HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-09-09, Page 6PAGE SIX
Interesting Items From News -
Lucy Miss Luc R. Woods , Phone Clinton 631r31
Lloyd Pease, London, was in
the village over the weekend.
James R. 'Scott left on Tuesday
Tome over the holiday weekend. at their cottage in 'The Poplars. Mg spent the summe
Miss Maxine Edighoffer left on` Lawrence Fowlie, London, spent Cecil McLeod.
Thursday to teach at Kirkland the weekend and holiday with his Mrs. G. Churchward and son,
Lake sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie. Jack, and Miss Lena Shortt, Lon -
Don Scott, Seaforth, is visiting Miss Rubie Fisher, Kitchener, don, were at the former's cottage
his sister-in-law, Mrs. James R. was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. over the weekend,
Scott. F. A. Edwards, over the weekend. Alia. A. Beene, Margaret and
Miss Beverly. York left on Mon- I Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore and far- Pete have returned to Detroit,
Gly left on Saturday for ?Detroit after having spent a vacation in
her parents' cottage.
Mrs. M. Dalton has returned to
her' home in Toronto after hav-
ing spent the past week with
Mrs. Irene Bassett.
Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull re-
turned to Listowel on Tuesday
after having been at their cot-
tage for a few days.
Mrs, F. V. Martin and two dau-
ghters, Ruth Joy and Margaret
Edith, Detroit, are at their cot-
tage, "Boulder Lodge."
Mrs, A. Brisson, Irene and
Emmeline, Grosse Pointe, Mich.,
were at their cottage in the vil
hake over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hart and
Charlie, Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George King.
Mrs. L. Raby and Roberta left
on. Monday for Detroit after hav-
ing occupied one of the Jowett
cottages for the summer.
Misses Anne Loucks and Mar-
ion Smith returned to Detroit on
Tuesday after having spent the
weekend at "Shangri-La."
Misses Alice and Anne Drouin
returned to Detroit on Monday
,after having spent the summer
at their cottage "Hillcrest."
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Weston,
Chicago, visited the former's
parnets, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wes-
mos r the R. Clark and Miss Roberta
left on Friday to attend the Mor-
ley—Burt wedding before leaving'
for their home in Cleveland, O.
Mrs. William' Greig and Jean
have returned to Toronto after
spending the summer at their
cottage Bali Acres" in the Pop -
Miss C. P. Rankin left on Tues-
day to spend a few days this
week at Mount Pleasant, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell, Dear -
don, were with the tatter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Parket' over
the weekend.
Dr, and Mrs. Boyd and .family
left on Saturday for Stratford
after having spent a vacation in
the village,
Prof. R. Torrens and family
returned to London on Monday
after having spent the season at
their cottage.
to spend a m Mrs. L. Thomas left on Sun -
John Elliott, Waterloo, was born, N[ich., spent the weekend day for Toledo, Ohio, after
day to .assume teaching duties
near Lucan.
Mrs. Howard C .Rose, Birming-
after having spent the summer
hem; Mich.,is the guest of Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Richard English,
W M Purves . Bloomfield Hills, occupied Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mack and L. Metcalf's cottage over the
Merry visited in Pontiac, Mich„
over the weekend. -
Misses Margaret and Rhea
K .rake left on Tuesday to spend
a few days in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Merrier, Fort
'William, are visiting the former's
niece, Mrs. Grant Turner.
J. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie
Dixon, Brantford, spent the week-
end with Mrs. F. H. Paull.
Miss Margaret Ferguson, Toron-
to, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William L. Ferguson.
Miss A. Fernette who, has spent
the season at her cottage, "Fern -
haven," returned to Detroit on
Miss Donna Baker and Miss Lois
Green, London, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. B. New-
combe, Toronto, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katz over
he weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, Lon-
7titeAt Q
C1 to (tse,
't' G
3''aaBx ars :«,w : ilaTel teitarr'a•ita`ranilat . +::» rVaa' ra:et 3W._,
TUE. - WED., SEPT. 28-29
School Children's Exhibits
Bannockburn Pipe Band in attendance
Sept. 29, Clan Gregor Square to Agricultural Grounds
Trials of Speed — Every Heat a Race
GREEN RACE—Purse $100
HURDLE RACE .-$10, $8, $7, $6, $4
ADULTS 35 cents CARS 25 cents
School Children Taking Part, 'Free
CONCERT and DANCE, Town Hall,
Wednesday Evening, September 29
; at 8 p.m, sharp Bayfield Valley Five
37-38-b 1
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ecord's Co�respond�nts
Mrs, H, Riley and Murray mov- I Windsor, spent the holiday at the
ed to their new home in Clinton
on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Radford
and family spent a few days at
Niagara Balis,
Miss Mary Grainger, Toronto,
spent this past week with rela-
tives in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Lansing at the home of the former's par -
spent a few days at Toronto Ex- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knox.
