HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-22, Page 8*PAGE EIGHT ;CLINTON ,NEWS -RECORD LEN. JOHNSON WIN'S FIRST GAME AS COLTS PITCHER With Len Johnston starting his first game as a starting pitcher, Clinton Colts defeated Dashwood in a scheduled Huron -Perth In- termediate "C" baseball match an 'Conununity Park diamond,, Monday night by 13-5. Johnson hit the first batter, then gave up three successive hits for three runs in the first inning. But he pitched good ball till the sixth when he walked 1V1yer, and gave Wein a home -run ball. He only gave six hits in six innings, striking out five, Bob Craig replaced Johnson in the sixth with none out and retired the next three men, allowing no hits in his two innings and strik- ing out two hatters, Yelie pitching for Dashwood gave up' nine hits but had some bad breaks on poor fielding. Ile struck out seven and walked six. Each pitcher hit one man. Hitting features of the game were Wein's homer in the sixth for Dashwood, and three -baggers by Draper, Neilans and Craig for the Colts. DASHWOOD: Reschke ss, R, Haugh 2b, L. Haugh lb, Myer c, Wein 3b, Wein cf, Bayhem rf, Coriveau rf, YeIle p, Shell If. CLINTON COLTS: Woodcock Sb, White cf, Schoenhals ib, Drap- Fr rf, Colquhoun e, Cook e, Neil - ane lf, McEwen 2b, Bartliff ss, Johnson p, Craig p. Umpires: Len O'Brien, ai' plate, Dick Brown, on bases, both from Zurich. R.TS Dr. J. W. Shaw Marks Birthday Clinton's grand old man, Dr. J. W. Shaw, to -morrow celebrates another milestone along life's way and the day will be marked with his usual routine. Dr. Shaw, who in spite of his more than four- score years, is still very ac- tive and' his practice is made up of many to whom he is "the family doctor.". Dr. Shaw was never content to let his profession interfere with the good deed fbr the clay, that Boy Scouts practice. He has always been interest- ed in boys and in all types of sport. This year he has taken under his wing a group of boys known as the Shaw Peewees and has entered them in the WOAA Peewee Base- ball' series and these lads are out to show their sponsor that he has not put his trust in them in vain. So far they just have one loss chalked up against them. As well as .being a sports enthusiast, Dr. Shaw is an ardent politician and intends attending the Natioanl Lib- eral Convention in Ottawa next month. The NEWS -RECORD along with all citizens of town say "Congratulations, Dr. Shaw!" AIRMEN SNAP LOSING STREAK; BEAT MITCHELL Dashwood . 300 002 0— 5 6 3 Clinton RCAF snapped a losing Colts 221 035 x-13 9 0 streak that extended for several games by trimming Mitchell in a Huron -Perth. Baseball League Intermediate "C" match in Com- munity Park there Thursday evening last. The score was 10-7 Londesboro midgets travelled in a five -and -a -half inning con - to Blyth last Saturday night and test. beat the Blyth midgets 25-19. The count was tied 3-3 at the end of the fourth inning, but things really began to happen in Londesboro Wins the ll fifth, In thefour whefirst half, letn- snagged runs Over Blyth 18-9 with the ibbd knocked loadedr andthree-bagger In an exhibitiondrifted home himself, the floodlights in Blthgameast Sat- Al Stinson's boys then put on the heat in the last of the fifth, urday night, Londesboro Inter- and shelled Gatenby off the :mediate "C" team beat the Blyth mound, he giving way to Malcho. Intermediate "A" team 18-9. MITCHELL: Heinbu.ch cf, Gat - Both teams fought hard for this enby p, 2b, Walters ss, Gibbard game Londesboro finally getting 2b,Walthers 3b, Malcho c, p, a small lead in the early part of Clrke lb, Ghessel rf, Robinson the game. They were able to in- ef, Wright c. crease this lead as the game went on, CLINTON RCAF: Benkie ss, Dossett lb, Laakso cf, Hunter c, Tanney, McKay and Tarasr McLaughlin Turnbull 2b, La shared the pitching duties for P, Blyth. Carter and Bloor did the france 3b, Robertson rf, Tren- pitching for Londesboro. holme