HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-09-09, Page 5eIRSDAY,'.SEPTEMBER B, 1948 cral2eroN ccs- ztcono PAGE FIlm News-RecOr' fry CASH RATE -(If paid by, Wed- nesday following date of inser- ' .tion) -One• cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35. cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word • (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - 'ire for box number or for dire°- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE -6 p.m, Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT APARTMENT SIJITABLE FOR Air Force Couple, Apply. Phone 461, Clinton. 35-37-b :FURNISHED APARTMENT TO let, with two-piece bath, Apply in writing to Box "B", NEWS - RECORD. 37-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED "THREE - OR - FOUR - ROOMED furnished apartment wanted, "heated preferably. Phone 91 or write Box 114. 37-p AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, - DOOR TO DOOR salesmenwanted to establish a business of their own with our '250 Guaranteed Household Neces- sities. Splendid territories vac- ant in your district - Unlimited possibilities for the ambitous per_ son - Never a dull season. Ex- - perience not essential but a car -is if you select a rural territory. 'Very little capital needed - BEST opportunity of starting a busi- ness of your own - Write for FREE details and CATALOGUE to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier - MONTREAL. 37-8-9-40-1-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1936 CHEVROLET COACH, re- *cently overhauled. Apply Ivan Hoggart, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone -805r22. 37-p 1937 FORD V-8 COACH, GOOD condition all around. Apply A. J. 'Inch, % E. W. Morrison, phone '633r13. 37-b 1928.NASH, IN GOOD RUNNING •order, good tires. Apply A. Baker, .six miles west of Kippen or at .Jarrot Bros. Farms, Kippen, 37-8-9-p' GARDEN, PRODUCTS FOR SALE . TOMATOES, LOW PRICES. Come evenings after six o'clock. E. Pollock, Varna, eimeiite Sunoco Service Station. 37-b HELP WANTED, MALE MEN! WATKINS DEALERS earning average minimum $40,00 to $75.00 weekly.: Do not . delay any further in requesting free, information for the vacant Rural District in your section. This fine opportunity of being your own boss, without investment on your part is limited to those who act fast. If you have a car or can purchase one, write today. The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. b-C-16,'Montreal, Que. 27-29-31-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. Ap- ply after September 10 to Dr. W. A. Oakes, 35-6-7-p 'HOUSES FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED HOUSE ON Ma- tilda St., south of CNR tracks, town water, hydro, one acre `of lend, Possession in approximately one month, Apply Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 37-38-p SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE cover- ed with green asphalt shingles; three-piece bath, hydro, good basement, garage, hen house. Possession in November. Apply Albert James, Victoria St., Clin- ton. 37-38-p AT GODERICH, IN GOOD WEST end . location, a very nice small frame house, new furnace, fully insulated, recently re -decorated, immediate possession, Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker, phone 115W, Goderich. 34btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO YOUNG DAIRY COWS, will .. trade for good flock of poultry. 12-24 Hart Parr Tractor; rubber -tired wagon, $40; seven acres standing corn. Apply W. B. Thompson, Clinton, 37-p LOST AND FOUND BUI'LDING • MATERIALS ,. INSULATION ] ! 3" BATTS; '2' batty, granulated wool, loose wool all in stock. J. W, Counter Builders' Supplies. 37 b CLOTHING FOR SALE -LADY'S BLUE .HARRIS TWEED 'Coat, size 14, in good condition, good length, Box "M", NEWS - RECORD. 37-p 'FOUR PIECES OF CLOTHING: long coat, small'plaid, brown and green, chamois -lined; Navy wool suit, bloused belted type; Nile green suit; plaid wool suit, bag lo match. All size 16, for short :.figure. Phone 1.76 Clinton. 