HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-03-25, Page 54,:intrASDAY • MARCH; 25, 1944 News -Record Classifie yrs SAGE FIVE 441138 RATE --(If :paid by Wednes- seep following date of insertion) *e cent a word first insertion (mini - mown 35 cents); subeegnen4ineortions -one Gent a ',word (minipwm 85 'cents); 15 eents extra for bee number er for ,direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CIfARGED-15 cents extra. B"F:ADLIND--9 p:m„ Wednesday. FOR SALE ,. RUBBER TIRED WAGON, good tires, short or long tongue; also bay flake, ' •Wishto buy cheap tractor or steel tired wagon. Ap- ply We B. Thompson, 2r miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway. e 13-16-b OOPPER TUB B.EATTY Washer in excellent condition, Privately •owned. Phone 698J. 13-b ONE MASSEY-HARRIS THREE :furrow plow; one McCormick - Deering corn binder; one Me- -Cormick -Deering side delivery rake; Two Holstein cows, due in April; Two Durham heifers due in April. Ralph Cantelon, phone 9.05r25, Clinton. 13-14-p 'THIGH RUBBER BOOTS, spec- ially priced, $5.45; Hip Rubber Boots, new Flonga type with hip strap, $6,25. Aiken's, phone 2, Clinton. 13-b 'TRICYCLE, SMALL SIZE, 2 to 5 :years old. Good condition. Phone 482W. 13-14-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BIRTHS HS FIVE HOGS. r011 SALE. Apply R. J, A. McClelland, phone Clin- ton 800r33. 13-b A GOOD BLAGX HORSE rising 5 years. Well broken to work double on any implement; also riding plow in A-1 condition. Harold Tyndall, phone 905r2. 13-b ELEVEN WEANLING PIGS.W. P. Roberts, phone 614r22. 13-b THREE REGISTERED SCOTCH Shorthorn . heifers with calves at foot. Stewart Schoenhals, phone Clinton 903r12. 13-14-b AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1936 MASTER CHEVROLET Coach, ••completely overhauled, new tires, in excellent condition, Stewart Schoenhals, phone Clin- ton 903r12. 13-h PROPERTY TO RENT TWO GARAGES FOR RENT, suitable for cars or storing furni- ture. Apply Mrs. Robert Webster, phone 7893. 13-p TWELVE ACRES OF Clay Loam for rent for cropping. Apply Box "F", NEWS -RECORD. 13-p • HELP WANTED, MALE YOUNG MAN TO LEARN Auto- motive repair trade. Apply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 13-b 'SUNSHINE STROLLER in good condition. Phone 229 or apply to P.O. Box 73, 13-p ''ONE SMALL FOUR -HOLE COOK stove in good condition, fitted with waterfront. Apply D. H. McInnes, Huron St., Friday or Saturday. 13-b LARGE ICE BOX, holding 300 pounds ice, with 14 cubic feet food space, would suit large boarding house, small store or farm house. Apply to Lever's Service Station and Restaurant, : Jlighway No. 8, West, 12-13-b I WO LOADS OF SHEAF OATS .:for' sale. Apply Ed. Morrison, „ phone Clinton 633r13. 13-b PROPERTY FOR SALE ',COTTAGE ON"PRINCESS Street: Phone 589J. 13-15-p .EIGHTY ACRES OF. GRASS land ,•CP. Murch, Clinton. 12-13-p 'SMALL HOUSE IN . CLINTON, .excellent location. A buyer of this property, makitlg small repairs, could have a good comfortable home at a reasonable price. Ap- ply to James' Elliott,' Dublin. 13-14-15-p 'SMALL FARM OF Sandy Loam, suitable for market gardening on led; 8 Highway, two miles west of Clinton. On this farm is situated a seven -room frame house, bank barn (including hen house), gar- age, arage, spring well -water in barn, spring creek, Hydro available, 'Possession May 1• Harold Squire, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 910r25. 13-p 100 ACRES, $1,000, -GOOD PAS- "cure land and lifetime supply of -firewood. Lot 21, Concession 7, Hallett. Apply H. C. Lawson, 'Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 9tfb IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, SENT'. es room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating -system, insulated, . newly decorated; garage, Apply to H. O. Lawson, Real -Estate Broker, phone 251W, Ciiaton. Stfb SEED• GRAIN FOR SALE "RED CLOVER SEED, GOOD, •clean seed. Apply Gladwin West- lake, phone Henson 99r12, AJAX OATS WITH SOME No. 21 'Barley Mixed in. Irvine Tebbutt, 'phone Clinton 902r8, 12-13-p 'MIXED GRAIN; ALSO HAY, 'Bean straw • and Oat straw. John E. Pepper, phone Clinton 627r13. 13-b "RED CLOVER SEED, $33 a bus; 'Reg. Sturdy, phone Goderich 933r32. _ 13-p 750 BUSHELS AJAX OATS, $1.50 per bushel. William Harris, phone 308r3, Clinton. 13-14-p MUSKRATS WANTED SEE ME BEFORE' SELLING elsewhere. Murray East, R.R. 1, Chilton, 12-14-p TRAPPERS SUPPLIES MUSKRAT TRAPS of all kinds; 'Dailey's Muskrat Lure, $1.25; per - sonde lessons given to anyone in- terested in trapping foxes, Bring your furs to Batkin. 