HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-06-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR . esmrssessegamas CLINTON ;NEWS -RECORD • THURSDAY; JUNE • . 24, 1948. Vornen' •andChurch Affairs in Clinton Distriel s Early Summer Weddings BARTLIFF-GEEALIS. Beautifully decorated with pink and white peonies, heliotrope and Orange Blossoms, Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, was the scene of a lovely 'wedding on , Saturday, June 19, at 2 p.m., when Helen Jean Grealis, sister of Miss Maizie M. Gerais, was united in marriage to Douglas Thornton Bartliff, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff, all of Clinton. The double ring ceremony was performed by the minister,Rev. Andrew Lane. Traditional' wed- ding music was played by Mrs. M. J. Agnew who also accomp- anied Mrs, Roy 011son, London, who sang "I'll Walk Beside You" before the ceremony and "Be- cause" during the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Howard. Grealis, Windsor, was charming in her gown of faille brocade which featured a tight bodice buttoned in front, a full length skirt end- ing in a train and lily point sleeves and her only ornament was a single strand of pearls. Her long veil was caught With a tiara of seed pearls and she carried a cascade of Starlight roses and bouvardia. Attending the bride was Mi's. Jack Duckworth, Goderich, as matron of honour, and Misses Jean Hearn and Catherine Jef- ferson, Clinton, as bridesmaids. They were similarly gowned in corded taffeta gowns with full skirts, off -the -shoulder bodices with net necklines, matching mittens and bandeaus of roses and stephenotis in their hair: ' Mrs. Duckworth was in dusty rose and carried pink briarcliffe roses and the bridesmaids were in blue and orchid respectively, each carrying a cascade of Sunbeam roses. Bruce Bartliff was his brother's best roan, and the ushers were William Cook and Harry McEwan. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held in the Church Parlour. Miss Maizie Grealis re- ceived wearing a flowered silk jersey frock, natural straw hat with brown trimming and brown accessories. She wore a corsage +F of Lestra 'Hibbard roses. Assist- ing was Mrs. Harry Bartliff who wore powder blue crepe with black accessories and a corsage of pale pink carnations, The bride's table, covered with a cut work table cloth and decorated with burning tapers in silver holders, was centred with the four -tiered wedding cake, which had been beautifully decorated by the groom. The assistants were Mrs. Katherine Fowler, Misses Verna Freeman, Helen Dixon and Ruth Hearn, all of Clinton. For travelling to New York, the bride donned a blue check suit with white hat and navy acces- sories and a corsage,of gardenias. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bartliff will reside in Clinton, Out-of-town ,guests were present from Goderich, London, Windsor, Wallaceburg, Toronto, Oshawa, Wiarton, and Chatham, England --o Presbyterian WMS Holds Good Meeting The Presbyterian WMS met with the ladies of Stanley Town- ship at the home of Mrs. Goldie Graham. After a call to .yorship from the ,president, Mrs. Roberton, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. John Mc- Ewen. 'conducted the devotional period. Mxs. John Cairns sang a pleasing solo accompanied by Mrs. G. W. Nott. A report of the Hamilton and London Synodical Was given by Mrs. Lane who quoted from speakers "that all the promises of God are at our disposal and fields white unto harvest," ' The secretary, Mrs. Snider, read a letter of thanks from the Pres- byterial supply secretary thank- ing the WMS for a splendid bale. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. After the meeting tea was served in the dining room at prettily decorated tables, Miss Baird, Mrs. Baird and Mrs. John McEwen assisting. Mrs. Aslan Maxwell and Mrs. William Shaddock voiced the thanks of those present to the ladies of Stanley for such an en- joyable time. :•a S.t4, t terstaass•»i»,5"'sasa ;ahead :::foe" DRESSES Summer Cottons SLUBS — SILKS -- SPUNS - CHAMBRAY -- GINGHAM IDEAL FOR S'T'REET WEAR gr GOOD SEL ECTION IN ALL SIZES :i. 54.95 OTHERS at $2.95 to $7.95 MARTINS PHONES: 36w - 36j 't*�ri4,tr•««««O+:»'M.`»r'+:M`M»+W',i,.a,:«,«iM.»:4.1.1..:"2»:«'4i i •++,r:-ri ;"A»:ir;H±'1`"f";'q WEEKEND SPECIALS!] Banana Cakes Try Our New Banana Roll Dixon's Pastry Shop --- Phone 281W -- Clinton t Ylibtteni"nr3' St. J. . 