37-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED, --- FEMALE 'EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS position as office clerk, typist or bookkeeper. Available immediat- ely. Fern Surbey, phone Clinton '357W. . 37-p FARM'S FOR SALE FARM -60 ACRES GOOD LAND, large barn in Al condition, real good house, never -failing water supply, possession immediately. •C. F. Chapman, real estate broker, ;phone 18, Goderich. 35-6-7-b 87 ACRES WITH GOOD BRICK House, barn, ample water supply, ,close to school. and church. Pos- session November 1, 1948. Price, 84,200. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 2.51W, Clinton 33btfb '100 ACRES IN HURON COUNTY •on County road; eight -room brick dwelling; barn 40x70; hydro; cem_ •ent silo; sufficient wood for ovum use; plenty of good water; adjac- ent to Village of Varna; possession November 1. H. C. Lawson, Real - 'tor, phone 251W, Clinton. 37btfb :110 ACRES WITH 10 ACRES bush; eight room brick dwelling; barn 50'x80'; hydro; water pres- sure system; good soil; small rorchard; ?.z miles from church, school and county road, Posses- sion November 1. Apply H:- C. Lawson, Realtor, Phone 25iW, Clinton. 33btfb FURNITURE FOR SALE CHINA CABINET IN FIRST class condition; six dining room chairs, J. T. McAsh, Varna, phone Clinton 626r33. 37-p LOST -IN SHALLOW WATER et bathing beach, Bayfield, pair of mens' glasses having light plastic frames, Reward atNEWS- RECORD Office, ,Clinton. 36-7-x LOST -PAIR OF MAN'S RIM - less eyeglasses in black case. Thought lost between Canada Packers and Frederick St, one day last week, Phone 308. • 37-b MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EF- fective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. Will hire day work harvesting, etc. 34-43-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. KITCHEN STOVE, FINDLAY Oval with waterfront; Beatty Electric Washer; wash boiler; one large and one small tub; coal chick brooder, 500 capacity, with 20 ft., of pipes; two large fattening crates; two chick drinking foun- tains; 240 lb. platform scales; wooden wheelbarrow, nearly new, grindstone; 17 foot ladder; all Articles in good condition. E. E, Gibson, opposite Shell Service .Station on Ontario St. 37-b I NOTICES WOULD THE PARTY WHO bor- rowed conveyor for a cutting box a year ago please return to J. H. Brunsdon, implement deal- er, Clinton. 36-37-b THOSE WISHING GARBAGE collected must in future have it at the curb. Will only go into houses in case of sickness. Arthur Fulford. 37-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton, 2btr BIRTHS BUCK -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, September 3, 1948, to 'Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Buck, Clinton, a daughter, (De- borah Lynne), COX -In Clinton Public Hospital, on' Tuesday, Sept. 7,- 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Cox, R.R. 2, Bayfield, a- daughter. LYNCH- -In Clinton: Public Hos- pital, on Monday, September 6, 1948, to F/O and Mrs. J.a H, Lynch, Princess St,, a son (James Paul). MARRIAGES BAMFORD-ANDERSON - In the United Church, Dungannon, by, Rev, W. J. Rogers, Blyth; for- merly of Dungannon, on Wed- nesday, September 1, 1948, Alma May, youngest daughter of Mr`s. D: - -Edwin Anderson, Dungan- non, and the late Mr. Anderson, to Warren Craig, Bamford, Preston, : only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bamford, Au- burn. MORLEY-BURT - In St. James (Westminster) Church, London, on Saturday, September 4, 1948, by Rev. H. E. Merifield, Marg- aret Lillian Burt, daughter of Mrs. L. M. Burt, London, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, Hayfield, to Wil- liam Edward Morley, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Morley, Toronto. POTTER-MILLAR-In the Unit- ed Church. Pasonage, Londes- boro, by Rev. S. H. Brenton, on Saturday, September 4, 1948, Margaret Eileen, younger dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Millar, Londesboro, . to Thomas Franklin Potter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Potter, Goderich Township. RAITHBY-LEATHERLAND - At the home of the bride's mother, at 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, September 4, 1948, by Rev. John