Clinton News-Record, 1948-09-16, Page 4PAGE a'OUR Women's and Churcl PERSONAL S • Mrs. John Snider, Albert St„ is visiting in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Makins spent the weekend in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Cooper have returned' from a pleasant holiday. Spent ' in the Muskoka District. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker spent this week attending the Drug Show in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Epps have returned to town after spending the summer in Port Elgin. Mrs. John Atkinson and Miss Eileen, London, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mr. and Mrs. Dodds Holloway, Maryfield, Sask., are visiting the former's mother, Nfrs. Agnes Holloway. Frank Andrews and son, Rich- ard, and Teddy Ross, took in the Canadian National Exhibition, To- ronto, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy were recent vis- itors in Toronto. Mrs, W. Cole, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting her brothers, John Mul- holland, Clinton and Fred Mul- s holland, Hoimesville. Robert Kennedy has returned to Toronto after spending three b weeks with his grandparents, Mr. 1 s is a member, Among those who attended the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto- last week were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame and Miss JoAnne. Misses Helen Edith Forrester and Helen Shaddock spent the weekend in Toronto with the far- mer's mother, Mrs. James Cain- eron and Mr. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Cowles and son Larry, left today by bus to spend a vacation with Mr. Cowles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Cowles, Holbein, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Trouse, Woodstock, have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with the former's sister, Mrs. Fred Livermore, and other relatives in town. Rev. R. M. P. and Mrs. Bulteel, C. G. Middleton, L. G. Winter, and Miss Alice Holmes, all of Clinton, were among those who attended the funeral of the late Archbishop C. A. Seager in Lon- don Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockwood have returned from visiting their on -in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hanes, Ottawa. They were accompanied to the capital y Mrs. Lockwood's brother-in- aw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Net - on Patterson and son, Kenneth, and daughter, Miss Shirley, Au- burn. 0 The next regular meeting of the LORA will be held on. Tues- day, September 28, at 8 p.m. Members are urged to attend as important business is to be dis- ussed. and Mrs. Norman. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Elliott visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, Grosse Isle, Mich., and took in the Northville races. Aid. Mel Crich was in Wood- stock yesterday attending a meet- ing of the executive of Ontario Barbers' Association of which he c FLANNELETTE Pyjamas -Gowns • CHILDREN'S PYJAMAS Size 2 - 6x 1.35 to 1.95 • GIRLS' PYJAMAS Size 8 - '14 2.59 to 2.95 • LADIES' PYJAMAS SMALL - MEDIUM - LARGE 2.89 to 3.39 • LADIES' GOWNS SMALL - MEDIUM - LARGE - 0 S SHORT AND LONG SLEEVE 1.98 -- 3.39 • MEN'S PYJAMAS Size 36 to 44 2.75 to 3.95 • CHILDREN'S FLEECE -LINED SLEEPERS Size 2 to 6x 1.75 to 2.25 • DOCTOR DENTON SLEEPERS ONE- AND TWO-PIECE Also SEPARATE DRAWERS Size '1 to 6' 2.75 to 3.60 LOWERS -- 1.60 ea. ' • FLANNELETTE BY THE YARD PLAINS - FLORALS NURSERY - STRIPED Priced from .... .59c to .89c yard MARTINS PHONES: 36w - 36j BANANA CAKES for the Weekend Try our .. . Blueberry' Pie • "Yum, yu171!" Dixon's Pastry Shop Rattnbury St. E. -- Phone 281W - Clinton OPEN SUNDAY, SEPtEMBER 19 and • Every Night Next Week WATKINS' SERVICE STATION SUNOCO PRODUCTS Huron St. - PHONE 18 Clinton Reside in Goderich Township • �ai.r in CIint�n 151'rich MR. AND MRS. FRANKLIN THOMAS POTTER, shown after their wedding at the parsonage of the United Chrch, Londes- boro, on Saturday, September 4. The bride, formerly Margaret Eileen Millar, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Millar, Londesboro. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Potter, Goderich Township. The young couple have taken up residence on the groom's farm, Goderich Township. -Photo by Fowler Bros. Studio NURSES GRADUATE FROM HOSPITAL SEPTEMBER 30 Graduation exercises of Clinton Public Hospital will be held in Clinton Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, September 30; according to plans made at the September meeting of the Hos- pital Aid In the Board Room of the Agricultural office Tuesday Ontario St. WA Holds September Meeting The September meeting of On- tario St: United Church WA was held on Tuesday afternoon, Sep- tember 7, with a good attendance. This resumed the activities of the Association following a summer recess. The president, Mrs. C. Venner, was in the chair and opened the meeting with the singing." of a evening of last week. hYmn, the reading of a Psalm Those in charge of the various end the repeating of the Lord's parts of the evening are: Invite- Prayer in unison. Mrs, 'Woolfrey, tions, Mrs. F. Fingland, Miss L. rn charge of the devotional per - Walkinshaw; decorating, Miss L. rod, spoke on the Apostle Paul. Grant, Mrs. C. H. Epps; luncheon, The hymn, "Fight the Good Mrs, J. Leiper; programme, Miss Fight" was sung and the devo- W. O'Neil. There will be three bonen period closed with prayer nurses graduating. The president, Mrs. L. M. Mc- Kinnon, was in charge, and the minutes were read by Mrs. B. B. ,Pocklington. The treasurer, Miss During the business discussion reports from all committees were read. Several items of business were brought up in order to be- gin the fall work. It was decid- L. Walkinshaw, reported a bat- ed thatthe lunch will be served ance of $1,490.48. 'n October by the ladies of the It was decided to send a dale- Gravel Road and the Second of gate to the Hospital Aid Conven- Hullett, tion in November and the secre- Mrs. E. Wendorf and Miss Elva Wiltse favoured the ladies with a piano duett and Miss Coronna Wendorf sang a solo with her mother• playing the acompani- Sponsor Chain Teas menl , .All numbers were very The finance committee of the much enjoyed. lfospital Aid is sponsoring a new The meeting closed with the this fall, Instead of the hymn, "Sun and p soul,rthou social Say - feature customary Bridge and "500" your dear," prayer. A social marathon it is sponsoring chain half hour was spent with the teas under the convenership of ladies of the Base Line and the Miss Florence Cuninghame. Miss 16th concession serving dainty Cuninghame has appointed an efreshments. tary was to secure a reservation. Miss Florence Cuninghame was to be asked to plan a aeries of teas by wards. assistant in each ward, namely: St. George's ward, Mrs. R. Holmes; St. James' ward, Mrs. J. M. Elliott; St. John's ward, Mrs, F. MacDonald; St. Andrew's ward, group 1, Mrs. R. M, P, Bulteel, group 2, Mrs. P. Ford; rural groups, Mrs. C. Sturdy. The following are the rules of the chain teas: (1) conveners each begin with a tee for eight persons who pay 25 cents and then each Ontario St. Girls' CIub Holds Meeting The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church. held its monthly meeting at Miss Grant's home on Thursday evening last. The meeting opened with the president giving a reading acall to Mrs. s a oolfrey must give a tea for four or more; conducted op. ther devotional period, perr (2) it is not necessary to accept the theme being "The Lord's more than one invitation; (3) in- Prayer." The business of the vitations are limited to your own meeting was discussed. ward and all funds handed to The following program which your own ward convener as there was much enjoyed was given: is a contest by wards. A small Solo, "The Prayer Perfect," Miss prize will be given to the ward Carol Evans; reading, "Dorcas convener handing in the most one of the Miracles of Peter," funds by Christmas, also a prize Miss Stone; solo ,"Kashmiri Song" to the convener of the leading rural group; (4) one very im- portant ruling is that only one itemi of refreshment in addition to a cup of tea may be served. Any infringement of this rule entails a fine of $1. The members are asked to stand by the con- vener in their own wards and not break the chain. Miss Cuninghame already has Miss Gloria Palmer; piano solo, "Trees," Miss Phyllis Hanly. Lunch was served and a pleas- ant social time enjoyed. Baptists old Special Service A dedication of Children Ser - entertained her conveners and vice was held at the. Baptist the teas are on the way. It is Church on Sunday morning, when hoped that everyone, whether a David Glyn Jones, son of Flying member of the Hospital Aid As- Officer and Mrs. Jones, and Fran- sociation or not, will co-operate ces Anne Blacker, daughter of to make the scheme a success. Mr. and Mrs. William, Blacker, o were presented for dedication to CCF D God. - elegates Named to Convention The CCF Huron -Perth Assoc iation held a special meeting i Exeter Monday evening for th purpose of electing delegates t attend the CCF Provineiel Con Ivention, October 7, 8 and 9, i Toronto. 