2 LUGGAGE The. Gift That Lasts! "She" will be proud. of A Ladies' Matched Set See our complete range: froth $17.00 to 51.00 SET OF TWO AIKEN'S PHONE 2 OLINTON PERSONALS Ill Dr. D. C. Geddes was in Kitch- ener last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paterson, Wiarton, are the guests this week of Mr. arid Mrs, George B. Beattie' Mr: and Mrs, 0, B. Moffatt and', family, Ingersoll, were Sunday visitors with the lady's mother, Mrs. W, H. Hellyar, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gould leave on Saturday for a two months motor trip through the Canadian West. Mr. and Mrs. Roy OIison, Lon- don, spent the weekend with the tatter's parents, 1VIr, and Mrs. Thomas Morgan. Miss Catherine Jefferson, Toro- nto, was a weekend visitor with her parents, IVIr, and Mrs. G. Jefferson. Dr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Struth- AC William Matthews, RCAF, Aylmer, spent the weekend with his parents, 1Vlr. and Mrs. Alonzo Matthews. ers, Toronto, were visitors Iast week with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper. • Mr. and Mrs, Charles R. Cook spent the weekend in Woodstock visiting. with Mrs. W. Herd and Miss Lola Herd, and also their son, John R. Cook, Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Innes, Dun- lop St., were in Toronto Wednes- day, attending • the wedding of their niece, Dr. Helen Marie Was - man, to Dr. Murray Cunninghame, in Knox College Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Moore ("Spud") Andrews and Master David, and Clifford Andrews, Jr., Scarboro Bluffs, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ferg VanEgmond on Mrs. Wesley Ruddy, London, visited at the home of her aunt, Miss Emma Lavis over the .week- end and while in town was - a guest at the trousseau - tea for Miss Dorothy McIntyre on Sat- urday Archie E. Douglas, Erin, spent the weekend in town with Mrs. Douglas and daughters. The latter plan to leave today for their new home in Erin, having sold their house on Mill St. to Robert B Campbell. Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gould, Streetsvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper, Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich, Tuckersmith Lou nship, were guests on Sunda;, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gould. Mrs. R. A. E. Bruce, Chatham, England, arrived last week to spend the summer with her moth- er, Mrs. Ida Chowen, Mrs. Chowen [net her daughter in Toronto. Sunday. Donald M. Venton, BA.Sc., Bowmanville, who was consulting engineer in connection with the construction of Clinton's sewerage system, has assumed his new dut- ies as assistant City Engineer of Owen Sound. W. H. Waddell, the City Engineer, passed away re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Crediton, who returned on Sat- urday after a month's vacation spent with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Robbins, Laird Bask„•spent the weekend with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter. R. H. Maxwell, Owen Sound, assumed his new duties as assist- ant accountant of Clinton Branch of the Royal Bank of Canada this week. Miss Nora Eyre, Brucefield a graduate of Clinton' Collegiate Institute, also started as a junior. Mrs. Lyla Pinner, Oshawa, Mrs. Jewel Steven, Toronto, and Miss Amitce Bartltff, London, were weekend visitors at the home of their brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bartliff, be- ing here to attend the Bartliff-- Grealis wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter were guests at the Smythe -Stirl- ing wedding in Waterdown Unit- ed Church on Saturday. On their return they were accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs, Emma Sutter, Stratford, who will remain with thein for a few weeks. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jackson included Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown, and dau- ghter, Marion, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown, London; Pau( Cross, Stratford; and the former's brother, P. C, Jackson, Birchton, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grealis and sons, Roy and Wilson, Wind- sor, Mr. and Mrs. George Paterson Toronto, and Mrs, Alice Buchan- an, London, spent the weekend with Miss Mazie M. Grealis com- ing up to attend the Bartliff— Grealis weddini on Saturday. G. E, Hall and daughter, Miss Evelyn, returned on Friday last atter attending the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, the late Percy Hutchings, Cayuga, on Thursday. Mr. Hutchings will be remembered by many here as, on several occasions he had been a visitor in the Hall home. Miss Mary Elizabeth Lane, daughter of Rev. Andrew and Mrs. Lane, and a graduate of Clinton Collegiate Institute, was successful in passing her