HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-03-18, Page 5eg -4 Our catalogue is our salesman ... buy from„ it and save agents' commissions and sell- ing expenses. * 8 M Our New Catalogue Is Ready Now ... Write Today for your Copy. THURSDAY,MARCH 18, 1948 CLINTON NEWC-RECORD PAGE FIVE Dews -Record Classified Adlets Brim Quick Results.. CASH RATE --(If paid by Wednes• NOTICE•day following date of insertion)- "'bme eent a word first insertion (mini - .mum 35 cents); subsequent insertions -one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 emits extra for box number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE -9 pm., Wednesday. BIRTHS SAW FILING, ALL micros DONE I GORRILL-Mr. and Mrs. Roder - at Hoare's Orchard, one mils north ick Gorrill, Montville, (nee of town; also ladders for sale various Gertryde Reid, formerly, , of lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p Clinton) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Anna Joyce, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Surbury, on Thursday, SEE ME BEFORE SELLING March 4, 1948. elsewhere. Murray East, R.R. 1, LOCKHART-In Clinton Public Clinton, 12-14-p 4 Hospital, on Tuesday, March 16, 1948, ; to Mr. and 1VIrs. Argyle Lockhart, R.R. 1, Coderich, a daughter, (Sharon Elizabeth). TALBOT -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, March 17, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Dewar Talbot, R.R. 2, Bayfield, a son. DEATHS FOR SALE ' BEAVER BENCH SAW, LIKE new. Apply Box "P", NEWS - RECORD. 11-12-p MEDIUM BROWN GABARDINE Top Coat, size 38, nearly new. Apply Elwin Merrill, phone 313, Clinton. 12-p FRAME BARN 18' x 35'; HEN 'house 8' x 10'; two dozen sap pails; also garden lot for rent. Apply Mrs. Robert Scotchmer, Mayfield. ' 11-12-p ONE MAN'S CCM BICYCLE, nearly new. Apply Charles Brown, Clinton, 12-p -JUST ARRIVED -CURRY Combs with the mane comb on back, 40c each. Large stock of cattle and horse brushes at Aiken's, phone 2, Clinton. 12-b COLONY HOUSE, BRAND NEW, 12x14, insulated; one purebred Ayrshire bull, 1 year old. Apply Charles Brandon, R.R. 4, Clinton. 12-p LARGE ICE BOX, holding 300 pounds ice, with four cubic feet 'food space, would suit large "boarding house, small store or -farm house; two small tables 18x36 inches, white enamel tops; lour model "T" Ford coils, new • rice reasonable; and one set 1927 -model "T" Ford bands. Apply to Lever's Service Station and Rest- 'auran't, Highway No. 8, West, 12-b SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - LIMITED QUANTITY, GALORE Barley, suitable for seed, $1.90 per bushel. Harry H. Webster, Auburn, phone Blyth 33r11. 12-p .TIED CLOVER SEED, GOOD, clean. seed. Apply 'Gladwin West- lake, phone Hensall 99r12. 12-13-p . AJAX OATS WITH SOME No. 21 ' Barley mixed in. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902r6. 12-13-p AJAX OATS SUITABLE FOR seed, cleaned and treated, $L50 per bushel. Arlie Lockhart, phone '.Goderich, 936r5. 11-12-p 'QUANTITY OF AJAX SEED oats pure and clean; also Cartier oats .and six -rowed barley mixed; and a few bags of Spy apules. Apply 'Earl Lawson, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r12. 11-12-p 'MICHELITE BEANS, SOWN from registered seed which tested 98% germination, and 99% field in- spection, $6 per bushel. Bert ' Thomson, RR. 2, Klppen..11-12'••p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD, apply Keith Tyndall, phone 805r23. 12-b THREE YOUNG YORKSHIRE Sows, guaranteed in pig. Apply 'Ed. N. Grigg, phone 911r2, R.E. 3, Clinton. 12-p ONE BLUE COW due to freshen April 24; one Holstein cow, milk- ing good, bred Fetiriary 5. Ap- Apply to Alden Crich, R.R. 3, Sea - forth, phone Clinton 614r13. 