Clinton News-Record, 1948-06-10, Page 541111111111111188 "THURSDAY, JUNE+. 10, 1941: CLINTON 1VE1WS-RECORD PAGE %IVE News-RecordClassified Adiets Bring Quick results CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- • sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- , sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15,eents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO BRIGHT FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, 'Edge df town of Clinton. Phone 803r4. 24-25-p CAN GIVE ROOM AND BOARD • to a man and wife or two gentle- men. References. required. About five miles from Clinton. Apply ' Box "L" NEWS -RECORD., 24-p WANTED COUPLE—No Child„ ren, or two girls to share cottage in July and August, home privi- leges. Apply in person to Mrs, Harry Ahrens, Bayfield, Ont. 24-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished by Air Force couple with one child. Box "G" NEWS- ' RECORD. 24-p WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD for single gentleman, employed by chartered bank, Apply Box "A" NEWS -RECORD. 24-b AGENTS WANTED FAST GROWING COMPANY has opening in your district for "energetic and ambitious person. Splendid opportunity for aggres- sive individual. Excellent earn- ings assured with future, security and independence. Apply Blue Brand Products; 7227 Alexandra, Montreal. - 22-26-b OWN YOUR BUSINESS! Join the leading company of HOME SERVICE IN CANADA. Let your -effort determine your income. Very little capital needed—If you have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full details: FAMILEX, 1600 DeIorimier, 1fontreal. 22-26-b ARTICLES FOR SALE LAWN MOWER. APPLY NEWS - RECORD. 23-24-x 15,000 RECLAIMED WHITE fare brick, $30 on job, $35 cleaned and delivered; maple flooring and dressing. Phone R. W. Sears, Met, 594 J, London. 24-25-p CLEARANCE SALE of CURTAIN ends, Regularly priced from 75c to $L45 per yard. To clear at 50c to $1 per yard; also a few odd dress shirts and blankets. Reduced to clear. Pickett and Campbell, phone 25, Clinton. 24-h AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOUR TOURING CAR. Dr. J. S. Evans, phone Clinton 63. 24-25-p 1935 CHEVROLET COACH, re- cently overhauled and painted. Phone Clinton 634r15, 24 b 1939 INTERNATIONAL Two -ton truck, 12 foot rack, complete set stock racks. Apply J. W. Counter, Clinton, phone 290M. 24-b CABIN TRAILER FOR SALE, 14' long and 7' wide, built-in cupboards, built-in clothes d os - et, folding ped. Apply Box "D" NEWS -RECORD. 24-p 1941 SILVER STRAIGHT Pontiac (coach) in A-1 shape or 1936 Chevrolet coach, completely over- hauled, tires almost new. Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 24-p AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT FOUR TIRES AND TUBES, 600-16, total $12' baby carriage. $10; play pen, $5. Phone Clin- ton 352J. 24-25-p COTTAGE FOR RENT SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT for the season, Apply Miss F. R. Cuninghame, Huron St, 23-24-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ONE SECOND-HAND THRESH- er, 2442, with feeder, cutter and blower. Apply J. H. Brunsdon, phone Clinton 15 23-24-b 36 PLATE TRACTOR DISC, tractor plow, rubber tired wagon, $45; wagons cut down and rims supplied $20; wagon rims 16x600, -$2.50 each; 12.24 Hart Pan want- ed for repairs. W.13. Thompson, 2r� miles west of Clinton on No. 8 highway. 24-25-p FARMS FOR SALE 100 A,CRES, 25 ACRES CROP, all seeded but 10 acres, balance in hay and pasture, 1?/ miles west of Blyth on Auburn Road. Good buildings. Alfred Machan, R.R. e. .Auburn, phone Blyth 18r5, 23-25-p IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, dairy herd, machinery, crop, ;poultry, 95 acres on highway near town; would sell 25 acres with 'the buildings, all in good con- diiion. Apply 'Box "B" NEWS - RECORD. 24-p FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE ICE BOX IN GOOD con- dition, very reasonable. Phone 34811. 24-b KITCHEN CABINET with zinc table top. Apply Clarence Perdue, H.R. 3, Clinton, phone 905r41. 24-p McCLABY COOK STOVE; RUG, 9'x12'; tweedcoat, size 42, good as new. Apply Box "R", NEWS - RECORD. 24-p HOUSES FOR SALE EIGHT - ROOMED DWELLING, modern convenienees, new heat- ing system, newly decorated, in ideal location. Apply to Orval Lobb, phone 684, Clinton. 24-p IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorat- ed; garage. Apple to H. C. Law- son, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 8tfb' LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SADDLE PONY. J. M. DRIVER R,R. 1, Goderich 931r14. 23-24-b MISCELLANEOUS ICE DELIVERY THREE TIMES a week. Phone 2673. 24-p SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire, 20-27-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd. surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1948. 