HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-05-13, Page 51•IURSDAZ MAY '13, '194!1 atioalin-S2a2N N01,N;1? ,,CASH RATE -(If paid by 'Wed- nesday following date of Inset :;'tion)—One cent a •word'first section (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one, cent a word (minion= 25 cents); •15cents ex- on to NEWS- box RECORber Dor I•F CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m., Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION ROLLING HOME FOR RENT. Phone 3593 for particulars. 20-b T W 0 BRIGHT FURNISHED :Rooms for light housekeeping. ' Couple without children. Edge of town of Clinton. Box "R", NEWS- RECORD. 20-P 'FURNISHED APARTMENT, self - Contained.. . Phone 363. 20-b FURNISHED SUITE' IN Clinton 'to sub -let. Phone 296T. 20-b 'TWO FURNISHED. ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Phone 91. 20-b 'TWO FURNISHED: ROOMS with use of kitchen. Opposite Clinton Grill. Phone 461. 18-20-b ARTICLES WANTED •CURLING STONES WANTED at once. State condition and price. 'Write Carlof, 537 Besserer St.. 'Ottawa, Ont. 18-21-b APPLES FOR, SALE "SPY AND. COOKING APPLES for sale. Apply Fred McClymont, -Varna. 20-p AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE •MODEL "A" FORD CAR, 1931, good running order, seal -beam headlights, hot water heater, good fires, other extras, Apply Ralph Stephenson, Varna, phone Rensall -76r11. 20-b 1929 ESSEX SEDAN, five brand new tires, three in last two or 'three weeks, engine overhauled, 'first class condition. B. R. Mun-. day. 7 Widder St. Goderieh, phone ^h98• 20-h BICYCLES FOR SALE C.C.M. MAN'S BICYCLE in good condition. Phone 317W., 20-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE •TIMBER FRAME BARN, 72 ft.. 25 ft. Apply James A. Dale, Clinton.20-p "FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 'LIMITED NUMBER OF STRAW - berry Plants for sale. Variety, 'Chesapeake, Rol Tyndall, phone 'Clinton 907r3. 20-21-b FURNITURE FOR SALE -JACKET HEATER AND PIPES: Apex Vacuum Cleaner; verandah couch swing; oak rocking chair. ,Apply Miss D. Cantelon, phone 19J. 20-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'TWELVE -INCH TWO -FURROW 'Tractor Plow, Just new, $95; old plows taken in trade; riding plow, 12; one team sleigh; wagon on rubber $55, with new tires $85, W. B. Thompson, 21/2 miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 20-21-p 'TRACTOR, JOHN DEERE Model A.R., ' used four seasons, in A-1 condition. Leonard M. Fisher. •R,R, 2, Clinton, phone Carlow 1104. 20-p MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER, cut wix crops in good running order; new Fairbanks -Morse two -horse power gasoline engine; also 114 hp. electric motor. W. A. McGuire, ,hone Clinton 900r3. 20-p FARMS FOR RENT 100 ACRES, 25 ACRES CROP, all seeded but 10 acres, balance in 'hay and pastilre, 1?/ miles west of Blyth on Auburn Road, Good buildings. Alfred Machan, R,R. 1. .Auburn, phone Blyth 18r5. 20-22-p HELP WANTED, MALE "WANTED AT ONCE, A MAN TO 'look after the grounds, cut the .grass, no vegetable garden. Ap- ply in morning or phone 99, Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, 19-20b HOUSES FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating .system, insulated, newly decorat- 'ed; garage. Apply to H. C. Law- son, Real Estate Broker, .phone '251W, Clinton. 8tfb HOUSE, ONE ACRE OF LAND, 'immediate possession for part or ail of house, hydro, good well water, on highway near town. $$5,000 cash. Apply Box "T" NEWS -RECORD. 20-p VACANT LAND FOR SALE SIX RESTRICTED BUILDING Lots, Glou.cetser Terrace, eve's - looking Golf Course, Maitland bank, Goderich. Apply A. Chap- man, Box 218, Gorrle. 20-b LIVESTOCK FOB SALE 14 CHUNKS OF PIgs ; ABOUT 50 pounds; also eight little pigs, six weeks old, Apply Edgar Rath- welf, phone 909r4, Clinton; 19-20-p ELEVEN PIGS, ABOUT 50 LBS: each, and also 11 pigs six weeks old, Harold Tyndall,, phone Clin- ton 905r2. ' . 20-p BULL CALF FOR SALE, suitable for vealing, two weeks old: Ap- ply Thomas Leppington, phone Clinton 587W. , 20-p ONE YORK SOW DUE MAY 25. Alex Wilkins, Londesboro, phone 24r8, Blyth. 20-b 18 PIGS, SIX WEEKS 'OLD. Roy. Connell, phone 803r4, Clinton. 20-21-p TWO HOLSTEIN HEIFERS' rising two years; one Holstein cow, four years old, due June 15; quantity of hard body wood; 1941 Pontiac coach in good condition. Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4, 6a 20-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — SCOtJT BELT, KNIFE and hatchet,. about 31/ miles east of Clinton. Reward. Apply Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 20-n LOST — PACKAGE, containing black skirt on Albert St. Finder leave at NEWS -RECORD. 20b MISCELLANEOUS ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay snore than 'fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich.• 11-btfb. NEW SHIPMENT OF COTTON and Jersey Dresses just arrived at Exclusive Dress Shop. 20-b SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire: 20-27-p NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker- smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd, surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by t' e owner, A, E. Parry, May 3rd, 1948. 19-26ptfb. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N, Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2bt. PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD a comfortable cottage. Apply Mrs. Jack Howard. Bayfield, phone Clinton 624r31. 19-21-b SEED FOR SALE EXCELLENT QUALITY WHITE Beans for seed. Early Robust variety, good yielders. $6 per bushel, Robert W. Cole, phone 906r24, Clinton. 16-20-p STOVES FOR SALE McCLARY "TRIUMPH" Kitchen Stove, with coal andwood grates, finished in white porcelain. Phone Clinton 294R. 20-p SADDLE HORSES FOR RENT SADDLE HORSES FOR RENT evenings and weekends. Phone 478W for appointments. 20-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR WIRING SS. No. 1, Hullett, work to be done dur- ing month of July acording to specifications held by the secre- tary. Tenders to be in by June 1. Ross McGregor, secretary, R.R. 2. Seaforth, phone Seaforth 842r2. 20-21-p TENDERS for RE-DECORATINCr class room of S.S. No. I Hullett, will be received until June 1. For particulars apply to Ross McGreg- or, secretary -treasurer, R. R. 2, Seaforth, phone 845r2. 20-21-p TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S.S. No, 6, Hullett, duties to com- mence September 7, 1948. Apply stating salary expected and quali- fications to secretary -treasurer, John H. McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth, Ont. 20-21-b Bee House and Bees Damaged by Fire Shortly before noon on Monday, fire was discovered in the bee house owned by William Rozell on the property of S. Yearron, Victoria St., Clinton. The local firemen were quickly on the scene and were able to get the blaze extinguished, in a very short time. Considerable damage was done both to the building and to the bees which were stili housed there. Origin of the fire is un- known. SPRING SPORTSWEAR Match up your odd coat with a smart pair of GARAli.1)3NT' or WOODWIND TROPICAL SLACKS.' Smartly styled with pleats, zippers and drop, loops. from 4.511 to 17.95 pr. See our range of smart new SWEATERS, JACKETS and SOCKS, designed ;and coloured for spring wear, for all occasions... Boys' Wear We, are proud to announce that boys' wear is going to be oue of our big lines. We intend to 'carry . a complete line of boys clothing and foot- wear for ages 6 to 1.6 years, • Pickett £3 Campbell Arrow, Tooke and BVD Shirts Phone 25 - - - Clinton BIRTH'S ELLIOTT =- In Clinton. 'Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 8, 1949, to Mr. and • Mrs. Frank Elliott;' Blyth, a• son. , LAYTON. — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday May 8, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. <Glen Layton, R. R. 5, Clinton, a daughter, LESLIc—In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Monday, May 10, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Leslie, ,. Clinton, e sen. DEATHS COLE—Suddenly at his home, 70 Huron St., Stratford, on Satur- day, May 8, 1948, John Percy Cole in his 74th year. Fustethl from his late residence to Cline ton Cemetery on Tuesday, May 11.• POULTER—On Thursday, May 6, 1948, William Poulter, beloved husband of Lilliam May Martin (Marty), father of Herbert Poulter and Mrs. Edna White- house, Alliston, Funeral Mon- day, from: his late residence, 42 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto, to St. John's Cemetery, Monday, May 10. McLEAN—Tn Tuckersmith Town- ship, on Monday, May 10, 1948, Glenn, beloved husband of. Caroline McLean and dear father of Andy. Private funeral from his late residence on Wed- nesday, May 12, to Exeter Cemetery. ROGERS —In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, May 8, 1948, Mrs. Cecil R. Rogers, aged 21 years. Funeral and interment at Regina, Sask. • 0 PORTER'S HILL ' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fisher