Clinton News-Record, 1948-09-02, Page 5773URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ('.AGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- -` tra for box number or for direc- 'tion. to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15• cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday, ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT APARTMENT SUITABLE FOR Air Force Couple. Apply Phone 461, Clinton. 7 35-36-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1935 FORD COACH, Seal Beam headlights, heater, defroster. Ap- ply White, Rose Station, Londes- boro. 36-b 1935 FORD COUPE, IN NUMBER One condition; four new tires, radio, motor recently overhauled. Apply Harvey Boyce, Varna, phone Clinton 626r4. 35-36-p 1938 FORD DELUXE COACH, colour maroon, may be seen at RCAF Station, Clinton or on Rat- tenbury St. next to Beattie Fun- eral Home. Apply Box "O", NEWS -RECORD. 36-b BICYCLES FOR SALE ONE MAN'S BICYCLE IN GOOD condition. Apply Clarence Parke, phone Zurich 961•9. 36-b CLOTHING FOR SALE BOY'S LIGHT BROWN TWEED jacket, size 14, like new. Phone 289. 36-p LADY'S BEIGE COAT, SIZE 15, good condition, English make, suitable for High School girl. Phone 782J. 36-p FARMS FOR SALE FARM -60 ACRES GOOD LAND, large barn in Al condition, real good house, never -failing water supply, possession immediately, C. F. Chapman, real estate broker, phone 18, Goderich. 35-6-7-b 37 ACRES WITH GOOD BRICK 'House, barn, ample water supply, close to school and church. Pos- session November 1, 1948. Priam; $4,200. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton- 33btfb 110 ACRES WITH 10 ACRES bush; eight room brick dwelling; barn 50'x80'; hydro; water pres- sure system; good soil; small orchard; ?x miles from church, •school and county road. Posses- sion November 1. Apply H. C, Lawson, Realtor, Phone 251W, Clinton. 33btfb FURNITURE FOR SALE `THREE BAR ROOM CHAIRS; 20 card tables, $1 each while they last. Bert Langford, 36-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -ONE 12 -INCH MASSEY-HARRIS corn box with self feeder, in good condition, Apply NEWS - RECORD. 35-36-p JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, B. R. :Standard with new rubber, all overhauled. Apply to Campbell Eyre, R.R. 2, Kippen, phone Hen- sall, 84r13. 36-b FOUR THREE -FURROW DISC Plow; also one ice box in A-1 condition. Apply Charles Bran- don, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 633r5. 36-p MASSEY-HARRIS. No.30 ROW Crop Tractor, nearly new, equip ped with rubber tires, lights and starter; two furrow narrow bot- tom plow; for further informa- tion apply to Layton's Garage, (Clinton, phone 44. '36-p 12-24 HART PARR, 10-20 tractor; ' blower cutting box; rubber -tired wagon $40; part Jersey cow; Hol- • stein cow; two Jersey heifercal- ves; will pay 34c per lb. for ' heavy fat poultry in trade for machinery or cows; two colony :houses, $50; old horses, tractors and poultry bought; 20 or 45 acres with buildings, for sale or • trade for town property. W. B. ' Thompson, Clinton, 36-p ..HELP WANTED, MALE 'WANTED IMMEDIATELY, EX- perienced Gravel Truck driver. Phone 305, Clinton: • 36-b DELP WANTED, FEMALE TWO WAITRESSES, Good wages, good meals. Hotel Clinton, phone 793. 36-b 'GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. Ap- • ply after September 10 to Dr. W. A, Oakes. 35-6-7-p 'GIRL OR WOMAN TO HELP IN store. Good pay. Clinton War Assets Surplus, phone 460W. 36-p YOUNG GIRL, NOT OVER 21 'years of age, as bank stenograph- er. Apply giving references to P.O. Box 340, Clinton. 35-6-b HOUSES FOR SALE THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke,' Town- send St., Clinton, is for sale,. For information write Mrs. Harry 'Barltrop, Hanover, Ont. 35-6-p: AT GODERICH, IN GOOD WEST end location, a very nice small frame house, new furnace, fully insulated, recently re -decorated, immediate possession. Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker, phone 115W, Goderich. 34btfb HOUSES TO LET SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE TN Bayfield, available October 15 to May 1; outside conveniences. Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Hayfield. 36-p VEGETABLES FOR SALE YOUNG, SWEET GOLDEN BAN - tam Corn. Apply at house even_ ings. W. N. Counter, High St.. 'Clinton, phone 230, 36-b KITCHEN UTENSILS FOR SALE • BRAND NEW BTNSTEAMER. Apply Frank's Taxi, phone 175. 36-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE THREE FRESH COWS; John McGuire, .,phone Clinton 900r23. 36-b ELEVEN PIGS, Six Weeks Old. David Campbell, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clrnt.on 909r31. 35-p DURHAM COW, JUST FRESH- ened; also 80 New Hampshire x Sussex pullets. J. E. Crich, phone Clinton 614r24. 36-b DURHAM COW MILKING; 'Calf three months old; two year-old Durham steers; 20 mink suitable for good breeders. Apply to Mrs, James East, 21/4 miles northeast of Clinton, phone 807r6. 36-p LOST AND FOUND LOST — IN SHALLOW WATER at bathing beach, Bayfield, pair of mons' glasses having light plastic frames. Reward at NEWS - RECORD Office, Clinton, 36-7-x FOUND—PURSE CONTAINING sum of money, on Saturday even- ing. Owner may have same by contacting C. J. Livermore, phone 214. 35-36-b MACHINE FOR SALE DROPHEAD SEWING MACHINE• in good condition. Apply Box "T", NEWS -RECORD. 36-b MISCELLANEOUS "NO CORNS—NO CALLOUSES" will be your ,song—If you use Lloyd's Corn Salve right along. 50c at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 36-b SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious Iengths. Enquire. Will hire day work harvesting, etc. 34-43-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices If not, will pay fertilizer pric s. If dead phone at once. Phan: collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. • 11-btfb. NOTICES WOULD THE PARTY WHO bor- rowed conveyor for a cutting box a year ago please return to J. H. Brunsdon, implement deal- er, Clinton. 36-37-b ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41. and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd. surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May '3rd. 1948. 34ptfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write er phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2btr POULTRY FOR SALE 200 SUSSEX X NEW HAMP- shire Pullets, laying, 51/4 months old. Apply Roy Connell, phone 807r4, Clinton. 36-37-b 130 WHITE LEGHORN x NEW Hampshire pullets, beginning to lay. Contact Elam W. Shantz, Hensall, phone Zurich 91r13. 35-36-b STOVES FOR SALE COLEMAN OH ROOM HEATER. Used c ne winter. Reasonable, 144 .Tame, St., Clinton 36-p ELECTRIC RANGETTE, (Force), in excellent condition, Apply F/O D. ,Grant, 123 Spencer St., two houses west of Tom Leppingtons residence, Clinton. 86-p SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE DUCHESS AND Other Varieties, Fred .McClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 622r24, 35-6-7-p TRUCKS FOR SALE FORD HALF -TON ARMY Truck in good condition and good run- ning order. Sutter -Perdue Hard- ware. 36-b Happy Workers Hold The Happy Workers Club held its August meeting at the home of Mrs. Burns with 16 members and one visitor present. The afternoon was spent in a social form with Mrs. Arnold Jamieson winning the lucky ticket, A pot -luck supper was served which was very delicious. Collection was $3.03. The next meeting to be held ,,1 the home of Mrs, George Glazier, t. it Kitchen Cabinets Made and Installed to your exact requirements. -Prices and Estimates Freely Given New Residence Phone No. is 128W Don Coiquhoun Erie' St., C'in'on Shop on North St. 33-4-b .... y .n. .S....2* ..