HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-05-13, Page 6f>r Was There Any Reason For A By -Election In February? Surely Mr. Drew must• have had in mind a General Election when he sprung the 13y -election on the Voters of Huron in February. Why all the work and ex- pense of two elections in four months? Register Your Protest FRANK FINGLAND, K.C, FRANK Vote Liberal Candidate in Huron i�nh1ii,1;,,i,,�' % : f /i,,(7',./ //, ,, ,/ /' ',/ 1 �+t •c f �� , • %/ilial rr„ n,,, 9 I;171 IN�� �.. %,, // /i y • /r��;:• • NEWS' OF BAYFIELD Representaal )live: Miss Lucy R. Woods' 'Phone Oliuton 631r31 A. __ ,s visiting his occurred to Toronto on May 6.~ daughters in London. TRinty Guild Meets Miss Beverly York, London, was . ixT home over the weekend. E. A.Featherston, London, spent the weekend'at his home in the 'village. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr., London, spent the weekend at The, New Ritz Hotel. John MacLeod, Erieau spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod, Mrs. Chas Bell returned home on Friday after having spent sev- eral days in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. J• M. Stewart, Hamilton, were at their home on Louisa Street over the weekend.. Mrs. Grant Turner., 'and baby daughter returned home from Clinton PublicHospital on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon and family have moved into "The Old Forge" . which they have leased, Mrs, Victor Burt and family, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, Mr. and. Mrs. Keith Pruss, Lon- don, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker over the weekend. George Bell was home on Sun- day while the "Windoc" on which he is sailing was in harbour in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Ferguson, London, were with 'the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson over the weekend. Miss Jo Anne Cuninghame, Sarnia and John Cuninghame, Owen Sound were home for Mother's. Day. Mrs. N. W. Woods and Miss Lucy R. Woods spent the weekend in Hensel) with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray, Lond- on, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. H. Lawson, and Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Corrie. e d of met hatGthehome of Trinity Byrd Sturgeon on Thursday after] on last, Mrs. E. Heard -presided. The meeting took the form of a quilt, ing after which the hostess served refreshments: Attended Wedding r d Llo d H and dM]sat ended , the son rweade ding of Miss Grace Apfelbeck to Harold Vogel, Tavistock, which took place in the Apostolic church, Kitchener, on Saturday. Grace's many friends in this community join in wishing the young couple every happiness. Gets Ready for Tourists Lloyd Batkin is very busy these 'days getting ready for the tourist season. At the back of his pro- perty on Main Street, he has built a kitchen and wash rooms around which is an open verandah where tourists may cook and eat meals if they desire. This will serve fourteen cabins 8 feet by 14 feet which will be spaced around the property according to Government regulations. He also has a trailer cabin fitted with the latest in equipment. United Church Ladies The women of the iiniterl Church met on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. John Scotchmer, on the Blue Water Highway, with an attendance of some twenty- five, including four very young people, Douglas Dunn, Phyllis Crewe, Michal Greer and Linda Scotchmer. The thought of mother was up- permost, several readings being given on the subject in answer to the Roll Call. Miss Stirling gave a very fine paper on "Stew- ardship," stressing the stewardship of not only money, but of time, talents and iife itself in the ser- vice of God and our fellow man. Mrs. T. C. Bailey returned home Mrs. Scotchmer gave' a report of on Monday night after having ac - ,the Presbyteiral which met re- companied her sister-in-law, Mrs. cently in Seaforth. The W. A. Etherington, Stratford, on a motor meeting was largely occupied trip through Southern Ohio where with plans for improving church they visited her sister over the weekend. Mr. and •Mrs. A. Sullivan and baby, Romeo, Mich., Mrs, Claude Robbins and Claudia, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. McLeod. On their re- turn, they were accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Emma Mac- Leod, who will spend several weeks with her