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Clinton News-Record, 1948-09-09, Page 2
PAGE TWO CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Clinton News -Record THE CLINTON NEW ERA THE CLINTON NEWS-RH.,ORD Established 1885 • Established 1878 Amalgamated 1924 An Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town i of Clinton and Surrounding District MEMBER: , Canadian 'Weekly Newspapers dssooiation SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: Payable in advapce—Canada and Grea Britain: $2 a year; United States and Foreign: $2.50. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Cards on Request Published EVERY THURSDAY at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada In The Heartof Huron County R, S. ATKEY A. L. COLQUHOUN Editor Plant Manager THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1948 Ontario -Quebec Invision, MYNA WHAT IS "REAL" INCOME? . Conbi,nued concern over the widening' breach between prices and income, from the personal and business point of view, features the Bank of Montreal's current busi- nesS review, • Price rises, which during the past 18 months, have caused the average Canadian's cost of living to increase' more rapidly than his income, have also m'ad'e some recent corporate. earnings appear deceptively high. The bank points out that between 1939 and 9946 the average Canadian's income increased by 90 per cent, compared with a 22 per cent rise in the cost of living. "While statistical averages are not always convincing to the individual whose experience may have differed from that of the majority, most Canadians were aware that . . . they were better off in 1946 than in 1939, despite higher prices and 'heavier taxes," the review observes. . By contrast, per capita income during 1947 rose only five per cent, while living costs climbed twice as much. 1t is still too early to estimate the ievvel of average personal in- come during 1948, but it is unlikely that it has kept pace with the cost of living, which at July 2 was 45 per cent above the mid -1947 • ievel. Monthly reported average dollar earnings of over two million employees of the larger firms in Canada's chief indust- ries indicate that the real earnings of this large segment of the population have been declining since early 1947. • The upward movement of both prices and living costs have "accelerated to a pace and reached a mark not ex- ceeded in past records." It is this faot that causes concern over what the bank terms the "illusory nature of currently high earnings of both persons and business enterprises." These higher prices, rather than larger or more numerous purchases, account for the sustained flow of consumer spending. O © 0 SCHOOL DAYS AND HEAI.TH rom the age of kindergarten to that of Upper School, F the children and adolescents of ;Clinton and district trooped back to school on Tuesday. Welcomed by some of these young people, perhaps the re -opening for the fall term did not sit so well with others. But what was there,, that they could do about it? An increase in attendance from last year is indicated. The fact that more young people are desirous of attending Collegiate Institute now than in previous years, is gratifying. No doubt, the operation of a Collegiate Institute District has something to do with it, for the opportunity has been given to many rural pupil's through free transportation services, to acquire a secondary school education, or even a ]higher education. • Turning especially to the' public school, let us discuss health very briefly. Because it is generally recognized that Ill -health is largely the result of mistakes which could have been avoided had there been fuller knowledge or greater care, the pace of health education and practice in the school is important, it is pointed out in the current Monthly Letter of The Royal Bank of Canada. it is at the school that for the first time every child's health can be assessed and de- ficiencies corrected - There, if anywhere, is our golden oppor- tunity for constructive work in building a healthy Canada. The only limitations in health progress in any age are the bounds set by the growth of scientific knowledge, the willingness of those in authority to introduce advanced