HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-05-20, Page 6PAGE SIX CI,IIS'I'ON 'NEWS -AFFORD NEWS O, F Re Mian Luoy R. Woods BAYFIELD presentative• Miss Alice Parker, London, was e home over the weekend. Miss Gloria Westlake, London, Was/ home over the weekend. D. L. Atkinson, Detroit. was in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George McLean, Meaford, spent Monday in the village. Bi11 Stephenson, Clinton, re- newed acquaintances in the vill- age on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pounder ' and son, Stratford were art their cottage over .the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Robinson, London, were at their cottage in the village one day last week. NIr. and Mrs. Charles R. Will, London, were at their cottage "Dingleton" over the weekend. Miss Beverley York was home over the weekend. 'Miss Lois Green, London, was her guest, Howard Burt, London, spent the weekend with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Baker. The many friends of Mrs. W. J. Stinson, who has been indisposed for a week, hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter and son, Bill, London, spent Sunday with Mrs. Furter's mother, Mrs. N. J. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Churchward accompanied by Miss L. Shortt, London, spent the weekend at their cottage, Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, Stuart and Marion, St Clair Shores, Mich., were at their home in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnes, London, and Mr. and Mrs. John Keys, th 0 Phone Ciiuton 631131, Varna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank and little daughter spent the with Mrs. Cruickshank's mother, Mrs. William Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs,. Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth have return- ed to their cottage after having spent the winter in Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr, Strat- ford, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Orr and son were also here over Sun- day. Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. Douglas onFriday g`i s Sa m left Fr da for Trenton where the formerhas been stationed at the RCAF. School. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston and granddaughter, Goderich, visited the former's sisters, Mrs. E. R. Weston and Mrs. M. Toms on Sunday. Miss Doris McEwen, who has been attending the University- of Western Ontario, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. F. W. McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. John Pease, Vera and Lloyd, London and Ervine Pease, Woodstock were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berry over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hayman and daughter, and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Will Heine, London, were at their cottage in Jowett's Grove over the weekend. Rev. La Verne Morgan Ieft on Monday to attend the meeting of e Synod of the Diocese of Hur- n in St, Paul's Cathedral and Teacher Wanted MALE or FE1ITALE for U.S.S. No. 12, Hullett and Goderich Townshi four miles north of Clinton on Base Line (Summerhill) Applications received by: CLARENCE BALL, Seeretary-treasurer, R.R. 1, Clinton, or Phone Clinton 804r5 2I -b FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR HURON over CNKX, Wingham Friday, May 21 1.15 — 1.30 p.m. (DST) 21-b HOJJvIESV'ILLE Visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Bond this week aro Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Cooper, Toronto; Mrs. Lawrence Haughton and little son Terry, Clinton Work for Hospital The Ladies of Holmesvilleand community are staging a sale of homemade baking in •.the Town Council Chamber, Clinton, . on Saturday afternoon, May 22. Pro- ceeds will be used to .purchase a gift for the new wing of Clinton Public Hospital. Cronyn Hall, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and two children, Mr. and Mrs, H. Crieder and child, Deti•ojt,; spent the weekend with the for mer's father, George Weston. M. and Mrs. Howard King, Sarnia, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Charles W. Parker. Their sister-in-law, Mrs. Chris Parker accompanied them on their return for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sothers and two children who have been occ- upying Dr. R. Hunter's home in the village moved last week to Murray Grainger's house on the former Greer farm, Stanley Town- ship. Sympathy is extended to Rev. F. H. Paull, Listowel, a former rector of Trinity Church, in the death of his mother, the late Mrs. Edwin Paull, which occurred in London on. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, Clin ton, are at their cottage, "Loc- hame" for the season. Their granddaughter Janie is with them and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephen, . Shelburne, were here for the weekend. Undergoes Operation Rhenny Larson is in Clinto Peptic Hospital having undergone an operation to remove part of th second finger on his left hand o Friday. His hand was crushe in an accident at Meaford severs weeks ago. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. W. Suhr, London visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Mr. and Mrs.: Ervine Zinn and son, Clarke, Dungannon, visited on Monday at the home of Mr. and] Mrs, Bert Wise. Miss Olive Johnson, teacher of S.S. No. 10, was in London on Saturday, writing an examination at University of. Western Ontario. Church Services Commencing Sunday, May 23 service in St. James' church, Mid- dleton, will be held at 9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. SuTh as schedule chool ilwill be fol l owed during the summer months. • Four Generations Attend Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism was administered in St, James' church Sunday, May,16, by Rev. LaVerne Morgan. The child, who received this rite, was Denis John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Middleton, Stratford. Denis John is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Also present at this baptism was Mrs. James Johnston, the child's great-grandmother. SS 4 Community Club The ladies of S. S. No. 4 Com- munity Club met on Wednesday, May 12, at the home of Mrs. S. Farquhar. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and ad- opted also Treasurer's report, It was decided to hold a social ev- ening at the school on Friday evening, May 21 with Euchre, bingo, and lost heir. Tickets on the quilt are to be handed in by that time. During the afternoon the ladies quilted and quilt pieces given out for quilt bleeps. The gift was won n by Mrs. Farquhar. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of e Mrs. W. Biggin. The hostess serv- eed a delicious lunch. Bride. elect Honoured Pre nuptial affairs honouring Mrs. Robert W. Irwin (nee Mil - vena Sturgeon) who was married Saturday, included the presentat- ion of a gift from her business associates of the Fairmont Ex- change of the Bell Telephone Company in London prior to her departure. On Tuesday evening last twelve girl friends and school chums surprised Milvena with a cup and saucer shower Misses Audrey Sturgeon and Elaine Denhy were joint hostesses for the party. Foll- owing a social hour, they served refreshments, Mrs. Willard Sturgeon enter- tained Friday afternoon and even- ing at a trousseau tea for her daughter, Milvena, bride -elect of Saturday. The house was taste- fully decorated with daffodils and narcissi. Miss Elaine Denby poured tea and Misses Dorothy Ann Mac- Leod and Norma Sturgeon assist- ed in the tea room. Miss Rose- marie Arkell showed the trouss- eau, (An account of wedding is pub- lished elsewhere in this issue. Fish Tug in Port A large steel fish tug, owned by H. H. Misener, Port Dover, came into Bayfield Harbour on Saturday, with a five -man crew aboard including two of his sons and Newton Sturgeon, She berth- ed at L. H. McLeod's landing and the crew are using his shanty. They will operate from here while fishing for whitefish. Mem- bers of the crew live aboard. II IIIIIIIUIIIU 1111111111111111111II11111I 1 11 HE 111110111 I 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 IIlll11111111111111111111U1UI111II111111HII1111 ililiillllfil(ulli 111111111 111111UIU1UIIIIIIUI 11111E11 U REO ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF MURPHY BROS. as DEALER at CLINTON, ONTARIO 1t is with great pleasure that Ror, Motor ► Company of Canada Ltd. welcomes this new dealer lo the rapidly growing family of Reo Truck Dealers in Canada. Here, an experienced personnel offers o friendly, courteous service and intelligent assistance in selecting truck equipment to fit the job. Truck owners crud operators are invited to get acquainted with this enterprising denier. Here, competent service is assured, at the hands of expert mechanics, working with First-class equipment. The Reo Motor Com- pany of Canada Ltd. joins with local friends in wishing this newly -appointed dealership every success in continuing the traditional high-quality standards of the Reo,.organi- zalron. PEO MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Leoside, Toronto 1110111111H11111 IIIIIIIIIII1111U111111111 ' REO . . BUILT, REO SOLD AND SERVICED IN CANADA VARNA Mrs. Fred McClymont spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Bruce - field, visited in the village on Sunday last,. We are sorry to report that Bruce McClinchey is still confin- ed to his home. A number from here attended the McKinley—Johns wedding in Turner's Church. on Saturday last. The young people are putting on their play, "A little Clodhopper" in Centralia Thursday evening of this week. Choir Appreciated A large Congregation filled the United Church on Sunday even- ing last to hear the Men's Choir from Brueefield.. Their efforts were greatly appreciated. HENSALL Hensel! WI Meets Mrs. W. Dinnin was hostess at her home Wednesday evening, May 12 far the May meeting of Hensall, Women's Institute. Mrs. A. E. Munn assisted. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. A. W. Kers- lake.Rev. A. E. Hinton, Minister of St. Andrew's United church, Kippen, was guest speaker, ad- dressing the meeting choosing for his theme. "Citizenship" stressing the fact that we should "Think Canada" "Act Canada" and "Pray Canada." Mr, Hinton also render.. ed two lovely solos. "The Holy City" and "My Task" Miss Greta- Lammie accompanist. The roll call was answered with "My rule for being a good Citizen". Memb- ers arranged an exchange of bulbs or slips. The president read a deeply tl Post, of Snaith, Yorkshire, Enetter from g- land. referring to the grand par- cels of foodstuffs forwarded by Hensall Institute. Mrs. Munn con- tributed a poem. Mrs. Kerslake presented a an interesting motto. "Canada -First -Last -Forever", Centennial Observed Special services were held in Carmel Presbyterian church, Hen - sell, Sunday, May 16, with Largs conobservrvingions at both services, their Centennial obser- vance. Rev. W. A. Young, Fergus, a former minister of the church. was guest speaker for the day and presented inspiring messages at both services. Mr. Young expres- sed 'pleasure at being back again with the congregation after an absence of some eight years. He noted many changes he said, and was delighted with the many im- provements in the church. A love- ly basket of flowers adorned the front of the pulpit in memory of the late Mr. Robert MacArthur, placed there by the MacArthur f Monday evening, May 17, _ a Mother and daughter banquet, under the auspices of the Arnold Circle was held in the church schoolroom this event officially closed the Centennial Observance Mrs. W. A. Young, Fergus, was guest speaker. Mother, -Daughter Banquet Carmel Presbyterian Church schoolroom was the setting Mon- day evening, May 17, for the Mother and Daughter banquet un- der the auspices of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary, and which event officially closed ,the Centennial observance, Eighty members, guests, former mem- bers and Home Helpers of the Circle sat down to a delicious chicken dinner, the tables at- tractively arranged with spring flowers, Mrs, W. A. Young, Fer- gus, was guest speaker. Mrs. Harold Simpson, Exeter, was guest soloist. TIJCKERSMITH Move Near Clinton Mr. and Mrs: A1eg Liliico, Eg- mondville, were entertained in Egmondviile school when a large number of friends and neighbors gathered to say farewell to them before they go to their"£arm near Clinton. Cards were enjoyed dur- ing the evening, and later they were presented with a floor lamp, living room table .and the girls with bracelets. Mr. and Mrs. Lillie° are moving to the farm lately owned by Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pepper, near Clinton RCAF. station. r HOLMESL ILLE WMS Meets The regular meeting of the WMS was held at the home of Mrs. W. Yeo on Tuesday, with Mrs. Elmer Potter as leader. Af- ter the opening hymn, Mrs. Mul- holland led in prayer. A letter of thanks from Mrs. Huller for flowers received, was read, after' which Mrs. Walter gave a read- ing on Christian Stewardship, and Mrs. E. Potter a reading on Temperance. Splendid reports on the Presby- terial meeting recently held in Seaforth were given. Mrs. E. Grigg reported on the morning session, and Mrs. G. Colelough on the afternoon. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. Cudmore. A reading, "Christ's disciples" was given by Mrs. E. Trewartha, also one by Mrs. Palmer, "The Church of my Dreams." The Misses Rita Yeo and Molly Finlay favoured with a duet, after which Mrs. Wilson gave a reading, "The Farmers." A vote of thanks was extended to the delegates by Mrs, Yeo and Mrs. Mulholland, and the meet- ing closed with prayer by Mrs. Potter. A lovely lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses, Mrs. W. Yeo and Mrs. E. Grigg, and a social half hour enjoyed. KIPPEN YPU Anniversary The Young People's Union of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen observed theiraannual spring ann- iversary Sunday with Rev. H. J. Mahoney, Main Street United Church, Exeter, as guest. The soloist was E. Hayes, Toronto, and the choir was under direction of Miss Jean Ivison, and the soloist in the anthem was Miss Bernice McClinchey. BLYTH Post Office Hours Blyth post office, under the 44 - hour week regulation, has adopt- ed changes in time of opening and closing. The office will be open at 9 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., and 72.45 to 5.30 p.m. Congratulations! Mr .and Mrs. Charles Nicholson. East Wawanosh, entertained in honor of Mrs. Nicholson's mother, Mrs. John Grasby, on her 80th birthday. Included in the guests were Mrs. Grasby's brother, Thos, Brydges, Mrs. Brydges and Joan. also her sister, Mrs. Thomas Shoe - bottom, and Mr. Shoebottom, all of Belgrave. Tax Rate 40 Mills Tax rate of 40 mills, less one mill through the provincial sub- sidy, was set for Blyth at the last meeting of council, Council approved a by-law to be drawn up declaring Wednesday afternoon the regular half -holiday instead of the present Thursday afternoon, The change becomes effective May 12. James Lockwood petitioned the change, Seventeen merchants were pro -change while eight were con. Council approved the instalIa- tion of a weekly garbage collec- tion. The town will pay for the first collection made May 14. Residents will make arrange- ments with collectors later. Clinton High School District stated this year's assessment would be $913, an increase of nearly $200 over last year. c�YiL �P G7�r'�L� • OF DETROIT FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK Tire Tuller, a modern hotel for those who wont the best) Con. venient to Offices, Theaters, rind Shops, Friendly, courte- ous service and reol Hotel Comfort. The Tulle: Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your ‘.)Dining Pleasure at modest prices. It pot's to stay at I(\ Hotel Teller. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1 ONE OF DETROIT'S FINES 800 ROOMS $175 WITH BATH FROM HOTEL • TU LLE R RICHARD C HODGES, Mgr. n THURSDAY, MAY ,20, I94a LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. W. Riley and tam ily, Niagara Falls, spent the w..,. end at the home of Mr, and Mr Gordon. Radford. Mr and Mrs. W. F. Allen, Sher on and Ross, London, visited wi Mr. and Mrs, Tom Allen and fail, ily on Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. John Armstron and Mr. and Mrs. M•. Armstron attended' the funeral of Pere 1 Cole in anMrs. Stratford thuraKerslake Exeter, visited with Mr. and Ml's Harry Durnin and Mrs. H. Lyo on Sunday, Mrs, H. Lyon returne ho- - strong ss, T. Arlen 1f, A. Riley re, k J. Riley cf. s. th g • g y n, d Hymn 488 was then sung and Inoculate Children, The children of Hullett town ship schools will receive immuniz ation against scarlet fever and smallpox this month, The first in oculations were given in the com munity hall, Londeshoro, on Fri- day under the direction of Dr. B C. Weir, Auburn, MOH, for Hull eft township, Mission Circle Meets The Aimwell Mission Cirele held its May meeting on Tuesday evening, May 11, at the home of Miss Lois Wood with the pres- ident, Lois Wood, in charge, The. meeting opened with Call to Wor- ship and singing hymn 660 follow- ed by Lord's Prayer in Unison. The Roll Call was then taken,. treasurer's report given and the minutes of the last meeting read. The business was then discussed Mrs. Edwin Wood read the Scrip- ture, Alice Fingland read a story. _ A poem and temperance Story was read by Mrs. Brenton. The offer- ing was then taken while Frances and Vera Lyon sang a duet. Stor- ies were then read by Margaret Tamblyn, Nona Pipe and Lois Wood, Hymn 350 was sang and - Mrs. Jack Pipe closed the meet- ing with Prayer. The hostess then, served a very delicious lunch, DDGM's Visit There was a record attendance at Hullett Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 568 Tuesday night, May 11, when Rt, Wor. Bro. John A. Mc-, Kinnon, G`rlamis paid his official visit. Visiting brothers were pre- sent from Blyth, Clinton, Seaforth Carlow; 'Kincardine, Tiverton,, Exeter, and Goderich. Single Men Beat Married The ball season got under way in Londesboro on Monday night, when the single men defeated the married men 6-5. The married men put up a great struggle and maybe the next time they will be able to beat the sing- le lads. Single Men—K. Armstrong rf.; 3. Tamblyn ss., D. Bloor 2b, H. Millar lb, G. Carter p, B. Pollard 3b, M. Lovett If, B. Daubs cf; L. Archambault e, Married Men—G. Cowan c, 13. Riley p, C. Saundercock lb, J. Lee 2b, A. Shaddick 3b, J. Arm - PORTER'S HILL Mr. and Mrs, GIen Lockhart and family, Clinton spent Sunday with I Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Lockhar.t Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meriwain have purchased the Jim Young farm on the Blue Water Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris spent Sunday with the tatters parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert White Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harrison and family have moved to their farm on the 6th concession which they purchased recently from A. E. Townshend: Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Lockhart and two children Royal Oak Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowdhn spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. 5. Lockhart. estmemesmosemsesea Mission Band Meets The Mission Band held its. meeting in the basement of the church on Sunday morning with the president Kenneth Wood pre- siding. The meeting opened with call to worship followed by sing- ing hymn 405 and God Save the King and the Lord's Prayer In unison. The Scripture lesson was read by June Manning. The min- utes of the last meeting were read. by Bill Cowan. 19 answered the roll call. Offering was received by Bob Saundercock. Birthday Pennies were given by Bob Saun- dercock and Billy Shaddick. World Peace by Bert Lyon and a piano - solo lay Marguerite Lyon. Temp- erance Story by Mrs. I. Carter. Study book was given by Mrs. B; Shobbrook. Missionary story by Vera Lyon. "Good moral" story. by Mrs. Carter, The meeting clos- ed with hymn 413 and prayer by Mrs. B. Shobbrook. 11 LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Spring Opening SAT., MAY 22 and MON., MAY 24 Jack McLachlan and his Music for Moderns 20-21-b ... B I G LIBERAL RALLY TOWN HALL — CLINTON at 8.30 p.m. Sat., May 22 SPEAKERS: E. S. LIVERMORE, K.C., London, formerly of Clinton W. P. ROBERTS, Tuckersmith Township Frank Fingland, K.C. Liberal Candidate for Huron c:HAIRMAN: DFRANK FINGLAND, LC. ENTERTAINMENT by LOCAL TALENT 21-b CALL CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 Res. 229 Res. 173 Reg. Shipley Oscan' Prieetap H. Crittenden 1 ...................—...,....„...........,, Sunworthy Wallpapers Martins Dept. Store