hibition last week. , Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Griffiths and
Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe and son, Brampton, spent the week -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden end at the home of `the former's
spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. I parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss F. Jamieson has returned Griffiths.
from spending a few days at the I Miss Dorothy Little returned to
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto on Sunday to begin her
Mr. and 1�Srs. J. A. McCool,
home of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Millar.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton,
London, spent the weekend at the
home of the latter's parents, Mr..
and` Mrs, William Govier.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Knox and fain
ily,' Kitchener, spent the weekend
Morley -Burt wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKenzie, have
moved from Windsor to the home
on Clan Gregor Square which
they recently purchased from Mrs.
J. H. Lambert. We bid them
welcome to the village,
Mrs. Clayton Guest and Miss
Moira Guest, Terrace Bay, are
spending a month with the for-
mer's sister, Mrs. Malcom Toms.
Mr. Guest who was also with them
over the weekend left on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight,
May and Ronald, Toronto, spent
the holiday weekend at the home
of Mrs. M. Gemelnhard. Mrs.
Gemelnhard, who spent the month
of August in Toronto, returned
to the village with them.
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard
and Delores, Mrs. C. Wallace, De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lynn,
Toronto, visited their mother,
Mrs. William Howard, over the
weekend and holiday. Norman
and Douglas Lynn who have been
visiting their grandmother, re-
turned to Toronto with their
United Church Women
The women's organizations of
the United Church met on Thurs-
day last at the home of Mrs.
Len. Talbot, Blue Water High-
way. There was an excellent
attendance of 14 members, 20
visitors and over 20 children, and
the spacious rooms - and lawns of
Mrs. Talbot's residence were tax-
ed to accommodate the 55 guests.
The first chapter of the new Study
Book on China, entitled ``West
of the Gorges," was introduced
and presented by Mrs. Watson,
Mrs. M. Toms and Mrs. Robert
Seotehmer. It is written by the
Rev. Kenneth Beaton, a former
Clinton boy and has to do with
our United Church Mission in
West China. A number of child-
ren, representing the Baby Band
and the Mission Band, presented
a short program of songs and re-
citations under the leadership of
Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. Dunn, Jr.
The W.A., under the chairman-
ship of Mrs. Makin, discussed
several contemplated improve-
ments in the church building. At
the close of the meetings, the
lunch committee, Mrs. Gordon
Scotchmer, Mrs. J. Scotchmer, Jr.,
Mrs. R. Greer, Sr., and Mrs. Lind-
say Smith, served a delightful
Male help is required at the
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Tomato crop
e -4,444214-
Free sleeping quarters
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For further information contact:
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- -.tim«^a
Ford Fisher and two children,
Joan and Pat, 'traverse City, and
Miss Norma Carther and Chas.
Gemeinhard spent the holiday
weekend with the latter's brother,
Orville Gemeinhard, Saginaw,
Mr. and Mrs. James Webster
have returned to Seaforth after
having spent a few months in
Bayfield at the home of Miss E.
Rev. and Mrs. G. Houghton and
daughter left on Monday for
Kerwood after having spent the
summer at the Anglican Church
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, J.
Stewart, Sr., have returned to
Hamilton after having spent the
season at their home on Louise
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fergu-
son, London, Miss Jean Milliard,
Brantford, spent the weekend with
the former's mother, Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cam-
eron have returned to Toronto
after having spent the summer
at their cottage on the Blue Water
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon,
Preston, Jeanne Sturgeon, Mitch-
ell, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Bisback,
Clinton, were with their parents
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Galbraith and
two daughters, Marnie and Nancy,
returned to their home in Hamil-
ton after having spent the sum-
mer at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, Con-
nie, a and Gwen and Ron-
ald Burt lwere with theformer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Baker, over the weekend.
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson Mitchell
and family have returned to their
home in Birmingham, Mich., after
having spent the summer at their
cottage on Chiniquy Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blaumen,
Miss Martha Fox, Birmingham,
Mich., Mr. Dick, Denver, Colorado,
spent the weekend with the ladies'
grandmother, Mrs. Charles Will.