Honeyman, Auburn, Viola Mary, daughter of Mrs, Wilhelmina Leatherland, R.R. 3, Blyth, to Frank Gordon Raithby, R.R, 1, Auburn. . SCHROEDER-GREALIS-At the home of the bride's father, by Rev. A. Forsyth, on Wednes- day, September 1, 1948, Audrey Marie, youngest daughter of Edward Grealis, Clinton, and the Iate Mrs. Grealis, to Hubert Weseloh Schroeder, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. H. Schroeder, Dashwood. SNELL-RADFORD-In the Unit- ed Church, Blyth, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, at 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 4, 1948, Leona Shirley, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford, Blyth, to Donald Gordon Snell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Snell, Westfield, STOVES FOR SALE FAWCETT OIL SPACE HEATER, used three months, $63. K. R. Gallagher, Clinton. 37-p BOX STOVE OR QUEBEC Heat- er, would burn wood in cottage; four -tube battery radio with pow- er pack. Phone 19J. 37-b NEW PRINCESS PAT STOVE, warming closet, reservoir, only In use one year. Phone 780W. 37-b SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE DUCHESS AND Other Varieties. Fred McClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 622r24. 35-6-7-p SPRAYED NORTH STAR Apples, $1 per bushel. James Stirling, 'R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 900r12. 37-x ABY CARRIAGES ZIB ONE STROLLER: TWO PRAMS, one new, for sale. Phone 782J, 37-38-b S e the "Ex" AUG. 27 -- SEPT. 11 :Low, Flat Rates to Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto CLINTON CAB 0 E REG: SH'IPLEY OSCAR PRIESTAP ROY MANN Res. 229 Res. 689J 34-35-36-37-b IN MEMORIAM STEPHENSON-In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, Charles Robert Steph- enson, who passed away two years ago today, September 10th, 1946: "He is away Out not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lives within the heart concealed." -Ever remembered by his wife and family. 37-b DEATHS GRAHAM -In Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on Saturday, Sep- tember 4, 1948, s'Jane ;Emily Johnston, widow of the late' John B. Graham; formerly of Stanley and Goderich Town- ships, in her 86th year. Funeral .from her late residence, Hay- field Road, Goderich, to Mait- land Cemetery, Monday after- noon, Sept. 6. JACKSON =- Suddenly, at. the Gray Coach Lines Terminal, Barrie, on Tuesday, August 31, 1948, J. Frank Jackson Barrie, formerly of Clinton, in -his 82nd year. Funeral from Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home, Bar- rie, on Friday, September 3, to Barrie Union 'Cemetery, JONES - Suddenly, at his late residence, Rattenbury St, W., Clinton, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 7, 1948, W,illiazn James Jones, beloved husband of Ida Steele, formerly of Stratford and Richmond, Que., in his 67th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral, Home, High St., Clinton, on Thursday afternoon, September 9, at 2.30 o'clock to Clinton Cemetery. (Masonic auspices). McPHEE-Suddenly at her home, Louisa St., Seaforth, on Thurs- day, 'September 2, 1948, Letitia Mary Duncan (formerly of Clinton), beloved wife of the late Melvin McPhee, aged '72 years. Funeral from her late residence to Maitlandbenk Cemetery on Saturday, Sep- tember 4. o. Federation Notes (By W. V. Roy, The Huron Federation of Ag- riculture will hold a 'special ex- ecutive meeting in the Agricul- tural Office, Clinton, on Satur- day, September 11, at 8;30 p.m. 0 .t5 Clare Burt, secretary of On- tarioRadio Forum,will be Farm in Huron County on Sptember 23, attending a special meeting to discuss the future of Farm Forum in Huron, with representatives of Huron Forums. JUNIORS TO MEET Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will meet for their regular meetings on Tues- day, September 14, at Clinton Collegiate Institute. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. G. G. Burton wishes to acknowledge with thanks the kindness shown to her by her many friends of Clinton, in send- ing flowers, cards, letters and other gifts, also for the number of visits made to her while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and afterwards. Those kind deeds were greatly appreciated and will long be remembered. 