HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-29, Page 6AGE SIX' CI•INTON NF1'yFS-RECORD' Intere.sting :ems Firam News-.�ecorc NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31. Mrs. E. Antognini, New York, Is at her summer home "Fair Acres," Lawrence Fowlie, London, is visiting his sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowle. Mrs. Hilliard and Mrs. Burgess, Birmingham, are guests at "The Little. Inn," lViiss Patsy Mallett, London, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Kate Davison. Miss Rankin and Miss Ethelwyn Rankin, Stratford, were in the village 'on Sunday. E. A. Featherston, London, and Keith Leonard, Toronto, spent the weekend here. Miss Gloria Westlake, London, was with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Misses Jinks and Anne Goven- lock, Weston, have been spending a vacation at The Little Inn. Miss Helene Brownlee, Lon- don, is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. R. B. Johnston. Ernest Kneeshaw, London, spent the weekend with his grand- mother, Mrs. Adelaide McLeod. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Orr and son, Stratford, were at the fam- ily cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, Detroit, are spending a week with the former's mother,. Mrs, E. Toms, Mrs, William Howard and Miss Anne Drouin were in Detroit for a few days over the weekend, Roy McLeod, Toledo, Ohio, is spending two' weeks' vacation with his mother, Mrs. Adelaide Me- Leod. Irvin Pease, Woodstock, is spending a fortnights vacation at the home of Mr., and 'Mrs. Charles Berry. Mrs. Robert MeEwen, Silsa1} and Jane and two guests, Louidon, spent the weekend at her cottage, "The Cedars." Miss L. Shortt, London, was a guest of Mrs. G. D. Churchward at her cottage in the village over the weekend, Peter Tillmann, London, is spending a vacation with his parents at their cottage on Bay- field Terrace, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lucas, Mark - dale, called on Prof. L. C, and Miss Mabel Hodgins, "Stonehav- en," on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Webster and family, London, spent Sunday with former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster. Miss Moran Guest, Terrace Bay, Bill and Barbara Johnston, Windsor, are visiting their aunt, Mrs, Malcom Toms. Harry Ahrens, Detroit, was here for a few days to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ahrens' brother, George Brown, Goderich. Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. N. W. Woods, "The Hut." Dr. E. P. Lewis was also here over the weekend. NOTICE I hereby give notice that all weeds are to be destroy- ed before going to seed as provided for by the Weed Control Aet, chapter 344, section 4. Any person or persons failing to comply with these provisions will be liable to a penalty as provided by the Aet. Wm. R. Dougall, Huron County Weed Inspector 31-b Mrs. Armstrong and her sister, Miss Purves, have returned to Princeton, N.J., after having been the guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sdotchmer have returned to Richmond Hill, after having spent a fortnight at their cottage in Lakeside Park. Peter Tillmann left on Tuesday to spend a few days with his brother, Dr. William J. Tillmann, Jr., and Mrs. Tillmann, Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wid- combe, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wid- coinbe, Windsor, are staying with Anniversary Services St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield --- on ---- SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 I Morning at 11 o'clock --Evening at 7.30 Speaker for the day: Rev. A. G. Hewitt, Auburn Music: The Rennie Quartette, Seaforth morning and evening Miss Evelyn Breckow, Goderich, Soloist, in the morning 31-b THRESHER •BELTII`._ = 13:1 E �tLIVERS41Ti e° Be sure you are ready for threshing this year, avoid costly delays due to belt trouble. Get hard-working Goodyear Klingtite, the thresher belting that grips your pulleys ... saves fuel as it delivers maximum power. It's tough ... far outlasts other belting. Order your needs now—drop in today. ._l YOUR I��AR G00D„� DEALER McAlpine and Daw INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE IMPERIAL GASOLINE and OIL Victoria St. Phone 338-j - Clinton ,E' ALSO CARRY "MULTI -V" AND F.R.P.• B+S,L s'a, rho world's daily newrpaper-.. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, You will find yourself one of the test -Informed persons.. iriour community on world affairs when you. read this world-wide dairy newspaper regularly. You will fresh, new viewpoints; o fuller richer understanding of today's oel Vitol news—PLUS help from its exclusive feahiros on homemaking, wawa tion, business,' !beater, musk, radio, sports, Subscribe now to Ms special 'get oMwhtted" offer -=1 'reeds for i W. S. funds) e The Christian Science Publishing Society RQ -if One, Norway Street, Boston. IS, Moss., U. 3, A. 1,cl Sit.,. Enosd*M $1, for whlah pleat* send nue The eluhtl SCtence Monitor for one month, ol] is - Thr 5.1 1Name__ �.ee vt rt>m t Peery y T rsp'a'y�y r1 o e.