HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-08, Page 5°'.if'HHURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1948 CL1NTON , .;!IEWS4 E,E'ORD PAGE FIVE News-ReCordCiassifiedAdietsBrifl. uick Results CASH RATE. -(If paid: by Weans• day following date of insertion)— One cent a' word first insertion (mini- •kiun 35 cents); sabeequent insertions one exert a word (minimum 25 cents) ; .15 tante extra for boxnumber or for ,direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. I1' CHARGED -15 cents extra.. • 1r l DLENE-9 p.m., Wednesday.. FOR SALE' :RUBBER TIRED WAGON, good tires, short or long tongue; also hay rake. Wish to buy cheap tractor or steel tired wagon. Ap- 3ply W. B. Thompson, Ma miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 13-16-b COLONY HOUSE, new last year, ' .Size, 14 feet square, excellent, condition, Price reasonable. F. W. .Andrews, phone Clinton 33. 14-15-p CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE — "Edward Deeves, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 907r33. 14-15-p ;MODEL "A" FORD, 1930, fair :shape. Female fox hound, Walk- er strain, age two years, runs fox or rabbits, good sticker and good voice. 25 cal. rifle, single shot. Pump Remington .12 gauge hard- hitting gun, $50. Phone Clinton '618x6. 15-p RECONDITIONED MODEL "A' Ford Motor; Beatty Electric Wash •er; Durham cow, due July 20; five young pigs; four hydro poles, Guy Ives, phone Carlow 1612. 15-p GOOD USED SQUARE PIANO. Suitable for large hall. Apply `Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 15-p QUANTITY OF USED LUMBER; one cedar shingle roof 14x8 feet. Apply Lloyd Batkin, Bayfield, 15-16-p RASPBERRY CANES and Straw- berry Plants. Apply to James 'S. Barry, Seaforth, phone 668r15. 15-p -MILK SHAKE MIXER, SILEX Coffee Maker. Phone 205W. 15-p 'TWO BROODER HOUSES, 10x12 feet. Apply Frank Tyndall, phone 805r33. 15-b SMALL CREAM SEPARATOR; .also quantity of hay. William D. Carter, Clinton, phone 587J. 15-p PROPERTY FOR SALE LEVEL 100 ACRES, frame house, basement barn, shed, silo, drive - shed, Zurich three miles. Also 50 acres suitable to crop or past- ure. Both immediate possession. William Pearce, 'Realtor, Exeter; 15-17-p CLINTON SIX -ROOM FRAME House --iii good condition, cent, rally located. Full basement, hot and cold water, hardwood floors, french doors, hydro, garage, gar., den. Possession arranged. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 14-15-p SIX -ROOM ASPHALT Shingled House with hard and soft water, two sunrooms, hot water heated, three-piece bath, garage, chicken house, 7/4 acre land, sewerage in- to house. Apply Mrs. William Bali, phone 687. 15-b TWO - STOREY SEVEN - ROON4 frame dwelling, with modern con- veniences. Could be converted into duplex. Good location, priced to sell, sold subject to tenancy Apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W. 14-b-tfb SMALL HOUSE IN CLINTON, excellent location. A buyer of this property, making small repairs, could have a good comfortable home at a reasonable prile. Ap- ply to James Elliott, Dublin. WALKER-DOUGALL — At the 13-14-15-p home of the bride's parents, by 100 ACRES, $1,000. GOOD PAS- Rev. R. A. Brook, on Saturday, ture land and lifetime supply of April 3, 1948, Marion Fletcher firewood. Lot 21, Concession 7, Dougall, R.N., eldest daughter Hullett. Apply H. C. Lawson, of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Hensall, to George Edward Clinton. 