37-p IN MEMORIAM STEPHENSON-In loving mem- ory of our dear son, Stewart George Stephenson, who pas- sed away two years ago today, September 10th, 1946: "From our happy home and circle God has Taken one we loved; He is borne away from sin and sorrow, To a nobler rest above. No one knows how much we miss him, None but aching hearts can tell; Lost on earth but found m heaven, Jesus doeth all things well." -Sadly missed by father, mother and brother Charles. 37-b Try the New . . . Ice Cream Bricks or Cones A tasty combination of fruits with rich, creamy texture, delightful to the palate! Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbury St. E. - - Phone 134 E go . ,r ,w•... -mow--•' -.�•.•s>-o.•�„•w..w.-•.o. q �. TAKE YOUR PICK . ,. You can afford to be choosy when you view our stock of new fall suits., Over 100 suits to choose from; blues, browns or greys; plain or stripes; worsteds, serges or gabardines. Full range of sizes, priced fram 39.50 to 59.50 BOYS' SUITS Boys' Tweed 3 -piece Suits, Coat and 2 longs, or coat, 1 short, 1 long. Shades of grey or brown. Sizes 6 to 16 years. 14.50 to 21.50 - Made -to -measure Clothes We are agents for - Warren K. Cook Cambridge Clothes W. R. Johnston Tip Top Tailors If you aro 'hard to fit, come in, pick your cloth and have a .suit tailored specially for you, 44.50 up Choose your accessories such as Shirts, Socks, Ties, Sweaters, Underwear, Braces, Belts, Odd '''Trousers,, Shoes and many other items from our stock. Pickett I& Campbell- Phone 25 ' Clinton; gingQuick Resu1t ROXY THEATRE° C L I N T O N Now Playing . (Sept. 9-11) "COPACABANA" with Carmen Miranda Mon., Tues., Wed., (Sept. 13-15) "CARNEGIE HALL" A tender love story told against the background oe the world's most stirring music. T3chaikow:. sky, Chopin and Brahms. Marsha Hunt, William Prince and Frank McHugh Note- The first showing of the above feature will be 7 pan. Thur., Fri, Sat., (Sept. 16-18) Eddie Bracken, Priscilla Lane and Tom Conway Laugh after laugh in the season's most hilarious adventure, ' "FUN ON A WEEKEND" Coming (Sept. 20-22) Katharine Hepburn in "SONG OF LOVE" CAPITAL THEATRE GOD.ERICH Now Playing (Sept. 9-11) ' Hal Roach's "COMEDY CARN- IVAL" Two fun Shows in one. Mon„ Tues., Wed„ (Sept, 13-15) Spencer Traey, Lana Turner and Zachary Scott Living characters step from the pages on one of the most tem- pestuous stories ever written. "CASS TIMBERLANE" Thur., Fri, Sat., (Sept. 16-18) Red Skelton, Janet Blair and Don McGuire A lovable goon brings a trunkful of gags and guffaws to brush away your blues. "THE FULLER BRUSH MAN" Coming (Sept. 20-22) "'Tac BISHOP'S WIFE" with Cary Grant and Loretta Young Matinees Wed, Sat, 8c Hol. at 2,30 REGEisinmseimmmiume NT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (Sept. 9-11) "ALIAS A GENTLEMAN" featuring Wallace Beery Mom, Tues., Wed., (Sght. 13-15) "CAENEGIE HALL" The screen's greatest musical treat features an impressive array of concert stars headed by Arthur Rubinstein and Jaselia Heifitz, William Prince, Marsha Hunt and Leopold Stokowski Thur., Fri., Sat., (Sept. 16-18) June Haver, Icon McAllister and Walter Brennan It's in Technicolor and you'll enjoy every minute of this tale about two mules and a boy. `SCUDDA HOOI SCUDDA HAY!' Coming (Sept. 20-22) "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" in Technicolor and starring Tyrone Power POLICE MAKE DOUBLE CAPTURE AFTER BIG CHASE "Even while I was chasing them, they were drinking and throwing empty beer bottles out of the car," Provincial Constable Frank Taylor, Clinton, stated as he described a 65 -mile -an -hour chase Sunday afternoon, during which he fired six shots. The chase ended in the arrest of two ten -year-old cousins from Ethel. "I was driving from Clinton to Goderich," he said, "when I came up behind a 1929 model car, I noticed it weaving from side to. side, going up hills on the left side and endangering the heavy holiday traffic. I chased the car, pulling alongside several times, but they almost