13-p MEN WANTED $35. TO $60. A WEEK! Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes, •If you have selling ability and a small capital — write to -day for FREE information — FAMILEX — 1600 Delorimier, MONTREAL. 12-16-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE GIRL WANTED ' AS JUNIOR clerk by local bank. Should have at least three years high school education. Apply P.O. Box 340, Clinton. 13-b GIRL TO HELP with housework, Mrs.- W, H, Hemphill, 522 Wil- liam St, Stratford, or phone 2352 collect, •13-b WORE WANTED, MALE ODD JOBS WANTED EVENINGS and weekends. Two men with car or trailer. Reasonable, Phone 907r15. 13-14-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED YOUNG CLINTON VETERAN would like house or apartment, possession by June 1, no child- ren, references, Apply Box "R" NEWS -RECORD. 13-p WANTED USED PIANO, WANTED, in good condition. Apply W. 0, Johnston, Brucefield, phone Clinton 618r31; Seaforth 659r31. 13-p WANTED,TO BUY ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay snore than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. if dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 9"uiir2l or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb, LOST AND FOUND LOST—TUNING HAMMER with black handle, Lost in vicinity of Frank Dixon's residence. Finder contact E .C. Nickle, phone 3393. 13-b LOST — AN UMBRELLA WITH white, pink and green sections. Reward offered. .Phone 290W 13-p LOST—YOUNG GIRL'S Plastic rimmed glasses, between Ellwood Epps' Sport Shop arid Public School, on Wednesday, March 24, Finder please leave at Epps Sport Shop, Clinton. 13-b MISCELLANEOUS ARE. YOU PLANNING TO HAVE masonwork done in the spring?? Now is the . time to make the necessary arrangements. Far as- sistance in your plant and other information contact William Ben- der, phone 911r24. 10-14-b PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. ' Cleaning, demothing, free estimator. Write or phone William N. Goiild, 314w,"Olinton. 2btf EXPERT WORK done in instal- lation of sanitary sewerage ser- vices. Contact McKay Contract- , ing Co., phone 373M, Clinton, 13-14-p DOUND—In Ciitnon Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, March, ' 25, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Rayu'tond Round, Clinton, a son (Douglas Albert). FOWLER—In Clinton PubiicHos- pital, on, Sunday, March 21, 1948, tp Mr. and Mees. Benson Fowler, Blyth, a daughter. OKE—Mr. and Mrs. Orville G. Oke (nee Wilma Rowcliffe), Clinton, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Elaine Kathryn, • at Scott Mem- orial . Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday, March 20, 1948. MARRIAGES STOREY-DALE—At the Parson- age, Ontario St, United Church, Clinton, by Rev, W. J. Wool- frey, at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 20, 1948, Helen Marie, only daughter of Mr. and M s. Ernest Dale, R.R. 4, Clinton, to Robert Harold Storey, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3, H. Storey, Walton. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Jennie Morris, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicit- or for the said Estate, on or before the ,12th day of April, A.D. 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 23rd clay of March, A.D. 1948. F. FINGLAND. K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor; for the said Estate. 13-14-15-b IN. MEMORIAM POWELL—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Eliza- beth Elliott, beloved wife of Mr. Frank H. Powell who pas- sed away one year ago, March 26, 1947: "It is not at the time the tears are shed That tell of a heart that is torn, But the lonely tears in after years And remembrance silently borne. Surrounded by friends we are lonely, In the midst of joy we are blue, With a smile on our face, we've a heartache Longing dear mother for you." —Ever lovingly remembered by husband, son and daughters. 13-p TWO -MILL RATE SET -• WINGIIAM — Winghain High ESchooi District Board has set a two -mill tax rate for this district. NOTICES SAW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's Orobard, one mile north of torn; also ladders for sale various lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p WOULD HAVE ROOM FOR ONE or two passengers in car going to Manitoba. Apply Box "W" NEWS - RECORD. 