HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-22, Page 5THURSDAY APRIL 22, 1948 News -Record Classified Adieus Bring nick Results CLINTON NEWS-1tECORD PAGE FIVE,'. 'CASH RATE -(If paid by Wed.- ,mesday fallowing date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first 'in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents -ex- tra for box number or for three - :ton to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m. Wednesday. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1932 BUICK SEDAN; also bicycle. Phone Clinton 901r24. 17-p 1933.PONTIAC SEDAN. - Apply .Box "V" NEWS -RECORD.. 17-p 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE, good condition, cheap for cash. Apply Gordon Westlake, R.R. 3, Bayfield, phone Hensall 99r21, 16-17-p 1934 STUDEBAKER COUPE, good running order, good tires. Apply ' Graham Tngles,• Supertest Garage; West St., Goderich. 17-p 1930 PLYMOUTH COUPE, ex- ceptionally good condition. Also 500 lb. capacity DeLaval cream separator. Lloyd Seotehmer, Bay- field, phone Clinton 624r33. 17-b BICYCLES FOR SALE BICYCLE AND TEAM 'Harness, at cost, hand made. John. S, Snider, Albert St., Clinton and -Brucefield, 174) CLOTHING FOR SALE GIRL'S RED FLANNEL SUIT, • size 12, in good condition. Phone 156W. 17-p GIRL'S YELLOW SPRING Coat and Hat, size 1 to 2, in good con- dition; also one beige pram and one go-cart. Phone 17411. 17-18-p • FARM EQUIPMENT COLONY HOUSE, new last year, size 14 by 12 feet, excellent con- dition. Price reasonable, F. W. Andrews, phone Clinton 33. 16-17-p "TWO HORSE POWER BRIGGS .and Stratton Gasoline engine, air cooled, in excellent condition. 'Roy Bros., Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r6. 17-p -"RUBBER TIRED WAGON WITH rack, $75; heavy tractor disc, like FOR GENERAL TRUCKING with -new, $75; team disc; would take reasonable rates, phone 394J. wagon, machinery or light tractor 15-18-p in trade. W.. B. Thompson, two ,and a half miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 17-p FARMS FOR SALE LEVEL 100 ACRES, frame house, basement barn, shed, silo, drive= shed, -,Zurich three miles. Also 50 acres suitable to crop or past- ure. Both immediate possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 15-17-p HOUSES TO LET SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE WITH kitchen and bathroom, one mile south of Constance, about eight miles northeast of Clinton, on improved County road. Garage. garden and telephone. Ideal for young family. Apply Ephraim Clarke, phone Seaforth 845r14. 16-17-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIXTEEN LITTLE PIGS, FIVE weeks old. Phone Clinton 910r42. 17-p NINE PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Wesley McBride, R.R. 1, Varna, phone Hensall 87r21. 17-b YOUNG GELDING, Well Broken; also 1935 Ford in good condition, Apply Box "H" NEWS -RECORD, 16-17-b PAIR OF CLYDE HORSES, good condition for farm work, Located on lot 21, concession 6, Hullett, G. Brown. 16-17-p REG. HEREFORD BULL, Domino breed. Apply John K. Clark, phone Blyth 20r14, R.R. 1, Aub- urn. 15-16-17-p ONE CLYDE TEAM, MARE and Gelding, eight and nine year old. Apply Robert Clarke, Bayfield, phone Clinton 909r23. 17-p LOST AND FOUND LOST — PARKER FOUNTAIN, Pen in main 'business section about noon on Friday, April 9. Please leave at NEWS -RECORD and receive reward. 16-17-x FOUND—TRUCK TARPAULIN, found. on No. 4 Highway in front of fram of undersigned on Thurs- day, April 15. Owner may claim same by contacting Waiter Lay- ton, phone Clinton 629r22, and paying for this advertisement. 17-18-p MISCELLANEOUS "FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE SENATOR DUNLOP Strawberry -Plants. Apply William Steep, -P.O. Box 57, Clinton. 16-17-p COW MANURE FOR SALE. How would it be to pep up your gar - .den. Thomas Leppington, phone 587W. 17-9 FURNITURE FOR SALE :SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD, practically new; Record Player. 'Phone 617r22. 17-b GREEN UPHOLSTERED Loung- ing Chair with automan. Phone '617x13. 17-b SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder= ich. 11-btfb. PIANO TUNING PIANO• TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2btt: SEED FOR SALE RANGE, ENAMEL WITH WHITE "trim, having warming closet and reservoir. Apply Box ;'N" NEWS - RECORD. 17-p HELP WANTED, MALE `WANTED AT ONCE, MAN TO cut grass and look after garden. W. N. Counter, phone 230. 17-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE "WANTED — GIRL CLERK AND "Waitress. Apply to Bartliff 'Bros 1'7-b HOUSES FOR SALE , -BRUCEFIELD, RESIDENCE OF "Mrs. J. O'Brien, cottage, barn and 3/4 acre of land. Owner will be at residence, Tuesday, April 27 and Wednesday, April 28. 