HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-05-06, Page 7If.`]SURSDAY, MAY 5, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVER NEWS OF AUBURN William Nixon, Lueknow, called on friends here Monday. - lDonald Ross, Galt, spent the weekend with his .mother, Mrs:, `red Ross. Mrs. Gordon Dobie .and family spent the weekend with friends at Wingham: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamilton visited with Mr. and• Mrs. David Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Little and slaughter Joan„ were weekend visitors with friends at Monkton. Murray Rollinson; Wingham, was a weekend visitor with his :parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rol- linson, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stoltz and :family, Aurora, spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Mrs. David Errington who spent the .winter with Mr. and Mrs ,Bert Deer, has returned to her home at Dungannon. Film Board Pictures The National' Frim Board pre- sented pictures in the Foresters Half on Friday, sponsored 'tory the Women's Institute. f Bride -elect Feted Miss May Renouf entertained the ladies of the community at her home on Thursday evening in honor of Miss Jean Scott, bride -elect of this month. The evening was spent in community singing and games. In a contest Mrs. A. Rollinson won first prize • ; .4;14.1 «Wf0t:;; tt »;'+1.43*.€14 /4 ;mss :.04 :4'44.44.1. 44.4 1 fi41.4. 44444•44. 4÷. •3, Under the provision of The Companies' Act I' •(Ontario) HURON FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY LIMITED hereby gives public notice that ;;I: it will make application to His Honour, The Lieu4en- ant-Governor of theProV hl'ce of Ontario, for the acc- 3 eptance of the surrender of its charter .on and from a 4 date to be freed by the Lieutenant -Governor in. Council. X This 'action is necessary in order to complete the reorganlxation proceedings of the above company which ils now to be superseded by Hensall DiSticict Co-'fr.. operh1ive Incorporated -'and which will continue the co- operative business formerly (conducted. +_ Dated at Hensall this 28th day of April, 1948. _ BERTRAM KLOPP, 3£, •Secretary. '£ . •nM«www 44:4141: 044:14::r«'r3 4:4:43`i,i«:%s' :✓ AR t4 ✓,.:;«t.,;.t . £ 4.51 NOTICE ONTARIO . ONTARIO HOUG PLAN FIFTY PER CENT REDUCTION OF DOWN PAYMENTS ON NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOWER COST HOUSES UNDER THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACT (ONTARIO) The Province of Ontario will arrange for the loan of fifty per cent of the difference between the amount of the first mortgage and the sale price of a newly constructed house, the Provincial advances not to ex- ceed $1,250.00 on any one House. The loan will be repayable on a twenty year amortization plan with interest at 3% per cent per annum. Satisfactory evidence will be required that the amount of the first mortgage advance is a reasonable propor- tion of the value. Application forms and all necessary informatinn tray be obtained Irons: rHE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Room 4602, East Block, Queens Park, Toronto Ontario The Honourable Dana Porter, K.C, Minister and Mrs. Gordon Taylor' and Mrs. Keith Arthur tied for second. Dur- ing the evening +lybss f?,enouf read an address to the ,guest, of .honor expressing congratulations end good' wishes and presented }ter with a shower of -miscellaneous articles, After Jean had opened her gifts she thanked her friends for their kindness: Refreshments- were served. The evening was. brought to a closedby singing Auld Lang Syne.., A vote of thanks was ektended to Miss Renouf and her Mother, Mrs. Vesterfelt, for the hospitality. Mrs. William Gow, who has, been a patient in Wingham Hos- pital, was taken by ambulance to London hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, VARNA Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Miss' Mossop and J. Stephenson, were renewing acquaintances in Hensall Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. F. Heard and fam- ily, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott Sunday. James Reid, Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall and Mr. J. Northcott, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson, in company with the former's broth- er and wife