13-p WILL BE ABLE TO DO CUSTOM wood cutting throughout the sum- mer. Also have a quantity of mixed wood for sale. ' Glenn E. Price, Brucefield, phone Clinton 621r31, 13-14-p NOTICE For your ,Spring Require- ments in building materials, such as: LUMBER WALL BOARDS PLYWOOD MASONITE Mouldings and Casings Builders Hardware such as Binges - Locks - Cupboard Catches and Drawer Pulls; also nails of all kinds. We have a complete line of Heammns Hepglo Paints, Enamels and Varnishes: Asphalt roofings and build- ing paper. Bock Wool Insolation. Also Window Sash made to order and Glass, all, sizes. EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED Call in` and'see .. . BERT HULLER or Phone 3194 Clinton for Cash and Carry Service 10-11-12-13-p Going in the Easter Parade? If you are, step out in style. See our new line of spring suits now. The smartest in styling; one - button Iong rolls, Lounge drapes, and the new Box - Back by. Towne Hall. Gabardines, Worsteds and Glen Checks in stock now. a fi Make your outfit com- ' 4i plete with a Gabardine Topcoat, a Stetsqu Hat and is pair of Scott -Me - Hale Shoes. • Boy's Shoes • We can now fit any boy in town with the best in Brown' or Black Oxfords, all .sizes from 11 to 51✓z. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger 'Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East Phone 585 59 tP • Dwarf App!e Trees just right for a small back garden., Absolutely hardy. $2.50 each Write today for list 'mss Urges Greater wick Results (Contin,ied.'from;Page One) ' "Man cannot Make, a rose," the speaker said, "He can't iecorpor- ate . that mystical *thing ca11ed. perfume," Mr. Clarke paid trib- ute^to gardening as working out the mystical.. Horticulture is simply the *ornamental side of ag- riculture, our basic, industry. "I believe we get right to .the, basic things in gardening," he. declared "It is the practice of good citizenship" It serves to keep down juvenile delinquency, and might be an antidote for some of our Bares and troubles, It provides a proper environment for the child. Mr. Clarke advocated a general clean-up day\ for Clinton, stating. that it would •make the town a great deal different. He urged support for and interest in a Horticultural Society, and urged reorganization of the local society, which has been dormant for sev- eral years: He would like to see' the Lions Club "father" such a society. The speaker cited the case of Kitchener where a Horticultural Society had beautified the city and was receiving an annual grant of $5,000 front the City Council. The same was true elsewhere. Hund- reds of schools throughout On- tario had fostered beautification with wonderful results. Essay writing had been fostered. Con- servation was emphasized. GRAIN CAPACITY GODERICH-Capacity of the 15 lake vessels standing in the dam- aged Goderich harbor is reported to total 3,000,000 bushels, not 15,000,000 as previously reported. Safety Auto Glass Replaced in Your Car or Truck while you wait. i BEEVERS AUTO and BICYCLE SUPPLY ,CCM Bicycles and Repairs 'este St. Phone 295-W GODERICH See your local Garage or Service Station about 'this service. 13-1.4-15-16-b e • ROXY THEATRE. C L I. T O N Now. Playing (March. 25) "THE .BEST. :YEARS OF OUR LIVES" .(March 26 and 27) "BUCK •PRIVATES COME HOME" Mon., Tues., Wed. (March 29-31) June .Allyson, Peter Lawford 'and Patricia Marshal.— The musical sensation of the year, gay and gorgeous and crammed with toe - tipping tunes. (In Technicolor) "GOOD NEWS" Thur., Fri., Sat. (April 1-3) "The Vigilantes Return" Cinecolor photography enhances this thrill -packed tale of the struggle to bring law, and order it; the old West — Jon Hall, Margaret Lindsay & Andy Devine Coming (April 5-7) "THE UN- FINISHED DANCE" starring Margaret O'Brien Matinee: Sat, &Holidays 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICE Now' flaying -::Bing Crosby. In "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" MON., TUES., WED. Margaret O'Brien, Danny Thomas and Cyd Charisse—There is ro- mance, . spectacle and music in M.G.M.'s gorgeous Technicolor drama. "The Unfinished Donee" THUR., FRI., SAT. "The FOXES of HARROW" Frank Yerhy's novel of frustra- tion and unbridled passions be- comes a screen epic you'must not miss — Rex Harrison, Maureen O'Hara and Richard Haydn Coming: "CARNEGIE HALL" REGENT . THEATRE SEAFORT?R Now Playing --Deanna Durbin in "SOMETHING IN THE WIND" MON., TUES., WED. June