HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-06-24, Page 11"rIIURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1949
40 Rears Married ' W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Yungblut Church on Thursday afternoon.
“celebrated their 40th wedding an- Guests from Knox W.NI•S., God-
erich, and Old St. Andrew's, Blyth
augmented the Auburn society in
celebrating its anniversary.
Mrs. Edgar Lawson, the presi-
dent; presided and following the
opening hymn offered prayer. Mrs
John Houston welcomed the guest
The scripture was read by Mrs.
Fear of Blyth; and Miss Allis Toll,
also of Blyth, offered prayer.
Mrs. Lawson read greetings from
St. Mark's Anglican Church, Au-
burn; Mrs. Gordon Bissett, presi-
dent of Huron Presbyterial, bro-
ught greetings from the Presby-
terial; and Mrs. F. R. Redditt
brought greetings from the God-
erich W.M.S. A duet was sung by
Mrs. George Sanderson and Mrs.
Nelson Hill, Goderieh, aecompan-
ied by Mrs. R. E. Wilson.
niversary. They have sa family of
three, Percy of Auburn, Carl of
Hamilton, and Miss Madeline at,
home, six grandchildren. All
the :family were present on the
anniversary occasion,
Many Attend Sale
A large erowd attended the sale
of farm property and household
•effects of the :estate of the Tate
Mrs. Frank Stanley, one mile west
of Auburn. The farm was bought
by Thomas McNall for $2;550.
Babies Baptized
-Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was observed in Knox Pres-
byterian Church. Rev, John
Honeyman baptized Janette Eliza-
beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Dobie, and Phillip Eric,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-
Ilveen of Kingston and grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen,
BYPI7 Meets
Mrs. E, Fraser, Exeter, was
chief speaker at the monthly
meeting of the BYPU held in the
church Sunday night. Mrs. Wil-
liam Haggitt was in charge and
Evelyn Raithby, was pianist.
-Scripture was read by i George
Robertson, and prayer wasoffer-
ed by. Frank Raithby. A duet
'was . given by Emma and Shirley
Robertson. A reading was given
by George Raithby, and; a duet
'by Elaine Johnston and Evelyn
Raithby, solo by Mrs. Wilfrid
Vesterfelt, Bible quiz, by Grant
,Raithby; piano duet, by Evelyn
Raithby, and Margaret Jackson;
reading by Billie Robertson; solo
by Jack Ladd.
(Intende'd for last week)
Mrs. Albert Taylor of Goderich,
gave an inspiring message on
"Prayer." A poem composed by
the late Miss Isabelle Graham
Seaforth, who for 21 years was
recording, corresponding, and
press secretary of Huron Presby-
terial, was read by_ Mrs. W. T,
Robison, Auburn. A basket of
white flowers was placed on the
communion table in memory of
the members of the W.M.S. • who
had died, and a minute of silence
was observed in their memory.
Mrs, F. O. Mellveen extended a
"vote of thanks to the guest speak-
er and all who had contributed
to the meeting. The offering was
received by Mrs, W. Good and
Mrs. Fred Ross; and Mrs. Lawson
offered the dedicatory prayer.
Following the meeting, a tea
was served in the Sunday School
room. The tables were decorated
with low vases of yellow and blue
Miss Frances' Houston R. N., flowers. A large, birthday cake,
"London spent the weekend with decorated in the W.M.S. colors,.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John blue and gold, and bearing lighted
Houston. candles, centred the head table.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz are Mrs. Annie Henderson, Goderich,
visiting friends at Ayr. whose husband, the late Rev.
1Virs. Ray O'Neil, and children Robert Henderson, WAS pastor of
"Lyn and John, are visiting her Auburn ands Smiths Hill some 55
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fer- years ago, blew out the candles
hmson• and cut the cake, Mrs. Henderson
Mrs, Bert Marsh, Kitchener, spoke of the first president, Mrs.
•vsiited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Patterson, and some of the
'Herb Mogridge; last week. other early members. Mrs. Oliver'
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Twitchell, Clark, Goderich, a former resid-
•Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. ent of Auburn and member of the
J. Philips and Mrs. C. A. Howson W.M.S., spoke briefly, as did Mrs.
on Sunday. ,Tames Woods of Blyth, another
Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of former member of the local W.M.
Detroit spent a few days with Mrs. IS. Mrs. H. C. Dunlop of Goderich
'Fred Ross, extended a vote of thanks to the
Ladies Aid Meets (Auburn women for their hospit-
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist,
Church held its June meeting at
the home of Mrs. Glen Raithby
with the President, Mrs. C. A. LIONS RLECi
'Howson, in charge and Mrs. R.
J. Phillips presiding at the piano
'The devotional period was taken
by Mrs. S. Johnston and Mrs. A.
