HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-04-01, Page 5'THURSDAY;' APRIL '1, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE .News -Retard ClassifiedAdlets BtingQuick results ',DASH 'RATE—(If paid by Wedneta. day following date of ineertion)— 'One cent a word first insertion (mini- mum 38 cents); subsequent insertions /one cent a word (minimum 25 cents) ; .15 rants extra for box numbep or for direction to NEWS-BECOBD Office. IF CHARGED -15 costa extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE •GIRLS' C.C.M. BICYCLE iii good /condition. Phone 395. 14-b 'RUBBER TIRED WAGON, good tires, short or long tongue; also .hay rake. Wish to buy cheap. -tractor or steel tired wagon. Ap- •ply W. B. Thompson, 22 miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. 13-16-b ODD CHAIR; ANTIQUE }MUSIC kabinet; lazy boy; white enamel _go-cart. Apply Jack's Upholster- ing, phone 62, 14 -ix ONE MASSEY-HARRIS THREE. furrow plow; one . McCormick Deering corn binder; one Mc- Cormick -Deering side delivery ' rake; Two' Holstein cows, due in April; Two Durham heifers due in April. Ralph Cantelon, phone 905r25, Clinton. 13-14-p THIGH RUBBER BOOTS, spec- ially priced, $5.45; Hip Rubber Boots, new Flange type with hip strap, $6.25, Aiken's, phone 2, 'Clinton. 14-x -St NSHINE STROLLER in good condition. Phone 229 or apply4 to P.O. Box '73. McCLARY ELECTRIC STOVE in good condition. Apply to A. J. Mc- Murray. s 14-9 COLONY HOUSE, new last year, :Size, 14 feet square; excellent, condition. Price reasonable. F. W. Andrews, phone Clinton 33, 14-15-p TWO -FURROW TRACTOR Plow, 'McCormick Deering, new. Ford Johnston, Varna, phone Clinton 630r6. 14-p SMALL ICE BOX in good con', dition, reasonable price. Mrs. A. T. Lucas. 'Dunlop and Erie Sts., Clinton. • 14-b NEW MASSEY-HARRIS TWO- Furrow Tractor Plow. Wilfred Collinson, R.R, 1, Auburn. 14-p CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE — 'Edward Deeves, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 907r33. 14-15-p FIVE TONS OF MIXED HAY; 20 ton oat straw. Phone Blyytb 24r8.0 ONE ELECTRIC RANGETTE, :Gnahamette make, white and black in colour, with stainless steel top, only used three months, in perfect shape. Apply to Mrs. Ross Feagan, R.R. 3, Clinton (in Holmesville) or phone Clinton 910r24. 14-b SPRING COAT, PURE WOOL., perfect condition; baby Seal fur coat, Shortie style ' Apply Box - "V", NEWS -RECORD. 14-11 11 -RUN SINGLE DISC Fertilizer Drill. G, R. MaKtel or phone 633r14. 14-!I LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A GOOD CLYDE HORSE, rising four years, well broken. Ed. Grigg, phone Clinton 911r2. 14.14 'PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL for sale; coming two year old. .Apply Box "T", NEWS -RECORD. 14-15-p A GOOD BLACK HORSE rising 6 years. Well broken to work double on any implement; also riding plow in A-1 condition. 'Barold Tyndall, phone 905r2. 14-b THREE REGISTERED SCOTCH Shorthorn heifers with calves at foot. Stewart Schoenhals, phone Clinton 903r12. 13-14-b AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1930 DURANT, good condition tires, almost new; also 1927 Hud- son super six. Phone 196, Clin- ton. 14-p SEED GRAIN FOR SALE 150 BUSHELS AJAX OATS, $1,50 per bushel. William Harris, phone 908r3, Clinton. 13-14-p QUANTITY OF AJAX SEED 'Oats; also Ajax mixed with Galore Barley, $1.25 bushel. Elliott Lay-, ton, phone Clinton 629r3. 14-b AJAZ OATS AND RONTO1\{ Oats for sale for seed; also Ajax Oats mixed with barley, $1.35 per bushel. Apply Ivan Bean R.R. 1, Auburn, phone Blyth 19ri13, PROPERTY FOR SALE COTTAGE ON PRINCESS - Street. Phone 589J. , 13-15op CLINTON SIX-ROOIVI FRAME. House 'in good condition, cent- rally located. Full basement, hot and cold water, hardwood.floors, french doors, hydro, garage, gars den,' Possession arranged. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 14-15-p VARNA SIX -ROOM CEMENT House, garage two -deck henhouse, cow, stable, hydro, 10 acres. Wil- liam. Pearce Realtor, Exeter. 