19-26ptfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. CIeaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clintgn. 2btt PLANTS FOR SALE 300 TOMATO PLANTS, Apply Howard Crich, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 614r3. 24-p TOMATO PLANTS AND SWEET peppers, sold direct from beds, 15c a dozen. Miss F. R. Cuning- hame, Huron st. 23-24-b PROPERTY FO13SALE BARN FOR SALE; ALSO Screen Door 7'x3'3"; verandah swing; jacket heater; hall rack; child's go-cart. Miss Dolly Cantelon, phone 193. 24-b PROPERTY AT CORNER OF North and Church Sts. consisting of ten rcom two storey brick: house with modern conveniences, one acre of land, combined barn and garage, garden and several fruit trees. Apply to Wilmer Wallis. 23-26-p FOR RENT TOURIST TENT, SIZE 8'x9', Cot goes with it. Mrs. Robert Web- ster•, phone 7893. 24-p TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S.S. No. 11, Mullett, located on County Road, hydro, radio, piano and toilet in school. Duties to commence September 1. Apply stating qualifications, experience and salary expected to William Hamilton, secretary - treasurer, Londesboro, 23-24-25-b APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN FOR Public School teacher for U.S.S. No, 12 Mullett and Goderich Town Ships "tat Summerhill. Duties to commence September 6, 1948. Applications to state experience and salary expected. Apply to Clarence Bali, secretary -treasur- er, R.R. 1, Clinton, 23-24-h TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the" undersigned for caretak- ing No. 11 school, Goderich TaVitt3^ ship, Tenders to be in hand's of secretary by June 18, Duties to commence July 1, 1948. For part- iculars regarding duties contact the secretary. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Frank Yen, secretary -treasurer, Goderich Township School Area. 23-24-b WEED SPRAYING NOW IS THE TIIv1E TO GET your weeds sprayed. Kill your weeds and have more grain. Joseph Becker, phone Clinton 341W. 24-9.5-e "Old at40750160;I Man, �� ou' ire Crazy Forgot your ngel 'r,,,,,nlandeare pe557 et 70. Try pOpIIag up- wlta °serer.. f'ontnIne'tonle for went 4 rundown fooling due solely w 6ody'e blot, of Ir0qq which many en d women nidi old:' Try Oetr0,, Tonle Tablets for pep, younger fe011ng. th4 Very day. New "get 0adualnted" ,I,O de,, ,ao For dal^ nl ell dnlg. `toren r Wn-, ,0hnrr 'Have Your Furnace VACUUM -CLEANED The 'new, modern way. NO DUST NO FUSS JACK LITTLE PHONE 335W .�+�.w.rw+nwrorvrs+rwsrsw.or CLINTON 24-tfbis ,14.01,1,MONNINNfir. y BIRTHS POSTILL — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, June 5, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Postill, R.R. 3, Clinton, a . son. STEPHENS—In Orangeville Hos- pital, on Sunday, June 6, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens, (nee Norma Cook), Shelburne, a daughter .(Catherine Stewart). MARRIAGES AMENT-CARTER—At the home of the bride's parents, East'' Wawanosh, on Saturday, June 5,' 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, by Rev.' A. G. Hewitt, -Auburn, Mildred, only daughter of Mr... and Mrs. W. 3. Carter, to Stuart Henry Ament, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ament, Auburn. FALCONER-PEPPER—In Turn- er's United Church, Tucker- smith, on Saturday, June 5, 1948, by Rev, W. J. Woolfrey, assisted by Rev. G. G. Burton, Moorefield, Eleanor Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Pepper, Oakshade Farm, Tuckersmith, to Franklin Mur- ray Falconer, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Falconer, Stanley. NAPIER-BRUNSDON — in Lon- desboro United Church, on Saturday, June 5, 1948, by S. 11. Brenton, Bette. Ardienne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. A (Bert) Brunsdon, Londesboro, to Don Harold Napier, Detroit, Mich., son of Mrs. Emma Na- pier and the late }ferny C. Na- pier, Norton, Virginia. RATHWELL-TALBOT—In Knox Presbyterian, Church, Bayfield, on Saturday, June , 1948, by Rev, D. J. Lane, Mary Isobel, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W R. Talbot, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, to Robert Rathwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rathwell, Gode- rich Township. TILLMANN—SMITH — In St. Basil's Roman Catholic Church, Toronto, on Saturday, June 5, 1.948, by Rev. Father H. Cough- lin, Anne Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Thomas 'Smith, Nortjr Bay, to Dr. Will- iam Anthony 'Tillmann,. son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillmann, Londbn and Hayfield. VANSTONE-McNALL — In St, George's Anglican Church, Goderich, on Saturday, June 5, 1948,, by Rev., 8. F.I. Farr, Lois Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel McNeil, Goderich Township, to Verdun John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Van - stone, Goderieli Township. WIGHTMAN—McCULLY— In the United Church Manse, Bruce - field, by Rev. E. R. Stanway, at high noon, Wednesday, June 2, 1948. Mary Grace, daughter of Joseph S. McCully and the late Mrs. McCully, Brucefield, to Charles Ivan Wightman, Bel - grave, son of George Wightman, Kincardine. WALLACE-SCOTCHMER -- I n Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Saturday, June 5, 1948, by Rev. LaVerne Morgan, Apna Emily, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Scotch - mar, E.gmondville, to William Robert, younger son of Mrs. Wallace and the late William Wallace, Tuckersmith. DEATHS KEYS—In Clinton, on Monday, June 7. 