HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-19, Page 8t mmmlilmlllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilignIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImilllllllll91111111illo1111!!IICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInommono 0 g_ N PAGE EIGHT Colts Win at Mitchell; Second, Game Postponed Soft weather has delayed tempor- arily the OBA Intermediate "B" play-off `series between the Canadian Legion team of Mitehtell. and Clinton Cote. After taxing a rather easy 12.5 de- cision' at Mitchell Saturday evening, the Colts .figured on concluding the series hist evening. However. the thaw of the past few days interferred, caus- ing postponement of the game, which may take piece Frida? evening, wea- ther permitting. Manager Bert Glidden and the Colt o lr drs were very perturbed bet t week • when h n they drseovared that thieves had -nate off with about a doten hockey sticks and some pads. It was a mean trick and the management would like to sea the articles returned, as the Club is by no moans flush with ti cash. . Springing somewhat of a surprise, Clinton Colts defeated Mitchell Le - glen 12-5 in the first game of OEA group 6 Intermediate "B" semi- finals in Mitchel Saturday evening. Due to the storm, the crowd. was not as large as expected, nor was the brand of hockey as good as in pre. vious encounters between the teams, Colts got away to an early start wits a goal by Harry McEwan in the first few seconds of play, and arways had the upper hand, leading 3.1 at the end of the firstand 7.4 at the end of the second. The Bartliff-Counter-Strong lino went on the rampage in the third frame with five counters, completely dominating the play. Clinton Colts --Goal, Woodcock; de- fence, Oolquhomr, Sehoenbals; centro, H. McEwau; wings, Draper, F. Mc - Ewan; alternates-Bartliff, Counter, Strong, Neilans, Strebts, Andrews, Cameron; sub -goal, Schroeder. -- SPECIALS CAMEO VELLUM Note Paper In Note Size and Octavo Size 1 Quire of Paper and 24 Envelopes Regular Price 45c .. , . SPECIAL PRICE 25e BOOKS Regular Pride's Fancy by Thos. H. Raddel4 . , . $2.75 Wayfarers by Dan Wiekenden ..... 3.00 Great Son by Edna Ferber 3.00 The Gauntlet by Jas. Street .. 3.00 So Little Time by J. P. Marquand 3.25 Courageous Women by Montgomery Keith • and 1VIcKtinley 1.50 Better Harvest by Violet Kng 2.75 The Just and the Unjust J. G. Couzzens 3.00 Special $1.98 1.39 1.49 2.49 2.49 .98 1.98 1.98 McEwan's Spring Fever Cure! If your car has Spring Fever -if it's Tired, Sluggish and Lifeless -- try our TUNE UP service. Those iilettating little ailments that spoil top perform- ance in the Starter, Generator, and Electrical systems of your car can be cleaned up to your entire satisfac- tion. Try us and be convinced. Perhaps your car needs Rings or a Valve Grind. 7t, may be New Spairk Plugs are required, Let our mechanics thoroughly inspect your car, Be safe with good brakes and perfect lights. • USED CARS -Our stock constantly changes. See us first. Top prices paid for good clean used cars. Lorne Blown Motors Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service Specialists in Auto Electric DAY 367W -- PHONES NIGHT 367J Forsyth Shirts White and Coloured Sizes 141/z to 17 'TIES Featuring the Popular Rainbow Hues Davis & Herman MEN'S TWEED SUIT LENGTHS $10.00 Each For EXPERT I RADIO REPAIRS BROWN'S 1r'5 CALL $10.00 Merrill Radio ONE DOOR NORTH OF ROYAL BANK PHONE 313 Badminton' Exhibition Proves Very Enjoyable Showing a fine spirit of co-opera- tion, a operation, seven of the top-ranking players of Stratford Badminton and Social. Club visited Clinton Badminton Club last weak ansi stagedseveral excellent matchuw on the Town Hall courts for the benefit of •local club members anrd• tits public generally. Tho group was headed by M. A. Robinson, president of the S4ratford Club, and G. Scrimgeour, an officer, Players included Misses Shirley Clad- ding, Beverly Crane; Helen