¢.,..9...099 BIRTHS BENNETT In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, August 27, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, Hensall, a daughter. BISBACK — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, August 28, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bisback, Blyth a son. BROMLEY — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, August 26, 194'8, to Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Bromley, Blyth, a daughter (Grace Ethel). FERGUSON—In Brantford Gen- eral Hospital, on Sunday, Aug- ust 29, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ferguson, Brantford, (nee Margaret Tasker, Clinton) a 500. FOSTER—In Clinton Public Hos- Intel,. on Tuesday, August 31, 1948, to LAC and Mrs. 11. P. Foster, Clinton . a : -daughter, (Helen Faye). PETERS—At Mrs. Pearl Stephans' Nursing Home, Hensall, on l Sunday, August 29, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, Hen- { sall, a daughter. • RICHARDSON—In Clinton Pub -1 lic Hospital, on Friday, August r 27, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson, Zurich, a daughter. SINGLETON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, August 27, 1948, to F/0 and Mrs. Alan B. Singleton, Clinton, a daughter. SNELL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, August 26, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Snell, Londesboro, a daughter. TAYLOR — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 1, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Taylor, Clinton, a dau- ghter. DEATHS BATTERSBY—Suddenly in Ham- ilton, Thursday, August 26, 1948, Frances, beloved wife of the late Nathaniel Battersby, fornnerly of Hensall, in her 59th year. Funeral services Monday, August 30, at 2 p.m. to Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Hamilton. L MARRIAGES BENINGER-JOHNSON — In St. Columban Church, by Rev. Thomas McQuaid, on Saturday, August 28, 1948, at 9.30 a.m., Mary Stella daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson, R.R. 2, Walton, to Sylvester Douglas Beninger, London, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BeninBlyth. TREWARTHA-CRICgerH — At the home of the bride's parents, Tuckersmith Township, en Sat- urday, August 28, 1948, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Helen Doreen, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crich, to Ross Clarence, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewartha, Hullett Township. ' FORTNIGHT IN JAIL James King, Tuckersmith Town- ship, was jailed for two weeks Monday, when he appeared be- fore Magistrate I. B. Craig, et Sarnia, charged with drunk driv- ing. He was arrested about 9:30 p.m. Saturday, north of Watford by Provincial Constable Jack Fulton, Strathroy. According to the testimony of the constable, King's car had been weaving from side to side on the road. He also said King was unsteady and incoherent when arrested. STATEMENT OF THE EXPENSES OP FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. In the election of June 7, 1948, made by his Official Agent, J. K. Hunter, Goderich, Ont. Printing and advertising $542.42 Radio advertising 77.00 Hall and Committee Rooms rentals . 91.00 Telephone, postage and stationery . 225.00 $935.42 Vouchers and details are on file in my office, and may be inspect- ed as provided by The Election Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 8, Sec- tion 203. FRANK R. DARROW, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, Returning Officer, Electoral District of Huron. 36-b '-+H44+.•.-0- .•.-.-.-.-. +1,-*-414-•-+4++4-4-•+H++4-4i+1.4 4-4-4-0-1.4-1 FOR SALE CLINTON - ONTARIO Two-storey, Seven -roomed, Solid Brick Dwelling; Downstairs living room, 11 by 30 feet; natural fire place; dining room; kitchen with built-in cupboard's; two- piece bath; sun porch. Upstairs: '3 bedrooms; four -piece bathroom, tile floor, linen cupboards; hardwood floors throughout; fully in- sulated; steam heated, stoker fired; 2 -car garage, cement floor; 'lot 62x118 feet. Ideal location. Possession October 1, 1948 H. C. Lawson, Realtor Phone 251W 36-tfb Oi+F•►+H•1�.1 N 4 H -f 4-4-44 .