Haver, Mark Stevens and Martha Stewart One: of the brightest; liveliest, Technicolor musicals ever created by Twent- ieth Century went-ieth'Century Fox. "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" R'HUR., FRL, SAT. Abbott and Costello with Joan Fulton and Tom Browny—If you want to rehabilitate your sense of humor don't miss the riotous laff-hit, "Buck Privates Come: Home" Coming—Betty Grable in ' "MOTHER WORE *TIGHTS" LIGHTNING CAUSES FIRE • FORDWICH—A bolt of light- ning struck the power installation in a house owned by Roy Gadke, causing considerable damage to the basement and setting it on fire. A bucket brigade was form- ed and extinguished the blaze. Oid at 9,50,60?" -- Man, You're Crazy Forret Your ager *Notionn0are 5011511 se 70, Tr!, popping 05•• wish 0wtrei. 000(01ae took for 00004 rundown foop05 nue woleir 10 bodyo lack of fro 011100 man9 nennd women cull old." Tr 0etrex Tonto •1'abfoto tar you, younger feeling th For Mlle lir Neu Irug ntmm�"rrer ,'lrn rlxoyonlfr t`eq HOBBY SHOP SIGNS— Scroll Sawed or Painted Suitable for Stores, Cottages, etc. Lawn Ornaments and Hobby Craft R. SMITH PHONE 79'7W 13-b "Believe --And Thou Shalt Be Saved" — Acts 16:31. BELIEVE WHAT? 1. Believe that you are a lost sinner, (Rom. 3:23) 2. Believe that you need a Saviour, (Titus 3:5) 3. Believe that Christ is that Saviour. (Sohn 14:6) 4. Believe God's Work when It says CHRIST died for us. (1 Pet. 3:18) So in true repentance trust and accept Christ'to-day. TUNE IN—Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53, CaL, on STATION CKLW, Windsor, 12-12.30 E,S.T. Sunday noon wlrwerr► ,netnrsr Easter Bonnet Dance . CLINTON TOWN HALL Monday, March 29 Music by KEN WILBEE and his Orchestra Dancing 9:30 • COME AND GET AN EASTER BONNET • ADMISSION: 50e • Sponsored by Huron Fish and Game (71ub 12-13-b • y TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to MARCI{ 31, for the delivery of 4,000 yards, more or less, of rushed Gravel, %.inch screen, at a price of 60 cents per Cu. Yd., for the slbreets, Town of Clinton. Quality of gravel to be up to the approval of the Street Committee of Council, 11-1.2-13-b TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T. Carless,- Clerk and Treasurer. Attention, • Parents ! Ali parents having children for Kindergarten Class in Fall Terni commencing in. September, must register same by letter not latter than April 1, 1948, with H. C. Lawson; secretary, Public School Board. To be admitted, pupils must be four years, eight months old, by September 1, '1948. On day of enrolment` in September, definite proof of age must be siibinitted to the Principal of the Public School. Owing to limited accommodation it is necessary that£hese regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of Clinton Public School Board JI -L C. LAWSON, Secretary 11-12-13-b ■ HOT CROSS BUNS We're Still Taking Orders for the Easter Weekend •HAPPY EASTER GREETINGS Dixon's Pastry Shop PHONE 281W RATTENBURY ST. E. a it FOR SALE There is offered for sale by tender the residence of the late Jennie Morris, situat- ed on the South side of Wellington Street, Clinton. :..t.n.,t:tea.u., Property consists of a frame cottage with living room, dining room, two bedrooms, bath connected to sewerage, kitchen, summer kitchen, woodshed, good cellar, furnace, electric water heater, all in a good state of repair. Written tenders will be received by the under- signed to the 5th day of April, 1948. Possession 15th May, 1948. highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inspection by appointment. DATED this 23rd day of March A.D. 1948, F. FINGLAND, Executor Estate Jennie Morris. 13-14-b There's no better way... TO GREET A FRIEND TO THANK A HOSTESS TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" Flowers For Easter! Fre9h as a dewy, Spittrfg morning .... delightful as only Nature can make them .. , CQOKE FLOWERS are ready to make your Easter perfect again. Your partieu'lam favourites are here, in' cut flowers and blooming plants, and priced very law for so much beauty, , ORDER NOW! Phones: 66W, 664 ; . . C.' V. Cooke FLORIST CLINTON 12-b CALL CLINTON..CAB PHONE 44 Res. `229 Res. 173 Reg. Shipley Oscar Priestap H. Crittenden FULL STOCK OF .. . Chicken Supplies Hand -made Feeders and Fountains SEE US BEFORE BUYING • Order Your Sap Pans Early 0 HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and. HEAPING Business 244 Phone - Residence 470