of Clinton, were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith and family. Anglican Meeting Several of the members of St. John's Anglican Church attended a joint business meeting in Trin- ity Church, Bayfield, of the three Congregations of the Parish on Monday evening. Successful Play The YPU. of Goshen and Varna presented the play, "The Little Clodhopper," in Brucefield on Monday night to a full house. ZURICH Marks 96th Birthday Daniel Smith, Zurich, celebrat- ed his 96th birthday Wednesday, April 21. Mr. Smith was a robust roan in his youth and can still get around with the aid of canes. He has two sons, Clayton, proprietor of the Peace Grove Farm, south of St. Joseph; and Chester L, Smith, publisher 'of The Zurich Herald. He also has six grand- children. CLEARING AU4TION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK 'and IMPLEMENTS at Lot No. 22, Concession 17, God- erich Township, on the Base Line. 2 miles north . of Clinton on FRIDAY; MAY 7 at 12.30 p.m. (DST) ,the following: HORSES -3 good farm horses. CATTLE -16 cows and heifers, recently freshened; several young cattle and calves; Hereford bull (registered) 1 yr. old. IMPLEMENTS — Full line of faun implements including Inter- national F. 14 Farmall Tractor (A-1 condition); M.H. 2 furrow tractor plow; M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M.H mower, 6 ft. cut; M.H, manure spreader (nearly new); numerous other articles listed in last week's paper. FARM—At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, (if not sold previous to sale date), the farm consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, with 25 acres of bush; on the farm is situated a bank barn 36'x78'; cement silo; 11/z storey fume house, with full basement and furnace. The farm is equipped with hydro and a water pressure system in house and barn. TERMS—On Chattels, cash; on farm, 10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. HURON MURCH, Proprietor. EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 19-b COMMUNITY . AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at the home of the Auctioneer, Cutter St., Clinton, on SATURDAY, MAY 8 at 1 p.m. ' sharp (DST), coeslstiug of the following: Bell piano (apartment style): love seat and chair; Victrola and records; upholstered chair;'wick- er rocking chair; other rocking chairs; 2 small walnut tables; other small tables; library table: leather couch; oak hall rack; 6 cane bottom chairs; mahogany dresser; bedroom suite; several beds, springs and mattresses; in- ner spring mattress; feather mat., tress; pillows and bedding; fern- ery stand; floor lamp; table lamps; dining room table; electric hot- point; range; enamel range; Que- bec heater; coal oil stove; coal 011 heater; extension table; kitchen cabinet: kitchen chairs; fernery stand; 2 pard tables; high chair; child's chair and table; 8 -day clock; floor waxer; 2 toilet sets; 3 gal. garden Sprayer; wash tub stand; fruit in sealers; bath tub seat; ash sifter; dishes; silver.- ware; cooking utensils and sev- eral other articles. TERMS --CASH ' EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 19-b ,�,y` ik'S`41044744 144,, 1/V 41.41A.44.44," gH,Af,N i1. 1: fN f?HH 4.04441 11,410,4141-01-1,80,14-1. 41-4 1-kt f +.1.t,14.41-1:14:414.0-41-1 f 411:4 -1,14- f 4, t4 BEAVERDOER TOOLS ,t • X • SALES flonI5a SERVICE FULL STOCK OF BEAVER'. POWER .TOOLS BLYTH ,(Intended for last week) Personals: 1(Tr. and Mrs. W. P1wson. and, Scott, Atwood, with Mr, and Mrs. L. M.lt}g..eri eo ?d S r; r Wiliam Mountain, Miss Josephine Neill/nein; Jack Price, 'St. 'Marys, Earl Hoist, "Bill" Elliott, Crediton, with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hodg- ins Miss Eileen Robinson, Tor- onto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Robinson; Joe Marks en a business trip to New York. Miss. J. Woodcock and Mrs. R. .1. Powell attended the • annual meeting of Huron Diocese W.A. in London, last week. Successful Concert A capacity crowd filled Memor- ial Hall Thursday evening for the Irish and Scotch concert sponsor- ed by the Blyth Agricultural So- ciety. Proceeds amounted to $259.45. The Irish program was in charge of Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour, convener, Mrs, Archie Young and Simon Hallahan, During inter- mission between the program a