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Women's Institute
Hears Year's Reports
The regular meeting of Clinton
Women's Institute was held in the
Board Room of the Agricultural
Office with Mrs, M. Batkin in
the chair.
All reports of the year's activ-
ities were given. Mrs. Batkin
thanked all those who had work-
ed with her and also the members
for standing behind her in the
activities which they had under.
taken. Mrs. J. B. Levis moved a
hearty vote of thanks to tlfe re-
tiring president and secretary.
Mrs. Clarence Sturdy, the new
president, then took the chair and
the business of the afternoon was
discussed. Miss Margaret Holland
delighted the ladies with two very
lovely solos.
Following the meeting the lad-
ies repaired to the Presbyterian
Church where the annual Sun-
shine Sisters Banquet was served.
A number of ladies from the
local branch attended the county
meeting held in Goderich on
The WMS. of Wesley -Willis
United Church, will meet on
Thursday evening, June 15, at
eight o'clock. Mrs. Haddy's group
will be in charge of the study
period and Miss Stone will be the
guest speaker.
Clinton Junior Farmers and
Junior Institute will hold their
regular monthly meetings, Tues-
day, June 8, at the home of Mr.
• and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, Hullett
Township. Everyone is asked to
vring lunch.
The WMS of Ontario St, United
Church will hold its regular meet-
ing in the Church Hall on Tues-
day, June 8, at 3 p.m. The WMS
will entertain the Mission Band
and the Baby Band who will,
supply the programme.
Engagements Announced
1VLr and Mrs. Fred Middleton,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Muriel Kathleen, to
Robert Brown Campbell, son of
Mr. and Mrs, George Campbell
The marriage will take place June
26, in St. James' church, Middle-
ton, at three o'clock. s
0, 0 N.
Nir. and Mrs, Samuel Bell, Tor-
onto, announce the engagement
of their only daughter, Elinor, to
Norman David Elliott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. David Elliott, Clinton,
the marriage to take place in Ave-.
nue Road Church, Toronto, on
Saturday, June 12.
* 0.•
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Middle-
ton, Goderich Township, wish to
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Ruth Eleanor, to Nor-
inan, Edwin Tufts, London, son of
Mrs Tufts, Kirkton, and the late
ITrurnrn Tufts. The wedding will
take place Saturday afternoon,
'July 3, at three o'clock in St
James Church, Middleton.
Tuckersmith Couple
Mark 50th Anniversary
A happy event was celebrated
t the home of Peter Simpson,
King's' Highway 8, near• Seaforth,
on. Thursday May 27, when his
fother and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex T. Simpson, of lot 11, con. 7,
Tuckersmith township, observed
their 50th wedding anniversary. A
large number of friends and neigh
bors gathered and presented them
with suitable gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were
born in Caithness -shire, Scotland,
and came to Toronto in 1909. Be-
fore that. Mr. Simpson hadspent
three years in Capetown, South
Africa, as a stone mason. After
coming to Canada he helped build
several large buildings in Toronto'
They came to Tuckersmith in 1915
and have farmed there ever since.
They have a family of one son,
Peter Simpson; and one daughter,
Mrs, John (Barbara) Burrows,
Stratford There are also three
42 gauge $1,40
45 gauge $1.65
51 gauge $1.95
Sizes 81/ -- 11 — Newest Shades
Crepe Hose $1.35
Lisle Hose $1.25
We are now showing a complete range of
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Ladies' Full Fashioned Rayon Hose
Reg. $1.25 Value for 89c
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When you are planning your wed-
be sure to include photographs
by Fowler Bros. in your plans. In
this way you will be sure of captur-
ing for life all the beautiful memories
� wedding
clay. �j nJ�j ,(
2oculez /Mo1I eti
11cEwan's Clinton
Phone 84
/3 /24&/w a qput4ald#G tie
The. Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropnihne, Among Which the
Lange, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not
the Least.
There is No Extra Charge for :Services Held
Here Tinder Such Ideal Condiibi•ons.
