HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-03-11, Page 5■ THURSDAY, ''11(fAii%C,ii'`i1, 1048 (eWs'ReCOri aSsifie� PAGE ME :s Bring Quirck Results Z1AS>i LBATE-([f paid by Thanes - (day following date, of 'insertion)- 'f)ne cent a word first insertion (mini- ogtim 38 cents); subsequent insertions ,,one eent a word (minimum 25 cents); •15 cents extra for box number or for ,•direetion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --9 p.m., Wednesday. kI oR SALE '.BEACH 'COMPANION COAL OR wood range 69-18 in good condi- tion, reservoir and warming clos- et. Apply Proctor Palmer, phone 901r31. ` 11-p EASY WASHING MACHINE with gas engine. Apply Cecil Cart- 'wright, Londetboro, phone Blyth, 28r7, 11-p ONE BEACH RANGE, $15. Ferg Van Egmond, phone 187. 11-p BEAVER `BENCH SAW, . LIKE new. Apply Box "P", NEWS - 'RECORD. 11-12-p AJAX OATS SUITABLE FOR. •seed, cleaned ana treated, $1,50 per bushel. Arlie"Lockhart, phone Goderieh, 936r5.• 11-12-p QUANTITY OF AJAX SEED oats pure and clean; -also Cartier oats rand six -rowed barley mixed; and a few bags of Spy apples. Apply Earl •Lawson„ R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r12. 11-12-p MICHELITE BEANS, SOWN from 'registered seed which tested 98% germination, and 99% field in- spection, $6 per bushel. Bert "Thomson, RM. 2, Kippers. 11-12-p 'GIRL'S AMERICAN BICYCLE in 'good condition. Phone 469. 11-b FRAME BARN 18' x"35'; 'HEN 'louse 8' x 10'; two dozen sap :pails; also garden lot for rent. .Apply Mrs. Robert Scotchmer, Bayfield. 11-12-p 175 GALVANIZED SAP PAILS; • ane three -barrel gath'ering''tank; one Findlay range one Quebec heater; one power saw. Apply' 'Lloyd Picot, phone Clinton 900x4. 11-b EXIDE CAR BATTERY, LIKE -new, used two months. Phone Clinton 907r15. 11-1) AJAX SEED "OATS, 50 bushels; Bed• Clover Seed, two bushels; 20 -tons 'Put straw: Bert Harris, phone 'Clinton 808r15. ,• 10-11-p. TRUCK FOR SALE 1943 DODGE STOCK RACK. This • is a two -ton truck in extra good -,condition. Apply J. W. Nediger, phone 289. 11-p LOST AND .FOUND LOST -- STRING OF PEARLS 'on Albert St. between Princess :St. and post office. Phone 589R, 11-h NOTICE •SAW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale various lengths. Enquire. 11-18-p FOR RENT PROPERTY FOR SALE DOUBLE VACANT LOT ON Hur- on St., west of Shipley St., ideal for residential building purposes; Splendid garden land. Mrs. Earl Leyburne, phone Clinton; 136. 11-12-p A DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE m Goderieh. One vacant now; iglit rooms,iinodern conveniences.. The other house rented, seven roams; near to square. Phone Goderieh 297 or apply Box "C" NEWS -RECORD. 10b-tfb 100 ACRES, $1,000. GOOD..: PAS - tore land and lifetime supply of firewood. Lot 21, Concession 7, Hu•Ilett, Apply 11.. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 9tfb IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, SEV- en room brink dwelling, modern eon- venionees, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorated; garage. Apply to H. 0. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 8tfb MISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE 1`nasonwork donein the spring?? Now is the time to make the necessary arrangements. For as- sistance in your plans and other information contact William Ben- der, phone 911r24. 10-14-b PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all: makes. Cleaning, de-mothing, free estimates. Write or phone'William N. Gould, 314w, Clinton. 2btf FREE SAMPLE --SEND 4.6' STAMP for Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) imported product, hermetically sealed, eleetronieally tested. Tree price not. Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box •5, Sta- tion H, Toronto. • • 8-11p HELP WANTED GIRL. WANTED AS JUNIOR 'clerk by iocaI bank. Should have at Ieast three years high school education. Apply P. O. Boxy 340, Clinton. . .11-b KITCHEN HELP WANTED ; App- ly Hotel Clinton, phone 793.. 