Second Year Examinatoins in the Hon- our Course in English Language and Literature with Class IIS standing. She is spending the summer at Banff Springs, Hotel, the CPR luxury hotel in” the, Canadian - Rockies. - o Legion Ladies Hear Miss W. Trewartha The Ladies' 'Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion met in the Le- gion Hall • for its. June meeting with a good attendance. During the business period it was decided to cancel the meet- ings for July and August. The ladies accepted an invitation from the men to be their guests at a meeting on Monday, June 28. The guest speaker of the even- ing was Miss Wilhehnine Tre- wartha, Vilna, Alta,, who gave an excellent account of her work has a WMS missionary in the west which was' much appreciated by pr Successful MISS MARY E. LANE Daughter of Rev. Andrew and Mrs. Lane, Clinton, and a grad- uate of Clinton Collegiate Insti- Rebekahs Hold Memorial Service Impressive in its simplicity was the Memorial service held by Huronic - Rebekah Lodge at the close of the evening service in Wesley -Willis United Church on Sunday evening. Following the regular service which was con- ducted by the minister, Rev. An- drew Lane, the members of the order took charge. A beautiful basket of white and pink peonies was placed on the Communion Table in loving mem- ory of the ten members of the Lodge who had passed on to high.- er service. These included. Sist- ers Margaret Cree, Margaret Wise man, Alice Mason,Essie Bruns - don, Margaret Prosser, Annie Mittell, Bessie Smith and Broth- ers T. J. Managhan, John Wise- man and Frank Bawden. The members of the order marched through the church and brought a pink or white peony to the front and thus formed two large bou- quets which' her placed on either Lube, who hiss successfully nom- side of the large basket. pleted her Second Year in' the Those assisting in the service Honour Course in English Lang- i were: Noble Grand, Sister Maude uage and Literature at Victoria Mulholland; vice grand, Sister College, University of Toronto, Vivian Knights; Past Grand, S(st- with Third Class Honour standing. er Mabel Nickerson; and Chap lain, Sister Annie Glew: Sisters Lillian Orpen and Muriel Mul- holland represented the Warden and Conductor. During the Mem- orial Service Sister Eileen Robb- ins sang "Beautiful Isle of Some- where", and PDDP. Sister Mary Nediger sang "The Lord's Pray- niversary on. Saturday, June 19, er". The service closed with the when they held "Open House" benediction pronounced by the at St. Paul's Rectory. Chaplain andthe vesper sung by Friends, both from town and the choir. from out-of-town, gathered, 84 in o number, to congratulate them, Six of the guests had been pres- ent at . their • wedding 25 years ago in Brantford. They were Mrs. C. H. Owen, New Hamburg, and Mrs. F. Anderson, London, who poured tea. on both occasions; Miss Vida Forrester, Galt; Miss Mary Wright, London; and Miss Ann Adred, Bothwell. The house was beautifully de- corated with flowers, pink and white colours predpminating.• The table was laid with a hand croch- eted table' cloth and a wedding cake as the centre piece. Mrs.. Owen and Mrs. Anderson poured tea, Mrs. L. S. ;navies, Miss M. Wright, Miss V.' Forrester and Miss Nora Bulteel looked after the guests. Mrs. Morley Counter invited the guests to the tea room and Leonard Davies, n d av es aged eight, nephew of Mrs. Bulteel, looked after the guest book. • The congregation gave them a silver comport filled with $50 in fifty cent pieces as a silver wed- ding ,gift. Many other beautiful gifts were received, Others from 'out-of-town were Mrs, H. Hunter, Mrs. Al Tolman, Dr. and Mrs. G. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Quinn, Mrs. F. Locke and .Mrs. W. Wheaton, all of Port (Stanley. Rev. 'and- Mrs. Bulteel Mark Silver Wedding Rev. and Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel celebrated their 25th wedding an - Bride -elect Feted At Surprise Showers Two surprise showers took place last week honouring Miss Florence Aiken, a bride -elect of this month: The members of her Sunday School class and Young People's Union gathered Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Milton Wiltse, After a mock Wedding had been performed, the guest of honour was directed by means of little poems to find gifts which had been hidden through- out the house. lVIiss Lois Wiltse presented the gift on behalf of the Young People's Union and read an addres. Florence made a fitting reply and refreshments were served. A group of girls gathered Sat- urday evening at the home of Miss Maxine Miller where the second surprise shower was held. The gifts were brought in in an inverted umbrella, decorated in pink and white. When the gifts had been opened and Florence had expressed her appreciation to all, the girls made her a bride's scrap book amid much hilarity. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Misses Helen Herman and Lois Connell, 0 CHILDRTN'S SERVICE Miss Wilhelmine Trewartha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, and a mis- sionary teacher for the United Church of Canada at Vilna, Alta., conducted a special children's service In form of pictorial ad- dress, in Wesley -Willis ,,Church Sunday morning, June 13. John W. Nediger, Sunday School super- intendent, conducted the service Joan McLaren gave the call to worship; and Gary Cooper, read the Scripture • lesson. A children's choir occupied the Jhoir loft, and Margaret Holland sang a solo. The Perfect Way To Remember Your Wedding Day A beautiful Album of Photographs taken at the church and recep- tion is the perfect way to keep all of those memories forever fresh in your mind. s • owlet d3PioJ. PHOTOGRAPHERS McEwan's FIiOne $�•„ - •-. Cllnillfl Evening Auxiliary Honors Bride -elect The Evening Auxiliary of Wesley -Willis United Church held its June meeting on Thursday evening, June 17, at the home of Miss M. Rudd, Goderich, will the president, Mrs. George. Beattie, in in the chair. The meeting open- ed with a hymn and a prayer and a hymn read in unison as a prayer. The roll call was answered by a favourite verse of Scripture, there being 19 members and three 'visitors present. The treas- urer stated that $93.98 had been raised to date. -Five calls on sick and shut-ins were made during the month. Mrs. William Murch took charge of the study period, A very pleasing solo was rendered by Miss Margaret Holland. Miss Viola Fraser gave a very inter- esting talk on her stay in Cali- fornia. One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of a gift to Miss Helen Grealis in honour of her approaching marriage. A very suitable ad- dress was composed and read by Mrs. Charles Nelson and the pre- sentation was made by Mrs. R. Shipley. The bride-to-be re- plied very sweetly. A hymn, was sung and the meeting was closed with Mrs. W. Jervis leading in prayer. A very lovely luncheon was served by the hostess. Church Directory (AIi services on Daylight Saving Time) Baptist Church REV. A. 1"ORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 27 11.00 a.m.—Church Service and Sunday School Everyone Welcome Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 27 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 12,15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship, St. Paul's Anglican Church, REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mts. J. G. "MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 27 11.00 a.rn,-Morning Service, and Sunday School 7,00 p.m Evening Service, Wed., June 30 —Sunday School picnic. Children please be at Parish Hall at 2 p.m. Wed., July 7 --Annual service and party for Little Helpers, 3.30 pin. Please bring Mite Boxes.,, Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings,' Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 27 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship, 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Presbyterian Church REV, D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs, Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 27 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship,' "Men who change the World" 2.30 pan.—Service at. Bayfield All Welcome Engagements Announced Huron County Ups Cheese Productiola IVIr, and Mrs. Bert Craig, 'Aub- Figures have been released b urn, announce the engagement of g y their only daughter,, Elizabeth the Ontario Department of Agri - Christina (Hefty),. to Leonard culture in regard to the .produc- William Archambault, only son tion of creamery butter and ohed- of Mr. and Mrs. William Archam- dar cheese for the first five bault, R.R, 1, Auburn, the wedding, months of 1.948. to take place Saturday, June 26, In Huron, butter production was in Knox United -Church, Auburn. lower, both in May of this year. and In the first five months of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook, this'. year as against the comes- Blyth, wish: to announce the en- ponding periods of 1947. • The gagejnent of their eldest daughter figures. for the month are 440,939 , Phyllis Lorean, to James Ewart pounds against 506,0",2 pounds and for the five-month . period are 1,276,835 and 1,844,813. Cheddar cheese shows a bright- er righter picture, however, with 75,040 pounds in May of this year against 70,850 in the same month in 1947. For the five-month per- iod it also shows an increase, the figures being 188,689 pounds and 166,331 pounds. Bose son of Mr. and Mrs. James Boak, Bruno, Sask., the wedding to take place Wednesday, June 30, at 12 o'clock noon in the United Church, Westfield. 