HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-19, Page 7"Tiltru$1'JAT, Em 1 :ARY 19, 1948 Ok INTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE E WEN AMINO BARLEY This year we are'again contracting Barley for The Canada Malting Co. CONTACT LTS FOR PARTICULARS George e T. Mickle & Sons Night 133 HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone 103 4-11Jb Farmers and Poultrymen We Are Distributors of: Brooder Stoves (Coal, 011 and Electric) Feed Hoppers and Water Fowita ns Lifeteria and Pioneer Feeds Oyster Shell Grit Dr. Salsbury's Products Pratts Food Products Whiteod Feeding Oil Molasses Order Now for Immediate Delivery of R.O.P. Sired Chicks -- White Leghorn, Barred Rock, Light Sussex, R.I. Red x B. Rock, R.I. Red x W. Leg- horn; and B. Rock x W. Leghorn. Jervis Chick Hatchery Phone 194 Clinton Ontario LIMITED QUANTITY OF AJAX SEED OATS. From Certified Seed QUANTITY LATS AT $1.65 per Bushel Also 4 Tons of FEED .BEANS $35 per Ton Jonathan Hugill PHONE: Clinton 616r34 R.R.2, SEAFORTK S -9-b on Guaranteed ,� 0 Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount.... fora term of 'i"o r ••. five years .. , . guaranteed both as to principal es mailed to -Ir" and h holders on duord date, est or reat holder's gi.r.t option, may be allowed to accumulate at _,�� compound interest. ���-// An ideal investment for individuals, cons.1i panes; authorized by law for cemetery boardo, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS .. CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto se years In Business 1 + ft: il. t r pAN�E.. f++rAtvr fine /889 /1E40 OFFICE: IVQTERL 00, ONTAR/0 HIGRLICHTS FR O 59th AN -LAVAL STATEMENT DURING11 t� " ,' Epps 1947 }° "rte gASSSTS SS ,3 'VI E7 .� „ .a * $5„641,010 INCR, ?E%l'.SE AND NOW TOTAL $78,33ti3O'.0 PP"" p� a�BUSINESS�®6INpgFORCE VOWED eG654o'7°g8u S1 INmo9196��,i",nO Y+r a N y TOTALS OVER $332,297, AND NOW PAYMENTS TO POLICY 49WNER.a AND ;d BENEFICIARIES WERE AVEI: *4,5553,000 1. OP WHICH 58.9% WAS PAID TO LIVING POLICY OWNERS NEW BUSINESS, PAID FOR, $48E,617.296RASED AND REVIVED, AMOUN I TO '•" Cohv o/ complete statement mailed an request. Basil B. Pocklulgtlon, Rattenbury St. ' Phone 473 :: Clinton, Ont. * Oaar 5 )th Year Of Service Hulett Township HENSALL Farm" Forum Meets The Farm Foram meeting of S.B. No. 1 Mullett was held on Monday evening, February 16, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott, with 16 membern present: Three groups wore formed for the dieeuesion on "Are Fanners' Businessmen?" All groupe agreed that a good wife meant a lot in helping' to make farming a sue- cess,- also that it pays to keep books of the farm. The remainder of the dvening was spent in playing• progressive euchre, prize wimiers being: Ladies, Mrs. B. Irwin; Gents, Bort,Ivwin; Ladies eon solation, Mrs, Albert Glazier; gents, Wilfred Glazier. Lunch was served.: Next meeting is to be heel at the bonze of Ma'. and Mrs, William :Holland, ...tea a......... Stanley Township Hugh McKenzie left last week to visit friends in Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. Norman Baird is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Varley, St. Cath- arines. Ray Pepper visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Pepper, Niagara Falls, last week. VARNA World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer, was held in Goshen United Church, on Friday, February 13. The meeting opened at three o'clock with Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley presiding. Mrs. Elmore Keyes presided at the organ. Prayers were offered by Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. Elmer Hayter, Mrs. Richard Robinson, Mrs. William Hester. Scripture was read by Mrs. Elmer Hayter. For the second half of the program Mrs. Mel. Elliott presided for Blake. Prayers were offered- by Mrs. Roy ,McBride, Mrs. F. Bancroft, Mrs. Bert McBride and Mrs. John Keyes. The Lord's Prayer was sung by Mrs. Elmore Keyes after which the offering was received by Mrs, John Keyes and Mrs. Clare McBride. Mrs. Elgin McKinley gave an address. The meeting closed with the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. William Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Mr, and Mrs, Clare McBride wero guests at tate home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn John- son last Friday evening. AUBURN :Harold Asquith is visiting his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles E. As- quith. Air, and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, fort