forced me into the ditch. How they ever escaped a smash-up, I don't know. They ntothe ditch forced several cars i and made to go across railway tracks on the sides where there was no platforin." Constable Taylor drew his re- volver and fired six warning shots in the air. "They heard the re- port," he said,, "because they looked behind and just drove faster. I could see them drinking as they drove. They threw four empty beer bottles out in front of the patrol car during the. chase. OUR CONGRATULATIONS also go to Percy E. Dearing and Son, Exeter, who made en ex- tremely good showing in Dorset Horn sheep, which they continue to do in show after show .. . CLEARING` AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS 11/1 miles north of Blyth on . No. 4 highway, Friday, September 17 at 1 p.m., as follows: 5 Holstein cows, to freshen from February to April, all milk- ing; 8 Holstein heifers, to freshen from February to April; 4 Hol- stein yearling heifers; 3 calves; Also horses, pigs, and full line of farm machinery. TERMS -CASH WALTER, McGILL, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 37-b AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE in. Village of Auburn, on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 1 p.,tn Full line of household effects. Terms -Cash, A. J. FERGUSON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 37-b O--FO-.•A-Fe.-!•.-6- 4+-0-04-4-41 °'' For ale 1 t Clinton - Ontario Two-storey, Seven -room- ed, Solid Brick Dwelling. Downstairs: living room, 11 by 30 ft.; natural fire place; 'dining room; kitchen with built-in cupboards; two- piece bath; sun porch. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms; four - piece bathroom, tile floor, linen cupboards; hardwood floors throughout; fully in- sulated; steam heated, stok- er`fired; 2 -car garage, cem- ent floor; lot 62x118 feet. Ideal location, Possession Oct. 1, 1948 H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251W' 36-1fb BEAUTY SIIOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Vases Permanents ETHEL TkHOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j FRIENDSHIP CLUB The first meeting of the fall season of the Friendship, Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church will be held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, September 15, at eight o'clock. WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB Wesley -Willis Girls' Club will meet in the Church Parlours on Tuesday evening, September 4. Mrs. William McEwen's geoup will be in charge. Rev, Andrew Lane will be guest speaker. LIFE BEGIN'S -WHEN YOU ACCEPT CHRIST AS SAVIOUR "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature" -II or. 5:17 "Ye must be born again." John 3:7 "Except a man be won again he cannot see the kingdom of God." -John 3:3 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" -John 3:38 Eternal Life is Yours -Receive it To -day CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Iw�ls vris MEN WANTED Both skilled and unskilled. Particularly young men desirous of learn- ing to be craftsmen in a highly specialized industry. Interested only in those who wish per- manent employment. D. P. Emigrants welcome. APPLY TO: Sherlock -Manning Pianos Ltd. Clinton, Ont. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AU fTI Built by British Craftsmen • to British Standards of Quality and Workmanship o®- • SEE THESE MODELS TO -DAY! 1-3 • 4 40 2eucuu t The Devon 4 -door sedan combines beauty and graceful 4 r styling with unheard-of economy. A dandy family car for 4 all Canadians. trJ P11 4 40 .25a22et The Dorset 2 -door is just the thing if a coach suits 1 you best. MURPHY BROS. GARAGE WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Huron and Orange Sts. - - - Phone 465 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY�s�:, m..,., ACCOMEMSOCIMMINIZON, Magian Are You in Need of !urnace ANew., We ,have a complete stock of CLARE BROS. HECLA "Saves one ton in seven!" Buy Yours Before Prices Advance. Buy Your Beatty Washer on the weekly payment plan if desired HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470