PHONE 361W Ambulance Service PHONE 3613'
Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station OKNX
Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 p,m,
PERSONALS ' Graduates In Honors
John Cuninghame, Owen Sound
Visited his parents at Bayfield
over the weekend.
R. S. Atkey was a weekend visit
or in Owen Sound with his moth-
er Mrs. G. E. Atkey.
Mr. and Mrs. E J. Jenkins,
i Ottawa, yisited with Mr. and Mrs.
T. R. Jenkins the beginning of the
Miss Sheila. Turnbull, Toronto,.
whs a reekend guest in the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Curling-
Name, Bayfield.
Miss Elva Wiltse' was guest sol-
oist at the anniversasy services
in First Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jack-
son, Flint, Mich., were renewing
acquaintances in Clinton and vic-
inity over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs, Mac McFarlane
and daughter, Margaret, Kingston,
were weekend guests at the home
home of Mr, and Mrs. John J,
7 Zapfe.
Rev. Andrew
Mrs. W, J. Woo
ing the sessions
ference held in
ited Church, Windsor.
Mrs. Margaret
Mrs, J. A. Addis
Addison visited
the former's daughter,
ys Addison, Sar
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, Maril,
with the forme
Moffatt, and th
Mrs, W. H. Belly
Mrs. H. B. Co
to her home aft
days in Toronto
her son-in-law a
and Mrs. Fletcher
Lane and Rev, and
lfrey are attend -
of, London Con-
ference Un-
Addison, Dr, and
Addison and Miss Grace
on Sunday with
Miss Glad-
O. B. Moffatt and
yn, spent Sunday
formers' son, Harold
e lady's mother,
mbe has returned
after spending a few
last week with
and daughter, Mr.
Clifford and William Cooper,
Flint. Mich., were Decoration Day
and weekend visitors at the home
of their brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and grand-
son, John Wiggs, Port Colborne
are visiting this week at the home
of the former's son-in-law a and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Walter
Miss Evelyn Hall received word
last week that she was successful
in passing the Library School ex-
aminations held here recently.
This entitles her to a Class E
Mr. and Mrs. Warwick P. Cole,
Highland Park, Mich. were week-
end visitors at the home of the
former's brother and sister-in-law
Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Cole, Goderich
Township, and also Mr, and Mrs,
W. J. Miller.
Miss Kae Snider left last week
for somerville, New Jersey, where
she will vsiit friends before sail-
ing from New York on the New
Amsterdam for Scotland on June
5. Miss Snider expects to be a-
bsent about three months.
Miss Lois Connelt was a guest
in Owen Sounsd at the wedding
Saturday, afternoon of her cousin,
Miss' Gloria Lenore Connell only
daughter of George Connell and
the late Mrs. Connell. to Archi-
bald Morley Shute, youngest son
of Mr. and Mrs, J. Shute, Bognor.
Mr. and Mrs, T, H. Barker and
daughter, Diane, Miss Beth Cart-
wright, all of Toronto, and Mr.
and Mrs. D, C. Cartwright and
daubhter, Ann, Timmins, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Weymouth, Sr., Londesboro, over
the weekend. They were accom-
panied by their mother, Mrs,
Jig sawed of wood,
metal, plastic, etc.
'of all kinds
and Hobby Craft
High St.
Phone 797-W
Huron Road, Clinton
Open every noon and ev-
ening but closed all da.
Monday. •
We deliver at noontime
and suppertime
Try our Fish and Chips
to -day
Phone your orders early
For Information
Phone 398 or 91
• 23-b,-4- 4-0-1. ..,.....��
Working .in the
Have Comfort
Wear a Straw Hat
See our line of
Hats and Helmets
Fancy coloured
and Plain
Phone 2 -- Clinton
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Sloman, Capreol and Clinton, who
was among the nearly 700 stud-
ents who received degrees at the
University of Wetsern 'Ontario,
London, Wednesday afternoon,
She received her Bachelor 01
Arts degree in Mathematics and
Physics, Second-class Honours,
Miss Sloman graduated from
Clinton Collegiate Institute in
Rev. S. M. Sweetman
Heads Conference
Rev. S. M. Sweetman, minister
of Hyatt Avenue United Church,
London, for the past two years,
was elected president of the Lond-
on Cnnferenre of the United
Church of Canada at Windsor
Tuesday. He will he installed in,
office on Friday at the conclud-
ing sessions of the conference.
