HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-03-18, Page 3Johnston. Readings were given b Mrs, Thomas Haggett and. Mi e. Laura Philips; the topic "Thought for Lent," was taken by Mrs. vin Letherland; and a solo wa by Mrs. G. Taylor, accomp anied by Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Ar rangernents were made for a ba- zaar to be held in the Orange Hall on ,March 27. Mrs. Taylor closed the meeting with prayer. The Junior Red Cross met Fri- day afternoon, March 12, when the following program was 'enjoy - ,ed: piano instrumental by'Marlene Easom; jokes„ Carol Beadle; re- citation, Gladys McClinchey; read- ing, Joanne: Easom; songs, Laura May Letherland, Carol Beadle and Ruth Hewitt; riddles, Margie Wright and;piano instrumental, Ruth Hewitt. THURSDAY, MAR 18, 1948 • 'CLINTON NEWW-.RECORD KIPPEN. Re-elected to Office W. R. Cooper, Kippen, was re- elected secertary-treasurer of the western division, Ontario Broth- erhood of Threshermen and Farm Power Operators at the 34th an- nual convention in London Sat- urday. Harvey Lyon, Oakville, was re-elected president, Fred Dobbs, Exeter, presented the re - following numbers; Solos, Marlene Ayre, with Arthur Finlayson, ac- companist; solos, "Oh what a beautiful morning," "Anchors Aweigh," Edwin Hay, teacher of S.S. 2; Tuckersrnith. Miss Jarvis at the piano; vocal duets in Irish costume, Ann and IVfarie Sinclair; who sang for their numbers, "Pm looking over a four-leaf clover," responded to with an encore, Mrs. Sinclair accompanied on the piano; vocal trio, Grant McGreg- or, Tom Kyle, Bob Caldwell, who sang "I'm an old cowhand " and , FINED FOR ASSAULT e PAGE FRRR BRUSSELS -Hubert Griese was fined $5 and costs and bound over ftp keep the peace when he, was convicted of assaulting his wife,. early Sunday morning. He was warnedby the court to stay away from his wife andchildren, in the future. ey," accompanied by her mother at the piano. A skit, "Why,' was given by Mrs. Ross Chapman and her daughter Gladys. Refresh- port of; the nominating committee.' "We don't work for a living, ments were served and a dance A Community. Family, night was I Arthur Finlayson accompanied held with music furnished by held in the Town Hall, Hensaii, Ill, the boys with the guitar. The Alex McGregor, Hugh McMillan, _Friday evening, March 12, spon- I boys were in cowboy costume. I Cecil Pullman, Mrs. R. Broadfoot, sored by Kipper East Women's Audrey Walsh contributed a solo 1 Harry Norrla, Bill Collins, R. A, Institute, with invitations extend -11n costume, "Little Annie Roon- Orr, with Glenn Koehler as floor ed to members and all former manager. eiienebers. Mrs. William Kyle, president, was in charge of pro- gressive euchre which was 'feat- ured with 43 tables in play. Win- ners were as follows: Ladies, Mrs. Emmerson Anderson; gents, Gord- on Wren; lone hands, ladies, Mrs. Morley Cooper, gents, Jack Sin- clair. A delightful program was pre- serited with Mrs. James McNaugh- ton in the chair, and included the ;BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Albert St. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARRY COMMISSIONER, ETC., ETC. By Royal Warrant H. C. MEIR BARRISTER -AT -LAW Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary. Public and Commissioner Office: Hotel Clinton {lours; 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC r D. McINNCTIC. C. - FOOT CORRECTION Huron St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY R. G. MCCANN ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR Phone 476J Albert St. Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor St. W. - Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, etc., Ann Street Phone 353W EXETER ROY N. BENTLEY COeVIE TAX - (Business, Private or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services -(Weekly or Monthly) Typing -(Private or Commercial • work). 