• the Ifille4W,'• t. est,-, t n0,ry City file- ---...---• VARNA Mr. and,Mrs, B, Keys, Bruce - field, were Sunday ', guests with Mrs. 'William Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Latham and family and Miss G, Beatty, Lon- don, spent the weekend inthe village. Mr. and Mrs. Soper and friends, Straffordville, were weekend guests; With the former's son, H. Soper and family. Mr, and Mrs. Cudmore and son, Holmesville, were Sunday guests at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith and family, Miss Fisher, Toledo, Ohio, who spent the past six weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Smith, left for her home Monday morning. Communion. on Sunday There will be a celebration of Holy Communion in St. John's. Anglican Church Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Suffers. Heart Attack We are very sorry to report that G. H. Beatty suffered a heart attack .and is confined to his bed. His many friends hope soon to see him around again. Back After 50 Years IA .J. Styles, Hollywood Calif., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and family and Amos Keys last week. Mr. Styles is a former resident of Blake, and it is now 50 years since he visited this community. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Scotchrner, Sr., while holidaying in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and sons, New Dundee, spent Sunday with Mrs. Grant Turner, and Ken Merrier. The boys re- mained with their uncle for a holiday. Mrs. Charles Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and Miss Beverley York attended the Burt - Gray nuptials in First Avenue Baptist Church, Toronto, on Sat- urday. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mount Clemens, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. Maria Elliott. Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit, who accompanied them, remained to spend a fortnight with her mother. Mrs, George Davison, who has spent the past seven weeks in California, and other points, spent the weekend in Bayfield with her sister, Mrs. L. G. Bassett, en route to her home in Woodstock. Guests at the Albion: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Morrison, London; Miss Sandra MacKay, Miss Mary Anne Stone, both of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lance and two sons, Chris and Billy of Birming- ham, Mich.; Fred Joseph, Detroit; Misses Gloria Sartor and Patricia Murphy, London; Orton Lether- land, Toronto. Steel Work Completed The sound of the rivetting ma- chine has ceased and the steel workers left on Friday after com- pleting "their work. The frame- work of the new bridge is now receiving the first coat of paint. Sunday Preacher The speaker at Trinity Church, Bayfield, on Sunday, August 1, at 11 a.m. will be Rev. Y, C. Ts'ai, of the Diocese of Hong Kong and South China, who has been in New York for the past two years studying for his degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Recuperating Dr. N. B. Alexander who was taken to London two weeks ago where he underwent an emerg- ency operation, has recovered sufficiently to leave hospital, and is recuperating nicely at his Wel- lington Street home, his many friends here will be glad to know. Child Baptized The service of Holy Baptism was held in Trinity Church, Bay- field, Sunday afternoon, July 25, when the rector, Rev. Laverne Morgan, baptized Janet Douglas, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy- ston Stubbs, Bayfield. The God- parents were Mr. D. Carmichael and Mrs, J. Lewis. Stanley Township_ Sundayvisitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold PenhaIe, were Mr, and Mrs, Herman John- son and daughter Anna, London, and Mrs. Penhale's father, George Hodgson, Wilton Grove; also his eighty-year-old brother, Jim Hodgson, Myrtle, Man., who came from Winnipeg to Toronto by plane in three hours and forty- one minutes. He said it is a wonderful trip, and he intends to return home by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bennett, Goderich, are spending this Week at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale, Bronson. Line. HENSALL The many friends of Howard Hyde will regret to learn of his serious ilIrress, Mr, and Mrs. Al Pearson, To- ronto, were weekend guests with Mrs. Annie. Saundereoek. The many friends of Mrs. W.. Luker will regret to learn she is confined to her :room