HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-03-04, Page 4RAGE 'P4tltI1IZ a• CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THTMSDAY, MAXUiW'4, ZMlb CHIL RENz'; AID WORK INCREASING IN:HURON COUNTY Tara' Nor1f under the superintend, eat and social worker of the Chili!, r+en'e lid Society of Huron County Ras increased two and. one-half times over last' year, -.Miss Clare McGowan, soi;ial worker; itated h submitting tine ann(ia1 ',report, ,in the , absence, thnong1 fhnees' of..,the. superintend" ent, Mrs: M:. Cheffee,.10 the annual • meetings. of. the Children's sAlid So ciety'nr the Court House Godeiteh' , ' le93Sett "•Thier 'Chaffee .ffee • and • Mica' • Me- • Se'W nt lieeteiee of..Ar'essme"of work d; Willingly worked" oveiti' e, and 1iad.,,0017 taken holiday's., tturi t1i1 • year, whieli was one of'tlie most strep new' and' active'in' ,the Socioty"s, hist=. cry:: ]16i•s McGowan repented 1..28 new 'Ass,«,,:.enaearrtvo1' u g 172 _ children, besides those of family allowance famibes. Over 3,000 visite were made as eon-` pared. with 1929' the previous. year. Interview* tob'a1led 1818, compared kith 767 in I946. Court attendances •1mtalTd' 401 the previous year; 28. Fifteen- himdred' litters were Written, and 27;4041 miles travelled: Afucl'i Interest, it was stated, has been aroused' inn the work throughout lite county' ley- arldl•esses given ' at Women'`s 1h:ditittes; church organiz- ations, scliool' chins, and • by radio liroadeaatsr. There were 32" additional eases of child protection work' dining the year. Twenty -file of the total 65 cases were closed; leayiiag 42"still open. The -vast amount of'work entailed is shown id the fact that it required 32 first investigations involving 83 children; 937 visits and 687 office interview's; three medical aiid two mental cline attendances made. Some of the factors involved in these cases included marital discord; medical; store!' and physical neglect; nonsupport, drunkenness, illness of parent or guardian; suspected mental defect; snspeeted" and diagnosed men- Ttal illiiess, personality problems, se. paratibnw of parents, delinquency of children, d'esertibn, imprisonment and eex offences; two• deaf notes who were taken ftrr training to the School for the.Deaf at Belleville. Ono boy is at tTie•Selioo) for Boys at Bowmanville and one girl in care is at the George. town Seiiooi for Girls, both of whom show a vast improvement since enter- ing thee& sclibols. In connection with this work; Airs. Chaffee anti' Miss McGowan attended thirtyfivo court cases; ton children were made permanent wards, and ten temporary wards. Under "children in care" the year 5947: was started: with 83 children, Fifty-eight were admitted. and thin clime nuntber)discharged, which left, 86' still .in . care at the end of the year. Visits numbered 1,274; office interJiews, 695; attendances at clinics --medical, 70;..dental•4; .mental; 15; first placements, 30 'replacements, 32 'foster home in'vestigations,. 49; .involy- ing 129 rrsits;+'searcli''fbr foster homes 53 visits; investigations for final' ad- olrtions, 19;'final adoption orders':'ob1 tabled, 22: In 1947 there• Were 61 un nuri'ied parent eases open; 31 nevi cases :were opened duringtiro'. year; 39; closed, which left 53 at the end of the year. ,Tko nuiitbo- d. office' interviews regtirding agreenienlS, "maintenance eolject:onp,, ; etc, tetan�0li 71; Affiee' mtei.view,s ."egards�,g ;"mother and ellgld, 100 , , supervisory,; visite, regard- ing' these,, 135, ether .visite,in this branch of . work, 1' 5'. with.,15 a:6m *the idaheos rr e tr.