HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-15, Page 6= "AGE . SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' 2'HUI2SDAY, JULY 15, 1948 and Mrs. M. O. Truitt,. Mr. and IIrs. IL H. Truitt, Jr., Mr. and NEWS( OF B A Y F I E. L D. 1 (1V1rs. T. R. Davis, Mr. and Mrs, Representative: I William Atkin and son, Ricky, Royal Oak, 1VIirli. 1tIIiss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 The women of Bayfield United Church met in the church for their July meeting, with an at - James R. Scott, CBC staff, To -II daughters, Pleasant Ridge, Mich: s~ortto,. is home for the summer. i are spending this month at "High- tire of th W S very LOL No. 24 attended the Or= top" cottage. singe Celebration in Clinton on Monday. Jerry Cane wife and child, Detroit, are visiting his aunt, Miss Elizabeth Weston. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter and Bill, London, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Stinson, Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Goderich, visited Mrs. James Ferguson for a few days last week. Lloyd Pease, London; is spend- ing two weeks holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Berry. Lawrence Fowlie, London, spent the weekend with his sisters, Misses F, and E, Fowlie. Miss ,Gloria Westlake, . Londe)), was home for a couple of. days the beginning of the week„ • Miss JoAnne Cuninghame, Sar- nia, spent the weekend in Bay- field with her parents. Mrs. R. Peek and daughter, 'Grace, are at their summer cot - lege "Belle Vue" for the season. Mrs. Malcom Fraser, Fort Wil- liam, is spending two weeks with. her sister, Mrs. Adelaide McLeod, Ronald Burt, London, is spend- ing this wee with his grand • parents, Mr. and Mrs.,F. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Day and two tendance'of over twenty. A fea- e WIVIS KIRKTON 4 GARDEN PARTY ;f WED., JULY 21 6.00 p.m.—Ladies' Softball 4 Game, Dublin Tigers vs. !_e St. Marys All Stars. f 7.30—Super Juvenile, Con- :hl test. ;8.45—Afr Show. By kind permission of G/C M. D. Lister, CO., RCAF., Centralia. &f 9.00 -All Professional Pro- f gramme. -- 1L30—FIREWORKS. Refreshments ea Admission: 60c & 30c Parking on Grounds, 25c 29-b a t :a.:wtreets..xHsetees<.:seeese r»:M Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod Goderich, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. H. MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Varty and babe, have returned to Lon- don, after spending a week at Mrs. Peck's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. Berry, Lon- don, were with the former's bro- ther, Charles and Mrs. Berry, over the weekend. Mr. and Idrs, William Ross, Baltimore, Md., are spending a month with the former's sister, Mrs. Irene Basset. Mr. and Mrs. Webster and far I London, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mack were in London on Monday and Tues- day attending, the funeral of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Brennan. Keith Leonard, Toronto, spent the weekend with his wife and family at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather.. Ston. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, who has made here home in Lake Geneva, Wis., for several years, returned to the village on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Parker and daughter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs,Ke t i h Pruss, uss, London, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. • Mrs. Mary Thornton, Detroit, and Mrs, Mary Ross, Haileybury, are staying with Mrs, E. A. Feath- erston while renewing acquaint- ances in the village. Mrs. Walter Grierson and two children, Charles and Anne, Waterloo, are visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr, Grier- son was also here over the week- end, Mrs. E. G, Eagleson, who has been staying with Mrs. Fred Mc- Ewen and visiting her nephews, Emerson and Nelson Heard, left on Monday for Clinton en route to her home in Morse, Sask. Guests at the Albion Hotel over the weekend included: Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Forbes, Waterford; Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Pearson, Amy Ellen Truit, Joyce Kreger, Mr. a interesting paper by ;Miss Clara Clarke, on a Kittle -known depart- ment of Missionary work, that"of the Pygmies of Africa. The W.A: treasurer had a good financial statement, showing $135 cleared at the recent lawn supper. Plans were discussed for the an- nual sale and tea to be held on Mrs. M. Toms' lawn, on August 12. The committee in charge, provided a fine lunch which was served at a table on the Square. Famous Author Here W. O. Mitchell, Toronto, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. James R. Scott over the weekend. Mr, - Mitchell is the author of the pop- ular Canadian book, "Who hath seen the Wind." His home is at High River, Alpe but he has recently accepted the post of Fiction Editor on the staff of Mc- Lean's Magazine. In visiting this district he ' was familiarizing himself with scenes depicted to him by his mother, formerly Miss Margaret McMurray, Clinton, who visited Bayfield frequent ly around the turn of the century. Orange Service Members of LOL No. 24 par- aded to service at. Trinity Church on Sunday morning. For the subject of his