HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-07-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON .NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY,. JULY 8, 19411 /omen'sancl Church Altalisin ClinlonDisiriel Summer Weddings McKEE-COMBE The marriage took place Satur- day, July 3,at a very quiet cere- mony in St. Paul's Church of England, Clinton, of Agnes Jean- ette younger daughter. of Mrs. Combe, "The Cedars, Clinton; and the hate Col, Hugh Barry Combe, to Flt. Lt. Robert McKee, RCAF, youngest son of Mrs, Mc- Kee, Port Dalhousie and the late Mr. -James McKee. Rev. R. M. P. Birlteel, rector of the church, officiated. Given in marriage by her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Fletcher W. Troop, Toronto, the bride, who was unattended, wore a pale gray frock with orchid accessories and carried a white prayer book, The groom was attended by his brother, Major John Rogers, To- ronto. Throughout the ceremony quiet organ music was played by Mrs. Theo. Fremlin, Following the ceremony a small reception was held at the bride's home, "The Cedars," with only the family and a few close friends of the bride present. Out- of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Troop, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Latornell, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willis and daughter, Miss Heather, London. After a short honeymoon the rouple will reside in Trenton, where the bridegroom is station- ed on RCAF duty. The bridegroom, and his bride both served overseas in the Sec- ond World War. Miss Combe went overseas in 1945 with the e h St. John Ambulance Brigade. Flt. Lt. McKee joined the RCAF in 1939, went overseas as an air gunner in 1942. He was trans- ferred later to Special Air Ser- vice, and served with pathfinder crews in thethree major air- borne assaults bf the war, June 6, 1944, in Normandy, Arnhem, and the Rhine crossing. He was a member of the RAF party that accepted the surrender of Norway from the Germans. He was grad- uated at the head of the class in May, 1948, from the first radio - navigator's course to be held at Clinton RCAF Station. SYMON S-AIKEN , Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, attractively decorated with pink and white peonies, del- phiniums, and orange blossoms, made a lovely setting for the mar- riage on Wednesday afternoon, June 30, at 2,30 o'elock, of Flor- ence Teresa, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat Aiken, Clin- ton, to Donald Edgar Symons, son of Mr, E. J. Symons and the late Mrs. Symons, Port Hope. The d'euble ring ceremony was per- formed by Rev. M. J. Aiken, Peterboro, uncle of the bride, assisted by .Rev. W. J. Wooifrey, Clinton. Traditional wedding music was played by Mrs. E. Wendorf, or- ganist 'of the church, who also accompanied the soloist, Ken Sy- mons, Harwood, brother of the groom, who sang "0 Promise Nle" before the ceremony and "Through the Years" at the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was charming in a floor-lengthgown of ivory satin with nylon yoke outlined with a drape of satin edged i e p g d n lace, bodice, long lily -pointed sleeves,and full skirt. Her long embroideredveil was caught with braided satin and net. Her only ornament was a pearl and cameo pendant which had been given by Special Ayt 2ceeheid and 12th CRUSHED ORANGE LAYER and GOLDEN GATE TARTS Dixon's Pastry Shop Rattenl>ary St. E. - Phone 281W - Clinton esel st Xe )ewes! l *�f iersHereHlHtNH:eteee.;HiN♦HM ste HiHt fie WHNHl. tease :t• re ° for GOOD: Cooking Eating Meals It's 4 Coleman zona STOVES STOVES FOR EASIER COOKING! tS •'a.: t Instant - Gas Stove- ,. * Here is a full size three -burner kitchen stove e k .. only nine inches Wee Can be placed and ,€ used wherever most convenient. Cast-iron $39,95 ' open grate cooking top measure 14"x31" ...J := Hot . Plate .• ,. y 's A two -burner table stove that can be used any-;_ .. :t; t=. where. On the farm It is an ideal stove for gen- eral cooping in the Summer and as an auxiliary stove in Winter. Heats anything from a kettle 3 to a boiler. Servs as an all-round cookstove in small homes, summer cottages, house -trailers and : dependable little stove is needed $14.95 wherever a quick cooking easy -to -operate, +: Speedmaster- The "Speednraster's" quiet blue -flame burner lights instantly -no waiting -just turn it on and light it. Everyone who owns a small pressure +` cooker should have a " Speednraster" Stove to use • ss with it. Jttst right for all kinds oi' light cook- ing -frying, boiling water, cooking veg- $7. Be , ei:abies, Makes perfect toast 1 7t1 ._ :•1'. 