HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-26, Page 2PAGE' TWO Clinton News�T�ecord THE CLINTON NEW ERA THE CLINTQN'NEWS-RECORD Established 1865 .Established 1878' Amalgamated 1924 141 the ;Heart of Hawn County An Independent' Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District MEMBER , Canadian -Weekly Newspapers Association �S P? Dvuision, CWNA SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Payable in advance •— Canada and Great Britain': $2 a year; United States and Foreign; $2.50 a year, Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department,Ottawa Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Cards on Request Sworn. C8reulation as at October 31, 1947 — 1,846 (77% concenbtrated in immediate trading area) Published EVERY THURSDAY at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada Ontario -Quebec 11 S. ATXEY , - - - - Editor and Publisher THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948 W A RECREATIONAL DIRECTOR [THIN the next week or so, a decision must be made regarding- the setting up of a Recreational Coimnissibn or Council for Clinton and the hiring of a Re- creational Director. In a practical sense, here's what has been done to date, Clinton High 'School Ditstniet Board has gone on re cord as agreeing to pay half the salary of such an official, he to act as a teacher of physical training at Clinton Col- legiate Institute for approximately half his time. Clinton Lions Club has voted $400 toward the salary of a Recrea- tibnval Director for the year 194748. Clinton and District. Chamber of Commerce executive has voted $100 toward the ' salary of su'dh an official, and plans to complete the pro- posal to raise sufficient funds to hire him. The Ontario Government will provide a grant of one-third the coot to the town, exclusive of the High School District Board's share. In other words, if the annual salary of the Director were $2,400, as has been inditcaited, the High School District Board, supported by a 70 per cent grant from the Ontario Department of Education, would arrange to pay one-half, or $1,200. The Lions Club would -supply $400, or one-third of the remainder,. the Government grant would amount to $400, and the remaining $400, or one-third, would be met by contributions from the Chalmber of Commerce, Women's Institute and similar local organizations. It will be noted that all the above frenzied financ- ing leaves out entirely any contribution that the Town Council, representing the citizens as a whole, would make. Tine general opinion seems to be that, for 1948 at least, the Town Council has enough financing on its hands to keep it extremely busy, and that it should be relieved of any burden until 1949. However, it remains for the Town Council, as such, to initiate it he proposal. A bylaw must be passed, setting up a Recreational Commission or Council, and members, rep- resentative of various interested local organizations, should be appointed to sift on this body. Then the Commission or . Council would be in a position to function properly. It is true that the High School District I3o'ard, most probably will take the initiative in hiring the proposed Re- creational Director, as he must have received proper train- h'ig and be qualified to teach in the Collegiate Institute. However, the actual appointment will be of great interest to all those organizations and individually who have shown that they believe the appointment of a qualified Recrea- tional Director will filla long -felt need in this community. The individual. experiences of Goderich, Wingham and Exeter, hi this field, have shown that several different types of personality may be available for the post. But we feel certain that a good man Wtill be chosen, and that the Clinton commurriity—both children and adults --will receive a great deal oft benefit from the operations of a Recreational Commission or Council and a Recreational Director. 0 0 0 SELF-RELIANCE STRESSED T'HE United Kingdom must ultimately depend on her own efforts to effect her economic recovery. This view figures prominently in addresses of leading British bank- ers delivered at recent annual meetings of their organiza- tions, as recorded in a supplement to the February issue of the Bank of Montreal's monthly business summary, which has just been published. On the subject of help from abroad, Hon. Rupert E. Beckett, chairman of Westminster Bank Limited, .said, "President Truman's proposals if carried into effect will constitute an unparalleled act:of national magnanimity. If in attempting to work out our own salvation we appear to make our plans without regard to tlii's proffered assistance it is not through a lack of appreciation either of its gener- osity or' of its profound significance; it is certainly up to us to make such an attempt." Dealing with the natibaes international position, the Marquess of .linlit)hgow, chairman of Midland Barak Lim- ited, noted that `Britain has had cause, in her latest emer- gency, for unmeasured thankfulness for the practical good- will of British countries oyerseas." He found evidence of 'Britain's determination to continue as a great power in "the far-seeing projects recently launched for economic de- velopment auto social improvement 'in colonial territories." Lord Linlithgow saw in the Marshall Plan "a mag- ntif'ilcenrt opportunity for a ..co-operattive effort. directed to the reinforcement of European economies in general". Bizt, taking the same view as Mr. Beckett, he emphasized that the Plan could not be fully effective "unless the countries receiving help tlivve up to the morall obligations accepted by thein in the early stages of drafting the plan". 0 0 0 EDITORIAL, COMMENT Thought for To -day — Happiness is Eke Ohne and spate we make and measure it ourselves; at as a. fancy — as big, as little, as,you please; just a thing of contrasts and comparisons. 0 0 0 . Hockey fever and spriY'ng fever are •almost the same kind of fever in Clinton this year, as one bebaane the other allinost overnight. ©'0 0 Heartiest congratulations to any of our readers who mayiave been horn on a Leap Year Day and have only once. birthday -every four years. We offer also our soulful com.. miserationa;; tvve like birthdays once a year. G^LiN ON NEW$ REOOIiD From Our early Files, 25 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, March 1, 1923 Prize winners at the carnival at the arena were: Doris ,Durnin, Helen Roberton, Ferris. Cantelon, Bert S:loman, Mrs. Cree Cook, Jean Ford, Alex Eagleson, R. Frost, Mary McTaggart, Jean Woods, J. E,. "Cap" Cook, Hall Farnham, Lorne. Cook, Claren Pugh, Bessie Morrish, ' Newt -.....rte THURSDAY, FEBRJARY 26, 1846' 40 Years Ago THE; CLINTON •NEWS.RECORD Thursday, February 28, 1908 A large number attended the funeral of the late Miss Mary Wasman en Friday. The young lady in her early twenties, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Wasman, Rev. Mr: 'Rogers, Sea - forth, conducted the services. Pa11- ce hearers were Percy Couch, Perry Davise, Miss McKenzie Erne on IPlurnsteel, Wilfrid' Pickett Olin Ford, Mary Grealis, Jack Mute ILII st Hooper, Louis Manning and John h, pY Shi le . Mrs. Streets, Mr.,Ireland. Do ors of prizes were: Sutter -Pe due, R. H. Johnson, Rivers Bak- eiy, Brown Bakery, Clinton Knitting Co., Arena, Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton Hardware Co., S.S. Cooper, Wendorf, Hydro Electric, W. D. Fair, Jackson Manufacturing Co., A. T. Coop- er, O'Neil's, and J. Schoenbals. The judges were Miss R. Irwin, J. W. Treleaven and Mr,. Strong. Harry Glazier has taken. a position with the C. & S. grocers. Harry McCool has _taken over the Massey -Harris agency from Chief of Police Stong. Mrs. C. H. Holland, Sea£orth, is visiting , her daughter, Mrs. Merritt Nediger. * * * THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, March 1, 1923 Clinton C.I. hockey club de- feated Sarnia. Playing for Clin- ton were: Goal, McNeil; defence, Hovey, Roberton; wings, O'Brien, Elliott; centre; Rorke; subs, Hig- gins, G. Elliott. Thomas Churchill has return-. d to Clinton from St. Catharines nd is now superintendent of n- I Clinton Collegiate was closed r- on Monday so that the pupils could attend the funeral of one of their number, the late Miss Jessie Landsborough, daughter of Mr. Charles Landsborough, who died on Friday in her 15th year. Pall- bearers were Addison and Har- vey Johns, William Falconer, John McQuMcEwen and Arthur and William McQueen A7r. C, S. Hawke supplied the pulpit of Ontario' Sunday, St. Church on Markets: Wheat, 90c to 92c; oats, 45c to 50c; peas, 80c to 85c; barley, 65c to 70c; butter, 22c to 23c; eggs, 21e to 23c; live hogs, 5c. Capt. H. T. Rance has gone on a business trip through Louisiana. * * * Friday, February 28, 1908 J, Taylor has opened his new insurance office adjoining the New Era Office. The carpenter work was done by T. McKenzie, the brick and cement work by D. Prior and H. Hill. Will Lindsay has rented the i house of Adam Foster on High street. H. Hunt slipped on the icy streets on Tuesday evening and broke his right leg above the ankle. Train service has been badly disrupted this week. First a freight became derailed between Clinton and Blyth making passenger ser- vice to that place impossible. Then the storm this week has held up the train service in all directions for a matter of several days. James Shepherd, Townsend St, can boast the earliest rhubarb of the year. He brought a very fine sample into the office the other day. This was of course grown under cover. e a Clinton Knitting Co, James McMath was buried on Saturday following a service in Wesley Church, conducted by Rev. D. N. McCainus and Rev. T. J. Snowden. Pallbearers were J. G. Medd, John )Vise, H. B. Chant, W. 11, Hellyar, A. T. Cooper and A. Tyndall. Pallbearers at the funeral of the late Mrs. L. Lawson were C. H. Venner, E. Rozell, J. A. Ford, W. Biggart, W. 'Mitch and L. Cree. Mrs. Lawson was the be- loved wife of Luke Lawson and mother of Haroid and Gordon Lawson. GUARANTEED PERFECT AND INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS $2000, -,,. l I W. N. Counter Counter for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Enron County 1325 HEAR ueen's Park Report No: 6" by PREMIER GEORGE DREW "HIGHWAYS FOR TOMORROW" CKNX --r WINGHAM — Dial 920 Friday, February 27 8.00 - 8.15 p.m. KIRBY "The Complete Home Cleaner" Triple Cushioned CLEANING A:C ION' (1) Kirby super -suction draws the carpet up to the nozzle. (2) An air -Cushion is formed underneath the carpet, (3) A revolving brush loosen the dirt from the flexed pile of the carpet, This method cleans thoroughly without' destructlwe pounding, scrubbing and crushing. DESIGNED FOR ACTION HAS TOE -TOUCH CONTROL Has Quick, Dustless BAG EMPTYING Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH r WTINGIIOUSL+' DEALERS PITON.0 419 RES. 358 If. you have ever been faced with an emergency, you know how important it is for party line "part- ners" to give each other right-of-way on urgent calls. Please clear the line immediately. PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make ' is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1: Keep calls brief. 2: Space your calls. 3: Give right-of-way to emergency calls, THE -BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA NEWS -RECORD for fine job 5 "S'ERVICES AT BEATTIE'S" Three words you hear so often, because our services are knoTTn' so well. Beattie Funeral Home Rattenbuxy St. E. Geo. B. Beattie Sanitary Sewerage Services. EXPERT WORK DONE Dlue to ground conditions, digging is ,continuing. Get your work done now, to prepare for spring cleanup( REASONABLE RATES McKay Contracting Co. Princess St. W. CLINTON Phone 373MI Feel Good Again! BISMAREX 75c and $2.00 Gives relief from Gas; Acid Stomach in 3 minutes — It's sold at your Rexall Store W. S. R. HOLMES YOUR REXALL STORE AND SAVE YOUR MONEY 7/1003,1 On the back of your War Savings Certifi- cates, you'll find instructions to endorse and mail each one to Ottawa as soon as it matures. Then—to make ready cash available— you'll have to deposit or cash the cheque for each Certificate as you receive it. You can, if you wish, go through all this procedure many times over ... month by month as each one of your Certificates comes due. But if you haven't the time or inclination ::tura the whole job over to the Bank of Montreal. Simply take all your Certificates to your nearest\ B of M branch . , . you'll find the Bank glad to open an account especially for this purpose. As your Certificates ma- ture, they will be cashed and their full face value deposited in your account ::: aetonatically. You will be surprised at the low cost of this service. . SAVE YOURSELF COTHER AND MONEY— BRING YOUR CERTIFICATES TO THE NEAREST D OF M DRANCH TODAY Don't let the security represented by your War Savings. Certificates slip through your rangers:.. use their proceeds to build up your B of M. savings account. You'll be helping yourself to extra happi- ness tomorrow... and you'll be helping Canada to win today's battle against inflation. BANK TO 4 MUINI COMM BANK OE MONTREAL Clinton Branch: W. 11. ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Mon. and Thurs. WORKING WITH CANADIANS 1M EVERY WALK or Lir, sines 1D19 0-117