McDonald, Peggy Lee and Don McLean, Ted Barber, Dick Sobben and Earl Rob - mean. . Tod Barber, 1948 Western Ontario men's singles champion, opposed Don McLean, 1947 champion,in two games, the latter winning both. Shirley Clad- ding din g lefe ted Helen McDonald in la- dies' singles. In mo r n s doubles, Ted Bbe nr d Sn and Don McLean defeated Dick Sobben ad Earl Robinson in two straight games. In mixed doubles, Ted Barber and Shirley Glaclding, 1948 Western Ontario mixed doubles champions, de- feated Don McLean and Helen Mc- Donald in the third game of a match that went three games. President Rob- inson acted as master -of -ceremonies, and various Stratford,pIayers sated as referees. • • Refreshments were served by the social committee under the convener - ship of Mrs. Orval Lobb, using the committee room on the main floor. R. S. Atkey, president of the local club, expressed the deep appreciation of the local club to the visitors for thein fine co-operation . in staging the matches, and President Robinson and Don McLean, Stratford, replied suit- ably, offering their fullest co-opera- tion. Robert M. Hale, Clinton men 's captain, also spoke. Mitchell Legion -Goal, Rowland; defence, Patterson, Steak; centre, Powell; wings, Walther, Wright; al- ternates-Gatenhy, Houze, MeNairn, Parrott, Weber.. Referee -Gordon Muir, Seaforth; linesman -Hubert, Seaforth. First Period 1 Clinton -H. IcrcEwan (F. Me - Ewan) .05 2 Mitchell -Powell (Walther) 6.50 3 Linton Draper (F. McEwan) 7.50 4 Clinton -Streets (Draper) 8.00 Penalty -Draper. Second Period 5 Clinton -H. McEwan (F, Mc - Ewan) 3.10 6 Oliutpn-Bartliff (Strong) 4.30 7 Mitchell-MeNairn (Weber) 6,55 8 Clinton -F. McLwan (H. Me - Ewalt) 7.35 9 Mitchell -Weber (MeNairn) 8.00 10 Clinton -Strong (Bartliff) 13.00 11 Mitchell -Parrott (MeNairn, Patterson) 16.50 Penalties - Houze, Powell, Colqu- houn. Third Period 12 Clinton -Counter (Strong) 4.55 13 Olinton-Strong (Bartliff) 5.45 141 Clinton -Counter (Strong) 5.50 15 Clinton -Counter (Bartliff) 15,10 16 Clinton-Bartliff (Schoen- bals) 18.10 17 Mitchell -Parrott (Weber) 18.50 Penalties-Bartliff, Parrott, Draper, 0 MORRIS 'LEAVING Morris Bader, manager of Wingham Rocktes of the WOAA Senior A hockey series, was tendered a publie presentation in Wingham Arena prior to his departure for Toronto. During Iris stay in Winglram, Bader piloted Wingham Huron's softball team to two championships in 1947 and to the group championship in 1946. Pre- sentations were made by Sam Burton. recreational director, on behalf of the town of Wingham, by Ted England on behalf of the hockey club, and by Vie Laughlean for the ball club. SALARIES INCREASED GODERTCH-Public school teachers here were granted a salary increase of •.$100 a year, retroactive to Jan. 3, 19.1.8; and the regular increase of 4100 a year, effective September next, in addition, at a special reeting of the Public School Board, Teachers holding special certificates will be granted 150 a year for each certificate, providing';' they teach the subjects in the ecboolt. effective September 1, 1948. R°ae OF RADIO IN COMPACT FORM It's a He •"nor -the new 1940 Model R5501. Another Stewart- Warner 'First' with the new Stewart - Warner features. New typo Miniature Tubes -5 of them! New circuit -new chassis. New speaker. New design walnut cabinet. Built in loop antenna. Listen before you buyl With a Stewart -Warner you can hear the difference.' Come in and head this sensational model toddy! STEWART-WARNER CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 194%. Airmen Tie and Lose To Seaforth 7-7, 5-3 Seaforth Bosharts are one genre up on Clinton RCAF lir their semi-finals two -out -three OHA Intermediate ''B' groiup series, with the next matclt scheduled for Seaforth to -night. After coming from behind, to tie the Airmen 717 in ten minutes 'over- time at Seaforth Thursday, evening last, Bosharts finished en the long end of a 5-3 count in Clinton Lions Arena Monday