HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-15, Page 5ZieURSDAY, JULY il'S,' 0948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE `FIVE ;News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Resurts CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE •nesday following date of inser-', tion)—One cent''a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word minnum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra f r box number or for direc- tion ire -tion to NEWS -RECORD Office, IF CHARGED -15 cents 'extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED' REQUIRE FUd1NISHED LIVING aeeemmodation for airman, wife - and. 14 -months -old daughter. ;Would consider any vacancy be- tween now and November.'. Ref- erences if required. Phone Sgt. -O'Neil, 19J. 29-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN I14 good condition, re -conditioned motor. Apply ' Gordon Keys, Brucefield. 29-b PRIVATELY -OWNED 1941 Spec- ' ial. DeLuxe Dodge Sedan with radio and heater in good con- dition, Apply at Harold Critten- den's, phone 173. 29-b BUILDINGS FOR SAL BARN FOR SALE, 60'x40'. Good 'shape. One mile north of Holmes- ville. Apply H. Earl Elliott, St. David St., Goderich, 28-30-b CONCRETE WORK CONCRETE WORK DONE. New equipment. Work will follow ap- pointments. • Contact now. Ferg. 'McKay, phone 373M. 29-30-p FARMS FOR SALE 50 ACRES, SECOND OF HUL- let'c, water in house and barn. For further particulars apply to Box "G", NEWS -RECORD. 29-x "V'ARNA AREA, 80 ACRES CLAY loam, 60 tillable, frame house, bank barn, henhouse, driveshed, 13,000, immediate possession; In Exeter, two acres nice soil, 11/2- sior^ey frame house, furnace, three-piece bath, hot and cold water, good henhouse and barn. Wiliam Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 29-31-p GOOD BUILDINGS, New Roofs, except one, river cuts end of farm but not through working land, ee of mile from school, on Pro-, vincial Highway four miles from town with high school, immediate possession, $4,500. Must be sold 'to close an estate. Mrs. Clifford Marks, Executrix, R.R. 4, Brus- sels, phone Brussels 51r8. 20-30-31-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MASSEY-HARRIS BINDS R, seven -foot cut, used very little. Guaranteed A -i condition. Edison Forest, Hensall. 29-30-b ONE MASSEY-HARRIS Binder, No. 5, in good running condition. Apply Clarence Potter, ,phone 1)07x2. 29-b bIAY LOADER WITH TRUCKS; one heavy rubber -tired wagon, one light rubber -tired wagon, $35, tractor plow; one car front axle 'with wheels; tractor disc; also two spring Durham calves, Ap- ply W. B. Thompson, two and a half miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 28-29-p MONEY WANTED WANTED—MORTGAGE OF $800 •on business property in Clinton. Apply Box "F", NEWS -RECORD. 29-b HOUSES FOR SALE 1 Vs -STOREY, EIGHT -ROOMED frame house with asphalt siding, Insulated, hardwood floors down- stairs, three-piece bath connected to sewer, immediate possession, Apply Cliff Cooper, Gordon St, phone 497. 29-30-p TEN ACRES OF TIMOTHY HAY for sale. Apply Jack Yeo, R.R,' 1, Goderich, phone Clinton 9031.31, 29-b WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS for Raspberries. They will be filled .as they are received; also building for sale, 27'x16', Wm, D, Carter, phone Clinton 587J. 29-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MATCHED" TEAM OF BLACK Percheron Mares,.. Phone. Carlo'.v 1622. 28-29-b TEN YOUNG' DAIRY COWS.• Apply A. E Townshend, phone' Clinton 900r21. -29-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—WOODEN SIDE of Baby's Crib, between Clinton and Wing - ham, on Saturday, July 10. Find- er please leave at Police Office in Clinton. ' 29-p LOST— WOULD THE PERSON who took the pair' bf code's' eye glasses. from the Rest Room in Clinton on Monday,..rJuly 12, please phone Mrs. Cliff -Cooper, phone 497. 29r.b. MISCELLANEOIJ§ ., , SLENDOR TABLETS.' ARE EF- fective, Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at;' Pennebaker's Drug Store. 29-b SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire: 27-35-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals:, If .suitable, for.rnink feed will pay .-more .than ^ fertilizer" prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices, If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert •Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. NOTICE • ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41 and M, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd, surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd. 1948. 