11-b • WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT, AT ONCE, medium sized house not too. - far from C.N.R. Station. Apply to C.N.R. Station Agent. 11-12-b WANTED TO BUY ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will paymore than fertilizer. prices. If, not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ieh. 11-btfb. IOOF NOTES Clinton Lodge No, 83 met on Tuesday evening and during the regular meeting the Charter was draped In honour of the late Bro. Harry Fitzsimons. Plans were 95 ACRES FOR GRAIN CRO;' made to entertain Brucefield and put on the first degree. It was and 76 acres in hay at my farm decided to sponsor "CFPL Goes in Varna. Write Dr. • Lloyd Mof- Catling", 'lett, London, Ont. . 10-11-h i•: Spring comes 'around every year and the street -corner weather prophets predict that .it won't belong new. Are you ready for it? •We are. New -Topcoats are coining in daily; Gabar- dines, 'Anel •}lair, Tweeds and a smart All -Wool English CordingIy Covert. See these coats on display in our store. We are 'now remodelled to give you better service than ever before. Special This `Week , MEN'S BIB OVERALLS. .Sanforized Denim and Drill. • Good range of sizes. .From $3.25 to $4.45 per pair SPRING SHOES .. . Just arrived, a large shipment of Ladies, Girls,, 1Vlen's and Boys' Oxfords in Black or Brown•. Positively the best shoes in town at' hire price. Pickett 8 Campbell PHONE 25 ra311111r11111wnmovonvissonomessaak "Your Friendly Store" CLINTON HAVE YOUR SEWER DUG NOW! Work Completed to Plumbing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Harold E st Phone Clinton 800r6 R.R. 4, Clinton 1i -tib BIRTHS Underwriters !COLLAR. - Mr. and 'Mrs. Reg. 'Collar, Wingham, (nee Elinor Sundercock), are happy to an- , nounce thebirth of their daugh- ter, Audrey Ann, in Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, March 4, 1048: CORRAN - In Clinton Public. Hosplta'l, on Monday, March 8, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, James Corran, R.R. 2, Clinton a 'dau•- yhter,-,(Ann Elizabeth). LEISHM•AN in Clinton Public Hospital,on Friday, March 5, 1948, ,to, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Leishman, R.R. 1, Auburn, a daugnter (Helen Louise). YEARRON - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 8, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Yearron, Clinton, a daughter, (Linda Ann). MARRIAGES HANEY-WATSON - In the Par- sonage ':of the United Church, Egmondvilie, by Rev. A. W. Gardiner, on Wednesday, March 10, 1948,: Anna Margaret, daugh- ter of;.Mr; and Mrs. John S. Watson, Seaforth, to Warden Emmerson Haney, son •of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Haney, Tuck- ersmith. DEATHS CLARKE-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, March 7, 1948, ' Linda Jean, infant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William G. Clarke Varna, aged 15 days. Private funeral service from the home of her parents 'on 'Monday, Morph to Bayfield Cemetery. LESLIE Suddenly, at 225 Ox- ford street, London, on Wed- nesday, March 10, 1948, I. How- ard, beloved son of the late S. G. Leslie, of Blyth, in his 32nd year, Funeral service from Lock wood funeral • home, Blyth, on • Saturday, March 13, at 2 pm. Interment Blyth Union Cemet- ery, MOORE-At his•home in Hensall, on Tuesday,' March 9, 1948, Charles Moore, in his 62nd year. Funeral from' Hensall United Church to Clinton Cemetery, Thursday afternoon, March 11 VANDERBURGH-In' Clinton, ,at • the home -of his' son, Wesley • Vanderburgh, on Monday, Mar- eh . 