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Clinton News-Record, 1948-06-10, Page 8
IUI III IIIIIIUIIIIUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUW111111 IIIA UIIIIU IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI 111111IUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIIi Il!` SPECIAL NOTICE The Supertest Service Station, formerly operated by William Inkley, opposite the Bank of Montreal, has been leased by J. E. HpgilI & Sons. They would be glad to have Mr. Inkley's customers, as well as their acquaintances and friends turn any business they could to this station. They will carry in stock DOMINION and DUNLOP TIRES and' TUBES; the high- grade PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES, Fan Belts and accessories. Get your car washed and greased . .. It will add to the life of the ear, as well as those who ride in it. J. E. HUGILL and SONS SUPERTEST PRODUCTS PHONE 784 - - CLINTON 23-p -in IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111UIIllllllllll111111UIIIIIIUIIIIIIUU 01111IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111Ulllll UIill IIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIUIIUIIUIIUI' PALE SIX RECEIVES YEAR ' FOR TAKING CAR LACKING CONSENT F. 'Stevens, James Melvin Rob- erts and F. E. Roberts,charged with the theft of 11 typewriters, au accordion and two radios froth RCAF. Station Clinton, valued at more than $250, were remanded a week when they appeared in court before Magistrate J. W. Morley, at Goderich Thursday last. A' charge of cutting down small trees contrary to a Huron County by-law,' against Gordon Turner, Goderich Township,. was dismiss- ed. David Pitbaldo, Goderich, was fined $10 with costs, when he pleaded guilty to disorderly eon - duct at Bayfield, by throwing fire- crackers around in Jowett's Grove The charge of making a left hand' turn, heard some weeks ago against Clarence Sturdy, Goder- ich. Township, was dismissed.' Patrick Murray, Goderich was charged by William Kay with common' assault. Botli were bound over to keepthe peace. • Deceives Sentence James Wilson, 21, who previ- ously had pleaded guilty to taking snotor•vehicle from Mount Denn- is Construction Company at Clin- ton,without the owner's consent, was sentenced to 12 months defin- ite, and 12 months indefinite, in Ontario Reformatory. Crown Att- orney D. E. Holmes read a prev- HIGH COURT SITTINGS ! It was announced today that the autumn sittingsof High I Court of Justicuron Ca Huron I would be held in Goderich as 'follows: jury, • October 11;'non- jury,.' Novenlber 22. • sous record. John Spain, Goderich, who ask- ed an adjournment in police court at Goderich previously on a char- ge of unlawfully selling intoxicate Ing liquor, contrary to the CTA., in order to allow him to summon, ;three witnesses, told the court Thursday last that the witnesses he had in mind were too busy to attend. Magistrate J. W. Morley , convicted him on evidence heard previously. Spain 'bartered a case of Liquor for a bag of grain. He was fined $30 with costs and the liquor ordered confiscated. ' Robert Good, Stanley .Fowler, and Henry Kerr, all of Goderich, were each fined $50 with costs, after Magistrate Morley found them guilty . They mere charged under the Canada Temperance Act wtih bringing in, or causing to be brought in, liquor for other I than personal or family use. Mag- ' istrate Morely warned that the fines were not to be takenas a precedent, In giving judgment, he stated that the C.T,A. had been upheld by the Privy Council, and is recognized by the Legislature. 1 A youth and two men, charged with drunk drivinp, A were giver,' seven days in jail, after convic- tion, BUY THEM BY tHE CARTON AT Y'�UR HYDRO -OFFICE WORK REFRESHED NAVE A COCACOLA Jsk for it either way ...both trade -marks mean the same thing.. Pre-war Price .. ... 50 Wartime Taxes di' Orders. 20 You Pay 70 Authorized . Bottler of Coca -Coca mnder ' contract: . .SRL'# �r+� , with :C,otm-flala l; ' TFORD BOTTLING-, COMPANY 700 ]Erie St. rime 78 CLIIITON NEWS-RBCORD ENS:.OF AUBURN Donald '.Ross, Galt, spent th with his' mother, Mrs Fred Ross. Miss Dovann Caesar, Dungan non, was a weekend visitor witl Jean Kirkconnell Mrs, Pierce, Trenton, is visit ing her cousin, John Houston 'and Mrs. Houston,. Miss Vivian Straughan, London was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs, C. M. Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh a Miss Beier. Marsh, Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. an Mrs. Herb 1Vlogridge. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and daughter Emma, Bluevale visited William Mcllwain an Amelia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell. spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Speigle- burg' and Mr. Speigleburg. 1VIrs. Herb Mogridge .attended the graduating exercises at `Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon, don; When here granddaughter, Miss 'Helen Marsh, received her B.Sc. N. degree. Mrs,' R. D. Munro and Miss Ehua Mutch Were in Toronto this week attending the Nurses' grad- uation at Western Hospital, where Miss Zeta Munro is one of the gnaduatea, he' and two brothers; ;Frank, Birk- . land Lake; and Walter, West Wawano;h, Mr. Andrew has two - sisters, 1VIrs. ,Alex (Rae) McNev- t in, and 'Miss Freda, both of-God- erich. " Many beautiful gifts were - received. Am• " , o,rg •�ihe guests• were.the. bride'e Mother, Mrs. Washington, , and the 'bridegroom's•parents Mr. and Mrs, Andrew, Goderich,''' who n1 cerebrated their 50th wedding an- d nrversery on Tuesday, June 1. tl Minister for Summer Rev. John Honeyman, London, is occupying rooms at Knox Presbyterian Church Manse, for the summer months. Mr. Honey- man . will minister to the con- gregation of Knox Presbyterian Church here and Old St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth, Show Well Attended A large crowd attended the picture show presented by the National Film Board and spon- sored by the Women's Institute in the Foresters Hall on Friday night. Junior Red Cross The Junior Red Cross met on Friday afternoon when the fol- lowing program was enjoyed: reading, Marlene Eason; instru- mental, Gladys McClinchey; song, Carol Beadle and Laura May Letherland; reading, George Wright; instrumental, Joanne Eason; jokes, Carol Beadle. Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrew, Rilllcrest farm, Auburn, observ- ed their 25th wedding annivers- ary Wednesday evening, June 2, when they entertained more than 125 guests from Goderich, Clinton Londesbcro, Blyth, and Auburn, Baskets of flowers adorned the home. During the evening, Robert Henry, Goderich, showed moving pictures of Goderich, Benmiller, and other places, Mrs, .Andrew is the former Mu- riel Washington, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Washington, West Wawan» osh, and the late Mr. Washingtoh, Mr. Andrew is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Andrew, Goder- ich, The marriage 25 years ago was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. P. S. Baines, Auburn. They have resided on Hillcrest farm since their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew have three children, Eleanor, Billie, and Mary, all at home, Mrs, Andrew has one sister, Miss Eth- el Washington, West Wawanosh; KIPPEN • tiippen East W.I. Kippen East Women's, Institute held its May meeting at'the home of Mrs.' Ernie' Whitehouse, .'Coe hostess with Mrs. Whitehouse was Mrs: Eldon Jarrott, The roll call was answered with"My complete name, maiden and married." Cur- rent events were reviewed. by Mrs. W. H.' McLean. Miss Marg- aret McEey, contributed a poem. A demonstration on shell Graft work was given py Mrs, R. Dal- rymple, Egmondville, Mrs, T Kay presented a pery interesting outline of her three weeks' motor trip through the United States The institute donated $25 to the Hensall Legion. ' Presentations of lovely vases were made to Mrs. Albert Alex- ander, secretary -treasurer for the past five years, and to Mrs. Jas. Finlayson, the latter having re- cently taken up residence in Eg- mondville. The address was read by Mrs. W. Broadfoot, ' the pre- sentation made by Mrs. R. Upe• shall, The chair was taken by the president, Mrs. William Kyle. The Institute has received an in- vitation to be guests of the Elim- ville Women's Institute at their blossom tea to be held in the Elimville United Church, Wed- nesday, May 26. Refreshment,' were served. Gun. Club Shoot Kippen Gun Club Tournament held at Kippen Monday, May 24th afternoon and evening, was very successful and was one of •the best held yet since organized. Three thousand rounds were fir"- ed. The