ideas, .and the readiness of people to pay the cost a price which is low 'relative to the resulting good. Persons with vision will 'aim at much more than the prevention of this or that disorder of childhood. it No longer is satisfactory merely to detect measles, chickenpox, mumps or other "children's diseases" and isolate the victims, The new idea implies the promotion of bodily and mental vigour, strength and alertness, a target worthy of our best attention. Children born around the beginning of this century had prospect of an average length of life of only 49% years; babies born in 1947 may took for an average life of 66% years. Life has become safer for children, but it is hardly correct to refer to the death rate in this and that disease as 'having "dropped" or "d'eclinned.", it was pushed down under 'the feet of advancing science, the outstanding victories achieved by, medical research men, and the active co-operation of parents and schools. What we need today is a gripping sense of the pos- . sibilities of healthful living, and to get away from dependence for satisfaction upon the reduction of death rates. Lowness of mortality, and even absence of disease, are not satisfactory standards for this age. , Health education is a positive duty of the teacher. It cannot be left to occasional talks by physicians or physical training experts. ' The aims of health education should be practical: to bring about correct bodily development through pihyscial activ- ities such as games, Cori1ectiv'e exercises and dances; (2) to make the55physical constitution stronger 'through the develop- ment:of 'sanitary and health habits; (3) to „dated, and thus take the first steps toward preventing or slopping physical upsets such as are caused'by dental defects, eye, heart and stomach disturbances. . Explanations for health habits should be given. it no longer is sufficient to say "do this" and "don't do this." Even children in elementary Classes look for the Why and where- fore. The child should be led to believe that his best health habits are his normal health 'habits, and anything less is ' unworthy. O 0 ED'ITORIAI; COMMENT Thought for To-day—The only source of politeness is consideraltion--that vigiiaant moral sense which never hoses sight of the rights, the claims, and the sensibilities of others?. This is the on'e. quality over all others, necessary to make a gentleman or a lady, g IN OUR TIME By Fkwlo't111wrt --,--;;Rulauysu by: ihuM Sra 6nlerpMses et) (.0‹. UV? man Will, • "Hullo, dear - you know that toy cannon wtesove iathoe ror From Our Early Files 25 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, September 13, 1923 Mrs. W. Brydone, Mrs. J. E. Hovey, Mrs. J. ` McMurchie and Mrs, Smith were the winners at the ladies' bowling tournament. Wilbur Welsh has bought A. Cudmore's house on James St., while Mr. Cudmore has purchas- ed W. J. Tamblyn's house on Princess St. Guy Jones has pur- chased Mrs. Hudson's house on Isaac St, Robert Fitzsimons is laid up with a couple of ribs being broken when the horse he was leading got frisky and kicked him. Mrs. J. E. Hogg, Mrs. James Scott, Mrs. W. Gunn, Mrs. B, R. Higgins, Mrs. G. R. Saville, Mrs. W. D. Fair, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. J. Hunter, Mrs. J. B. Lindsay, and Mrs. Diehl attended the Presbyterial Meet- ings in Hensel'. Col. H. B. Combe Col. H. T. Rance, Major J, W. Shaw, Capt. Sloan, Lieut, Lloyd Curren and Bugler F. Mutch attended the funeral of Lieut. Roy Crawford in Hullett Township. Miss Margaret Cudmore enter- tained the members of Miss Ben- nett's Sunday School Class of St. Paul's Church. During the even- ing Miss Mildred Holloway, who is leaving town, was presented with a small gift. Bill. Jackson is still laid up with a pretty sore foot, He was helping a farmer drive some cattle to the station and had the mis- fortune to step on a rusty nail. *THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, September 13, 1923 Among those moving are: Mrs. Hudson and family; Mrs. McBrien and daughter, Miss Etta, to the house they have recently pur- chased from John Gibbings on Ontario St., recently occupied by Guy Jones; Andrew Steep and family to the house recently vacated by Ern Jackson; Earl Steep and family