HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-29, Page 7'IRSDAY, APRJ�L 29, 1948 'GODERICH—The tax rate ar- the rate was 42 • mills, ,prior to eived at 'by the town council for this from 1941-46 the rate was 1948 will • be 47 mills. In 1946.471 35 mills. It will raise $126,537. Hog Conceattrate They Pa y QualityFeeds� They 'Pay sunienient Chicks Chicks Chicks Start them right — grow them right and they will do right by you in the Laying Pens. That is if you feed the right feeds Balanced for Production and Health START THE QUALITY WAY AND BE ANOTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER. With grain at the prices you cannot afford to waste, be sure,you get the right feeds for your pigs. Make Every Pound Count. QUALITY MLXED FEEDS Corn is one of the most profitable crops grown today. Plant a few acres for husking. We have Corn for ensilage that wili give you Extra Tonnage. Also corn that will develop and ripen in this section. Corn that has proven to be the best. GRAIN—Whole or Ground MIXED FEEDS —, SLEDS & FERTILIZERS Samuel Riddick 8 Sons PHONE 114 KIPPEN Kippeit East W.I. The,:annual meeting 'of'. Kippen, East Women a Institute ;Was held, at the home of Mrs. Ross Broa'd foot, yhen the co hostess was ,Mrs. J. McLellan, Mrs.: William Kyle pres}ded. Mrs, W. H. Mc-' Lean reviewed the 'novel, "Fresh' Wirids Blowing"; and a 'duet Was sung by Margaret Jean Broadfoot and Nelson McClinchey. The motto, "Friends and promises made should be kept," was pre— Holstein cow, 7 yrs, old, due time sented by Mrs. James McNaugh- of sale; Guernsey heifer, 3 yrs. ton. Reports of standing commit- old, due April 28; Holstein 'X tees were read. On motion of Guernsey heifer, 2 yrs. old, re- 14Irs. J. Sinclair and Miss Gracecently freshened; Holstein X Tremeer, $25 was sent to the Can- Guernsey heifer, 3 yrs. old, re- adian Cancer Society, and on mo- Gently freshened; Guernsey : X i tion of Mrs. R. ' Broadfoot and Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs. old, recently Miss M. McKay, $25 was granted freshened; Guernsey X Ayrshire to the Appeal for Children. cow, 7 yrs. old, recently freshen- ed; Holstein cow,'7 yrs. old, re- cently freshened; Ayrshire cow, 10 yrs. old, recently freshened; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs. old, recently freshened; Guernsey cow, 8 yrs. old, recently freshened; Guernsey cow, 5 yrs. old, recently freshen- ed; Guernsey heifer, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; 2 Guernsey heifers, 2 yrs. old, recently fresh. (All the above cows and heifers which have freshened have done so within the last month. 4 Holstein X Guernsey heifers, 1 and 2 yr. old; Guernsey heifer, 1 yr. old; Hereford bull (register- ed, 1 yr. old; 4 heifer calves; 1 bull calf. IMPLEMENTS — International F. 14 Farmall tractor (in A-1 condition ; M.H. 2 -furrow tractor plow; 3 -section spring tooth har- rows; M.H. binder, 7 ft, cut; M.H. mower, 6 ft. cut; M.H.. manure spreader (nearly new); Cockshutt 15 disc .drill; Oliver 2 -row scuf- fler; Maxwell hay loader; Renfrew cream separator, 750 lb. capacity (nearly new); Holland electric brooder; rubber tire wagon (600x 16 tires); gravel, box and flat rack; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack (600x16 tires); farm wagon; set of sloop sleighs (nearly new); 10 ft, hay rake; 3 -section harrows; 12 -plate in -throw disc; walking 57th plow; gang plow; single scuffler; circular saw and frame; hay ear and fork; sling chain and sling • ropes; 150 ft. of hay rope; Colony house; pulleys, .,forks, shovels, logging chains, milk pails and numerous other articles. HARNESS — Set of breeching harness; horse collars. FARIVI--At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, (if not- sold previous to sale date), the farm consisting of 180 acres of good clay loam, with 25 acres of bush; on the farm is situated a • bank barn 36'x78'; cement silo; 11 storey frame house, with full basement and furnace. The farm is equipped with hydro and a water pressure system in house and barn. TERMS—On Chattels, cash; on farm, 10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. HURON MURCH. Proprietor. EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 18-b CLINTONNEWS-RECORD CLE4R1NG • CLEARING AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of FABM,• FARM STOCK' and, IMPLEMENTS at.Lot No. 22, Concession 17, God- erieh TownahiP, on the Rase Line, 2 miles; north of . Clint'on on FIURAY,_ MAX 7, • at 12.30 p.m. (DST) the