14-p BIRTHS BECKER-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, March 31, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker, Kitchener, twin dau ghters.'•,: HOLLINGSHEAD—Mr. and Mrs, Cyr]. Hollingshead (nee Clete Ellis), Toronto, are happy tq announce the birth of their son, (Neil Arnold), at Women's Col- lege Hospital, Toronto, on Fri- day, Marc}r 19, 1948. LEVERTON —In Clinton Pubile Hospital, on Monday, March 29 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Leverton, Clinton, a son (Gary TWO - STOREY SEVEN - ROOM Albert). , frame dwelling, with modern con- .NORMAN- — In Clinton Public veniences. Could be converted Hospital on Tuesday, March 30, into duplex. Good location, priced 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. William to sell, sold subject to tenancy Norman, R.R. 3, Clinton, a Apply to H. C. Lawson, Ileal daughter. Estate Broker, phone 251W. RUMBALL — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, March 28, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Philip Rumball, Exeter, a daughter, (Diane Nancy). SCOTCHMER—In Clinton Public, Hospital. on Saturday, March 27, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. John Scotchmer, Jr RR. 3, 'Bay- field, a daughter, ' MARRIAGES DAWE-WALKER -- At Colborne St. United Church Parsonage, London, on Thursday, March 26, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, . SEV 1948 by Rev. A M Stuart en room brick dwelling, modern eon- venienees, air conditioning. • heating system, insulated, newly decorated; garage. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate ,,Broker;. phone 251W, Clinton. etfb SMALL HOUSE IN CLINTON, excellent location. A buyer of this property, making small repairs, could have a good comfortable home at a reasonable price. Ap- ply to James Elliott, D13ubin. 100 ACRES, $1,000. GOOD PAS- ture land and lifetime supply of firewood. Lot 21, Concession 7, Hullett. Apply H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 9tfb TEN ACRES OF LAND, GOOD Brick Cottage, consisting of eight rooms, good cellar, drive shed, bank barn, cement silo, number of good fruit trees, hydro avail- able, 40 rods from school, three miles from Clinton, close to Radar, School. Could be had with ad•, ditional 65 acres of grass includ- ing six acres' of bush. Would sell either parts separately. Albert Pepper, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone Clinton 615r4. 14-15-p FOR RENT VARNA, 100 ACRES CIay Loam, apout 70 tillable, house, barn, d'-iveshed. Immediate posmession, Wir!iam Pearce, Exeter.' 14-p TWO ROOMS TO RENT opposite Clinton -Grill. Phone 461. 14-b MEN WANTED , 335. TO $60. A WEEK! Your own business! No boss, no timeclbck, independence! The leading line of Rothe Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital — write to -day for. FREE information — FAMILEX — 1600 Delorimier, MONTREAL. 12-16-b WORK WANTED, MALE • ODD JOBS WANTED EVENINGS and weekends. Two men with car or trailer. Reasonable. Phone 907r15. 13-14-b BOARDERS WANTED CAN GIVE BOARD to a couple of persons. Anyone interested, apply to Box "0", NEWS RECORD. 14-p HELP WANTED A RELIABLE YOUNG MAN fey farm work. Apply Box "K", NEWS-RECORL. 14-b WANTED TO BUY THREE GRADE DURHAM Cows. Alex Wilkins, Londesboro, phone Blyth 24r8. 14-15-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- kb. 11-btfbr TEACHERS WANTED GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Area requires protestant teachers for No. 3 and No. 4 schools. Duties to commemnce September 1, 1948. Applicants- please state qualifica- tions and salary expected. Frank Yeo, secretary-treasurer,R R. 3, Clinton. NOTICES $AW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale various lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p WILL BE ABLE TO DO CUSTOM 14-15-p wood cutting throughout the sum- LOST AND FOUND mer. Also have a quantity of mixed wood for sale. Glenn E. Price, Brucefield, . phone Clinton 621r31. 13-14-p LOST -IN VICINITY of Goderich Harbour on Sunday, March 21, a gold locket. Finder please phone Clinton 164W collect. Reward will be given as owner is anxious t0 retain it, 14-p • •MUSIRATS WANTED SEE ME BEFORE SELLING elsewhere. Murray East, R.R. 1, Clinton, 12-14-p { Housecleaning? ' Your hoose will look brighter longer if ;yrs replace those worn-out curtains. We have a good .assortment of kitchen curtain by :the yard ht g'rnu or red patterns; also plain white and ecru Sliad"a. Men's and Boys' Suits Newest styles in worsted •or tweed material, feaiturihng the new drapes and one -button, long roll, double 'breasted style. Boys' Shoes' Boys' Oxfords and Ankle Baots in brown or black, all sizes front 11. to 53/a. Pickett & Camp ell Arrow, Tooke . & BVD Shirts Phone 25 - - - - - - - Clinton, Dorothy May, daughter of Mrs. Walker, London, and the late • Ernest Walker, to Chesley Al- bert Dawe, RCAF, Clinton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Dawe, Grand Falls, Newfoundland. ERRINGTON—McGEE — At the home of the bride's parents, at high noon, Saturday, March 27, 1948, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of Blyth United Church, Dorothy Elizabeth, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, Blyth, to David Harold Errington, son of Mr, and Mrs. Victor Errington, West Wawanosh. GAINES-COOPER — Quietly, on Saturday, February 14, -1948, Anna Evelyn Cecelia Cooper, Flint, Mich., only daughter of Mrs. George F. Jackson, Flint, Mich., and the late George E. Cooper, Clinton, to William Lionel Gaines, Mt. Morris, Mich, HERMAN -WOODS — In Wesley United Church, London, by Rev. C. C. Washington, minister of the church, at 3 p.m., Satur- day, March 27, 1948, Roberta Jean, daughter of 1Vir. and Mrs. William G. Woods, Glencoe, to James Gordon Herman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Clinton. LARSON-SIMPSON—In Centen. nial United Church, London, by Rev. Dr. R. T. Richards, on Saturday, March 27, 1948, Lita Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson, Metcalfe St„ Windsor, to Clarence Edgar Largon, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Larson, Bayfield. SWAN-McCLENAGHAN—At the home of the bride's uncle, Rev. W. J. Watt, Whitechurch, who officiated, on Saturday after- noon, March 27, 1948, Edith Mary, daughter of Harry Mc- Clenaghan, Belgrave, and the late Mrs. McClenaghan, to Glen Bowey Swan, son of A. J. Swan, Brucefield, .and the late Mrs. Swan. WHITMORE — TURNBULL — In the Church of St. Thomas, Ham- ilton, on Thursday, March 25. 1948, by Rev. Dr, R. C. Blagrave, Doris Mary, only daughter of Mrs. Turnbull and the late W. W Turnbull, Hamilton, to Harold Franklin Whitmore, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore, Hamilton, formerly of Goderich Township. DEATHS DENOMIVIE—Suddenly, at her late residence, Drysdale, on Friday, March 26, 1948, Mrs Philip Denomme, mother of Lawrence Denomme, Clinton, in her 74th year. , Funeral from St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Drys- dale, to St, Peter's Cemetery, March 29. MOLE—At his home in Seaforth, on Saturday, March 27, 1998,. Edward Mole, native of Auburn and father of Mrs, Gordon Mill - son, Clinton, in his 74th year. Funeral from Northside United Church, Seaforth, under LOT, and ROOF auspices, to Ball's Cemetery, Auburn, Tuesday af- ternoon, March 30. STEPHENSON — In Goderich Township, on Monday, March 29, 1948, Jane Rathweli, belov- ed wife of the late Arthur B. Stephenson, in her '85th year. Funeral from residence of her son, Lawrence Stephenson, Hur- on uron Road West, Goderich Town- ship, to Bayfield Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, March 31. MISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVI4 masonwork done.. in .the spring?? Now is the time to make the necessary arrangements. For as- sistance 'in your plans and other information contact. William Ben- der, phone,.911r24. 10-14-b PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS o all makes.Cleaning, de ,•nothing,. free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314w, Ointon. zbtf EXPERT WORK done in instal- lation of sanitary sewerage ser- vice. Cantadt McKay Contract- ing Co., phone 373M, Clinton. l3 -14-p CUT FLOWERS FLORAL 1)ESIC.NS For Every Occasion CV.:"00 K E FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 URGES GREATER PUBLICITY FOR HURON FRUIT• The fruit growing industry of Ontario—and especially the apple producing section of it—requires more publicity and advertising, F. K. Bain Stewart, Department of Economics, OAC, Guelph, and formerly Agrlcutlurai Represen- tative for Huron County, told the - members of Huron Fruit Growers' Association at their well -attended annual meeting in the Board Room, Ontario Agricultural Of- fice. Huron County produces more apples than any other fruit, Mr. Stewart pointed out. In order to secure the Northern Ontario and other markets, proper grading and packaging are .necessaryand something should be done about refrigeration and facilities for shipping. The growers need to be better organized, with means of collecting funds to pay for .ad- vertising. The B.C. grower does not receive as mucic net as the Ontario grower, but the apples are well packed. Mr. Stewart advised the grow- ers to have their own inspectors and let the Government inspector supervise, as the wrong attitude tion. usually is taken toward inspec- Presentation Made Following a banquet in Hotel Clinton, a pipe was presented to J. E. Howitt, retiring professor of botany, OAC., Guelph, who had attended and addressed the annual, meeting for the past 22 years. W. Joynt, Lucknow, made the pre- sentation speech, and the veteran George Laithwaite, Goderich Township, made the presentation. Mrs. W. McGuire led a sing -song and played the accompaniment. Clayton Laithwaite was master of ceremonies, and LeRoy G. Brown, agricultural representative, intro- duced the luncheon speaker, W. Stafford Johnston, Stratford, who gave a very interesting and amus- ing account of military censorship during the late war. Spraying Depends on Weather Prof. Howitt spoke on sprays, recommending extra sprays in the fall if the weather is wet. "Watch weather conditions," he warned. In a dry season, the ordinary num- ber of sprays as given on a spray calendar will do, but extra sprays are necessary in wet weather. Prof. Howitt introduced H. W. Gobles, professor of entomology, OAC., Guelph, who gave an ad- dress on insects, stressing the use of sufficient sprays and the neces- sity of picking off the small apples. ai Better Grading Needed J. J. Johnston, fruit and veget- able inspector for the Dominion Government, spoke on the diffi- culties the growers are having this year. He said that organized marketing could solve a situation that the private seller could not handle. He thought the markets lost in the west and in Quebec could be regained. `There is too much lassitude, in grading," he , said. The newscheme the Gov- ernment has in hand stresses grading and buying appeal. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland over the East- dt' weekend were Mr. and. Mrs. Victor Heeley and daughter, Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rahn and son, David, all of Toronto, Mrs. Harry McBurney and daugh- ter, Dianne, London Jack Mc- Burney, Hamilton, and Mrs. Glen Gibson and children, Dwight and Yvonne, Walton. BAYFIELD Mrs. Agnes Currie has returned to her home in the village after spending the winter months with her daughters, Mrs. Gerald Hul- ley, St. George, and Mrs. Wilbert McBride. Kitchener. Congratulations! The community extends con- gratulations and best • wishes to Mr: and Mrs. Clarence Edgar Larson on their marriage in Lon- don Saturday. (A report of the wedding is published elsewhere in this issue.) VODDEN—In Tuckersmith Town- ship, on Saturday, March 2/,. 1948, Shirley Anne, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Vodden, aged four months. Fun- eral from Ball Bros. Funeral Horne, Clinton, to Harpurhey Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, March 30. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59.tf ROXY THEATRE C L Y N T O' N Now Playing (April 1-3) "THE VIGILANTES RETURN"— In Cinecolor, with. Jon Hall Mon., Tues., Wed. (April 5-7) "THE UNFINISHED DANCE" A tender, appealing story from the dance world and featuring the talented child star Margaret O'Brien with Cyd Charisse and Karin Booth. Thur., Fri„ • Sat. (April 8-10) Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman and, Claude Jarman Jr. A boy's love. for a pet and a man's fight for survival against nature. "THE YEARLING" (First showing of the above feature at 7 p.m.) Coming (April' 12-14)—"100 MEN AND A GIRL" and "GIRL OV THELIMBERLOST" CAPITAL THEATRE G•ODERICH Now: "The FOXES of HARROW" with Rex Harrison and Maureen O'Hara MON., TUFTS., WED. Luise Rainer - Fernand Gravet' and Meliza Korjus—MGM's great musical romance. A story of stolen love and the: revolt of a nation. "THE GREAT WALTZ" 'THUR., FEL, SAT. Technicolor "THE YEARLING" With all the warmth, emotion, suspense and heart -tugs of Marj- orie Kinnan Rawling's prize novel Gregory Peek - Jane Wyman and Claude Jarman Jr. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now—Abbott and Costello in `BUCK PRIVATES COME HOME' MON., TUES., WED: Betty Grable - Dan -Dailey and - Mona Freeman—This Technicolor introduction of a new comedian will fill your evening with rare entertainment. "MOTHER WORE TIGHTS" THUR., FRI, SAT. June Allyson - Peter Lawford & Patricia Marshall—It's a big, gay and gorgeous Technicolor show crammed with' toe -tapping tunes. "GOOD NEWS" , L ERLO Coming—"THE WEB" Adult En- Coming—"GIRL of the LIMBER- tertainment & 'Blondie's Holiday' Matinee: Sat, & Holidays 2.30 p.m. LOST" and "100 Men and a Girl" ammawasmamwatiommtmommamm. Mission Band Holds Easter Thankoffering The Bob McClure Mission Band of Wesley -Willis United Church held its Easter Thankoffering in the Lecture Hall of the church, with the president, Marilyn Mar- tin, in the chair and Miss Ruth Hearn in charge of the music. Four boys' opened the meeting by giving short talks on "World Needs." These were Kelvin Jer- vis, Don Ross, Don Cornish and Bill Carrick. After the opening hymn and the responses, the various reports were received. Prayers were of- fered by Marilyn Shaddock, Gary Cooper and Jean Fitzsimons. Three boys, Stephen Brown, Don Ross and Don Cornish repeated missionary poems. These were followed by a fine musical selec- tion by Yvonne Dales and Ken. Carter. "Easter Carols" under the direc- tion of Miss Hearn were present- ed with Yvonne Dales and Betty Fitzsimons as narrators and Don Ross, Don Cornish, Kelvin Jervis, Bill Carrick, Jean Fitzsimons and .Marilyn Shaddock forming the choir. The offering was received by Bill Carrick and Don Cornish and the Dedicatory prayer given by Wayne McGee. "Easter Heralds," a series of recitations about Easter was com- posed of the Junior group as fol- lows: Billy Martin, Ronald Lane, Cameron Addison, .Gwenyth Griffiths, Marion Dales, Shirley Dales, Marilyn Miller, Dianne Cooper, Peter Pocklington, Gloria Cooper, Donald Hugill, Wayne McGee, Kenneth Currie and Stephen Brown. A play entitled "The fairy Queen's Visit" was ably preser e by Gail. Shearing, Betty Lou DTediger, Marilyn Martin as three Canadian girls; Marjory Currie CARD OF THANKS • I would like to take this oppor- tunity of expressing my heartfelt appreciation to all our friends, relatives and neighbours, for their many kindnesses shown my moth- er (Mrs. Alex. G. Morris) during her lifetime in this community, short illness and expressions of sympathy conveyed to me. Signed: JEAN M. DRUMMONE Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Jennie Morris, late of the Town of Clinton, in Me County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicit- or for the said Estate, on or before the 12th day of April, A.D. 