17-b IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorat- .ed; garage. Apply to H. C. Law- son, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Ciin'.wt. 8tib EIGHT -ROOM STUCCO HOUSE located at Porter's Hill between "The church and the school. Water pressure system with hot and cold running water, three-piece hath, hydro installed, stable, garage and hen house combined. 11/2 acres, some fruit trees and fruit shrubs. Six miles to Clinton, eight -miles to Goderich. Price $3,500• 'C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Brok- er, Box 96, Goderich, phone 18 -or 316. 15.17-b AJAX OATS WITH SOME No. 21 Barley mixed in. Irvine Tebbutt phone Clinton 902r6. 16-17-b EARLY WARBA, IRISH COB- bler, and Sebago potatoes for sale, Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3. 15-btfb SIX BUSHELS YELLOW BLOS- son Sweet Clover Seed, cleaned. Apply Robert Stirling, phone Clinton 906r41 17-b RED CLOVER SEED, 12 Bushels for sale, good seed. Apply Col- olough Bros., R. R. 2, Seaforth, lot'4, concession 7, Hullett; phone Seaforth 841r2. 16-17-p EXCELLENT QUALITY WHITE Beans for seed, Early Robust variety, good yielders. $6 per bushel. Robert W. Cole, phone 906r24, Clinton. 16-20-p TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE INVITED for the painting by brush on exterior of the Londesboro United Church. Specification—To supply and ap- ply three coats of paint and putty windows where necessary. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Tenders to be in by Ap- ril 30. Anply to Norman Alex- ander, Londesboro, Ont. 16-17-h VACANT LAND FOR SALE BUILDING LOT WITH FRONT - age of 125 feet: and depth of 1.75 feet, suitable for one or more houses. Would sell all or part: Phone Mrs. Irene Henri, Clinton 223. 17-18-h BINGO COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON at 8 p.m. Sate, April } 4 and Saturday'May 1 AUSPICES CLINTON LIONS CLUB PROCEEDS FOR HOSPITAL NURSERY These two .evelii'ngs through coalrte,sy Clinton Branch, Canadian Legion 17-18-h BADMINTON TOURNEY : ed by Saturday., April 24, Partici- Play is under way in Clinton pants are asked to cooperate eby 'Badminton Club's Championship contacting their partners and op-, 'Tournament:in a"£ull'i:ist•cif•events. ponents and arranging times for .First round nnathes,must be play- their matches. BIRTHS COPE - In Clinton Public Hos- pital,,on Friday, April 16, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cope, R.R, 2, Seaforth; a daughter, (Katharine Elizabeth). MARRIAGES JOHNSTON-MCDO.UGALL — At the, parsonage of James " St. United Church, Exeter, by Rev, 11. J. Snell, Islay Mae, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Dougall, Auburn, to Gordon Ernest Johntson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wileman Johnston, God- erick Township, KIPFER-JOLLY—In Pentecostal Tabernacle, Exeter, by Rev. H. T. Kendrick, on Saturday, Ap- ril 17, 1948, Jenny Margaret, only daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jolly, Exeter, to Cecil David Kiefer, younger son of Ezra Kip€er, Hensel( PEPPER-DALRYMPLE — At the United Church Manse, Bruce - field, on Saturday, April 10 1948, by Rev. E. R. Stanwav, Grace, daughter of Mr. W. H. Dalrymple, Brucefield, 'and the late Mrs. Dalrymple, to Ray - mon, son of Mr. John E. Pepper, Stanley Township, and•the late Mrs. Pepper. DEATHS CAMPS — In East General Hos- pital, Toronto, on Monday, Ap- ril 19, 1948, Viola Hutchings, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutchings, Goderich Township, wife of George Stan- ley Camps, 11 Linsmore Cres- cent, Toronto, in her 44th year. Funeral from ,Sherrin Funeral Home, Toronto, to St. Marg- aret's Cemetery, Westhill, Thursday, April 22. CONSTANTINE--At her home, 88 Elizabeth St. S., Brampton, on Wednesday, April 14, 1948, Clara (Cal) Chidley, daugther of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chid - ley, Clinton, beloved wife of J. A. Constantine, formerly of Clinton, and dear sister of Ag- nes and Elizabeth Chidley, Brampton, and George, Denver, Col. Funeral from her )'ate residence on Friday, April 16, to Brampton Cemetery. WELSH—At her home, William St., Clinton, on Thursday, April 22, 1948, after a long illness, Zeima Cecelia Victoria Holland, beloved wife of Edward J. Welsh, and dear mother of Donna, Mrs. Harold Tyndall, and Helen, :Mrs. Edgar Rath - well, in her 55th year. Resting at Ball Brothers Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, where fun- eral will. be held on Saturday, April 24 at 2,30 p.m. to Clinton Cemetery. APRIL ACTIVE IN ONTARIO ST. UNITED' CHURCH (Contributed) Sunday, April 4 was Communion Sunday in Ontario St, United Church, Clinton.