6 Regent St., ,Box 58, Phone 2311, Goderich, Ont. Telephone 170 D1TAL DR, D. C. GEDDES DENTIST vett Block Clinton Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30.6 p.m. VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT VETERINARIAN ne 203. Clinton AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at Clinton News -Record er by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specialist in Farm and Household sales. Licensed in, Huron and Perth Counties. Pekes reasonable, satisfaction guaran• teed. For information, etc, write oz phone Harold Jackson, RR. 4, Seaforth Phone 14-661. OPTOMETRY 'r. - A. L, COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 RUTH HEARN, R.O. Optometrist Huron lit..,. Phone 69 Clinton woven= MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRIDE & SON Clinton, Showrooms Open Fridays See, J. J. Zapfe: Phone 103 INSURANCE`, J. E. HOWARD Hayfield, Ont.. Phone Clinton 624r31 Cat-Life-•-Fire-Aceident Wind Insurance If you need insurance, I have a policy Life Accident, Sickness, Automo- blle, Hospitalization, Household' R. L. McMILLA,N, Bayfield Phone: Clinton 634r15 THE MelfILLOP MUTUAL rum INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seafarth OFFICERS, 1948 - President, ELrjs. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Vice - President, Hugh Alexander, Wal- ton; Mgr. and Secretary -Treasur- er, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS --Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Hugh Alexander, Wal., taint; Sam. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; E. J. Trewartba, Clinton; Robert Archibald Seaforth; John H. Me - Ewing, Blyth' Frank McGregor, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Hervey Fuller; Goderich. AGENTS - John E. Pepper, Brumfield, R.R. 1; Geo. A. Watt, Myth, R.R. 1; R. S. McKercher, Dublin, R.R. 1; J. F. Prueter, Erodhagen: Parties desiring to effect insur- ance or transact other. business Ml, l be promptly attended to on IRpplication to any of the abo%re, officers, addressed to theirreapec- tlire;pond.offices. Losses Inspected bir the dim Iiving, steward the • pant Of Lumber and Builders' Supplies Now in Stock or Readily Available: Birch Plywood - three -sixteenth, one-quarter • and three-quarter inch. Swedish Board Flexboard Air . Seal Wallboard Weldtex--staiated fir plywood panelling Arborite-table and sink covering Roofing, Insulation, Sash, Doors, Mouldings 1" Dressed Hemlock 2" Spruce .J.i The farm repair trade -carried on by my predecessors -as well as custom saw- ing and jointing, are being continued. Agent for Garden City Ornamental Iron Works, Steel Porch and Verandah Railings Watch this column weekly for Building supply news J. W. Counter Lumber and Builders' Supplies Albert and Princess Sts. Phone 2901 Clinton .>•,,r!+ti.�y;`r:,r:,,P•ip+.,�.si: :+,+.i�'i:r!i!�it!WW H; ,;s�� '�y+p',t'wt •�„ ♦ a•a w4'wy,+»Mi,�ir�:t".'+`{,i;e !z, S ♦4 t" ! 3' e Make sure your Easter Ham is a family success! • CHOICE BONELESS SMOKED PICNICS CHOICE SHORT SHANK PICNIC HAMS CHOICE BONELESS COTTAGE ROLLS P.M. BACK and P.M. COTTAGE ROLLS BREAKFAST BACON BACK BACON D. Cannell Phone 1" Clinon's Leading Mesal Market" Clinton F i -4.tgi»•3A»»1I73- 4::!a -o12 ;6:etg ti:v.ty: o ahexes a bitt Grorti 1: tN 01.0'I it's the story of 4,500 new and changed listings -a story of growth and development which enlarges the scope, and therefore the value, of your telephone. Behind this story is one which is still bigger --a story of millions 01 dollers being spent. to add new telephones, switchboards arid buildings as quickly as possible so that you may continue to have the best telephone service at. the lowest cost. 9'ou'li find me in the book!" Most people are listed in your telephone' book. It saves time and annoyance to make sure of a number by looking it , up first. Call oonly if t number you seek sno not listed the book. J. AL GOODWIDN, Manager AUBURN Community Social A community , social evening