HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-15, Page 3Tl$DAY, JULY 15, .1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE. THREE.. F-44"4"-64441 What Does The Church Mean to You By "PEG" We are in the summer seagull and many people are leaving .the cities and towns on Friday and Saturday to go to their summer cottages. Just what does that mean as far as church is concerned? There are regular church goers, who when they are away from home, seem to forget that there is a God where they are spending their holiday, Sunday is ab- solutely a day of worldly pleasure. Their church has no part in the Lord's Day. This, at times, in- cludes those of us who call our - relates Christian, but we are quite ready to find reasons why we should not go to church. We can perhaps drive a distance of fifty or even a hundred miles to the place where we expect to spend Sunday, but when the Lord's day comes we find it too far to go a couple of miles to hear the word of God perached. How can the expect God to be with us if we persist in neglecting Him? Un- less we are away, in the north- land it is not often that we are holidaying where we are not near enough to attend some church and if we should be too far to go we can gather our party to- gether, read and discuss God's word and have a prayer service. There is no excuse why we care - not in some way worship Cod while we are on holidays. Even should we be confined to bed and cannot get out at all we can have our service. Recently the oldest minister in. the United Chueh passed to the Great Beyond, Although in a .very frail condition he carried on the Lord's work to within a week' of his glorious going on to meet his Saviour, his loved ones, and many of those to whom he had ministered during his seventy years of service. Although in his' 98th year his one regret at, leaving this world was that there was so mpch to be done and so few to do it. Many times we have referred to Rev. C. W. Watch and his marvellous ministry. Those who had the privilege of knowing him can never forget the visits he made to those who were ill. It was a benediction to see him come into a sick room and his earnest prayers can never be' forgotten. On one of the last occasions we yaw him, he was very frail but there was no quiver in his voice as he prayed. Then he left accompanied by a friend and when be got to the door he turned and said: "And if cur fellowship below, In Jesus he so sweet, What heights of rapture shall we know When round His throne we meet." That is a persona]: incident bet it brings a great lesson to child- ren, youth, and on to a great age. If we had the enthusiasm for the work of the Lord such as that servant of God had, would we be found missing from our pew m the church on Sunday or any other/service, or would we allow an opportunity to pass with- out speaking a word for our Mas- ter. No, indeed! The vastaud- ience which gathered in the church of which he was associate pastor, to pay last respects to him would be nothing to the great host of his parishioners and friends who would meet him in the Eternal Home where the Sav- iour whom he so faithfully serv- ed, reigns. There is much to be done, but there are so few to do it. How can we serve Christ if we neglect attendance at His House of Worship? We, at times, wonder just what the church has ever meant to __ __ .. HUONCOACHLiNES i i ,.e, a SPECIAL 1 A 1 SUMMER BUS SERVICE $1.00 S*.ruthbound Read Down Northbound Read Glp 1 Sun.& Daily es. Hol. Sun. & . San. Sun. Only Idol. Only Daily Eastern Daylight Time Daily Daily Onty P.M. P.M., P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. ANL 7.30 6.05 3.30 8.05 Lv. ... CLINTON ... Ar. 3.50 9.10 1.00 7.55 6.25 4.00 8.25 BAYFIELD 3.30 8.45 12.40 8.30 7.00 4.35 9.00 . , .. GRAND BEND , 2.55 8.10 12,10 - 9.00 7.25 5.00 9.25 Ar. , , P'ARKHILL . , Lv2.35 7.45 .. Connections at GRAND BEND for SARNIA, CHATHAM, LONDON, WINDSOR and DETROIT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION consult your local AGENT, Corrie's Lunch, Bayfield Bartliff's, Clinton _ _ _ + Phone 631r6 Phone 1 or 13 Clinton Fred Lobb Heads Lobb Farnaly Reunion The second' annual Lobb re- union was held, at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on'Monday, July 5, with 50 members present, A bountia ful dinner and supper was en- joyed by all. An afternoon of sports and games was enjoyed, followed by a ball game and swimming, The president, Wilfred S. Lobb, Flint, Mich„ welcomed, everyone and conducted the election of of- ficers which restated as follows: president, Fred Lobb, 11, R. 2, Clinton; vice-president, Clifford Henderson; secretary -treasurer; Mrs. William Holland sports committee, Grace Lobb, Don Lobb; table convener, Mrs. Cliff Lobb. Greetings were sent from Mr. and Mrs. Warner Lobb, Stave Falls, B,C,• Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snyder, Radisson, Sask.; Mrs. Vera Wilson, Sarnia; and Mr. and Mrs. Con Pipping Woodstock. The president and Mrs. Robert Williamson, London, each