3 Camp Stdve- This popular two -burner stove is just the thing for outdoor use --at the summer cottage, on pictte - ,, .• Ales and fishing trips , for indoor use as a es handy utility stove. Folds up like a small suit- .;. case with everything inside. Weighs only 13 lbs.. Removable fuel tank holds 2 pints of gas- 1 1 n5 : olive and the air -pump is built in .7• a e 'F F Pocket Stove- A real pleasure -making pal on any outing. Makes camp cooking easy -just light it, use it and put it away. tees arty kind of gasoline -clear or leaded. Carry it in your hunting jacket, picnic basket or the glove compartment of your car. Ready to use anywhere: Lights instantly. .Inter- lockingaluminum case serves as two cooking utensils. .Removable handle for both. Fuel cap- 4. .for more than three hours' u i ghs $9 95 S Y s use, we r` only three pounds, 8 inches high acit Gasoline Lantern "Major" • ... , $ 11.95 + "Sport -Lite" . 9.95' 4 Gasoline Iron . , . ,., , ......... 8.95 , 41. COI:EMAN Stoves Make and Use Their Own 2 ;_ Gas , from.Gasoline A. Y +m-+ +y-+e-`+-++•••••+-a4++.-•.ar-•+-44-•-•-e •-•-•÷ 4.0-41-0-44-04.11-4. : z Bali .:Brothers f 4, Win. N. Ball Phone 195 , iii. G. Ball 3. X HARDWARE and FURNITURE 3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Wed in St. James' Church, Middleton MCS. AND MRS. ROBERT BROWN CAMPBELL Who were married in St, James' Church of England, Middleton, by Rev. LaVerne Morgan' or Saturday afternoon, June 26, have: returned from their honeymoon to Musltuka and. Ottawa, and shortly will take up residence in their home on :Mill St,, Clinton. The bride was formerly Muriel Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fr ed Middleton, Goderich Township,and the grooln la- a son of Mr. and MrsGeorge Campbell, ., Clinton. --Photo by Earl MacLaren her Father to her mother and worn by her on their wedding day. She carried a shower bou- quet of Peerless red roses and bouvardia. • Attending the bride as maid of honour was Miss Maxine Miller, Clinton, who Wore a floor length gown of shell pink nylon net with a yoke outlined with .a frill of the material. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink Briar- cliffe roses. 1'he groom's niece, Shirley Symons, Port Hope, was a winsome flower girl in a floor length gown of ice blue taffeta made on similar lines to the maid of honour's gown. She carried a ; nosegay of pink roses and, gypsophilia. Harold Symons, Port Hope, brother of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were Willard and Arthur Aiken, Clinton, bre- thers of the bride. Following the ceremoney a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where her mother received wearing a frock. of Princess blue crepe with black accessories. She was assisted. by Mrs. John F. Connelly, Port Elope, sistez of the groom, who wore turquoise blue, natural straw hat and white accessories. Both wore corsages of pink Briaciiffe roses, The bride's table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake with burning tapers in silver holders on either side, The as- sistants were Misses Lois Connell, Gene. Hearn, Helen Taylor and Helen Herman, all of Clinton, For travelling to Muskoka and Ottawa, the bride donned a tur- quoise blue dress with navy and white accessories, a corsage of red roses, and carried a navy top coat. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Gananoque, Peterboro, Port Hope, Alicnford, Harwood, Owen Sound and Delhi. On the Thursday previous to Church Directory (Ali services on Daylight Saving Time) The' United Church of Canada CLINTON UNITED CHURCHES c will worship together during the month of July in Wesley -Willis United t Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister f Mrs. Morgan 3. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 11 11.00 A,TVM.