29-30ptfb OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE UNDERWOOD PORTABLE Type- writer, good as new. May be "seen at NEWS -RECORD Office. Rita Carbert. 29-x PERSONAL SKINNY MEN WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigour. New "get acquaint- ed" size only 50c. All druggists. 29 & 31-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N, Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2bt'•.' PROPERTY FOR SALE IN HOLMESVILLI1, APPROX- imately 15 acres on which is sit- uated a bank barn. 28'x40' with water inside; also two lots 120'x75', each on No. 8 Highway; 11/2 storey insul brick buidling 18'x24', can be moved or torn down. Apply Eldon Yeo, phone Clinton 911r21. 28-29-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL WANTED TO alter clothing using own sewing machine in our shop. Clinton War Assets Surplus, Post Office Box 428, or phone 460W, 29-p HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, duties to commence at once, for family of one adult and three teen age children. Apply Ellwood Epps, phone 42, Clinton, 26btfb ! tea.-.r-�►+r•�..••...•...^ 4skoteeau lag %P dieat klcuce Bktes Why swelter and sweat when you can feel like an iceberg in one of our airy Summer Straw Hats, a cool Sun Valley Sport Shirt, and a pair of lightweight Tropical Worsted Slacks? Be the - first in your crowd to insulate against the heat. It's smart to be cool. Mens' and Boy's All Wool SWIM TRUNKS All sizes $1.50 to $5.75 ea. T-SHIRTS for Men and Boys, to fit all sizes 95c to $1.85 • MEN'S SLACK 'SUITS • Slacks 'rave pleats; zipper and drop loops $11.50 'to $16.95 Boy's CottorrANKLE SOX ... Striped, ,Pattern 39c & 45c pr, . nnemMIPNwn+MAIMMeM.NNMIVNNdv.M:'NMI^ MNN. DRESS SHIRTS Arrow Tooke - BVD Plain White and Assorted Stripe's Mens' and Boy"s SUMMER UNDERWEAR Canvas Footwear Jockey style or Broadcloth / for all the family s Pickett Campbell HEADQUARTERS ; FOR WORK . CLOTHING Phone 25 - - Clinton. 1 BIRTHS COOPER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday,, July 10, •1943, to Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Cooper, Clinton, t daughter,- (Joan Anne). HICKE—In Clinton Public -Hos- pital, on Tuesday, July 13, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph..Hickey, Auburn; a son, JOHNSTON—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday,. July 10, 1948, tq Mr. and Nes, Gordon Johnston, (nee Lorna Dale), Varna, a daughter.' MICKLE—Mr. and Mrs. E. Laird Mickte, Hensall, are happy to announce the birth of a dau- ,ghter•(Margaret Ann), born in Victoria Hospital, London, Sun- day, July 11, 1948.. PECK—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, July 14, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peck, Clinton, a daughter. TURNER. -e In 'Clinton Public .Hospital, on Tuesday, July 13, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs hRobe_t, Turner, Bayfield, a son. MARRIAGES AIKENHEAD-EyANS-In Glen-. mount United Churce,; Torpnt "on 'Saturday, June 26, 1948, b -Rev,.• Mr Sellars, Hilda Bet Piner, daughter pf..Me, a. Evans, Toronto, t Lloyd Clare,Aikenhead, son o Mrs. Charles Lockhart,. Gode rich, formerly of Clinton. DEATHS • DIETZ—Suddenly, at his homeKippen, ori Sunday, .July 11 1648, William Dietz, belove THIRTY LODGES MARCH IN PARADE OF ABOUT 1,000 (Continued free' .Page One) tests, end to listerrs•kto several ex- cellent speeches aelivered 'Irani the bandstand over loudspeaker. Rev. G. G. Burton, Moorefield, formerly of Clinton, offered pray- er. County Master Asa;Deeves, Goderich, welcomed the Orange- men, and ladies from the various lodges, expressed appreciation to all for coming, and thanked the various committees in charge of the celebration, Mayor A. J. McMurray ,extend ed a civic welcome in behalf of the citizens of Clinton to the Or- ange Order "whose purpose is the support of the Protestant religion and loyalty to our King and Queen.." R. W. Bro. J. Carson R. W. Bro: Joseph Carson, Lon- don, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge o£ Ontario West, w declared that "e clan's want a lot of people dumped into this 0,,. moray, the great .majority of Y whom, are other than Birtish, h "Canada needs a'^strong infusion nd of British blood;. the future of 0 Canada will depend largely on f the type of settlers who come - here," he stated. 