Albert, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad - nook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Campbell and young daughter spent the week- end with the former's sister, Mrs. Stan Abel and Mr, Abel, St. Thomas. Women's Day of Prayer A Iarge number of women attended the World Day of Prayer service held in Knox Presbyterian Church. Mrs, Edgar Lawson was in charge and a union choir with Mrs. R. J. Phillips presiding at the organ, led in ,the sing- ing. The theme of the meeting was "The Lord's Prayer" and was divid- ed into ;parts. Those speaking on var- ious sections of the prayer were Mrs, Earl Wightman, Mrs. Wilfrid Vest- erfelt, and Mrs. A. Nesbitt.. Prayers were given by Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Mrs. Albert Campbell, hire. Alvin Letherland, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. R. Z. Phillips, Mrs. H, Yungblut, Mrs. F. S. Johnston and Mrs. W. Good. ;The scripture was read by Mrs. Herb Gov- ier. Mrs. A. G. Hewitt gave an ad- dress on "The Lord's Prayer." The offering was received by Mrs. W. Good and Mrs. Fred' Ross, and Mrs. Law- son offered the dedicatory prayer. Mark Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit eoleh- rated the 25th anniversary of their wedding at their home on the 3rd con- cession of East Wawanosh, Mr's. Nes- bit was formerly Annie Hutchison, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J Hutchi- son, Rainton, Yorkshire, England, Mr, Nesbit is a son of the late Mr. mil Mu, Frank Nesbit, who resided in Yorkshire also, The wedding of 26 years ago was solemnized nt Topcliffe Anglican Chinch by Rev. C. Pauling tutee is still, teeter, After their marriage 'air, and Ibbs. Nesbit sailed for Canada on March 9, 1923, arriving en March 17. They- spent six weeks nt Brueefield visiting Mr. Nesbit's brother, W. '4VV. Nesbit. Later they went to the west and spent the first summer there. They carne back to Ontario' the following winter and inthe spring of 1924 start- ed to farm on the Gth concession of East Wawanosh near Bolgrave. Twen- ty-two years ago they moved to the 3rd concession of East, Wawanosh where they have since resided, at pre- sent on lot, 80, formerly the George Snell farm. Mr, and M,'s, Nesbit hare four chit dreg, bliss Mary, Toronto, (Margaret) Alt's. Williaun Golfer, blast Wawanesb, Frank and Lawrence at home, also elle granddaughter. A. family flit,¢ was se •ee', at their ,Lome Among those present far the o, ,;as.ori were v, and lir,. Nesbit, ty, Mr. and Mr's. Govi • I''rat k led Lawrence,, also granddaughter, Linda, Mr. egd Mrs. John Nesbit ,incl family, Blyth, Flunk 0,• Nesbit. Gait, Miss Mason, Belgrave, Mrs. guirur and Edward Quern. Among the gifts received was a floor lanae from the family.. Ali. and Mt's,, Nesbitt arra menbers of St. Mark's Anglican Church where Mr. Nesbit is troashrer and Mrs. Nes- bit is president of the Ladies' Cuild. GODFR1CIh A large congregation was present in North Street United Church Sunday evening, when mein; orial chimes were dedicated in mem- *, of •the men who 'gave their lives hn the two Great Wars: Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. and 'Mrs. T. 8'. Sherritt, • who recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Record Vote Oast' Hensall polled the largest number of votes' in its history in the Huron Provincial by-election Monday, Febru- ary 16. No less' than 399 voters turned out to 'exercise ,their franchise, with Thomas Pryde, Progressive Conserve Live, receiving a majority of 41. There were eight spoiled harlots. The oldest voter to east her vote was Miss -lean Murray. • Rev. William Weir, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, lyes - polar, has accepted a call from Bramp- ton Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. He went to 13espeler from -Repsol in 1943, succeeding Rev. T. G. Marshall, who went to New'Westminster Clutch of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, e Hensall 'to Hensall Boxes of goods are being sent regu- larly each month from St, Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, to the rec- tor of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, Yorkshire, ;England, who very kindly gives out the packages to the old and •needy people of the village who in tarn write very kind letters of thanks and appreeiation for the` same. The interests between the two villages bring a very real link of friendship which it is hoped will con- tinue'througly the years. W 1. to Het? Britain_ The regular meeting of ' RemsaU (Women's Institute was held in the Council