�-.e-4 4 ��-4 .-N +-1-44 4-9-4 $--?.�-p�� ALL KINDS :OF TREATS TO EAT.,. Try a Fresh Peach Layer Cake Dixon's Pastry Shop Rattenbury St. E. -- Phone 281W — Clinton Ry Rernember? School opens for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept. 7. 14 your boy's wardrobe com- plete? If not, drop in to -day and see our lines of boys' and youths' clothing'. BOYS' SHOES Black' or Brown from 2.75 to 4.95 pr. BOYS' LONG TROUSERS Sizes 6 to 16 years 2.50 to 5.75 p BOYS' PLAID SHIRTS Assorted .Colore 1,85= ea, STUDENTS' SWEATER COATS White Rings in Left Sleeve 5.95 ea, COTTON ANKLE SOCKS All Sizes 'and Colors 45c.'"i)r, BOYS' Denim OVERALLS 6 to 16 years L 2.50 pr. shit ts, sweaters, underwear, belts, braces --mos--�--- Pickett Li Campbell headquarters for work clothing Phone 25 - - - - - Clinton ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (Sept. 2-4) 'THREE DARING DAUGHTERS' with Jeanette MacDonald Mon., Tues., Wed. (Sept. 6-8) "MAGIC TOWN" Two great stars in a human inter.. est film that appeals to all who see it. A story of small-town life ably portrayed by James Stewart, Jane Wyman and Ned Sparks. Thur., Fri., Sat. (Sept, 9-11) Groucho Marks, Carmen Miranda, Gloria Jean and Andy Russell. A riot of music, young love and laughter with your favourite stars and the gorgeous Copa girls. "COPACABANA" Coming (Sept. 13-15) "CARNEGIE HALL" A musical treat CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH' Now Playing (Sept.2-4) "THE ADVENTURES OF DON COYOTE" and "Stork Bites Man" Mon., Tues., Wed. (Sept. 6-8) "APRIL SHOWERS" Warner Brothers' deluge of hap- piness will drench you with fun galore, girls galore and songs galore—Jack Carson, Ann Southern and Robert Aida Thur., Fri., Sat. (Sept. 9-11) Walter Abel, Margot Grahame & Marie Wilson with a superlative cast of fun -favourites present one LONG laugh from start to fin- ish, in Hal Roach's Cinecolor. "COMEDY CARNIVAL" Coming (Sept. 13-15) Tracy and Turner in "CASS • TIMBERLANE" REGENT THEATRE SRAPORTE Now Playing (Sept. 2-4) Abbott & Costello with Marjorie Malin in "The WISTFUL WIDOW of WAGON GAP" Mon., Tues., Wed. (Sept. 6-8) Rita Hayworth, Larry Parks and, Mare Platt—A glorious Techni- color musical fantasy involves a Greek Goddess with a B'way impressario. "DOWN TO EARTH" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Sept. 9-11) Wallace Beery, Tom Drake and Dorothy Patrick—A popular old, star returns in one of his most robust comedy treats. "ALIAS A GENTLEMAN" Coming (Sept. 13-15) "CARNEGIE HALL" A musical classic (Matinees Wed. Sat. & Hol., at 2.30 Matinees Sat.'and Holidays at 2.30 MIRY WESLEY-WILLIS W.M.S. The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its opening meeting of the fall season on Thursday, September 9, at 8 p.m. in the Church Parlours, with Mrs. J. P. Manning's group in charge. Mrs. Brock Olde will be the guest speaker. — o ONTARIO ST. W.A. The W.A. of Ontario St. Unit- ed Church will meet on Tuesday, September 7, at 3 p.m. The Base Line and the 16th Concession ladies will serve. AUCTION SALE of FARM, COWS and PIGS at Lot No. 19, Stanley Township, on No. 4 Highway, s/ of a mile north of Brucefiled, on Saturday, Sept. 4-10 pt. at 2 p.m., consisting of: CATTLE -25 young cows, Hol- steins, Jerseys and Durhams, some fresh, balance springing or milk- ing; 4 young calves. PIGS: 8 young Yorkshire sows, due Sept. and October:- FARM: ctober.FARM: There will also be of_ fered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the farm consisting of 97 acres of good clay loam with good buildings and will be sold on reasonable terms, TERMS on livestock, cash. TERMS on farm made known on day of sale. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 36-b Auctioneer Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 29, Goderich Town- ship, r/ miles south of Porter's Hill, on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES: 2 Pereehron mares (aged). CATTLE: Polled Hereford. cow, 7 yrs. old, heifer calf at foot (3 weeks old); Polled Hereford cow, 4 yrs. old, due in October; Polled Hereford heifer, 2 yrs. old; Pol- led Hereford heifer, 1 yr. old; jersey cow, 5 yrs. old, milking; Jersey heifer, 7 months old. POULTRY: 65 Leghorn & Rock hens, 1 yr. old. IMPLEMENTS: Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft. cut; Frost & Wood 14 -plate out -throw disc; 12 -plate in -throw disc; 3 -section drag har- rows; hay rake; 3 -drum steel roller; wagon and flat rack; farm. wagon; Cockshutt riding plow (with font lift); walking plow; set of Manitoba sleighs; 1 -row scuffler; harrow cart; road cart; tanning mill, bagger; pick, shov- els, forks, pulleys, rope slings, set of breeching harness, set of double harness, horse collars, 5 bunches of shingles; 3 gal. sprayer. FEED: Approximately 60 ton of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Bed- room suite; mattresses; day bed; oak library table; oak rocking chair; buffet; sewing machine linoleum 9'x12'; linoleum 6'x14', McClary enamel range; 2 coal oil stoves; kitchen cupboard; table and chairs; battery radio; lawn mower; quantity of fruit and maple syrup. Numerous other articles. FARM: At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the farm consisting of 80 acres of good tillable clay loam, on which is situated a bank barn 50'x50', brick 11/2 -storey. house, garage and hen house. Water in house and barn and a never -failing spring. TERMS: On chattels, cash; on farm, made known on day of sale MRS., PRISCILLA L. ELLIOTT, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 35-36-b Auctioneer BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 89-i2 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C V. 00KE FLORIST. Phones: 66w and 66j LIFE BEGINS —WHEN YOU ACCEPT CHRIST AS SAVIOUR "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature"—II Cor. 5:17 "Ye must be born again." John 3:7 "Except a man be won again he cannot see the kingdom of God." —John 3:3 "He that believeih on the Son hath everlasting life"—John 3:38 Eternal Life is Yours—Receive it To -day CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. ANIMMININEW i to si[aAI7ffa IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AUSTIN The aristocrat of motordom A standard of travel and comfort you'll be proud to own. SEE THESE MODELS TO -DAY! 14 410 `neeion The Devon 4 -door sedan combines beauty and styling with unheard-of economy. A dandy family all Canadians. 4 40 _`hande>i' graceful car for F, The Dorset 2 -door is just the thing if a eoach suits you best, Open Sunday, Sept. 5 and Every Night Next Week MURPHY BROS. GARAGE WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Huron and Orange Sts. - - - Phone 46S IMMEDIATE DELIVERY See the "Ex" AUG. 27 -- SEPT. 11 Low, Flat Rates to Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 REG. SHIPLEY OSCAR PRIESTAP ROY MANN Res. 229 Res. 689J 34-35-38-37-b SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON - ONTARIO Chartered under the Ontario Department of Education COURSES: Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial Register Now Fall Term Begins September 13, 1948 M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist, B, F. WARD, B.A., Vice Principal Principal 34-5-6-b Are You in Need of A New Furnace We have a complete stock of CLARE BROS. HECLA "Saves one ton in seven!" Buy Yours Before Prices Advance Buy Your Beatty Washer on the weekly payment plan if desired -HUGH R. HAWKINS Rusiness•244 Phone Residence 470