HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-19, Page 5THURSDAY, 1181IBRUARY 19, 1948 OLIIj ON NEW$-EBoon,D' PAGE FIVE. [dews -Record CIaSsified Adlets Bring Quick Results. CASE RATE—(If -paid by Wednes• day, following +, date of insertion)— ' °One cent a word first insertion (mini - "n um 85 cents); subsequent insertions one cent a, word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents extra for box cumber or for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. Ilr CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE ',ONE EIGHT -INCH CIRCULAR SAW in new condition; also sander. Box "P", NEWS -RECORD 7•8p TEAM BREECHING HARNESS, -complete; 21. Plenty walking plough, • nearly, new. Apply C. Hutchins, R.R. .2, Clinton. ° 8p MAROON STROLLER PRAM WITH, snow runuere, in fair condition. Phone 959J. sb VIOLIN AND I30W; PAIR 01' child's long rubbers, size two, new never used. AP1ly Mrs, John Hall, phone 795W. 8-9p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO YOUNG SOWS DUE APRIL 1; also ono sow duo now; also six little pigs ready to wean. Lloyd Medd, phone Clinton 801x41. 8p -ONE JERSEY•HEIFER, TWO YEAR old, due first of March; ono Jersey heifer calf; two good. York sows duo first part of March. Apply H. Man- aghan, Clinton. 8p TWO YOUNG PUREBRED TOU- louse geese, Exhibition stock, the two for $10. Carl Diehl, R.R. 5, Clinton. 8p !' OTT R PUREBRED SHORTHORN hulls from Dight -11 months old., three red, one red roan. Apply William Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone Clin- ton 615r21. 8.9p ONE YOUNG HEREFORD COW, calf -at foot; one Durham cow, five years, freshens March 29. W. P. Ro- berts, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Sp PROPERTY FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT — SUITABLE fer two families, three miles from Varna. Apply Clifford E. Keys, Vat- na, phone Henson 96r4. Sb WANTED • $4,500 ON FIRST MORTGAGE ON good 100 -acre farm. Good investment. Apply Box "S" NEWS-REOORD. 7-8p WOOD WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned until February 24, 1948, for atpproximately 40 cords of 12."' good body hardwood, Maple and Beech, delivered to the seven op- erating schools of Tuckorsmith School Area by June 1, 1943. S. H. Whit- more, secretary -treasurer, Tuckersnlith Township School Area, R.R. 8, Sea - forth, 8b WANTED TO BUY OLD HORSES and DEAD ANIMALS suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2e a pound for horses and call and pick up same. Dead animals according to value. If dead phone at once. Phone collect Week Gilbert, 936r21, or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderich. 45btf PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH 01 Dinsley St., a solid seven -roomed white brick house with throe -piece bath, hot water heating, garage and', good garden space. Immediate pos- session. Carman Hodgins, Blyth, phone Blyth 34. 6.7-8-p IN SEAFORTH, FIVE ROOMED cottage, three-piece bath, $4,000; also 100 acre farm on highway, priced rea- sonable. Norman Sanderson, Seaforth. 8p IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, SE. - en room brick dwelling, modern con- veniences, air conditioning heating system, insulated, newly decorated; garage. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251W, Clinton. 8tfb CHOICE FARM FOR SALE IN Hu- ron County, 80 acres, rich clay loam, file drained, all workable, "fares never rented". Good buildings, eight -roomed house, throe -piece 1puth, new furnace, hot and cold water on tap, compression water system. Hydro in house and barn, never failing supply of, good water. Implement shed, drive shed, garage, hen house accommodation 600. Barn 78x36 ft., cement floors, water bowls, litter carrier. Selling to settle estate of Oliver Jervis. Immediate pos- session. Base Lino, three miles north of Clinton, one mile from sehool and store. Apply to Russell Jervis, Clin,i ton. ' 8b NOTICE SAW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town.; also ladders for Bale vori o113 lengths. Enquire. 3-10p Blyth 34, 6 -7 -Sp FOR GENERAL TRUCKING Phone 617r22, Clinton. 8p MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-mothing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314w, Clinton. 2btf KEEP HEALTHY BY USING NAMELESS COLD REMEDY. It's quiek to relieve. Pleasant to use. Eeo- nomical. 60c—$L00 at Pennebakor's Drug Store. 7-8p ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE masonwork done in the Spring/4 Now is the time to make the necessary ar- rangements. For assistance in your plans and other information contact William Bender, phone 911r24. 4-8-p YOU CAN NOW GET NAMELESS COLD REMEDY, the quick relief for Sinus, slay Fever, ileadcolds and Earache at Ponnebaker's Drug Store, Jars e0e—$1.00. Try it to -day. '7 -Sp FREE SAMPLE—SEND 4o STAMP for Personal Hygiene (rubber goods) imported product, hermetically sealed, electronically tested. Free price list. Mailed in plain sealed envelope. Adults only. W. Norman, Box 5; Sta- tion H, Toronto. 