if. A feature of the game was two Umpires — Len O'Brien and home runs by Archambault for Brown, Zurich. Londesboro. McKay got a home Mitchell 010 240— 7 7 6 run for Blyth. Clinton RCAF 011 17x-10 10 4 LONDESBORO BEATS BLYTII MIDGETS 25-19 f • On Our Bookshelf "SHANNON'S WAY" by A. J. Cronin This magnificent new novel has all the qualities which have made A. J. Cronin's work eagerly read through - Opt the English-speaking world. Like THE CITADEL, the here rs g young doctor, and Dr. Cronin has used his intimate lsnowilecjge gf (lectors apo hespttgle, pprses and laboratories, Prefes5fiee,e4 pride and aeaiaaah t•e make every detail vivid, Here is an inspiring story of courage, and dedication to a life's work. Shannon will know ups and downs, but never will he know absolute defeat. Especially since he share's the love of an understanding, compassionate and dedi- cated woman, a woman such as Jean Law. _ A Literary Guide Choice at .. $3.25 McEwan's Phone 84 Clinton Carhartt and Haugh's Big Work Garments Overalls Smocks Pants Shirts FULL LINE IN STOCK ••i Davis & Herman SPRING and SUMMER Dress Goods ✓81'«�^�^0'dtl�il45 ., .., ..,... �S7kr 6�^..��«.�,F : k ""ryq., . , , ON SALE Thirty Per Cent Discount BROWN' S One Door North of the Royal Balk .•-•-• $-•••-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•1•••-•,-••-•-• RESULTS and i STANDING'S HURON -PERTH BASEBALL . LEAGUE OBA Intermediate "C" ' W L T PC Hensall 9 2 1 .818 Clinton Colts 8 2 1 .800 Lucan 6 8 1 .666 Goderich (B) 6 42'.600 St. Marys (B) .. , , 6 6 0 .500. Centralia RCAF 7 8 0 .466 Clinton RCAF 5 6 3 ,455 Zurich 5 6 I .455 Mitchell 4 6 3 .400 Exeter 3 10 2 .230 Dashwood • 3 11 0 .214 Tie games do not count in the standing. Results During Past Week (Including' Wednesday July 2]) Clinton RCAF 10 --Mitchell 7 Centralia RCAF 20-.Dashw'd 2 Zurich 4—Lucan 3 St. Marys 7--Zurich'4 Clinton Colts 13—Dashwood 5 Hensall 16—Luoan 5 Clinton RCAF 3 -Exeter 0 Hensel] at Mitchell, St, Marys at Goderich, and Lucan at Gode- rich, postponed. c RCAF 'DEFEAT EXETER 3-0 ON WET DIAMOND With Robertson pitching one - hit ball in a six -inning game on the local diamond last evening, Clinton RCAF defeated Exeter 3-0 in a scheduled Huron -Perth Intermediate "C" baseball match. Robertson struck out nine bat- ters, end walked two men. Mor- ton on the mound for Exeter did not fare so well, giving up nine hits, four in the fourth inning when the Airmen garnered three runs. The grounds were very wet due to rain in the afternoon and again while the game was in progress, EXETER: Robertson 3b, Boyle ss, Darling lb, Holtzman ef, Brintnell lf, Morton p, Southcott 2b, Pearon c, Dinney rf. CLINTON RCAF: Benkie 3b, McLaughlin if, Laakso rf, Hunter - c, Hurtick cf, Oldershaw lb, Turnbull 2b. LaFrance ss, Robert_ son p, Umpires: Thorndike and. Liver- more, Clinton Exeter 000 000-0 1 3 Clinton RCAF 000 30x-3 9 1 BOWLING BITS By MWS The ladies sponsored a Ladies' Trebles tournament on Wednes- day last when rinks were enter- ed from Goderich, Wingham, Mitchell and Clinton, Prize win- ners were Mrs. F. Sturdy, Wing - ham; Mrs, R. B. Sutter, Clinton; Mrs. Herb Campbell, Wingham; and Mrs. Elliott, Mitchell, Mrs. Harvey Hannon, Mitchell, was the winner of the spider, **5 Congratulations are in order for Carel Draper, Hugh Hawkins and Percy Livermore, who came home from a Seafotrh tournament last week, each winning a G.E. radio. Let's do it again is the new slogan of the club. a: a ,r The next mixed jitney will be held on Tuesday evening at 7.30. All bowlers are asked to please try to be present, Miss M. Middleton Hostess at Shower • Miss Gertrude Holmes, popular bride -elect of this week was en- tertained at a shower by Miss Margaret Middleton at her home on Saturday last. A number of former school girl friends shower- ed the bride-to-be with many beautiful gifts which were carr- ied into the room in an inverted umbrella which was decorated in pink with ribbon bows. The guest of honour expressed her appreciation for the lovely gifts and best wishes, After a most enjoyable time the guests were served a delicious lunch by the hostess, cc�ll�eanr DOUBLE AUTOMATIC 1 RONMASTER ;Vasil you've used it you have no Idea bow fast and easy your iron. fog can be. Has Thumb -tip Heat i3egulator up in the handle, cools easy -to -set, conveniently marked for all fabrics. Cool, wrist -testis* $sendle. 