HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-29, Page 5CHRIST IS RISEN ! ! He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives to -day! He walks with me and talks with me' along life's narrow way. He lives, he lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? HE LIVES WITHIN MY HEART. DOES IHE LIVE WITHIN YOTJR HEART? "Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise: cast out," John 6:37 "31WRSD AY, eAP EIL '29, 1948 CLINTONNEWS RECORD gesarssaismissageowasse News -Record Classified Adlets ErinQuick Resuft g PAGE. FIVP CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- 'siesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- -aertion (minimum 35 cents); .sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for d ree- lion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF , CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m. Wednesday. ..ARTICLES WANTED SECOND HAND T R I C Y CL E. 'Phone 216. 18-p e CURLING STONES WANTED at once. State condition and price. "Write Carlof, 537 Besserer St., 'Ottawa; Ont. 18-21-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE `ONE CABIN TRAILER, modern, 'equipped with ice box. Apply to Jack Bowes, care of William Bowes, Blyth. 18-19-1) 1930 MODEL "A" FORD ROAD- •ster, four tires and motor in good running condition, Apply Ross T3oggart, Clinton. 18-p CLOTHING FOR SALE GIRL'S YELLOW SPRING Coat and Hat, size 1 to 2, in good con- Aition; also one beige pram and one go-cart. Phone 174R. FARM EQUIPMENT RUBBER TIRED WAGON WITH • rack, $55; tractor disc, $60; wagon wheels cut down, rims supplied. $5 cash, free pick-up; machinery and wagons bought, W. B. 'Thompson, two and a half miles .west of Clinton on No. 8 High-. way. 18-21-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE RASPBERRY CANES and Straw- berry plants. Apply to James S. 'Barry, Sea£orth, Ontario, phone -668r15. 18-p FURNITURE FOR SALE 'THREE-PIECE BED CHESTER - field Suite in wine and green, full size, thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned; Occasional chair in "blue tapestry. Jack's Upholster- :ing, phone 62. 18-b MISCELLANEous FOR GENERAL TRUCKING with reasonable rates, phone 394J. 15-18-p SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices • If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder ich. 11-btfb. PASTURE FOR RENT CAN TAKE A FEW More Young Cattle to pasture. Byron Waldron, phone Clinton 629r11. 18-19-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes, Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2btr. ROOMS TO LET FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, heated, private bath, possession May 1. Phone 6, Blyth, for fur- ther particulars. 18-19-b TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with use of kitchen. Opposite Clinton Grill. Phone 461. 18-20-b SEED FOR SALE EXCELLENT QUALITY WHITE Beans for seed. Early Robust variety, good yielders. $6 per bushel. Robert W. Cole, phone 906r24, Clinton. , 16-20-p STORE'EOUIPMENT FOR SALE , , ONE GLASS SHOW CASE, $50, 13 feet long, . 21 feet wide, 31/2 feet high; one wrapping counter, $35, with shelf approximately 9 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 31/4 feet high; one paper cutter, 24", $2; wine holder, 50e. The Tot Shop, Ontario St., Clinton. 18-19-b VACANT LAND FOR SALE RANGE, ENAMEL WITH WHITE 'trim, having warming closet and reservoir. Apply Box "N" NEWS- , RECORD. 18-p HELP WANTED, FEMALE **ANTED— GIRL CLERK AND Waitress, Apply to Bartliff Bros HOUSES FOR SALE . :IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating .system, insulated, newly decorat- ed; garage. Apply to H, C. Law- son, Real Estate, Broker, phone '251W, Clinton, 8tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE :HEREFORD BULL, 13 MONTHS old, weighing about 800 pounds, price $125. T. R, Jenkins, phone 'Clinton 910r23. 18-19-p `DURHAM CALF; EIGHT GOOD "York pigs, ready to wean; young York sow, half gone. George 'Colclough, phone Clinton 805r31. LOST AND FOUND LOST — PARKER' FOUNTAIN -Pen in main business section about noon on Friday, April 9, Please leave at NEWS -RECORD and receive reward. 16-17-x POUND — TRUCK TARPAULIN. found on No. 4 Highway in front of farm of undersigned on Thins - .e day, April 15. Owner may claim same by contacting Walter Lay - "ion, phone Clinton 629r22, and paying for this advertisement. BUILDING LOT WITH FRONT - age of 125 feet and depth of 175 feet, suitable for one or more h,v''es. Would sell all or part. Phone Mrs. Irene Henri, Clinton 223.