HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-26, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948'. °LINTON 'NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE tions to draw a crowd, God's "The Old, ' Old Story" By "PEG" As we grow older our minds travel back to the time when mo- ther told us the Mother Goose rhymes, ( Alice in, Wonderland, Little Miss Muffett and 'many other stories or poems of early childhood. Those things have re- mained with us, and how we loved them, particularly when we began to read them for ourselves. We muskier those as old stories but when we think of the hymn, "The old o'd Story of Jesus and His Love", we realize that such tales are absolutely. modern. We try to visualize thefuture when many of our men and wo- men will have practically no knowledge of the beautiful hymns which we learned vyhile being rocked to sleep 'n the arms of'a dear mother, who perhaps has now spent many years'in'Glory Land. Today as we read .of the dog derbies, 'the ski jumps and the skating and other amusements which go. .on on. Sunday In the BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL • H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, S.C. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC beet St. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARRY COMMISSIONER, ETC., ETC. By Royal Warrant H. C. 'WEIR BARRISTER -AT -LAW licitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner Office: Hotel Clinton ours: 2 to 5 Tuesdays and Fridays des CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNESCHIROPRACTID.C. C. FOOT CORRECTION on St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY R. G. MtCANN ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR one' 4761 Albert St. Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTToronto loor'St. W. ' ARTHUR FRASER .. Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, etc., Ann Street Phone 355W EXETFJR ROY N. BENTLEY COME TAX - (Business, Private or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services—(Weekly or Monthly) ing—(Private or Commercial work). Regent St., Box 58, Picone 231J, Goderich, Ont. Telephone 170 DOTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES • DENTIST vett Block Clinton Hours: 9-12" a.m.; 1,30-6 p.m. VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT VETERINARIAN one 203 Clinton AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER rresi ondence promptly .,answered. mediate arrangements can 'be made r sale dates of Clinton News -Record by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER eclalist in Farm and Household sales, censed in Huron and Perth Counties. ices reasonable, satisfaction guaran- ed. For information, etc,, write oz lone Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 14-661, OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. _OPTOMETRIST Goderieb - PhoGlne 33 Fitted RUTH HEARN, R.O. Optometrist uron. St. Phone 69 Clinton MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 INSURANCE Ife Accident, Sickness, Automo- ale, Hospitalization, Household 1L. L. McMILLAN, Hayfield Phone: Clinton 634r15 J. E. HOWARD Bayfield, Ont. Phone Clinton 624r31 Car—Life—Fire—Accident Wind Insurance you need insurance, I have a policy THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS, 1947 Pres., Frank Mc- regor, Clinton R.R. 5; Vice -Pres., Kris Leonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; Onager and Secy.-Treas., M. A, Reid, ,aforth. DIRECTORS—Harvey Fuller, God- ich,:R.R. 2; Chris Leonhardt, Brod- igen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; W. R. rchibald, Seaforth; Sohn H.':MeEwing, Lyth; Frank McGregor Clinton; Hugh lexander, Walton; J. i.. Malone, Sea- AGENTS—John E. Pepper, Brace - cid, R.R, 1; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; R.R. R. F. McKercber, Dublin, R,R. 1; F. Prueter Brodhagen. •' Parties desiring to effect insurance transact other -business will be :omptiy attended to on application to ty oA the above officers. addressed to Lew respective post offices.' • Losses spected by the director living;near- t tUe point- 0 loss. beautiful Dominion of Canada which God has given to us, we wonder what the future holds for. not only us, but also for those who are being brought here from Europe and the British Isles, Have we nothing better to offer them than a disregard for the Lord's Day? More on that subject later, What words and tunes of any value are going to take the place of "When mothers of Salem, their children brought to Jesus", "Tell me the old old story", "Jesus loves me", • "Rock of Ages", etc. The answer to that question may easily be found Lf some night when we cannot coax sleep, we