8,, 1948, : following a short illness, George Albert Vander - burgh, in his.85th year, FUperil from the Beattie Funeral Home'', Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, on Wednesday, Marrh 10, to.Mait- land Cemetery, Goderieh: Fun- eral under auspices of Murphy Lodge, L,O.L., No, 710, Clinton. CHARLES'MOORE (By our Hensall correspondent, Charles Moore, prominent busi- nessman and resident of this vil- lage for the 'past 38 years, died at his home Tuesday, March 9, in his 62nc1 year. Mr. Moore had been in failing health for some time, and had been confined to his home since October. He took suddenly worse on Saturday last, his death coming at 4 a.m. Tues- day. He was well known in Hen- sall and surrounding districts, having conducted a machine shop here for many years. He will also be remembered for his kindness to charity and was never known to ever refuse to contribute to any good and worthy cause. Deceased' was born in Clinton, a member of the United Church. He was unmarried and Deed with his sister, Mrs. Lillie M. John- ston, who survives him. Funeral services will be held in the United Church, Thursday, March 11, at 2 p.m., and will be conducted by his minister, Rev. P. A. Brook. Burial will be in Clinton Cemetery. 0 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Frank Wilson and the Walk:- . er al t- er family wish to extend their heartfelt appreciation to the fri- ends and neighbors, especially Rev. Andrew Lane and Rev. E. R, Stanway for expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes, also those who so kindly Ioaned their cars or helped in any way, 11-p The Marian Congress Film 16 MM - SOUND COLOUR St. Joseph's Church Hall WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 8:45 P.M. AND A BIT OF IRISH TO MAKE THE "D.AY" BINGO as usual after- film • Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF William Da- vid Kennedy, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Laborer,'" Vegitsed. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the 3 same with the undersigned Solid- X for for the paid Estate, op ,or be- fore the 15th day of March, A.D. 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed among -,.the parties•yel titled.,,thereto, having regard'oniy to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 23rd day of February, A D. 1948, F. FIIVGL.ANTD,. K;C,, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for tit said Estate 9-(10-111) Qcenti ued from page one) the original wells; Nos. 1 ' and , 2; have been cut off, and a new well; known 'as No, 4, has been drilled. The ceirihined capacity of the two wells'arow rn uee'is approximately 1,000,000 gallons' per day; both, wells operated 'by electrically - driven pumps. • PUMPS - The total pumping; capacity at fire pressure is 432,- 000-gallons 32,-000'gallons ,per day by electric power and 576,000 gallons by el- ectric power lectric.power and gasoline engine. FIRE APPLIANCES- The motor, hose and chemical truck described in the previous report is still in use. An RCAF crash tender has been purchased and is kept in the fire hall but is not used. It is planned to sell the crash tender and purchase a 600 gallon pumper. Minor equipment added consists of a one -quart car - son -tetrachloride extinguisher and a fog nozzle. The total quantity of 21/z -inch hose is 2,000 feet, com- prising 1,500 feet of rubber lined hose and 500 feat of rubber hose, BRIGADE - Strength is un- changed at 15, including the chief, all volunteers, none sleeping in the fire hall at night , .. The fire d°partment is paid a fixed sum per year. Pratetices are held mon- thly th oughout the year. ALARM SYSTEM - Geneari a- larms are sounded on an elect- rically operated siren near the fire hall. There is a switch in the telephone office and in the Coun- ty Home. Recommendations 'General remarks and recom- mendations included the follow- ing: I FIRE LIMIT. BY-LAW - The by-law permits the erection of frame, dwellings in the fire limits, provided the application is ap- proved by the' municipal council. This clause should be removed from the by-law. WATERWORKS PUMPS -The combined pumping capacity is barely sufficient for a single sy- stem as the gasoline engine driven pump cannot be operated. at fire pressure.. For' a' Standard . dupile- late system, the ptunping capacity at fire .pressure should be such that in the event. of the disability of any one pump, ox of anything,: ;in connection