1948, Sarah Ann Keys, in her 89th year. Private fun- eral service at the home of her brother, Benjamin Keys, Bruce - field, on Wednesday, June 9, to Bayfield Cemetery. McINTOSH—In Montreal, Que., on Tuesday, May 25, 1948, Janet Gertrude Young, wife of the late William Paterson McIntosh, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Clinton. SHEPHERD — In Clinton, on Monday, June 7, 1948, William Shepherd, in his 87th year, Fun- eral from Clinton ,Presbyterian Church, Wednesda, June 9, to Clinton Cemetery. STEPHENS—In Orangeville Hos- pital, on Monday, June 7, 1948, Catherine Stewart, infant dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens, Shelburne: Come Just As You Are! JUNE 12th, 1948 IS AIR FORCE DAY IN CANADA and the gates of alt R.C.A,F: Stations across Canada will he thrown open to the public, It's your Air Force, so come along and see es on Air Force Day —. Come Just as yfu are! The R.C.A.F. Unit to this area is No. 1 R. and C. School CLINTON The Station will be open to the public from , noon until midnight SIGNS Jig sawed of wood, metal, plastic, etc. —*-- PAINTED SIGNS of all kinds —.— LAWN ORNAMENTS and Hobby Craft R. SMITH High St. Phone 797-W 23-24-b 1 NOTICE HURON FISH AND GAME CLUB will hold a meeting at the newly acquired farm on Mon., June 14 from 7--9 p.m. Members are urged 4. to attend. 24-b Father's Day June 20 Quite often we take Dad too much for gran -Led. He's just the guy who digs dawn and supplies the nickels, who is always there to take over nn the lawn mower, or join in nn a friendly game, or many other tittle everyday things. Remember, Sunday, June 20 is Father's Day; let's show Dad how much we appreciate him by giving him some useful gift, You'll find many helpful suggestions when you visit our store: • NOTE—,; unc is the month for weddings. A perfect gift is a pair of ;PURE WOOL BLANKETS or a SATIN- BOUND THROW. Orr line is complete. MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS TIES — SOCKS SUSPENDERS BELTS — SLACKS BATHING SUITS SPORT SHIRTS UNDERWEAR . STRAW HATS SLACK SUITS and many other, items Pickett C3 Campbell HEADQUARTERS FOR WORK CLOTHING Phone 25 - - - - 1- - Clinton, arftwomear .i�r. ROXY THEATRE ,CLINTON Now Playing (June 10-12) •`WYOMING" starring Vena Ralston and William Elliott• MON., TUES., WED. (June 14-16) "The Foxes of Harrow" Frank Yerby's great novel be- comes a screen masterpiece. A story of New Orleans in the days before the Civil War, Rex Harrison, Maureen O'Hara and Richard Haydn THUR„ FRE, SAT. (June 17-19) Gene Autry, Sterling Holloway & THUR., PRL, SAT. (June 17-191 Adele Mara—There's action, music Roy Rogers, Jane Frazee & Andy and plenty of thrills as the "King Devine—A singing western, done of the Cowboys" rides again in— in Technicolor, with superb scenic "Twilight on .the Rio Grande" backgrounds and action aplenty "On the Old Spanish Trail" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICJI Now'Playing (June 10-12)— Mickey Rooney as "`Killer McCoy" MON., TUES., WED. (June 14-16) Two Features Ronald Reagan, Shirley Temple and Rory Calhoun — A likeable, lovable story about a miss 'who knew what she wanted "That Hagen Gid" James Ellison, Anne Gwyn and Edward Everett Horton — Music & comedy combined in a' rare bit "The Ghost Goes Wild" Coining (J1rne 21-23) Cpnring—Shirley Temple as REGENT THEATRE SEAPORT H Now Playing (June 10-Re-- William 0-12)—William Elliott in "WYOMING" MON., TUFS., WED. (Jane 14-16) Ida, Lupino, Dane Clark & Wayne Morris—A wrong guy and a right girl meet with adventure in their quest for romance "Deep Valley" THUR.,, FRI., SAT. (June 17-19) Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman aryl Claude Jarman = M.G.M.'s top creative talent in the film version of the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings' best novel "The Yearling" "THE YEARLING" at 7 p.m. Coming—Rita Hayworth in "THAT HAGEN GIRL" "DOWN TO EARTH" ADMISSION PRICES effective June 7, 1948: Evening, Adults 45; Children 20c; Matinee—Adults 35c, Children 15c CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Fred Burdge, Brucefield, wishes to thank all relatives and friends for cards, gifts, flowers and fruit sent when a patient in - Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, with special thanks to Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady and the nursing staff, also Rev. • E. R. Stanway. 24-p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Al- bert Morrell desire to thank their many friends and neighbours for the numerous kindnesses shown during his illness and death with special thanks to Rev. S. H. Bren- ton, Dr. Addison and Mr. Beat- tie for their kind efficient ser- vices, 24-b ONTtegro TENDERS FOR COAL & WOOD Federal Buildings—province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal" will be receiv- ed until 3 p,m. (EDST), Tuesday, June 15, 1948, for the 'supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervis- ing Architect, 34 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont, Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with depart- mental specifications and con- ditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' licence numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer, before awarding the order, la security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian Na- tional Railway Company and its constituent companies uncon- ditfonally guaranteed as to prin- cipal and interest by the Domin- ion of Canada, or the aforemen- tioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil- ment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 26, 1948, 23-24-b FOR SALE One set three section Spring Tooth Harrows, new; Four one-horse Stuffier, new; One Rubber Tired wagon, new; one Viking Cream Separator 600 lb, cap- acity; One Viking Cream Separator Table Model 200 1b. eapacity.; One Clipper Seed. Cleaner. H. Charlesworth 23-24-25-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St: East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. VC`jOKE FLORIST' Phones: 66w and 66j° IN MEMORIAM CASTLE — In loving memory of Herbert Castle who passed away June 7, 1940: "There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever." —Ever remembered by his wife and son. 24-p McCLINCHEY--In loving mem- ory of our dear parents, George McClinchey who passed away June 17, 1939, and Annie Mc- Clinehey who passed away June 14, 1947; "As long as we live we will cherish their name, In memory we see them ever the same. Still in our hearts they are living yet For we loved them too dearly to ever forget" —Sadly missed and always re- membered by the family. 24-b St. Paul's Friendship Club Hears Letters A very delightfulev e'er ning was spent by the Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church at the home of Mrs. W. Smith on Wednesday evening, .Tune 2. The president, Mrs. E. Ellwood, was in charge and opened the meet- ing in the usual manner with all repeating the Club Prayer and the Lord's 'Prayer in unison. Letters of thanks were read by the secretary from members who had received a rose bud while ill, After the business meeting a so- cial hour was spent foliowect by a dainty Iunch served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Agnes Dale, The members are asked to note that the last meeting of the Club until the fall season will be held Wednesday, June 16, at Mrs. M. Counter's summer cottage. Cars will leave the Parish Hall at 5.30 p.m. 4111111111111111.11 LOOK AND LIVE And as Moses lifted up the serpent hi the wild- erness, even so must the Son of Nran be lifted up; that whosoever beiievet'h in Hein should not perish, but have eternal life.—Jdhn 3: 14, 15. BY FAITH ARE WE SAVED,—Eph. 2:8. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. 'lr.brfao,ot rse WANTED YOUNG MAN to Wash Cars, Sell Gas, Oil and so forth. APPLY: J. E. HUGILL and Sons, SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION Phone 784, Clinton 24-25-b • WARNING RE DOGS TOWN OF CLINTON A by-Iaw • is being prepared for presentation at the next meeting of Town Council, which will prohibit dogs from running at large within the ,municipality. It is the intention of the Town Conucil to pass this by-law UNLESS i, Owners and Harborers of Dogs Definitely Keep Them Under Proper Control At All Times. BY ORDER, CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL Clinion,' Ontario June 9, 1948 3s to . tr:y; P.S.—See advertisement • of Tuckersmith Township, quoting statutes covering dogs, elsewhere in this issue. :; 24-25-b To -day's best buy is Plumbing! Improve the efficiency of your farming operations and the comfort of your home by means of a low-cost water system. Just Arrived MODERN SINKS and BASINS in good supply RENT A VACUUM -- $1 PER DAY See I 4, LAUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470