next shoot will be held June 9. Lloyd .Venner•trophy for professionals fn the 50 -bird event was won by Sam Dougall, Hen - sell, with 45, Runners up were Chester Lee, Seaforth; 44; Elmer Stephenson, 43; John Anderson and T. J. Sherritt tied with 42: Wes Venner and Wilmer Dal- rymple with 41; Bill Austin, 40; Don Joynt, Bill Kyle, Bert Peck, end T. Lee, 39; Robert Towsend, 38; Emmerson Anderson, Allan Quance, Norman Harburn, 37; Ed McClinchey, Joe Flynn, W. R Cooper, 36. Peck Trophy for amateurs, 25 birds: Fred Beer, Hensel], 21; Tommy Kyle, 16; John Sangster, 15; Cliff Wet -eon, George Parker, tied with 14. (Mr. Parker is 85 years old.) Drysdale Trophy, handicap, T. J. Sherritt, 24 out of 25; Bill Kyle, 23; Bill Austin, Emmerson Anderson, Fred Beer, 22; George McLeod, 20; Sam Dougall, W. R. Cooper, 19. EThe, Parliament of Canada has fast passed "an act respecting The Bell Telephone Company of Canada". Here is what this act paeans to the tetephone.using public; T'IIIIIISDAY, JUNE, 10, 190. Exeter H. S. District BLYTH HIENSALL• Board ' PlansSchool . Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Martin,.New' York, W. J. Vandenburg, West Bladen, Ind., were with Misses Ella and -Catherine' Heffron Mr. and Mrs. E. Baumbgartner, Mrs.lew. Minnie. Lizon, Geneva, N.Y.,. visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Tay- lor and Mr. and ,Mrs. J. S. Chet - Blyth W I Meets BIYth Women's Institute tnet Thursday afternoon in Memorial hall, Mrs. H. Phillips was secret- ary for the meeting and Mrs. E. McMillan was appointed branch secretary to fill the vacancy caus- ed by the resignation of Mrs. J. A. Cowan. Mrs. R. J. Powell gave a report' of the' district annual meeting in. Goderich.• : Dr. Dennis Draper, who was to have been speaker, was unable to• attend, but Mrs. N. P. Garrett read• an address prepared by Dr. Drape er on tuberculosis. The doctor urged that every member of the institute be a booster for the chest X-ray clinic to be held in Memor- iallhall, June 17 and 19, "for only by means of X-ray can the dis- stages." ease be discovered in its early TUCKER'SMITH Programme Presented The pupils of Programme, sch- ools presented a program of mus- ic on Wednesday evening in Brucefield United Church with. the music teachers, S. G: Rennie, Hensall, Mrs. E. Wendorf of Clin- on and Miss Dougall, in charge. MARK CHURCH SUNDAY Sunday, June 6;' was ehurphi, membership- Sunday in the United Church. 'Several' young . people joined the church at the morning, sere ee, At the evening ;service Rev,. A E. Hinton,, Minister .of: St Andrew's; United' Church, Kippen. was guest speaker,.end, also, was guest sol'o'ist: A trio composed • of Miss Betty Mickle, IVIiss Betty Rowclrffe„ Wised -Bernice, Jitilts sang a selection. Sunday, June.13' will be anniversary Sunday when Rev: V. T. Mooney, Toronto, trea- surer of the United Church of Canada;, wiBB be guest speaker: Hensall.•: Ratepayers' .Approve" Waterworks Iiensall;ratepayers, at a special meeting Thursday evening, May 27, approved the installatidn of a waterworks system estimated to cost $93;000: Of 110' ratepayers present, only two dissented' when Reeve A. W. vote.Kerslake called for a standing Immediat'el'y after the meeting; Hensall' council' instructed that tenders be called for the work, and set June 22' as the final date,. The matter will now be put in the hand's. of the B'epart'ment• of MhnicipaI Affairs, who will call a pubic hearing' at an early date: A large turnout of citizens listened' for an hour and a half to Dr. 'A. W. Berry, of the Sanitary Engineering Division Ontario De- partment of Health, Toronto; and to C. R. Hagey,,Fort Erie engineer, who has been' retained by Hensall'. Plans are now under way in connection With the new Exeter District High. School. With Step- hen, Hay and Usborne Townships. and Rensatl and Exeter having ac- eepted allocations in connection witia the debenture issue,, the , board has taken up options on several lots for the 'new site. gE'stirnated cost is ,$580;0061: Final consent of the municipal board for the issuance of debentures has yet: tee be secured; and.. a deputat- ion from municipal council halt been in Toronto to secure consent,. Also the Department of Education must approve of the plans. Site for the new school is south' of the present school buildings