HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-06-24, Page 5• J!R IRSDA'Y, 'JUNE ' '24, ;190 CLINTON NEWS'=RECORD PAGE FIVE Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Resufts lews-] +iCAS RATE—(If .paid by Wed rresday following date oT inter- tion)—One cent a 'word first in °eertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent'insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra'for box nuniber or for direb- ,tibn to'NEWS-RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, 'DEADLINE --9 p,m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT with hydro and running water, 114 miles from Clinton. Francis Powell, phone 907r4. 26-b AGENTS WANTED PAST GROWING COMPANY has opening in your district for energetic and ambitious person. Splendid opportunity for aggres- sive individual. Excellent earn- ings assured with future, security and independence. Apply Blue Brand. Products, 7227 Alexandra, 'Montreal. 22.26-b OWN YOUR BUSINESS! Join `the leading company of HOME SERVICE IN CANADA. Let your - -effort determine your income. "Very little capital needed—If you have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full details; FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 22-26-1) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1934 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Coupe, motor overhauled, rea- sonable. Apply Box "C" NEWS - RECORD. R . 26-b TWO -WHEEL TRAILER WITH racks, newly decorated. ,WITH right to sell. Phone. Clinton 186. 26-b FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, new 1948 Ford three -ton truck, 158" w.b. Daly Motors, Sea:. forth. 26-b 1935 FORD COACH IN EXCEL - lent condition. Contact Robert B. Reid, Varna, phone Hensall -76r13. 26-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE SMALL GARAGE, 10x20, MOVE able; also old house suitable for garage. workshop, etc. Noble Holland, R,R, 4, Clinton, phone 817r22. 26-b COTTAGE FOR RENT HOUSES FOR' SALE IN CLINTON, EIGHT -ROOMED, well- built, two - storey frame house, two -car garage, large lot. If you want something good, see 'this.'Ihform'ation about this prop- erty can be obtained by contact- ing Charles E," Elliott, Box 238, Clinton, phone 326. Early posses- sion can be arranged. 26-28-b SEVEN ROOMED COTTAGE ON Victoria St., all modern conven- iences, new furnace. Immediate possession, Owing to unforseen circumstances this house has not been sold as peviously iel^.orted. Apply E. C. Munro, Victoria , St., Clinton.. 26-•p IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorat- ed; gerage, Apply to H. C. 'Law- son, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton, Stfb 1% STOREY, EIGHT ROOM, frame house with asphalt siding, hardwood floors downstairs,'three piece bath connected to . sewer, Immediate possession. Apply Cliff Cooper, Gordon St. 25-26-h TWO-STOREY DWELLING IN Clinton; built in 1947: eight lov- ely modern rooms, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, two bedrooms, four -piece bath down; self contained apartment second floor with kitchen, dinette, liv- ing room, bedroom and two-piece bath up; full basement, oil burner heating, electric water heater, in- sulari ed. Thisis' an outstanding property in first class condition For appointment to inspect call H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, Clinton, phone 251w. 26tfh HELP WANTED, MALE HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTED for farm work for summer. Ap- ply Clarence Ball, phone 804r5, Clinton. 26-p LOST AND FOUND LOST—ROAN HEREFORD heif- er, will have calf by now, also greyed Hereford steer, William H. Middleton, phone 906r15. 26-p LOST—MODEL AIRPLANE ON Monday night, last seen south of Clinton, has blue wings, orange body, bine rudder, orange elevat- or, 011son 23 motor, 4' wing span. - Reward. Robert Weeks, R.R. 4, e Clinton, phone 633r3. 26-n g TWO ROOMY CABINS AT "Th ' `Ta31s," three miles west of Gode rich on Highway No. 8, campin grounds and trailer cabins. Prop •erty for sale. J. M. Driver, Gode rich, phone Goderich 931r14. 25-26-p SUMMER COTTAGE, THREE miles north of Bayfield on Lake Pluron, two bedrooms, screened porch, good beach, available now until July 24th. Apply to Mrs. Arthur Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton. 906r34. 26-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE RUBBER TIRED WAGON, 16" tires; wagon Otaco wheels 16" tires. Harold Taylor, Clinton. 26-p MASSEY-HARRIS HAY Loader, •cylinder type. Apply Wilbur 'Keyes, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 656r11. 25-p McCORMICK DEERING 7 FT Binder, nearly new, with shea carrier and trucks; Massey-Harri mower in good condition; stee low farm wagon with fla hay rack; Tudhope Anderson two - furrow tractor plow. Apply Hugh Rion, Belgrave. 25-28-b LOST AT RADAR SCHOOL, Lady's purse, contents valuable. Would the party who found same get in touch with A. M, Jackson Jeweller. Reward. 28-p LOST—BLACK LEATHER WAL- let cdntaining sum of money, identification card and driver's licence. W. L. Moore, phone Clin- ton 62. 26-p MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 27-35-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. NOTICE e1 ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING t on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and Lo do n na R surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1948. ° 19-26ptfb. RUBBER TIRED WAGON, $40; good flat 'hay rack; two furrow 'tractor plow; tractor disc; two good tires; wagons cut down $20. 4'J'. B. 'Thompson, 21/2 miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 26-29-b FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE )3EATTY ELECTRIC Wash- •er with copper tub in first class 'condition. Can be seen any time after Thursday night. Jack Pethick, North Main St., Sea - forth, phone 311R, 26-p HELP WANTED, FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, dutioo to commence at once, for family •of one adult and three teen age children. Apply Ellwood Epps, phone 42, Clinton. • 26btfb PASTURE FOR RENT GOOD PASTURE, SPRING WAT- er, suitable for 8-10 head of cat- tle. Phone Clinton 303r2., 26-b WANTED ONE OR TWO PASSENGERS who wish to make trip to B.C. Coast. At least one must be able to help with driving.. Expectto be gone 'about a month, Phone 595W at once, 26-p a F. W. Andrews, Phone 33, Clinton n ,y 26-27-b r r». "A i• iatM asattetetaaetet«Het»ttat tat estotatoatoatatt tat i«. T• PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. CIeaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates: Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2btt PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY AT CORNER OF North and Church Sts. consisting of ten rcom two storey brick house with modern conveniences, one acre of land, combined barn and garage, garden and several fruit trees. Apply to Wilmer Wallis, 23-26-p IN' MEMO8IL%1%I STEEP—In loving memory of a dear fatherand grandfather, David Steep; who passed away eight years ago, June 23, 1940: "Deep in my heart, his memory is )rept Of the one I loved, and can never forget, And , though the years be many or few,. I will always be thinking, Dear Dad, of you," —Sadly missed by daughter, Sadie, and grandchildren. 26-p WANTED 5 PEA PICKERS WANTED APPLY: Have Your Furnace VACUUM -CLEANED The new, modern way. NO DUST NO FUSS JACK LITTLE PHONE 335W . CLINTON 24 -tib BIRTHS .... .... .. BIRTHS ay, COUNCIL .GRANTS rs, TEN NEW PERMITS Lie Clinton Town Council, at its June meeting, granted the follow - yd ing permits to erect, alter or re- -. pair building's: Imperial Oil' Limited, remove is warehouse to Victoria St., $300; ne J. 11. Brunsdan, alter old build- n- ing on Rattenbury St., $200; a Qn BUILDING ACTIVE BRILLE—EDWARDS—In Clint Public Hospital, on. Tuesda 23, 1948, to Mr. and M Ernest Brille-Edwards, Ciiht a daughter, (Michelle Mary). BUTLER - In Clinton Pub Hospital, on Wednesday, June 23, 1848, to Mr. and Mrs. L1 K. Butler, a son .