to the house which Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Nediger have recently vacated. Improvements: Ralph Tiplady is having his house painted; A. J. McMurray has had a cement roadway built to his garage; G. E. Hall has had his house shingl- ed; the Trick house on Ratten- bury St. has been painted; Mrs. French is having her house shingled; a new roof is being put on St. Paul's Church. Albert Carter has been appoint- ed turnkey at the county jail at Goderich. Many presentations have been. held in honour of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Treleaven and Miss Norma who leave shortly for their new home in Timmins, Among them are: the Clinton Club presented M•r. Treleavenwith a cut glass water pitcher and tumblers; the Bridge Club at the home of Mrs. H. T. Rance presented Mrs, Tre- leaven with a bridge set; at a congregational meeting of On- tario St. Church Mr. Treleaven was presented with a French ivory brush and comb set, both Mr, and Mrs. Treleaven with a chest of silver and Miss Norma with a ring. Cree Cook is suffering from a badly bruised foot. While march- ing with the Kittle Band' on Sun- day a passing car crowded too closely and ran over Mr. Cook's foot. Fortunately no bones were broken. .fit 4: * 40 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday,: September 10, 1908 Those bowling in the local tournament oil Monday were. D. McCorvie, J. Rattenbury, J. Nediger, Dr. R. Agnew, G. Barge, J. Weiss, Dr. J. W. Shaw W. P. Spalding, Charles Wallis, A. Strome, J. Hunter, J, C. Steven- son, E. M. McLean, A. P. Gundry, D. L. Maepherson, E. A. Lappine, J. • Watt, J. Johnston. W. Brydone, James Fair, W. Graham, J. Ham- ilton, B. J. Gibbings, D, A; For- rester, J. L. Courtice, Will Har- land, J, Wiseman, C. E. Dowd-- ing, R. Graham, 11. Wiltse, J. Harland, J. B. Hoover, A. J. Mor- rish, A. McLeod, N: Ball, W. Jackson. Harvey Davis was leading a colt •behind a buggy the other clay when the colt became :frightened and jerking .pulled Harvey out of the buggy. and in falling he struck his head. He was unconscious for several hours, but at last reports is:resting-com- fortably. Word has been, received that M. , D. McTaggart ha, been. ranted the rat k f While doing some outside work at their home Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam East received rather a nasty shock when a ladder fell on them, hurting Mrs. East's arm rather badly. Already the officials are busy talking about the Spring Show for 1909. It is rumoured that the show may be held in May instead of in April and that the Athletic Park may be used for it. George Pearson and his sister, Miss Flossie, are taking in the sights at the Canadian National Exhibitio,n Toronto. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, September 10, 1908 T. Cottle, Registrar Coats, and A. McKenzie acted as judges for the Horticultural Society and visited the children's plots and presented the prizes to Sid Watts, Violet Barge, Grace Walker, Len Harland and Wilfred Dickenson. The Horticultural Society had given out 110 packages of seed in HENSALL Ray Schwalm end Alfred West- gate attended Toronto Exhibition, last week,• Stewart Bell and daughter Gert_ rude are attending Toronto Ex- hibition this week. Garfield Broderick has sold his farm to the Elder Brothers who get possession in April. Miss Hazel Hudson, Toronto, is spending this week with her mo- ther, Mrs. George Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deitz spent the weekend and holiday with relatives in St. Catharines. .Mr. end Mrs. Edgar McClinchey, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, spent the weekend and Labor Day at Bayfield, Miss Doris Buchenan, Parkhill, spent the weekend holiday with her mother, Mrs, Mary Buchanan and Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger and family, Toronto, spent the week- end and Labor Day with Mr, and Mrs. E. Geiger. Murdock Stewart, Wellesley, Mass., has sold the ,100 -acme farm, con, 12, lot 9, Hibbert Township, to Malcolm Lamoncl, Hibbert.' Wilson Allan who recently had the misfortune to fracture his arm is a patient at St Joseph's Hos-. pital, London, where he is re the spring, to encourage the child- ren in flower gardening. Albert