film was presented, "A Saturday Afternoon in Blyth." The Scotch half of the program was in charge of Mrs. C. Hodgins, 001.1 HEMALL Rev. W. Weir and Mrs. Weir. Brampton, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mss, James A. Pat- erson. The many friends sorry to learn she Kitchener -Water illness. See Ca Representative Elimville, Credit sail, Exeter, attended Hen., sail, lecture and film on the subject of cancer by. the Ontario Bra rich of the Cana- dian Cancer Society, Stratford, in Exeter Town Hall, Friday, April 30, Mrs. A. Moir, president of Hurondale WI. introduced Dr. W. M. Gilmour, Radiologist of Strat- ford General Hospital, who spoke briefly before presenting the films, and presented a most In- formative talk on one of the most vital issues of the day, Films shown were "You are the Switch- men", Stratford Cancer film, "The Traitor Within." Mrs. Rundle of Hurondale on behalf of the In- stitutes, expressed thanks to Dr. Gilmore. The hall was filled and each branch well represented by members. (Intended for last week) Born In Hensall, on Monday, April 26, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Latntnle, Bobby and Jean, Centralia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lammie and Greta. Mrs. Rose Russell, Exeter, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, An- nie Saundercock, who is confined to her home with illness. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess spent the weekend with relatives in Fairgrove, Mich., and other centres. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson and family, Goderich, spent Sunday in Hensall, Mrs. Hudson, who has been spending the past month with them, returned home. 100th Anniversary Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, is commemorating 100 years of witness by the Presby- terian Church in this community on May 2, Children's and Young People's Sunday, dedication of Memorial and Gift Window; Rev.' William Weir, a former min- ister, will be the evening guest speaker, with Miss June Work, Brussels, soloist, On May 9, Cen- tennial Sunday, the Moderator of the General Assembly, Rev Charles H. MacDonald, Lucknow, will preach, and Harry T. Hoff- man, Dashwood, will be guest soloist. On May 16, Old Friends' Sunday, Rev. W. A. Young, for- mer minister, will preach, and special music will be provided by Mr. and Mrs. Young and male quartette. On Tuesday, May 4, the Congregational Centennial banquet will be held. MEANS MORE WORN. FROM YOUR TRACTOR —STH LESS FUEL Say goodbye, to tractor- fire, inflation worries. for a' •long time. Let us 611. cl weight• your tires by ibo "SOLUTION 1G0" nv.Iht.1. You'll get greater trarib,(,. leis Slip, more drawls -it pull, less tire wear. Save minoa thisjure, easy, enomicei way. Sae us today, cent/setter, 'anti Rtanley; Chellew and, jack Buchanan. The setting of the stage was a Scotch home; where the occupants, James Law- rie and . Mrs R. D. Philp,” were celebrating thein -golden, wedding. The guests who called furnished; the following program: " Jamie Sims t' sang; Jack Buchanan was chair:nen. Following the concert,. dancing was enjoyed with Jack Staples,' master, of ceremonies. Fined 825' and Costs William Henry, Blyth; was fin ed"$25 and costs, with 30 days in, jail'as the alternative, by Magist- rate A. F. Cook, in court at Strat- ford last week, when he pleaded' guilty to a charge of careless driv- ing on Highway..No, 23 near Pal- merston at 3:50 p.m. March 31. A charge of driving while drunk against Henry, arising from the same incident, was dismissed by the magistrate after evidence had been heard. He paid the fine. A charge against Edward C Thompson, R.R. 2, Bluevale, of( unlawfully assaulting Leon Reid,; 61 Church St., by putting his hand on the complainant's; shoulder in a threatening manner, was also dismissed. The charges were based on informations laid: by Mr, Reid, who said the Henry) vehicle forced his car off the road. The assault charge was based on alleged actions of Thompson in the discussion that followed the mishap. Thompsonhad been a passenger in the Henry truck. Mr.: Reid told the court the truck had been zig-zagging as it approached, him, and that when 1.5 or 20 feet from him it cut sharply in his direction, forcing his car into tate ditch to avoid a collision, (Intended for last