HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-15, Page 5ittte �ite ;j'atm tip, LONPON QNT Dwarf Apple Trees JRSI)AY, APRIL .:15, 1948 OimNTQN NEWSRRECORD NewsRecOrd Classifled Adieti Brim CASH RATE—(If- paid .by Wed- neaday following date of Meer - tion) --One cent a word first in- esertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- Sequent insertions one (cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --9 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION . WANTED ANY ONE.ABLE TO GIVE ROOM and board for men please contact 'F. McKay, phone 373M. A GIRL WOULD LIKE a Boa rred- ing house as near Canada Rockers -as possible. Apply Box "T" NEWS - 'RECORD. . AUT011 OBILES FOR SALE 1937 PONTIAC COACH, GOOD 'tires, just overhauled. Best cash offer. Apply Rev. Laverne Mor- gan, Bayfield. -p '1933 CHEVROLET COUPE, good condition, cheap for cash. Apply Gordon Westlake, phone Hensall 99r21- 3, B1aS 17 p 'PRIVATELY OWNED, Chrysler "50" Sedan in good running or- •ler, new paint job, new battery, .good tires. J. C. Cochrane, , Seap- :forth, phone 3823. FARM .EQUIPMENT 'EIGHT -FOOT IHC TANDEM Tractor disc. Apply Bert 'Irwin. 16-b HELP WANTED, MALE $35, TO. $60. A WEEK! Your own business! No boss, no t neclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital—write to -day for FREE information, — FAMILEX — 1600 Delorimier, MONTREAL. 12-16-b HOUSES TO LET SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE WITH kitchen and bathroom, one mile south of Constance, about eight miles northeast of Clinton, on improved County road. Garage garden and telephone. ` Ideal for young family, Apply, Ephraim Clarke, phone Seaforth 845r14. 16 -1p LIVESTOCK FOR.SALE A GOOD -CYLDE HORSE, rising four years, well broken. Ed. Grigg, phone Clinton 911r2. 16-p YOUNG GELDING, Well Broken; also 1935 Ford in. good condition. Apply Box "H" NEWS -RECORD. 16-17-b FIVE CHUNKS OF PIGS weigh- ing about 100 lbs. each, Apply Gifford Crich, phone Clinton 614r24, 16-p PAIR OF CLYDE HORSES, good condition for farm work, Located on lot 21, concession 6, Hullett, G. Brown, 16-17-p COLONY HOUSE, new last year. REG. HEREFORD BULL, Domino size 14 by 12 feet, excellent con- breed. Apply John K. Clark, clition. Price reasonable. F. W phone Blyth 20r14, 11.R. 1, Aub - Andrews, phone Clinton 133. 6 17-p urn. 15-16-17-0, JERSEY COW, FRESHENED about two weeks, calf at foot, J. E. Howard, phone Clinton 624111. 15-16-p -RUBBER TIRED WAGON, good 'tires, short or long tongue; also fray rake. Wish• to buy cheap -'tractor or steel tired wagon. Ap- •ply W. B. Thompson, 21/2 miles -west of Clinton on No. 8 High 1 b -FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE "12 -TON MIXED HAY FOR SALE. Apply Albert Pepper, phone Clin- ton 'ton 615r4. SENATOR IDUNLOP Strawberry Plants. Apply William Steep, P.O. Box 57, .Clinton. 16-17-p GIUANTITY OF MIXED HAY for sale. Apply Ray Cox, phonelin- 'ton 903r25. -FROZEN FRESH PORK in aim 'ton Locker for sale. Apply Leon- ard Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 905r3. A 16-p FARMS FOR RENT 80 ACRES OF GOOD PASTURE Land to rent. Apply John P tter, phone Clinton 902r14, 16-170 FARMS FOR SALE beeOACRES,,house, basement barn, silo, drive - shed, Zurich three miles. Also 50 acres suitable to crop or past- ure. Both immediate possession, "William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 15-17-p FINANCIAL • "'WANTED—$500 TO $1,000 for one year at five per cent with good security. Apply Box "5", NEWS- RECORD. EW - RECORD. FURNITURE FOR SALE 'SIX -PIECE KITCHENETTE SET in cream and green. Phone7, 16-b PRINCESS PAT RANGE, enamel- led cream trimmed with bled! , complete with water front, all new brick lining. Percy Riley, phone 464, Clinton, USED KELVINATOR ELECTRIC 'Refrigerator, in good running con- dition, guaranteed. Brunsdon Re- frigeration Service, Londesboro. 'phone Blyth 25r19. 