(Gary Ke neth). CALDWELL —In Clinton Pubi Hospital, on Wednesday, Ju 23, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo and Caldwell, Londesboro son. DEMPSEY—Mr. and Mrs. John David Dempsey, Toronto are happy to announce the birth of a' son, John Arthur Stirling, at the Womep's College Hospital, Tor1948.onto,' on Sunday, , June_ 6, HANES — In Grace Hospital, Ottawa, on Sunday, June 20, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Hanes; (nee Margaret Lock wood, Clinton), a son (a bro the' for Dawns) MCBRIDE — In Clinton Pnbiic --Hospital, on. Monday, June 21, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Wesley McBride, Varna, a son. McLEOD—Mr, and Mrs, D. Mc- Leod are happy to announce the birth of a son, Donald Char- ' les, at Dr. Myers Hospital, Brus- sels, on Tuesday, June 15, 1948, (a brother for Jack). PAIGE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital,. on Sunday, June 20, 1948 to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Paige, Clinton, a daughter, (Cather- ine•Anne Mary). A. B. Corless, ad'd' to back kitchen on Dunlop, St., $350; W. L. Vodden, remodel old building on Spencer St, $1,000; J. Mililis (Clinton Graaf, build garage on Cutter St., $150;, Hugh Hawkins, add to sun- porch on Ontario St., $200; • Huron Murch, remodel old' building 'for • dwelling on Mary St,. $2,000; George Finlay, remove old - building to Maple St, $1,000; - Canada Packers Limited, re shingle roof of creamery on King St.; John R. Butler, add to present office on Huron ,St., $300. 0 MARRIAGES I GE S BARTLIFF-GR.EALIS—On Sat- urday, June 19, 1948, by Rev. Andrew Lane, in Wesley -Willis United Church, Helen Jean Grealis, sister of Miss Maizie M. Grealis, to Douglas Thorn- ton Bartliff, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff, all of Clinton. CANN-VAN DE LEI -In Pente- costal Tabernacle, Exeter, by Rev. H. T, Kendrick, on Satur- day, June 19, 1948, at 2.30 p.m„ Susan Van de Lei, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ebele Van de Lei, Leeuwarden, Holland, to Thomas Bruce Canrt, Clinton, son of Sylvanus Cann and the late Mrs, Cann, Exeter. MERRALL-FULLER — At the home of the bride's parents, Goderich Township, by Rev. L. 11. Turner, on Saturday, Tune 19, 1948, Betty Jean, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mr, Reg. Fuller, Goderich Township, to LAC William E. Merrill, Galt, and .the late Albert MerraIL DEATHS JOHNSTON—At his late resid- ence, Goderich, on Tuesday, June 22, 1948, John Johnston, beloved husband of Sarah Bell, and father of Clarence Johnst- on, leLaidstone, and Mrs. `George Little, Bayfield ,in his 78th year Funeral from Brophey Funeral Home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery June 24. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Miss Mona Carbert wish to take this opportunity of expressing their appreciation for. all kindnesses shown their sister in her illness, and all tokens of sympathy, floral tributes, spiritual offerings, and other acts of kindness shown in their sed bereavement. 26-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, treats and personal calls while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff. Signed — JOHN BROMp- TON, Harrow. 26-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Gordon Troyer wishes to express sincere thanks to her many friends and relatives for the lovely cards, fruit and flowers sent to her. Special thanks to the neighbours who helped out in so many ways, also the staff of Clinton Public Hospital and Dr. Oakes, during her recent ill- ness, 26-p Ten New Families For Wartime Houses Clinton's new "wartime" houses are gradually becoming occupied, with about 20 out of the 50 yet to be allotted. The latest group of those get- ting houses include the following: W. Lloyd Moore,1 Y .Claude II. Daw, Douglas R. heaton and Hector Kingswell, all civilian veterans residing in Clinton; Six from RCAF Station, Clin- ton, permanent force, all but one having resided in Clinton: WO2 A. Robinson, WO2 E, Charlevoix (Goderich), WO2 J. R. Belanger, Fit, Sgt. G. S. Co- burn, Sgt. W. A. Turnbull, Fit. Sgt. C. 