daughters in De- troit. End of Thumb Removed William Orr, who had the mis- fortune to have his thumb crushed while engaged in building his home, was obliged to undergo surgery to have the end of it re- moved recently. Died in Toronto Old friends here join in extend- ing sympathy to Mrs. W. Poulter (nee Miss Lillian M. Martin, a former resident of Hayfield) in the death of her husband which INS FROMT\ BOOK" Of FAMOUS CANADIAN TRA ROir" Tl%E "FLUE E fAC]NG GRAND CIRCUS PARR The Tulles, a modern hotel for those who want the best) Con. venienl to Offices, Theaters, and Shops, Friendly, courte- ous service and real Hotel Comfort. The Totter Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your iDining Pleasure atmodest prices. 1t pays to stay al Hotel TuHer. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST SOO ROOMS s -p5 WITH OATH FROM HOTEL • LIMITED TILLER RICHARD C. HODGES. Mgr. 407 ,rr hili H11 1 i q ^ The Continental Limited spans Canada. Since 1920 this famous Canadian National train has provided dependable daily railway service. The Continental Limited has all the comforts for modern long distance travel ... air conditioned coaches and 'through' sleeping cars with various types of accommodations, rooms and berths .. . observation lounge cars , , e delicious dining car meals ... thoughtful, courteous service. Completely relaxed with. ample room to move around, you'll enjoy your trip. And you'll discover Canada's greatness, for past your window flows a colorful panorama of cities„takes, wheatfields and mountains. See Canada this year: Go Canadian National. Directly served by The Continental Limited are: Montreal; Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper, Vancouver, The "Blue Book” yells Canadian National Time Table —"Passport" to everywhere in Canada, • and parsonage. Joint W.A. Meeting A joint meeting of the W.A. of St. James', Middleton; St, John's, Varna i and Trinity Church, Bay- field. was held in the latter church on Wednesday afternoon. The service was conducted by Mrs. R. Larson; Mrs. George King read the Scripture; Mrs. Wilfred, Colclough gave a very compre- hensive and enjoyable report- of the Sixty -First Annual Diocesan meetings held in St. Paul's Cath- edral, Cronyn Hall and the Mas- onic Temple on April 13 and 14, at which there was a record at-. tendance of about 700. "Truly inspiring was the ser- vice of Holy Communion at which the celebrant was His Grace, Archbishop Seager, assisted by Dean Luxton, Archdeacon Town- shend and others, at which there were 560 communicants." Amongst other highlights of the meetings, Mrs, Colclough spoke of Mrs. D. L. Kenny's address. Mrs. Kenny of Hamilton is a Girls Supervisor and is doing a wond- erful work amongst them, par- ticularly Indian girls: "Mrs. Kenny left her work and was serving overseas during the war, nursing. I think she said, and on her return was warned that the youth of to -day were not. church -minded and were difficult to understand but she has gone back to her work with renewed courage and is making wonderful progress, Of course it is not all easy and is a bard climb, but she; informed us many new branches of the G.A. are being formed. One of the stories she told was that a school teacher friend had given her small children a pencil and paper and told them to draw something. Returning to them shortly she was amazed as to what they had done. Asking Tommy what it was he had drawn, he said, "a house"; going over to Barbara she asked the same ques- tion, but on her paper were just four straight lines. Asking her what they meant, she said that one was Mary, one was Joseph and one was Jesus. •The other one was the baby sitter who had conte to stay with Jesus while tailMry and Joseph went to a cock, •party. This story illustrated how much children have changed to -day." "We were very fortunate tq have with us Archdeacon Andrew COURTESY AND SERVICE t� Whether at home -or "going places" — in all your, contacts with Canadian National, you will experience courtesy and service. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS • AIRLINES ,• STEAMSHIPS 40. HOTELS • EXPRESS A TELEGRAPHS NOTI TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT The Clerk of the Township of Mullett will re- ceive tenders for the cleaning out and repair of the Dodds Main Municipal Thain. Engineer's Estimate 1of 11,463 Cubic Yards Excavation, approximately 170 stales. All Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 3rd day of June, 1948, at 3 p.m. Pla.n and en in the Clerk's Office, All tendersptoibelos accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of Tender. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. W. COWAN Clerk 20-21-b HUL•MESV%LLE' Charles Wilson has purchased James hair's farm on the Huron Road Mr. and Mrs. Ross Feagan have moved to -the Howard William farm on the Maitland which they recently purchased. Miss Kathleen. Holmes has been engaged as teacher for the conning year with the duties toscammenee the first of September, Misses Judith Turnbull and Helen and Gertrude Bond, London spent the weekend with the lett- ers' parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Bond. from China who gave us a very clear picture of just what has and is going on in China. He drety an imaginary xnap of Chinashow- ing how Communism is gaining foothold there and how our pray- ers are needed for these heroic people, who really are peace- makers rather than fighters, but who were forced to fight with the Japs. Now that the Japanese are beaten, Russia is steadily gaining foothold, They already hold two of China's largest col- onies but China is a large coun- try and the Generalissamo is a t Chrislgian man and has a large following. He is setting a wond- erful example to the world as S' every morning ,he devotes one hour to prayer and Bible study. s. Can we not all take a lesson from ;i him?" Mrs, Morgan presided at the organ and Mrs. Maynard Cor- rie sang, "Spirit of God," Neid- linger. TUCKERSMITu Ladies' Club Meets Tuckersmith Ladies' Club for its Maymeeting at the ho of Mrs. Erlin Whitmore. Th meetingopened d p wfith the Openin Ode, The minutes were read and adopted and the treasurerae other reports were given. Mrs, Lawson and Mrs. p'$ made a motion that Grace Cri be the convener of the flower mittee. It was decided to hold bale for overseas until nextmont The meeting closed' with Homemaker's Prayer, At the close of the meeting, shower was given in honour o 'Wise Evelyn Johns, a bride-ele f. this month. This part of tie programme opened with a oc w edding, following which Fear gave a reading. The bride o -be •opened her gifts and ex ressed' her appreciation in a f well-chosen words, The enti roup joined in singing "F. he's a Jolly Good Fellow." A elicious lunch brought a ve easant meeting to a close. com ry met me 0 Ld Tien, ch th e h. th e• a ct 0 e k' Mrs, e -w re or• mt pl t 1 g S d the Morgan her home and was hostess when the Bayfield branch entertained the other members, Mrs. E. Heard and Mrs. R. Larson poured tea and Mesdames L. Scotchmer, R. Bassett and M. Corrie assisted in serving, st r;f LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND . Spring Opening SAT., MAY 22 MON., MAY 24 Jack McLachlan and his Music for Moderns 20-21-b I«,w14:41 :41 «y;;:s«; 47+— «;ar«k?«ti lie +'2%11404.410:41•+,'.- i.+ »MEAS tENV;=titri%�' WANTED Applications for the position of Caretaker _' for the Court House at Goderich will be received until 12 o'clock noon iii on Friday, May 21. t: Appalcants to state age and qualifications:. Salary $1x500 per year. •v , PLEASE APPLY TO THE UNDERSIGNED N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, 19`20-b K4 R+ :4 ir. 1 M414:41 1414:x+.44 Wl41r$41 O1,*1 41 s er:4:» 1 1 "'i`:i� ��:i ::'iii='R; o t The New °ou.ii�srlE�, PRECISION -BUILT GARDEN TRACTOR PLOWS! CULTIVATES! CUTS GRASS! CUTS WEEDS! PLOWS SNOW Yes, at last—an effi- cient, easily handled Girden Tractor it available at' . . . . 4 • • Another feature of the CHOREMASTER Garden Tractor—you can quickly and easily convert your own hand Mower into an efficient power mower, as shown above. Amazing low cost! Now you can do plowing cultivating, grass and weed cutting, snow plowing and other garden chores with this all-purpose, an •renson. Garden Tractor. Illustrated above is the. CHOREMASTER equipped with "Da•k Feet" for efficient "Between the row" cuhi vation. Other rear attachments includ.,- turning plow, furrower, hoes, sweeps, 5 tooth spring cultivator, etc. The CHOREMASTER is e.treately easy to: handle and will rave --e hours of back, breaking labour 1 R. N. Alexander LONDESBORO Phone 803r22, Clinton 18-18-20-b '1 '4a. l4 ' CALL CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 Res. 229 Res. 173 Reg. Shipley Oscar F'riestap IL Crittenden Sunworthy Wallpapers Martins Dept. Store