Accounts passed were as foll-
Crich•and Bell Bridges and, to be ewe: Relief, $75.90; Hospitalizat-
effective; will require to be ap- ion, $3,23; Fax Bounty, $3; Roads
proved by. the Department of Account $1,331.46; Salaries, $100;
Highways. Postage, $5; Sundry, $2.50; Fuel,
The Clerk was instructed to Belief, $10.20.
notify Sim Ireland that Council Council adjourned to meet Oct -
wishes him to commence his gray- ober 2, at 2 p.m.
OBA Intermediate "C"
Second Round Playdowns
Clinton Community Park
Thursday, September 16
• , �y1 AT 5 P.M. SHARP
WOAA "C" Champions
Badminton Club
Re -opens October S
Clinton Badminton Club will
re -open for the fall and winter
season on Tuesday evening, Oc-
tober 5, it was decided at a re-
organization meeting in the Town
Council Chamber Monday even-
In the meantime, there will be
a drive for new members, Annual
fee is $3, payable to the secre-
tary -treasurer, Mrs, 'Hal" Hart-
ley, at Clinton Bowling Alley.
New members, whether exper-
ienced or not, are cordially wel-
come, and should get in touch
with any member of the Club.
The meeting decided to con-
tinue arrangements generally as
they existed during the last
season, playing on the Town Hall,
courts Tuesday and Thursday
evenings of each week.
t. Huron -Perth League Champions
;i Colts are now on the long playdown trail
r to an Ontario title.
• Support Your Colts! ' Be on Time!
t Adults, 35 cents; Children, -15 cents
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•v+••kr••vvw......"INNWP+NMM~1MOv1++rV•ror++aw+N a4•+rK
The Ontario Hog Producers'.
Executive recently took the init-
iative to call together represen-
tatives of the Ontario Agricultural
College, the Veterinary College,
Live Stock Branches of both Pro -
3, Clinton 6; umpires -Thorndike,
Clinton, at plate; Len O'Brien,
Zurich, and deBeaupre, Clinton,
on bases; time of game -1.41.
J. Leonard Johnson left Monday
for Stratford where he has 'en-
rolled at the Normal School. He
graduated from Clinton Collegiate
Institute in 1947, and has been
active in local sports, including
baseball and badminton.
Be sure the household furnace
or heating boiler is in good re -
Service Satisfaction
1.53, winter. 1948.
We Are Now Equipped With The
Super -Speed Heidelberg
Economical Production Of All Classes Of
Fine Commercial Printing
The Customer Benefits in Low Price and Fast Service
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