Clinton News-Record, 1948-06-17, Page 5'THURSDAY ,JUNE 3.7, 1.943 CLINTu-:,:fi_,WS- 1rcoRo PAGE FI" 'I; News -Retard Classified Adlets Bring Qui�cic Results CASH RATE -(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser-' ' 'tion) -One cent a word first in- -eertion (minimum 35 cents); sub •sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 pan. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT "TWO ROOMS SUITABLE FOR -young couple for light housekeep- ing. Phone 461. 25-1) TWO BRIGHT FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Edge of town of Clinton. Phone 803r4. 24-25-p HOUSESFOR SALE EIGHT - ROOMED DWELLING modern conveniences, new heat- ing system, newly decorated, in ideal location. Apply to Orval Lobb, phone 684, Clinton. 25-b' SEVEN ROO1Vf COTTAGE ON Victoria St., all modern conven- iences, new furnace. Immediate possession. Apply E. C. Munro, Victoria St., Clinton. 25-p IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorat- ed; garage. Apply to H. C. Law- son,, aw-son,, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton, 8tfb AGENTS WANTED FAST GROWING COMPANY has opening in your district for energetic and ambitious person. Splendid opportunity for aggres- sive individual. Excellent earn- ings assured with future, security and independence. Apply Blue Brand Products, 7227 Alexandra, Montreal. 22-26-b OWN YOUR BUSINESS! Join -the leading company of HOME SERVICE IN CANADA. Let your. •effort determine your income. Very little capital needed -If: you have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full details: T'•AMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, TVlontr_eal. 22-26-b ARTICLES FOR SALE -LAWN MOWER. APPLY NEWS - RECORD. 23-24-x 15,000 RECLAIMED WHITE fare brick, $30 on job, $35 cleaned and delivered; maple flooring and dressing. Phone R. W. Sears, Met. 594 J, London. 24-25-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FORDARMY TRUCK, 15 cwt., stake rack, new Mercury motor, good tires, good running shape. 'Harold Lobb, Summerhill, phone Clinton 802r3. 25-p BICYCLES FOR SALE GENT'S BICYCLE, REAL GOOD condition, with carrier and light. .Apply Joe Becker or phone Clin- ton 341-W 25-b COTTAGE FOR RENT T.WO ROOMY CABINS AT "The 'Palls," three miles west of Gode- rich on Highway No. 8, camping grounds. and trailer cabins. Prop- erty for sale. J. M. Driver, Gode- rich, phone Goderich 931r14. 25-26-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'RUBBER TIRED WAGON, 16" tires; wagon Otaco wheels 16" -tires, Harold Taylor, Clinton. 25-p MASSEY-HARRIS HAY Loader, cylinder type. Apply Wilbur 'Heyes, R.R. 3, Seaforth, ...phone Seaforth 656r11, 25-p McCORMICK DEERING 7 FP. Binder, nearly new, with sheaf carrier and trucks; Massey -Harris mower in good condition; steel rim low farm wagon with flat hay rack; Tudhope Anderson two - furrow tractor plow. Apply Hugh 'Rinn, Belgrave. 25-26-b THREE RUBBER TIRED WAG - ons; one flat hay rack like new; two furrow tractor plow; tractor disc, steel land roller; three sec - LARGE PINE PANELLED LIV- ing room, den, three bedrooms, modern kitchen, bathroom, .land- scaped lot 80' x 120'. G. F. Sansoucy, Seaforth, phone Sea - forth 392J. 25-p 11/2 STOREY, EIGHT. ROOM, frame house with asphalt siding, hardwood floors downstairs, three piece bath connected to sewer. Immediate possession. Apply Cliff Cooper, Gordon St. 25-26-b SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE centrally located in town of Clin- ton. Would exchange for farm in vicinity of Clinton, Apply Box "P" NEWS -RECORD, 25-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO DARK RED SHORTHORN bulls, 10 months old. Apply 0, L. Switzer, Clinton, phone 614r31. 25-p SIX PIGS, NINE WEEKS OLD. Apply Gordon G. Scotchmer, Bay- field Line, phone Clinton 909r12. 