HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-22, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1948 News-Re�Oid Classifie CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE :FIVE I�tsBringQuickResults CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date . of inset- tion)—One cent a word first in :aertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25. cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- .teon to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE -9 p. o. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED URGENTLY WANTED TO RENT, house. in Clinton for parents and two children. Please help. Mrs. E. M. Foster, at Hotel Clinton.. 30=p FIVE OR SIX ROOMED HOUSE wanted, preferably to buy, must .be in good condition.. Applyto Post Office Box 56, Clinton. 30-p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED APART- enents for rent on No. 8 High- way, 3/4 mile west of Seaforth. Apply to Mrs. Violet McGill, RM. 2, Seaforth, 30-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1939 FORD DE LUXE COACH with built-in radio, seal -beam lights, in good condition. Cheap for quick sale, Phone Clinton 627r6, 30-p BUILDINGS FOR SALE BARN FOR SALE, 60'x40'. Good elaape. One mile north of Holmes- ville, Apply H. Earl Elliott, S. David St., Goderich,' 28-30-b BUILDING 27' X 16', WIRED for Hydro, could easily be con- verted into living accommoda- tion. William D. Carter,phone •Clinton 587J. 30-b CONCRETE WORK CONCRETE WORK DONE. New equipment. Work will follow ap- pointments. Contact now. Ferg. McKay, phone 373114. 29-30-p COTTAGES FOR RENT. COTTAGE, THREE MILES north of Bayfield on Lake Huron, two bedrooms, screened porch, good beach, available' August 21 to end of September. Reduced rates, Apply Mrs. Arthur Welsh, phone Clinton 906r34. 3Qekt FARMS FOR SALE '75 ACRE FARM, LOT 45, Con- cession two, Tuckersmith, near Radar School; seven -roomed brick cottage, bank barn, implement shed, about eight acres bush, Apply Mrs. Alex Lillico, R.R. 5, Clinton. . 3Q -31-p `VARNA AREA, 80 ACRES CLAY loam, 60 tillable, frame house, bank barn, henhouse, driveshed, :'$3,000, immediate possession; In Exeter, two acres nice soil, 1a/e- storey frame house, furnace, 'three-piece bath, hot and cold. water, good henhouse and barn. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 29-31-p 'GOOD BUILDINGS, New Roofs, except one, river cuts end of term but not through working land, 1/8 of mile from school, on Pro- vincial Highway four miles from town with high school, immediate possession, $4,500. Must be sold 'to close an estate, Mrs. Clifford Marks, Executrix, R.R. 4, Brus- re1s, phone Brussels 51r8. 29-30-31-h FARM EQUIPMENT . FOR SALE :MASSEY-HARRIS B I N D E R, seven -foot cut, used very little, Guaranteed A-1 condition, Edison T'orest, I Iensall, 29-30-b ONE SIX -FOOT -CUT MASSEY- Narris Binder, second hand. 1-I, Charlesworth, Clinton, phone 199W. 30-31-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates, Write or phone 'William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton, 2btt HOUSES FOR SALE 11/4 -STOREY, EIGHT -ROOMED` framer house with asphalt siding, insulated, hardwood floors down- stairs, three-piece bath connected to sewer, immediate `possession, Apply Cliff Cooper, Gordon St, phone 497. 29-30-p SEPTEMBER POSSESSION three-bedroom stucco house; two up and onee down; large .living room, hardwood floor; : newly de- corated. Price $3,000. Apply Webster's,, Eginondville.: 30-p HELP WANTED, FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL WANTED 'To alter clothing tieing own sewing machine in our shop. Clinton War Assets Surplus, Post Office Box 428, or phone 460W. 30-p HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, duties to commence at once, for -fanxily of one adult, ,and"three''teen' age children, Apply Ellwood Epps, phone 42, Clinton. 