week) Named Pollee Chief John A. Cowan, has been ap- pointed police chief for the vil- lage of Grand Bend, hisduties to begin May 1. Mr. sand Mrs. Cowan plan to take up residence there as soon as siutahle quarters can be found. Unearths Arrowhead While working' in the fields, Kenneth McDonald of the Hul- lett boundary unearthed an In- dian arrowhead in a very good WOOL Deliver your clip this year to H. M. Jackson in Seaforlth. Whenever possible we will grade your clip while you are at the Warehouse, and you can see for yourself how your wool is graded, and at the same time save all the bother of shipping to a dis- tant Warehouse. You will find our prices right. H.M. Jackson Government Grading Station No. 29 SEAFORTH 19-25-b NOTICE RE CORN BORER All corn growers in South Huron are notified to have all corn refuse destroyed be- fore June 1st, 1948. All garden plots and corn along fence bottoms or headlands must be cleaned up and de- stroyed'as these are prolific breeding grounds for the Corn Borer moth. I will make a thorough inspection of the whole of South Huron. ELMER PICKERING, Corn Borer Inspector 19-20-p NOTICE i Having been appointed T. Corn Borer Inspector for the ,t; north part of Huron County; I urgently request all grow- ers of cern, to have all re- use of corn either burned or buried before the 20th clay of May. Penalties are provided for the non Com- pliance with the Plant 'pis-, ease Act. THOMAS DOUGHERTY, Corn ,Borer Inspector 1.8.19-p ea THS of tH H MT �eeeeteee{.asettexerea teaH a state of 1preservation. Business Change Carl I€eidaToro oto has :.bought' the billiard -parlor on ::Queen ,St. - fibril Kenneth Scott and is now in .possession. • tMission Band Meets The Mission Band o"ivLo ng Service held itsannual spring thankoffering meeting in the school room of the United Church, when Mrs. Charles John- ston and Mrs, B. Walsh, The lead- ers, presided over a pleasing pro- gram. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bruce, Goderich, have taken up residence in the cottage owned by George McGowan and lately occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook. Mrs, Wellington McNall and Donald visited with Wellington' McNeil, who is a patient in West - minter' Hospital, London. Mi..' and Mrs: A. Taylor were with Rev: and Mrs. 'Kenneth Mit, ehell;' Goodalls,' Mich Provincial Police 'Officer Scott Fairservice, Ingersoll, : was with Mr. and Mrs. John Fairservice. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Oatley, Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks, Paul Watson, OAC., Guelph, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Watson. TO CALL MINISTER LUCAN—The official boards of Lucan and Clandeboye United Churches met in Lucan to arrange for the calling of a minister to fill the vacancy caused by the acceptance by Rev. A. F. Gardner, of a call to Drayton, effective June 30. ConcentrateHogonitry Quality Feeds c� They Pay Laying Mash Dairy Supplement Chicks Chicks Chicks Start thetas right -- grow therm right and they will do right by you in the Laying Pens. That is if you feed the right feeds Balanced for Production and Health START THE QUALITY WAY AND BE ANOTHF,R SATISFIED CUSTOMER, ( With grain at the prices you cannot afford to waste, be sure you get the right feeds for your pigs. Male Every Pound Count. QUALITY MIXED FEEDS Corn is one of the most profitable crops grown today. Plant a few acres for husking. We have Corn for ensilage that will give you Extra Tonnage. Also corn .that will develop and ripen in this section. Corn 'that has proven to be the best, GRAIN—Whole or Ground MIXED FEEDS — SEEDS & FERTUJZERS Samuel Riddick i3 Sons PHONE 114 i CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN DAILY If closed contact Mr. J. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH etele:: 7»`tt: ag Certified Foundation it KATAHDIN Seed Potatoes Available at Poultr3r Plant PRICE: $4.30 per 100 -Ib. bag Canada Packers Limited PHONE 580 CLINTON .14,0:0,4,00+,44,07044.+00 044-4444 1T40-0441..1, Come in and see these Tools demonstrated ' := McAlpine and Daw Jervis Chick Hatchery Clinton, Ontario International - harvester Service o .:peeeese,, +rote:' +:ea.asageI et asaas !rt+e!4t4!+`,etease tederw~ etM seetes.:s,1eeseetee, eseee,eee + erM4 is use asM"r.esat; CLINTON. ONT.-<PHONE 388.1„,