'Light weight....$, • 1, Price $17.95 Merrill Radio & Electric Phone'. 313 •-'Ciietton Sales and Service A few of the hundreds of thousands of signs that guide and protect highway travellers in Ontario, The signs are posted, maintained and repaired by the operation of 20 sign shops throughout the province. Most of the caution type signs are treated with mater- ial that reflects the car headlights and makes the signs clearly discernible at night. Posts that mark the edge of road a dang- erous,turns or ditches are also reflectorized. f OBITUARY 3. 11. COX Rev, Andrew Lane officiated at the funeral service held at the Beattie Funeral Home, Ratten- bury St. E., Clinton, on Monday, July 19, 1948, for J. B. Cox. En- tolnbment followed in the Cox Mausoleum, Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were John A. Sutter, Ed Morrison, Ernest Brown, Ronald MacDonald, Geo- rge Bean, and Howard Feagan. Flower bearers were *Douglas Mc- Neil, Jim Cox, Bill Cox and Charles Millian. John Benson Cox was born on the 6th concession, Goderieh Township, on July 28, 1878, a son of the late James Cox and Frances Elliott. As well as his native township he had resided in Col- borne Township, Dundas, Hamil- ton and fifteen, years ago moved to Clinton. While here he had conducted a small farm and also done considerable market gard- ening. He was a member of Wes- ley -Willis United Church. Four years ago Mr. Cox suffer- ed a paralytic stroke from which he partially recovered but had been bedfast for the past two years His death occurred at his home, East St., Clinton, .' on Saturday, July 17. On April 4, 1906, ,he was united in marriage to Martha M. Millian, who survives as well as one sister Mrs, William J. Stewart, Fergus. One brother, J. Leslie Cox, pre- deceased him three years ago. MRS, W. J. F'INLAY' Funeral services were held at the Beattie Funeral Home, Rat- tenbury St. E., Clinton, on Fri- day, July 16, 1948, for Margaret Ann Petrie, beloved wife of the late William J. Finlay. Rev Campbell Tavener officiated and interment followed in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were Charles Wise, Jack Demp- sey, Edward Grigg, Eldon Yeo, Frank Yeo and D. E. Gliddon. During the, service Mrs. Leslie Jervis and Charles Wilson, ac- companied by Mrs. W. Yeo, sang "An Evening Song" as a duett. Mrs. Finlay was horn on April 28, 1869, :a daughter of the late John Petrie and 1 Sarah Golding. Following her marriage she and her husband had farmed in Ash.. field and Gederich Townships. Mrs, Finlay was a member of Holmesville United Church and was associated with the W. A. and the W. M. S. groups of the church She died in her sleep on Wednes- day, July 14. On August 8, 1890, she married William J. Finlay who predeceas- 3 Picnic Season is in Full Swing We now have in Stock: Piemic -lugs (Aluminum or zsiorteware Linn, Just the thing to keep your Lemonade cool. Aluminum lined No. 4 -- 4.65 Aluminum lined No. 6 -- 4.95 Aluminum lined No. 7 -- 7.15 Aluminum lined No. 8 -- 5.40 Aluminum lined No. 9E-11.55 ® ® . • . „ Stone ware lined No. 4-4.15 ^ . Stone ware lined No. 6-4.65 Stone ware lined No. 7-6.60 Stone ware lined No. 8-4.95 These jugs are equipped with convenient taps. ® ® • We also have in stock: KAPOK FILLED CUSHIONS which can serve as life preservers at beach and Kiddies' Life Belts Priced --$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 C L i N T O N `:EU.wood Epps ®N T A. It 1 0 SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY PHONE 