Forsyth. Readings were given by
Mss: V. Kneeshaw and Mrs. For-
syth and a duet cas rendered by
Mr. Glen Raithby and Mrs. C. A.
WINGHAM — Wingham Lions
Club elected the follownig offi-
cers for 1948-49: past president,
Frank Madill; president, G. W.
Tiffen; 1st vice-president, G. C.
Gammage; and vice-president, W.
Howson. The topic was byB. McCool; 3rd vice-president, C.
His W. Vhe topic Rev. givenA. FA. Roberts; secretary, Don Nais-
-syth• and' a duet was rendered byninth; treasurer, , .Howard Sher-
the closing prayer. bonny; sailt nt, D Gordon Irwin;
anan; assistant, Dr. A. W. Irwin;
lion tamer, Jack Beanie; one year
directors, Frank Madill, .Stewart
Beattie, Dr, W. A. Crawford; two
.;;fatty years of service as. an Years directors, A. O. Garrett, Dr.
organization was obseived by the George Howson.
Lunch was served.
60th Anniversary
CHURCHMEN SAIL: When the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Canada cleared from Montreal
recently (June 12) for Liverpool she carried a group of Anglican and Episcopalian bishops who
will attend this summer's Lambeth Conference in London. In the picture are shown from left to
right, front row: Bishop Lyons of Ontario, Bishop Broughall of Niagara, Bishop Dixon of Mont-
real, Archbishop Kingston of Nova Scotia, Primate of the Church of England in Canada; Bishop
Carpenter of Alabama and Bishop Beverley of Toronto. Back row: Bishop Hallam of Saskatoon,
Bishop Jefferson of Ottawa, Bishop Sovereign of Athabaska, Bishop Lofthouse of Keewatin, Bishop
Kinsolving of Arizona and Bishop Moorhead of Fredericton,
—Canadian Pacific Photo
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Pilgrim, Detroit, is a guest
at the home of his brother, Mr.
C. Pilgrim.
Mr. and Mrs. Soper and daugh-
ters spent Sunday with relatives
in Straffordville,
Mrs, M, G. Beatty, Miss-Mossop
and Mr. J. Stephenson spent
Tuesday with friends at Brussels.
Several of the ladies of St.
John's W. A. attended the. Huron
Deanery of Bayfield last Thurs-
Miss Logan, Mrs. Bolton and
Mrs. Thompson, Hensell were re-
cent guests at the home of Mrs.
M. G. Beatty and Miss Mossop,
Mr. and Mrs. M• Elliott, in
company with Mr. and Mrs.
Stockton, California, spent a few
days in Sudbury with the form-
er's daughter, Mrs, J. Ferguson,.
Mr. Ferguson and sons. .
Mrs, J, Smith and daughter,
Gertrude, are spending some time
with Mr. and Idrs, L. Elliott,
Walton. We are very sorry to re-
port that Mrs. Smith is not im-
proving very much but hope the
change may help her.
"Someday"comes closer
with every dollar you s ve'
Most of us have to plan for thegood things of life
And a big part of that planning is a matter of dollars,
and cents—of earmarking a certain part
of our earnings for the things we want most.
It's not always easy; especially these days)
But the fact remains that what you save is still' die
most important—the most satisfying_
part of what you earn.
, Are you hoping for something, , e or saving for it?
- 2. G. McLAY, Manager.
Miss Nora Eyre has accepted
a position with the Royal Bank
in Clinton.,
Miss Leona Anderson had her
tonsils removed in Clinton Public
Hospital Iast week.
Mrs. R. Dowson has returned
home after being some time with
relatives in Inwood.
Mrs. Madge Ivens, Regina, is
visiting her cousins, Mrs, T. B.
Baird and H. Aikenhead,
Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer,
was a weekend guest at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
P. Watson.
The many friends of Mrs, F.
Burdge will be sorry to hear she
is not progressing as favourably
as they would like.
Mr, and Mrs. Drew Boyce and
daughter, Moose Jaw, are visit-
ing Miss Mayme Swan and Mrs.
Alice Ham and other relatives in
the community.
Miss Eva Stackhouse and Mrs.
A. Paterson visited Sunday at
the home of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Sholdice, and
brother, M. Sholdice, near Brins
Mr. and Mrs. Elsley, Mount
Forest, are visiting the latter's
mother, Mrs. Stevens, The many
friends of Mrs. Stevens will be
glad to know she has been able
to return to her home in the
Killed in Accident'
Mrs. A. Paterson received word
of the death of her cousin, Mrs.
Morley, who was killed in an ac-
cident near Brinsley on Satur-
Attend Parents' Night
Several parents of the pupils
of grades seven and eight of S.S.
10, Stanley, attended parents'
night in Zurich last week. They
were shown the work done by
the pupils in Home Economics and
Shop Work. A dainty lunch was
served by the girls and sets of,
interesting moving pictures were
The June meeting of the W. A.
was held in the church basement
with a rather small attendance.