--Morning Worship, the wedding, Mrs. Aiken enter- tained at a delightful trousseau tea in honour of her bride -elect daughter, Miss Florence. Beautiful baskets of spring flowers adorned the various rooms of the home.. Mrs. Aiken and her daughter received the guests, Upstairs Miss Maxine )Miller displayed the trousseau and Mrs. R. A. E. Bruce the shower gifts and linens while the wed- ding gifts were to be seen down- stairs. Pouring tea was Mrs. B. C, Hearn and the assistants were Misses Ruth Hearn. and Jean Elliott. TUFTS--MIDDLETON St. Junes' Church; Middleton, with candle light and standards of white roses, peonies and orange blossoms, made a beautiful setting for one of the loveliest season's bridals on Saturday, July 3, at three o'clock, Rev, LaVerne Mor- gan officiated at the double ring ceremony uniting in marriage Ruth Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Middleton, and Norman Edwin Tufts, son of Mrs. Truman Tufts and the late Mr, Tufts, Kirkton, ' The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a beautiful ivory slipper satin' gown, styled In princess lines ex- tending into a full cathedral train with the yoke of french lace with capelets and long lily point sleeves. Her long veil of em- broidered illusion net was held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet o£ American Beauty roses. (Mrs, Keith Tyndall was her sister's matron of honotu gowned in pink brocaded taffeta with matching bonnet and mittens. She carried a bouquet of pink Dream roses and blue delphinium. The bridesmaids were Miss Lois Mid- dleton, sister of the bride, wear - leg peach taffeta with matching Sonnet and mittens and carrying Talisman roses, .and Miss Norma Tufts, sister of the groom, wear- ing blue brocaded taffeta with matching bonnet and mittens and carrying pink Dream roses. Mas- ter Danny Funnell, Woodstock, nephew of the groom, in white E lannel trousers and navy blazer arried the rings on a white satin pillow. Little Sue Middleton, Se Marys, niece of the bride, was he winsome flower girl in a long ink frock with natural blue flower headdress. She carried a lower basket and preceded the bride, scattering rose petals. Rnss Tufts was best man for his brother. The ushers were 'Ross Middleton, Sault Ste, Marie, bro- ther of the bride, and , Leliand >, London. Kenneth Mills, Woodham, was organist, and Miss June Middleton; sister of the bride was soloist, singing "The Lord's Prayer" before the cere- mony, and "When. Song is Sweet" and. 'At Dawning" during the signing of the register. The reception was held at "Rose Lawn" bonne of the bride's parents. Mrs. Middelton received the guests, wearing'' a becoming light hlue dress with matching hat. The . groom's mother chose navy and white. Both wore cor- sages of pink and white carna- tions on 'a blue ostrich feather background. The wedding lunch- eon was served to 80 guests by Misses Madeline Hollingsworth, Ruth Hearn, Kay Robertson, Jean Denstendt, Hazel Weir, Merle Abraham and Marjorie Carlson. Guests were present from Toron- to, Ayr, London„ Mt. Bridges, Woodstock and Stratford. For the wedding trip to Mus- koka by rentor the bride donned a navy and white printed silk dress with white shortie coat alai avy accessories. On their return ey will reside at Lorne Ave "Blundering Builders" B 12.15• -Sunday School There will be no evening service during July and August. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R, Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 11 11.00 a.m,- Church Service and Sunday School Everyone Welcome • 'St. Paul's Anglican Church ' REV. R. M. P. 13ULTEEL, Sector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist S'Ers. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 11 11.30 a.m.--Morning Worship, n Mr. George H. McElheran, of th Huron College. No Sunday School dr Evening Ser- London, where the groom is on vice during July, the teaching staff, Trousseau Tea Airs, ,Tohn Middleton entertain- ed at a delightful trousseau tea on Wednesday afternoon, June 30, 10» her daughter, Ruth Eleanor, a .bride of. Saturday last. Mrs, Tufts, Kirkton. mother of the groom, welcomed the guests with the hostess ' and her daughter, Peonies roses and summer flow- ers were 'attractively arranged throughout the house for the oc- Presbyterian Church REV, D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 11 9 4 a.m.--Service at Bayfield 10.00 a.m,-Sunday School 11.15 a.m.