'People 'seem to forget that the whole'werld is vainly groping for the very things which the Orange Crder was formed to protect and ensure, not only for themselves but for all mankind, namely, peace, based upon the civil' and • religious freedom of the people," said Mr. Carson. "The Orange d (.girder has no quarrel twee thr individual's civil and religious choice. A11 have the right tI their own opinion, and to worship G. d in their own' way.' "It must never be forgotten. that the only effective answer to a strong church of Romo is a vibrant, dynamic Protestant church," he asserted, "We believe we have a mission in the world," he continued. "We believe you cannot substitute Communism for Christianity. We must make it plain to our states- men that we are deeply concern- ed over the spiritual as well as the political and economic recov- ery of Europe." Rev. G. G. Burton "We're not a static lodge,•' Rev, Mr. Burton told the audience. We're mare:leg. The church is not static. I, e marching. Christ is rot stati:•. He's up be`ere us the m: rch. ` The Cheese Lodge has great Reels. We crust all lease any know there. .o that we can tell -veryone why we're Protestant. Many here couldn't give a de- tailed statement of their faith. Now is the day to learn, ' We must know as much as the Communist know. They are enthusiasts, and we must he, about thee-a:reclamation of tends and righ:eor•sness. `In the past 30 years men have become more and more frustrat- ed by fears and illusions. We are frustrated today, looking for a way out. Economists, financiers and inclustraliasts can't tell us the solution. Our world is in a d husband of Elizabeth McGregor FINLAY-en Goderich Township on Wednesday, July 14, 1948 Margaret Ann Petrie, belove wife of the late William -se Finlay, in her 30th year. Fufm= eral' from the Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clin- ton, on Friday afternoon, July 16, at 2.30 o'clock, to Miaitland Cemetery, Goderich, FORREST —, In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, July 12, 1948, as a result of an accident, Joseph • Forrest, con- cession 2, Tuckersmith, young- est son of the late Mr. and Mrs John Forrest, Stanley Town- ship, in his 76th year. Private funeral Thursday afternoon, July 15. McNAUGHTON — In Huron County Home, Clinton, on Sat- urday, July 10, 1948, Peter Mo - Naughton, Hensall, in his 85th year. Funeral from Bnnthron's Funeral Home, Hensall, Tues- day afternoon, July 13. ROSS—In Kitchener, on Satur- day, July 10, 1948, Mrs. James Ross, formerly of Goderich Township, in her Seth year. Funeral from Brophey Funeral Home, Goderich, Tuesday af- ternoon, July 13. SMITH—At her home, Goderich Township, suddenly on Monday evening, July„ 12, 1948, Annie Rosette Nott- beloved. wife of Robert G. •Smith and dear mother of . Elva, Mrs. Amos Osbaldeston, Goderich, in her 68th year. Funeral from her late residence, Ease Line, Thursday afternoon, July '15, at 2.30 o'clock, to Clinton Ceme-. terse 0 CARD OF THANKS The sisters of the late Oliver Lawson wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown them in their recent bereavement, also. for the many floral tributes and the loan of cars, (Signed)—Mrs, Willows Mountain, Mrs. Cal Straughan. 29-b n IN MEMORIAM GREALIS—In loving memory of a dear .wife and mother,' Mrs. E. G. Grealis, who -passed away two years ago, July 18, 1946. The road into the sunset Is one we all must tread, And though it brings us sorrow When a' loved one goes ahead, Still there is a comfort knowing That we'll meet again some day When grief and pain are over And clouds have rolled away. —Ever remembered by husband and family. ..29-b Leaning on Car Horn Saves Kippen Man Blowing of his car born brought rescue for Ralph Smith, Kippen, who was pinned under the wreck- ed machine after he had appar- ently fallen asleep at the wheels while driving over a culvert near Hensall and crashed into a deep ditch, The accident occurred while Smith was returning to the home of his employer, Ed, McBride: Lying helpless under the wreck- age, although not seriously in- jured, Smith had a brain -wave. He leaned on the horn until rescuers arrived. BEAUTY SHOPPE• Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents. e ETHEL TLIOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOW ERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every "Occasion CI 1 .COO E ^.i+1 ORtST' ' '", Phones; 66w and 66j Notice to Creditors In, the matter of the Estate of SUSAN