and' includes several acres._ ", Proposed is a two-storeybu'1Yli- ing, designed by a firm of Toronto architects, with a length of 322' feet On the ground' floor there' will be three classroomsand oth- ers for art, agriculture, science, shop and commercial. A cafeteria witha seating, capacity of 115 students will be provided: At the. rear the gymnasium 70 by 45 feet, with a stage at one end; is propos- ed: Showers end lockers for bode boys and girls, offices for the state and a medical room are included: On the seeond floor the plan calls for a home economics room, sewing room, six classrooms and a library. . Perfect Employer Mrs. Jones sat back in the chair• liter a chat with her new' mala.. "Well, I hope you rrM like it harq Daphne," she said. ""Oh, 1"11' settle dost here aUi right, ma'am,'' answered' Baptize cheerfully. "You're just tltn sort of mistress 1 like. 'Omely, pleasant, an' mot too swank.''' You Do NOT Need An Appointment foe' the free Tubeec le X -Ray for '•into and Area TOW, HALL, CLINTON Tuesday, JUne 15, from 1 to 9 P%[ Wed., June 16, from 10 AM to, 3 PM • if you have, been missed by the canvassers,. please present yoursel,+S anyway. Special note to rural residents—You wilt not be canvassed; attend the Clinic regardless of this fact. TUBERCULOSIS STRIKES AT ANY AGE 23-24-13 ore. and Better Telephone Service A Period of lhncgtiolled Growth In the 34 months since •S'' -J Day we have added 350,000 telephones—many more than in the preceding ten years. We now serve 1,360,1)00 telephones -22 for every 101) persons.' throughout Ontario and Quebec. We have never before provided so much new service in so short a time. This unprecedented pace has been •'.tnaiiiltttined'with the aid of new capital frond:Canediaa investors. More will be required.' The' Continuing Demand for Service ')'et, despite this rapid growth, we stili 7utve 96,00D unfilled orders for tele- phones and another 69,001) requests to change party dines to individual service. Thousands of new orders are coming ht every month. ' Long ;Distance calks are three times pre-war levels. Many new buildings, switchboatds, lines and other equipment must be provided , as rapidly as possible. The next decade may well see more telephone- construction than during the preceding 68 years ofour history. Rural Telephone Service Rural telephone service has expanded, and will continue to do so. In the tern- tory we serve, 55 of every 100 rural homes and businesses have telephones. in 1945 only 39% had service. THE .BELL Vast Construction Program Continues Parliament liar given the Bell Telephone Company permission to increase its authorized capital by. $350,000,000. • The Company can now continue to go to investors for the money necessary to further 'tire' greatest expansion and improvement program in its history. This construction program is neces- sary if the Company is to carry out its obligation and satisfy the public's con- tinuing demand for more telephones and more telephone service. Our obieetive is to extend and improve the service so that ultimately we can ,give every applicant the kind and quality of service he wants, when and as he wants it. Our farm program calls for still more telephones, for fewet parties on each line, and for more new switchboards. Dial Telephones New dial equipment is being installed in tremendous quantities. Today we have more dial telephones -than the total of al I* our telephones in 1942, Now 70 out of every 100 telephones are dial. More exchanges will be con verted to dial operation. Financing:.the Program Much of the new money necessary to • extend- the telephone system ;;rust be obtained from thousands of people who wish to invest their savings. The principal means of securing this new capital will be'by issuing additional shares of our stock from time to time'witit the approval of the Board of Transport Com- missioners. It wasdor this purpose that the authority of Parliament was obtained. Best Service —lowest Cost The skill and enthusiasm of telephone workers yvill be devoted to turning the materials obtained with the new capital into 'service of the highest standard. The public can be assured that The Bell Telephone Company of Canada will Continue to provide the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost. TELEPHONE 'COMPANY OF CANADA (©J .I;