HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-06-24, Page 7''}IURSDAY, JUNE- 24, 1948
Winners •o# Events
In Recent Field Day
Winners in the various events
:at the recent Clinton Public
.School Field Day were as foR-
Sprints, ' senior' boys — Clare
Maltby, Ronald Carter, Barry
Pasch, Gary Conper, Jack Cow-
an; senior girls, Mary Scribbins,
Norma Warnock, Amy Carrick;
Jane Hartley, Barbara ,MacDon-
ald; intermediate boys, Murray
Maltby, Bob Carrick, John 'Moore,
Tom Colquhoun, Rickey Elliott;
intermediate girls, Shirley Proct-
or, Ruth Glew, JoAnne Castle,
Marilyn Martin, Lorine Garon;
junior boys, Don Ross, Ronnie
McKay, John Morgan, Glen Mc-
Donald, Bobby Read; junior girls,
Gwen Griffiths, Patsy Murney,
Doris Cooper, Agnes Lane, Louise,
Bicycle race: boys, Clare Malt-
by, Bob, Carrick, Ronald Carter,
Torn Colbuhonn, Bob Carrick,
girls, Lorine Garon, JoAnne Cast-
le, Shirley Proctor, Kay Sharp,
Bernadine Melelis. .
Distance race: boys, Jackie Car-
ter, Ken McLeod, Barry Pinch,
'Ronald Boyce, John Moore; girls,
Aany Carrick, Norma Warnock,
Dorothy Monaghan, Mary Scrib-
bins, Ruth Glew.
Relay: senior boys, Clare Malt-
by, • Barry Pinch, Tom Grealis,
Jack Cowan; Alvin Fowler, Ron
Carter,Jerry Holmes, Bob Fines;
• Ken McLeod, Gary Cooper, Bill
Pearson, Jack Ladd; senior girls,
Norma Warnock, Mary Scribbins
Barbara MacDonald, Jane Hartley
Leota Freeman, Joyce Bayley,
. Amy Carrick, Bernadine- Melelis;
intermediate boys, Murray Malt-
by, Don Denomme, John Hartley,
Tom Colquhoun; . Bob Carrick,
I John Moore, Don Ladd, Rickey
Elliott; Ron Boyce, Arthur Tyn-
,nail, Bev. Aikenhead, Lorne Cart-
er; Hugh Ambler, Gordon Murr-
ay, Ken Taylor, Ted Ross; inter-
mediate girls, Shirley Proctor,
Joyce Hawkins, .Betty Woolfrey,
Carol Gliddon; JoAnne Castle,
Ruth Glew: -"Dorothy Managhan,
Lorine Garon; Marilyn , Martin,,
Jeanette Melelis,Kay Sharp, Yv-
onne Dales; Barbara Ford, Mar-
lene Jervis, Marion Crossman,
Shirley Boyce; junior boys, Don
Ross, Bob Garon, Ron ;,McKay,
Murray Tltylor; Fred Ashton
Jack. Holmes, Eugene McLaren
Jim Carter; Ken Lee, Glen Mc-
Donald, Ron Hugill, Ken Rilex ,
junior girls, Louise Pigeon, Bar-�
bars Hattie, Joan Jackson-• J'
Adams; Gwen Griffiths Paltilme
Jervis ; Connie Seruton,""ye
Aikenhead; Patsy Murney,'Sheila
Rogers, Gail Shearing]'Betty Ned -
Iger, '=
Running Broa titian; senior
boys, Clare Maltby, titian; Barry Pinch,
Alvin Fowler, "Bob Fines, Ronald
•n ..
i7•. PeG"Cr
I should be seeing you,
at once, about our NEW
POLICY, because . , ,
It's -the most comprehen-
sive plan yet devised. It
pays 2, -Ways; by provid
inge gtdancial protection
for your family now (in
units tif`•$5;0004' and by
'building a fund -for y»l'1r .
own retirement.
Wish you'd phoneme, a
Basil B. Pocklingior '
Rattenbury St. Phone 473
Carter, Gerald Holmes; senior
girls, Norma Warnock, Mary Scr-
ibbins, Barbara MacDonald, Amy
Carrick, Jane Hartley; intermed-
iate -boys, MurrayttMaltby, John
Moore, Tom Cblquhhun, Bob Car-
rick, John Hartley; intermediate
girls, JoAnne Castle, Lorine Gar -
on, Kay Sharp, Shirley . Proctor,
Marilyn Martin, Ruth Glew, Jean-
ette Melelis; junior boys, Glen
McDonald, Ronnie McKay, Ken-
neth Lee, Frank MacDonald, John
Morgan; junior girls. Agnes Lane,
Patsy IViurney, Gail Shearing,
Louise Pigeon, Gwen Griffiths.