WELDONN Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of Susan Weldon, late of the Town of Chesley in the County of Bruce, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of April, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Agent for the Administrator on or before the 15th day of August 1948, full par- ticulars of their claims duly veri- fied against the estate of the said deceased. AND TAKE NOTICE that on and after the 15th day of August, 1948, the assets, of the said de- ceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of. which the Administrator shall have then had notice, Dated at Wiarton this 8th day of July, A.D., 1948. Walter 1Vd, Newman, Notary Public, Wiarton, Out. Agent for the Administrator,. 29-30-31-n ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON Now Playing (July 15-17) THE FABULOUS A UI,OUS TEXAN starring Wit ism Elliott Mon., Ties., Wed. (July 19-21) DUAL FEATURES "100 MEN AND A GIRL" A re -issue of a popular musical dramas starring Deanna Durbin, Leopold Stokowski, "SLIGHTLY SCANDALOUS" with Fred Brady and Paula Drew Thur Fri., •Sat. (July '22-24) Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner and Zachary Seott—A warm and hu- man story of husbands and wives, told as only Sinealir Lewis could tell it. Truly a magnificent drama. "CASS TIMBERLANE" NOTE .-- The above feature will commence at 7 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE' GODERICH Now Playing (July 1.5.17) "SPRINGTIME in the SIERRAS" " In Trawler with Roy Rogers Mon., Tues., VVed. (July 19-21) "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" M.G.M.'s mammoth Technicolor musical, starring Esther Williams in her aquatic specialty, assisted by Lauritz .Melchior„ Jimmy Dur - ante and Xavier Cugat with his orchestra, Thur., Fri, Sat. (July 22-24) Johnny Weismuller, Brenda. Joyce and John Sheffield—Edgar Rice Burrough's matchless story of ad- venture and primitive emotions presentsa new episode. 'TARZAN and the HUNTRESS Conning—"NIGHTMARE ALLEY" Coming 'Gentleman's Agreement' Adult Entertainment Gregory Peck - Dorothy McGuire bad way today. ` Who is going to hold the line? It will nave to be the churches:' Others who spoke included R W Bro. William Murrey, Eg- mondville, Past Grand Master of Manitoba; R. W. Bra, Robert A.' White, Toronto, Past Grand Mas- ter of Saskatchewan. Following the speaking, a pro- gramme of baseball matches tools place, reports of which appear on the sports page today. ORANGE ECHOES 74 Years a Member One of the oldest members at the celebration was Harry Combs, 93,' a member of Blyth Royal Black Preceptory, who has been an Orangeman for 74 years. He paraded in an automobile. 5 i@ * Here e3 Years Ago George Taylor, 83, who march- ed with Bayfieid Lodge, was a popular figure. Although a mem- ber of Amberley Lodge, near Kincardine, he has been living in Detroit, Mich., for a number of years, and is now at Bayfield visiting Mrs. el Ahrens. He had his first "walk" in Clinton just 63 years ago—on July 12, 1885. He wouldn't have missed the celebration for anything. 5 * 5 67 Years in Order Another oldish veteran of the LOL was Maxwell Gray, 87, Kirkton, who was on hand for the parade, as he has been on brand AUCTION SALE of PROPERTY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Miss Frances Johnston on No. 25, Pieteu St., Goderich, on SATURDAY, JULY 17 at 1 pen. sharp, the following: Heintzman piano and bench (mahogany); couch and upholster- ed chairs (walnut); dining room table, sideboard and six chairs; !couch; several rocking chairs; small oval table; small hall table; hall rack; hall seat; 2 dressers; beds, springs land mattresses; wash stands; large wardrobe; small wardrobe: walnut chest of draw- ers; small chest of drawers; two china cabinets; 'White sewing machine; small electric range; Coleman oil. stove (nearly new); cook stove; heater; Iarge kitchen cupboard: 2 kitchen tables, kitch- en chair;; ice box; General Elec- tric mantle radio; dishes including Limoge, Bridal Wreath, Harmony Rose, Pink Lustre, .hand painted, antique dishes: glassware includ- ing milk glasses; silverware; lin- ens; bedding; cooking utensils and numerous other articles, At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the prop- erty on which is situated a 1 i storey nine -mom frame house with toilet and bath. Also two desirable building lots; No. 1 being approximately 100 ft. front by 110 ft. depth; No. 2 be- ing approximately 46 ft. front by 110 ft, depth. TERMS: on Household Effects, cash; on Property, 10 per cent down on date of sale, balance in 30 days. MRS. VIOLA FARQUHAR, Administrratt•ix WILLIAM CRAIGIE, Administrator EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 28-29-b •4-+-4+4-•-.