just turn the• dial of our radio around. There •is the occasional news broadcast, but for the greater part there is nothing but jazz. I suppose the authorities feel that there is no one listening at two d'clock in the morning who would `be at all interested in composi- tions of the great artists or in ;any broadcasts of world' interest. Many of these programs, we pre- sume, come from dance halls, for the time even in our own hemi- sphere.is different. I was glad to learn recently that the largest broadcast, either com- mercial or otherwise that comes over the air is that of "The, Old - Fashioned Revival Hour", spon- sored by freewill offerings of those who enjoy hearing Reverend Charles E. Fuller expounding God's Word, and the choir and choristers who take part in his service. The re -broadcasts are heard around the world, and how. much joy and comfort they bring to those who are privileged to listen. A couple of weeks ago be- tween five and six thousand peo- ple gathered to take part in the 23rd annivresary of the beginning of this marvellous offering 'of service to the Lord. Officials of the church do not need to turn God's House into a theatre or a place of debate on worldly clues - House; a consecrated people who believe that prayer is the founda- tion of God's work and who are willing to take an evening a week to pray earnestly that God will use His House to bring people to Himself; a minister who is a true under -shepherd of the Great Shepherd (how badly we need men who are not afraid to stand up and preach Christ, the Christ who died for your sins and who in spite of who is in the congre- gation will denounce anything which is contrary to that teach- ing; officials who are Christian men, not those who are holding office, just because some' one wanted them to, are absolutely necessary in the world today. It is indeed a tragedy where a ques- tion comes up before a Session and there are not enough men, real Christian men, who will take a stand for Christ on an issue which may mean the downfall of many young men and women. We do not need to say many. Some day before the Bar of Justice of God these members of the Session will stand responsible for the downfall of someone, and God will pronounce sentence on them. Members of the ruling bodies of God's House should be well and prayerfully chosen. There are men holding the highest positions in the Lord's House who for their stability and integrity would not be allowed to hold an executive position in a business firm. That is probably a strong statement, but the only backing we need for it is what is allowed to go on in God's House. To hold a position such as that requires a great sense' of responsibility. Two friends were talking one day. In reply to the question, "I see Mr. — has become a member of the Ses- sion," the man's wife replied, "Oh yes, some of the men wanted him to becomea member, so he decid- ed to join," From all appearances that was the only reason for •M—'s becoming of member of such an important body. Did he ever ask himself the question, "Does God want me to represent Him in that capacity?" What a re- sponsibility and at times hew Wallpaper Sale Continues Big Reduction in Price as all Stock must go to make way for 1948 Shipments Your Choice of Various Patterns COME EARLY WHILE STOCK LASTS Also Good Stock of Lowe Bros. Paints All Shades and Colours Venetian Blinds - Lin -x Waxes It's Here ! KEM-TONE THE MIRACLE WALL FINISH "Dries in One Hour" D. A. Kay (SSon 3rd Door from Royal Bank Huron St. Clifton Over 30 years experience in Wallpapers and Paints Phone 2341 for Evening Appointment St'&Coke is EBENEZER A very enjoyable evening was lit' spent at the Valentine social held at the church last Thursday even- ing. Rev. C. Tavener was chair- man and there hair-man'and'there was a good pro.. gram of recitations, Violin' music, and short dialogues, and a boun- teous lunch and candy were serv- ed eryed by the ladies after the pro- gram. Proceeds' went to the W.A. PORTER'S HILL Miss Phyllis Harris, London, spent the week -end' at her home. Mrs. Austin Harris spent the weekend at the home of her bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher, London. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gardiner left on Monday last, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardiner, God- erich, on a motor trip to visit relatives in Texas. Porter's .Hill Community Club held their monthly meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris.,A very good turnout of members, their families and friends, was present. The meeting opened with "God Save the King", with the presi- dent, Mrs, J. A. Torrance, in charge. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's re- port were read and adopted. After a business discussion the meeting closed. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre. Prize winners were: la- dies' high, Mrs. Don Harris; gent's high, Allen Betties. During the evening tickets were sold on a quilt, the lucky ticketebeing held by Mrs, Murray McDougall. lightly it is undertaken. May Go help us each one to consider wel before we accept any office i His work. It may be He does no want us there at all. He certain' does not if we are not Christie enough to take a definite stan for Him. It is not always easy for me or women to take a stand f Christ and to maintain that stan even in Christ's work. There ar times when a member of the ses sion will feel that if a motio which is contrary to his way o thinking and which is opposite to God's teaching is passed by the Session, that it will be necessary for him to leave not only the Session but also the church. Why should such questions arise among a number of men who are at least supposed to be followers of the Lord? The answer is guite plain, the world has crept in and there are members there who are not fully consecrated to Christ, They are not prepared to stand up and say, "I am on the side of right and will stay there no matter what the result may be." The old, old story which should mean so much to them has no longer a major part in their. lives. Oh, what a loss it is to them! ' There is nothing more beautiful than that story of Jesus and His love, Is that being taught today in the homes? Are children being sent to, Sunday School or better still are they' being taken there by their parents? They seem to be going everywhere else. Many of them spend hours at the movies and what they learn there is very often anything but what they should learn. Following a moving picture show recently a number of children of tender years were ask- ed what had impressed them at the show. It was really tragic what,their little minds had taken in; things which would probably {stay with them for the rest of their lives. It is really a very beautiful thing to hear people who are well on in years and who have been brought up in Christian homes talking of their young days. How happy they were and with what joy, love and respect they speak of their parents! It is true there was not a great deal of this world's goods In their homes, but they had the love of God, which meant much more to them. What will the children of the future have to think -about? Many of them will certainly not have "the old old story of Jesus and His love", Will we not do the best we can to help those with whom we come in contact to realizethat there is a God and that Ile is a . God of ove as well as of justice. Let us ake our Bibles .and read "the oId old story of Jesus. and His ove". d 1 n y n or d e n f 1 t 1 Cat de N of DETROIT FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tuller, a modern hotel far those who want the best! Con. venient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly, courte-,: ous serv,ce and real Hotel Comfort. The Totter Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Dining Pleasure at modest prices. It pays to stay at HotelTullcr. VISIT ous COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS ST5 ;WITH OATH. FROM HOTEL "FULLER ,F RICHARD C. HODGb6,.Mgr, Ask for it either way ... both trade -marks mean the same thing, WARTIME TAXES AND ORDERS,, You Pay7 Authorized Bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. 4STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 Erie St. Phone 78 CP -7 :. r.'.il.�.. Stanley Township taw John Pepper P peer is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Craig, Strat- ford, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird. Attending Convention Representatives of Stanley Township Council attending the annual convention of Ontario Good Roads Convention in To- ronto were Reeve Elmer Webster, Coffins. Carl Houston, Harvey Coleman, Harvey Taylor and Al- vin McBride, and Township Clerk and Treasurer Fred S. Watson.. i BRUCEFIELD Miss Eva Stackhouse is visit- I ing her sister in Glencoe. Mr, and Mrs. William Dalrym- ple spent the weekend in Lon- don, Miss Mayne Swan and Mrs. Alice Ham are spending a month in Toronto, Boy Scout Banquet The Boy Scouts of Brucefield held a Father and Son banquet in the basement of the church on Wednesday, February 18, with an attendance of 37. At the head table was Rev. E. R. Stanway as chairman. The chief speaker for the evening was the Rev. W..T, Woolfrey, Clinton. Archie Doug- las, Cubmaster, Clinton, also spoke briefly. After the speaking a sing song was held with Rev. Mr. Stan- way at the.piano. The Scouts very