told of experiences in meeting other Lobbs whose ancestors came, from the same place in England and have some of the same Christian names as the families around here. It was planned to hold another reunion in Bayfield next year, us. We haveattended a class of instruction, then we have been received by the minister and of- ficials of the church; we have answered the necessary questions in front of the congregation and we have gone out into the world. Just what has it all meant to us? Have we truly accepted Christ as our personal Saviour. A young man who, God willing, will devote his life to the min- istry, said to his mother recently, "Mother, when I am minister of a church there is not going to be any slipping intothe mem- bership of the church the way some are doing now. Everyone whose name is entered on the roll must be truly converted. Un- less we have been able to put the world to one side and accept Christ as our Saviour we can have no true idea of what God's House should mean to us. We know that God will judge those who spend His day apart from Him. So often following a weekend we see a long list of casualties in the paper. They are not always people who have not attended church, but in many cases they are. How careless we become and when we once stay away, it will be easier to do so the next Sunday. NOWBLUE CROSS ... Your non-profit Hospital Plan gives you more protection than ever! just when you need protection more than ever TitESt ITS ive 3 Y0 1948) *Altoec wb•w ire u bola RaY cervices rip in-patient -hospital charges for -RAS . < each admission, peoiciilin, up to $25.00 to $25• such. MODERN MEDICATIONS ' ' 51. to Z01 days according to each,adraission• CARR MORE pP'YS RD t d patron. included 9n family contract length of participation. YEARS • • to 10months CWiiIY®RIN t1N tca barge, nod reduced bout RFCfS...waitio$p' ......... 1i BEN s reuioved• t Abi'FERN 12 day covered and ll Benefits previously UJS All Hospital Because hospital costs are higher than ever, your need for hospitalization protection is greater than ever. Blue Cross has provided for that need. Subscribers may now receive a mini - 'RAND THE RATES ARE LOW 54 A Day Protects Your.. Family MONTHLY' RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Standard Word, Semi. Private SINGLE SUBSCRIBER , $ .75 $1.00 SUBSCRIBER, SPOUSE AND ALL CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS $1.50 for all $2.00 for all mum off 51 days of hospital care, rising to a maximum of six and a half months i And extra benefits are now added, including X -Ray and such modern medications as Penicillin. A NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE linked by the hospitals of Ontario themselves, Blue'Cross is a *son -profit organization now protecting one family in every four in Ontario ... more than a million Ontario cipaYnts. Throughout Canada and the U.S.A., over 30,>i people have let Blue Crass relieve them of the warty of; hospital expense. - - BLUE CROSS ...,pvotects the people -BLUE CROSS ...,it ubs p ropre, ENQUIRE ABOUT GROUP ENROLMENT lit fOla i for"ruation, w roe Blan'ifde Hospital Cate, t33 St Clair Ave. West, Toronto ONTARIO HOapIt'A1, AasOCIAT1ON 1104411A Smillie 'Clan Reunion Held at Bayfield Bayfield proved an ideal set- ting for the 1948 reunion of the Smillie Clan, Saturday, July 3. Sixty-five descendants of the late Stewart Smillie, who was born on the Smillie homestead, a mile north of Hensall, now occupied by Clarence Smillie, enjoyed a delightful day, e picnic dinner and supper. Attending the reunion from a distance were Samuel Buchanan, Medicine Hat, Alta.; Stewart Smillie, Niagara Falls; Dr. Jennie Smillie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rowe and family, London; Mrs. Jean Statham. and Billy, Kingsville; Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and son, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Elder and Kenneth, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eider, Oshawa. The 1949 reunion will be held at Bayfield. 1. Gi ,mour-McDairmid Reunion Successful About 80 members of the Gilmour-McDairmid clan gather- ed for their picnic en Thursday, July 1. During the 'afternoon sports were enjoyed under the direction of Mrs. Stan Love, Ex- eter, Results: Under. five, Robert Ad- dison, Gary Mundell, children, 5-7, John Mundell, Ken Gilkin- son; children; 8-10 Nancy Mun- dell, Betty Newton; young lad- ies', Vivian Hastings, Blanche Zaphe, married ladies', Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. R. Hastings; mar- ried men, Yeoman Aldwinckle, George Mur. dell; ladies' kick -the - slipper, Margie Zaphe, Mrs, Gor- don Mundell; men's kick -the - slipper, Gordon Mundell, Glen Lockhart; time race, Abe Zapbe, Grace Gilmour. Both relay races were won by the north .group: Lucky tickets were held by Yeoman Aldwinckle and Glen Zaphe. Friends were present from Wingham, ,Bluevale, Hensel', Exeter, Clinton, Kippen; Brucefield and Hamilton. Nethery Reunion Held at Goderich Harbor Park, Goderich, was the scene of the Nethery reunion on Saturday, July .3. A program of sports was under the direction of A. E. Nethery. Members were present from Sarnia, Windsor, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Kitch- ener, London, Goderich, Sault Ste Marie, Clinton, Wingham, Thedford, Londesboro, Blyth, Galt, and Belgrave. Prizes were given to: Ralph Johnston and Wilford Nethery, Sault Ste. Marie, for coming the longest distance; oldest member present, Mrs. E, J. VanCamp, Bel - grave; youngest member, Lonnie Boucher; couple married longest, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leishman, Clinton; most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Gal- lagher, Galt; Mrs. James McGill, Clinton, for finding the mystery lady who was Miss Norma Neth- ery of Hamilton. s Greetings were received from Mrs. Ella Francis and Miss Minnie Hollingsworth of Sault Ste, Marie, and Miss Annie Leishman, Hailey - bury, who were unable to at- tend. The following officers were elected for 1949: president, Henry Leishman; secretary -treasurer, Miss Isabel Nethery, Our church means to us just what we are willing to put into God's work. Do we belong to the class where the members are willing to do anything which will help with God's work, or do we belong to those who stand to one side and criticize? We refuse to work with one organiza- tion because we do not like the president,. We could not think of singing in the choir because we feel the choir leader does not understand music well enough to hold the position he does; we have not time for Sunday School work and parents do not see that their children come regularly. There 'is just one excuse after another, but in the life of a true Christian there should be none of that. Behind our church work we can visualize Christ as He hung on the cross with outstretched arms, nails through His hands, andelis feet and a sword thrust in His side, He died for each one of us. All He asks is for us to accept Him. How can we fail to work that His cause may be advanced and how paltry are the excuses we put forward? After all are we not ashamed that we stand to one side and let others do His work while we grumble and complain? If we are not satisfied with the way others are doing things why not try to do them ourselves and see if we can do any better. Can we preach better than the minister, lead the choir more efficiently than the choir le,ador or sing more sweetly than the soloist? How paltry these things seem when we com- pare them with the great sacrifice Christ made for us. Let each one of us consider seriously the question "What kind of a ,church would my church be if every member were just like me?" May God give us the courage to go on and do our very best to do, His work. eese t, ease. teeeste»i eteleteiseei LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY rn XVocals by MONICA TURNER t. NEIL McKAY Radia and Recording Orchestra Wed., July 21 MART KENNY and his Western Gentlemen ONE NIGHT ONLY TEACHER CHAN SES EXETER - Five teachers at Exeter Distrist High School have resigned and three others have been hued for the next school term. A. y. Watson has accepted the position of commercial teach- er at Kincardine. Miss Kay Tay- lor has resigned and will return to Dorchester. Miss Norma Coutts will return to Wingham. Arthur Campbell will resume physiesi education studies in the United States. Miss Maud Howell has accepted a position in Walkerton. Joseph Creech, who has just fin- ished the University of Westerns Ontario, will return to teach here, G. E. Meikle, Windsor, OCE grad - nate, will join the staff. 0 CONTRACT LET WINGHAM -- The Harris and Fair Co. of Weston have beau given the contract to complete the fill at the north end of Minnie St, from elle CNR bridge to Al- bert St., at their price of $3,2b0: This gap was caused by the flood this spring when the Maitland overflowed its banks, and the course of the river changed. Now i in TUEES as well as JARS Tubes 2955< BATHING CAPS - Jars 551 50c -65c -75c-$1.50 DOROTHY GRAY HOT WEATHER COLOGNE • Reg. $2.00 -- $1.00 REVLON AQUJAMARINE LOTION - $1.00 KLEENEX -18c; 2 for 35c1 Man's Size 29c uNIQuE F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONY 14 DRUGGIST PHOTO • BE ONE OF THE THOUSANDS TO 4 ATTEND THE SEA -FORTH LIONS CLUB ca 13th ANNUAL SUMME CARNIVAL - TWO BIG NIGHTS - WEDNESDAY 1 FRIDAY JULY 21st 1 JULY 23rd LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH SENSATIONAL AERIAL ARTISTS See the "Lady of the Skies" in a death -defying act atop a swaying 925 ft. steel pole SIX FAMOUS BANDS IN ATTENDANCE 1 New Games Refreslunents OPEN-AIR DANCING EXCELLENT PROGRAMME ' BINGO PRIZE DRAWING! •.. $2.50.00 worth of beautiful prizes will be drawn for each night -- Be sure to get your tickets for this drawing. 'BREATHTAKING Fireworks Display WATCH FOR THE LUCKY DODGERS BEING DROPPED , FROM AN AIRPLANE TUESDAY and THURSDAY" NIGHTS ILRIN1MENCING AT 5 raw, ADMISSION: CHILDREN `25 FREE PARK/11G FREE