26btfb HELP°WANTED, MALE BOY OR MAN TO CUT GRASS few hours each week. Other work also .available if he cares to"tlo it and wants'to earn more. Ap- ply W. N, Counter at store or (phone 230. .30-b LIVESTOCK FOR' SALE EIGHT LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE. Apply Ed Morrison, phone 633r13, 30-b SIX LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Ivan McCiymont, Varna, phone Clinton 622r4. - 30-b T F 47 PIGS, SIX, SEVEN EIGHT weeks old. pply Ivan Hoggart, phone 805r22. . 30-p TWO HOLSTEIN' HEIFERS, due in August. Apply D. MacKenzie, Bayfield. phone Clinton 909r13. 30-p TWO GOOD :MALE COLLIE Pups, also all -steel 10' hay Bake. Apply Mrs. Arthur Welsh, phone Clinton .905r341 30-x LOST AND FOUND FOUND --BLACK AND WHITE Dog. Owner may have this dog by paying for this ad and other expenses. Contact James Mur- ray, Clinton, phone 586W, or call Police Office, 100. 30-b LOST—SET OF KEYS, ABOUT t0 or 15 on metal ring,, lost Tues- day afternoon. Contain no identif- ication, urgently needed. Apply Miss Helen Taylor, Chief Operat- or, Bell Telephone office, Clinton. 30-b MONEY WANTED WANTED—MORTGAGE OF $800 on business property in Clinton. Apply Box "F", NEWS -RECORD. 50-b MISCELLANEOUS "DANCING — NO CALLOUSES" will be your song —If you use Lloyd's Corn Salve right along. 50e at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 30-b SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 27-35-p !ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer i prices. If dead phone at ° once. +Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink 'Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb, NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING , on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd. surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd. 1948. 29-30ptfb FURNITURE FOR SALE FOUR -BURNER COAL O I L Stove with ,oven, in good shape. Phone 132W. 30-31-p ONE CHILD'S CRIB; ONE Eng- lish perambulator; one walnut China cabinet new; four -burner coal oil stove, Apply Bert Lang- ford, Princess St, 30-b CARD OF THANKS Mr. Robert G. Smith, daughter end son-in-law, wish to thank alltheir friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy, for cards and floral tributes and those who loaned cars, with spec- ial thanks to Rev. L, I-1. Turner, aduring their recent loss of a dear 'wife and mother. 30-p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, W. J. Finlay wish to express their sincere appreciation to those who sent flowers, loaned cars, or ex- pressed their sympathy in any way during their sad bereave- ment, 30-p Are You in Need of A New Furnace We have a complete stock 'of CLARE BROS. HECLA "Saves .one, ton in seven!" azy Yours Before Prices Advance Buy Your Beatty Washer kin, the ,weekiy payment plan if, desired Business 244 Phone Residence 470 BIRTHS COOPER—In Aurora, on Mon- day, July 12, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Cooper, Aurora, (nee Helen McKenzie, Clinton), a son, (James Douglas), CUDMORE -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, July 16, 1948, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cudmore, Clinton, a daughter, (Ruth Marie). WAGNER—In Kitchener -Water 010 Hospital, on Friday, July 16, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Ver- non Wagner, (nee Helen Miller, Clinton), a son, (Douglas Wayne). MARRIAGES DALE-WINSLOW — In Colborne St. United Cheech., London, on Saturday, July 17, 1948, by Rev. A,. A. Graham, Clara„ Leona,. daughter of Mr, and 1WIr, W. H. Winslow, London, to Al,s:,n, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Dale, Clinton. DEATHS COX—At his late residence, East St., Clinton, after a lengthy ill- ness, on Saturday, July 17, 1948, John Benson Cox, beloved hus.. band of Martha M. Millian, in his 70th year. Funeral from the Beattie Funeral Home, Ratten- bury St. E., Clinton, on Monday July 19, followed by entomb- ment in the Cox Mausoleum, Maitland Cemetery, Goderich SIGNS Jig sawed of wood, metal, masonite, etc. PAINTED SIGNS of all kinds LAWN ORNAMENTS and HOBBY CRAFT —0— R. SMITH High St. Phone 797-W 30-3 lob BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Cr 1 .000KE