25-p LOST. AND .FOUND LOST - MOTTLED BLUE AND White Eversharp Fountain Pen with T.G.M. on clip. Lost in Clinton during day of June 8. Reward. Finder see H:'E. Rorke. 25-b MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 20-27-p ALT. OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 9361'21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. -• NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd,' surveys, at any time hereafter will .be -prosecuted by the owner, A."E. Parry, May 3rd, 1948. 19-26ptfb. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2bt'•: PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY AT CORNER OF North and Church Sts. consisting of ten room two storey brick house with modern conveniences, one acre of land, combined barn and garage, garden and several fruit trees. Apply to Wilmer. Wallis, 23-26-p tion drag harrows; few good TEACHERS WANTED 'wagon tires for sale; all -steel wheel wagon wanted. Apply W. B, 'Thompson, 2?I miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 25-p FARMS FOR SALE ' 100 ACRES, 25 ACRES CROP, all seeded but 10 acres, balance in hay and pasture, 11/2. miles west of Blyth on Auburn Road. Good, buildings. Alfred Mach'an,'R.R. 1, Auburn, phone Blyth 18r5. 23-25-p FURNITURE FOR SALE ICE BOX FOR SALE, 1 tpClary model. Apply Bert' Langford, Clinton. , 25-•p ':CABLES, CHAIRS, Mattresses,, lawn mower, compressor sprayer, bird cage, oil stoves and lamps, cupboard and other articles, shit-" able for summer cottage, Apply Mrs. J. A. Torrance, Bayfield, phone Clinton 900r22, 25-p PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S.S. No. 11, Hallett, located on County Road, hydro, radio, piano and toilet in school. Duties to commence September 1. Apply stating qualifications, experience and salary expected to William Haniltgn, secretary ' a.*treasurer, Londesboro., <' 23-24-25-b WEED SPRAYING NOW IS THE., TIME •�2'0 GET your weethr 'sprayed. Kill your weeds and' - have more, grain. Joseph _ Becker, honeClinton. 24-9.F-1^ CLINTON! WI Clinton Women's Institute will hold its' r'egul'ar meeting in the Board Room of the Agricultural .Office on Thursday afternoon, June 24. All members are asked to attend and visitors will be wel- eome .151'nteg!s efef4+. r4»et.,',4. t + «,.,i, h+ya lee'tte k e «,,e4He tnI tetnt i 4fOetn*,:en* Help'Wanted 5. TWO DOMESTICS are required by the Huron County Council for the Huron County Home. Duties to commence immediately. Salary $75.00 per month, plus board and lodging: PLEASE APPLY TO: 12 Mrs. M. E. Jacob, Matron, Clinton, Ontario.• f N. W. MiLLER Cotixdt�y:Clerlc3. `i 25-b ' . +r . ..34; 14141 14 H 44: H H«f f l'e fHH-fHaer, t :etet.4.!te. i )) Oeteteaea oaena•e•-te:ate.. )..N...NNNN.. -Have .Your Furnace VACUUM -CLEANED NO ;DUST NO FUSS CLINTON 24-tfb • Z ................... r...:..:. .....r.......•.w..t The new, modern way. JACK LITTLE PI-IONE 335W BIRTHS ERB-In Detroit, on Thursday, June 10, 1498, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Erb (nee .Barbara Morley), Detroit, a son, (Fred- erick Arthur). LEPPINGTON-1'n Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Sunday, June 13, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leppington, Brucefleld, a son, (Robert Franklin). RADFORD - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, June 1.1, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Radford, Londesboro, a son. RUELLE-In Pontiac Hospital, on Monday, June 7, 1948, to Mr.. and 1Virs,. Stuart Ruelle, (nee Georgi 1VlaeD.onald), Farming- ton, Mich., a son, a brother for Barbara and Janet. SHANTZ - In Clinton Public on Tuesday,.: June 15,1948 to Mr. and Mrs. Orval Shantz, Hay Township, a daughter, (Anna May). MARRIAGES PEARSON-SAUNDERCOCI{ -In Wellington St. United` Church Manse London, at high noon, on Saturday, June 12, 1948, by Rev. J. Winfield Hunt, Edna Dorcas, daughter of Mrs. Annie Saundercock and the late Nath- aniel