- 17-18-h LIBRARY DISCUSSION A panel discussion is being broadcast over CKNX Friday, April 30, at 8,30 p.m. on the Library School, which has been held in Clinton for the past month, and the position of the Library in the community. Those taking part, include M. A. Gar- land, director of Community Pro- grammes; Miss Alberta Letts, lecturer in Library Science at the school; Miss. Evelyn Hall, librar- ian of Clinton Public Library; Mrs. Scott, librarian at Brussels; Mrs. Smith, Bluevale Library; and Ralph Gates, Centralia library, o---- 25 YEARS MARRIED DUBLIN—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle were guests of honor at a dinner at their home on a recent night on the occasion of their 25th wedding annipersary. They for- merly farmed in Logan Township until they moved to Dublin two years ago. 'CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Ed- ward J. Welsh express their most sincere thanks .to all relatives, friends and neighbours, for their many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereavement; grateful appreciation also to those whose thougthfulness during her long illness brightened her days. 18-p FOOTWEAR FOR THE FAMILY Have you yisited our Shoe Department? If not, you are missing something. Our policy is to sell the shoes that give the utmost in comfort and wear, at a price that will satisfy even the most budget -conscious buyers, MENS AND BOYS Black or Brown OXFORDS, heavy duty work boots, crepe soles and loafers. LADIES Black Arch -support Oxfords, crepe soles and Black or Brown Oxfords, suitable for every -day wear. Boys Sturdy Black or Brown Oxfords, built to ^ take even the hardest of wear. Running Shoes and Canvas Footwear for the entire family. • Looking for a Suit? Well look no further, drop in to -day and see our showing of worsteds, serges, and tweeds in all the latest styles and shades. • Priced right for Irian or boy. WORK CLOTHING DON'T FAIL to see us first' for work pants, overalls, shirts, socks, caps and rubber boots and shoes. We carry most of the branded ,lines, you can be sure of the best. Pickett L Cs,,,r.pbel ARROW, TOOKE and BVD SHIRTS Phone 25 - - - - - Clinton. Y41 tF TI �H. �Hf .'j«�. !N .FH 1 FisfHn iF�i A �F,,rH �H�FFtH H«� � 4 T«GOF+rF14 COMPLETE STOCK �.. 'GO'H 'ODRICaof cid DOMINION T -I -R -,E -S Der Car, Truck and Tractor Hudson and Willis Sales and Service . Open Sunda l' y� May 2 ,3nc1 Every Night Next Week MURPHY BROS, GARAGE :1,4474:1:7!,: uron Vit. PHONE 465 Cli iiGnn nt ti BIRTHS CARLILE—In Hensall, on Mon- day, April 26, 1948, to Mr. • and Mrs, Walker Carlile (a son),, COOKE — In Stratford General Hospital, on Sunday, April 13, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Cooke, Stratford, formerly of Clinton, a son, (Kenneth Rolfe) ELLIOTT•—In Clinton Public Hos.. pital, on Wednesday, April 28, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Clinton, a daughter. GOULD—Mr. and Mrs. John. Gould, (nee Dorothy Innes), 'Toronto, wish to announce the birth of a son, on Tuesday,;Ap- ril 27, 1948, at Western Hos- pital. Mother and son well. HEARD—In Alexandra Marine ' and General hospital, Goderieh, on Saturday, April 17, 1948, to Sgt. and Mrs, J. F, Heard, a son, (David John Franklin), TURNER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 25, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs; Grant Turner, Bayfield, a daughter, (Barbara Ellen). MARRIAGES o- BELL -SHAW At the home of her mother, Mrs. F. Sliaw, Turnerville, by Rev, K. M. Wood, Grand Bend, Frances Eileen Shaw, to John A. Bell, Wallaceburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell„Hensall. DEATHS ACKERSVILLER - On Thursday, April 29, 1948, following several weeks' illness, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Rath - well, Goderich Township, Har- riet Warriner, beloved wife of the late Henry Ackersviller, in her 101st year. Resting at the Beattie Funeral Home, Ratten- bury St. E„ till noon on Friday when the body will be taken to the home of her son, H, W. Ackersviller, lot 1, concession 5, Ellice Township, where service will be held on Saturday, May 1, at 2.30 p.m. (DST.) to Avon- dale Cemetery, Stratford. EDMESTON—In Sardis, B.C., at the home of her son, J. A. Ed- meston, on Sunday, April 18, 1948, Mrs. John H. Edmeston, widow of the late John H. Ed- meston, Maple Creek, Sask., formerly of Hullett Township, in her 84th year. Funeral and interment at Maple Creek. STURDY— zn London, on Mon- day, April 26, 1948, after a short illness, Ellen Martha Sturdy, Widow of George Sturdy, Goderich Township, in her 86th year. Funeral from Brophey Funearl Home, God- erieh, to Maitland Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, April 28. Goderich Township Federation of National Film Board showings will be in Hohnesville School, May 6, ,at 2.30 for school children and the same evening in Sumner_ hill School. NOTICE s 24 4 s As ,arranged by the * Town Clerk and the +_ ' Property Committee of s :1Town Gonna, the Coun- z if ell Chamber, Town Hall, t will be in use every Thursday evening, from +_ s eilgh•'t o'clock on, conn if - mencilvg Thursday, May 3+ zt.• =1 6, and ,continuing until June 10. • (Signed) M. T. Corless, Town Clerk and Treasurer, TOWN OF CLINTON 18-19-b ;tst 44. i= SEE WHAT YOE BUY!.. Visit our Nursery aid Fssli pick out your own ' plants . drive to London this week -end. and pay us a visit while you're here. Open Everyday • and Evenings SaSS sees see BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Man ieure Hager Waves Permanents ETH 'L THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Poi' Every Occasion .F,LQI?IST P3,nnoa: 66w and 66j HURON LIBERALS NOMINATE FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. (continued from page one) erich; GORDON 1VICGAVIN- by Matt Murray and William Alex- ander, McKillop. Benson W, Tuckey,. who was the candidate in the February 1.6 by-election, moved that the nom- ination be made unanimous, sec- onded by Roy Ratz. Mr. Tuckey thanked the gath- ering for the wonderful support given him in the by-election, and said there was a mighty good chance to win this election on June 7. He was very happy to see so many present, He had found Farquhar Oliver, Ontario Liberal Leader, a very fine man for whom they would never need to make apologies. He urged better organization than before and "to push a little harder.” defies Drew Mr. Fingland, in an acceptance speech lasting 12 minutes, said he felt very highly honoured to be the standard-bearer in this elec- tion. "I am satisfied that with your help and cooperation, we can win," he declared, "Mr. Drew has called the first shot," Mr. Fingland continued. "He says' that the big issue is the changeover from 25 to 60 cycle. But how could that be when all parties agreed in the House and everyone' voted yes when it came up. How can it be an issue? .It is not an issue and cant be an issue despite what Me Drew says." Mr. Fingland declared that back in 1943, Mr. Drew said he would take hydro out of pplitics, but the way he has done it is to try and fold it into the Tory Party. He appointed Mr' Saund- ers, "the Tory Mayor of Tory To: - mato,' as chairman of the On- tario Hydro Electric Power Com- mission. The speaker, as Minister of Education, had set up a commis- sion to inquire into education in the Province, "I'11 defy Mr. Drew before the seventh of June, to pro- duce the contents of that report?" Mr. Fingland challenged. "He is afraid to do it." The candidate stated that Mr. Drew doesn't do very well in oth- er matters. Mr. Fingland said ROXY THEATRE CLINTON. Now" Playing April 29, LIONS' FROLIC: 'The, Late George Apley' (April 30 -May 1) "NORTHWEST OUTPOST" Mon., Tues., Wed. (May 3-5) "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" A Technicolor tunefilm telling the story of Chauncey Olcott whose Irish lilt could charm the stars right out, of the sky — Dennis Morgan, Arlene Dahl and Andrea King Thur., Fri., Sat. (May 6-8) Lucille Ball, Franehot Tone and Edward Everett Horton — You can't afford to miss this howling parody on advertising business. "HER HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS"• Coming: (May 10-12) June Haver in "I WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERIC H Now Playing; Claudette Colbert in "IMITATION OF . LIFE" Mon., Tues., Wed.— "MY WILD IRISH ROSE"• Warner Brothers' magnificent jubilee of joy with 16, songs and. color by Technicolor. Starring Dennis Morgan, Arlene Dahl and Andrea King Thur, Fri., Sat.-- "DRIFTWOO-D" Tears and laughter, excitement and adventure, in a truly human and jheart-warming story. Natalie Wood, .Walter Ptrennan and Ruth Warrick Coming: "THE KISS OF DEATH" Adult 'Entertainment Matinees—Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—Bing Crosby in "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN Mon., Tues., Wed, -1 Cyd Charisge, Margaret O'Brien and Karen Booth — Produced in glorious Technicolor. A picture you will remember for its per- fection in entertainment value, "e"THE UNFINISHED DANCE" Thur., Fri., Sat.—Two Features Betty • Grable, Dick Haynes and Ann Revere—An eye -filling Tech- nicolor dance and music show with music by Gershwin 'The SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM' As an added attraction you will enjoy the scenic backgrounds and natural action of "KING OF THE WILD HORSES" Coming In Technicolor, Mat., Wed., Sat., holidays, 2.30 "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" that he himself had served 17 years on the Schpol Board of Clin- ton, and was now chairman of the High School District Board. He declared that the Board re- ceived substantial grants, from the department but no information as to how they were based nor any- thing for the estimates."We were forced to make just a wild guess," he said. Mr. Fingland asked how was it that there had been no bailiff in the Division Court in Clinton for almost a year. The appoint- ment would likely be made be- fore the election. The speaker concluded his ad- dress by mentioning the Liberal platform on old age pensions, in- dustrial accidents, and cooperation with the Dominion Government. Drew's policy is to snipe at the Federal Government and get no- where," he declared. "I say the way to progress is through co- operation. Farquhar Oliver says he will work hand in hand with Mn King." Other speakers included Hugh Hill, Liberal candidate in Huron - Bruce, who predicted victory ian that riding; and C. J. F. Ross, London, a member of the execu- tive of the Western Ontario Lib- eral Association, who spoke "at some length on the various cam- paign issues. Electric Motors Quarter, Third, Half, Three -Quarter and 1-H.P. in stock C. H. EPPS PHONE 264 CLINTON 10-12-14-16-tfb FREE Open to the Public CARLING'S Sound Pictures on "CONSERVATION OF WILD LIFE" at 8 p.m. Guest Speaker; Major Ketcheson Sponsored by Huron Fish and Game Club Clinton Town Hall Friday, May 7 8-h 1.,.w:allooa.tW.......w.11, Zi R Weekend Specials Butternut Layer Cakes Jelly Rolls "With that new and different flavour!" Dixon's Pastry Shop Patteenbury St. E. — Phone 281W — Clinton 1'• Saturday t Morning Ear' 0 F DRESSES - - . SHITS and COATS (Limited Numbers) at 10 and 20% off &dui ive ,eotteli Skop MISS W. O'NEIL, in charge Four Dutch Families Arrive in County Four families arrived in God- erich Tuesday afteroon last from Holland.. They were met at the CNR station by Ross Pennington, of the National Employment of- fice, and by farmers of Huron to whose farms they were allotted. The station platform looked like a bit of Holland as the eight adults and 17 children assembled with their luggage. The immi- grants came from farm areas in their homeland. The women and children could speak no English, but one or two of the men could be understood. Mr. and Mrs. W. Deweerd and seven children were assigned to the farm of Delbert Geiger, R.R, 2, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Klaevr and three children to the J. L. Eedy farm near Dungannon; Mr, and Mrs. Beemer and five child- ren to W. Ratz, Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. .I. Bourma and two children to M. K. Johnson, R.R. 2, Auburn. OPEN SUNDAY, MAY 2 and Every Night Next Week Goodrich Tires and Milernaster Batteries CAR WASHING — — LUBRICATIONS Our Specialties 1 Cities Service Station Charles Shanahan, Lessee KING ST. PHONE 342 CLINTON BINGO COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 1 AUSPICES CLINTON LIONS CLUB PROCEEDS FOR HOSPITAL NURSERY Through courtesy Clinton Branch, Canadian Legion 18-b DANCE T'' TOWN HALL - CLINTON Wednesday, May 5 DANCING 9.30 -- 1 CLINTON RADIO SCHOOL BAND Auspices: Odd Fellows Lodge PROCEEDS: CANCER, POLIO and T.B. FUND ADMISSION: 50c HAVE YOU I -IAD A HEATING PROBLEM THIS WINTER? See us about A New Furnace ---and Get Results Furnaces will be scarce again this year. ORDER EARLY Persons using OIL BURNERS should 'have them Cleaned and Checked, We are experts at this. (LEAVE' YOUR ORDER HERE HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470 HAVE YOUR SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Harold East Phone Clinton 800r6 R.R. 4, Clinton 11-tfb