0 Orangemen Attend 'Divine Service Headed by Woodham Fife and Drum Band, members of the Loyal' Order lodges in South Huron held their annual church parade in Goderich on Sunday, when they attended divine service in the Baptist Church, Lodges were present from Ailsa Craig, Park- hill, Exeter, Clinton, Wingham, BIyth, Seaforth, Goderich, • and Bayfield,and the 130 members participating were' under t h e direction of Asa Deeves, W,M. "Biblical Strategy Wins the Day" was the subject of Rev. G. W. Medley's sermon which he based on the story 'of Gideon: "God has given us a program that calls for real men, who will follow His direct teaching, and they, too, can rest assured of vic- tory," the preacher declared. • Special music by the choir in- cluded selections by a mixed quar- tette, Misses Grace .and Florence Hudson, John Hudson, and David Medley; and an anthem by the choir, o f JOHN JOHNSTON Following a funeral service at the Brophey Funeral Home, God- erich, Thursday afternoon, June 24, conducted by Rev. L. H. Tur- ner, Goderich, interment took place in Maitland Cemetery, of the remains of John Johnston, who died June 22 at his home in Godercih after a long illness, in hi --" OBITUARY Deceased was born in Goderich Township, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, and for the past 50 years had lived in Goderich. He was a teamster by trade, and attended Victoria Street United Church, He is survived by his wife, formerly Sarah Bell; one son, Clarence, of ]Maidstone; a dau- ghter, Mrs, George Little, of Bay- field; one brother, Fred John- ston, and four sisters, Mrs. Rob- ert Bell, Mrs, John Bell, Mrs. David Weston, and Mrs. Ida Pre- cious, all of Goderich. UNVEIL MEMORIAL TO CLINTON ,BOY ALVIN V. CORLESS (Continued from: Page One) could not have reached the esteem in the community which he held if it had not been for, a Christian home and the Christian commun- ity in which he was raised and had lived. He paid tribute to all who had helped make Alvin what h ewes the home, the school teachers, the Sunday School and Church and all others in the com- munity who had taken an interest in him. Following the address, Frank- lyn Moore and his daughter, Miss Ruth, both of Mitchell, and rela- tives of the Corless family, very beautifully sang "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." At the close of the service Mrs. Carless entertained the 'visitors at her home, Princess St. Among those present were some of the parents of the crew of which Al- vin was captain and also parents of some of his Air Force pals, all of . whom paid the supreme sac- rifice. These included Mr. and Mrs. T. Hart, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. T. McGoffin, Lucknow; Mrs. F. Janey and her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Overend, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs.: Harry Wilson, Detroit. 'A'large cake, beautifully decorat- ed and bearing the words "In Memoriam" was presented by the IMcGoffin family. At the request of Mrs. Mireault several group photographs were taken. Friends and relatives who were present for the occasion were from St, Marys, Stratford, Zurich, Lucknow, Toronto, Oshawa, De- troit, Burgessville, Mitchell and Straffordville. BAND CONCERTS—INSTRU- MENTAL CONTESTS - FIRE- WORKS at Waterloo Park, Water- loo, Ontario, on Saturday, June 26. Come and bring your family. One admission charge for all day and evening. Spectacular musical Tattoo in evening with 40 to 50 Bands and great fireworks spec- tacle, 26-b PLAY TOGS FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION With July just around the corner, you have no doubt planned the kind of vaca- tion you are taking and will know your requirements in summer sportswear. The Famous HAMPTON line of Playsuits are second to none, and most moderat- ely priced. They are now on display in great variety and we invite you to look over a complete line of vacation wear which have just arrived from the manufacturers, IRWIN'S OUR SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY "Strawberry Fancy': Cake A Pure White Cake Iced with a Delicious Fresh Strawberry Icing . REALLY A T'REA'T! BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CTIONERS Silverwood's Ice Cream PHONE 1 CLINTON