HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-06-03, Page 6`leAGE SIX
!nteresting Items From News -Record's, Correspondents
GODERICH—Allan D. McLean,
78, head of one of the eldest bus -
loess establishments here, died at
his home Saturday May 24. He
operated a men's clothing ;business
which his father established 85
years ago.
$400 TO FUND
A grant of $400 to the Commun
ity Building Fund was approved
at a meeting of Hensel Chamber
of Commerce. Gordon Wright,
clirector'of physical education and
recreation for Ontario, was the
€asino,a evie...
and his
One Night Only!
Nils Lucy R Woods Phone Clinton 631r31
Miss Gloria Westlake, Lo don, having spent the weekend at their
was homeover the weekend cottage.
Mrs James Webster spent a few Donald MacLeod came home
days last week in Seafo'th, last week after having spent the
Keith Brandon, Exeter, was past few months with his brother
home over the weekend. Harold in Hope. B. C.
John R. MacLeod is home after ; Miss Jessie Metcalf, accompan
having spent some weeks fishing ted by Miss J. Vanarsdale, Det
et Erieau. • roit, spent the weekend with her
Miss Beverley York, London, mother.
spent the weekend at her home In Mrs, J. M. Stewart, Hamilton,
the village. is at her home in the village, Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, . Blair and Stewart, was also here over the
family, Windsor, called on friends weekend.
M Jowett's Grove on Sunday.. Miss C. P. Rankin, Mount Plea -
R. W. Stephens and family, sant, Mich,, came last week to
London, were at their home in spend several months at her cott-
the village over the weekend. age, "Glenboig".
Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull, List Misses, Alice Drouin and A, Fer-
owel, spent Wednesday of last nette, Mich„ spent the Decoration
week in the village. 1'Day weekend at the latter's cote-.
Mrs, Walter Westlake has op- age,
ened the "Blue Water Booth" for Mrs. H. Ahrens, Detroit, is
the Summer. spending a couple of weeks at her
Dr. Mitchell and family, Birm- cottage "Trail Blazer." Mr Ah -
Ingham, Mieh,, were at their cott- rens was also here over the week-
end and Decoration Day,
Mr. and Mrs, William F. Buchan
returned to. Dunnville on Satur-
day after having: spent a few days
with the former's sister, Mrs. N.
W. Woods, •'The Hut"
Mrs. W: M. Purves and Mrs:
Lyttle returned to Birmingham,
Mich., on Tuesday after having
spent a few days at the former's
Guests at the Albion Hotel over
the weekend included: Mr. and
Mrs. H., H. Armond, Dearborn,
Miss Phyllis Hurcomb, Donald
Diehl, Royal Oak, Miss Shirley
Wade, Detroit, Mich.
Misses Margaret and Rhea
Kruke, Dearborn, Mich., arrived
on Monday at their home. here
to prepare their gift shop. "The
Village Guild", for the Summer
Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson,,
Stewart and Marion, accompanied
by Capt and Mrs. Renouf Johns
and babe, St. Clair Shores, Mich.,
were at, their home in the village
over the Decoration Day weekend
Miss Mary Dewar and Miss
Catherine Urquhart, Kincardine,
visited the former's brothers Dav-
id Dewar, Bayfield, and George
Dewar, Blue Water Highway,
Stanley Township, over the week-
Guests at the New Ritz Hotel
over the weekend included: Mr.
and Mrs. Julian Wilson, Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Friewald,
Bobby and Babbette, Grosse Pte.
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Van Ost-
enburg. David and Bruce, Grosse
Pointe Farms, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Day and two
children, Donna and Lucy, Pleas-
ant Ridge, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Cook Evanston Ill, and two
children Lewis and Gail, spent the
weekend at "Hightop" cottage,
Miss Anne Drouin accompan-
ied by. Mrs. T. B. Mullen, Detroit,
spent the weekend at "Hillcrest".
Recent guests at "The Little
Inn" included: Mrs. Barry Hughes
Miss Helen Wharin, Toronto; Mr
and Mrs. E. L. Cushman and two
children, Dearborn, Mich; Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Charbon, Birmingham,
..i; • Mich,; Mrs. Harvey Lambert,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ritchie, Mr.
and Mrs. F. Ritchie Ehnvale, spent
the weekend with the !afters par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King,
Mr and Mrs. M. C. Hart and Ron-
nie, Toronto, were also with them
over the Victoria Day weekend..
Marino Antognini Mit on Mon-
day for Montreal to meet his wife
who is arriving from Switzerland.
Mrs. C. W. Brown who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs, A. A.
Armstrong, Bronson Line, Stanley
Township for a few days after
returning from Clinton, Iowa op-
ened her cottage "The Briars" on
Those who were in their cott-
ages in Jowett's Grove over the
weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Hayman, London, Mr. and Mrs.