42 CLINTON t: tew'rwli+h'4;+AeS«k d4544-1 ad»3"w - . . -:t eletelelee SPECIALS!! NEW MOTOR — One only for '37-39 Chevrolet. These are hard to get. 1948 AUSTIN - a small car with a big , car comfort. . PARTS and ACCESSORIES—Whilewe s� haven't everything, we carry a stock ;_ of popular items for most cars. STEAM CLEANING -- Bring your car, truck or tractor in for a thorough cleaning. ;€ OPEN SUNDAY JULY 25 And Every Night Next Week 3� Lorne Brown Motors Chrysler, Plymouth & Fargo Sale* & Service Specialists in Auto Eleettio Day 367W -- PHONES -- Night ,367J 1 THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1948. ed her 15 months ago. Surviving are two' sons, John River Rouge, Mich,, -and Bert, 'Goderich Town- ship and two daughters, Ada, Mrs. A. F. McCullough, Regina, Sask., and Miss Adele at home.. Also there are four half sisters, Mrs. T. M. Howatt, Indian head, Sask,, Mrs, J. W. Smith, Goderich Miss May Jardine, Vancouver, 13. C., and Mrs.. L. McCullough, Reg-, .ina, Sask. An only brother John Petrie, predeceased her last November, MRS. R. 0, SMITH Annie Rosette Nett, beloved wife of Councillor Robert G. Smith of the Base Line, Goderich Township, passed away very sudd- enly at her late residence, on Monday, July 12, 1948. Mrs. Smith was born on the 13th concession of Hulleht, a daughter of the late Thomas Nott and Emma Lear and had lived in this district practically' all her life. She was married to her now bereaved husband in 1906, and they have lived on the Blase Line for the past 33 years. Mrs, Smith took an active part in the Red Cross work during the war years, was a member of the Summerhill Community Club and was an ad- herent of Ontario 51., .United, Church, Clinton Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Elva, Mrs, Amos Osb aldeston, Goderich, and one grand. son, also two brothers, John Nott, Londesboro, and James Albert Nott, Stratford. " Funeral services ,were held at her late residence on Thursday afternoon, July 15, with Rev, L. H. Turner, Goderich, officiating, in the absence on vacation of Rev. W. J. Woolfrey. Pallbearers were Nelson Lear, Stanley Lyon, Will-. iam Gooier, Absoiom Taylor, Stanley Chellew and Bert Lobb. The many beautiful floral tributes were carried by Clarence Ball, George Wright, Harry Watkins, William Merrill, Russell Neal and William Lovett. Interment took place in Clinton Cemetery, o—, BUYS PROPERTY Harvey Ashton has purchased. the seven roomed frame cottage on Victoria St. belonging to Mr. E. C. Munro and gets possession about the middle of next month.: Mr. Munro who has not been en- joying the best of health will make his home in Goderich with. his brother and sister, David Munro and Mrs. John Storey. 1942 DE SOTO SEDAN 1938 CHEVROLET COACH in real good condition 1936 CHEVROLET COACH GRAHAMETTE ELECTRIC RANGE Heavy Duty A NEW GILSON ELECTRIC WASHER Car Washing a SPECIALTY Supertest Garage 'GORDON A. HORNER J. E. HUGILL — PHONE 784 — s Across from F3ank of Montreal w,*«t.�"p✓yW+�.'.'»W;H.w.3».}.�J :»;«;+,«;O,j«;..i.,�.,''.+3».'«i»I«H`'«,w_+,».''w; .,,�L, t Hot Weather Specials 3• ELECTRIC IRONS 4.00 - 18.35 ELECTRIC FANS HOT PLATES 7.25 - 10.95 8.25 - 12.50 ELECTRIC TOASTERS 4.00 - 35.75 ,Special 7 his W eek 35 -PIECE SETS OF DISHES in Rose, Blue or Green 13.65 SUTTER--PERDUE Extra Cash SPECIALS, July 23, 24-, 26 FRANKFORD SW. Peas . , 2 tins '19c KONSERT CUT WAX Beans ..... tin l0c KELLOGG'S RICE Krispies 2 pkg. 27c Stokley's HONEY POD Peas ... 2 tins 35c Libby's TOIYIATO J U I C E 2 tins 23e Fall's View PEARS tin 20c Club JELLY POWDERS 2 pkgs. .... 17c 2 CAKES Ale, Salad ML'lED VEGETABLES tin .. , ...., 22e Allen's APPLE J U. l•. C E tin 11c Oceans of Suds T B• D` S; lg. pkg. . , , 29c Garden Fresh FRUITS & VEGETABLES California Juicy 344's New Ontario Green Oranges . doz. 25c Cabbage .. Ib6 Sc: SHEARING'S RED & WHITE SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET PHONE 48 • Free Delivery • CLINTON