9tfb Walker, second son of the late Mr, and Mrs, James Walker, Edmonton, Alta. ' BIRTHS. BOYES—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bayes Wish to ahnounce,the ,birth .of their daughter, Bonnie Lauren, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, April 6, 1948, a sister for Lev, Bud and Bayne, EVANS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 4, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans,. R,R; 1, Bayfield, a son. FINNIGAN — In Clinton Public Iieseital, on Tuesday, April 6 1948, to Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Firniigan, le R. 2, Zurich, a son. HOLLAND — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, April 6, 1448, to Mi'. and Mrs. Wesley P. Holland, Goderich, a son (Rich- ard Frederi'rk Bruce). MERRILL — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 5, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill, R,R, 1, Clinton, a son. REGIER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, April 3, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald. Regier, MARRIAGES McMICHAEL JOHNSTON — At the home of the bride's par- ents, 'concession 12, East Wa- wanosh, on Saturday, March 27, 1948, Lois Noreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John- ston, to William Ross McMich- ael, son of Mr. and Mrs. le, P. McMichaeI Clinton. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, SEV- en room 'brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorated; garage. Apply to 11. O. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 8tfb TEN ACRES OF LAND, GOOD Brick Cottage, consisting of eight rooms, good cellar, drive shed, bank barn, cement silo, number of good fruit trees, hydro avail- able; .40 rods from school, three miles from Clinton, close to Radar School. 'Could `be had with ad. ditional 65 acres' of grass includ- ing six acres of bush. Would sell either parts, 'separately. Albert Pepper, .R.R.' 5, Clinton, phone Cli ton 615r4. 14-15-p EIGHT -ROOM STUCCO HOUSE ONE STEEL ROLLER in good located at Porter's Hill between shape. Apply to J. G. Clifton, the church and the school. Water B.R. 3, Kippen, phone Hensall pr'v sure system with hot and cold '77r44. 15-p running water, three-piece bath, hydro installed, stable, garage and hen house combined. 13 acres, some fruit trees and fruit shrubs. Six miles to Clinton, eight miles to Goderich. Price $3,500. C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Brok- er, Box 96, Goderich, phone 18 or 316. 15-17-8 'RIDING PLOW; TEAM CORN Scuffler; rubber tired wagon with roller ,bearings and flat rack. 'W. B. Thompson, 21/2 miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 15-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • JERSEY COW, FRESHENED about two weeks, calf at foot. J. E. Howard, phone. Clinton 624r31.. 15-16-p -PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL for sale; coming two year old Apply Box "T", NEWS -RECORD. 14-15-p GOOD WORK TEAM, sound and reliable. Frank Tyndall, phone 805r23, 15-b '11 PIGS EIGHT WEEKS OLD. 'Wesley McBride, R.R. 1, Varnp. phone Hensel' 87r21. 15 -p REG. HEREFORD BULL, Domino 'breed. Apply John K. Clark, phone Blyth 20r14, R 11. 1, Aub urn. 15-16-17-p '20 SUCKLING PIGS, five weeks old. Theodore Dale, phone 800r25, Clinton. 15••p MILKING SHORTHORNS; four year old fresh cow with bull calf: young bulls seven months and younger; also heifer to calve in early fall, James E. Scott, on 'Highway 1r/e miles west of Sea - forth, 15-p AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1930 PONTIAC SEDAN. Harold -Johnston, James St., Clinton. 15-p 1933 CHEVROLET COACH in 'first class condition. Earl Lawson, phone Seaforth 841r12, 15-p SEED GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY OF ROYAL OIL Flax Seed, graded and cleaner;. Ernest Adams, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r22, 15-p AJAZ OATS AND RONTONV Oats for sale for seed; also Ajax Oats mixed with barley, $1.35 per bushel. Apply Ivan Bean. R.R. 1, Auburn, phone Blyth 19rb. 14-1.5-p QUANTITY OF CLEANED Tim othy Seed. Bob Glen, phone Clin- -ton 620r24. 15-p TIMOTHY SEED, No. 1 Grade '34.25 per bushel, Apply S'ewart Middleton, RR. 3, Clinton, phone 'Clinton 906r6. 15-16-p FRAME BUILDING 16%30 with red insulated brick, three-ply lumber, new roof, can be moved. Mel Webster, phone Clinton 1622 r15. MEN WANTED $35. TO $60. A WEEK! Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is }'seeded for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital - write to -day for FREE information — FAMILEX — 1600 Delorimier, MONTREAL. 12-16-b WANTED TO BUY THREE GRADE DURHAM Cows Alex Wilkins, Londesboro, phone Blyth 24r8. 14-15-1a ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 938r32, Goder- ich. TEACHERS WANTED . GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Area requires protestant teachers for No. 3 and No. 4 schools, Duties to commemnce September 1, 1948. Applicants please state qualifica- tions and salary expected. Frank Yen, secretary-treasurer,R R. 3, Clinton. 14-15-p NOTICES SAW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale =ions lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p WANTED ONE GOOD WINDMILL HEAD. oil bath, run only a few years, Fred McCool, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r14, 15-r POTATOES FOR SALE EARLY WARBA, IRISH COB- "bler, and Sebago potatoes for sale. Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3. 15-btfb HELP WANTED DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED at once. Good wages. Board, Apply Hotel Clinton, phone 798. 15-b CLERK FOR GROCERY STORE. 'Experience preferred but not -necessary. Rumball's Grocery, ;phone 86. 15-p ROOMS TO RENT TWO BRIGHT FRONT ROOMS, unfurnished or furnished, to rent No family. Apply Box "H" NEWS - RECORD, or phone 301W. 15-b. WORK WANTED ACCOMMODATION WANTED AIRMAN, WIFE and two-year- old son require two to three rooms furnished, preferably heat- ed. Box "C" NEWS -RECORD. 15-p MISCELLANEOUS -- FOR GENERAL TRUCKING with reasonable rates, phone 394.7. 15-18-p PIANO TUNING AND R1:PATR`; to all makes. Cleaning, de-mnthinc. free estimates. 'Write or phone William Y. Gould, 314w, Clinton. 2htf LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instantly from face, arms, legs, with Flash Hair Re- mover. Harmless—leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose, Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked. Complete treatment $2 postnaid, (C.O,D.'s—• Postage extra) KAPEX Products (Dept. 313) Box 22, Station B Montreal, Que. 15-p WOOD—At his aro:ne in Tucker - smith Township. on Saturday rday April 2, 1948, John Wood, .in "YOUNG MAN WISHES WORK his 37th year. Funeral 'frosts for three weeks or mouth starting Bonrhron's Funeral Home, Hen- / immediately. Box "J" NEWS- sell, to Her,sall Union Cemetery ItECORE. 15-p Tuesday afternoon; Ap"tl 6 DEATHS DeGRUCHY—In Vancouver, B.C., on Tuesday, March 23, 1948, Maud McLaughlin DeGruehy, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Fluker, Clinton, and sister of Mrs. George R. Taylor, Clinton, in her 72nd year. Funeral from the Chapel of the Chimes to Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver, on Sat- urday, March 27. HUDSON—In Victoria Hospital. London, on Friday night. April, 2, 1948, Mrs. Maude Hudson, formerly of Clinton, in her 61st year. JERVIS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, April 2, 1948, Ellen Grace Gibbings, beloved wife of Russell L. Jervis and dear mother of Marlene and Linda, in her 36th year. Fun- eral from Ball Bros. Funeral Home, Monday afternoon, April 5 to Clinton Cemetery. .IIELLYAR=At his late residence P.r; Thinness St, CMora: linton, on on day, April' 5, ' 1948,' William Henry Hellyar, beloved husband of Olive Beattie Mason, in his 79th year Funeral from Beat- tie Funeral Home, Ratteenl ury St. - E„ to Clinton Cemetery Thursday, April 8, at 2 p,rn„, under auspices LOL No, 710, Clinton. LAV:IS—In. Los Angeles, Calif. on Monday, April 5, 1948, Fred G. Lavis. formerly of Holmes - vine, youngest son of the late Mr, and lairs. Edward Lavis, in his 46th year. McTAGGART-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday, April 5, 1948, Martin Manley McTaggart, Tuckersmith, in his 83rd year. Funeral from resi- dence of his neice, Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Tuckersmith, at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, April 8, to Me- Taggart's Cemetery, McDONA.LD — Suddenly, at his home, Blyth, on 'Friday, April 2, 1948, following a heart .at- tack, Robert Cornwall McDon- ald, in his 74th year. Funeral from his late residence to Brus- sels Cemetery Monday after- noon, April 5. McCRAE—At her residence; Bel - grave, on Friday, April 2, 1948, Caroline Matilda Wilkinson, be- loved wife of Robert J. Mc- Crae, formerly of Londesboro, in her 73rd year. Funeral from Trinity Anglican Church, Bel - grave, to Braddon Cemetery April 5. MCCAFFREY — Suddenly in St Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday. April 3, 1948, Helena Pope, formerly of Clinton. dearly beloved wife of Samuel McCaffrey, 236 Wellington St. London, in her 66th year. The remains rested at the E. C. Killingsworth Funeral Home. Burwell St., until Tuesday when Requiem.High Mass was sung in St. Peter's Cathedral with in- terment in St. Peter's Ceme- tery, London. POLLOCK—In Victoria Hospital, London, on .'Thursday, April 1, 1948, Mrs.' Robert J. (Hayter). Pollock, beloved wife of Robert J. Pollock,: iGrand Bend, form- erly of Bayfield, in her. 75th year. Funeral from her late iesidenee, Grand Bend, to Grand Bend Cemetery April 3. PYBUS—At his hone, Parr Line, Hay Township, on Friday. April 2, 1948, Gordon Albert Pybus, beloved husband of Eva Ricker, in his 61st year. Funeral from his late 'residence to Exeter Cemetery' Monday afternoon, Aprit 5, Something New! ICE CREAM CAKES for parties and other social occasions MADE- TO • ORDER Fancy -centre Ice Cream Bricks for Weddings, Showers, Card Parties, etc. PLEASE ORDER IN ADVANCE Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbury St. E. — Phone 134 -- Clinton Wear A Topcoat Look' Dressed Feel Dressed Be Dressed All three will apply to you if you wear one of our new Spring Topcoats. The latest styles in popular cloths such as gabardine and covert cloth, slash or patch pockets. Priced to snit your budget 24,50 to 47,50 • • • MEN'S and BOY'S SUITS if you or your boy are in need of a new suit, you will find a large and varied stock of Worst- eds, Serge,, Tweeds and Flan- nels in one or two -pant styles, on display on our racks. Coyne in to -clay and see for yourself, the best stock in ,town. 13.95 to 55.00 • • • SHOES FOR THE FAMILY 'Yo matiter;f.:. adze or the style, "if its an Oxford for Dad, Mother, Sister or Broth- er, we have it. Our Stock covers all sizes from infants' size 2 to men's size 12. Canvas Shoes and Rubber Footwear in stock in season. Pickett & Campbell Arrow, Tooke & BVD , Shirts' Phone 25 - - - - - - Clinton ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (April 8-10) "THE MAN WITHIN" starring Michael Redgrave and Jean Kent. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now: "THE , .YEARLING" with Gregory Peek, Jane Wyman and Claude Jarman. Jr.. Mon, Tepes„ Wed. (April 12-14) "MOTIER WORE TIGHTS" In Technicolor A warm and tender story of show busineseepresented by superb cast, Betty Grable - Dan Dailey and Pfona Freeman Thur., Fri., Sat. (April 15-17) Bing Crosby - Joan Biondell and Mischa Auer — Your favourite crooner returns in his best loved role. "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" Coming (April 19-21) "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" In. Technicolor Matinees: Sat. & Mon., Tues., Wed.—Two Features Deanna Durbin - Adolphe' Menjou and Ned Sparks -Return in one of the brightest comedies ever pro- duced. "100 MEN AND A GIRL" Ruth Nelson - Gloria Holden and Ernest Cossart — Head •a grand cast in Gene Stratton Porter's most famous story. "The Girl of the Lilnberlost" THURS., FEL, SAT. J. Arthur Rank presents Michael Redgrave - Jean Kent & Joan Greenwood—in a Techni- color presentation of one of the year's"Telling stories. IIEt MAN 'WITHIN" Holidays, 2.30 Coming: "CARNEGIE HALL" REGENT THEATRE SEAPORT."