Seeley, J. Wheatley, R. Welsh, M. O'Donnell and J. Levy were those responsible for get- ting a new flag pole on top of the Town Hall. Clinton Baseball- team defeated Centralia 10-2. Clinton team was: Kerr rf, Walker p, E. Johnston lb, Alexander 2b, W. Wiseman 3b, Armstrong ss, Couch If, Manning of, Hawkins c. Clinton Junior Baseball team defeated Seaforth 24-14. Clinton players were: Frank Forrester ss, John Wiseman cf, Elmer Kerr 'rf, Charles Trowhill p, Warren Finch If, William Greig 2b, George Mac- Kenzie 3b, Lorne Mennen ib, 1Yratt Levy c. John Hartley conducted the services in St. Paul's Church on Sunday last. His brother, Rev. William Hartley, Blyth, will conduct the services this Sunday and it is anticipated that John Ransford will conduct them the following Sunday as the Rector will still be on vacation. Eddie and Lorne Welsh have been visiting their brother, Nixon, a teacher at Washington and also Roy Plumsteel, Stratford. W. N. Counter Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County See the wide range or Exhibition models now on display at our showrooms, Near the modern miracle of tone ... Westinghouse Polyphonic Rebrodnetionl m Clinton Electric Shops. WESTIiNGIIOYJSE DEALERS D. W. Cornish PilO3 TY • 4'r9 RES. 358 ceiving farther treatment. Miss Betty Mickie and Miss Bernice stinks attended the Toron- to Exhibition last weekend and were guests with Mrs. Emily Boyle end Miss Helen Boyle. Complimenting Mrs. Donald Joynt, (nee Audrey Russell), a recent bride, members of Hensell softball team arranged a presen- tation in her honor held at the home of her" mother. Rev. R. A. Brook has returned from his vacation and occupied his own pulpit at the United Church last Sunday. Services will be held morning and evennig commencing Sunday, Sept. 5. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 194Q WINS SCHOLARSHIP SEAFORTH—•Miss Jean Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills, Walton, has been awarded Seaforth Collegiate Institute Al- umni Memorial Scholarship, val- ved at $25. The annual scholar- ship is given each year by the Alumni Association in memory of graduates of the school who fell in World War 1. M * * Running water and home plumbing are increasing in Can- adian farms, with the spread of electrification,providing econom- ical power for water pumps. The Beattie Funeral Home "Clinton's Original Funeral Home" Sedan Ambulance Service GEORGE B. BEATTIE Build Resistance With children back to school, and changeable weather around the corner, their resistance to colds and nerve disorders is greatly .lowered. They will need the Vita- mins A and D contained in— HALIVER CAPSULES —100 for $1.50 at your Rexall Drug Store W. S. R. HOLIES Pnzes Gaiore/ SOME OF, THE PRIZES o 1949 MOTOR CAR • RADIO COMBINATION • GORGEOUS FUR COAT o ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR • FOUR BICYCLES • WATER SOFTENER • 91(0011 CLEANER • FIVE 5100,00 BONDS • TWELVE $5040 BONDS To be given away FREE! VALUE OVER $6,000.00 ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Buy advance sale tickets early ... only hold. ers of these tickets elegible to participate. Advance Sale Tickets . . 3 For $1. INCLUDING PRIZE DRAWING PRIVILEGE EACH ECHE' ADMITS 1 ADULT 011 2 CHILDREN WESTERN FAIR SEPT. 13 to 18 LONDON ONTARIO W. D. Jackson, Secretary r ' DOLLAR DOWN..." AND YOU CAN BUY IT Yes, whether it's that smart, new camera you've had your eye 'on, a better vacation next year, a new dining -room suite or a home of your own you've made a' good start toward getting it when you put your first dollar down ... in a Savings Account at the Bank of Montreal. Thousands of our good customers start- ed their bank accounts with just a dollar or so ... and they have never regretted it. Why not join this B. of M family ? First °MY BANK °, set your objective. Then, start saving 1111 flII regularly. You'll be surprised hoW quickly welieuemes your money mounts up, Remember, though .: • it's that "dollar down" that counts most '-the dollar that opens your S.of M Savings Account. Today's the day to start it. BANK Or MONTREAL Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Mon. and Thurs. Canada's First Bank ...WORKING WITH CANADIANS19 EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 7002