and two children, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Harris and the latter's mother, Mrs H. C. Cox, Miss Phyllis Harris, London. spent the weekend at her home. Albert Morgan, Goderieh, spent the weekend with Mr.. and Mrs. Maurice Frame. Mr. and Mrs. Bert White and two children, Clinton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris. Two Babies Baptized Service was held' as usual at Grace Church on Sunday with.a special Mother's Day ' service. Baptismal service was also con- ducted with little Sharon Lock- hart and Gary Black, Goderich, present. The May meeting of the Com- munity Club will be held on•Wed- nesday, May 19, at the home of Mrs. Jim Cox, SEE WHAT YOU BUY: Visit our Nursery and pick out your own plants . drive. to London this week -end. and pay us a visit while you're here. Open Everyday and Evenings 61 1 3' « Dr.' .Randal .Cole Gets Reasearc'h ;Position. Dr. Randal H. Cole, 'assistant professor of Mathematics, Univer- sity of ,Western, Ontario, London, has been offered a post of ,re- search associate for one year, at Princeton . University, width • is one of the greatest mathematical centres in 'the world. Dr. Cole is the elder son of Mi. and Mrs, Robert, B. Cole, B.R.: 3, Clinton, and is a graduate of Clinton Collegiate} Institute. Dr. Cole g has •, been :.• given 'a leave of absence from London' and will begin his new dirties the first of September to continue until the following June; His work will be mainly research work but he also, will be doing some teaching. Dr. Cole .was a graduate of University of West- ern Ontario, London, and . took his M.A.. degree at the University of Wisconsin and his Ph.D. at the same university in 1940. It is of interest to note that Princeton's top mathematician' is Albert Einstein, one of the world's key figures. who worksin a sep- arate .institute apart from the regular mathematical department of the university. e RCAF Promotions In Area ,Announced One hundred, and fifty-nine, Ontario airmen are among names of RestF personnel in the semi- annual; promotion list for airmen issued by Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa. The list includes pro- motions from rank of Leading Aircraftsman to Corporal, from Corporal to Sergeant to} Flight Sergeant, Flight Sergeant to War- rant Officer Class II, and from Warrant, Officer Class II- to War- rant arrant Officer. Class T. The following. from this district are included (only new rank giv- en). WO2 G. C. Perry, Raglan St., Clinton; WO2 R. H. Anderson, Huron. St., Clinton; . Sgt. J. 'W. Cowell, Exeter; Cpl. J. L. Everett, Exeter; Cpl. J. R. Bone, Princess St., Clintd:n Cpl. L. E. Richie, Exeter; Cpl. B. A. Thompson, R.R. 2, Centralia; Cpl. C. W. Bertrand, Huron St„ Clinton; Cpl, G. A .Hodges, Victoria St., Clin- ton; and Cpl. C. M. MacKay, Ex- eter. Teacher Electrocuted; Visited in Clinton. Miss Rhea D. McRoberts, Sarnia Collegiate Institute teacher, who was found electrocuted in her bath Monday afternoon, was a niece of Mrs. Minnie Pickard, Clinton, and had other relatives in this district which she often had visited. Her father, later a Public School In- spector,,' once taught school at Hoimesville. The funeral took place to Birr Cemetery, London Township, to- day, Coroner Dr. W. B. Rutherford decided that an inquest was un- necessary He said he was satis- fied she''died accidentallywhen she grasped a lamp to bring it closer to the tub. She was found dead by two Collegiate teachers who investigated her non-appear- ance at school Monday. She had. lived alone in her home since the death of her mother, four years ago. HAVE YOUR SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISI-ACTION GUARANTEED Harold East Phone Clinton 800r6 , R.R. 4, Clinton 11-tfb flg Values In Used Cars! 1247 CHEVROLET Sts'lelnaster Sedan 1942 .DODGE Custom. Coach, with radio, heater; like new 1942 DODGE Deluxe Sedan, with covers, radio; really a, clean 1934 PLYMOUTH Coach 1934 OLDSMOBILE Sedan • 1934 CHEVROLET Convertible 1930 FORD Model "A" Coach 1928 CHEVROLET Coupe .�• P.• Manning heater, car Red Star Garage 4. Willard Betteries — - Firestone Tires i Albert St. PHONE -345 Clinton{.- `dire . . Hi i.' i 1 M. �. —,t �iK� . 54.•. i41 4H 44 ; ;,44 .