Rev. Mr. Sweetman was elect-
ed after ballots in a field of five
nominees Unsuccessful candidates
were: Rev. C. D. Daniel, Inger-
soll (he withdrew at the second
ballot): Rev. D D. Gaynor, Wood-
stock (beaten in the final vote);
Rev. G. W. Oliver, Belmont, (re
moved from list of nominees it
end of second balott) and Rev. E.
J. Roulston who was ousted at the
first balloting.'
Slight, dark and beautiful,
Muriel Phyllis Revington, a Lon-
don girl, and graduate of the Un-
iversity of Western Ontario, made
church history at Windsor, Tues-
day night when she was ordained
a minister of the United Church
of Canada, ,the first woman to be
ordained in the history of the Lon
don Conference of the church
whichtakes in the presbyteries of
Middlessex, Lambton, Kent, Esse::
Oxford, Perth, Elgin, Huron and
Fanny Cartwright, and attended
Hie Golden Wedding of their aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Andrew, Goderich. Mrs. Cart=
wright accompanied them back to
Toronto and vein return to Timm-
ins for an extended visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Cartwright on Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Sloman and three
children, Capreol, are spending the
summer here. Mr, Sloman brought
them down by automobile, re-
turned last night and will be back
again after July 12. They attended
ceremonies at University of West-
ern Ontario, London, yesterday
afternoon when Miss Joan Sloman
graduation ceremonies at Un-
iverity of Western Ontario, Lond-
on yestedray afternoon when Miss
Joan Sloman graduated with Sec-
ond-class Honors in Mathematics
The June meeting of the Girls'
Club of Wesley -Willis United
Church will be held on Friday
evening, June 11. Mrs. PockIing-
ton's group will be in charge. At
this meeting the Club will enter-
tain the members and friends,
especially those helping in any
way with the Minstrel Show, to
a supper in the Church Hall at
7 p.m. Rev. S. H. Brenton, Lon-
desboro, will be guest speaker for'
the programme wliich is to follow
the supper.
Delightful Trousseau
Tea for Miss Brunsdon
Mrs. Bert Brunsdon, Londes
boro, entertained at a delightful
trousseau tea, Wednesday .after-
noon and evening, May 26, in hon
our of her daughter, Miss Bette,
whose marriage will take place
on Saturday, June 5, in Londes-
boro United Church. In all about
160 guests registered.
The bride -elect received wear-
ing an evening dress of pink net
over taffeta and carried a nose-
gay of lily -of -the -valley. In the
living room, Mrs, W. T. Bruns -
don, 82, grandmother of the
bride -elect, received the guests.
In the afternoon Mrs. Harvey
Wells answered the door and Miss
Elizabeth Mains and Mrs. Robert
Townsend poured tea. In the
evening Mrs. Ephraim Snell, Clin-
ton, welcomed the guests at the
door while Mrs. Percy Manning,
Clinton, and Mrs. Harold Foss,
Tonawanda, N.Y., poured tea. The
other assistants were the same
both afternoon and evening.
The table was tastefully decor-
ated with a lace cloth, pink and
white tapers in silver holders, and
bouquets of spring flowers. Pink
and white streamers, caught at
the chandelier, r, were fastenedd to
the corners of the table, also rib-
bons caught sprigs of lily -of -the -
valley. Spring flowers and stream-
ers also adorned the other rooms
of the home, Serving dainty re-
freshments to the guests were
Misses Phyllis McCool, Doreen
Armstrong and Doris McCool and
Mrs. Richard Vodden,4aunt of the
Upstairs. Mrs. Jack Lee dis-
played the linens, Mrs. Allan
Shaddick, the trousseau, and Miss
Ethel Thompson, Clinton, the
gifts, while Mrs. Alvin Bettles
Bayfield, was in charge of the
guest hook.