Mrs. A K. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
duties teaching school for the fall
term, and her mother returned to
Toronto with her to spend a day
at Canadian National Exhibition.
Golden Wedding
Miss Lawday • Young attended
the 50th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. B. Herrington, Blyth,
last week. Miss Young was the
bridesmaid at the wedding 50
Years ago.
Goderich. Township
ST, COLUIVIBAN—A successful
effort to change the nationality
of the Scottish bluebell is report-
ed by Sam Murray, whose hobby
is his flower -garden. He believes
that he has created a new var-
blue -bell. His new flower carries
several bunches of green hell --
shaped blossoms.
EXETER—A building project is:
under way at Exeter North in the
form of a new $80,000 vegetable
iety, by developing the "Irish plant to be known as the Exeter
green-bell"—a variant on the Rutabaga Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling,
Mimico, spent the holiday with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James R. Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton,
while holidaying last week, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday at the
Canadian National Exhibition, To-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Middleton
and daughter, Sandra, have re-
turned to Sault Ste. Marie after
spending the summer at their
cottage near Bayfield. Mr. Mid-
dleton, who has been principal
at E. Korah, Sault Ste. Marie, for
the past six years begins his
duties this year as principal in
a new eight -room school at the
east end of the city.
at home - at work - at play
Miss Pat Morley, Birmingham,
Mich., are visiting Miss L. Mor-
Miss Juen Brandon, Mr. and
Mrs. la. W. Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Scotchmer and Howard,
and Miss Beverley York were in
London on Saturday attending the
Cae ifiefe
The Tulle`, a modern hotel for
those who want thebesll Con.
venient to Offices, Theaters,
and Shops. Friendly, courts•
sus service and real Hotel
Comfort. The Tulle: Coffee
Shop or Cafeteria for your
�N`` Dining Pleasure. at modest
J prices: It pays to stay at
�q7 Hotel Teller,
800 ROOMS $175.
Figures in Collision
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gilbert were
visiting friends at Hamilton and
were returning home when a car -
moving truck collided with them
and gave them quite a shaking
up, Their car was a total wreck.
The truck driver is in hospital.
Milton Moore, Toronto, spent
the weekend and holiday with
his brother, William Moore.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Nicholson an Sunday were
Mrs. H. Moore, Toronto; and Mr.
and Mrs M. Hardy, Kincardine.
Visitors for the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Riley were; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Riley, Kitchener, and Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Riley, Seaforth.
W.A. and W.M.S.
The W.A. and W.M.S. held their
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. S. H. Brenton, Londesboro,
on Tuesday.
An opportunity for those who like to do
their own papering to SAVE MONEY
A Good Choice of
Room -Lots l/2 Price
ODD BORDERS — .05c yard
too old to buy
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age the cost of life insnranoo would bo.prohibitive ... but even NveR1
bo much older, Mutual low-cost life insurance would still prove
good business.
Unfortunately many people realize the importance el life Mau.
rence only when through age or other disability they aro no
longer able to eecnro it. A life insurance programme shotdd be
started as early in filo as possible.
Consult your Mutual Life of Canada man today.
Provtding ills
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Bank of Montreal Building,
PHONE: Office 251W; Res. 2513
OrvTi.xerO'8 products are desired and purchased by people all over the
world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic
welfare of every man, woman and child within her borders. Because the sale of
every articloproduced in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are
more assured of job security .. , mid we and our children can have more of the
bettor things in: life. But to produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled
labour is vital. That is why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans
are constantly beim trluned to provide the skilled hands so needed by industry.
They receive ON TUB J.OB training under expert instructors in our Ontario
This training, provided through the co-operation of the Dc rtment of Veterans'
Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Edueaz
tion, starts the veteran on the road to skilled craftsmanship. In assembling
business machines, for example, veterans must have a thorough knowledge of
eleetrkityy and must learn to perform intricate work, on precision machines having
thousands of separate parts, :These Canadian -made business machines are sold in
all parts of the world, creating new wealth for Canada and Ontario. Therefore
every effort of these newlyp skilled veterans helps to make Ontario a finer place in
which to live and contribirtes to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens.
John N. West, 25, of Toronto, a Royal
Canadian Navy veteran, is shown here
making an adjustment to one of the
10,000 parts in a business machine
designed for a New Zealand firm.
Various types of business machines are
produced in Ontario fac-
tories. Because of their in-
tricate mechanisms it is es•
sential that these machines
be checked by expert
craftsmen atevery stage of
their production.