HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR 1111111111111101 •NAME OMITTED :. In the list of donors for the Hospital Aid Games' Night prizes, published in last week's issue, the name of Mrs. M. D. McTaggart was inadvertently omitted. =iv:liT NEWS -RECORD BRUCEFIELD CHURCH NOTE Brucefield United Church Ser- vices will be held according • to Daylight Saving Time Sunday April 25th 1948. AI: ki :enr:e! . +2» eliee e!e geeleetive4 : +i! .!3H+ t«LVL e « et T. loor - Coverin Just Received Another Shipment iCONGOLEUM" by the yard . "CONGOLEUM" -- RUGS "FELTOL" by the yard "FELTOL" RUtS Have, Your Bathroom Floor Ready For Plumbing Fixtures — S.PEC.IA.L Saturday - Only 54" Plastihide The New Non -Crack Reversible 'Table Covering. White - Blue and Red Check $1.15 YARD --MARTINS— 2nd FLOOR PHONE 36J rte '�!.�:��:.'»:i'�"lk_A4�'�a�'-'I�:«:»O_it+:!'+yi.n :?i«t !.:a:!:»i,:.v.».«Ti.'d'$�:�''.:»iC3.!L.•'.�.L»:H�w;d Be a Wise Bride Smart brides are having their wedding' R`. ii .`owlet AtotIie ii It; f 3t%PHOTOGRAPHERS ?. i' Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton i iM413 .Aki:. rk%44+*F+ * 4++* .:::+D.:MiA .HEB w : H�1.0!:7-A4+!+4.'A+f'. iM. photographs taken at Fowler Bros. and receiving a beautiful 8"x 10" hand -coloured portrait of the bride, free of charge. Yes, that's right, a beautiful 8"xl0" hand -coloured 1 portrait as our gift to every bride we have. the privilege sof ealothographillg. When you are making your wedding plans BE A WISE BRIDE, make your appointment for your wedding photographs at The New Waterloo 66/599 GARDEN TRACTOR Mrs. M. D. McTaggart Hostess -at Bridge Mrs. M. D. McTaggart held a large bridge party bast week to raise money for the hospital Aid. There were 17 tables. Chances were sold on four articles. The Girls' Club of the Presbyterian Church provided sandwiches, With this and a few contributions, Mrs. McTaggart cleared $101.60 for the Hospital Aid. Mrs. Frank MacDonald won first prize at bridge; Mrs. J. Mc- Kinnon won second prize; Shirley Henderson won the booby prize, and Mrs. Morley Counter won the honors prize. Mrs. Al Smith. won the cup and saucer in the draw; Mrs. D. F. Love won the cake; Mrs. G. W. Nott won a vase, and Mrs, Ross 1VIoEwan won a necklace, Mrs. McTaggart was congrat- ulated for her efforts on raising the money and the very success- ful night by Mrs. Lillian McKin- non, president of the Hospital Aid. Church Directory (Alt' services on Daylight Saving Time) St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. nVLTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 25 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service Tuesday—Bible Study at Rectory at 8 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Chancel Guild at home of Mrs. G.M. Counter. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFRPY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 25 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship, Guest Preacher — Dr. John Coburn, Toronto, a welll-in- formed and excellent speak- er and great leader in the United Church. 12.15—Sunday School 2.00 p.m.—Dr. Coburn at Turn-. er's 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship "Under the Juniper Tree" Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 25 11.30 a.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 25 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship, "Jesus Expounds the Kingdom' 2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield All Welcome Wesley -Willis United Church REV, ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 25 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service, "The Good Shepherd" 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship, "The Will" for heavy-duty highway service, each different, 4 each tops . teamed up or in 4h, sets. A LOW COST LIGHTWEIGHT TRACTOR WITH PLENTY OF PULLING POWER FOR • PLOWING II SNOW PLOWINta • LAWN MOWING • CULTIVATINCx • DISCING and many other uses. It's A Mighty Worker! The new Waterloo "15" Gar- den Tractor is a slightly smaller edition of the fam- ous Waterloo "30", It's built on the same basis of 100 years experience in making better farm equipment and machinery. The same top- quality materials