Guests in the afternoon were
mostly Londesboor friends while
'at night the majority of the guests
were from -Clinton and district,
, Rev. S. H. Brenton, Londesboro,
officiated at the marriage on Sat-
urday afternoon, May 29, when
Annie Fern Youngbiut became the
bride of Donald Ray Kennedy. i
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Youngblut and
the groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Kennedy, all of Land-
esboro. The ceremony was per-
formed at the parsonage of the
Londesboro United Chursh which
was tastefully decorated with tu-
lips, narcissus, lily -of -the -valley
and lilacs:
A floor -length gown of white
embroidered nylon, fashioned
with a plain nylon yoke, was
worn by the bride: Her veil was
of embroidered net. She wore the
bridegroom's gift, a single strand
of pearls, and earried a bouquet
of red Better Times, roses tied
with embroidered nylon ribbons.-
Mrs. Knox Williams, Clinton,,
was her sister's matron of honor
wearing a floor -length gown of
rose taffeta and a matching head-
dress. Her flowers were white car-
nations with blue and rose ribb-
The best man was Mr. Chris
Kennedy, , brother of the bride-
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs, Youngblut wore an aqua
blue gabardine suit with black ac-
cessories and a corsage of pink
carnations. The bridegroom's
mother was in a brown dressmak-
er suit with which she wore brown
accessories and a corsage of pink
Pink land white decorations were
used at the home of the bride's
parents where the reception was
held. The bridal table was centred
with a three-tier wedding cake.
Assisting were Mrs, Stanley
Youngblut, Guelph: Miss Isabelle
Nethery, Blyth, and Mrs. Harvey
Kennedy, Londesboro.
After a honeymoon to Toronto,
Niagara Falls and Guelph, the
couple will reside on the bride-
groom's farm in Hullett. Twp. For
traveling the bride donned a blue
gabardine suit with a rose blouse,
flower hat and other accessories
in black.
Guests attended the wedding
from Clinton, Blyth and Guelph.
Prior to her marriage, the
bride was honoured at a trous-
seau tea held at her home when
about 75 guests registered in the
afternoon and evening. Mrs, V.
Kennedy, the groom's mother•,
poured tea in the afternoon and
her mother, Mrs. Harry Gould,
Clinton, poured in the evening.
Those serving were Mrs. Knox
Williams and Mrs. S. Welbanks,
both of Clinton Others assisting
were Mrs. Stanley Youngblut of
Guelph, Miss Ellen Millar, Miss
Isabelle Nethery, and Miss Mary
Church Directory
(All services on Daylight
Saving Time)
St. Paul's Anglican
REV, R, 31. P. BULTEEL, Beetor
Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
11,00 a.m.—Holy Communion ane
Sunday School
Evening Service is withdrawn in
honour of anniversary ser-
vices in Wesley -Willis Unit-
ed Church.
Ontario St. United
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship,
12.15—Sunday School
The congregation will worship in
Wesley -Willis United Church
for its anniversary.
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.-.Church Service and
Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. 7. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
10,00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m,—Divine Worship,
"The Secret of Endurance"
The Sacrament of Baptism
will be administered.
2.30 pari,—Service at Bayfield
All Welcome
Wesley -Willis United
Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
Anniversary Services
11,00 a.m.—Morning Service,
12.15—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship,
Rev. C. W. Cope, North 3t.
United Church, Goderich, wit
he guest preacher at both
services. Special music by
the choir:
Anthem "Gloria in Excelsis,"
Solo "Just for To -day," B. E.
Seaver Miss Wilhelmine
Anthem "King all Glorious,"
G. M. Vail
Solo "The Holy City," Adams—
James Corran
Anthem `'The Day is . Past and
Over," J. C. Marks. Soloists,
Mrs. B. C°Hearn, Cpl. A. R.