111. Madsen. Town Clerk M. T. Corless re- ports that applications from Clin- ton veterans for additoingl houses, are corning in very slowly. Goderich Voters Favor New Arena A new artificial ice arena for Goderich was approved by a de- cisive majority when Goderich ratepayers turned out for a spec- ial vote Tuesday. A total of 589 favored the new project, overall estimated cost of which is $100,000, while 379 voted against it. Two-thirds of the ratepayers, considered an average vote, turn- ed out to express their opinions. Out of a total of 1,550 possible voters, 975 marked ballots. Wording of the by-law was "Are you in favor of a by-law to authorize issuing of debentures for $75,000 for construction and equipping of an artificial ice arena en West. Street in Goderich"? Already the sum of $25,000 has been raised by popular subscrip- tion, and it is expected that ten- ders will be called shortly. 0 LONDESBORO BEATEN Chalking up their second straight win, Wingham Midgets defeated Londesboro nine 21-15 in a WOAA softball game, For Wingham, Hanna and Gerrie led the attack with homers, while Hesselwood, for the visitors, dup- licated the feat notching two, Wingham—Jenkins, Riehl, Stain- ton; Londesbcro—Cowan, Hessel- wood, Colquhoun, 0 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Smith wish to take this opportunity to thank their many friends for all kind- nesses shown during Mrs. Smith's stay in hospital. Special thanks to blood donors and all those who offered, also to Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes and all nurses of Clinton Public Hospital. 26-p Mens Slack Suits Really smart and cool. 2 pc. matching slacks suits, Shirt is tailored with 2 button-down patch pockets, slacks have pleats and zippers. A good selection of shades and sizes. T-SHIRTS for Men and Boys Knitted cotton, short stripes and colors. sleeves, \in assorted All sizes from 2 to 42. Just the ticket for the wanner days o come, MEN'S SLACKS II you haven't yet seen our stock of Dress Slacks, you are missing a real treat. Gabardines, Tropicals, Bedford Cords and other materials in every shade mentionable. Complete range of sizes from 29 to 44 from 4,59 to 17.95 per pr. Make our -Store your Clothing Headquarters, we have everything for men or boys from size 4 to 44. Pickett & Campbell "UEAD(QIJAWIsgS; FOR WORK CLOTHING Phone 25 - - - - - Clinton BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (June 24-26) "On The OLD SPANISH TRAIL" • with RoY Rogers Mon., Tues„ Wed., (June 28-301 "THE KISS OF DEATH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Never has the screen searched so deeply into the love and hate that lie hidden in the human heart. Victor Mature - Brian; Donlevy and Coleen Gray Thur., Fri., Sat., (July 1-3) Paul Campbell - Glo>iia Henry and Harry Davenport All the glorious ' romance and pounding excitement of Ken- tucky's fabulous "KING 01' SPORTS" Coming (July 5-7) 'MOSS ROSE'. with Peggy Cummins and Victor Mature CAPITAL THETRE GODERICH Now Playing — In Technicolor June Allyson in "GOOD NEWS" Mon., Tues., Wed„ (June 28-30) Ida Lupin() - Dane Clark and Fay Bainter — In the flaming story ,of a man with violence in his blood and love in his heart: "DEEP VALLEY" Thur., Fri., Sat., (July 1-3) Robert Young - Maureen O'Hara and Clifton Webb—It's light, its airy and it's fashioned for fun. A brilliant comedy about some very lucky people. "SITTING „PRETTY" ' Coming—In Technicolor "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" "Million Dollar" Rain Valuable to Crops Rain Tuesday night and Wed- nesday meant plenty of dollars in the pockets of thousands of On- tario farmers, particularly straw- berry and vegetable growers whose crops had been threatened by the lack of moisture. In Huron County it was des- cribed as a "million dollar" ram. Haying was stopped in the Lon- don district, c but farmers didn't mind. n Lack of rain has left hay short in many areas, and added moisture might increase some late crops, as well as spring grains. "MISS HURON • IS SELECTED AT FIELD DAY (Continued from Page One) of line, It is now expected, he said, that 66.83 miles of that new line will be completed by the end of October this year. The number of constuners in the Clinton Rural Operating. Area, he continued, has grown from 853 on 186 miles of line 13 years ago, to 2,372 on 393 miles now. "I have talked • to you about the extensions in rural service," Mr. S,$unders went on. "There are some who suggest that in view of the shortage of power, we should stop further extensions. We at hydro believe,. as I said before, in the great importance of agriculture. We believe too that the farmers of this province are entitled to their share of whatever power is available. "I want to say to you," said Hugh Hill, Colborne Township, "that I approve to the full Mr. Saunders' expression that he is going to see that the farmers of this province get hydro. The time is past," said Mr. Hill, "when hydro was a luxury op the farm. With the shortage of manpower and womanpower in our rural areas, it has become a necessity." Other speakers at the park were Warden Berry, Mr. Hanna, George MacEwan, mayor of Goderich, who extended an official welcome to the town; W. 11. Lobb, R.R. 2, Clinton, president, and Charles Coultes, . Belgrave vice-president of the Federation. Special Awards During the day" awards were given for a number of special events, A prize for the family coming the greatest distance was won by Mrs. Evelyn Arno and family of Hollywood, Calif. The oldest man on the grounds was William Clarke, Exeter, who will be 88 years of age on Aug. 25. Mrs. James Foley, Goderich, 79, won an award for being the old- est woman at the field day. Hon= ors for being the longest -married couple went to Mr, and Mrs. Ro- bert C. McGowan, who last Jan- uary 18, celebrated their 54th anniversary. A shield, awarded to the town- ship that obtained the highest number of points in sports events, was won by Hullett Township, with 25 points. Colborne Town- ship was runner-up with 14 points. A few of the results were: Boys, I8 and under, William Martell, Hullett; John Westbrook, Goderich; 'Wilbert Chambers, Mc- Killop. Men's open, William Mar- tell, Hullett; Murray )lay, Hul- lett; Arnold Bell, Goderich Town- ship; Women's! open, Eleanor Hun - kin, Exeter; Joan Clark, Colborne Township; Margaret Procto, Mor' xis Township. Relays, girls' teams, Goderich Township, Tuckersmithr Colborne; boys' teams, Goderich Township„ McKillop, Presrdehts' race Murray Roy, Hullett; Fred Gibson, Goderich Township. BEAUTY SHOPPE' Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanente ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion e C a7 .COOK E FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66$ REGENT THEATRE S E Ar o R T E Now 'Playing—In Trucolor, Roy Rogers in "On The OLD SPANISH TRAIL" Mon./ Tuee., Wed., (June 28-30), ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Vietor 'Mature -- Brian Donievy and Coleen Gray A rugged story, packed with sus- pense and terrific drama, will remember You "THE KISS OF DEATH" Thur., Fri, Sat.. (July 1-3) Esther Williams, Laarritz Melchior and Jimmy Durante with Xavier Cougat in a lavish Technicolor spectacle that features a dazzling water -ballet "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" Coming—"DAISY KENYON" and "SUSIE STEPS OUT" LOOK AND LIVE And as Moses lifted up tlhe serpent in the wild- erness, even so must the Son. of Man be lifted' up; that whosoever believeth in Hini should not perish, but have eternal life.John. 3; 14,15. BY FAITH ARE WE SAVED—Eph. 2:8. CHAS. E. FULLER, 'Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Centralia RCAF `+1111INIMMIllufror: CLAR Beats Clinton 24-3 AUCTION ING SALE of Centralia RCAF took the mea ure of Clinton Tigers in Clint Community Park, Clinton, Thurs- day evening last when the Air- men won a WOAA fastball match 24-3, giving the locals little chance, CENTRALIA RCAF: Corraner 3b, Johnson ss, Farrow cf, Sasson rf, Armstrong c, Anderson. 2b, Miller Ib, Foster if„Graye"r p. CLINTON' TIGERS: MacDonald lb, Manly 3b, Young c, Glew cf, J. Wilson cf, Madsen p, Lueck rf, Greig 11, McPherson 2b, Stein ss. Centralia RCAF' 951 431 100-24 Clinton Tigers , 000 092 100— 3 FARM STOCK &'MACHINERY on at Lot 40, Con, 13, fiuliett Town - skip, 1,4 miles east, I mile south of Auburn on FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 3 at 7 ,p.m. sharp PIGS -12 York pigs, 7 weeks old; 2 Durham spring calves. IMPLEMENTS—Massey-Harris binder, 7 f t., cut I crop, MeC. Deering mower, 51/2 ft. cut; Ideal manure spreader (like new); M.H. hay loader, drop head; Sulky rake; walking plow, like new; spring tooth cultivator, new; all - steel circular saw, 32"; 60 t. 6" belt; rubber tired wagon (like new), 16x600 tires; 16 ft. sliding hay rack; 2,000 lb. scales; wagon box; gravel box; breeching har- ' ness; collar top; cutter; whipple- trees; forks, neckyokes, shovels. GRAIN -500 bus. mixed grain; 300 bus. oats. 4 chicken shelters, feeders and fountains, barrels; plank lumber: sugar kettle; HAY -20 acres of hay to be sold in field. `FARM --150 acres clay loam, good water supply; 10 acres of bush. Farm is in pasture, hay and crop; Frame house covered _ with asphalt shingles; bank barn; _ drive shed; double -deck garage' 1 hen house. All buildings in ex- cellent repair. Litter carrier and water in barn. Property sold sub- ject to reserve bid, Chattels: CASH ARCHIE ROBINSON, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, 26-27-b "Old at/10,50,601'. Man, You're Crazy 0e7 1atrr5ge1Dx' xgo0c0o1y, ” e5w0rXwwdx m00U g1M 70w a0iT0ry Miami odlhclue omwtonboW•I IaYWsf 4,37.4.5„, rfrea&, •j«»N, tJ M 0444!VN »4X4i iFdynNiow"gCentldM ""' We have these implements in stock for your Ford Tractor: "CALLIE G." DOES' TRICK IN RECORD TIME OF 2.07x/4. (continued from page one) Turf Club, made %the presentation of a blanket in behalf of Clinton, Turf Club for winning the two heats out of three. It was in the third heat of this race that Sandra Dillon dropped dead while com ing down the. stretch. Results: Miss Corporal Grattan, OCun ningharne, Clandeboye (Tur vey) 2 1 Mary Volo, D. R. Campbell, Ailsa Craig (Campbell) 1 2 2 Cavalier Grattan, Len Guy, Sea - forth (Habkirk) 3 4 3 Tony Mac, R. Kirkby, Walton (Kirkby) 4 3 3 Ruby Ritz, S. Ruthig, New Ham- burg (Brough) 5 6dr Sandra Dillon, Neil McLean, Port Elgin (Hughes)7 7 x x Did not finish; dropped dead nn home stretch, Times: 2,111/2, 2.121/2, 2.13. Real Fast Racing. The • free-for-all, with $300 purse provided by the merchants of Clinton whose names were list- ed on the official programme, provided the topflight racing of the day, and as the track dried out and became a a faster, so did -the heats. As stated above, Caine G. stole the show, but diminutive Dillon Melte had plenty on the hooves. Dr. Houze, Caine G.'s owner and driver, was presented with a blanket for winning the race, by Mayor A. J. McMurray in behalf of Clinton Turf Club. Results: Callie G., Dr. C. A. Houze, Mit- chell (I•Iouze) 1 1 1 Dillon Flicka, Ed. Arthur, Otter - (Arthur) 2 2 2 Peter Brook G., Mrs. T. Gordon, Hamilton (Lutman) 3 3 3 Her Royal Highness, Mellenback- er Bros., Hagersville 4 4 4 Teddy Chilcoot, Len Guy, Sea - forth (Habkirk) 5 5 5 Times of heats: 2.09, 2.08, 2.0711 'track and Ontario record for 1948), Officials: starter, •Thomas Mc- Donnell, Hamilton; announcer,. Jack Kenney, Hamilton; judges— Ed. Fawn, Mitchell; Dr, J. W. Shaw, Clinton; Joseph Shelton, Kincardine; timers—Percy John- ston, Goderich; Ray Holmes, Sea - forth; clerk, A, . M. Knight, Clinton. Sweep rakes Weeders Cultivators Discs Front end loaders Transport boxes Tractor bumpers Hydraulic seats Daly Motors SEAFORTH 26-b tleieleaineleteleelefalseatleteteteRefefeal To -day's best buy is Plumbing! Improve the efficiency of your farming operations and the comfort of your home by means of a low-cost water system. Just Arrived MODERN SINKS and BASINS in good supply RENT A VACUUM — $1 PER DAY see - HUGH H. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470