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 23rd clay of March, A.D. 1948, F. FINGLAND. K,C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 13-14-15-b Dwarf Apple Trees . . just right for a small back garden. %% • Absolutely hardy. '= 32.50 each ii. it Write today for list OA Work Clothes. That are Different! "KITCHEN'S STREAMLINER" OVERALLS—made of heavy sanforized "express stripe" drill with zipper front and wide elastic shoulder straps. A perfect fitting garment to give comfort and long wear .... $4.95 "KITCHEN'S" NAVY BLUE COMBINATION OVERALLS— sanforized material as above. A neat garment de- sigeed'to fit and give longer wear $6.25 "KITCHEN'S NAVY BLUE COMBINATION OVERALLS— of heavy sanforized drill' in herringbone weave. A good looking comfortable :combination to wear $6.50 SAILOR PANTS made of sanforized blue drill with laced '' back, strongly made with 5 'pockets ... .. $3.75' DAIRY STRIPE PANTS, fully cut with 5 pockets, a clean neat trouser that will really wear ... ... • $3.75 See our stock of Work Glovesto suit all jobs! AIKEN'S PHONE 2 - - CLINTON' as me r'auy klueen; Snaron War- nock, Karen Warnock and. Patty Murch as the three little fairies; Barbara Oliver and Doris Coop- er as two small "school girls; Catherine Ball as Kimota Son; Elizabeth Rogers as the Hindu Widow; Agnes Lane as the Indian girl. After a hymn and the repeat- ing of the Mission Band purpose, Bill Carrick offered prayer. The Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Andrew Lane. Mrs. Hearn and Mr. Lane spoke briefly to the children, eneourag- ing them in their missionary ef- forts and were responded to by Mrs, Frank Fingland. A short social time followed the meeting. There aver 45 children and 12 adults present. "Believe—And Thou Shalt Be Saved" — Acts 16:31. BELIEVE WHAT? 1. Believe that you are a lost sinner. (Rom. 3.23) 2. Believe that you need a Saviour. (Titus 3:5) 3, Believe that Christ is that Saviour. (John 14:6) 4. Believe God's Work when it says CHRIST died for us. (1 Pet. 3:18) So in true repentance trust and accept Christ to -day. TUNE IN—Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53, Cal., on STATION CKLW, Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T. Sunday moon FOR SALE • There is offered for sale by tender the residence of the late Jennie Morris, situat- ed on the South side of Wellington 'Street, Clinton. .. .,.:.a., Property consists of a frame cottage with living room, dining room, two bedrooms, bath connected to sewerage, kitchen, summer kitchen, woodshed, good cellar, furnace, electric water heater, all in a good state of repair. Written tenders will be received by the under- signed to the 5th day of April, 1948. Possession 15th May, 1948. `Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Iiispection by appointment. ,DATED this 23rd day of March A.D. 1948. F. FINGLAND, Executor Estate Jennie Morris. 13-14-b Thompson's Grocery SPECIALS FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 3rd Corn'Syrup, Crown Brand, 5 lb. tin 63c Coffee, Maxwell House, 1 lb. bag .. 54c Snow Flake Ammonia, pkg. 5c Potatoes, Ont. No. 1, 75 Ib. bag .. $2.50 Tomato Soup, Campbell's, tin 10c Catsup, Heinz, bottle 25c WE SAVE YOU MONEY . Electric Mot , r Quarter, Third, Half, Three -Quarter and 1-H.P. in stock C. H. lEPPS PHONE 264 CLINTON 10-12-14-16-tfb HAVE YOUR SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Harold East Phone Clinton 800r6 R.E. 4, Clinton 11-tfb FULL STOCK OF .. . Chicken Supplies Hand -made Feeders and Fountains SEE US BEFORE BUYING IIUGH R. HAWKIN PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470