FLORIST Phones: 66.6 and 66j Large Crowd At Parish Picnic I+he annual pieni'c ,for children of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church was held Friday at Sea- 1orth Lions Park. Convene was Rev. S. 3,' McDonald, parish priest Sister M. Assumption and. Sister Mary Immaculate were in charge of the events. Running races: junior boys, Kenny ,"Cummings; junior girls, Jean Sharp, Donna Sharp; inter- mediate boys, Bobby Garon, Jack Watkins; intermediate girls, Mary Goldsworthy, Dorothy Managhan; senior boys, Don Denonune, Lloyd, Aubin; senior girls, Dorothy Man- aghan, Jeanette Melelis; Walking races, junior boys, K. Cummings; junior girls, Dorothy Flynn; sen- ior girls, Mary Goldsworthy, Dor- othy Managhan. Boot and shoe races; junior boys Wayne Watkins; junior girls, June Goldsworthy; senior boys, Harry Cronin, Bill Medd; senior girls, Ann Medd, Dorothy Man- aghan; Kicking shoe race, junior boys,, Maurice Medd; junior girls, Dorothy Flynn, Chrissie Melelis; senior boys, Ii. Cronin, D. Den- omme; senior girls, Mary Golds- worthy, ,Marjorie Medd: Three-legged race, senior boys, B. Garon and 0, Denomme, H. Cronin and Danny Shanahan; sen- ior girls, Dorothy Managhan and Jeanette Melelis. Wheelbarrow race, junior boys, Freddy Lynch and. K. Cummings; senior boys, D. Denomme. and B. Garon. Sack race, junior boys, Peter Garon; senior boys, B. Garon; senior girls Mary Goldworthy. Cracker race, D. Denomme, Anna Medd. Book race, junior boys and girls, John Sharp, Christina Melelis; senior boys, H. Cronin, B. Garon; senior girls, Dorothy Managhan, Mary Goldsworthy. Beginners' race, Marie L•eBeau, Rosalie Watkins, Swimming races; junior boys, Lucien Pigeon, F. Lynch; junior girls, Maxine LeBeau, Marie Le - Beau; senior girls, Jeanette Meie- lis, Dorothy Monaghan; senior boys B. Garon, B. Medd. Diving contest, B. Garon, Jeanette Melelis 0 Obey The Rule Of White Lines "When visibility is reduced to about 25 car lengths, a solid white line is painted in the centre of the road. This white line must not be crossed", says the Hon. George H, Doucett, Ontario Min- ister of Highways. 'Properly ob- served, the white line provides protection for drivers, travelling in either direction on curves and hills." Broken white lines indicate the lanes of the highway, varying in number with the capacity of the roadway to carry,single or multi- ple traffic streams. When there is no oncoming traffic to interfere, cars may pass normally. On'more heavily travelled high- ways, double centre lines are painted. A driver's behaviour is governed by the line on the near side. That is; when a broken and. a `solid line are together as on hills or curves, a motorist may pass* another car where the brok- en line is on his own side of the road—provided the highway a- head is clear of oncoming traffic for a safe distance. If, however, the solid or barrier line is on his side, the driver must remain on his side of this solid line. 0 FOR PINE PRINTING PHONE 4 TRE' NEWS -RECORD Be Cool! Be Comfortable! Wear a T -Shirt! Man's and Boy's short. sleeved, Cotton T -Shirts in Plain and fancy stripes, assorted sires and colors. 95c to 1.95 ea. ®. —SPECIAL -- While they last, we offer our stock of Five Dozen Men's Short -Sleeved Sport Shirts. Made of good quality cotton in sizes: small, medium and large, . White only. REGULARLY. PRICED AT $1.95 EACH Special at 98c ea. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS SWIMMING TRUNKS - SLACK SUITS - SPORT SHIRTS STRAW HATS - DRESS;,S'LACKS RUNNING SHOES LOAFERS . SUMMER UNDERWEAR, Etc; Check These Items Before Le.s!vin : on, Your Holidays -. e Pickett & Campbell WW1 CLOTHING A SPECIALTY Phone 25; - - - Clinton ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE. CLINTON GODERICH_:_ Now Playing (July 22-24) Now Playing 22-24) ' "CASS TIIVIBERLANE' (July First showing at 7 'p,m•. Johnny Weissmuller to "`TARZAN and the IIIINTREeS" Mon:, Tues„ Wed. (July 26-e3)— 'NIGHTMARE ALLEY' (Adult Entertainment) Tyrone Power in his most dynam- ic role, the story of a man who was master over men's lives and women's hearts but never his own, Tyrone Power, Joan Blondell and Coleen Gray Thur ti., Fri„ Sat. (July 70••31)•- Johny Weissmuller, Brenda Joyce apd Johnny Sheffield — Edgar Rice Burroughs', most famous character springs to life on the screen in a spectacular drama. "TARZAN and the HUNTRESS" Coming (Aug. 2-4) "DOWN TO EARTH" with Rita Hayworth Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 pm. Mon., Tues., Wed. (July 26-28)— Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGaire & John Garfield;—The year's top cast in a picture that has won praise from critics everywhere. GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" Thurs., Fri., Sate (July 29-31)— Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston & Tim Holt—Subject of a recent review in ,Life magazine, you will enjoy this story of stark emotions, THE TREASURE OF SIERRA MADRE" Coming (Aug. 2-4)—Jas. Stewart • in 'MAGIC TOWN" REGENTITHEATRE SEAFORTH_ Now Playing (July 2e-24) Mickey' Rooney in "KILLER McCOY" Mon., Tues., Wed. (July 26.28) Tyrone Power, Joan Bloindell & James Trues — Several unique story twists and a capable cast place this picture notches above ordinary attractions "NIGHTMAiIE ALLEY Adult Entertainment Thurs., Fri.; Sat. (July 29.31) Lilli Palmer, Sam Wanamaker and Aileen Cain—One of those unheralded productions that leaves you with the thought of an even- ing well -spent "MY GIRL TISA" Coming — The year's best fan show! "SITTING PRETTY" Matinees, Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 Matinees: Sat. holidays 2 30 pm Hello Homemakers! There is wealth hanging on your fruit trees these days! If you are a town dweller,you will find ber- res res in profusion at your favorite store or market. The aristocrats of flavor: berries of red, black and blue, cherries of sweet and sour varieties arehere in abund- ance. Soon they willbe gone, but ;today you can make a berry pie. Fruit pies are favorite desserts and every homemaker delights in making them. The results are so good, the work is a pleasure. But while the pie is in the making, these questions "buzz": Will the under crust be soggy? Will the top crust brown? Will the juice run all over the oven? Take A Tip 1. To prevent a soggy crust. This depends a great deal on the pastry itself. No one recipe can be made or handled successfully by all conks. General rules are: The mixture should be on the dry -rich side, which means sprinkling colli water carefully into fat -flour' mixture. Nevcr sprinkle the dough with flour— use a lightly floured rolling pin. The dough should be rolled from the centre to the outside of the circle with light, even strokes. 1.o11 out 2/3 of the dough to about 3/8 inch thickness so that it will overlap the edges of the pie pla;e by about an inch. Fold it in half and pat it into the Pan. Prick 4 or 5 times with a fork and trim the edge with scissors. if possible, chill in the electric re- frigerator ten minutes' While pre- paring the fruit. . .2. To prepare fruit. If neces- sary, wash fruit in a sieve or collander and dra!n, Mix sugar with flour or quick -cooking tap- ioca and a dash of salt. One half teaspoon of lemon juice may be added too, Fruit is apt to pack so this sugar -flour mixture should be tossed lightly with the fruit before putting it into the pastry shell. Roll out top crust with the same precaution as the lower one, but slash a pattern in' the centre. 3. To avoid boil ovens. Wet the edge lightly. Fold the extra margin on the lower crust up over the top crust. Press it down with a fork or gently pucker the two together in a standing rim. But work quickly so that the pie gets into the oven before the seal is broken. You may wet a 2 -inch wide strip of parchment paper or' butter paper and stick it under- neath the rim of the pie plate letting it flap over the edge of the pie to prevent juice from dripping out. Bake in a pre- heated electric oven of 425 or 450 dgerees. Reduce the temp- erature or turn the dial to 350 degrees after 15 minutes baking, otherwise, it may boil over. 4. Browning the crust. Our modern ovens are insulated so well that the moisture does net escape quickly so the top " may not look as brown as mother's, but we like pie crust to be light brown and soft, We do not re- commend adding a glaze of egg white but sometimes _a sprinkle of fruit sugar or a little butter achieves the desired effect. Basic Pastry Recipe 11/2 cups flour (pastry) 1tsp. salt _e cup shortening 4 tbsps. cold water. Sift the flour with salt anti work the shortening into it with pastry mixer. (When shortening is' mixed evenly the mix looks like coarse oatmeal). Sprinkle in the cold water. tossing flour into dough, Pat tightly into a ball, wrap in wax paper and 'chill in Notice to Creditors in, the matter of the Estate of SUSAN WELDON, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persona having claims against the Estate of Susan Weldon, late of the Tower of Chesley' in the County of Bruce, Spinster, deceased, whodied on or about the' 29th day of April, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Agent for the Administrator on or before the 15th day of August 1948, full par- ticulars of their claims duly veri- fied against the estate of the said deceased. AND TAKE NOTICE that an and after the 15th day of August, 7.948, the assets of the said de- coa.sed will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to theclaimsof which the Administrator shall have then had notice, Dated at Wiarton this 8th day of July, A.D., 1948. Walter M. Newman, " Notary Public, Wiarton, Ont. Agent for the Administrator., • 29-20-31-b refrigerator for half hour. Roll out lightly oh a floured board to 1/3 inch thickness in a circular fashion, fold in half and lift to pie plate. Press gently onto pie plate. Cut down around the edge. This makes ogre nine -inch double crust. Fresh Cherry Pie Plain pastry 0 1/8 tsp. salt 2/3 cup sugar 4 tbsps, flour 31/2 t"cups pitted red cherries 1 tsp. lemon juice 2 drops almond flavoring. 1/8 tsp. nutmeg Line a 9 -inch pie pan with plain pastry. eTri and ' the edge with floured fingers. Mix to- gether the salt, sugar and ,flour, Sprinkle 1/z of this mixture on the unbake Q del e shell; mix s p the remainder with the pitted cher- ries. Fill the pie with the cher- ries; add the lemon juice, nut- meg and almond flavoring. (If you haven't any almond flavor- ing in the house, crack a:couple of cherry pits and put in the cherry meats). Cut out a top crust to fit the pie and lay it on top of the cherries. Do not fast- en it—it will rise and fall with the cooking cherries but no hot juice boils over. Bake ina hot electric oven until golden brown, reducing the heat to 350 degrees Rfter the first 15 minutes for an- other 25 minutes. • Mother's Blackberry Pie 21/2 cups blackberries 1/ cup brown sugar 1 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. butter Line a pie late with P crust arid brush with white of egg. Add berries and sprinkle with the sugar and cornstarch mixed to- gether. Dot with butter; cover with upper crust and make in electric oven at 425 degrees for ten minutes, then 350 degrees for 30 minutes, MONEY WILL BUY A bed but not sleep, Food but not appetite, A house but not a home, Medicine but not health, A Church pew but not heaven. But What You Cannot Buy You Can 'Receive As A Gift. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, CaliL ,.......„..„.....„.. One Year Old To -day On this our First Birthday Thank You for your patronage the past year. As in the ways be our endeavour to to you, the best possible service. �►i 0 /Am, ,,� . tot Q we wish to during past it will al- make available products and , Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbury St. E. ' - - Phone 134 Special This Weekend BANANA CAKE and PINEAPPLE ROLL i Dixon's Pastry Shop Rattenbury S1 E. -- Phone 281W --- Clinton .2e1 gdfs punt Printed on Fine Chatniaor Vellum; Panelled 'inn your choice of type -style: PeetaiitO tiCext' ��/JQ,/ glad ;VCIVEnLtb Clinton News -Record PHONE 4 Sidi I , CLINTON