The meeting was conducted by
the President, Miss Howey, and
was opened by the repeating of
the Creed, in unison. Mrs. Mc-
Queen was is charge of the de
votional period and Hymn 359,
"Jesus I My Cross Have 'Laken"
was sung. Twopassages of Scrip-
ture one from Mark and one from
Matthew were read and prayer
by Mrs. McQueen followed, The
minutes of last meeting were read
ny Mrs. Wilson and the roll call
for June plants and slips for
the church garden were given in
An invitation from Egmondville
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cox and
Jimmie, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W, McClinchey, Holmes -
Mrs John Harris has been visit-
ing with IVIr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Rowden on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert White, Clinton.
WA Meets
The monthly meeting of t h e
WA was held on Thursday, June
10, at the home of Mrs. James
Lockhart. The president, Mrs. Les.
Cox, opened the meeting with the
Scripture- reading which was fol-
lowed by the Lord's Prayer. The
minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted. The roll
call was answered by nine mem-
bers. It was decided' to have an
afternoon tea at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Torrance on July 7. A
lengthy discussion followed on
plans for the tea and the re-
decorating of the basement of
Grace Church, After the meet-
ing closed a bountiful pot -luck
supper was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. .Argyle Lockhart
and two children visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Miller on Sunday.
Tuckersmith Couple
Fifty Years Married
Mr. and Mrs. Albeno O'Leary,
Seaforth, celebrated the 50th an-
niversary of their wedding on
Monday. They were married at
Wallaceburg, on June 21, 1898.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Leary lived in
Port Lambton until they moved
to Tuckersmith, in 1929. They
moved to Seaforth about two
years ago,
They have two daughters, Mrs.
Boundy, Detroit, and Miss Celes-
tine O'Leary, Ridgetown; and
four sons, Arthur and Gilbert,
Toronto; Andrew, Seaforth, and
Ignatius, Tuckersmith, One son,
Fred, who was with the RCAF,
was killed overseas in 1943,
High mass was sung prior to a
M(inner party held at the home of
r. and Mrs. Ignatius O'Leary,
W. A. was given to members of
our W. A. for June 17 at 2 p.m.
Mrs. G. Henderson sang a lovely
solo "Now is the Hour". The
flower committee for -June was
named — Mrs, A. Johnston and
Mrs. A.' Zapfe. The meeting was
brought to a close by the Theme
song and Prayer.
The roll call for July will be
answered by "Where would you
like to spend a Week's Vacation.?"
MATHv Ea s•' TWO ivioN r. Hs
GODERICH Gerald Spain,
Goderich, was sentenced to t
months in jail for breach of sus-
pended sentence. Spain was con-
victed on August 16, 1947, of ob-
. (airing money under false pre-
tenses after cashing a worthless
Memorial Services
A large crowd attended mem-
orial ser ices in Union Cemetery.
Sunday afternoon, which were in
charge of Rev. S. H. Brenton,
Londesboro United Church, assist-
ed by Rev, W. J. Rogers and Rev.
J. L. II. Henderson, Blyth.
A combined choir of Blyth, and
Londesboro United Church, con-
ducted by A. E. Cook, ,Blyth, led
in the service of song.
Mr, Brenton chose for his sub-
ject, "Time Binders," based on
the text, "These. are the things
He hath promised us, even eter-
nal life,"
Funeral Held
Funeral services were held
Sunday in Trinity Anglican
Church for William Emigh who
died at his home in Tottenham,
Friday, following a lengthy ill-
ness. Mr. Emigh was in his 80th
year and was a son of Mr. and
Mrs, John Emigh who for many
years were in the hotel business
here where William Einigh was
born. He was married to Han-
nah Taman, Blyth.
Services at the church and
graveside in Union Cemetery,
Blyth, were conducted by Rev. J.
L. H. Henderson of Trinity church.
The pallbearers were J. B. Wat-
son, 3. B. Stewart, George Mains,
Gilbert Nethery, Ed. McMillan,
George. Brown,
'(55515 NO BRUSH MARKS.'
Paints and Enamels
grand job around the house and
garage. Flo -glaze is easily applied,
covers more surface per gallon, and
will last years longer.
For porch furniture. there's noth-
ing better than Flo -glaze Four
Hour Enamel. On porch floors,
Flo -glaze Floor Enamel, will stand
lots of wear and scuffing.
Far Sale by:
i0 RM OR/1 CO'
Dunlop— I Ire,, of Aute, 9,u<14 Bus, Agri<ullurat, Aircraft Mof r Y<I, ond Bicycle Mos; Aute
Accessories, Indusrnol Rubber P,,4,ds, "Danby II,•• Lala, Foam Cushioning and Coif Balls.
PARTY AM'NES enable us to serve thousands of
famiii'es who would otherwise be without
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level of service for all.