- A reception ser- vice for new members was also held and 21 were received. Eight were received on confession of faith as follows: Mrs. George El- liott, Mrs. Douglas Rdiell, Betty Woolfrey, Richard A. Dean, Rob- ert Fines, Walter J. Forbes, Wil- liam Inkley and ,Orville Stanley. Thirteen who were received by letters of transfer were: Mrs. Douglas Ball, Mrs. Roy Connell, Roy Connell, Mrs. Elgin Dale, Mrs. Waiter J. Forbes, Mrs. Geo. German, William Lee, Mrs. Gord- on Milison, Mrs. Ray Potter, Mrs, Orville Stanley, Mrs. Keith Tyn- dall, Mrs. Lorne Tyndall and Knox Williams. A welcome by the. Session and the minister was given to the new members. The congregation also stood to give them a welcome. After the reception service a short service was held admitting the new member of Session, James Livermore, and setting him apart as an elder of the Church. Charles Stewart, a former elder in the Londesboro Church, was also ad- mitted as a member of Session. The minister, Rev. W. J. Woolf- rey, read the names of the districts of the church and the names of the members of Session who are assigned to the oversight of each district. S. S. "Anniversary On Sunday, April 18, the Sun- day School Anniversary was held, the auditorium of the Church was filled with the Sunday School taking the front middle pews. The superintendent of the School Charles Elliott, introduced by the minister, took charge of the order of worship and led in prayer. Shirley Proctor read the Scrip- ture. A dramatization, "Stand- ards of Worth," was presented by seven boys and girls led by Miss Lois Wiltse, a teacher. The prim- ary classes sang a c h o r u s, FLYNN—In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Tuesday, April 20, 1948, Annie Reynolds, widow el James Flynn, in her 83rd year. Funeral from Ball Brothers Funeral Home, High. St., Clin- ton, to . St. Joseph's Church for Requiem Mass, Thursday morn- ing, April 22, to Hullett Roman Catholic Cemetery. ROTH — In Brantford General Hospital, on Saturnay, April 17,-1948, Charles C, Roth, for- merly of Bayfield, in his 75th year. Funeral from Thorpe Brothers Funeral Home to Mount Hope Mausoleum, Brant- ford. 25 SAMPLE DRESSES SLIGHTLY SOILED Regular up to $22.95 Saturday Morning SPECIAL $4.95 exclusive Mels► cflzop Miss W. O'Neil in charge 17-b_ Men's Worsted Suits Finest English all -wool 1tviorsteds in plain or stripe patterns. These suits are tailored by some of Canada's lead- ing clothing houses, no expense being spared to make every garm- ent perfect. Faultless tailoring and impec- cable styling. Blues, Browns or Greys in stock now. 39.50 to 57,50 Made -to -measure Suits We have just received a new range of clothes in the 1Ecrea2lgly popular Tip Top line of made -to -measure suits. Come in to -day, pick your cloth and have a suit made to your in- dii'i'dual requirements. One price --42.50 Pickett & Ca ell Arrow -- Tooke and BVD Shirts Phone 25 - - - - - *Clinton Amonomminommaimw ROXY THEATRE .CLINTON_ Now Flaying (April 22-24) "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" In Technicolor Mon., Tues., Wed. (April 26-28)— Lana Turner. Van Heflin & Donna Reed --A glorious screen version of a popular novel which tells the tale of two sisters who desire the same man. "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" In Technicolor NOTE—Commences at 7 p.m. THURS. ONLY (April 29) SPECIAL LIONS FROLIC "THE LATE GEORGE APLEY" at 7 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. Fri. and Sat. (April 30 & May 1) "NORTHWEST OUTPOST" Romance, music, Russian court intrigue and comedy combined with a western theme make this an outstanding picture — Nelson Eddy, Ilona Massey and Joseph Schiidkr•aut, CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing (April 22-24) "THUNDER IN THE VALLEY" In Technicolor, starring Edmund Gwenn Mon., Tues., Wed, (April 26-28) William. Powell, Myrna Loy and Keenan Wynn—The latest in the Thin Man series presents stream- lined comedy at its sophisticated best — "THE SONG OF THE THIN MAN" • Thur., Fri., Sat (April 29 -May 1) Claudette Colbert, Ned Sparks & Rochelle Hudson—The characters of Fannie Hurst's great novel step from its pages in the screen adaptation. IMITATION OF LIFE" Coming (May 3-5) "HER HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS" Lucille Bali