was held in the Fon'esters Hall on Friday night with a good at- tendance, Ladies high score for euchre. went to Mrs, C. W. Wbrsell of Goderich Low score went to Mrs. Kenneth McDougal. Gents high score went ' to Mr. Harry Woreell while low score went to Warner Andrews. scripture was read by Mrs. T S ss. in the longs one ay. A native of Colborne served and distinguished civic ship, , Mr, Kernighan has served s career of J. N. Kernighan, clerk the municipality as assesor, conn- Al- of the First Division Court, was eller and reeve, and lays, claim as marked Saturday when his family to being one of the oldest and relatives gathered at. a ban- county councilors in the district. • VETERAN HONORED quet to celebrate his 80th birth - W. M. S. Meets Mrs. Edgar Lawson gave her home for the March meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyter- ian Church, The president presid- ed and 'opened the meeting with prayer. During the meeting per- iod it was decide to make a don- ation of $10 to the Canadian App- eal for Children. The Easter, Thankoffering meeting will be held in the Church. The devot- ional period was taken by Mrs, Ellis Little. A reading was given by Mrs, Herb Govier. The topic the 2nd Chapter of the Study book was taken by Mrs. Wellington Good, Mrs, Lawson contributed a reading. The roll call was answ- ered by the name of a Missionary. Mrs. Little offered the closing prayer. The•hostess served re- freshments. St. Mark's Guild The Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church met in the Or- ange Hall Tuesday, March 10, with Mrs. Gordon Taylor in charge, , Prayers were offered by Rev, H. J. L. Henderson, and the FINANCIAL REPORT of Stanley Township School Area Cost of Instruction Mrs. L. Reickert $1,291.50 Miss Edith McClenaghan 772.20 Mr. Wm. Leiper 772.20 Mr. Ken Trietz 848.40 Miss Mary C. Torrance 728.85 Mrs. Doreen Oesch , . , , 610.40 Mrs. .Anna Keys 562.80 I'Jiss Phyllis McBride 572.00 Miss 'June Miller 572.00 Mr. S. Rennie, music sup, 276.00 Miss Dougall, music sup. 40.00 Mr. S. Baxter, music sup, 48.15 Mr. D. Gill, music sup, 48,00 Mrs. R. Webster, supply 119,00 Receiver -General 434.20 Teachers' Federation fees 26.00 Total $7,721.70 Cost of Instructional Supplies Jack Hood $ 2,92 Wm. McAsh 13.14 F. C. Hord • 344.19 Varna Library Board .., 37.50 McEwans Book Store , , 3.20 Mrs. Laurabelle Reickert 4.20 .Tune Miller 1.50 Total $ 406.65 Cost of Administration Advertising, News -Record $13.65 Advertising, Seaforth News 8.59 Advertising, Expositor . , 10.08 Advertising, Free Press 3,96 J. T. McAsh, postage 16.06 Ont. Schol Trustees Assn, 10.15 Exchange of cheques .., 2.49 Frank McCowan, mileage 6.37 Harvey Taylor, mileage . 4.27 Lyle HiII, mileage 5.95 Wm. McKenzie, mileage 5.40 A. Parsons, mileage6.95 Stanley Twp„ auditing 10.00 Geo. L. Reid, salary . , . , 150.00' Mileage 42.35 Total $ 296.27 Cost of School Plant Operation G. Broadfoot, caretaker, 1 $150,00 Mrs. Taylor, caretaker, 10 150.00 Wilf. Chuter, caretaker, 6 150.00 Mrs. Reickert, caretaker, 7 100.00 P. Workinan, caretaker, 7 49,00 Wm. Leiper, caretaker, 14 60.00 Mrs. M'Kenzie, caretaker, 14 35.00 Mrs, Switzer, caretaker, 14 12.00 D. McBride, caretaker, 14 26.45 Stew. Broadfoot, water, 1 28.00 Glen Broadfoot, water, 1 20.00 A. G. Grigg, coal, No. 1 115.55 A.J. Johnston, cedar, No. 6 3.00 Harold Soper, supplies , 9.66 159.24 H. R. Hawkins, supplies 7.85 N. O. Johnston, supplies 4.50 Moyer's School Supplies . 9.00 Moore Bros, repairs, mower 1,40 John Elder, ladder 14.50 Middleton Drugs, supplies 19.40 Drysdale Hdw., supplies 3,95 Ball Bros., supplies. 10.66 W.V. Roy, Fed, Agr. fees 20.00 Wm. McAsh, supplies ., , 81.17 Mrs. L. Reickert, supplies 12.60 Ed. Glen, water, No. 1 5.00 Glen Broadfoot, supplies ' 1,20 Mrs. H. Taylor, cleaning 15.34 P. Workman, supplies 3,12 Wm. Leiper, supplies 2,00 F. McCowan, supplies 3,55 W. Chuter, extra cleaning 6,00 Long Distance phoning . 