with illness. At the United church on Sun- day last at the morning service,, Msis Audrey Walsh rendered a lovely solo. Mr, and Mrs. James Morris and family, Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hender- son and family. Miss Violet McClymont, who underwent an operation in Clint- on Public Hospital last week, re- turned home on Sunday. Library Closing Henson Public Library will close Saturday, July 31, for two weeks and re -open Tuesday Aug- ust 17. All books now out are due on the 31st: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray and family, London, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. E. Geiger, Beth and Peggy Goddard are vacationing with their grand- mother in Palmerston. Mrs. Ralph Geiger, Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Her little daughter Linda, who has spent the past two weeks with her grandparents, returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Henderson and family, Minnedosa, Man., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family. Miss Lenore • Norminton, Tor- onto, was a recent visitor at her home here. Condition Lmproves The many friends of Mrs. Oliv- er Rowcliffe, who underwent a serious operation in Toronto, will be pleased to learn she is im- proving, and expects to return home this week, Guide Picnic Held Hensall Girl Guides held a pic- nic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, under the leadership of Mrs. Mel- vin Moir, lieutenant, assisted by Mrs. R. H. Middleton. Sport win- ners were: Jean. Mousseau, Betty Armstrong, Dolly Hildebrandt, Lois Henderson, Orrion Stephan, Margaret Stephan, Gertrude Bell, Corrine Smale, Betty Moir and Elaine Beer. Picnic Postponed The Sunday School Picnic of Hensall United Church, schedul- ed to have been held at Lions Park, Seaforth, Monday after- noon, -July 26, was postponed un- til Friday, July 30, on account of inclement weather, The bus will meet at the church at 2:30 p.m. to pick up the children. Employee Injured Archie Hodgert, an employee of Canadian Canners, Exeter, met with an accident when 'a large kettle containing cans of peas and weighing 800 pounds fell on his foot, fracturing two toes. He was attended by 'Dr. J. G. Dun- lop. Mr. Hodgert formerly lived in this district and is well known here. Nearly Electrocuted Howard, Baker, London, whose wife and family resided in Hen- sall, is a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, following an acci dent when 13,000 volts of elect- cAthCiddi • OF DETROIT FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tulle', a modern hotel for those who want the best! Con- venient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly, courte- ous service and reel Hotel Comfort. The Taller Coffee Shop or Cafhieria for your 0 Dining Pleasure at modest prices. It pays to stay at Hotel Tulier. il` VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S. FINEST 800 ROOMS $ 75 WITH RATH FROM 4. HOTEL. • TIr(IRSDAY, JULY 2.9, 1948 9s -orrespondents Goderich Township Charles Thompson, Toronto, is spending a vacation with Mr. and. Mrs, John McGuire. Miss Barbara Ann Johnston, Windsor, .is "holidayingat the home of her aunt, Mrs... W. A. McGuire. Misses Madeline McCullough and Shirley Cooper have been visiting Mr, and -Mrs. Ken Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling, Mimico, are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Sterling. Bobby Hall, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall, Cayuga, is vacationing with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey -Alex- ander. - .. Mr: and Mrs. Ted Harrison and daughter Mary spent last week with the lady's parents on their way home from Algonquin Park where they spent their vacation. Mr. and Mrs, Jamse Barnes, Lcndon, are vacationing in their summer home at Lane O'Pines Beach, Their guests are their son, Fred Barnes and Mee Barnes, and son Lee, Buffalo, N.Y. - Dlr. and Mrs. George Woods, Detroit, are spending a long va- cation in Mrs. Arthur Welsh's cottage at Lane O'Pines Beach, They were accompanied by Mrs. Fred Wallis, who spent the past week as their guest in Detroit. Recent and present visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Thompson include their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson and daughter, Patricia Anne, Dunnville, their sora, Rev. John R. Thompson, and son, Richard, St. Thomas, Mrs. Douglas Millard, Oxford, Eng- land, Mrs. Edward Peard, Lond- on and Fred Lever, Sarnia. St. James' W.A. Mees The W.A. of St. James' Church met at the home of the president, Mrs. John Middleton, on Wed- nesday last. It was decided to hold a sale of home-made baking Saturday afternoon, July 31, in Mrs, Edwards' store, Bayfield. Guests in Dundas last Satur- day at the marriage of Miss Margaret Howell to Andrew M. Sloan, Sheffield, included: Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Torrance, Mrs. P. V. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. E..Harrison, M: and Mrs, R. R. Stirling, hir. and Mrs, J. W. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Torrance, Miss M. J. Torrance, Miss M. C. Torrance, Miss M. Harrison, G. 11. Stirling and D. F. Stirling. HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Deck, Belle- ville, spent the weekend at the home of the latter's praents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Huller, ricity went through his body when his head came in contact with a live wire when he was stand- ing on a ladder working in the shop where he was employed. He was badly burned. The top of his body is encased in a cast, and holes were burned in his feet, LONDESBOROO Miss Mabel Shobbrook, Varna, is visiting at the, home of her sister, Mrs. Laura Saundereoek, 1VIr, and Mrs. Neil and family, Kirkton, visited at the home of Mrs, W. Beacom on 'Sunday, Mrs. Barker, Toronto, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Govier,' Port Colborne, visited with rela- tives over the weekend. Mr. and bilis. Will Lyon and Gordon, Thorndale, visited rela tives over the weekend. Mrs, Sampson, Palmerston, is spending a few' days, at the home of Mrs. Nellie Watson, Mr. and Mrs. George McVittie visited with Mr: and' Mrs. Dave Easorn, Goderich Township, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Hann, Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Govier, over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Percy Gardhouse, Owen Sound, spent a few days at , the hon -ie of Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Lansing, Mrs. Harvey Ashton and dau- ghter, Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Tom FairservIce on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Townsend and, Miss Dorothy Little returned home on Friday night after hav- ing• been away on a month's,. vacation. SUMMERHIj,L Ladies' Club to Meet Summerhill Ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. and Mrs. C. Merrill an Wednesday afternoon, August 11. c THE NEWS.RECORB FOR ]2/NE PRINTING PHONE 4 Public Notice TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY 3£ NOTICE is hereby given that the ,Municipal Council S of the Township of Stanley proposes that after the 26th day of August, 1948, being the date of the last publication of this Notice, to consider the passing of a by-law to close the portion of the original road allowance known as Victoria < Street, between Margaret Street and Tuyll Street in the 'Police Village of Bayfield, in the -Township of Stanley, in o the County of Huron, and to sell and convey the soil and t freehold thereof unto Mr. J. Tillman, Plans of survey and full description of the lands affected may be inspected at the -office of the. undersigned. The Municipal Counell ' will at its regular meeting, to be held in Varna on the 6th day of September, 1948, hear in person or by his or her solicitor or agent, or person who claims that his or her land will be affected by the ' t passage of the said by-law and who applied to ' be heard, DATED at Varna, this 23rd day of July, 1948, 31-32-33-34-b FRED WATSON, Township Clerk, Bayfield, Ontario. CALL CLINTON CAB PHONE 44. Res. 229 Reg. Shipley Oscar Prie&tap Res. 173 IL Crittenden MR.: MRS. GET READY FOR HOLIDAY -WEEK -END TULLER RICHARD C HODGES, Mgr. ssrtfl NiW %, ��G lu, Illlli l i 4.0%44. • • Public Notice 'TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Stanley proposes that after the 26th day of August, 1948, being the date of the last publication of this Notice, to consider the passing of a by-law to close the portion of the original road allowance known as Con- cession 8, between East part of Lot 13 B.R.N. and West part of 14 B,IL,N., in the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, and to sell and convey the soli freehold thereof unto Mr. John Keyes. Plans of survey and, full description of the lands affected may be inspected at 'the office of the undersigned. The Municipal Council will at its regular meeting, to be held in Varna on the 6th day ,of September, 1948, hear in person or by his or her solicitoor agent, or person who claims that his or 'her land will be affected by the passage of the said by-law and Who applied to be heard. DATED at Varna, this 26th day of July, 1948. 31-32-33-34-13 FRED WATSON, Township Clerk, .Bayfield, Ontario. HANDY CARTON Pre-war Price 250 Wartime Taxes & Orders HO You pay 3G¢ (PLUS DEPOSIT) Authorized Battle: of Coal -Voda under contract wIt i Coca -Osla Ltd: STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 Erle St.. Phone 78