16-p FOR IMMEDIATE SALE — Two- piece jade green Kroehler chest- erfield suite; dusty rose lazy boy chair with automan; two mahog- any end tables; Torchy lamp; all In first class condition, practically new: Reason for selling—leaving 'town. Phone 176, Clinton, 16-p YOUNG COW, DUE TO FRESH - en, Durham and Guernsey cross: Hereford cow with calf; two year- ling heifers. Apply Francis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4, 16-b "" HOUSES FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, seven room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating ',system, insulated, newly decorat- ed; garage. Apply to 14. C. Law - ,'son, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton, • 8tfh 'TWO -.STOREY SEVEN - ROOM/ -frame' dwelling, with modern con- veniences. Could be converter' into duplex, Good location, prineci to sell, sold subject to ten ltcy Apply to H. C. 'Estate Broker, phone 251W. 14-b-tfb 014E SIX-YEAR-OLD FILLY; two brood sows carrying. third litter; two McComb oil brooder stoves with canopy; four new chicken shelters. Apply R. L, Beacome, concession 4, Goderieh Township, phone Goderieh 937r32. 16-p LOST AND FOUND LOST — PARKER FOUNTAINN Pen in main business section about noon on Friday, April 9. Please leave at NEWS -RECORD and receive reward, 16-17-x MISCELLANEOUS FOR GENERAL TRUCKING with reasonable rates, phone 3943. 15-18-p SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths, Enquire. 11-18-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices • If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ieh, 11-btfb. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2btf SEED FOR SALE AJAX OATS WITH SOME No. 21 Barley mixed in. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902r8. 16-17-b EARLY WARBA, IRISH COB bier, and Sebago potatoes for sale. Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3, l5-btfb BIRTHS DALES -In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday, April 12, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. David Dales, Clinton, a daughter. FLYNN-In Clinton Public Hosp- ital, on Wednesday, April 14, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, R, R. 1, Clinton, twins, a son and a' daughter, (stillborn) SMITH --In Clinton Public Hosp- ital, on Tuesday, April 13, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith, Hensall, a son, (John Hewson Gregory). MARRIAGES PLUNKETT-HUNTER — At the United Church Parsonage, Ben - miller, on' Saturday, April 10, 1948, by Rev. G. Hayward, Carolyn Viola Edna, daughter ' of Mr. and.Mrs. Terrance Hun- ter, R.R. 3, Goderieh, to Donald M, Plunkett, youngest son. et Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Plunkett, R.R, 1, Auburn. WADE-EPPS—In Calvary Unit- ed Church, London, on Satur- day afternoon, April 10, 1948. by Rev. L. C. Lawson, Maud Elsie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne K. Epps, London, to Russell A. Wade, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Wade, Londgn. DEATHS ALDWINCKLE—In Victoria Hos- Ap- pital, a 13, London, 1948. Henry, beloved husband of Margaret (Morrison) Aldwinckle, in his 59th year. Funeral from Ball Brothers Funeral Home, High St., Clin- ton, Thursday afternoon, April 15, at 2 o'clock to Baird's Cemetery. FORSYTHE—At her home at Kip - pen, on Sunday, April 11, 1948, Margaert Joan Cooper, beloved wife of T. N. Forsythe, in her 79th year. Funeral from St. Andrew's United. Church, Kip - pen, Wednesday afternoon, Ap- ril 14. to Baird's Cemetery, STANLEY — In Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, Saturday, April 10, 1948, Elizabeth Symington, TIMOTHY SEED, No, 1 Grade $425 per bushel, Apply Stewart Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 906r6. 15-16-0 BED CLOVER SEEIS, 12 Bushels for sale, good seed, Apply Col- clough Bros., R. R. 2, Seaforth, lot 4, concession 7, Hullett; phone Seaforth 841r2, 1617-p -'EIGHT-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE located at Porter's Hill between the church and the school. Water pressure system with hot and cold running water, three-piece bath, hydro installed, stable, garage and henhouse combined, 1 a acres, some fruit trees and fruit 100 ACRES, 1SOnO, GOOD PAS shrubs. Six miles to Clinton, eight ture land and lifetime supply of miles to Goderich. Price $3,500. firewood. Lot 21, Concession 7, C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Brok- Hullett, Arrly H. C. Lawson, er, Box 96, Goderich,, phone 18' Real Estate Broker, phone 251 W, •ar 316. 15-17-h Clinton. 9tfb EXCELLENT QUALITY WHITE Beans for seed, Early Robust variety, good yielders. $6 per bushel. Robert W. Cole, phone 906r24, Clinton. 16-20-p TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE INVITED for the painting by brush on exterior of the Londesboro United Church. Specification—To supply and ap- ply three chats of paint and putty windows where necessary. Lowest er any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Tenders to be in by Ap- ril 30. Apply to Norman Alex- ander, Londesboro, Ont. 16-17-b VACANT LAND FOR SALE 10 ACRES MORE OR LESS Farm Land situated west end of town; also baby : buggy in good condition. Phone 588M. 16-p ' Sonotone Hearing Service is happy to announce the appointment of MERRILL RADIO. • & ELECTRIC CLINTON, Tor better hearing with the world's finest equipment really accurate work, sincere sympath •etic attention to your needs tail in or phone 313 for an appoint- ment. Fittings made in your own home by skilled experienced tech- nician. A cordial invitation is extended no you to enjoy the best hearing service available. For dependable power get your "batteries at the Merrill Radio and Electric, Clinton, ' just right for a small back garden. Absolutely hardy. E.50 each Write today for list C. OF COMMERCE URGES HOUSING, SCHOOL �':HO FAIR (continued from page one) roashinery to assist Town Council in securing the lots for 50 new houses. a Following considerable discuss- ion. to which the opinion was favoraable to the project, a mot- ion by Beecher Streets and Ross McEWan was carried instructing the Agricultural _Committee to negotiate further with the Public School Board and Agricultural Representative regarding the hol- ding of a School Fair here this fall. After the President had explain- ed that the High School District Board was having difficulty in securing a suitable Recreational Director and might have to a- bandon the idea, a motion by Jose- ph Murphy and Andrew Husty was passed that the matter be turned back to the directors for further consideration. Manymem- bers favolred appointment of such an official outside the High School Board, providing the necessary funds could be found. JOHNSTON—In Alexandra •Hos- pital, Goderieh, on Wednesday. April 14, 1948, Miss Frances Johnston, daughter of the late John Johnston and Eliza Scott, native of Goderich Township, after a brief illness. Funeral from Brophey Funeral Home, Goderich,'. at 2.30 p.m. Friday. April 16. Interment Maitland Cemetery, Goderieh. LASHBROOK—At his home it Mitchell, on Sunday, April 11, 1948, Llewellyn Oliver Lash - brook, beloved husband of Lillie Mabel Pickard, formerly of widow of Frank Stan- Holmesville, in his 62nd year. w , in her the late year. Funeral Funeral from his late residence y to Woodland Cemetery, Mitch - from Knox United Church, Au- ell, Wednesday afternoon, April burn, to Colborne Cemetery. 14. April 12. Thompson's Grocery SPECIALS For Week Ending Saturday, April 17 PORK and BEANS, Van Camps 2 20 -oz. tins 25e PEANUT BUTTER, Club House . ,,,,, 16 oz. jar 39e PEACHES, Lard Fairflax Marge 28 -oz, tin 29e SOAP, PALMOLIVE, Reg, Bar 8c; Giant Bar il.e BISCUITS, Chocolate Mallow . Ib. 49c PICKLES, Ideal Sweet Mixed 16 -oz. jar 25c PUDDING POWDERS, Royal Manor pkg. 5e PUFFED WHEAT, Sparkies pkg. ile CLUB SPECIAL COFFEE, Fresh Ground lb. 47e TEA, Royal York, Orange Pekoe a/^-^- ib.47c BROOMS, 4 -String each 69c RAISINS, Sun -Maid, Seeded 15 -oz. pkg. 25c BUY NOW AND SAVE PAGE FIDE uick Resufts This Is Topcoat Weather Though Spring is here, the nights are still plenty chilly. However, you won't mind if you are wearing one of our fine new topcoats in Gabar- dine, Covert, Camel Hair or Tweed. $24.50 to $54 Specials ONLY— MEN'S WORSTED SUITS Blue or Brown Sizes 40 and 42 $2 ..77/, LO i Special at .3 2 ONLY— MEN'S TWEED SUITS Sizes 38 and 42 $25.00 2 L; 00 Special at r 14 ONLY— BOYS TWEED SUITS p Size 10 $0 n731+ ti To clear at• NEW TIES See env new Tic Bar for the latest and srnartest in Neckwear, $1,.00 t0 $2,,50, SUMMER UNDERWEAR Knitted or broadcloth snorts, knitted ;jerseys. Tease, Ar- row, BVD and Stanfield',. 79c to $1.50 DRESS SHIRTS Arrow, Tooke or BVD, in plain shades, stripes and whites. $2.50 to $4.95 HATS .Stetson or Adam bats in grew styles and shades for spring. $2.25 to $10.00 tt C.4 C stspbell Wo1lt Clothing .n nd Work Boots Phone 25 . - - - - - Clinton ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (April 15-17) "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" with. Bing Crosby Mon., Tues., Wed—(April 19-21) "THIS TIME 'FOR KEEPS" In Technicolor A masterpiece of merrymaking„ lavishly coloured, and gay with music—Esther Williams, Lauritz Melchior and Jimmy Durante Thur., Fri., Sat.—(April 22-24) Maria Montez, Rod Cameron and Mikhail Rasunury —Fighting to- gether in a common cause and fighting each other for a woman's love on the far western. frontier, "PI•RATES OF MONTEREY" Coming—(April 26-28) "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" at 7 p.m. - Matinees—Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE G O D E R I C Ti Now Playing ---Michael Redgrave in "THE MAN WITHIN" In Technicolor ON., TILES;; WED. Marsha Hunt, William Prince and Martha O'Driscoll — With the greatest arnay of world-famous artists ever assembled for one picture. "CARNEGIE HALL" THUR., FRL, SAT. Lon McAllister, Edmund Gwenn and Peggy Ann Garner—Straight from the Scottish Highlands comes a Technicolor adaptation of Al- fred 011ivant's best novel, "THUNDER IN THE VALLEY" Coming — "SONG OF THE THIN MAN" -- William Powell REGENT THEATRE SE A F_ O R T 13 Now Playing — Roy 'Rogers in "APACHE ROSE" In Cinecolor MON., TUES., WED. ' Katharine Hepburn, Paul Henreid and Robert Walker—Fine char- acterizations haracterizations are a feature of this tense dramatic romance. "SONG OF LOVE" num, FRI., SAT. Maria Monies, Rod Cameron and Phillip Reed—Superb Technicolor plus a swashbuckling tale of salty doings and torrid romance. "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" Coming—Greer Garson in "DESIRE ME" Mat., Wed., Sat., holidays, 2.30 Matinees—Sat., holidays, 2,30 p.m. FARMERS ENJOY (Continued from Page One) Chairman Middleton added his word of congratulation to the new "king". Initiation Archie E. Douglas, accountant of Clinton ranch of the Royal Bank of Canada, was initiated as a member of the Lions Club, those participating in the ceremony be- ing 'Vice-president J. G. McLay, R. S. Atkey, chairman of Memb- ership Committee, and Frank B. Pennebaker, a Past President. 3, A. Sutter introduced the main speaker, Hugh.Gampbeil, wartime commander of the corvette "Fort William", and now sales manager of the paint and varnish division, Canadian Industries Limited, He was thanked in behalf of the far- mers present by Ephraim, Snell, and in behalf of the Lions, by the chairman, This Canada of Ours" Dealing with the topic, "This Canada of ours", Mr. Campbell, himself a native of Scotland, in- dicated a thorough knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens and developed the theme That we should all be proud to be Canadians. The Canadian Citizenship Act, which came into effect January 1, 1947, highlighted our