1.30 Total $1,290.46 Cost of School Plant Maintenance Hay Township Ins. Co$. 31.75 H,C. Lawson, Acc. & Liab. 9158 Ed. Fink, repairs, No. 14 16,75 McKillop Fire Ins. Co, ,I 10.00 D. Skeife, decorating No..1 310.25 W. Welsh, piano, No. 6 100,00 O. Chevalier, piano, 8 & 10 30.00 M.E. Merrier, leveling No. 6 17.50 Total $ 607.133 Cost of Auxiliary Agencies Transporting pupils to Nat. Film Pictures .._$ 111.00 Transporting pupils, Zurich 12L00 Transporting pupils to Music Festival 35.00 Music Festival fees 6.15 Wm, Leiper, picnic sup10.00 Mrs. Reickert, picnic sup. 10.00 H. Soper, picnic supplies 10.15 McEwans, recreation sup. 13.54 Bayfield Age Society 15.00 Mrs. Reickert, Xmas sup9.90 W. McAsh, Xmas supplies 10.00 Mrs. D. Oesch, Xmas sup. 2.95 Total' $ 354.69 Summary of Receipts I. in bank, Jan. 1, '47 $4,206,90 eque from No. 6 795.94 gislative Grant 6,316.08 Township Grant 3,000.00 Trustees Levy 2,191.58 SaSamFlewitt, fees 21.02 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Le Total. Receipts.. ...$16,532.12 Summary of Expenitures Cost of ` Instruction ....$7,721.70 Cost Instructional Supplies 406,85 Cost of Administration .. 296.27 Cost of School Plant Op. 1,290.46 Cost of School Plant Mtce 607.83 Cost of Auxiliary Agencies 354.69 Total Expenditures $10,877.80 Cash in bank, Jan. 1, '48 $5,854.52 Audited and found correct, W. A. Grant & Co. Auditors, London, Ont.; Geo; L. Reid, Secretary. Treasurer. Your Youngster's Career Depends On Savings Habit Help Him to . Build This Keystone of- Success The way of your youngster with a dollar will influence his way with a hundred or a thousand in years to come. That's why many far-sighted parents open savings accounts for their children at the Bank of Montreal. They realize inat the child with the regular -saving habit is doing much more for himself than just building part of his pocket -money and leisure - time earnings into a bank account, He's building character , , , de- velopingness, patience and purposeful - An opening deposit of as little as one dollar at the B of M may well be your youngster's first step on the, highway to a successful career. It will help him to stand on his own feet . , , and will put the experience of Canada's oldest hank behind' him, as well as the friendly encouragement of every- one at the local branch. Why not send him around to see Mr. W. H. Robinson, manager at the B of M tomorrow? 12-b WITH A PROFOUND BOW TO THE ORIENT We `present ':;>4`�*:x.5,1^^,%%•,, .... REAM -LADEN fragrance that holds you bewitched! Lentheric's `fShanghai" has its heart in the Orient, lyrical land of the Lotus. PERFUME from 2.40 to 90.00 BATH OIL 1.20 and 1.95 BOUQUET 1.25 and L75 SACHET 1.40 BATH POWDER 2.00 BATH SALTS 1.85 F. B. PENNEBAKER THE FAMOUS GOODYEAR cle° Now improved to give you 34Z IMRE "IMAGE at no extra cost NOW -Canada's most popular tire -Goodyear's fatuous DeLuxe-has been improved to deliver 34% mare mileage , . yet sells today at less than pre-war prices. Millions of rugged road-test miles have proved that this new DeLuxe averages 34% more miles than the big -mileage Goodyear it replaces. It's a tougher tire in every wayl Huskier shoulders mean greater strength. A wider, flatter tread puts more rubber on the road to give you extra wear . . , give you extra sure-footed traction, at all times, on all roads. Stronger Supertwist cord provides extra stamina and extra protection against blowouts. Enjoy this D'eLuxe performance right now .. , see your Goodyear dealer for the' greatest' tire value ever offered. k'ro FiyTrER rRSAD 44oRE skiste OtExiBi k 1eS STRONGER .CORD coke -- EXTRA BLOWOUT PROTECTION coOtet KUNNING QNt.4 opo AVANAEIE IN TWO POOINAJR TROD ORSIONS.- THE' ALt.WEATHER SHOWN HERE ANO THE *10 GOODYEAR MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON G00DYEAR. TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND. THE WORK OP MERCY NEVER ENOS- 0 NOW TO THE RED CRORE