Saundercock, Hensall, to Alfred Percival Pearson, Tor- onto, son of Alfred Percival Pearson and the late Mrs. Pearson, Toronto. TREWARTHA - BOND - I n Holmesville United Church, on Saturday, June 5 ,1948, by Rev. C: Tavener, Gertrude April, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Bond, to Kenneth Clarence, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Her- bert J. Trewartha, all of God-' erich Township. DEATHS CARBERT-In Hullett Township, on Monday, June 14, 1948, Mary Monica Carbert, in her 42nd year. Requiem High Mass in St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, on Wednesday morning, June 16, to Hullett R.C. Cemetery. MacKENZIE-At her late resi•• dance, Bayfield, on Saturday, Jtine 12, 1948, Caroline Emma MacKenzie in her 88th year. Funeral Monday, June 14, from St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery. McKIBBIN - In St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday, June 5, 1948, Isobel R. McKib- bin, formerly of Leadbury and , . Walton. Funeral and Inter - C. of C. Backs (Continued from Page One) applications, particularly in view of the fact that the Chamber had voted more than_ohce in favour of the project. Mr. McMurray pointed out that some difficulty arose due to the fact that the first 50 houses were not all allotted as yet. The meeting felt, however, that no time should be wasted in wait- ing for the houses to be filled, but action should be taken at once. Discussing rental requirements of any additional houses, Joseph Murphy, who incidentally, occup- ies one of the new houses and is well satisfied with it, suggested that the applicants ' themselves would determine the type of houses to be ,built, by stating on the applications the maximum amount of the rent they would be prepared to pay., It was decided that the applic- ations should be directed to Town Clerk M, T. Corless. Mayor AcMurray declared he would call a special Town Council meeting, as soon as sufficient ap- plications were in to warrant such a step. Bayfield 'Road Ellwood Epps, chairman of Tourist and Publicity Committee, reported that improvcrnents. to Bayfield- Road depended on the Department. There are some prospects of bus service to and front Bayfield and Grand Bend this summer; the Chamber had supported the application of Hu- ron Coach Lines to the Ontario Municipal Board by a letter. Wigwag Signal at CNR W. Norman Counter, reporting for H. E. Hartley, chairman of Public Relations Committee, stat- ed that progress was being made in securing a . wigwag signal at the CNR crossing on King's High- way 4, inside the southerly town limits. The CNR is prepared to erect a signal if half the cost would be shared by the Ontario Department of Highways. The Board of Transport Com- missioners at Ottawa has been notified that the CNR signals en- gineer, Mr. Neell, will be in Clin- ton Wednesday next, June 23, at 2 p.m. toi psnehtetexvbgkjbP 2 p.m. to inspect the crossing, and representatives of the Cham- ment at Brussels, Tuesday, June 8. Electric Motors Quarter, Third, Half, Three -Quarter and 1-H.P. in stock C. H. EPPS P'HONE.264' ' CLINTON 10-12-14-16-tfb :-"o the 1'm iti Thoro-bilt Shoes :•�.:' e ¢'' A Work Shoe made for you -to give absolute comfort and long wear -solid construction... made of quality leather . . . specially treated to resist farmyard acids. Visit our storo and see how comlorteble a pair of Sismen's Thoro-bilts can be. Husty's- shoe Store� x Huron St. - - - Clinton EXPERT` SHOE REPAIRING The`..Best Father io the World YOUR DAD. _,•,Quite. often, we take. Dad too much for granted. ile,s just", -the guy who ctit;S'. down and supplies the' nickels, who is always there to take over on the lawn plower, or join in on a friendly game, or many other little everyday things. Remember, Sunday, June 20 is Father's .Day; let's show Dad how much we appreciate him by giving him some useful gift. You'll find many helpful suggestions when you visit our store; MEN'S BROADCLOTH ALL eAi4ADAREMEMSERS DAD SHIRTS TIES - SOCKS SUSPENDERS BELTS - SLACKS BATHING SUITS SPORT SHIRTS UNDERWEAR STRAW HATS SLACK SUITS and many other items FATHER'S t'S DAY SUNDAY DOME 20 ,NOTE -June k the month for weddings. 'A perfect gift is a pair of PURE WOOL BLANKETS or a SATIN - SOUND THROW. Our line is complete: Ick ett Campbell HEADQUARTERS FOR WORK CL01111NG Phone 25 . - - - Clinton ROXY THEATRE C L I N. 'T O N Now Playing -(June 17-19) Gene Autry in "TWILIGHT ON THE RIO GRANDE" Mon., Tues., Wed. (June 21-23) Gregory Peck, ,lane Wyman and Claude Jarman Jr. -An engros- sing story of simple people with hearts ,as big as the great out- doors they- loved and fought for, "THE. YEARLING" NOTE -The above feature will commence at 7 p.m.. Thur., Fri., Sat. (June 24-26) "On The OLD SPANISH TRAIL" In Trucolor Roy Rogers hits the trail again, outshootin', outfightin', outridin' the badmen of the Old West. Roy Rogers, Trigger, Tito Guizar and Jane Frazee CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH i Now Playing -In Tr'ucolor with Roy Rogers "On the 01d Spanish Trail" Mon., Tues., Wed. (June 21-23) Rita Hayworth, Larry Parks and Edw. Everett Horton -Sparkling in Technicolor, lavish in its bea- uty, a gay and fantastic musical love -story. "DOWN TO EARTH" Thur„ Sat. (June 24-26) June Allyson,•Peter Lawford and Patricia Marshall --It's big, gay and gorgeous, crammed with toe - tickling tunes, and photographed in Technicolor. "GOOD NEWS" Coming (June 28 -30) -"The Kiss' Coming --Ida Lupino in of Death" Adult Entertainment I DEEP, VALLEY" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing -Gregory Peck, in a sensation "THE YEARLING" Mon., Tues„ Wed. (June 21-23) Ronald Reagan, Shirley Temple & Rory Calhoun -The story of a girl haunted by the whispers of an indiscretion she was too inno- cent to understand "THAT HAGEN GIRL" Thurs., Fri., Sat. (June 24-26) Roy Rogers, Andy Devine and Jane Frazee, with Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers in a Tru - color western musical. "On The OLD SPANISH TRAIL" Coming-"75ISS OF DEATH" Adult Entertainment ber of Commerce have been in- vited to attend. H. E. Hartley and President Foster were ap- pointed representatives of the Chamber at the conference. Cost of the signal was stated to be $5,500, with yearly mainten- ance cost of $350. Soave School Children R. S. Atkey, for Agricultural School Fair project is still under Committee, reported that the advisement but the outlook is not very encouraging. N. W. Trewartha commented on the great danger to public school children from highway accidents, and suggested that adoption of the monitor system of patrolling boys and girls might save a ser- ious accident. FIVE PARISHES IN HOLY NAME CLINTON RALLY (continued froin page one) were subsersive. The new moral- ity was only a thin veneer over the old immorality. "We must study our catechism; we must know our religion," he said. The second point he wished to make was a return to the prac- tices of Christian virtue, par- ticularly in the home, return to morning and evening prayers. "We must have prayer to be sav- ed," he said. Let us put our faith into practice." The Band accompanied the congregation in the singing of the hymn, "Faith of our Fathers." Dr. Flannery conducted the reiteration of the Holy Name CARD OF THANKS The MacKenzie family wish to thank their many friends for kindnesses received during the illness and death of Miss Caroline E. MacKenzie, Bayfield. 25-b AUCTION SALE - of -- DAIRY COWS, YOUNG CATTLE and PIGS at Lot No. 31, 5th concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on TUESDAY, JUNE 22 at 2 p.m., the following: HORSES: Indian pony (suitable for the •saddle). CATTLE: 15 young cows, some recently freshened, balance milk- ing well and to freshen in the fall; 5 dairy bred heifers, recently freshened; 25 heifers, some spring- ing, balance to freshen in the fall; 10 yearling heifers; 5 young calves. PIGS -2 Yorkshire sows with litters 7 weeks old; Yorkshire sow with litter 1 week old. This is a choice lot of stock, and will be sold under our usual guarantee. TERMS -CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor. EDWARD. W. ELLIOTT, 25-b Auctioneer FOR SALE One set three section Spring Tooth Harrows, new; Four one-horse Scuffles, new; One Rubber Tired wagon, new; one Viking Cream Separator 600 lb. cap- acity; One Viking Cream Separ'r`tor Table. Model 200 ib. capacity.; One Clipper Seed Cleaner. H. Charlesworth 23-24-25-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves' Permanente • ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion ds.'. C O O K E FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j JUNIOR FARMER COMPETITORS ,OUT IN FORCE Judging Itinerary The morning itinerary of the 53 judging competitors took them, in sequence, to the farm of Colin Campbell, con. 12,' Stanley Town- ship, to judge Holstein cows; to the farm of Allan Armstrong, Pledge. The concluding hymn. was "Holy God, we promise Thy Name," led by the Band. Assisting in the service and act- ing as marshals were Antoine Garon, president of the Holy Name Society of Clinton, and Mac LeBeau, secretary -treasurer. con. 8, Stanley, to judge general purpose horses; to the farm of Robert Peck, con. 9, Stanley, to judge two classes of Shorthorn cattle; to the farm of Harvey Keys, con, 9, Stanley, to judge bacon hogs; to the farm of Gordon Rathwell, con. 8, Goderich Town- ship, to judge Jersey cattle; to the farm of Colin Lawson, con. 6, Goderich Township, to judge LeI- cester ewes; to the farm of Alfred. Warner, Bluewater Highway near Bayfield, to judge Yorkshire sows. The cavalcade of cars ended its judging tour at the Anglican camp at noon. Competitors and judges had lunch -at the camp, and then spent the afternoon as- sessing the reasons the 53 com- petitors offered for the placings they had made in the morning program of stock judging. LOOK AND LIVE And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the 'wild- erness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3: 14, 15.' BY FAITH ARE WE SAVED.-Eph. 2:8. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. VETERANS' HOMES In order to secure additional homes for veterans in Clinton, it is necessary to have 40 to 50 applications. Would interested veterans please visit the Town Clerk's Office and fill out an application form at once. • These applications are needed before Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora- tion (the Crown -owned company) can begin construction. Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce (Signed) --N. W. TREWARTHA, Chairman, Housing Committee ihrINN,WIV NNMMN.00~0NNOM �i i.J �t.,,�+.t�HHH,� :IJP::"3B. + :'A -0 qJ4.«; ;«..«:«+ O•`.t,; •r«W*',.r W «y, �.v+.*:"� r M'a`w�. ±i} WARNING RE DOGS TOWN OF CLINTON A by-law is being prepared for presentation at the next meeting of Town Council, which will prohibit dogs from running at Large within the municipality. It is the intention of the Town Conucil to pass this by-law _' UNLESS Owners and Harborers of Dogs Definitely Keep Them Under Proper Control 3< At All Times. BY ORDER, ,. Clinton, Ontario CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL =« June 9, 1948 P.S.-See advertisement of Tackersrnith Township, quoting statutes covering dogs, elsewhere in this issue. To -day's best buy is Plumbing! 24-25-b 3. Iml-lprove the efficiency of your farming operations and the comfort of your • home by means of a low-cost water system. • Just Arrived MODERN SINKS and BASINS in good supply RENT A VACUUM - $1 PER DAY see HUGH. R. HAWKINS i Business 244 Phone Residence 470