following: HORSES—Bay mare, 6 yrs, old; brown mare, aged; grey mare, 10 yrs. old. CATTLE—Holstein cow, '4 yrs. old, due time ,of sale; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, due time of sale' Mrs. R. Elgie condutced the el- ection of officers and the follow- ing will form the 1948-49 slate: president, Mrs. William Kyle (re- elected); vice-presidents, Mrs, John Sinclair (re-elected); Miss Grace Tremeer, Mrs. E. White- house; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. J. McLellan; assistant, Mrs. R. Chap- man; . district director, Mrs. T. Kay; branch directors, Mrs. Kay, Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Mrs. Cole; agriculture and Canadian indust- ries, Mrs. W. H. McLean, Mrs., A. Varley; citizenship, Mrs. Hugh McGregor. Mrs. E. Jarrott; health and social welfare, Mrs. W. Doig; assistant, Mrs. R. Love; home economies, Mrs. J. McLean, Vas. R. Upshall; historical research, Miss M. McKay, Mrs. A. McGreg- or; publicity, Mrs. A. Finlayson, Mrs. W. Broadfoot; Sunshine com- mittee, Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. A. McGregor; pianist, . Mrs. R. Broadfoot; auditors, Mrs. J. Mc- Naughton, Mrs. T. Kay. Members exchanged slips and plants at the meeting. Refresh- ments were served. Mrs. W.—Doig was lunch convener. DASHWOOD—Louis Eller, be- loved husband of Colette Foster, died at his late residence here on Monday, April 26, in his year, THE (1180 CANADIAN TRAINS Across the Dominion, even as you read 'this, thousands of travellers are speeding to their destinations on board trains of the Canadian )National. Famous trains, such as The Continental Limited and The Ocean Limited, are spanning the distances from the Pacific and the Prairie Provinces to Eastern Canada+and' the .Atlantic. The International Limited, The Inter -City Limited, The Washingtonian and The Montrealer, are typifying Canadian National's amportance.as an International carrier. Dependable "locals" .are, performing the undramatic but essential job of serving the "in between" points, and providing branch line connections with the fast Express trains. These are the trains, covering more than two million miles each month, that make up the Railway "Blue, Book" of Canada — The System Time Tables of the C.N.R. The "Blue Book" is your "passport" to everywhere in Canada, or across the Bordet be your journey .for .business or pleasure, for an hour, a day, overnight or longer. COURTESY AND SERVICE Whether at home — or "going places" — in all your, contacts with Canadian National, you tail, experience courtesy and service. RAILWAYS + •A.I3LINES • S.TEAMSIiIPS • HOTELS • EXPRESS • TELEGRAPHS Xeieiseeleatieteeseteseetattessataleleageatat 44222, 't' X NOTICE Having been appointed Corn Borer Inspector for the 'F north part of Huron County, I urgently request all grow- ers of corn, to have all re- ' fuse of corn either burned ._ or buried before the 20th it day of May. Penalties are ;_ provided for the non com- pliance with the Plant DU- : ease Act. _ THOMAS DOUGHERTY, Corn Borer Inspector 3 18-19-p ;i tHTHNNTseetea+Wea 1;� �tiNHHH� iteda ,+. PAGE SEVEN of FARM STOCK, MACHINERY' and, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Lot 45, Concession 2, Tuck- eramith, one mile east of Clinton Radio Station, on MONDAY, MAY 3, at 1 p.m. HORSES -1 team general pur- pose, 5 and 6 yrs. old, weighing 1;400 lbs., well snatched. CATTLE—Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh in January; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, freshened in Ap- ril; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due in September; calf, 6 months old; 2 • small calves. PIGS -1 sow with litter; 1 sow bred March 15; 1 sow bred March 19. POULTRY -76 Hybrid hens, GRAIN — 200 bus. oats; feed beans; 30 bus. wheat; quantity of Aran and 'shorts. MACHINERY—Renfrew cream separator; milk pails; set of sleighs; rubber tire top buggy; cutter; scuffler; stone boat; pig crate; 2 barrels; sap pans; 60 buc- kets and stifles; sugar kettle; Buf- falo robe; 5 cord wood; quantity 1" lumber, 2 in. plank and cedar rails; forks, shovels;• etc.; range shelter, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Large size Duo Therm oil burner, used one season; Princess Pat range, large fire box for coal or wood; 3 burner Coleman gas stove and oven; 8 -piece dining room suite; bedroom suite; congoleum rug, 9x12, new; congoleans rug, 9x15; rocking chair; drop -side couch with mattress; wardrobe; churn; new mattress; gas