High Jump: senior boys, Barry
Pinch, Ron Carter, Alvin Fowler,
Clare Maltby, Bob Welder; sen-
ior girls, Mary Scribbins; Amy
Carrick, Norma Warnock, Barb-
ara MacDonald, Jane Hartley; in-
termesiate boys, Tom Colquhoun,
Bob Carrick, Don Ladd, Murray
Maltby, Hugh Ambler; intermed-
iate -girls, Betty Woolfrey, Shirley
Proctor, JoAnne Castle, Joyce
Hawkins, Yvonne Dales. junior
boys, Ron McKay, Don Ross, Fred
Ashton, Ken Lee, Peter ••Melelis;
junior girls, Patsy„ D4htney, Faye
Aikenhead, Doris Cooper, Gail
Shearing, Sharon Thompson.
Pole Vault and Bali throw: sen-
ior boys, • CIai '.Maltby,., Alvin
Fowler, Ron Car„tgs, Barry Pinch,.
Ken McLeod; senror:.giris, Amy
Carrick, Bernadine Melelis, Jane
Hartley, .Nolan. .;VOinock, Barb-
ara ' MacDonald; intermediate
boys, Billy Carrick Bob Carrick,
Ted Ross, John Hartley, Don Den-
omme; intermediate girls, Ruth'
Glew, Carol Gliddofi;'it' JoAnne
Castle, Betty WogI,f6ry, Lorine
Garon; junior boys, Bob Garbn,>
Don Ross, Bob Read, Murray Tay-
lor, Fred Ashton Ronnie McKay,
Eugene McLaren; :junior girls,
Janet Elliott,. Paulene "Taylor,,
Dorothy Glazier, Louise pigeon,/
Gail Shearing. •
Three legged races. seniors,
Norma Warnock and' Ron Carter;
Mary'nacrillIghs 4nd Barry Pinch;
Amy' Carrick and Jerry Holmes;'
B8rbaral61deDonald and Clare
Maltbf;;Joyce Hayley and Jack
Ladd; ,nternitediates, Jeanette
and Donnie Denomme,
JoAnne Castle and • Bob Carrick,
Dorothy ,3Vtanaghan and 'Murray
Maltby-SiJ'ay. Sharp and Billy
Carrick, Yvonne Dales and Ken
Carteri, juniors, Gail Shearing and
Bob' Gar6n, Betty Nediger and
:1561 Ross, Marjorie Cartwright
and Ron McKay; Doris Cooper
and Bob Livingstone, Connie
Seruton and Fred Ashton.
Wheel barrow races: seniors,
Norma Warnock aid Ron Carter,
BarbarawMattionald and. 'Clare
Maltby, Mary' Scribbins • and Barry
Pinch; intermediates, JoAnne
Castle, Ind Bob 'Carrick, Kay
Sharp grid Bill Carrick, 'Joyce
Hawkins and Tom Colquhoun,
Ruth Glew and Jack Carter, Jean -1
ette Melelis• end Don..'Denonime,
juniors; Betty Lou Nediger and
Bob Gar$n, Gail' ,Shearing and
Don Ross, Gwen Griffiths and
Eugene McLaren, Connie Scrut-
on and Freddie Asii''trt :"lt!Trjorie
Currie and Jimmie t10..
Soap box .derby! Cornet No, 7,
Gordon-Miift6y, Don Denomme;
Chango (15'19, Bob Fines, Jack
Cowan; White'Ctpwn 99, Murray
altby, John •Iiartle'jt".Silver
reale '66; Clare ,Maltby,,.,Rickey
.iiliott; Nellie Gray'36','3ack Ladd
Bill Pearson.
Water levels aۥ,the Great Lakes
and St. Lawren t, Iver during
May, as reported61-
t • rederal
Hydro Graphic,,a.p11 'MEp Service,
showed Lake'Huron at-Goderich
Ag,-fgllows: bi/a inches higl r than
pril, 1948; six inches higher than
May, 1947; 32114 inches, , r than
the highest,May. 36i inches high
er than the lowest May; and one
inch higher than average.
L'YWi'.E1011 ..91§ SABRED
`` ,°A'el,i hr., — The dss is'ine
• co�l+ ni'ttep,,,,, , the Upper Canada
Li77 5ociely has found Hard i
C ,•' cl< .er, Se tP•i•ti , gut •: o
of conduct i•nbecdtn. a Lai -vial,•
er'71:517r;, (:•tor. Meet has hcer.
,.disbarred i the Sn •
N'4;tfif*'..M2�Mf. 1f!M �+• •'a`.' a •�'i"�i"4 4.4,4444-,..14.94-444.44404.4-444,
16' ii! I0,'t'l.f'iT41 5� „
'147RES VE:C®NA fi iC/E41 l
1942. ?LYMOCTI`.1'1 $E'13AN... INN.
1941 `FORD COUPE, fivepi asenger
t t,. r:•of
1930 FORD
P, fan
Ltd Star, :Garage
Willard Battens .a•s•-- — ' Ftrestone Tires
Albert St.F�IkON'E 3445 Clinton
M "f`y'4.44- 4+0444 l lfi +M.'i.o..r.•4f:"' i•": 444 %f'.t+j.,.f4-a,..
"%tii;Hz 7+1,044HM :N,B»into01410t111oR•1 HiIi0414 ! 44.144.•
PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER, Protestant, for i
No. 3, Hullett, Huron County. Brick school, a,
modern, equipped •'with hydro, piano, radio. In applica- ._
tion pleasestate name'' of Atst inspector. Will pay
salary of $1,800"' pier .year, Apply to C. V. bALE,
R.R.71,,. Clinton; secrtary-treasurer.
4,h4,444 +4 44 J✓,.e Hffy,iN
ar Pose ,
Here is a new Photograph of,'• MAYOR ADAM .7: MCMURRAY
taken in a pose which , has.: beco me very familiar during the 'past
few months while the :work- on the sewerage project is, being
completed. `Come what may, Hi -i"-Worship is seeing the project
Holstein Breeders
Pay Visit to Oxford
More than 50 members of the
Huron County •Holstein"Ereeders'
Association ,inspected' leading
herds in Oxford County June 10,
visiting the Oxford Breeders',
Artificial ,Breeding Veit,„ mitYlrs
Haven, 'Eargit, ,,HiIl'view Fermis,.
Rowsdale Farms, Hartholm Farms
Norloch Farms and Pomona
The trip was arranged, .and su-
pervised by J. E. Terms associa-.
tion' fiel'dman...1E' ?G"estern dhta`rio.
H. Farrington, good -will ambas-
sador of the American Holstein
Association, joined the group at
the • Rowsdale- Fares, -while pay-
ing' a visit to his a' home in
Oxford County.
Mr. Farrington said he had just
returned .from a 28,00 mile trip
to Central,and Smith America and
was impressed b e. itossibtlities
of exporting cattle to those
countries. Mr. Farrington said he
saw many Canadian Holsteins in
We countries he visited.
At each of the farms, the group
was met by owners or operators
who conducted the tour and ex-
plained various parts of the. trip.
Bean, Grain Growers
Establish Co-operative
(By our Hensall correspondent).
i:An important public meeting
of Bean and Grain Growers of
Huron and Perth' was 'held -in
Hensall Town Hall with a full
hel'rtse, to discuss the possibilities
of buying and selling beans and
grain en a co-operative basis and
to purchase }W, C. Tholnpson's
mills df beans And'grain?in Kent;
Essex and Mixon Counties. On ;a
private ballot„ khey.yirotcd 90. per
sena ,ip„ttvcyt'
At tt&he meed;ng the feefinewas
that it could' Bevil( hced. by sel-
ling, s ares to the farmers. - A
c$mm'i ee was appointed to carry
out's' airvasS^M-tS5'Fi17611• anti
P "
The ••Meetin
g— was• -under -•tire
(chairmanship of Reeve George
Armstrong .-L ay yd -tile Blake,
Hoffman member of the Beaq
Board, Dougltas E',aittpbe'll olwib
man of the Bean Marketing
Board, BT'enheim;;Robert McPher-
son,'• secretary-treasurer-of•'.Use
Marketing Board, Chatham, were
the speakers.
Goth fffflee 'appointed were:
George Armstrong, Earl Camp-
bell, Andrew;'Petrie; Gordon Love
William Haugh, Blake Horner,
William Spr t, Alonzo McCann
Sant Hendri -Cht*les Rau; Johe
Soldan. l
G6'd e'
l�'. 1'? N9;,,GRAND G,GRCtl•S sARW.
Ttle Tuller,uMadere hotel fpr
tttase•y+ho wont the Eesti Eon,.
wegenr to:CBids. Theeters.,
and Shops. l'5iendil5.• courte-
ous sdrvrcc acrd' real• Hotel:
Comfort; C,Tie
Shop, • or dafetaria for your
riming; FI•easure et` modest
prices,.-„tr pays to stay ct'_
Hotel Tinier.
Vlsir OUR •
flirt rrill�rrr�
Fraser Stirling
Heads Stirling CIan
The- Stirling Clan held their
annual picnic at Harbour Park,
Goderich, on Saturday, June 19.
On .account. of the , dull weather
the attendatiTe, was smaller than
usual, but 75 registered, After a
sumptuous dinner the sports ev-
ents were run off.
Winners ,in the various events
Included: children 5 and Under,
Dianne Harris, Nfary K. Warner;
girls 12 and under, Doreen Mac-
Kenzie, Yvonne •Harris; ' bya`'12
and under. Bill Jewell, Donald
MacKenzie; girls 14 and under,
Doreen MacKenzie, Yvonne Har-
ris; beys 14 and tinder, Bill Jewell,
Donald MacKenzie; young ladies,
Juner'Miller, Audrey Harris;
young men, John Campbell, Don-
a1d. impbell; three legged race,
June Milier and Mrs. Reg. Miller.
jean --Warner and Marilyn Mc-
Cabe; coat race, Audrey Harris
and JohnCaiirplell, Jean Warner
and Marilyn McCabe; wheelbar-
row race, John and Donald Camp-
bell, Yvonne Harris and Donald
MacKenzie; kick -the -slipper; Don-
ald Campbell, John Campbell;
neck tie race, -Mr. and Mrs. Colin
Campbell, NIr. and Mrs. D. L.
Loree; peanut scramble, Yvonne
Harris, Audrey Harris; biscuit
race, Mts. Reg, Miller, Marilyn
McCabe; married ladies, Mrs.
Jack Marsh, M•rs. Reg.- Miller;
married men, Reg. Miller, Donald
Gillies; youngest child; Barrie
Miller; 'oldest lady, Mrs. Mary
MacKenzie, Bayfield; oldest man,
Mr. Andrew Emmerson. Bervie;
those ' doming the . farthest, Mr.
and Mrs, D. L. Loree (nee Jesgie,
Stirling), Nanton, •Alta:'-..
Following the. sports events, the
president, James R. Stirling, cal-
led the group --to odder and con-
ducted the business. Officers
elected were:vFpresident Fraser
Stirling; secretaty-treasus'er, Juhe
M1l1 •; sport committee, re-elect-
ed with Mrs. J, MeNevin as lead-
er and the 'al -erne' of., JdITYi "Camp-
bell added to the committee. It
was -decided to hold the''reunion
at the same place in 1949 On the
third Satilydax of, ,June„
Before ri tiring from office the
president sang one' of his Scotch
songs which was greatly enjoyeri.
Unfortunately the rain marred the
event. and.drove' everyone on•tlreir
homeward way, but all Were well
pleased with the dnyre•outing:--
'Cheese, Production
Increases 10.• Per Cent
P'roductroi hii'butter and
cheese in HurohrCounty showed a
decrease from that in April 1947
as: shown by the figures published
in the Monthly Dairy Report of
the Ontario Departn,ept of Ag-
ricultilre for May. The produc-
tion of butter �ed lttje greater
dectegs r „
The' figures for batter are
281,I12 pounds in April 1948 as
against 421,763 ,in, April 1947. For
the first four months of the year
the figures ?uera,.835,84e pounds
in 1945 corre,aponding to 1,18..8,741'
p'dtinds r T the same period a year
ago, a decline pJ 264„ per cent.
.The cheddar cheese *picture 'is
quite a bit brighter and 'the pi or
dTcti'on rr> the four rnont i ,period
greatly 'surif87Sea, 'that ' of" 1947.
The figures are 45,290 pounds in
April 1948, with 45,313 being the
figure " in 1947. For the first
four. • months of this year the fig-
ure stands at u3,64.0 pound's
which is a gain over the 95,481
pound' Mark in a similar ,period
in 1947, or moie'than 19•per .cent.
Tie porter was boastrair: of the
mail he and hit wife rreeved during.
the course of a week.
Ihets,• mostly, L suppose,''''said the
haiber. "You know what a dun lett-
:cr.-is, don't or ,Sam"'''
9ho'Flo.► .i�ii that''s what we gat
of 'r tep,lecl~tlieicheerful worker,
—"rat). wire's inot'er and : ft,'' sisters
all writes 'done letters, telling what
they'clTine nnti•theli-hasbands dono anl•
cousins done and what everybddy, ITi
town clone done since lan' time the'(
(By • our Bayfield "correspondent)
. The semi-annual:; meeting of,
the Huron Dean r,y of the Churrh
of England in'anada was held'
in Trinity'Church, Bayfield, ,with'
a large representation of the var-
ious parishes, A brief account
was published,in last week's issue
The meeting commenced ' with
the Communion Service iats-10130
a:m. when the Rural Dean, Rev.
B. H. ;Farr, Goderich,.was,We cel-
ebrant, assisted by the Rector,
Rev. LaVerne, Morgan,at ,w5 'ch'
there were 85 communicants. Mrs
Jahn Middleton was.organist,.
Following the service, the'chur-•
ch was filled to hear the special
speaker, Canon Henry Cook, Dir-
ector of'=