are used , throughout . . the same rugged construction . and many of the exclusive feat- ures of the 3 H.P. "30" are Incorporated in the Waterloo "15". The 11/2 H.P. air -cooler: gasoline engine gives it plenty of power , at the lowest operating cost of any tractor on the market. Ball Brothers Wan:. N. Ball Phone 195 D. G. Bail HARDWARE and FURNITURE FUNERAL DIRECTORS The gro,,ter:, mileage make,. over bust ..w lin vr. yO a at today. Reg. Ball PHONE 5 CLINTON - - - - ONTARIO Complete Shell Service 'PERSONALS 3. A. Sutter and W. E. Perdue were in Toronto yesterday attend- ing a Frigidaire convention.: Miss Marion Mitchell,; Ayr, .was a weekend guest of her brother- in-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane. Miss Beatrice R. Greene, Tor- onto, is spending this week with Fier nephew and niece, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lobb spent the weekend in Hamilton visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. end Mrs. Ben Young, Mr. and Mrs. R.. P. Robbins, Crediton, were weekend visitors at the home ; of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter. 1V1iss Dolly`Cantelon has return- ed after spending some time with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Weatherwax, Orillia, Mrs. Weatherwax return- ed with . her sister, and spent a few •days this week here. Mr. and Mr.s W. A. Pridham and daughter Lorraine, and Mrs. William Dyrnent, Detroit, and Mrs. J. T. Ross, Toronto, were weekend visitors at the home of the ladies' brother and sister-in- law, Mr. ard Mrs. J. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chuter and baby, Harriston, and Mr, and Mrs. John Butler and family, Mit- ohell, were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Butler, and on Saturday attended the 86th birth= day celebration of their grand- mother, Mrs: Isabella Tunney. I.O.O.F . NOTES Clinton Lodge No. 83 was 'host on Tuesday evening to Brucefield Lodge when the visitors put on the second degree for four Clin- ton candidates. Several brothers gave short speeches and refresh- ments brought a pleasant evening to a close, Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs, Howard Johns, Tuckersmith, wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Evelyn Anna, to George Anson McKinley„ eldest son of Mr. and- Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Zurich. The .marriage is to take place May 15 in Turner's United Church at 12 o'clock, Lois Wiltse Heads Junior Institute The April meeting of Clinton Junior Institute was held on April 13 in the Clinton Collegiate In- stitute with a large number in attendance. The Roll Call, "A qualification of a good farmer's wife" was responded to by each member. Mary Iiudie was appointed as one of the two delegates to the annual meeting and conference at Guelph from April 25-27. Cur- rent Events were reviewed by Helen Crich. Eileen Miller gave the report of the district director. Mrs. Nelson Trewartha, from the Women's Institute, gave some very interesting and helpful re- marks. Mrs. Trewartha then con- ducted the election of officers which resulted as: president, Lois Wiltse; vice president, Helen Crich; secretary -treasurer, Jose- phine Muir; district irector, Eleanor Pepper;. Institute direct- ors, Margaret Lobb, Dorothy Mc- Guire, Edith Pepper, 1Vlary Hudie, Eileen Miller; press reporter, Grace Lobb; treasurer of gift fund, Marianne Colclough; to look after Chocolate milk, Eileen Miller. The meeting was closed and the girls joined the Junior Farmers for a joint meeting, following which an enjoyable recreation period was spent. Band Concert TOWN HALL Sunday, April 25 8:30 P.M. CLINTON CITIZENS' BAND Frank Strathearn — Conductor PROGRAMME O CANADA HYMNS—"Abide With Me"; "Sun of My Soul" MARCH—"Thin Red Line"—Alford OVERTURE—"Royal Pageant,'—Barnard CORNET SOLO—"A Perfect Day"—Bond Soloist—Lewis Tebbutt VOCAL SOLO—"O Lord Most Holy"—Franck Soloist—Don Coughlan, soprano; Accompanist ---Mrs. E. Wendorf MARCH—"Precision"—Bennett CORNET DUET—"The Pals"—Barnard, L. Pearson, W. Hearn VIOLIN SOLO—Soloist, A. R. Persan; Accompanist --Mrs. E. Wendorf SELECTION—"Lanni of the Shamrock"—Thiele HYMNS—"Sandon" — "The Church's One 'Foundation" GOD SAVE