Colquhoun, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs,
Guy Finout and daughter Marg-
aret, Buffalo; and Mr. and Mrs.
J. Finout, Flint; Mr. and Mrs, B.
E. Foyston, London,
Miss Marion Fairbairn, Detroit,
returned on Friday to spend the
Season at her cottage "Westwtnd".
She was accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. F. Hendrick and son and
Bill Thom, Birmingham, Mich.,
who spent the Decoration Day
holiday with her. Mr. and Mrs.
Thom and younger son were also
Miss Fairbairn's guests on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs J. D. Hughes and
son, Derrie, Mrs. Hughes, Sr., Don
Woomer, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rob-
ichaud, Rejane, Miss Sarah Woom-
er, Mrs. Itaby and daughter, Ro-
berta, Mr. and Mrs. D. D, Barlow,
Lee, Kent and Sharon, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. F. Geary and daugh-
ter, Andrea, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pon-
grasz and family, Grosse Point;
Mr. and Mrs. L Frorner, Kitchener
occupied cottages in . Jowett's
Grove over the weekend.
Congratulations are• extended
to Miss Doris McEwen who: for
the third year, won the ,;Huron
County Scholarship' for the high-
est marks obtained at University
of Western Ontario,.London..Doris
also won the Albert 0. Jeffery
Scholarship for highest marks in
third year Biology but by reason
of the first award, this reverted
to another pupil.
Darn Burned
Bayfield Fire Brigade answer-
ed a call to Clifford Keyes' faun
on the Babylon Line Stanley
Township at L30 am. on Monday.
The alarm was turned in by a
group of young people 'returning
home and had gained considerable
headway before it attracted at-
tention. The brigade was able to
save nearby buildings but the
barn and a large amount of mach-
inery were burned.
age over the weekend.
Mrs, Lillian Thomas, Toledo,
Ohio, came on Saturday to spend
some time with Miss Cecil McLeod
Mrs. T. H. Lambert, Detroit, is
spending a couple of weeks in
the village,
Rev. F: G. Stotesbury left on
Friday to spend a few days at
Richard's Landing.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauer and fam-
ily, Waterloo, were at their cott-
age over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Will,'
London, were at their cottage for
a few days last week.
Mrs. R. Peck and daughter,
Mrs. Grace Berry, London, spent
Sunday at their cottage, "Belle
Howard and Ronald Burt, Lon-
don, spent the weekend with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr returned
to Stratford on Monday after
a�80110 \„
U,firt untato
The "Blue Book" —
youd Canadian
National Time Taws
— guide to tune, -
cohere in Canada.
Th. International Limited, Canada's prem
International train, has for almost half
a century maintained regular daily service between Montreal, .Toronto's and Chicago.
Inaugurated July 1st 1900 to link these important centres and the intervening industrial
legions by fast convenient daily service, The International Limited has been an essential
factor in the tremendous development throughout the area it serves.
For 48 continuous years this famous train\has made friends for Canada, It has provided
something special in speedy railway travel • .: , courteous service, of course, and every
comfort of modern equipment. It has assured , smooth ride overa perfect roadbed,
with easy curves and long tangents :-.. double track all the way, with automatic block
signals. It's the short fast route The. International Limited follows,
full of scenic interest by day, sleep -inviting for over -night travel.
Next time, travel comfortably . arrive refreshed on The International
Limited .. serving Montreal, Cornwall, Brockville, Kingston, Belleville,
Port Hope, Oshawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, London, Sarnia ... Chicago.
to Peal service Montreal •— Torenfe only.
Whether at home— or
"going places" — in all yes!
contacts with Canadian
National, you will experience
courtesy and service.
Miss Mary Caldwell, London,
was at her home here.
Miss Eileen Dark, London, was
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Clark..
Don Napier, Detroit visited with
Mr. and Mrs,. Bert Brunsdon,
Miss Ruth Scott, Brucefield
spent the weekend at the home of
Miss Thelma Shobbrook.
Mr and Mrs. Nelson Clarke,
Farquhar, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. W, Kerslake on Sunday.
A nice crowd attended the fire-
side hour Sunday evening at the
home of Miss Thelma Shobbrook,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Valkom,
Munro, visited -with Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Shaddick.
Mr. and: Mrs. Percy McBride,
Carlow were with Mrs. L. Saund-
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Robinson,
Blyth, visited at Joe Shaddick's
Mr. and Mrs Ray Clarke; Ken-
neth and Ronald, Woodham visit-
ed with,,Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen
on Sunday., '
Mr. and Mrs, Bill ' Wells and
Douglas Clinton, spent Sunday at
the home of the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblutt.
