HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-06-03, Page 712,1,2t1t!DAAY, JOE 3, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN 747 Froe Tuberculosis Xfor Clinaon andArea man,woman and child(over 12years Every, of age)' in Clin- ton and area will be given the opportunity of safeguarding ,.their ; health by having a FREE Chest Xray, The survey will; be conducted by OLIN TON LIONS CLUB under the auspices of the Ontario Taborets/pals Association. The announcement was made by Dr. F. G: Thompson, Medieaa Health Officer, Who, expressed the hope that every citizen, of ;Clihvbon and Area over Public School age would take advantage of thus special.f opportunity. The 'Clinic will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton, on: Tuesday, June 15, from 1 to_ PM Wed., June 16, from iO Alli to 3 'PM An X-ray will take only a few moments of a person's time, Dr:, Thblmpsorl pointed out, and can handle 100 persons an hour, • TUBERCULOSIS STRIKES AT ANY AGE Canvass for the Town of Clinton will be done by the Independent Order of Oddfellows. 23-24-b Lowe Brothers MELLO-GLOSS (SEMI-CLOSS) WALL PAINT This beautiful, .long- lasting satiny lustre finish is easily cleaned with soap and water. Lowe Brothers MELLOTONE FLAT WALL PAINT Itssoft,pastel colors aro a perfect background for furnishings. Easy to keep clean - PER $1.85 QUART 5444 Mello -Gloss is obtainable in Bud Green Cameo Rose Daffodil Dawn Blue White and Ivory GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND IDEM -TONE WALL FINISH SUN -TESTED WALLPAPERS VENETIAN BLINDS D. A. Kay F3 Son Painters and Decorators Heron ,St. PHONE 231M% Clinton _ .rad r� �d.•,. MORE BREAD FOR THE WORLD cause Massey -Harris Combines enable one man in beone day, to harvest wheat for 55,000 loaves 'Yes, more food is available for the world today when its need is desperate, because Canadian farmers with only a, two-thirds increase in numbers over 1900, are growing 4e/ times as much grain, producing 2'/2 times as much milk, feeding twice as many cattle and 21/2 times as many hogs, raising 5 titres as many chickens; because they are providing food for 21/2 times as many people in Canada and exporting 30 times as much wheat' and 10 times as.much flour, Farmers are' doing it because individually they produce :more today than in 1900, but it means hard work. And there is no harder working group of people in the world than the Canadian farmers. But hard work alone would not be enough to accomplish such results. They do it by a combination of hard work and modern machinery. Typical of the great, efficiency -increasing machinery of the farm today is the Self- Propelled Combine, pictured above, which Massey -Harris first introduced in 1939. With this machine,one man can cut and thresh enough wheat in one day to make 55,000 loaves of bread. Modern farm machinery has increased the productive capacity of Cengdian agri- culture to where it provides an abundant surplus for the needs of those in othgrlands, and makes an important contribution to. Canada's great export trade. Similarly Massey -Harris machines are helping to increase farm production in 72, countries of 6 continents. MVVIASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Established 1847 Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorkton, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton AUCTION ;SALE of Property and Household,Effeets on 7th concession of Colborne Twp 4,mlle.west of &uburh, on County ?Load,. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 at 1 p.m. FARM 139 acres more or less situated %mile west of Auburn on County Road Frame house, land is all in pastime, ,good water supply. Terms 20% 'down balance in 30 days. Full line Household Effects Estate of Iate Elizabeth Stanley Administrator, John Houston: Solicitor F. R. ;Darrow, K.C. HAROLD JOCKSON, Auctioneer 23-24-b AUCTION SALE of Lumber, Fox' and Poultry Eq- uipment, Farm Machinery etc at lot No. 3 Maitland concession, Goderich Township on No. 8 high- way one half mild oust of Goder- ieh on THURSDAY, JUNE 17 at 1 p.m. sharp the following; Lumber and Equipment Colony house 12' x 20'; Colony house 16' x 18'; 2 colony houses 8' x 14'; 30 wire mesh fox pens 16' x 28'; 30 wooden fox houses (suitable .also for poultry); Barn 30. x 33'; 2 range shelters; 12 poultry feeding cartes; 2 large feed boxes; Approx. 40 rod of 7 strand fence; a number of cedar posts; 8 rolls of chicken wire; 2 pig crates; Oak panel door; 20 ft. ladder; cedar siding 7 ft high (approx 2800 board ft); other lumber Including 2' x 4' scantling. Machinery etc: Fairbanks -Morse gas. engine (5 H.P.); large universal meat grin- der; single horse plow; gang plow; sulky rake; 3 section harrows: renfrew cream separator (550 lbs capacity); harrow cart; cutter; cutter pole; trailer and stock rack; 2000 lb scales;cutting box; wheel barrow; garden tools; Set o£ breaking harness; halter; 32 cali- bre Winchester repeating rifle; cartridge making machine; Prin- cess That :enamel range (nearly new); laundry stove; day bed; 2 couches; rocking chairs; child's wagon; and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale is being held due to 01 health. • No Reserve Terms Cash MRS. L. 3. MUTTON Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Auction- eer. 23-24-h TUCKERSMITH. Successful Party The annual community party of S.S, 1, Tuckersrnith was held at the school with Cecil Pepper as chairman for the childrens' pro- gram, apd Harold Parker for the visitors. The childrens' program included choruses, songs, and a play "Vic- toria Day" and two part songs by the seniors, under the direction of S. G. Rannie, 'Jensen. Contribut- ing to the visitors' program were Gwen Spencer, Joan Koehler, M. Ellis, T. J. Sherritt, Sam Rannie, William Hyde, Mrs. F. Forrest, and Leonard. Clark. ' • Frank Wood, from Western Can- ada, an old boy of the section, was guest speaker. He contrasted sch- ools of 50 years ago with those of today, telling the children how fortunate they were to be living in such a progressive age. He spoke of the many new "aids" which are now available even to rural schools as well as the ad- vancement in teacher training and the higher qualifications demand- ed. It was decided to hold an Old Boys' Reunion next year on the occasion of the White School's 50 th. birthday. Elgin Rowcliffe, who planned a similar event for Huron - dale will head an organizing com- mittee. LONDON ROAD Chub .Holds Meeting The London Road Club held its May meeting at the home of Mrs, Clegg. Mrs. H Plumsteel occupied. the chair, The meeting opened with singing "The Maple Leaf Forever" and the repeating of the Club Creed. There were 10 members and three visitors .present. `Thank you' notes were received from the Welsh family and Mr's. •Clegg. Wieys and meats of raising money were discussed. Mrs. LeBeau'had charge of the programme anti read anarticle on "Social Graces" and also conduct- ed a contest, Mrs. H. Plumsteel and Mrs. Moffatt, being the winn- ers. A sale of flowers and shrubs was held which netted $2.35. The meeting closed with the Natiornel Anthem, The next meet- ing will be held at the home of :Mrs. Anderson, The roll call will he an auction sale of foods. A delicious lunch served by thd host- ess brought a very pleasant after- ndon to a close. ---0 DIES AT LONDON EXETER—Miss Lillian Huston, 66, of Exeter, died last night at Victoria Hospital. London. WOOL Deliver your clip this vear to H. M. Jackson in Seaforth. Whenever possible we will grade your clip while you are at the. Warehouse, and you can see for yourself how your wool is graded, and at the same time save all the bother of shipping to a dis- tant Warehouse. You will find our prices right. 1 HA Jackson Government Grading Station No. 29 SEAFORTH 19-25-b Goderich Township Gordon Tprner r: has his, new combine set up and ready for the harvest, Alf Scotchmere has been busy ,wiring the homes of John Semple and Dave Campbell. Mr, and ,Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and family Were in London on Satur- day. r1t[rs. James Johnston accomp- anied Miss Margaret Middleton to London Sunday to spend the week'. with her brother, John McNaughe ton. Mr. and Mrs. Alf McGregor and LeRoy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold. McGregor and babe, Detroit, were renewing acquaintances in the district over the weekend. Jack Johnston, Fruit Inspector of London, was in the Township inspecting the orehards last week and reports a good showing•. of fruit, Congratulations to Miss Lois Middleton who has successfully completed her year at Stratford Normal School. Miss Middleton has accepted a school in Rostock. Mrs. George Duncan and Mr, and Mrs. James Buryean, all of Detroit, Miss Millie Easom, Lond- on, and Mr. William Easom, Reg- ina, Sask.,' were Sunday visitors at the home of lair. and Mrs. Dave Easom'and and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Miss Kay Middleton, Goderich Township, and Miss Myna Middle- ton, Goderich attended the grad- nation ceremonies at University of Western Ontario, London, yes- terdtay afternoon when Miss Eliz- abeth Middleton graduated with the degree of B. SC in Biological Science. AUBURN Walton Girls Win A girls softball, game was play- ed here Friday night between Au- burn and Walton and resulted in a win for Walton. Congratulations: Hearty congratulations are ex- tended to Miss Jetrid Ann And- erson, Auburn, who was one of ten young ladies who graduated from the ' School of Nursing of Stratford General Hospital Wed- nesday afternoon. , Play resented The play, "Welcome to Meredith Arms,"' was presented by the AYPA of Belgrave in the Forest- ers Hall on Friday night sponsor- ed by, the Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's' Anglican Church. The play was written by the rector, Rev. H. J. L. Henderson. Between acts the Misses Richards entertained the audience with acrobatics ac- companied on the piano by their mother. Bernard Rutledge, ac- companied by Mrs. Vannam, sang. (Intended for last week) Keith Arthur is taking a month's Embalmer's Course in Toronto. Donald Ross, Galt, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Fred Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie and family visited friends in Wing - ham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gorm- ley Thbinpson, Brampton. Mrs. J. Chopin, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Stoltz. Mrs, CIayton Ladd is a patient in Goderich hospital where she underwent a major operation, Mr. Colin Campbell, Ottawa, visited his father, Mr. William H. Campbell, over the weekend. Mr. Kenny McLean and son, Forest, visited Robert J. Scott and Kenneth, over the weekend. Reg. Asquith, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Charles E. Asquith. Miss Margaret Jackson, Toron- to, spent the weekend with her brother, James Jackson and Mrs, Jackson. Mrs. Robert Craig has returned home from Clitnon Public Hos- pital where she underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinder- knecht, Jr., Detroit, visited Mr, and Mrs, George Beadle over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mcllveen. Islington, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen• Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith and son, Reg., attended the May Day celebration at Alma College, St. Thomas, on Saturday. Mr. end Mrs. Eldon Yungbiut, London, . were weekend visitors vrith the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yungblut. The Natiorual. Film Board will present pictures in the Forester's Hall on Friday, May 28, sponsored by the Women's Institute. Miss Isobel Rollinson and Miss Fern Haws, Toronto, were week- end visitors with the, foresees parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, ,Rollin- son. VIsitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Kruse and son, William. Galt, and Mr. and Mea. John Finlayson, Seaforth. Hall Fund Passes $1,000 The financecommitteefor the proposed memorial hall here sponsored an entertaining and successful program in the Forest- e*'r hall Friday night. Dr. B. C. Weir was chairman. The "Harbour Aires," a male choir from Goderich under the direction of George Buchanan, contributed several numbers, with Leonard Drake as soloist. The accompanist was Joseph Kelly, Goderich. Miss Joy Lutz, Aub- urn, gave Scotch dances, accomp- anied by D. A. MacLennan, Loch- alsh on the bagpipes. Cameron Geddes, bass soloist, Mitchell, mpved the audience with his per- formance. His .accompanist was Harold Victor Pym, Wingham. Mrs. 'Arnsed Shutz, Goderich, Played violin solos, accompanied by Mrs. R. J, Phillips, Auburn. The Richards family, Belgrave, gave the audience a treat with then acrobatics, D. A. MacLen nan, Lochalsh,"` played the :bag - fipes. Mr. Pym, played two piano solos. Dr. Weir announced that the hall fund had now passed the $1,000 mark. Refreshments were served: to the entertainers after the pro- N+.+++.++w�+�++•+++►++�+�+� grannme. EBENEZER WA,Meets The May meeting of the. W, A. iof. Ebenezer United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Stewart ,Farquhar. With the ;president in the chair, themeeting opened by the singing of a hymn, .me inin- etes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by "My Favourite Bob'. by". The Scripture reading was giv- en by Mrs, Bert Lobb which was followed by prayer led by Rev. C. Tavener. Mrs. Carman Tebbutt gave a reading and the meeting closed with the singing of a hymn followed by the Mizpah Benedic- tion. Mrs. Z. Farquhar conducted a contest and refreshments were served by the hostess. BETTER FARMERS FEED the BEST FEED The . New Shur -Gain Pig Developer! gives: (1) Faster and more even growth. (2) A superior finish. It is a : Hi -powered, high quality feed FRESH and very palatable LOW in cost. Use 'until pigs reach 320 obs Switch to SHUR-GAIN HOG GROWER Get your hogs to market -earlier and with an A Grade by feeding them tke.,new and proven: Shur -Gain 16% Pig Developer $310 cwt. Shur -Gain 15% Hog Grower $3.00 cwt Prices are bulk or in your bags Clinton Feed bill PHONE 580 CLINTON F4.4•H}5 5 • * * 4 * $ 5 5 $ 4-$ * 5 5 +hN-N'4-4-N•tHH LUXOR SUPREME rich gloss COLORS Treat yourself to a "Luxor" Kitchen with beautiful, sparkling "Daffodil" color on Walls, Ceiling and Woodwork. "Luxor" is washable, and proof against acids, hot liquids, alcohol, etc., is extremely hard wearing and has a per- manent, rich gloss. We also have a complete line of Can- ada Paint, Varnish Stains, Lin -x Paste and Liquid Wax and Kem-Tone, the mir- acle wall finish. • The Jervis hatchery CLINTON -- Phone 194 — ONTARIO 5-4-5-0-4-64 e t o 5, i 5-4-445-4-0-4-55-4.-• 5-4 0-4-4 -54, l Hog Concentrate Quality Feeds Concentrate Dairy They Pay Laying Supplement .,,.,,...,a.,,d Mash 5..4...^^4.445.4.5474. ^^','^+" 545.4, { Poultry WHEN IT'S FEEDS WE HAVE THEM Concentrales for Every Mix Calf Meal * Calf Pellets Calf Grower; 24% Dairy and Dairy Mixed Ready to feed Balanced and. Fortified MINERALS and PROTEINS, a Complete Ration. lHOfx FEED --For the small pig to make him grow, anis Balanced Feeds that produce the select hog, kind that pays. Poultry Feeds, — Ready. Mixed or mixedto order. TUNES G. HYBRID SEED CORN Early and Late Maturing NATIONAL FERTILIZER Samnei Itiddick E Sons PIIONE 114