THE KING SILVER COLLECTION Children to be accompanied. by parents AINIP 17-b LIONS' THEATRE FROLIC Thursday, April 29 ROXYTHEATRE CLINTON SPONSORED BY CLINTON LIONS CLUB through the kind co-operation of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sutherland and Roxy Theatre staff. FEE DRAWS on more than 60 PRIZES donated by your Clinton merchants (See them in Bartlliff's window) 2 COMPLETE SHOWS AND DRAWS 7 and 9.15 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) 2 SPECIAL COMEDY "THE LATE GEORGE APLEY" starring Ronald Colman and Peggy Ctunlnins in the screen version of John, P. Mamquand's popular novel i C 'ADMISSION TICKER'S 1 C On Sale at Roxy Theatre, Bartliff's, McEwan's and Pennebaker's 16b -17x YPV EXECUTIVE The Executive of London Con- ference Y.P.U. of the United Church of Canada met at the home of the secretary, Benson Sutter, over the weekend. Those in at- tendance ,included:' Miss Daphne Staib, president, Woodstock; Har Clark, C ark, treasurer, and Mrs. Clark Blenheim; Miss Ethel Bede, Missions convener, Essex; Miss Margaret Corneille, Citizenship convener, London; Miss Lorraine Pettit, Culture convener, London; Ralph Johnston, Publications con- vener, Inwood; Douglas Lawless, Leadership Training convener, Walton; Evan McLagan, Recrea tion convener, London; Miss Mar- ion McIlwain, past president, Es- sex; Miss Patricia Chinnick, Oslo Delegate, Chatham; Miss June Goodwyn, president of Essex Presbytery, Windsor; Miss Nora Miller, president of Kent Pres- bytery, Eberts• Ken Hick, presi- dent of Middlesex Presbytery, Melrose; Trevor Smith, president of Lambton Presbytery, Forest; Miss Ruth Callan, secretary of Oxford Presbytery, Woodstock; and Bryce Skinner and Alex Drummond, president and vice- president of Perth Presbytery, both of Mitchell THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943" Happy Workers Hold Interesting Meeting The April meeting of the Happy Workers Club was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Brandon. The meeting opened by singing "Rescue the Perishing," followed h the Lord's h Prayer. The treas- urer's and secretary's report was then given. The roll call was called and 15 members and three visitors were' present. The lucky ticket was won by Mrs. Ab. Brandon. Quilt patches were given out. The next meet- ing is to be held at the 'home of Mrs. Albert Glazier. The meeting closed by singing God Save the King. During the afternoon, a quilt was quilted. A dainty lnch was served by group one. —o — MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church will hold its April meeting at the home of Mrs. N. W. Trewartha on Tuesday evening, April, 27, at 8.15 o'clock. Mrs.' W. J. Waldron will be in charge of the meeting. All moth- ers of young children will be welcome, NOW YOU CAN BUY THE SPRING'S NEW FASHIONS AT CONSIDERABLE MARKDOWNS To Make Room for Summer Merchandise arriving Daily, we offer you exceptionally LOW PRICES on all COATS, 'SUITS and DRESSES left on our racks. 10 to 20 Percent Off Normal Prices At Half Price A number of Last Season's Coats and Suits will be offered at Half Price and under. 5 ,.A SUNDAY EVENING AT 8,30 — BE ON HAND TO HEAR. THE BAND — A Real Treat for Lovers of Good Music IRW IN'S ��'rfii.«•r'::"r_`r?k=2;Y::%:«::_::4::»;!•::x:«2 :•; ,»«s, .«:: r•� ;•,r:»;:IH.?�++;:M:�$w� Don't neglect having your fall and winter Clothes Cleaned and Pressed before putting away for the summer s. months FOR SALE 2 Boy's Suits 1 Boy's Brown Sport Jacket and Pants to match A 3; Phone 115 Clinton • »A p.iVta«:+3«wro'»b:8» «;. 2»:»2 i s;•M; ✓»:?« ;.:r,`»» :»:7t �?aiiA:? Gliddon's Press Shop We Call for and Deliver WEDDING CAKES BIRTHDAY, ANNIVERSARY OR PARTY CAKES MADE TO ORDER BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECT.UONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON Drama Concert sponsored by Ontario Street United Church Young People's Union TWO 'One -Act PLAYS: "Campbell of Kilmobr" presented by the Trophy Winners of Goderich Drama Festival. and "Brothers in Armes" presented by Ontario Street United Church Young People's Union. ALSO LOCAL MUSICAL TALENT TOWN HALL, CLINTON Wed., April 28 8:15 p.m. D.S.T. ADMISSION;: Adults 50o; Children' 35c 17-b