12-p THREE YOUNG YORKSHIRE ',Sows, recently bred, $45; also good strong wagon, medium height, steel wheels; two turkey hens. Apply George Colclough, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 805r31., 12-p "PUREBRED SHORTHORN BULL 14 months old. Apply to Maurice Frame, R.R. 1, Bayfield, phone Clinton 903r41, 12-p MUSKRATS WANTED PROPERTY POR SALE EIGHTY ACRES, OF GRASS land H. Murch, Clinton. 12-13-p DOUBLE VACANT LOT ON Hur- on St„ west of Shipley St., ideal for residential building purposes, Splendid garden land. Mrs. Earl Leyburne, phone Clinton 136. 11-12-p A DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE in Goderich. One vacant now; ight rooms, modern conveniences. The other house rented, seven rooms; near to square. Phone Goderich 297 or apply Box "C" NEWS -RECORD; lob-tfb 100 ACRES, $1,000. GOOD PAS- ture land and lifetime supply of firewood. Lot 21, Concession 7, Hullett. .Apply H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton, 9tfb IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, SEV- en room brick dwelling,: modern con- veniences, iences, - air conditioning heating system,' insulated, newly decorated; garage. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 8tfb TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES MUSKRAT STOP -LOSS TRAPS; Dailey's Muskrat lure, $L25 bottle; steel muskrat stretchers, $3.00 dozen. Personal lessons given to anyone interested in trapping fox in numbers. Batkin's Trapper Supply House, Clinton. 12-p WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT, AT ONCE medium sized house not too far from C.N.R. Station. Apply to C•N.R.'Station Agent., 11-12-) WOULD LIKE TO RENT ABOUT me during my rllness in Clinton 10 acres, suitable for spring crop, Public Hospital, and wish to thank in vicinity of Clinton, Apply Box Miss Sinclair and Mrs. Murray "S" NEWS -RECORD. 12-p for their kindness and also Dr, Oakes. -(Signed) -MRS. FRANK FOWLER.. 12-b DODDS-In West Suburban Hos- pital, Oak Park, I11., on Friday evening, March 12, 1948, Thomas Armstrong Dodds. formerly of Huron County m his 72nd year. Funeral from Ball ' Brothers Funeral Home to Clinton Ceme- tery, Monday afternoon, March 15. HOWATT-In Hullett Township, on Thursday,. March 12, 1948, Bertram' Hess Howatt, 18- months-old'son of Mr. and Mrs. George.: Howatt. .Funeral from family residence to Blyth Union Cemetery Sunday afternoon, March 14. MORRIS= -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, March 15, 1948, following a short illness, Jane Shepherd, beloved wife of the late Alexander Morris, in her 84th year. Funeral from the Beattie Funearl Home, Rat- tenbury. St. E., Clinton, this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 p.m. to Clinton Cemetery. WIGIITMAN - In London, on Thursday, March 11, 1048, Marg- aret Annie Wightman; daughter of the late William John Wight - man and Sarah Ann Henry, and sister of 'Mrs. Wesley Stack- house,' Brucefield, in her 71st year, Funeral from residence of her brother, Earl Wightman, West WaWanosh, to Westfield Cemetery. 0 CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all the nurses who so kindly cared for WANTED TO BUY ALL., OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich, 11-btfb. MEN WANTED $35. TO $60, A WEEK! Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service, Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle. is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small. capital A-.. write to -day for FREE information - FAMILEX - 1600 Delorimier, MONTREAL. 12-16-b MIISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE masonwork done in the spring?? Ncw is the time to make the necessary arrangements. For as- sistance in your plans and other information contact William Ben- der, phone 911r24. 10-14-h PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, demothing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314w, Clinton. 2btf LADIES: READ THIS!. Unwanted hair removed instantly from face, aims, legs, with FIash Hair Re- mover, Harmless -leaves skin soft and smooth: You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no huestions asked.Complete treat- ment $2 postpaid. (C.O.D.'s - Hostage extra); KAPEX PROD- UCTS (Dept. 313) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. 12-p GABARDINE The most talked about fabric in the clothing business to -day. Everyone asks for suits, topcoats, and shacks made of GABARDINE. We have a fine iilsplay of topcoats and slacks in stock and suits are expected this week. See them now. You'll be among the better dressed if you wear Gabardine. • • • STETSON HATS For Spring, 'step crut in a Stetson. More people wear Stetson Halts than any other brand. In stork now. ; is 'F'a':gr:gg 0 0 • MADE -TO -MEASURE TROUSERS. We now have the Top Hat line of made -to -measure trousers. Samples include glen checks, serges, flannels, and gabardines. If you are hard to fit, don't miss this opportunity. Pickett Cam PHONE 25 11 CLINTON • HAVE YOUR SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Harold East Phone Clinton 800r6 R.R. 4, Clinton :___....:._ 11-tfb CARD OF THANKS I Mrs. J. Huller wishes to thank her many friends for all flowers, cards, and other kindnesses shown her while :a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, with special thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes, ,and the nursing staff of the hospital. ' 12-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Charles Stewart wishes to thank her many friends in and around Clinton, also at Londes- bore, for their many ,acts of kind- ness, cards sent, and the nice flowers sent by the W.A. of On- tario St. United Church, while suffering with 'a 'broken wrist. 12-p IN MEMORIAM REID-In loving memory of the late Will Reid, Varna, who passed away six years ago, March 18, 1942. His memory is as dear to -day As in the hour he passed away. -Sadly missed by wife and dau- ghter. 12-p IN MEMORIAM McCLINCHEY-In loving memory of Henry McClinchey who passed away four years ago, March 20, 1444. -Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. Also in loving memory of William H. McClinchey who passed away four years ago, April 3, 1944. -Lovingly remembered by his mother,. brother and sisters, In our hearts we like to stray Along the road of yesterday, To live again in memory The happy days that used to be. To hear., you laugh, and see you smile And talk with you a little while, We love,to ,linger on. the way That leads us back to yester- .... v.,-..• 12-b NOTICE For your Spring Require- ments in puilding materials, " such as: LUMBER WALL. BOARDS' _- PLYWOOD MASONITE Mouldings and Casings Builders'Hardware such as Hinges -- Locks - Cupboa; d Catches and Drawer Pulls; also nails of all kinds. We have -a complete line of Ileamans liepglo Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Asphalt roofings and build- ing paper. Rock Wool Insulation. Also Window Sash made to orde•• and Glass, all sizes. .EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED Al in and see .. . BERT HULLER or Phone 319-3 - Clinton for (:ash and Carry Service 10-11-12-13-p BEAUTY SkHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger -Waves Poraiarients ETH.EL'THOM(PSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf ELDER BROS:, HENSALL, ARE - 'CHAMPIONS (Continued from page one) K. S. Murphy, Heldman, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branc, spoke on weed control and chemical sprays. He said in seed surveys last year 42% of the samples w. re rejected; he advised that growers should get proper screens for farm fanning mills. • Mr. Murphy outlined a barberry and buckthorn destruction pro- gram. About $600 to $700 would pe needed to undertake this cam- paign in Huron to settle the rust problem, It was hoped, he said, that the Department of Agricul- would pay a grant of $250 if the county would spend $500. Mr. Murphy spoke on the 2,4-D and low pressure spray on corn crops. Prof. Keegan, in his judge's re- port, commented on the quantity and quality of the exhibits at the Fair. Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, auctioned off the ten -bushel lots of oats and barley. Prize winners at the Seed Fair were: Class '+ 1, bushel fall wheat, "Dick" Jacob, Huron County Home, Clinton; Harry Strang, Hensall; Allan Waiper, Parkhill. Class 2, bushel early oats, Newt- on Clark, Woodham; Elder Bros., Hensall; "Dick" Jacob; William Elliott, Centralia; Walter Forbes, Clinton; Allan Waiper. Class 3, bushel late oats, Elder Bros.; Rus- sell Bolton, Dublin; A. Turnbull, Brussels; Alvin Betties, Bayfield; Harvey Keys, Zurich, and Eph- 3 Cli bushel barley, 6-rowed,jaElder Bros.; A. Turnbull; William El- liott; Harry Strang; William Turn- bull, Brussels; James McEwen, Hensall. Class 5, bushel flax, William Elliott; Robert Thompson, Clin- ton. Class 6, bushel oats (club members only), Murray Roy, Lon- desboro; Bob Allen, Brucefield; Flora Turnbull, Brussels; Charles Turnbull, Brussels. Class 7, bushel barley (club members only) -' John Hern, Woodham. Class 8, bushel field peas, no entries. Class 9, bushel field beans, James McEwen; Bert Thomson, Hensall; J. Bell, Goderich; Harry r. • ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON GODERICH SEAFORTH Now -(Mar. 18-20) Now -(Mar, 18-20) In Technicolor, Maria Montez in Jon Hall in "THE VIGILANTES "Pirates of Montery" RETURN" -In Trucolor Mon., Tues., (Mar. 22-23) Mon., Tues., (Mar. 22-23) Mon., Tues., (Mar. 22-23) Nelson Eddy, Ilona Massey and Adult Entertainment "MASS ROSE" Joseph Schildkraut - Glorious . George Raft, Lynn Bari 84 Myrna A mystery drama splendidly per- music by Rudolph Frimi 'features Tell -A suspensful tale of nefar- trayed by Peggy Cummins, Victor this story of old California. sous doings in the dead of night - Mature and Ethel Barrymore. NORTHWEST OUTPOST" 'NOCTURNE" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY -(March 24 and 25) "The Best Years of Our Lives" A priceless story close to the everyday lives of us all. Bright with romance, rich with feeling and spiced with unexpected humor. FREDRIC MARCH - itIYRNA LOY - D ANA ANDREWS and HOAGY CARMICHAEL One showing each night at 8 o'clock Adults Admission -Evening $1.20 Matinee -Wednesday, March 24 Children's Admission 55c Matinee -75c Now -(Mar. 18-20) "Something in the Wind" Fri„ Sat., (Mar. 26-27) ' Bud Abbott & Lou Costello They're the saddest sacks who ever came out of the army, but they pack a bombshell of laughs RUCK'PRIVATES COME HOME" ' Coming -(Mar. 29-31) "GOOD NEWS" with June Allyson Fri., Sat„ d%lar. 26-27) Ring Crosby with a grand sup - oiling cast in a revival of his singing hit - "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" Coming -(Mar. 29-31) "THE UNFINISHED DANCE" Fri„ Sat„' (Mar. 26-27) Deanna Durbin, Donald O'Connor & John Dall-A light and breezy musical hit with plenty of laugh - provoking fun - "SOMETHING IN THE WIND" Coming -(Mar, 29-31) "I WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW" Strang; William Alexander, Wal- ton. Class 10, Soybeans, Elder Bros.; W. J. Alexander. Class 11, half bushel Timothy seed, Allan Wal - per; William Turnbull; Harry Strang. Class 12, half bushel red clover seed, Harvey Keys; W. J. Alexander; William Alexander; William Elliott. Class 13, half bushel Alsike seed, W. J. Alexander. Class 14, half bushel alfalfa seed, no ent- ries. Class 15, bushel potatoes, Phyllis Bell, Goderich. Class 16, bushel potatoes, general crop, W. R. Dougall, Dungannon; Phyllis Bell. Class 17, bushel corn, Al- lan Waiper; Bob Allen; William Alexander. Class 18, bushel table turnips, Bert Thomson; Raymond Finnegan, Dungannon; James Me - Ewen; Don Middleton, Clinton. Class 19, ten bushel lot of oats, Elder Bros.; Alvin Betties; Class 20, ten bushel lot of barley, El- der Bros.; William Elliott. The Champion bushel of oats