°hr is,'amil '' 911oytnitG};, Soaid-,iiur ingc;thei.yeacshaa reyeiCaked the U;dild ) reale i1;Seidety to,.arlminiater the allowance of four famtliea This work involved-179"visits itn21'265 offieer,;n tei;views,• Eight family: aliowanee in- vestigation reports were sent td:the Director of Family, Allowances. -.: ' One British child guest iscomplot= Mg her high school education 'thi's year. Four caeca, ufdet the Dependent's Allowance. Boardswere closed during the year. Regarding supplementary grants re Dependents' Board of Trust- ees, the three cases which were open during 1947 were completed and clos- ed. Miss MsGowan completed her re- port by recording the appreciation of Ms's, Chaffee and Herself to'indiviil- teals and -groups throughout the eoun- ty• who had given assistance. "A. P. Wilkes presided and welcom- ed now members. The Society, be said, was to lie congratulated on having two such compotent officials. A vote of thanks was tendered to them and their stuff for the fine work they are doing in, raising the physeial, mental and spiritual morale of so many children, and those connected with them. Congratulations were expressed to the secretary, A. M. Robertson, for the manner in which be had compiled the bylaws, and for his thirty-seven years as the efficient secretary of tine' Soeitrty. A. I1. 'Erskine, treasurer, submitted the following financial statement for 1947. RECEIPTS County of Huron Prorineial grant Family allowances Interest on bonds Trow permits Troan other societies 439540.89 1500.00 1024.14 130.00 847,51 179.20 OPEN ,SUNDAY MARCH 7 and Every 'Night Next Week Gutta Percha Tires .. . , .. Sunoco Dynafuel . . . , , , Dynapower F3atteries WATKINS' SERVICE STATION Harry Watkins, Proprietor Sunoco Products PHONE 18 Huron St. Clinton 10-p i BIG SALE CONTINUES Until Saturday, March 13 For Z weeks only ... commencing February 28, we are offering ..commencing • 1.0%o OFF ON ALL BEDS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES. t' 205 OFF ON ALL CARPET RUGS. i!= 10% OFF ON ALL STUDIO COUCHES. We still have left, a few Goblin Vacuum Cleaners less the 25% Excise Tax Priced at $69.50 and. $89.50 BUY NOW AND SAVE! Tile .Goblin Electric. Cleaners have universal motor and can be used on either 25 or 60 cycle, fall Brothers HARDWARE and FURNITURE Wm.;;51;. Ball Phone 195 D. G. Ball FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone. 361W Ambulance Service Phone 361J Presbyterian ` W.A. Plans June Bazaar •The W.. A. of • the ,Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School foomri o$'Tuesday, March 2, with a' very' goad attendance in spite"of the stormy. weather.. Hymn 53$' Wee. sung and the president, Mrs. Twitchell,, read part of the ;10th chapter of First • Kings 1 lldWed by prayer.., -.Mrs. Alan ,1V1axwell read ' the secretary s; and,treasurer'sreports The property: • committee reported on some work being done, at"the 1V atiise ' Cominitttees ; were named. slid "plans. made' for the '-atinteal bazaar,'to 'be •,held in 'the chinch On June 5. The Roll Ca11 Was an sWered by a"favolrrit' qu6tatibn tl1ynln 554 :`% as aung fonfted el, .the, 1 ord!S .grayer in gti'ltpn,, A ;genial., half.: hour jfbllowed With( Mrs. Robertbit,and 11Krs Tviitiihe l a3 hostesses.,' Sees Sts raurs'. Irene p C'!u + Rollin So+s i. Tire Friendship Club of .'ht. Paul's Anglican Church' held: a very detighttur social evenings at the . home .of the"president,:.'Mrs.• E. 8illH ood„ on Wednesday even- ing, Febr'dary 25. Sewing, Contests . and sknitting Engagements Announced 'Mr, and Mr:{ E'rneat`Dale, :l'ut lett Townahip, wash 'to' announce the ei:igagement of their daughter, Helen Marie,' to. iiobett • Harold Sterey'son of Mr andMis. J;.D,, Storey, rey, Walton', The Marriage; will take .place, the. latter part of March. ,Mr, and Mrs., Alfred Simpson, ;860. Metcalfe,, St., . Windsor, an= nopnee the engagement of their daughter, g ter L;ita Mae, io Mr. Clar ence ::Edgar Leeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. It J. Larson, Bayfield, the wedding „to take place the: latter part'of Ntarch; . ouitfg Mathe U'•' Group Holds Goodeeti . 