HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-03-18, Page 71111HISDA'Sc, MARCH 18, 1948 OLI TON' NEWS-113C0RD' PAGE SEVEN Attention Mr. Farmer! Farm Equipment Repair part8 00 .00 in. Mort supply. Don't bo eainght OIf gaard' when your Tillage Machinery hale to be pili. to, work. Check over you machines and tractors for needed parts and get them NOW. : Avoid Costly Delays McAlpine and Da* A :'hone 338J Clinton, Ontario • Victoria St. YOUR. LOCAL INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS Imperial Gasoline and _ Oil MUDDY WEATHER FOOTWEAR For Men and Boys See our Wide Selection AIKEN'S m�ffexir•�rrrse Sand -table in3erucnon lends ',realism to the study of tactics. theyAr"e in, the 4 E V CAN40/ANARittly/• Healthy; They arc physically fir, these soldiers they had w be to pass enlistment examina- tions ... and they KEEP fir. They are well- 4 fed, clothed . , . given physical training j/ under experts .. , provided with varied recreation .. , and at all times given free medical and dental cart. Wealthy! Yes! Thcy really arc wealthy . , , in many ways. Nor only medical and dental care is free for these top-flight Canadians. Their food, clothing, recreation and training arc all FREE! Thcy have generous leaves with pay ... they sec new places ... they have security in their chosen career AND a pen- sion awaiting them at the end of their service. Wise!of course they arc wise! Each has been trained in some special skill ... under expert instructors ... with modern, scicn- • tific equipment. They arc wise in another ci way too!; They have learned that their service in Canada's New Army brings with it a sense of pride in the kind of job they are doing ... a feeling that they are making a yital contribution co rhe welfare and future of Canada:. 1/ you are over seventeen and want a career with a plus, call at your local recraiting centre or nearby armoury and obtain further details, • W. M. Neal Resigns As CPR President The 'Canadiax. 1?acifi;'c -Railway Company has announced the re- signati'oti of W. M. Neal, its 61 - year -old chairman and, presie dent, who took over the two „of- fices little f=fices'.little more than a year ago Mr. Neal's resignation, brough by his continued :iif health is effective immediately.;' He is succeded by two men lon in the service of the company George' A. Walker of the legal' de partment and senior vice -press dent in Montreal becomes chair man and W. A. Mather, Winni peg, a railroader since his 'teen becomes president. Because of his ill, health, Mr. Neal has spent this winter in Ja mama. Upon the insistende of hs medical advisers he' asked to. b relieved of his responsibilities `a once and the board of director complied. , HENSALL ~ Miss Gladys Luker is 'assisting W. O. Goodwin during the absence of Mrs. Horton. " An 'all -ladies' .minstrel of Wes- ley -Willis United church, Clinton • will present a minstrel show in ht the •Hensall Town Hall,: sponsored ,; by the Chat -fiber of Coral-nem. and Mrs. H. W. Horton and g 'Mrs. Alex Mousseau left Monday • for Hamilton. Frothere they - , will leave for New York and ex- - pect to sail Saturday on the - ``Queen Elisabeth": for a two mon- - ths' visit aabroad.'. s, Recreational Drive Hensall and District Recreat- ional, centre drive opens Monday, March 22. This centre is planned s chiefly to look after the wants of e the children of this community; t both physically and morally. It s has assembly hall and gymnasium 40 by 60; ice, surface 170 by 70; kitchen, Guide, Scout rooms. Min- imum objective is $20,000. Community Centre The Arena Committee met in the . Town Hall, Hensall, to dis- cuss further plans for the new Arena and Community Centre, to be built in Hensall as soon as materials can be secured, The „general collection campaign will commence Monday, March 23, and 1citizens are asked to give as gen- erously as :possible. This arena will cost about $25,000 to $30,000, It is expected that some of the labor will be donated free, and with materials at wholesale prices this will really cut prices, and when completed the building will be worth $40,000. Holy Week Services Union Holy Week services will CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM, FAIIM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 at 1 p.m. at Lot 3, Concession: 9, Colborne Township, 15/4 miles north and 34 miles west of Carlow • FARM —100 acres, clay loam, 5 acres fall wheat, 30 acres plow- ed, 5 acres good hardwood bush. Good buildings, Never -failing water supply. Terms made known day of sale, will be sold subject to reserve 'bid. CATTLE •— 8 cows; 13 young cattle. IMPLEMENTS — Waterloo threshing separator, 33-45 on rub- ber, with straw cutter and grain elevator; Waterloo tractor, 55 HP, on rubber, model Gt.; McCormick Deering 10 -ft. tractor disc; Mc- Cormick Deering 3 -furrow plow; implement trailer; McCormick Deering cultivator, like new; gas barrels; tarpaulin, hammer mill; wagon; belts; .hay rack; circular saw, and other farm machinery. TERMS—CASH MRS. TELFORD NIXON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auot. 12-13-b BOND HEAD COV DECLARED WORLD'S CHAMPION C. J. CERSVVELL'S BOND HAVEN RAGAPPLE JULIETTE MADE WORLD'S CHAMPION TWO-YEAR OLD This Champion Produced 920 Lbs. of Fait and 22995 Lbs. of Milk. An Average Test of 4% for the past year, SHE WAS FED: Blatchf ord's 24% DAIRY MEAL ALL CALVES ON MR. CERSWELL'S FARM ARE PIED Blatch f ord's CALF PELLETS BLATCHFORD'S FEEDS and service are available from S. RI kit and SO $ "Quality Feeds" Phone 114 - - Clinton THAT'S a fine thing about con• whether it's a shirt, a handkerchief, bedsheet, or even a graceful wedding gown, you are sure.of your money's worth. Cotton gives value for the money; Long service, resistance to laundering fastness to sunlight, and above toll q dean freshness that makes Life worth living in winter or summer; these are the things your dollatte bn when you spend them on cotton goods. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPA$Y ws lklawa/natwers a/ Tisc•.oaiats• frame* Ct,EARING - AUCTION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK, 1111pLEMENTS and FEED at Lot No. 11, Stanley Township, Bayfield Road, • North, 2 miles west, of Varna or 4 miles east of Bayfield, on THURSDAY, MARCH 25th at 1 Y.M. sharp, the following: HORSES — Clyde gelding, 10 years old; Clyde gelding, 11 years old. CATTLE—Durham cow, 6 years. old, freshened March' -7; Durham cow, 6 years old, freshened March 8; Durham cow, 5 years., old, re- cently freshened; Durham cow, aged, due March 18; Durham cow, 7 years old, due April 3; Durham cow, 6 years old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, 8 years old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, 8 years old, milking, bred again; 6 Durham, steers, 650-700 , lbs.; Shorthorn bull, 1 yr. old (papers available); 2 Durham yearling heifers; 4 Durham calves, (These cattle are from an original pure- bred herd, and of choice quality). PIGS -15 chunks approx 100 lbs, IMPLEMENTS — 10-20 Mc- Cormick Deering tractor, on rub- ber (A-1 condition); Oliver 2 - furrow tractor plow; McCormick Deering 3 -section spring -tooth harrows Snew); McCormick Deer- ing 15 -disc fertilizer drill with power lift and tractor hitch (near- ly new); Massey -Harris side de- livery rake; Massey -Harris bind- er, 7 ft. cut; McCormick Deering manure spreader; Massey -Harris mower, 5 ft. cut; 3 -drum steel roller; Massey -Harris 2 -row scuf- f Ler; cut_1ler; 4 -section drag harrows; 10 ft. hay rake; rubber tire wagon (600x16 tires); flat rack and grav- el box; electric feed cooker; Ren- frew electric cream separator, 650 lbs, capacity (nearly new); set of sloop sleighs; electric brooder (300 chick capacity); colony house 12'x20'; range shelter. HARNESS—Set of brass mount- ed breeching harness (nearly new); set of plow harness; horse collars and bridles. GRAIN and FEED -50 bushels of Galore barley (suitable for seed); quantity of mixed grain; approx. 3 ton mixed hay, baled. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, if not sold previous to sale date,, the farm consisting of 155 acres of choice clay loam on which is situated; a 1i storey brick house; an L-shap- ed barn 34'x70', and 36'x48'; also another barn 34'x56'; a never - failing supply of water (2 spring creeks);;„ and pressure system, hydro throughout the buildings. TERMS—On chattels, cash. TERMS—On farm, 10% on date of sale, balance in 30 days. GORDON HILL, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 11-12eb HULLETT NATIVE DEAD WINGII'AM—Resident of Wing - ham for the past 44 years, Mary Jane Jefferson, widow,of the late Samuel Emmett, died here in her 85th year. Deceased wsa a native of Hullett Township, and at one time was active in United Church work here. be held in Hensall during' Easter week: 'Tuesday, .March 23; at St. Paul's Anglican church, speaker, Rev. P. A. Ferguson; United Church speaker will. be Rev. Mr. Langford, Wednesday, March 2.4; Tlrursdays at'::