Spring flowers decorated 1 St,
Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich,
Saturday afternoon, May 29, 1948,
when Doreen Gertrude Margie,
elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Orville McClinchey, Varna, be
came the bride of Stewart Glenn
Webb, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Webb, Dashwood. Rev. E.
M. Heimrich officiated. Mrs: John
Turkheim presided at the organ,
and Miss Audrey Heimrich sang
"0 Perfect Love" and "I'll walk'
Beside You."
The lovely bride choseF Swiss
lace over white satin, fashioned in
princess style with long lily -pointe
sleeves. The yoke of nylon mar-
quisette was accented by a lace
frill. Her finger -tip -veil was held
in place by a halo of orange bloss-
oms and segd pearls. She carried,
a white Bible topped with an or-
ochf-id withvalleystreamers., tied with lily-
the -
Miss Jean Krueger, as maid of
honor was gowned in turquoise
crepe, Victorian style, with match-
ing headdress and mittens. She
carried better time roses and
maiden hair fern.
Miss Donna Joyce IVIcClinchey
attended her sister as bridesmaid
and wore a gown of peach taffeta
featuring a ruffled skirt and neck-
line with matching headdress and
mittens, her bouquet consisted of
Talisman roses and maiden hair
fern, The groom was attended by
Wilmer Desjardine, and the ush-
ers were Laird SchiIbe, cousin of
the bride, and Morris Webb, bro-
ther of the groom.
Receiving the guests after the
ceremony at the Little Inn, Bay-
fieid, Mrs. McClinchey wore a
browr. figured silk frock with tan
Brides -Elect Honored
By Royal .Bank Staff
Mrs. J. G. McLay opened her
home on Wednesday evening last
when members of the staff of the
Royal Bank and their husbands
and friends were entertained to a
delightful party. The event was
planned in honour of Misses Helen
Grealis and Kathleen Middleton,
two members of the staff, whose
marriages will be interesting ev-
ents later this month.
The early part of the evening
was spent in a mock wedding in
which all participated and which
proved to be most hilarious. Hon -
cured guests included E. E. Pater-
son, Wiarton, former manager of
the bank, and Mrs. Paterson.
Short speeches were made by
both Mr. NI.cLay and Mr. Pater.-
son, and the two guests of honor
were presented with sterling silver
coffee spoons, The hostess served
delicious refreshments and a most
enjoyable evening was spent by
accessories and wore a corsage
of briarcliff eroses. The groom's
mother assisted wearing a brown
figured silk dress with harmoniz-
ing accessories and a rose corsage.
For travelling, the bride donned
a grey gabardine suit with black
mohair hat and matching access-
ories, and she wore an orchid, On
their return they will reside on
the groom's farm 14th concession
of Stephen.
Guests from a distance were
from Guelph, Detroit, Mt. Clem-
ens, London, Parkhill, Greenway,
Thedford and Ailsa Craig.
Foundation Garments
of Various Types
For the Junior Miss—
BRAS — Midget, Junior,
Medium and Full
in 'several widths
For the More Matronly Figures—
GIRDLES—Back and Front Laced, Side
Hook, or Zipper Fastening.
BRASSIERES in various widths,
up to size 46.
ENTS for Tall and Short Figures,
Well Proportioned or Matronly Types—
Sizes to 46
W.A. of Presbyterian Church
Council Chamber, Saturday, June 5
Commencing at 3 p.m.
Sandwiches and Tea — 15c
Fra ,rand
s i�#era-she oppI ,�'
L Ti
Pep up your after -shopping spirits
with a visit to our soda fountain.
Treat your taste -buds to the
smoothest of smooth in Sundaes
or Sodas ... made with Candy -
kind in Butterscotch, Chocolate,
Chocolate Fudge, Caramel Fudge
and Marshmallow flavors.
Frosted ' Chocala°te Sundae