1VI rn 0;6 20 MoQthers of" tai young "s ,Sti4dy G 6>ap`pf'`Wesle. r ...ne !r y r17$rs United ChuYch were :recev- ed With awarm rveledtne by Mrs., Oordbre il.`orner in her' r eartning hetne, Ontario' St, U .der tk}e lead- 001441;4 ead Fust}p , ot` 1ttt'' Salsas•,j la,3i,,aren, On" ;evg ling, progratirmd of.. ,de- Votiese, bu?attsss and discussion wax Amy' prepared and, conducted ho programrn¢,', routine '",was, aptly broken; by Mrs: 'Olen Lock- hart with the rendition of an ain using, reading "Her. Children's ,Desi; of,Measles". Presentation of diseussiona :subjjects-"Ways to succeed with Children" and "Im- were the order of the evening, portance of Understanding our following which a .dainty lunch children' were •. contributed •by has served by the hostess, assisted' NTrs McGee, Mrs. G. Ross, Mrs. by Mrs. Bert White. Waldron, Mrs, Lane, Mrs. W. Jer- The next meeting will be held vis and Mrs. William Murch. Dur- on Wednesday evening, March 10,,ing the following discussion, re - at the home of Mrs. Norman Coun_ ference was 'made of training for ter. Baptist Ladies' Aid Junior and:Senior Boys at Ontario Training Schools, Bowmanville and Galt. It was • particularly emphasized that Ontario• educators believe Plans Sale of 'Work that boys .go to Training School for help, not punishment, thus The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist , corporal punishment is abolished. Church met on Tuesday, Febru- Truancy, difficulties at home and ary 24, at the home of Mrs. Wil- all the petty little acts that get liam Cochrane with Mrs. Wilfred youngsters into trouble, have a Aikenhead as hostess. The meet- better explanation than 'original ing opened by singing "Wonder- , sin" and much of such behaviour fuls Words of. Life" which was fol- ' eames from ,poor home environ - lowed • by 'Mrs. Clifford reading ment. With sympathetic environ- thc Scripture and Rev. A. Forsyth ments, with discipline that conies offering prayer. from within the group rather The topic for the day was "Kind than from an outside authority, Words." Mrs. Aikenhead and Mrs. with achievements (that bring a J. R. Butler sang a duett, "Speak tangible reward) from "wakey Thou each day to me, Lord." Miss wakey 7 a:m., chapel services, 9 Faye Aikenhead favoured with an a,in., right up through hobby instrumental, classes, bugle band, work groups, During the business period , caring for pets as part of school Plans were made for a sale ofpolicy, even kitchen duties and work and quilts. i also boxing is under the expert Prayer closed the meeting and eye of a fanned marathoner when the hostess served delicious re-' often a "smarty" is put in order freshments and an enjoyable so- with a few fast rounds from house etal hour was spent. leader. The outcome of such a , programme of training schools 125.67 has been gratifying. The meeting was closed very fittingly with the leader reading $13347.41 A Mother's Prayer' after which DISBURSEMENTS . the hostess with Mrs. P. Hugill, 1to:a•ding Homes 4'121.45 Mrs, A. Rathwell and Mrs. Mac - Salaries 5522,00 Lean assisting, served a most de - Travelling expenses , ... 1.956.11 licious lunch. Office supplies, rent 385.92 e Family allowances paid out 609.35 WESLEY-WILLIS WMS Clothing - 535 21. Medical services 531;1,; 'The W. 521.''S. of Wesley -Willis Office light, telephone 140.39 United Church will meet at the borne of Mrs, J. P. Manning, High Office fuel 101.00 St., on Thursday, March 11, at Memberships and convey- 3 p.m. Mrs. Manning's group will tion 96:iid be in charge and Mrs, ringland Sundry 10.1.;,7 will give the chapter from the Study Book, Mrs. Cochrane, Pret- oria, South Africa, will be pre - Sundry $1264S.36 sent and tell of the customs and 5''1'11(7' $ 703.53 mode of living in her native Mrs. Albert Taylor and Mrs. George country, Johnston were requested to convey.the e sympathy of the Society to firs. Clio. fee in her iliumas, and it wee un- animously agreed that beth site and Miss McGowan must take holidays this year. The present staff was ro:engaged, and the executive was empowered to. look into the salary schedule. The holding of sectional meetings of the society was discussed. It was felt these might create more interest if held. in Goderich and at points in the north and south of the county. A committee to formulate plans for these was appointed, composed of C. M. Robertson, Harry McCreath, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mrs. George Johnston and II. Af. Shackleton, Mr, Wilkes was re-elected presi. dent. Other officers are: First vice- preeident, Rev. L. H. Turner; $uta vice{president, C. M. Robertson; treasurer, A. H. Erskine; secretary, A. M. Robertson: directors, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mrs. George Johnston, Miss Ann Wniitele, Harry McCreath; Rev. C. W. Copo and Capt. Bessie Agar, of the Salvation Army; press secretary, Mrs. F. R. Redditt; .advis- ory committee, 1i. M. Ford, Ii. D. Helstrop, tIrs. J. 13. Reynolds, Mrs. F. R..Redditt, i LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will meet on Monday, March 3, at 8.15 p.m. in the Legion Hall. All members are asked to be present. SIGNS FOR EVERY PURPOSE Your New Truck Deserves The Best A. KIRBY Princess St. W. Clinton Ph. 589R. DO YOU NEED PHOTOGRAPHS For Advertising? DO YOU NEED PHOTOGRAPHS of your Products, Buildings or Machinery? DO YOU NEED PHOTOGRAPHS of your Social Events, Conventions or any other gathering? IF YOU DO . . . get in touch with 9owle't S3 oi., Pzotoyiapizet3 Their latest equipment and . experience assure you of good photography every time and at very reasonable rates: gowie't t ' othe'rJ PHOTOGRAPHERS McEwan's Clinton J Phone 84 - PERSONALS WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' the Chutrc a Pditl'our talk? Cree Wesley -Willis Girls',. Club will, Cook's grol3fi bvi1I be' ilii"char e hold its next meeting ,on Tuea' and the speaker+' will'' be Miss L. day next, March 9,. at ;8 ,p.sii"i i 'Johnston, • Mrs., W. Heim, Lucknow, : hat been visiting her parents, Dr.. and 'Mrs. J. S. Evans. Miss Aileen McCartney spent the weekend in' Toronto,. with her, sister, Miss June McCartney. iVlrs. A. C. Kelly and small son,' London, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James A. McGill. Mrs. Rebecca P. Moffatt, Ti11- sonburg, is the guest this *eek '01 Mr. and Mrs. George C. German. Arthur Aiken, University of Western Ontario, London, 'spent the weekend with ,this parents, Mr. ; and Mrs. W. M. Aiken Mrs. Nelson Hill, Goderich.vis,. Red' lett' week for a, few days:,st the' home of Mrand! Mrs. William Conliranet Nit's§ 1Vlaiy " Eerie; University, of,.Torgntoa spexit the weekend,, at. tine home'of'her parents, Rev. and, Mrs.Andrew Lane, i Mrs, L. Wi}sman, Toronto," Was a••'weeken4,viaitbr With her sitter 'and'^brother in-law Mt•: and `'Mrs. `John' Innes.:: Mrs. 'Charlet' E. Qdehnell Tor- onto;• spent;he weekend with her parents, Mr. dtid Mrs .J, E John Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball., Win= nipeg,: Man:; are' visiting the! former's mother, Mrs.rNelson Ball and other, relatives in town Mr. acid Mrs. Lawrence Pluiii- steel and family, New Hamburg, spentthe weekend with their parents, Mr. H. P. Plumsteel and Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred ,Pickett. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Managhan Mrs. Leslie Ball and Mrs. George Wright were in Detroit over the weekend and on Monday attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Henry Josling.. Miss Helen Herman, Brampton Teaching Staff, and Miss Phyllis Herman, Ontario College of Ed- ucation, Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr: and 'Mrs. W. T. Herman. Chairman W. E. Perdue, Secret- ary H. R. Hawkins and Superint- endent A. E. RumbaIl of Clinton Public Utilities Commission, at- tended the Ontario Hydro Elect- ric Convention in Toronto this week. 1 Douglas R. Wheaton, local re- presentative of Canada Life Ass- urance Company returned Sat- urday after attending a week's course in instruction and estate programing in Hotel London, London, with other members of the company's staff, Guests at the home of Mr. H. P. and Miss Emma Plumsteel over the weekend included Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, Miss Dora Moody and Jack Hadden, all of Toronto, who were here to be present at the D'Aubin-Plumsteel nupitals on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning and the former's mother, Mrs, Marg- aret Manning, Londesboro, were in Toronto on Sunday and attend- ed the 23rd birthday celebration of the latter''s sister-in-law, Mrs. Hattie Burgess, who in spite of .her few birthdays is 92 years old and is enjoying excellent health. Church Directory Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MARCH 7 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m. --Evening Worship - Everyone Welcome - Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs, Bert Reyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MARCH 7 10.00 a.m,-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Divine Worship "The Offence of the Cross" 2.30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield All Welcome Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MARCH 7 1.1.00 a,m.-Morning Service "Faith" The Second in a series of five ser- mons on Great Words in the Christian Life. 7 00 p.m. - United evening wor- ship in St. Paul's Anglican Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Renter Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MARCH 7 11 a.m. •-- Morning Prayer And Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -United evening wor- ship in this church. Tuesday -Bible Study in the Rec- tory, 8,p.m. Wednesday -Friendship Club at home of Mrs. Norman Counter. Friday -Lenten Service, 7.30 p.m. Ontario St. United. Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs, E. Wended, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 7 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 pm.- United evening wor- ship in St. Paters Anglican Church. This . Spring n It's The Shortie, Look Ga The New ' Way y. .. . 11, ,ts We cannot :emphasize' too highly the importance 'af the „r 'slew Shortie • with 'the 'tree 'u easy swing. ' ' Use tri " as'a czarTopper with your..' suit, Bttsfrtess '1 ' ': or'.'AMteritoon Dress. sa. .i, R� �� ��11V �� �, and; ItitUOI' . ' d a. ., .>� an t:'aariCy W '1'.....0 *ea t $13.50 'to "l!300 ,\ GG ��iT„ ALL -WOOL PLAID TARTANS The New Longer Lebgth in Flare Type' Sizes 12 ilio 18- Priced at $6.75 ;.r BALLERINAS -- Black Crepe and Bengaline. No wardrobe is complete ,without sit fieast one of t hese skihtts, . Misses' sizes - , at $5.50•to.$7:75 WIN'S St. Patrick's Tea Under the auspices of W.A. of Wesley -Willis Church Sat. March 13. commencing at 3 o'clock in the Lecture Room of the Church BOOTHS: Home Baiting and Candy - - Aprons ... Afternoon Tea .. . Menu: Dressed Ham - Salads - Irish Jelly - Pickles Bread and Butter - Pie - Tea - 40c . . . Supper . . . Tea Menu and Escalloped Potatoes, Carrots and Peas 5;30 to 7 o'clock - 60c EVERYONE WELCOME NEXT TIME YOU WANT TO GO... Down Town Across Town or Out -of -Town .. . PHONE VP) ASHTON'S TAXI Reasonable Rates OFFICE: OPPOSITE POST OFFICE - Residence Phones Cliff Ashton, 372J Harvey Ashton, 1743 ws....r...avrvia....i Bartliff's Milk Loaf Something New! BROWNIES --- Ask for them Today BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS ' PHONE 1 CLINTON NNOWNINIMPOINNIKINP