- :44 i R i 4:44. < •. slip HAVE YOU HAD A HEATING PROBLEM THIS WINTER? See us about A ewFurnace---aid Get Results Furnaces will be:. scarce `ain'tlis year. ' ORDER EARLY Persons using OIL BURNERS should have them Cleaned and Checked, We are experts :at this. LEAVE YOUR ORDER HERE HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (May;: 13-15) Noy, Rogers in "SPRINGTIME • IN THE SIERRAS" iVIon„ Tiles., r Wed, (May 17-19) SONG OF THE THIN MAN' A fast-moving, entertaining mys- tery yarn that .will keep you guessing—;William" Powell, Myrna Loyand,-Keenan,Wynn Thur., Fri,, Sat. (May 20-22) Joe E. Brown, Josephine Hutch- inson and Jane Milliken — The most heart-warming- story of the year, one you'll long remember "THE TENDER YEARS" Coming (May 24-26) "MERTON OF THE MOVIES" with Red. Skelton Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2,30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE, GODEI ICH. Now Playing Lucille Bali and Franchot Tone. in "ITER HUSBAND'S.,AFFAIRS!" REGENT THEATRE 8"EAFORTH Novi Playing -Nelson inEddy and Ilona Massey • ''NORTIAVVEST OUTPOST" Mon„ 'fetes ., Wed. GREEN, •DOLPHIN STREET Highlighted by two terrific spec- tacles and featuring .a star -en- crusted east, Elizabeth Goudge's tremendous' novel comes to life. Lana Turner, Van Heflin, Donna Reed and Frank Morgan Thur., Fri., Sat." ' GENE AUTRY, Adele Mara and the Cass County Boys-' Present a rollicking, melody -laden story of the West at its adventurous best. "Twilight on. the Rio Grande" Coming: Joe E. Brown in "THE TENDER' YEARS" Mon., Tues., Wed. Lucille Ball, ,Franchot Tone and Edward Everett Horton This riotous comedy, funniest in years, will give you a hair-raising even- ing of pure fun. "Her Husband's Affairs'L Thur., Fri., Sat. Claudette Colbert, Warren Will - lain and Rochelle Hudson—Fannie Hurst's greatest story returns to the screen as' a "best" among Class "A" attractions. "IMITATION 'OF LIFE" coming -William,, Powell. in "SONG OF THE THIN MAN" Mat.: Wed., Sat. & holidays, 2.30 Matinees: Sat.; holidays, 2.30 p.m. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Colin 'Campbell wish•to express their appreciation to their many ' friends for the many acts of kindness during the, illness of Carol and the boys. 20-p 0 CARD OF THANKS Canadian Legion No. 140 wish to thank the public' for the papers collected which amounted to over ten tons. Be sure and save your papers for the. pext collection which is expected to be this Month. 20-b 0 CARD OF THANKS The nieces and nephews of the late Mr. James B. Lobb wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy, lovely' floral tributes and cars loaned, during their re- cent and sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. Lane and Dr. J. W. Shaw. . 20-p. IN MEMORIAM HESSELWOOD-In loving mem- ory of. Vera Hesselwood, who pas- sed away - two years ago, May 11, 1946: Gone is the face we loved so dear,. Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away from sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach ......:::: ........ —Sadly missed by Mother and sister, Mabel. 20-p BEAUTIFY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59tf CWT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORJST Phones: 66w and 66j LAST DAYS K2iowdlvg this first, that there Shall tonne in the last days 'scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and say- ing, "Where is the promise of His coming?" "I WILL COME AGAIN,"—John 14:3 g 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4 Accept, Chrislt, •as personal Saviour to -day, for "in such a tlhne as ye think not, the Son of man cometh." CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Change of Business This is to advise that I have purchased the insurance business of H. T. Rance, which has operated successfully in Clinton and ,distriet for ''many years. I shall be very happy to continue to "serve:_ Mr. Rance"s ;•policy holders and would welcome any `inquiries. H. C. Lawson INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 251W -- Clinton 20-21-b •[1f ••••�.H:i��4•4•4�fit 4.4( 4.4 4.1. �i4+4, f ifri�fiNr H X.= 3i HOUSEWIVES! If you are an experienced KNITTER, and want Part Time Work, we have positions open for you. s Make your own 'tihe-- 3 31 MORNING, AFTERNOON or EVENING Apply T. CHURCHILL, Superintendent Clinton Hosiery Mills Ltd. �_3« 20-tfb s* f :vi .44.4 +MSN.40 ...4Hi 4,iHN4H W, .4 .•+ sa1 i.�, 4.R,:!$!+T: I.0,;KK Costs less to use., Covera solidly more square feat per gallon. It'stoug1 l Stands exceptionally hard wear. For , wood or cement. 1 GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND KEM-TONE WALL FINISH i SUN -TESTED WALLPAPERS VENETIAN BLINDS D. A. Kay f3 Son Painters and Decorators Huron St. PHONE 234W Clinton