Wedding Bells, rang in the vill-
age on Saturday, May 29 for Mn
and Mrs, Don Kennedy, newly-
Mr. and Mrs. David Mair and
family, Detroit, spent the week-
end at the home of Mr: and Mrs.
Bob Fairservice and, family,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover and
Willis, Detroit, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Youngblutt and
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain ov-
er the weekend.
Couple Feted
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howett
entertained at their home in hon-
or of Miss Eileen Dark and Jack
Clark whose marriage takes place
this week. After a short program
and a social hour, gifts were pre-
sented in a decorated basket by.
Frances and Vera Lyon, an apex. -
date address was read by Helen
Lyon. Lunch was served,
Farm Forum Picnic
The Live Wire' farm forum,
group of the 13th of Hullett held
their annual inertia at Harbor
Park, Goderich Race winners
were: boys six. and under, Billie
Crawford; boys and .girls, 11 and
under, Glenyce Bainton; young
women, Vera Lyon; young men,
Jack Clark; married women, Mrs.
Joe Lyon; married men, Bert Sho-
bbrook; bean -straw race, Vera
Lyon, Stanley Lyon, Clarence
Crawford- shoe race, Ruth Scott
and Jimmie Howett; three -begged
race, Ruth Scott and Jim Howett;
necktie race, Mrs. W. Rowed and
Jack Howett,; clothespin race,
Glenyce Bainton and Gordon
Howett; soda biscuit race, Muriel
Shobbrook; wheelbarrow race,
Frances Lyon and Jack Clark.
New Organ Dedicated
Dedication clay in the United
Church, was held Sunday, at
which the organ was dedicated
for worship. The minister,, Rev,
R. A. Brook, officiated. The in-
troductory statement was made by
G. M. Drysdale, clerk of the of-
ficial board.
James Smillie, clerk of the ses-
sion, was in charge of the unlock-
ing of the organ, recently built.
The chimes consist of 21 notes.
The choir under direction of
S, G. Rannie, with Mis Greta
Laramie at the organ consoI, rend-
ered two anthems. Soloists were
S. G. Rannie, T. J. Sherritt, Mrs.
I3. McEwan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfile,
3, Hort.,,, gnnl Mia Mar2Aa 5tQd-
At the evening service the or-
gan chimes were dedicated. A
gift from the Passmore family,
they commemorate a son, 1•10
Gerald Leroy Passmore, who
gave his life an 1345 during fly-
ing operations over Germany.
The unveiling of the plaque
was by Carl Passmore, HensaIl.
Rev. W. E. MacNiven, B.A., D.D ,
of Metropolitan Church, London,
was guest speaker. S. G. Rannie
rendered a solo, and a male quar-
tet composed of T. J. Sherritt,
P. H. Pile, S. G. Rannie, and R.
Rowcliffe, sang.
To Present Play
The Young People of Varna and
Goshen United Church will pre-
sent a three -act drama, "The Litt-
le Clodhopper", in Hensali Town
Hall. Friday. June 11, sponsored
by the Wohelo class of the United
church This play has been
presented in Varna, Brucefield,
Bayfield, Centralia and Goderich,
Renta Vacuum — $1:. per day
Phone Residence 470
readers For Goal
TENDERS. will be received' by the undersigned
until June 8, 'at 9. p.m.
for approximately Seven. Tons of first
quality Hard Anthracite Egg Coal
delivered to each 'of the Seven Schools of Tucker -
smith School Area by September 1, 1948.
Tenders .to state price and' analyst of coral.
S. If, WHITMORE, Sete ry-Treasurer
Tuckersrnith Township School Area No. 1
TENDERS will be receivedby the undersigned' for
the purchase of the Constance (Milburn) Church Shed,
said shed being of square timber' frame construction with
swing beams, 80 feet long, 45 feet wide and on 81 foot
posts. All materials to be removed from church premises.
Tenders to lie in the hands of the secretary by June 21, 1948,
Lowest or any tender not neeesairil3: accepted.
W. R. `JEWITT, Londesboro,
Secretary, Trustee Board
2▪ �p a
I■im■ niers ■llsimi■ siiii■111A1i1■III■IN■onti rIllllll■lil■11111111111111111 rliti
Trinity AYPA ri
i it
e presents -4;
ii. aribginal farce comedy in !three acts,
i at 8.45 pain.
A 'with the Richards Sisters, dancers; a7id
it Bernard Routie'dge, baritone
a Sponsored by Trinity WA., Bayfield. at.
it ADMISSION; Adults 35c, Chgdren 25c 11-_°�
!'II■Ili I■IIlIlllltylllNIIINIIlimmmomIN■III■III®III■111■IINine!!!®III■11!!!11®ImemiD
Tuesday, June 15
Sunworthy Wallpapers
Martins Dept. Store