inspiring address, the Rector, Rev. LaVerne 11tor- gan, chose "Substitution," Bas- ing his remarks ks on the text, 2 Tim., 3, verse 5, "Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof," he spoke of Christian principles, and the sub- stitution of them (1) in marriage —which failed; (2) in ,the Chris- tian Church in organizations which grew from certain Christian principles which were taught by the church but were only a part of the church. He exhorted his hearers not to substitute organize - tions for the church, SietAtitril Ij Z CALL CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 Res. 229 Reg. Shipley Oscar Priestap Res. 173 H. Crittenden the world's doily nowtpoper---. AHE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. You will find yourself one of the best -informed persons In your community on world affairs when you read this world-wide dotty, newspaper regularly. You willaln fresh. new viewpoints, o fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news—PLUS help from Its exclusive features on homemaking, educa- tion, business, theater, music, radio, sports. Subscribe now to this tpeeiol "get- eequatnted" offer —1 aware for $ iu. S. funds) l One, Noway Sian treet, Boience ston 11ng 5, MassSociety , U. S.A. FT9-9 1 Enclosed Is $1, for whlch'please send me The Christian; 1 Sc,ence Monitor for one month, Nome -...�- Street City Zona.._.,, , 8ft WHY GROW THJRSTY? PAUSE AND REFRESH Ark for it either way ... bath Made -marks mean 1/u .ram third. Authorized Bottler of Coca-Oola under contract with Coca—la Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 Erle St. Phone 78. (Intended for last weeek) Jack Tillman and family, Lon- don, are at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Morley, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berry. Bonar Aust, London, has pur- chased E. S. Walsh's cottage on Howard St. and Huron Crescent, Bill Johnston, Windsor, spent the holiday weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Malcom Toms. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Cameron, Toronto, are at their cottage on the Blue 'Water Highway. Dr. and Mrs, Edwin Cooper and family, Detroit, are occupy- ing Elmer Parker's house " Wave- ei est". Mr. and Mts. Kenneth Curzon, Brown Cite, Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth over the v• eekend. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Finout and Miss Margaret Finout, Buffalo, are at their cottage in Jowett's Grove. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sullivan and babe, Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant 'turner over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Weston, Chicago, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Rehri, De- troit, spent the weekend and holi- day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar. Dr. and Mrs, W. J. Tillman and granddaughter, Barbara • Mahr., London, and daughter, Mrs. J. E. Brent and family, Toronto, are at their cottage. Harold Weston and family, De- truit, are spending this week with. the former's father, George Wes- ton. Their guests are Mr, and Mrs. H. Criedor and family, De- troit, Remold Poth entertained a num- ber of schtot chums at a weiner roast on Monday evening. I'itse present included Jack Fraser, Don Warriner, Bob Brandon,. Bill and Bob Parker and Gerry Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, Detroit, who came for tlieholiday weekend, have remained over ow- ing to the serious illness of the former's mother, Mrs, Eliza Toms. Her many friends hope she will soon be improved in health. +i t angst those who have come this re 1 th to occupy cottages in Jowett's (Move are Mr. ani Mrs. A. Larcau and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. £ienomme and fa:aily, all of D trc.it, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Scutt ,rad family, Daarorsn, M:'. and Mrs. I. Fromer, K:tch- enor, Flt. Lt. and Mrs. Wilson and family, and Fit. Lt. and Mrs. Ash- down and family returned recent- ly from a motor trip to Saskat- chewan and Manitoba. Mrs. A. Ford King, Douglas King and Charles Hart,^ Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. George King over the weekend. Guests at the AIbion Hotel over the weekend included Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond, Mr. and Mrs. David Ormond, Dearborn, Misses Phyllis Hurcomb and Loreen Shaw, Royal Oak, Elaine Wade, Detroit, Donald Riehl, ,Royal Oak, Miss Dorothy Treleaven and Pat Rorke, London. Mrs. S. D. Neville and son David, and Mrs. J. Horn- blower, Sarnia, are guests at the hotel this week. PORTER'S HILL Bert Morgan, Goderich, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frame, Roy Leggatte, Pittsburg, Pa., has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Torrance. Lawson Lockhart, .Timmy and Tamara, spent Sunday with Mr,' and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart. Jimmy and Tamara remained for a holi- day with their grandparents. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent on Wednesday of last, week. at the home of Mrs. J. A. Tor- rance when the W.A. .of Grace United Church entertained about 100 ladies. The tables were set on the lawn and tea served at four o'clock. Before and follow- ing tea, time was spent in social chat. The weather was ideal and the afternoon proved very suc- cesiful. Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. William Rice, Buffalo, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Walter Baird, Miss Isabel McKay, Hamilton, is visiting her,' aunt, Mrs. John McCowan, and. other friends, Miss Marguerite Carriere, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter, Moffat a few days this week,'' 1Vfr. and Mrs.: Lorne Pepper, Niagarja Falls,' and Mr. ''and Mrs. Randal Pepper and Carol- Ann, Sudbury, are .spending their holidays at home 'of Mr, John E. Pepper. Successful Picnic S,S. No. 1 Stanley •held one of the most successful picnics in recentyears on the last day of school: The afternoonwas spent in games," sports, and social chat and„ -the gathering was rounded off with a bountiful supper serv- ed by the ladies. Conununity Club Meets Stanley Community Club held its . monthly meeting at the home of 'Mrs. Frank McGregor on Thursday, July 1, with the presi- dent, Mrs. Glen Broadfoot, in the chair. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. The secretary's and •treasurer's reports were given and the roll was called with 14 members, eight visitors and: nine children pres- ent. It was decided on motion of Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. Ed- die Glen that kitchen utensils be purrhased far the Club, It was decided to hold a picnic at e"ro'e-• rich some day after a rain. A collectionf o parcels was brought in fol. the overseas box. Mrs. John McGregor conducted a contest and Miss Betty Stewart gave a very interesting reading on "Dominion Day,' • The August, meeting will be `NEWS OF Mr, and Mrs, Gordon. Dobie and family were Wingham visitors on Sunday,., • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh, Kitchener, .last week. Mrs. Charles Scott visited her brother, James Henry and Mrs. Henry at Galt at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz ;have returned home from a ten-day visit with " their son, Eldon, and ItIrs. Stoltz, Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Yungblut, London, spent the weekend with the former's ,patents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yunblut.. The Women's Institute will hold their annual Children's Day Pic- nic in Harbor. Park, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 21. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Marion Taylor, Laura May and June Letherland have returned from Bayfield where they attended the Anglican Church Camp. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Bradnock, J. J. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and Karen, Sea - forth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, Port Albert, Sunday. W.M.S. Mrs, John Houston opened her home for the July meeting of the WMS of Knox Presbyterian BRUCEFIELD 1Miss,Eitzabeth Scott is holiday ing in the village, Jim Hill, Stratford, is holiday,- ing with friends and relatives. Ray Sutton is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe. Don Ross visited on •Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon. .. Mrs. LaFontaine and grand- daughters, Donna and Lynn Sharpe, left Monday for a trip to the West. Misses Ruth Scott and June Taylor, Vineland, visited at the home of their parents over the weekend. Gordon Mustard RCN., who has been in Halifax, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Must• and for a month. The ladies of the W.A. are holding a baking sale on Satur- day afternoon. They are asking that all donations be in by ' fout o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bard and Mrs. Madge Ivens, visited on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Aiken - head in Toronto. Mrs. Mae Crosby,' Richard Crosby and daughter Joan, •and Miss Sue DiPietro, Paterson, New Jersey, spent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aikenhead. Miss Patsy Neil, Glencoe, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stackhouse, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stackhouse included Miss M. Thornton and Mr. W. McDowell, Westfield; and Mr. and Mrs. J. 1:. Stackhouse and children, London. held at the home of Mrs, Alex McEwen. The roll call is to be answered by an embarrasing moment. AUBURN Church. The president, Mrs. Ed- gar Lawson, presided and opened the 'meeting with prayer. The Scripture was taken by Miss Viola Letherland, who gave meditation on same. The "Glad Tidings" prayer was read by Mrs. A. Rol- linson. The guest speaker was Rev. John Honeyman, who gave an inspiring message on "I am the True Vine." The roll call was answered by a book in the New Testament. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in unison: The host- ess served refreshments. Baptist Ladies' . Aid The Baptist Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stanley Johnston, The presi- dent, Mrs. C. A. Howson, was in charge with Mrs. R. J. Philips presiding at the piano. The de- votional period was taken by Mrs: John Yungblut and Mrs. Glen Raithby. A solo was rendered by Mrs. William Haggitt; readings were given by Mrs. Thomas Mc- Neil, Mrs. V. Kneeshaw, Mrs, Glen Raithby and Mrs. Stanley Johnston. The topic was given - by Mrs. A. Forsyth and Rev, A. Forsyth dismissed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served and a social half hour enjoyed. LONDESI3ORO Mr. and Mrs, Troope,' Chicago, are holidaying at the home of Miss Elizabeth. Mains, Donald Dewar, Ottawa, is holi- daying at the home of his grand- mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCool; Windsor are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Tom Millar, 1 The Mission Band will hold its meeting next Sunday, July 18, et 110 a.m. in the basement of the church. Miss Peart Griffiths, Guelph, spent this past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ;Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fingland and Jean, Cochrane, are holiday - ling at the home of the former's parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Fing- land. 1 The sympathy of the commun- ity goes out to Mrs. Willis Moun- tain in the loss of her brother, Oliver Lawson, who passed away very .suddenly last week, Mission Circle Meets , The Aimwell Mission Circle held its July meeting on Tuesday evening, July 6, at the home :of Miss Edith Beacom with the presi- dent, Miss Lois Wood, presiding. The meeting opened with singing Hymn 354. The roll call was then taken, minutes of the lost meeting read and the treasurer's report given. The business was then discussed. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Pipe. Hymn 513 was then sung. Lois Wood read.a. story, "Canada's Birthday." rt ." Y Thelma Shobbrook read a poem and Mrs. Allen Shaddick gave a reading. The offering was then taken while Lois Wood and Fran- ces Lyon, sang a duet. Mrs. Sid Lansing read a story followed by singing Hymn 252 and Mrs, Ed- win Wood closed the meeting with prayer. The hostess then served a very` delicious lunch. Miss Mary Caldwell, London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr:and Mrs, Ro- bert Caldwell (By another correspondent) Miss Shirley -Hamilton is spend- ing the summer with her aunt, . Mrs: Moody holland, Blyth. Ruddell Tufts, Vancouver, B.C.,, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moon last week. Miss Olive Moon has returned.. to Toronto where she has secured steady employment for the sum- mer months . Jack Lovett, Windsor, has re- turned to his home after spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Jamesfriends.' Fairservice and other' Mr: and Mrs, Edwin Tufts, ' London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Moon as they 'were returning from their. honeymoon in Muskoka. Goderich Township- Mrs. ownship- Mrs. James Johnston who has- been visiting his brother, D, H. McNaughton, Bayfield, for the past few weeks, returned on Sat- urday to the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Middleton. Mr.nd Mrs. s. J. D Leslie, Los Gatos, Calif„ Harold Johston,., Vancouver, B.C., and D. 11. Me - Naughton, Bayfield, were guests on Saturday at the home of Mr;. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, '44uat Qu«Qity Ealtikc U4 L NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that junk of any kind is not to be dumped on Town- ship Roads anywhere in the Township, People found doing so will be prosecuted, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, Fred Watson, Clerk 29-30-h • INi.I114./N41,41,0WYNNW.••Mf0....J ....W. J.NJ HANDS AT WORK... LEARNING AERO ENGINE AND AIRFRAME MECI!AJClp:C ONTARIO'S products are desired and purchased by people all over the world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic welfare, of every man, woman and child within her borders. Because the sale of every article produced in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are more assured of job security . and we and our children can have more of the better things in life. To, produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled labour is vital. That is why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans are constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by industry. Veterans receive ON THE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario factories. This training, provided through the co-operation of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Education, starts veterans off on the road to skilled craftsmanship. Taught to use their hands'in general aero engine and airframe work, both on military and civilian aircraft, these veterans may qualify for a Department of Transport license, authorizing them to declare aircraft airworthy. In aircraft manufacturing plants and on flying fields throughout Ontario, these newly -skilled veterans will have the opportunity to apply their talents and training. Their efforts will help to snake Ontario a finer place in which to live and will contribute to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens. , THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) AERO ENGINE MECHANICS H. Parry, 25, of Oshawa, Ontario, a Canadian Army veteran, is shown making an adjustment to the engine of a Cub Trainer. Students work on various types of aircraft ranging from the Cub Trainer to multiple engin military aircraft. Many veterans, trained as ground Drew specialists during the war, have chosen to take post-war training i ID this occupation for which they aro particularly suited.. For them the transition le peace -time employment bee been easier.