with whatever form' 'of: Power May be employed, .the immediately , available capacity shall not be reduced to less than 1,125,000 gallons by day. The suc- tion pipes are not separate for each pump. Each"pump shall draw its sufplies from the suction well through a,separate pipe. l PUMPING STATIONS- Atten- dance at the municipal ` pump house is not continuous. There should be an operator on duty at all times. HYDRANTS - A few addition- al hydrants are required so that the •distance ;between them shall not exceed 250 feet in the busi- ness section, ; and 500 feet in the built-up residential areas. HOSE CARRIAGES - The motor hose and chemical truck is the only appliance to respond in the event or fire. Arrangements should be made for it to be foll- owed Up by some other hose -car- rying apparatus when responding to an alram, LADDER TRUCK - None, A ladder truck should be provided, For Sale BOXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL •;THEATRE GODERICH ,Now, Playing:„ (March 11-13) Now-"VIG}LANTES RETURN" "SLAVE . GIRL" in Technicolor,' and "King • of, • the Wild Horses" •starring Yvonne de , Carlo MON., TUES., WED. MOIL, Wed. (March 15-11) "PURSUED" The sanguinary story of a family ,feud whose unrelenting bitterness fives through two generations and almost wrecks a warm romance. Teresa Wright - Robert Mitchum and Judith. Anderson Thur.," Fri„ Sat, (March 18-20) Deanna Durbin, Donald O'Connor and John Dalt-There was music in her heart, romance in the air & "Something in the Wind" Coining: March 22 & 23: "MOSS ROSE" and March' 24 & 25 "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" Matinees: Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 u n e nmen George Raft - Lynn Bari and Virginia Huston -a chilly thrilly tale of dark doings in the dead of night "NOCTURNE" Penny Singleton Arthur Lake & Larry Simms -Bring back the Bumsteads in their latest riot- "Blondie Knows Best" THUR., FRI., SAT. Maria Montez - Rod Cameron & Phillip Reed -This salty, tangy, Technicolored adventure yarn has all the requirements for an even- ing of fun - "Pirates of Monterey" REGENT THEATRE • SEAPORT H Now -Yvonne De Carlo - In Technicolor -- "SLAVE GIRL" MON., TUES., WED.', Two Features Peggy Cummins - Ethel Barry- more and Victor Mature=Present Joseph Shearing's suspenseful novel of murder and deceit "MOSS ROSE" ' Randolph Scott - Mary Doran & Tim Trott -offer a rugged out- door tale of frontiersmen "Northwest Trail" THUR.. FRI., SAT. Jon Hall - Margaret Liiidsay - Andy Devine -The old west, in all its blazing fury, revived in Cinecolor by a superbly chosen cast - "The Vigilantes Rem" Coming -"THE BEST YEARS OF Coming: "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" OUR LIVES" carrying modern equipment in- cluuding an extension ladder of sufficient length to reach -the roof•. of the highest building, and the truck should respond to all alarms CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGU- ISHERS - A 21/2 -gallon exting- uisher is carried on the ' motor truck and another is kept in the Town Hall. Four extinguishers of this size, incluhing two of foam type, should be carried on the first appliance to respond to an alarm of fire. FIRE HALL -The position of the Fire Hall in rear of the Town Hall is inconvenient for operation of the motor truck, If a more con- venent location cannot be arrang- ed, a driveway should, at least, be constructed from the doorway northwards to Rattenbury St. BRIGADE - The strength, 15, is insufficient;• all are volunteers, none sleeping in the Fire Hall at night. The Brigade should con- sist of at least 20 menpbers, and if fully paid men are not employ- ed, arrangements should at least be made for three or fourfireman to sleep in the Fire Hall at night, ALARM, SYSTEM - General alarms are .sounded on an elect- rically operated siren at the Fire Nall, with switches at the tele- phone exchange and in the County Home. The latter is connected to ( a: thermostat alarm system, and is said to be responsible for a great many false alarms. The switch at the County Horne should sound a bell or other device at the Fire Hall and not a general alarm.. The report was signed by A. L. • Thomas, CVA. "Believe -And Thou Shalt Be Saved" Acts 16:31. , BELIEVE WHAT? 1. Believe that you are a lost -sinner.'(Rom. 3:23) 2, Believe that you need a Saviour. (Titus 3:5) 3. • Believe that Christ is that Saviour. (John 14:6) 4, Believe God's Work when it says CHRIST died for us. (1 Pet. 3:18) So in true repentance trust and accept Christ to -day. TUNE IN -Hear Chas, Miller, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53, cal., on STATION CKLW, Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T.p Sunday noox. Dining room suite (one month old) consisting of (in solid wal- nut): a china cabinet; buffet; din- ing room extension table and chairs; breakfast suite (in maple)• consisting of: kitchen cabinet, I chairs and table; linoleum 9'x24" (new); new electric iron and toaster; Beach range (nearly new) and numerous other articles. This furniture is all nearly new and is being sold because a re- turned man is leaving town. For further particulars or any- one desiring to see this furniture, apply to: EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Phone 203 Clinton Box 293 11-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C..V.0 KE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i CREAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo ll(t,niecre Pinder- Waves Permanente' ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St: East Phone 585 59-tf NOTICE For your Spring Require- ments in building materials, such as: LUMBER WALL BOARDS PLYWOOD MASONITE Mouldings and Casings Builders Hardware such as Hinges - Locks - Cupboard Catches and Drawer Pulls; also nails of all kinds. We have a complete line of Heantans llepglo Paints, Enamels and, Varnishes. Asphalt roofings and build- ing Paper. Rock Wool Insulation. Also Window Sash made to order and Glass, all sizes. EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED Cal in and see... BERT HULLER or Phone 319-J Clinton Cash and for Service 10-11-12-13-p Ilia 41111111131116. TENDERS. SEALED.) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to MARCH 31, for the delivery of 4,000'yirds, more or Iess, of Crushed Gravel, 3/4 -ranch screen, at a price of 60 cents per Cu. Yd., for the slbree.ts, Town of Clinton. Quality of gravel to be up to the approval of the Street ,Committee of Council. 11 -12 -13 -bb 4.4440a44cwt. s«k.: s,4 ter• 'TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T. Corless, Clerk and Treasurer. ermieleletelefefeertelVeeikertIletee Attention, Parents ! All parents having children for Kindergarten Class .be Fall Terni commencing in September, must register same by letter not later than April 1, 1948, with III. C. Lawson, secretary, Public School Board. To be admitted, pupils must be four years, eight mouths old, by September 1, 1948. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. Owing to Iimited accommodation it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of Clinton Public School Board H. C. LAWSON, Secretary 11-12-13-5 HELP WANTED Men to ' Work 1* Boarding , . Room Apply 'Superintendent Clinton Hosiery Milts ` Limited Mary St. PHONE 117 Clinton . This Week ... • ORANGE PINEAPPLE LAYER • 0 HOT CROSS BUNS • Dixon's Pastry Shop PHONE 281W RATTENBURY ST. E. ■ CALL CLINTON 'CAB; PHONE 44 Res. 229 Res. 113 Reg. Shipley Oscar Priestap H. Crittenden FULL STOCK OF .. . Chicken Supplies Hand -made Feeders and Fountains SEE US BEFORE BUYING • Order Your Sap Pans . Early 0 HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470 on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount .... for a term of five years .. , . guaranteed both as to principal and interest , , , . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, eom- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 3( yawl In Business)