Chamber Wednesday evening, February( 11, with the president; Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, in the chair. The roll call was answered: "Name an agricultural product suitable for ship- ment overseas", The president suggested that mem• bet's offer a collection of suitable items such as canned meat, rice, pow- dered milk, dried fruits, etc., at the. March meeting for shipment to Eng.. land. The seeretary reported that the Legion FIag, gift of the Institute members, has been received on behalf of the Hensall Legion. Mrs. Fred Beer spoke on "Blue Cross Hospitali- zation Plan", and handed out liter- ature re sante, Mrs. Beer in this con- nection offered to act as group leader and attend to the collection of fees, etc,, if this plan is decided on. The highlight of the evening was the illustrated views which wero shown, and included the following: "The Fur Trade", "Farm Electrification",'"A Musical Film". These films, the pro- perty of the National Film Board, were 'kindly loaned by the Exeter Lions Club. Mr. J. Bowey was the demonstrator. Mea. -B. Edwards gave the motto, "He who plants a garden has a future. and he who has a fa- tare is alive". The March meeting will bo hold in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, and on this oeeasion the Zurich Women's Instituto will be guests and will provide the program. r CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPFE PRONE 103 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON — EXETER t SEAFORTII McKinley's Chick Hatchery NEW HATCHERY BUILDING New Incubator Doubles Our Capacity Operating under Government Approval • ALWAYS A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CHICKS NOW BETTER THAN EVER FIRST HATCH JANUARY 23rd CONTACT US BEFORE YOU BUY R.R. 1 Zurich Phone 97r11 Hensall 5-14-b CONTRACT BARLEY Contract Forms have arrived for Barley - WE EXPECT VERY MGR PRICES NEXT FALX, FOR MALTING BARLEY These contracts give you good seed and a special price for your production from this seed. Contact me as soon as possible so I can order seed required. FRED O. FORD GRAIN and SEED 4-1.1b ANYTI�1ING from a Set of Plugs to a "Major Operation" AT THE first sign of an ailing tractor, call on us and get expert, professional care. Farm machines are our busi- ness and we do our best tokeep the greatest possible number of them in good running. condition. Call on us, —for anything from a apt of plugs to a "major operatioh." Phone 123W All,' work done. by a factory -grained expert Drop in and see us Your Local INTERNATION HARVESTER DEALERS Huron Equipment Co.Ltd Victoria, St. ' CLINTON' Phone 338J and VARNA, Ontario - 5tfb' Hog Poultry 'Oona Quality Feeds Ccacentrate Dairy They Pay Laying ro Mash Supplement Give Your Chicks a Running Start Start Right: It's All in the Start For more Profits from Poultry and assurance of a high living rate, start your Chicks the. Quality Way --- THAT'S THAT'S THE RIGHT WAY It Costs you Less and Pays you more Profit and carries you through to larger, healthier Pullets — the kind that Lay and Pay. Save Your Milk for the Factory Get the High Price RAISE YOUR CALVES ON CALF MEAL Bather Calves --- Less Cost Larger, Better -Grown Heifers that produce earlier and pay Larger Profits Mixed Feeds -- Grain, Whole or Ground Fertilizer and Seeds Samuel Riddick E3 Sons PHONE 114 For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C..R.Crossnian Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 USED BY MORE FARMERS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND OF CHICK STARTER This is the reason why: SHUR-GAIN Gives Superior Quality +art Lowest Cost. Superior Quality because: (1) SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is manufactured by your local Feed Service Mill. This ensures FRESH- NESS. (2) •SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is checked continu- ally by qualified inspectors. This ensures PRO- PER TEXTURES. (3) SHUR-GAIN Chink Staxtter is laboratory con- trolled. This ensures UNIFORM QUALITY. (4) -SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter contains the correct levels of proteins, minerals and vitamins as re- commended by the National Research Council, Washington, D.C. This ensures A BALANCED FEED. Lowest Cost because: 1(1) One handling charge. (2) One hauling charge. (3) No Middleman's profit, Be sure of spring success with your Chicks GIVE YOUR CHICKS A REAL WELCOME HAVE THEIR HOPPERS FULL OF SHUR-GAIN 18% Chick Starter Made and Sold by CLINTON FEED SILL 'Your Shur -Gain Feed Service MU PHONE 580 CLINTON.