1 W. C. F. Oestricher, Crediton was elected Provincial Couneillo for Huron -Perth for the yea 1948-49. W. Oestricheg and Edward Sanderson, Henson, were electe as delegates to attend the Pro vincial Convention. The next general meeting of the members will be held in Crediton after the Provincial. Convention, and at that time e report of the convention. will be given by the two delegates. Arrangements are being made' to have a public meeting, the early part of November. William Temple, MLA for High Park, To- ronto, will' be the guest speaker. 0 CONGRATULATIONS! Mr, and Mrs. Albert Orser, Dungannon, celebrated their dia- mond wedding anniversary, with their family present, On Sept. 3, 1888, Albert Orser, born 88 I years ago at Scugog Isle, Port Perry, was married to Ann Newby 1 of Sebright, near Orillia, who is now 78 years old, Both are en t joying very good health, Recognizing that no ceremony has power to change the character of a child or alter his relationship to God, the pastor of the church, - Rev. A. Forsyth, stressed the n privileges and responsibilities of e parenthood and the value of e o Christian home. The creation of - a Christian environment is the n joint responsibilty of the church and the family, and both may be factors inlarge measure in deter- ' mining the character of our child r ren, he said. Special music was provided by Mr. and Mrs. A. N. van der Burg d and Peter van der Burg, who sang beautifully in Dutch. I.O.O.F NOTES Huronic Rebekah Lodge held its first meeting of the fall sea- son on Wednesday evening last when a fair attendance was on hand to enjoy a bountiful pot- luck supper, Nominations for the elective offices were held, The next meeting will be held on Monday night when nominations Will again be held. 1 5 V Clinton Lodge IOOF met for the regular :meeting on Tuesday evening, The last night of nom inations was held followed by the elections for the coming term. Results were: N.G., Barrett Tay - or; V.G., Benson Sutter; record- ing secretary, John A. Sutter; inancial secretary, Robert N. Ir- vin; treasurer, Glen Lockhart, Engagements. Announced Mr. and Mrs.. 'William J. Miller announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Maxine, to Willard. Acheson Aiken, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffatt Aiken, all of 'Clinton. The marriage will take place early in October. 1 The .engagement 15 announced of Viola Jean Farquhar, daughter of the late 1VIr: and Mrs. Wilfred C. Farquhar, Clinton, to Murray James Rohner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bohner, Varna, the marriage to take place in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, Oct- ober 2, at 12 noon, Y,. n. The engagement is announced of Sally, daughter of Mrs. Clifford F. Batty, Waterloo and the late Mr. Batty, to Eugene Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Waterloo and Bayfield. The mar- riage will take place in• St, Louis Church, Waterloo, late in Sep- tember. 1, x; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, Varna, wish to announce the engagement of their only 'daugh- ter, , Mary Margaret Eunice, to John Ernest, youngest son of Mrs. Mustard and the. late John B. Mustard, Brucefield, the marriage to take place early in October. * * Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert R. Lobb, Goderich Township, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Annette, to Donald Roy Crich, younger son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Howard Crich, Tuckersmith Township. The mar- riage will take place early in October. 0 PRESBYTERIAN WMS The WMS of Clinton Presbyter- ian Church will meet on Tuesday, September 21, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs J. Snider, Albert St. Church Directory (All services on Daylight Saving Time) Wesley -Willis United Church REV, ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service Commemoration of Battle of Britain Service, RCAF in at- tendance. Padre T. Dale Jones will be guest speaker. 12.15 --Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Worship "Neighbourliness SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 11,00 a.m.-Reify Day 7.00 pan. ---Evening worship is withdrawn in honour of the anniversary service in On- tario St. United Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m Evening Service Wednesday -Confirmation class in Memorial Hall, 7 pan. Thursday -Bible Study Group in Rectory 8.00 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and Sunday School Rev. LaVerne Morgan 7.00 p.m. -Evening service is withdrawn on account of On- tario St. United Church An- niversary. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship "Emphasizing the Important" 2.30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship 2.30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir .Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 11.00 arra-Morning Service 12,15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service Anniversary Services, Sunday, September 26, Rev. R. A. Brook, Hensall, guest speaker. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Anniversary Services 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday School 7,00 p.m. -Evening Service, Rev, R, A. Brook, Hensall, guest speaker; special music by the choir. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Worship Service SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School 7,00 p.m. -Worship Service Everyone Welcome Mrs. E. J. McBrien Feted on Birthday The' family of Mrs. E. J. Mc- Brien had the pleasure on Mon- day, September 6 of gathering to- gether to celebrate their mother's 87th birthday. Due to the fact that Mr. - and Mrs. W. A. McBrien, Saskatoon, Sask. were visiting in town at the time, extra effort was put forth for all to be together. The party Wok place at Lions Park, Seaforth, and about two o'clock' over 30 members of the family and a few close friends sat down to a sumptuous picnic dinner. Mrs. MoBrien's seven children, with their husbands or wives, were present: Mrs. T. E. Mason, E. M. McBrien end G. R. McBrien, Windsor, and Detroit; Alfred, Saskatoon, and " Secord, Mrs. Crich and Mrs. Ford, Sea - forth, Clinton, and Goderich, re- spectively. Only four of her 12 grandchildren could he there: Mrs. K. MacNicol, Detroit; Maxine Mc - Brien, London; Ray Gibbings, Durham; and Jayne Ford, Goder- ich. The youngest family member present was two months old: Way- ne Gibbings, Durham; and runner tin was three months old, John MacNicol, Detroit, three year old Kenny MacNicol was also there making three of her four great grand children present. Mrs. J!JIc:Brien received many gifts and along with them best wishes from the family for con- tinued good health and many happy returns of the day. 0 HURON FISH AND GAME CLUB The next meeting of the Club will be held at the Club's farm, When a brush pile will be burned and a weiner roast held. Wesley -Willis WMS Hears Mrs. W. B. Olde The regular monthly meeting of the/ WMS of Wesley -Willis United Church was held in the Church Parlour on Thursday evening, September 9, with a fairly good attendenee. The presi- dent, Mrs. Hearn, was in the chair, and Miss Viola Fraser was at the piano, The call to worship was given by the president, followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison and the singing of a hymn. Plans were made for the Thank - offering meeting which is to be held some time in October and will take the place of the reg- ular meeting. Mrs. Pickard and Mrs. MCGIII were appointed dele_ gates to attend the centre section meeting to be held in October at Moncrieff. Mrs. William McEwen contri- buted to the meeting some in- spirational thoughts on "Thanks- giving," taken from a short talk entitled "September of the Soul" and chose "The Beatitudes" as her Scripture passage. Mrs. Pickard led in prayer. A very delightful solo, "In the Garden" was sung by Miss Viola Fraser accompanied by Mrs. Hearn on the piano. This was very much appreciated by all. Mrs. W. B. Olde was the guest speaker and gave an interesting talk on the first Protestant Mis- sion in Western Ontario, estab- lished by the Moravians at Fair - Field 156 years ago. A hymn and the Mizpah Bene- diction brought the meeting to a close. A cup of tea was served and a social half hour enjoyed. COATINGS Now is the Time to Make Your Own Coat for Fall We have Received a New Shipment of Materials, in All Colors See them while there is still a Wide Range to Choose From. IRW IN'S I614iwidalMite/s' e! To show our appreciation for the trust she places in us to snake her wedding photographs the best Possible, we give the bride A Beautiful 8"x10" Hand -Colored Portrait Absolutely Free of Charge • `/ owte't Gi'iotliet i PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton 4 Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford Week End Special! Take Home a .. . Chocolate Layer Cake Tasty! Delicious! Something New in ICE CREAM BRICKS Chocolate Peppermint "Silverwood's, naturally!" BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON Going away for School or Holidays? You'll Need LUGGAGE Our Stock is Complete and The Largest in Years ��tees: ze a at�; f We invite you to see our assortment of trunks, tour- ing cases, gladstones, aero- packs, knockabout bags, Ladies' matched sets and suit cases. From $2.75 tip AJKEN'S !HONE 2 - CLINTON #: `itow, 4« R4 w;:,;' oowc.;t':<w:4K-44 -11Ria`.+'.••q«wwvI»wMFiw-•, «"a:.W 4,N,