iron; gas lamp; gas lantern; 2 large cellar tables; wash machine; lawn mower; fire extinguisher; sealers, crocks, etc, TERMS -CASH ALBERT PEPPER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 17-18-h CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at Lot No. 27, Concession 4, Stanley Township, 5 miles south west of Clinton on FRIDAY, APRIL 30 at 1.30 p.m. sharp, the following:' HORSES—Bay gelding, 6 yrs. old; grey gelding, 8 yrs. old; black mare, 10 yrs. old. CATTLE—Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, 9 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Hereford cow, 10 yrs. old, (farrow); Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old; Durham heifer, 11 yrs. old; 2 Durham steers, Ilk yrs. old;. 2 calves, 6_months old, IMPLEMENTS — M.H. 15 -hoe drill; farm wagon and flat rack; gravel box; sleigh and rack; 2 -row scuffler and bean puller; 10 ft. hay rake; 12" grain roller; 6" grain grinder; No. 50 Bell cutting box; 2 -furrow plow; walking plow; 1,000 lb. scales; 3 H.P. gas- oline engine; 32 ft. of 6" belt; turnip drill; top buggy; cutter; democrat; se,t of double harness; collars; DeLaval No, 10 cream separator; quantity of lumber; 250 gal. wooden tank; .forks; shovels; logging chains, and num- erous other articles. TERMS—CASH FENWICR STEWART, Proprietor EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 17-18-b RED SIIIELD DRIVE SEAFORTH — James M. Scott has been named chairman for the annual Red Shield Campaign in this district. E. C. Chamberlain was named campaign treasurer. The appeal in Seaforth com- mences on May 3. The objective tor the distirct is $1,600. Listen to the ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN s. featuring WALLY FORD every Tuesday morning CRNX - Wingham - 7.30 a.m, ;«wi , ale, s?+.s 4.+4el«tst atIttl lea a.+Gett «taus! aietetM»i isEedeatl4*;ki ` Ford Tractor Owners! We have just received a Large Shipment of SPRING -TOOTH CULTIVATORS THE McMAHON 4 -PURPOSE DISC is a most amazing implement. CALL IN AND SEE IT AT Daly Motors SEAFORTH Ford and Monarch Dealer 3£ 44+:4 4«$ 44* 4..14144. 4.1 4/41+14.6414.`.•+i: t.W .V.V4 i>,? WORK MORE` ACRES PER GALLON PER HOUR Goodyear O -P -E -N- C -E -N -T -E -R Sure -Grip Tractor Tires insine maximum grip and pull, allowing you to do more work per hour with your tractor. See us todayl McAlpine and Daw CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 338J International - Harvester Service Attention! Parents and Children! The Agricultural Committee of Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring 'a SCHOOL FAIR in connection with an Achievement Day to be held in Clinton Lions Arena on a date to be set in the AUTUMN OF 1948 PleaSe prepare for this Fair by getting your garden Stuff and pets, arts and Drafts, ready for a big day in the fall. 'SEEDS WILL BE PARTLY PAID FOR For Further Information, contact: J. H. BRUNSDON, chairman, Phone 15. LEROY G. BROWN, Agricultural Representative for Huron County, Phone 47. 1.7 -18 -b -20-21-b CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN DAILY If closed contact Mr. J. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH BEAVER POWER TOOLS 1 We have a Complete Line of Consisting of: CIRCULAR SAW JIG SAW BAND SAW 6" PLANER and JOINTER and MOTORS Get Your Paint Requirements NOW as we have a complete stock of CANADA PAINT — LUXOR ENAMELS FLOOR PAINTS and VARNISHES also KEM-TONE, the miracle wall finish. The Jervis Chick Hatchery CLINTON PHONE 194 Shur -Gain Golf and Bowling Green Special (Turf Special) Analysis 10-6-4 This fertilizer is designed especially to keep turf in a slowly growing, dense, healthy condition at all times. 10-6-4 is 50% orgaAnic 'and 50% dhemvical fertilizer, especially formulated for use in turf and lawn inanaigemennt. Under average conditions, lawns should re- ceive two applications of complete fertilizer each year. One in ,the spring and one in fall. Use 8 to 10 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. This fertilizer should be spread evenly. Care must be taken to avoid overlapping, leaving unfer- tilized strips or spilling of extra quantities at starting or fi siding points. Grass should be dry at time of application and the fertilizer thoroughly ;watered in immediately afterwards to avoid burning the foliage. ,SHUR-GAIN Golf and Bowling Green Special costs $3,75 per hundred -lb. bag Canada Packers Limited i; e PHONE 580 - i>i!'Ir4.93a. +i 444431 +544.744-4:4:44-4: 4.141«F4141.1r'r?:+a+i+14 '