( Now: June Allyson and Peter Lawford in "GOOD NEWS" Mon., Tues., Wed.—.Two Features Edmund O'Brien, Ella Raines & William Bendix—a dramatic story of scheming minds, faithless hearts, and the inevitable- result. "THE WEB" Adult Entertainment Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake & Larry Simms — Bring back the Bumsteads for their newest Matri- monial riot. "BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY" THUR., FRI, SAT. Roy Rogers Dale Evans and Olin Howland — offer for your entertainment a unique outdoor musical drama in Technicolor. "APACHE ROSE" Coming: "SONG OF LOVE" with Katharine Hepburn THAT STAY SIGNED FOR SHOWCARDS THAT SELL GOODS SEE A. KIRBY Princess St. W., Clinton Phone 589R 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE 15-h CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Russell Jervis express their most sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during their recent bereavement. Most grateful ` ap- preciation also to those who through facts • of kindness bright- ened the days of her long illness. 15-p IN MEMORIAM WARD — in loving memory of Alic'e Jane Cudmore, beloved wife'' of. Emmanuel Ward who passed away one year ago, Ap- ril 5, 1947. The dearest one this world could hold, The cheeriest smile and a heart of gold; Those who knew her all will know How much we lost one year ago, God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow; But what it meant to lose our wite and Mother, No one will ever know. —Sadly missed by her husband and family. 15-p Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Jennie Morris, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned. Solicit- or for the said Estate, on or before the 12th day of April, A,D. 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 23rd day of March, A.D. 1948. F. FINGLAND, K,C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 13-14-15-b f6(i/ at 49 95OI®V:lt VV -1 Man, You're Crazy Forgot OOOIY at 70. TM, p0001og u0" wtfn 0,treg. Contains tank, tot sol watk e •01n1d01owuentool'10gto5n00tlmawwmenbodl04o01r7'T,N001000 Tunic Th,ettn011,11000,1,,0 11,' ev(S Iirrr BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 89-12 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j ss W. Dwarf Apple Trees . just right for a afi small back garden. Absolutely hardy. $2.50 each Write today for list i74 CHRIST IS RISEN ! ! He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives to -day! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, he lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? HE LIVES WITHIN Mir HEART. DOES IIE LIVE WITHIN YOUR HEART? "Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37 • DANCE TO • ROSS 'PEARCE and his Orchestra TOWN HALL, CLINTON Wed.,April 14 9:30 -- 12:30 AUSPICES ODD FELLOWS LODGE T'ROCEEDS FOR CANCER, POLIO and T.B. FUND DOOR PRIZES PRIZES FOR SPECIAL DANCES ADMISSION: 50 cents wssl.nrl.1111snr BENEFIT DANCE PROCEEDS FOR PAISLEY MEMORIAL ARENA FUND CLINTON TOWN HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 16 ROSS PEARCE and his ORCHESTRA Sponsored by HURON FISH AND GAME CLUB ADMISSION: 75 cents Come and Help a Good Cause! 15 -b -16-r TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, April 12th for the contract of 2 supplying and distributing on the streets of the Town of Clinton 4,000 cu. yards, more or less of 3/4" screen Crushed Gravel. Grade of material to be up to the approval of Coun- cil. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily a accepted. 1 TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T, Corless, Clerk and Treasurer. g HAVE YOUR SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Harold East Phone Clinton 800r6 0 R.R. 4, Clinton 11-tfb • New Plumbing Fixtures WILL SOON BE IN STOCK Coloured Tubs, Toilets and Basins to suit your taste. CONSULT US BEFORF BUYING IIUCH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470