-4-.-•-.#.-s.-o 4.4-.-.-•-•-•-..or+-4,-*+.j 1 2 • pomiw V»RES 1/trCONONfY ✓FF IC/FNCJ 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN Two 1937 DODGE COACHES 1935 FORD COACH 1934 CHEVROLET CONVERTI'B'LE Two 1930 FORD MODEL 5'A" COACHES • • • • '• • CLEARING OUT SALE • 5 25% OFF.. Firestone Batteries • • • • OPEN SUNDAY JULY 18 and Every Night Next Week J P Manning fed Star Garage Willard Batteries — — Firestone Tires -. Albert St: PHONE 345 ' Clinton s.► -s r4+ '-''4-*' --.�•yi9•r �-e si 41.4-4-444•e•s+4-4-1++4 •-. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (July 15-.17) "THE FABULOUS TEXAN" srr t • I a n g William am Ellio t t IM on. Tn PS. Wed. (July 1s-2 1 ) TWO FEATURES Joe E. 'Brown; Noreen Nash and Charles Drake—A homey story of an earthy parson and his kindly ministerings. "TIIE TENDER YEARS" Richard Martin, Frances Rafferty 44 Ernest Crowe --Present a Tru - color western adventure, "THE ADVENTURES OF DON COYOTE" Thur., Fri,, Sat. (July 22-24) Mickey Rooney, Janes Dunn Ji Brian Donlevy — This is not a gangster story but a thoroughly entertaining yarn about a side- walk i battler who reaches the big time. "KILLER MoCOY" Coming—"NIGHTMARE ALLEY" Adult Entertainment _MONEY WILL BUY A bed but not sleep, Food but not appetite, A house but not a home, Medicine ,put not health, A Church pew but not heaven, But What You Cannot Buy You Can Receive As A Gift, "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. almost without fail every July 12 for the past 67 years. * Pretty Majorette June Walters, 16 -year-old majorette of the Woodham Fife and Drum Band, was one of the prettiest attractions in the par- ade. Incidentally, the band won first prize for fife and drum bands. * c: e Interesting Guest An interesting guest for the Orange Walk on Monday was A. H. Nethery. Sarnia, who came into town on the noon train, after Marching with the Sarnia Orange- men at their celebration in that city on Saturday, A native of Belgrave, Mr. Nethery has been a member of the Orange Order for 58 years, and attended his first "walk" in Clinton in 1890, when he marched, as he did again on Monday, with the Hanoverian Lodge 462, Belgrave, where he found 14 relatives marching by his side. On being offered a lift in a car for the long march he declined proudly adding with a humorous winkle—"All good Or- angemen walk." While in town Mr. Nethery was a guest with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James McGill, Shipley Street. x a * 102—But Here! Age makes no difference when it comes to enjoying the "Glor- ious 12th." One old lady—un- fortunately we were not able to secure her name — even though she was 102 years of age, travel- led by train from Drayton to be present at the Orange Lodge. She came alone and was very disap- pointed when she arrived on the train from Goderich in the af- ternoon to find that she had mis- sed the parade. Proudly wearing her orange ribbons she wander- ed around the streets until she became almost fagged out. An- other Good Samaritan saw her plight and took her to Wesley - Willis Church where she was able to get her supper. In con- versation with one of the ladies there she stated that the 12th of July was always a gala day in her life and one to which she eagerly looked forward. Nommeminimmumamisimmur OPEN SUNDAY JULY 18 and Every Night Next Week • e • • • SHELLUBRICATION GOODYEAR TIRES 4, _ _ Reg. Ball's Shell Service Station Ontario St. — PHONE 5 •— Clinton 29-b SUMMER SHOE SPECIALS! MEN'S CANVAS BOOT with leather sole, $2 39 toe & back strap G :i MEN'S CANVAS OXFORD (same as above) $2419 MEN'S LEATHER CAMP or WORK 1.$ OXFORD .... • BOY'S LEATHER CAMP $L49 OXFORD .... YOUTH'S $141(9 (as above) ,,. Straw Hat Special MEN'S and BOY'S, regular 35c & 40c , . , NOW 23c LADIES' LARGE BRIM Multi -Coloured Beach Hat, regular 65c NOW 47c LADIES' QUALITY BEACH HAT of Fine Straw, with band and trim, regular 79c, NOW 59c AIKEN'S. PHONE 2 CLINTON Are You in Need of A New Furnace We have a complete stock of CLARE BROS. HECLA "Saves one ton in seven!" Buy. Yours Before Prices Advance• Buy Your Beatty Washer on the weekly payment plan if desired HUGH R. HAWKINS !li Business 244 Phone Residence 470