ably assisted the ladies in clearing away the tables and the remain- der of the evening was spent in playing games under the Scout- master, Jack Holmes, and assist- ant Scoutmaster, JackMacdonald, A very lovely birthday cake grac- ed the head table, it being the Scoutmaster's birthday. He was greatly taken by surprise. Carnival Great Success Owing to the extreme cold wea- ther prior to the Brucefield Skat- iny Carnival, the ice in the rink was keen and contributed much toward making the carnival a grand success, and although the temperature was low a very large crowd was in attendance. Fancy and figure skaters from Stratford entertained the crowd at intervals with excellent demonstrations of what can be " accomplished on skates. More than the usual num, ber of those present were in cos- tume. Prizewinners were as follows: Girls, fancy, 6-18 years—Dona 1UIcBride, M. Mousseau, Thelma Baird; girls, comic—Gladys Chap- man, Jean McGregor, Verna Eyre; girls, fancy, 12-16 years—Betty Park and Jean Willert, Betty Watson; girls, comic, 12-16 years —Ruth Keyes and Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Frank Grieve; boys, fancy, 6-12 years—Neil McGregor, Geo. Ross; boys, comic, 6-I2—Robert.(Butch) Mustard, Arnold Taylor, Ron Coleman; boys, fancy, 12-16 —Wilmer Johnston, Hugh Zapfe; boys, comic, 12-16—George Baird, Ross Stanway; Ladies most graceful skater— Ruth Scott, Blanche Zapfe; gent's most graceful skater - - George' Henderson,' Bob Allan; best char- acter costume—Mayme Swan, Bet- ty Allan; adults fancy costume— Mrs. A. Paterson, Seldan Ross; most graceful skating couple— Mel Graham and Blanche Zapfe; best fancy costume, lady or gent —Dona Taylor; best comic cos- tune—Adam Wilson; best trade u t cos me.— ' Lindsay Eyre: bestna-. tional costume—Haugh Zapfe; best clown (tie)—Adam Wilson, Jack McDonald, Bob Allan; oldest skat- er on ice—George Henderson; largest family on skates—Seldon Ross and family; Queen of the Carnival—Betty Allan; King of; the Carnival—Morris Taylor, The Skating Rink Committee have added new dressing rooms to COLGATE RIBBON DENTAL CREAM,, CLEANS BREATH CLEANS TEETH ii the rink this year and are in hopes of raising funds to provide a loud speaker system which may be permanentlyinstalled, ailed, .and this same committee wish to thank one and all who assisted in any way to make our 1948 carnival such a success, Judges of costumes were Mr. Shaddick, Mr, Middleton and Mr. Simpson, to whom the committee are very grateful for doing such a good job of a very tough assign- ment. Wampole's COD LIVER EXTRACT $1,00 per Bottle NEO -CHEMICAL FOOD Fluid for Children $1.35 - $2.95- - $4.95 Capsules for Adults $1.45 - $2.65 - $5.95 Kepler COD LIVER OIL with MALT EXTRACT 75c and $1.25 Scott's EMULSION 59c and $1.19 ?`! SHAMPOO GLORIFIES HAIR 29 LEAVES NO DULLING MVP SOAP FILM 49,c UNIQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER PH°NE SERVICE DRUGGIST 14 Female Stenographers Typists and Clerks Required for Government Office in London — Steady Employment --= Salary range $1020. to 51300. per annum . . . depending on experience and qualifications. Positions also available for applicants without previous experience. Apply To: PERSONNEL OFFICER, Dept, of National Revenue, Taxation Division. 8th Floor, Northern Life Building 291 Dundas St„ London 9b HOW WOULD YOU FEEL if this were your child . ; : and you had to say: "Sorry, darling, there just isn't anything"? Olgtolfie Canadian APPE4L FORMILD YET many a mother — and father — is faced today with just such a tragicfact. Through- out Europe and Asia children are literally starving — cold and miserable because they have no warm clothing. Millions of them are in des- perate need - for food, clothing, shelter., education. We in Canada are going to do our share to help meet those urgent needs. The Canadian Appeal Ifor Children, now being conducted, has a minimum objective of $10,000,000 as Canada's contribution to the saving of the world's children and the world's future. YOU CAN HELP by doing just this: Go to any Branch of THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — or any other chartered bank. Hand your contri- bution to the teller. He is ready to accept it, and will turn the money over to the Canadian Appeal for Chit- dren, Every cent collected will be distributed, where need is greatest, under the strict supervision of respon- sible United Nations' operating agencies. How much you give is a question for your own conscience. Act TODAY; you will sleep better tonight knowing you have done your part for these millions of little ones who ibok to you for help. This advertisement sponsored by THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA