HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-08, Page 5'THURSDAY, 'JULY; 8, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PI= Fie o News -Record Classified Adlets ROUSES FOR SALE BIRTHS CASH RATE -(If paid by Wed- iesday following date of inser- tion) -One cent a word first: in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- .sequent insertions one cent a word: (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ' 'TWO ROOMS SUITABLE FOR young couple for light housekeep- ing, ; Phone 461. 27-b AGENTS WANTED MEN! WATKINS DEALERS earning average minimum $40.00 'to $75.00 weekly. Do not delay any further in requesting free information for the vacant Rural District in your section, This fine opportunity of being, your own =boss, without investment on your part is limited to those who act fast. If you have a car or can purchase one, write 'today. The :f. R. Watkins Company, Dept, O -C-16, Montreal, Que. 27-29-31-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE - CABIN TRAILERFOR SALE, 14' long and 7' wide, built-in cupboards, folding bed. Price $350. Apply at Henry Pickett's, Clinton. 28-p BUILDINGS, FOR SALE FRAME BUILDINGS, 20'x30' and 20'x60'. Good material. Phone Clinton 802r23. 28-p BARN FOR SALE, 60'x40', Good •shape. One mile north of Holmes- ville. Apply el. Earl Elliott, St. David St,, Goderich. 28-30-b FARMS FOR RENT 80 ACRES, SECOND OF HUL- lett, water in house and barn. For further particulars apply to Box "G", NEWS -RECORD. 28-p FARM' EQUIPMENT , FOR SALE HAY LOADER WITH TRUCKS; one heavy rubber -tired wagon; one light rubber -tired wagon, $35. tractor plow; one car front axle,. with wheels; 'tractor disc; also two spring Durham calves. Ap- ply W. B. Thompson, two; and. a Ulf miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 28-29-p JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, Model AR, nearly new; also Massey - Harris two -row corn scnffler. Apply. Francis Powell, phone .907r4. 28-b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE SOME MIXED CLOVER HAY IN bales. John Keys, Varna, phone Clinton 63042. 28 p FURNITURE FOR SALE THREE BURNER GASOLINE Stove, with oven, A-1 condition. Apply A. C. Brandon, phone 363. 28-p LARGE COLEMAN Space Heater in good condition. Phone 490. 28-b BABY'S HIGH CHAIR WITH tray. Phone 698W. 28-e HAY WANTED TEN TO 20 ACRES MIXED HAY. Apply Charles Brandon, R.R. 4, 'Clinton, phone 633r5. 28-p EELP WANTED, FEMALE (HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, dutie n to commence at once, for family of one adult and three teen age :children. Apply Ellwood Epps, phone 42, Clinton. 26btfb MARRIAGES ARCHAIVIBAULT-CRAIG - I n BELANGER - In Clinton Public Knox United Church, Auburn, Hospital, on Tuesday, June 29, by Rev. H. J. Snell, Exeter, as- 1948, to WO2 and Mrs. J. R. issted by Rev. A.G. Hewitt, Au- Belanger, Clinton, a daugther. burn, Saturday afternoon, June BOURNE - in;• Clinton Public 26, 1943, Elizabeth Christen: Hospital, on Saturday, July 3, (Bette), only daughter of M. 1948, to' Mr. and Mrs. J. Bourne, and. Mrs. Bert Craig Auburn, Clinton, a son, (David John). .to Leonard William Archare- CAV.ANAUGH-In Clinton Pub- bault, only son of Mr: and Mrs. lic Hospital on Wednesday, William Archambault, R. R. 1, July 7, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. • Auburn. Reginald Charles Cavanaugh.,, BOAK-COOK - In the United Clinton, a daughter, (Daphne Church, Westfield, at high noon, Michele). on Wednesday, 'June 30, 1948, GIBBINGS-Ir_ Durham General by Rev, A. G. Hewitt, Phyllis Hospital, on Sunday, ;June 27, Loreen, eldest daughter of Mr. - 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gib - and Mrs. Fred J. Cook, Blyth, bangs, Durham,,,a son (both do- te James Ewart Boak, eldest < ing well). son. of Mr. and Mrs. James Boak, GVTHRIE - In Clinton Public Bruno, Sask. . Hospital, on Sunday, July 4, CUNNING3JAM,WAS1VIAN - 1.n 1948, to Mr. and .Mrs. J . 11. Knox .College Chapel, Toronto, Guthrie, Clinton, a daughter, 'on Wednesday, June 23, 1948, (Janice Lorraine). by Rev. 7.D. Cunningham, fah- HENDERSON-In 'Clinton Public er " of the /groom, assi^,ted by Hospital, on Saturday, July 3, Rev. M. R, Sanderson, Dr. Helen 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. William lyiarie""Wasmare only, daughter Henderson, Clinton, a daughter, gfMr, .and .Mrs. -Leslie J. Was- LOBB In Hamilton .General man, Toronto, formerly of Ciin- Hospital, on Wednesday, Tune ton, to Dr.. Robert Murray Cure- 30, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, Alvin ningleam, son of Rev. and Mrs. Lobb, ' Hamlton, a daughter, J. D. Cunningham, New To- (Marie Eleanor). ronto. MADSON In Clinton Public. ELLISON-RYAN--At the home Hospital, on Monday, July 5, of Mrs, Ellen J. Cox, Huron. Se, 1948, to Fit. Sgt.. and Mrs. Mur - Clinton, by Rev. R. M. P. Ed- ray Madman, Clinton, a daugh- teel, on Saturday, June 26, 1948, ter, (Susanne Arlene). Reta Frances, daughter of the McNALL - In. Clinton 'Public late Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. New- • Hospital, on Saturday, July 3, foundland, to Joseph Ellison, : 1948, td Mr, and 1VIrs. Ray Me - Clinton. Nall, Blyth, (nee Mae Oeseh), GLASSFORD-GARDNER - in a daughter, (Joan Arlene). Glen Forest Road Baptist RICHMOND -In • Clinton Public Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Hospital, or, Friday, , July 2, June 19, 1948, by Rev. S. H, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lamb, Marian Corbett Gardner., Richmond, Blyth, a son, (Stew- Reg.N., daughter of Mr. and art Keith), Mrs. F. 3, Corbett, Dunnville, ROURKE - In Clinton Public to Donald Watkins Glassford, Hospital, on Wednesday, July son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glass. 7, 1948, to Mr: and Mrs. Ken ford, St. Catharines. neth Rourke, Clinton, a son. McKEE-COMBS - In St. Paul's SPRUNG .- In Clinton Public Church of England, Clinton, by Hospital, on Thursday, July 1, Rev. R. M, P. BuIteeI, on Satur- 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald. day afternoon, July 3, 1948, Sprung, Londesboro, a son, Agnes Jeanette, younger dau- (Donald Wayne). ghter of Mrs. Combe, "The Cedars," Clinton, and the late Col. Hugh Barry Combe, to Fit. AUCTION SALE Lt. Robert McKee, RCAF, Tren- of PROPERTY and ton, son of Mrs. McKee, Port HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Dalhousie, and the late James McKee. of the Estate of the late Miss STEVENS-HALL - In Robinson Frances Johnston on No. 25, Memorial United Church, Lon- Pictou St., Goderieh, on don, on Saturday, July 3, 1948, SATURDAY, JULY 17 by Rev, M. P. Smith, Audrey Bernice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Hall, Regent St., ' London, to Jo)bn Charles, son of Mrs. Stevens, Seaforth, and the late William H. Stevens. SYMONDS-ATKEN - In Ontario St, United Church, Clinton, on Wednesday, June 30. 1948, by beds, springs :and mattresses; wadi ,ley Jordan, dining room hostess, Rev. M. J, Aiken, Peterboro, stands; large wardrobe; small was assisted 'b Miss Phyllis IN•. CLINTON, EIGHT -ROOMED, well- built, two - storey frame house, two-car,egerage large lot. If you want ,something good, see this Tnfornmation about this prop- er,fy'"'caih be obtained by;contact- ing Charles E. Elliott, Box 238, Clinton, phone 326. Early posses- sion can be arranged. 26-28-b 11/2 AND 1 ;.STOREY, FRAME, asphalt shingle clad, dwelling with full callar, hydro, water and gar- age situated on William Street in the Town of Clinton. Immediate, possession and for sale only: Ap- ply G. B. Elliott, Realtor, •Blyth. 27-28-b •'LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • BELGIAN GELDING, GOING ON seven years old; Hereford x Dur- ham milk cow. Apply 'Gordon Scotchmer, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton, 909r12. 28-p • MATCHED TEAM OF BLACK Percheron Mares. Phone Carlo.y 1622. -., 28-29-b LAST AND FOUND, • LOST - HEAVY SET 'COLLIE Dog, three years old, answers to name of Scottie. Harry A. Thomp- son, phone 904r13. 28-b LUMBER FOR SALE QUANTITY OF SCRAP LU1VI- ber, suitable for fire wood, also a number of laths. Apply L. Haughton; phone 41, Clinton. 28-u MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 27-35-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suifab1e for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices., If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. "NO CORNS -NO' CALLOUSES" will be your song -if you use Lloyd's Corn Salve right along. 50 cents. at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 28-0 NOTICE ANYONE FOUND 'TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd. surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1948. 19-26ptfb. OFFICE EQU'IPME'NT FOR SALE REMINGTON PORTABLE Type- writer, good as new. May be seen et NEWS -RECORD Office, Rita Carbert. 28-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all. makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William' N. Goold, 314W, Clinton. 2btt PROPERTY FOR SALE IN HOLMESVILLFI, APPROX- imately 15 acres on which is sit- uated a bank barn: 28'x40' with water inside; also two lots 120'x'75', each on No. 8 Highway; 11/2 storey insul •brick buidling 18'x24', can be moved or torn down, Apply Eldon Yeo, phone Clinton 911r21. 28-29-1, DEATHS VODDEN - Iii Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 29, 1948, Isabella Webster, beloved wife of Albert C. Vodden. Fun- eral from • her late residence, Ontario St., Clinton, to Blyth during their recent sad bereave - Cemetery, on Friday, July 2. merit ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON Now Playing (July 8410) "KILLER McCOY" , with Mickey Rooney Mon., Tues., Wed. (July 12 -14) -- Robert Young, Maureen O'Hara - and Clifton Webb --Actually the funniest picture you will see this season. A tale about a baby-sitter' who knows his stuff "S'ITTING` PRETTY" Thur., Frl„ Sat. (July 15-171-- William 5-17)-William Elliott, John Carroll and Catherine McLeod - Thundering avengers ride again in this sweep- ing saga of an exciting era along the Texas frontier. "THE FABULOUS TEXAN" Coming (July 19-21)- "100 MEN AND A GIRL" and "SLIGHTLY SCANDALOUS" CAPITAL THEATRE. GODERICII Now Playing (July 8-10) William Elliott in "TILE FABULOUS TEXAN" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (July 8-10) The Louis vs. Walcott Fight flim, Gene Autry in "SADDLE PALS" Mon., Tues., Wed. {July 12-14)•- June AT Van Johnson and lVton., Tues., Wed, July 1 - Uua lyIerkel - An umnhxbxted (July 2 14) a, high-speed comedy concerns a Jean Crainc, Dan Dailey c mscar prim art teacher and a not -so- Levant - A tusj ranking about a prim novelist who meet and mate, bast -tells a musical mishaps, aps a bend -leader and his mishaps, "THE BRIDE GOES WILD" "You Were Meant For Me" Thur., Fri., Sat.. (July 15 -17) -- Roy Rogers, Jane Frazee & Andy Devine -The King of the Cow- boys tangles with an illegal game - marketing racket in a musical Trucolor tale of the modern West "Springtimein the Sierras" Coming (July 19 -21) - The MGM Technicolor hit "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" Thur., Fri., Sat. (July 1,5-17)- A riotous fightng story • of the Lone Star State where men are most definitely men. "THE FABULOUS TEXAN" Coming (July 19 -21) - "THE TENDER YEARS" and "The Adventures of Don Coyote" • Entertains at Tea For Mrs. V, Huller Mrs. Bert Huller entertained at; a reception tea in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Vernon Huller, on. the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, June 29. Mrs. Musgrave, mother of the bride, received with the bride and Mrs. Huller. The house throughout was beautifully decorated with a pro- fusion of summer flowers. The table was covered with a silk lace tablecloth, offset by pink and white candles and a centrepiece of pink roses and peonies, sweet peas, delphinium and sweet william, composed other arrange- ments. Mrs. Huller, wearing a lime and black jersey dress, with biege hat trimmed with brown and matching accessories, received her guests in the sun porch, where they were presented tc the bride, who looked lovely in her wed- ding edding dress of pastel blue jersey, with white hat and white acces- sories. Mrs. Musgrave, mother of the bride, wore a flowered black jersey with black hat and match- ing accessories. Friends were re- quested to sign the guest book wlsihh was in charge of Miss Lucy Levy in the afternoon, and Mrs. Irene Henri, in the evening, after which they retired to the living at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: room where refreshments were Ileintzman piano and bench served. (mahogany); couch and upholster- Those pouring tea in the af- ed chairs (walnut); dining mem ternoon were Mrs. O. W. Potter, table, sideboard and six chairs; great-aunt of the groom, 82 years couch; several rocking chain,:of age, and Mrs. George Huller, small.oval table; small hall table) grandmother of the groom' who hall rack; hall seat; 2 dressers: will be 83 in August. Mrs.Mor- uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev W. J. Woolfrey, Clinton, Florence Teresa, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat Aiken, Clinton, to Donald Edgar Wade, son of Mr. E. J, Symons wardrobe; walnut chest of draw- ,Shanahan; and Miss Dorothy Mc- e'rs; small chest of drawers; two Quire, Mrs. Morgan Agnew en - china cabinets; White sewing en- tertained with piano instru- machine; small electric range; mentals, Coleman oil stove (nearly' new); In the evening the tea table was and the late Mrs, Symons Port cook stove; heater; large kitchen presided over by Mrs• Reg. Ship - cupboard; 2 kitchen tables, kitch- ley, Vernon's aunt, and Mrs. Hope. en chairs; ice box; General Elec- Lawrence Denomme. Mrs, Har- TUFTS-MIDDLETON - In St. James' Church, Middleton, on Saturday, July 3, 1948, by Rey. Laverne Morgan, Ruth Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Middleton, Godericli Town- ship, to Norman Edwin Tufts, numerous other articles Proctor Palmer, assisted by Mrs. London,. son of Mrs. Tufts: and At the same time•• and place Frank Evans and Mrs. Wilfred the late' Truman Tufts, Kirkton. there will be offered for sale, IManaghan helped in the kitchen, -`---o` subject to reserve bid, the prop- Refreshments were served buffet CARD OF THANKS erty on which is situated a 11/2 ;style and consisted of an assort - The family of the late Mrs. storey nine -room frame house merit of dainty sandwiches with Albert C. Vodden wish to express with toilet and bath. Irelisbes of olives and nuts, fol - their appreciation to all those who Also two desirable building lots: 'lowed by a variety of fancy remembered her with cards, flow- No. 1 being approximately 100 ft. 1 ers, and with special thanks to front by 110 It. depth; No. 2 be - Dr. Oakes and the hospital staff ing approximately 46 ft. front by • CARD OP THANKS while she was a patient in Clin- 110 ft. depth. Mrs. J. C. Radford and two ton Public Hospital, and would TERMS: on Household Effects, daughters wish to express their also like to sincerely thank those cash;, on Property, 10 per cent sincere appreciation to those who who sent .floral tributes, cards, down on dnte of sale, balance in through kindness helped brighten loaned cars or helped in any way y Mr. Radford's days of sickness sand are deeply grateful to those who in their sad bereavement sent flowers, cards, loaned cars, trio mantle radto;,diehes including old Brennan, the dining roost Limoge, Bridal Wreath, Harmony hostess was assisted by Miss Shir- Rose, Pink Lustre, hand painted, ley Henri, Miss Gloria Palmer antique dishes: glassware induct- and Miss Dorothy McGuire, Miss ing milk glasses; silverware; lila- 'Viola Fraser played some femil- ens; bedding; cooking utensils and lar songs on the piano. Mrs. 0 ®�re. �ii00oo S� 0 You'll Need These For the Hot 'Weeks Ahead Get the most out of summer time with the right things for style and comfort. SWIM' TRUNKS, "Ballantyne" "Woods" $2.95 to $5.75 SPORT SHIRTS Tub -fast qualities in plain and patterns $3.95 to $7.50 • SUMMER SOX Q Anklets and regulars in plain0 - colours and patterns 50c to $2,50 POLO SHIRTS Smlart new patterns and plain shades $1.25 to $1.85 SLACK SUITS Summer time 'favourites `iii tub -tested colours $11.50 to $16.95 • SHIRTS and SHORTS "Woods" - •' Stanfieid's" "BVD" `Arrow" All -Sizes 79c to $1.50 1 043 S‘itcliv AS THEY'RE COOL! DOZENS OF PAIRS of Summer Slacks to choose from here -,Gabardines,' flan- nels, coverts, Bed- ford cords. and wor- steds - browns, tans, greys, blues, in plain shades and stripes pleated & plain styles -zippered or button- ed. Sizes 29 to 42. 84,50 - $7,75 $9.95 - $13.50 $14.95 to $17.95 Cy Weather Proof STRAWS Rain won't affect 'ern They re "Airdexid" Smart soft straws and Y 1 �,tidj' n d* 0' Genuine panlmas. Ite elu�;..i. „1 $1.95 to , $5,50 NOTE - Two Pairs of Trousers now available in'•0 "Regal Park," "W. R. Johnston" and "Tip Top Tailor" Suits Pickett 3 Campbell 0 HEADQUARTERS FOR WORK CLOTHING CP'' Phone` .25 - Clinton 30 days. MRS.' VIOLA FARQUHAR, Administnatnix WILLIAM CRAIGIE, Administrator or expressed their sympathy in EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,any way. 28-b Auctioneer o 28-29-b CARD OF THANKS Nir. Robert S. Reid, the brothers and sister of the late Mrs. Reid, wish to thank all those Who showed kindnes in so many ways during her lengthy illness, for letters, cards, flowers, and to those who remembered her in Prayer. Special thanks to Dr. F. G. Thompson, Rev, F. G. States= bury, Rev. Andrew Lane, Rev. W. J.' Woolfrey, and to all who show- ed so much sympathy during their sad bereavement, also to Miss Elva Wiltse, soloist, who sang "The City Four Square." 0 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manieare Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOl1'IPSON ?Amass St. East Phone 585 , 5941 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS' For Every Occasion C. V C OKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at "Over the Way" cottage at the corner of Essex and Elgin Avenues, Goderich, on SATURDAY, JULY 19 at L30 p.m, sharp, consisting of: Chesterfield, dining room fur- niture, kitchen furniture, bedroom suites, 4 chests of drawers, Mof- fat electric range, rocking chairs, arm chairs, cane bottom chairs, deck chairs, lawn chairs, dishes, glassware and nilmerous other articles. TERMS --CASH MRS. II. E. REID, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 28-b • OPEN SUNDAY JULY 1`I and Every Night Next Week 'GOODRICH TIRE'S .MURPHY BROS. GARAGE WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS on St. PHONE 465 Clinton•. MI.NMI•hNJ+NI•�*>^MMMNPMO�I�TINI�•/'i'N'NJ•I�M.w MONEY WILL BUY A bed but not sleep, Food but not appetite, A house but not a. home, Medicine but not health, A Church pew but not heaven. But What You Cannot Buy You Can Receive As A Gift. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." CHAS. E. FILLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. cookies and a piece of the wed- make their home there, as Ver - ding cake and mints. non is at present employed with There were 140 guests who at- the Carnation Milk Company, tended Some were out-of-town Friends join in wishing them all guests from Toronto, Bowman- happiness, ville, Benmiller, Zurich, London, II Mitchell and Seaforth. giTs ahe mide receIceivec) arnan>hovely hold their annual Weiner roast, rs took the 'opportunity to present Wednesday evening, July 14, at the newly married couple with a Bayfield Beach, South Pier. very lovely table lamp, o The happy couple were married 1Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper in Aylmer, June 2, and theywill are holidaying in Detroit and other American points. 0 WEINER ROAST Clinton Junior Farmers will '�f+.4'�.p0�� i �•. Mt,.'..+":....«.+:'A:..'A�WWH �a«� �a0.�'4,4'::!A NW,• Ausounceigeo-ifi x I have just purchased the butcher I business operated successfully by C. D. Connell for the past 26 years, and hope that I may have a continuation of the patronage afforded him. ;= Throgh many years' experience :* in the business, I am in a position to z * serve your best interests, and trust ;, that many old friends and new will s 4 drop in and see us. A --NORMAN L. FIT.ZSIMONS At ;i • LL • ..,., Fitzsimons' , :t .., A; Meat Market (Successor to C. D. Connell) Phone 162 - - - Clinton ). ` S SUMMER SHOE SPECIALS! MEN'S CANVAS BOOT + MEN'S LEATHER CAMP with leather sole, $2.39 toe & back strap MEN'S CANVAS OXFORD t2 19 (same as above) ' or WORK 'OXFORD .... $1.98 BOY'S LEATHER CAMP 1. OXFORD .... 49 YOUTH'S $119. (as above) .. Straw Hat Special MEN'S and BOY'S, regu•1al 35c ;St 40c . NOW 23c LADIES' LARGE BRIM Multi -Coloured Beach Hat, regular 65c NOW 47c LADI'EES', QUALITY BEACH HAT of Fine Straw, with band and trim, regular 79c, NOW 59c AIKEN'S PHONE 2 - - CLINTON mmilmimmoNMEW Are You in"Need of New Furnace We have a complete stock of CLARE BROS. HECLA "Saves one ton in seven!" Buy Yours Before Prices Advance Buy Your Beatty Washer on the weekly payment plan if ,,desired HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 ' Phone Residence 470