was shown by Newton CIark, Woodham, and the champion bushel of barley by Elder Bros., Hensall. The Grand Champion Showman was Elder Bros., Hen- sall, with William Elliott, Cent-. ralia, as the runner-up. Special prizes were won by: El' der Bros., Hensall, most points in grain and seed classes; William Elliott, Centralia, second greatest number of points M grain and seed classes; Newton Clark, Wood- ham, best bushel of oats; "Dick" Jacob, Huron County Home, Clin- ton, best bushel of fall wheat; Elder Bros,, Hensall, best bushel of barley of malting variety; Wil- liam Elliott, Centralia, best bushel o£ flax, $10 donated by S. Rid- dick and Sons, Clinton; Harvey Keys, Zurich, best bushel red clov- er, Bert- Thomson, Hensall, best bushel of turnips; James McEwen, Hensall, best bushel, of White Field Beans; Elder Bros., Hen- sall, best bushel of soybeans, do- nated by Canada Packers Limited Exeter, Clinton and Wingham, Easter Bonnet Dance CLINTON TOWN HALL Monday, March 29 Music by KEN . WILBEE and his Orchestra Dancing 9:30 • COME AND GET AN EASIER, BONNET 0 •ADMISSION: 50c Sponsored by Huron Fish and Game Club 12-1,3-b X: T71.tele. ele9 «. `»I.4.1,d1F3«:«:004.00 +7+014k 04Hreiet4F9P TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the 'undersigned up to. MARCH 31, for the delivery of 4,000 yards, more or less, of Crushed travel, 3/esuirli screen, at a price of 60 cents per Cu. Yd., for the sltreets, Town of Clinton. Quality of graved to be .up to "the approval of the Street Committee of Council. TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T. Corless, Clerk and Treasurer. Attention, Parents ! All parents having children for kindergarten Class' in Fall Term coniimencing in September, must register same by letter not later than April 1, 1948, with II. C, Lawson, secretary, Public School Board. To be admitted, pupils must be four years, eight months old, by September 1, 1948. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be. submitted •to the Principal of the Public 'S'cliool. Owing to limited accommodation it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of Clinton Public. School Board H. C. LAWSON, Secretary 11-12'-13-b "Believe -And Thou Shalt Be Saved" - Acts 16:31. BELIEVE WHAT? 1. Believe that you are a lost sinner. (Rom. 3:23) 2. Believe that you need a Saviour. (Titus 3:5) 3. Believe that Christ is that Saviour, (John 14:6) 4. Believe God's Work when it says CHRIST died for us. (1 Pet. 3:18) So in true repentance trust and' accept Christ to -day. TUNE IN -Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53, Cal., on STATION CKLW, Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T. Sunday noon , „ I .., m ORDER .6 .. tr . ,91 EARLY! HOT CROSS BUNS1 and Delicious Baked Goods Light rolls, flavorsome cupcakes, rich date-and•nut loaves, pastries to titillate the tas'ttebuds of 8aanily and friends . . , perfect for pepping up meatless Lenten menus ... appropriate for the Easter Sunday feast! ORDERS TAKEN NOW! Dixon's Pastry Shop MPHONE 281W RATTENBURY ST, E. ■ lA Ther e ' s no better way... x CC ¢ix, J}5•,i� , TO GREET A FRIEND y`a TO THANK A HOSTESS Via, s `fir^, TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" •.r/i, , Flowers For Easter! Fresh as a dewy, Spiting morning . . delightful as only Nature can make them ... COOKE FLOWERS are ready to make your Easter perfect again. Your pa'ntibular favourites are here, in out . flowers and blooming 'plants, and priced very clow for so much beauty. ORDER NOW! ' Phones: 66W, 66J C. V. Cooke FLORIST CLINTON 12-b ossomasnorier CALL CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 Res. 229 Res. 173 Reg. Shipley Oscar Priestap H. Crittenden FULL STOCK OF .. Chicken Supplies Hand -made Feeders and Fountains SEE TJS BEFORE BUYING • ,Order Your Sap Pans Early • HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone.- -Residence .-47:0.:r