own re- sponsibilities as Canadians, and was the last step in our nationhood "Today you and I are proud fo be Canadian subjects," he declared, Discussing the responsibilities of Canadians, Mr, Campbell stat- ed there was only one judgment you should make on a man—"Is he or is he not a good Canadian?" The national origin of his name did not matter. He described the fact that too long had many people including those in public offices —referred to some Canadians as "foreigners". The speaker said another res- ponsibility was to guard our de- mocratic way of life, both from the dictatorship of the right and the dictatorship of the left, Still another was to guard our politic- al freedom, exercise our, franchise and avoid the loss of the right to vote. Mr. Campbell urged unity a- mong the people of Canada. "There is little we can do to keep faith with those who died for us," he declared. "Let us do that little" Moving pictures were shown by hack Kilpatrick of the Massey Harris Company—one of the In- ternational Plowing Match. and the other on "The Romance of an Industry" from 1847-1947. Fred Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton a farmer, was the winner of the draw. CARD OF THANKS The family of the. late Robert Cluff wish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere ap- preciation to all those who sent floral tributes, cards, loaned cars for the funeral and all other ex- pressions of sympathy extended in their sudden sad bereavement,. 16-p CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vodden wish to thank friends and neighbours for the many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereave- ment. They also wish to thank the senders of floral tributes, Letters and cards, with special thanks to Helmer Snell, Dr. J. A. Gorwiil, Clare Reith and Rev. Harold Snell, Garden Ploughing and DISCING Light Bulldozing Bennett & Winter Phone 619r14 or 599 16-17-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 50-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion CARD OF THANKS The wife and family of the late W. H. Heliyar wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness and help during the illness, and for their kind expressions of sympathy follow- ing the passing of their husband and father. Ca ♦ .'16...00 E FLORIST Phdnes: 66w and 66j CHRIST IS RISEN ! ! lie lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives to -day! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, he lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? HE LIVES WITHIN MY HEART. DOES IIE LIVE WITHIN YOUR HEART? "Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37 +ssIl ': \v.,.., u :.J 4 Tr- Service!yur0 . ,r 3 It is our aim to provide the best quality foods with the quickest possible service. We would appreciate a can at any time. Hamburgers ',- - each 15c Hot Dogs - - - - each lOc Sandwiches - - - - '15c up ' (toasted 5c extra) TEA — COFFEE -- MILK SOFT DRINKS — CIGARETTES Ruby and Bill's Snack, Bar [Successor to Parry's Snack Bari Huron St. — Clinton -- Phone 6961 15-b oNa ,TiiitVga dTi\•aY•lititiv`,srairemar•`a •,I • Ira Jam • • •yr•slaaY•sirr sra\Y•Or iii? Royal Canadian Air Force Officers' Dress Oxfords These shoes made by Scott -Wilde, according to Regulations specified and approved by Military Head- quarters, Ottawa, of FINE BLACK CALF, beautifully designed with heavy full double soles—a shoe with appearance, quality and 5,® $14. long wear ��'"'•7 Amoiker Shoe, designed as above, made by Williams of Brampton, well made on a comfortable, good fitting last. 10.50 AIKEN'S PHONE 2 CLINTON HAVE YOUR - SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SA'F1SFACTION GUARANTEED Harold East Phone Clinton 890r6 R.R. 4, Clinton 11-tfb New Plumbing Fixtures WILL SOON BE IN STOCK. Coloured Tubs, Toilets and Basins , to suit your taste. , CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470