-Divine •Worship casion., Orange . Parade and Service, Those 'pouring tea were Mrs, Hattie Stewart and :Mrs R J. MclVffllan, aunts of the bride Mrs, Kirk Wo data d IVir , D idl All Welcome • PERSONALS`' Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy G. Brown and son, John, are holidaying in Sudbury, Miss Eleanor Kemp, Cookeville,. is spending the holiday period at her home in town:. Il%. ss Doreen Elliott has joined the staff of Clinton branch, Bank of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. George Spitler and son Michael, left Monday for their new home in Dundas: • Mr. and. -Mrs, G. H. Jefferson are spending, the summer at their cottage atInverhnron. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh, Ferndale, ,Mich,, spent the week- end visiting relatives in town, Mr: and Mrs, R. L. McEwen have returned after, spending last week visiting friends in Jarvis, Miss Hattie Turner, Toronto, is spending the vacation Season with her parents, Mrs. and. Rees, George Turner. iVir, and Mrs. Ken Morrison, De- troit, visited the former's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Addison, over the weekend, Miss Helen Cook has returned home after spending two weeks visiting friends in Montreal and Toronto. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, Kitch- ener, is visiting her son and dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, A. Walker. Mrs. E: F. Jackson, Stratford, is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, Mrs, Dick Noble returned last Sunday from a week's visit wits her sister and other friends in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent a very pleasant week's holi- day with their family at London and Glanworth. wo h rf . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred' Tanner and son, Billy, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mrs. William Walker., Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Martin, Kitchener, are visiting Mrs. Wil- liam Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Johnston and Mrs. Howard Williams, et Catharines, spent the weekend visiting 'relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLay and daughter Katherine, are spending a vacation with Mrs. McLay's parents, Postmaster and Mrs. B. F. Lancaster, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball spent a few days in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs, C. O. Martin and Mrs. John E. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, Grosse Isle. Mich., are spending a week with the latter's mother, Mrs. William Crittenden, Miss Grace Bracey returned to Hamilton on Monday after spend- ing a few days visiting her aunts, the Misses J. and R. Tebbutt. Mrs, M. O. Ballantyne, Victoria, B.C., arrived Iast week to spend the greater part of the summer with her sister, Miss Mabel Rath well, M. and Mrs, H. J. Walder and family moved on Monday to near Brantford where they will reside before taking up residence in Dundas this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, Barbara .and David, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James C. Shearer, Bright, W. R. Lidkea, Sarnia, is re- lieving manager of Clinton Branch, Royal Bank of Canada, during the absence of J. G, Mc - Lay until July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Steep, and two children. Galt, have spent the past week holidaying with Mr. Steep's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Steep. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Bazt- liff have arrived home from their honeymoon in New York and for the summer are residing in. G. H. Jefferson's home, Townsend St. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Tasker and two children, Stratford, accomp- anied by Mrs, John G. Gibbings, Clinton, are spending a vacation at Barrow Bay, Bruce Peninsula. Brenton liellyar of the staff of the Queen Alexandra Sanatariten, London, has returned to his duties after spending a few days 'with his mother, Mrs, W, H. Hellyar. Mrs. Robert Webster was cal• - led to Lucknow on Saturday on account of the sudden death of her biother, the Late Peter Wat- son, who was in his 63rd year, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Willard, Buffalo, spent the weekend with the lady's parents. Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Shobbrook, and while here attended the Shobbrook re- union; Mr, and Mrs John Gibbings and son, Brien, Stratford, and Miss Marion Gibbings, Dundas, are spending the vacation period with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings. . Mrs, R. J. Draper has returned to her home in Clinton after spending several months with her family in St. Catharines, Her two daughters, Miss Winnie Draper 'and Mrs. Walter Gayman, are with her. Miss Coronna Wendell, wiio bas been attending school in Chesley, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Werdorf, and now is employed at the Church of Eng- land' camp rat • Bayfield. I Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Ferrin, Lindsay, and B. W. Young, Ham- ilton, spent the weekend at the home of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lobb: Mir. Young, who had spent a week at. the parental' home, returned With hrehusband to Hamilton. Ross, Stratford, Trousseau and gifts were shown by Miss Flor- ence Kirk, Miss Elizabeth Middle- ton, Mrs. Francis Powell, Mrs. Ross Feagan and Mrs. Stewart Middleton, ' Mrs. Keith Tyndall and Miss Luis Middleton assisted in the dining room and Mrs. Fred Middleton in the living room. Showers Mrs. D. M. Ross, Stratford, en- tertained at a shower in her beautiful home, 172 Ballantyne Ave.; on Thursday evening in honour of Miss Ruth Middleton, The teachers 011 the staff of Juliet School, of which Miss Middleton was a member, also enteirtained in honour of the bride-to-be and. showered her with beautiful and 11 if Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R, Holmes, Clinton, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Anna 'Gertrude, to Albert Joseph Daw- son, younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dawson, Mont- real, Que., the m.arriage to take place July ,24, at two -thirty o'clock in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, ' Mr. and Mrs. William K. Govier, Londesboro, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest dau- ghter, Margaret Elizabeth (Beth) to Jack William George Hamil- ton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Hamilton, Godeiich, and of their youngest daughter, Elva Ruth, to Harry James McEwarr, youngest son of Mr. and erfrer Murray McEwen, Clinton the double wedding to take place Saturday, July the 24th at two o'clock in the United Church,, Londesboro; 0 Guests this week with Mr. and Mrs, Benson Sutter include the latter's father, Gordon W. Har- wood, and son, Melville, Toronto, and Mr. and Nies, Maurice W. Har- wood and daughter, Diane;, Thamesville. CHOIR. PRACTICE Clinton Junior Farmers will hold choir practice every Tues- day evening at, 8.45 o'clock. Mem- bers are asked to be in attendance. Seasonable Mercha µ' dice At Popular Prices Attractively Low Clearing Prices on ODD . LINES of CHILDREN'S and. MISSES' PLAY DRESSES SHORTS at 89c pr. The Qu'antity is limited in this exceptionally low price. We suggest you choose yours early. BLOUSES Slightly Counter Soiled SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED For Quick Selling A Leader in Dress Cottons Qualities which are now selling far above our prices, Canadian Prices in good qualities at 49c and 65c yd. Famous Fruit -of -the -Loom at only 85c yd. Fine Quality Check Gingham, attractively priced at $1.19 yd. Several colors in stock aJYe++vJv.N.H+vnw,►✓w+.1+.Pw+wMetwMn.reww,NOWMMINNO NO, ▪ : ti• •«• «• w,••'.HP • • H;�+N:•O 04 . +:"+i'A :wH;':: o+kn.;. 4•41.H' k!0'0+01.,, t Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits REG. $2.95 SALE 98c Ladies' Blouses, reg. 2.49 . , , . Sale .49 Ladies' Skirts .......,.. .. , , Sale .59 Air Force Sun Glasses, reg. $15, Sale 3.95 Men's Bib Overalls ...........Sale 1.49 Navy Life Saving Jackets, reg. 57.00 ........ Sale 4.95 Sheeting Sale per yd. .29 ' Ticking Sale per yd. .25 3: Air Force Rain Coats Sale 3.49 / Army Boots Sale pr. 3.95 Men's Briefs reg. .89 Sale .35 3 Sweat Shirts reg. 2.19 Sale .75 F CALL OR WRITE Clinton War AssetsSurplus BOX 428 Clinton, Ont, PHONE 460-W 28-p .-r ,•rr+ H+IRH`HHH `01, `H HHH`i OH+t✓HV+•H'H'H•hl•H'• e .tioe gangi WHEN SERVE 11 her " 1s 4cttex �scot d�e S,�u14ae SUNDAES, SODAS AND MILK ,SHAKES Visit our Soda Fountain and taste the best, most: taste -tempting Sun. d ,rs and Sod:'s you've ever en - in edl Wholesome, lip -smacking tla,vere to choose from) Butter- scotch, Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge, Caramel Fudge and Marshmallow -all made with delicious Candy - kind topping. BA.RTLIFF I ROS.