Mat., Wed., Sat., holidays, 2.30 REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing — "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" In Technicolor with Maria Montez Mon., Tues., Wed. Greer Gerson, Robert Mitchum & Dick Hart —A tensely dramatic Enoch Arden therne fitted to mod- ern past -war problems "DESIRE ME" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Bing Crosby, Joan Biondell and Mischa. Auer—An appealing story combines the songs of Crosby with the irrepressible comedy of Auer. "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" Coining—Claudette Colbert in "IMITATION OF LIFE" Matinees—Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. "G -O -O -D Good." A quartette was given by Young People of the choir and the whole choir sang a chorus. The minister il- lustrated his subject "Preparation for Duty," by stories from the Bible and from history. At the conclusion of the service the sup- erintendent thanked all those who contributed to the success of the anniversary as he felt that they had all taken their parts well. A gcod collection was re- ceived fcr the funds of the Sun- day School. - Rev. Dr. John Coburn On Sunday morning, April 25, at 11 o'clock, Ontario St. Church will be honoured by having Rev. Dr. John Coburn, Toronto, as the guest speaker. Dr. Coburn, a great leader in the United Church. is a well informed and excellent speaker and the church will oe pleased to have him present. As the time reverts to Daylight Saying on Sunday morning, the church services will be on fast time. CARD OF THANKS The wife and family of the late Henry Aldwinckle wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their thoughtful - i ness and help during the illness, and for their kind expressions of sympathy following the passing of their husband and father. 17-b IN MEMORIAM MANN In loving emmory of our dear father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, who passed away four years ago, April 28, 1944 and May 6, 1944. Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love remembrance outlasts all, And though the years be many or few, They are filled with rememb- rance, Dear loved ones, of you. —Their loving family. 17 -b little 'Tree Jana LONDON. ONT. re 52 SEE WHAT YOU BUY! Visit our Nursery and pick out your own plants . drive to London this week -end, and pay us a visit while you're here. * 5 5 Open Everyday and Evenings "old at 40,50,607 Man, You're Crazy F0,gct you, num •ram,,nd, oro poppy oA 70.'1,1 pht 51,,g up•' 5111 05180x. Conidoe'sml run own Menne due 5nloly to body's met ol of or Lyon. which mony loon and Women coil -old," onTry, mr pop.508008 eery cloy. Nea e 0deqc;oal 0!:1� For solo et al drug stores everywhere Gordan Pioaging and DISCING Light Bulldozing Bennatt & Winter Phone 619r14 or 599 16-17-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59.12 C1`TT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j CHRIST IS RISEN ! ! He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives to -day! Re walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, he lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? HE LIVES WITHIN' MY HEART. DOES HE LIVE WITHIN YOTJR HEART? "Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise east out." John 6:37 Nalillik 7,1),P4M::I�JAV;VIIP!ALU,4lARAYllL_VY,IT/1NSAVIAPPJ'W.:'1"tA!/.glNtl, LV'Avay.f,v 4iniss , .. r Try Our Service! ;I It is our aim to provide the best quality I a, foods with the quickest possible service. We .-7.I would appreciate a call at any time. ____e_____•___ ,+ Hamburgers - - - each l5ic Hot Dogs - - - - each lOc C PI Sandwiches - - - - 15c up <' �I ;I (toasted 5c extra) it TEA — CON FEiL -- MILK a+ SOFT DRINKS — CIGA'RETT'ES w I H I Ruby and Bill's i.I Lk Snack Bari :1i (Successor to Parry's Snack Bar] gn Huron St. — Clinton — Phone 696j 15-b I, ' •a . trmaYaaiavnrnN.ra rr AbYr— I soya. tr iarhrnvrFTnan '.) Dancing JOWETT'S GROVE PAVILION Bayfield FRIDAY, APRIL 30 and Every Friday of Summer Season to the Music of Ross Pearce and his Band ADMISSION: 50 cents ' 15-16-17-b 1. HAVE YOUR _— SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISI-'ACTION GUARANTEED Harold! , East Phone Clinton 800r6 R,IR. 4, Clinton 11-tfb Open Sunday April Z5 and Every Night Next Week Dominion TIRES Dunlop Layton's Service Station STJFERT'EST PRODUCTS Victoria St PHONE 44 Clinton ATTENTION HAVE YOUR PAPERS Ready for the Legion Paper Drive WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 Paper will be picked up at 1.30 p.m. HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470