8.11p DON'T FORGET TO ORDER HOT Cross Buns: Wo will have them every Saturday during Lent. Bartliff Bros. 8b MEN'S and BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS JUST ARRIVED! Shipment of Men's B.V.D. SHIRT'S Assorted stripes, sizes 141/1 to 16 Boys' Striped BROADCLOTH SUIRTS, size 111A to 14 WORK CLOTHING Tops in quality at a real saving to you Men's,and Boys' Overalls, Work Shirts, Work Pants, Wool. ocks, Rubber Boots, Leather Mitts and Gloves, and Leather Work Boots. REMEMBER We age agents for Croft Cleaners and Dyers Cleaning left in before Monday noon will be completed the same week. Pickett . Campbel PHONE 25 CLINTON a4 Just the Thing On a Cold Night! * HAMBURGERS 15c Golden Brown FRENCH FRIES lOc •..110T DOGS 10c SANDWICHES TEA COFFEE MILK SOFT DRINKS CIGARETTES TAKE -AWAY CONES to TAKE AWAY HOME! PARRY'S SNACK BAR Huron St, Phone 696.1 BIRTHS OARDWELL—Mr. and Mire. George Cardwell, Sarnia, (nee Helen Thom- as Reg.N.,) formerly, of Clinton and Goderich, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at Sarnia General Hospital, on Sunday, Feb- ruary 8, 1948. HODGES—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, February 15, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hodges, Clin- ton, a daughter (Nora Mary Ellen.). PEARSON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, February 12, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Pear - 50n, R.R. 2, Clinton,- a son, (Law- rence Herbert). MARRIAGES COOPER -SMITH — In Bloor Street United Church, Toronto, Norma Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Or- • vine Smith, Henson, to Donald William Cooper, 5031 of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.' Cooper, Kippen, other hand, is expressed by the inereas- HENDERSON-WEBSTER — At the nig volume of dollars they aro ene- manse . of Olivet United Church, pared to entrust to its administration. The results for 1947 indicate that our Company contnmes to enjoy the eon- fidenee of the insuring public sL»e gains were again established in most departments. Despite the confusion and uncertainty of the past year, we have continued to improve the securi- ty and service which we provide for out policyowners and their families: "Tice need for life insurance was never greater than it is today. Inereas- ed prices, whish will probably bo with us to some degree for many years, autoihatically increased the amount of life insurance needed to protect do- pendents adequately. Increased taxes and lower .interest rates make it al- most impossible for the individual to provide adequately for his old age through normal saving methods. Dominion Life Shows Business Increases At the 59th Annual General Meeting of Tho Dominion Life Assurance Com- pany, held at Head Office in Water- loo, President Ford S. Kumpf, while snaking a motion for the adoption of the Direetors' Report spoke in part as follows: "This Annual Meeting has been convened today so that Tho Dominion Life Assurance , Company, for the fifty-ninth time in its. history, can discharge one of the basic function of an institution chartered• to transact business in a democratic country. That obligaltion, is to give an accounting of the contribution it has made, during the past year, to the public welfare. the 'political affairs of a de- moeraey,•the people express their op- nlion through ballots. Their judg- ment of a financial institution, on. the Hamilton, by Rev. Loa's W. Carlson, on Tuesday, February 10, 1948, Eve- lyn Jean eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Webster, Lueknow, to James Clifford, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Kip- ped. DEATHS MUROH—In Sarnia General Hospital, on Friday, Februaiy 13, 1948, Mary " Southward Evans, widow of Simeon Thorne Murch, aged 77 years. Fun- eral from the D..T. Robb Funeral Home, Sarnia, Monday, February 16, to Lakeview Cemetery. TCERIotAN—In Packwood Hospital, London, on Thursday, February 19, 19418, Alice M. Lawrence beloved wife of the late Benson Tyerman, Seaforth, in her 66th year. Resting at the Beattie Funeral Home, Rat- tenbury St. E., Clinton, where ser- vice will be held on Saturday, Feb- ruary 21, at 2 o'elook, to Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth. MIN I M = i — 1 1 I 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 r SPECIAL - We have A Limited Quantity UNBLEACHED COTTON 36" wide 25c yd. WHITE FLANNELETTE 36" wide 49c, 59c yd. 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. William Higgins and family wish to express to their many friends, relatives, neighbours, and pallbearers, their heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral trhutos extended to them in their recent dad bereavement in the ioss of a dear husband and father; also to Dr. W. A. Oakes, Dr. J. W. Shaw and Rev. An- ion se: —som® or ve drew Lane. Automotive Trade School Organized An automotive trade sehool, to sound. out the apprentice training pro- gramme for automotive mechanics in i0ntario has been approved by the On'tarie. Minister of Labour and will open in the very near future, William D. Wells, Clinton, president of the Huron County Garage Operators' As - sedation, announced Tuesday. Explaining the purpose of the sehool, Mr. Walls stated that its ob- ject was to augment the training of automobile apprentices in the Pro- vince, and with this end in view, the Garage Operators' Association of On- tario had requested the Ontario Gov- ernment to establish the school, The plan had been endorsed by 45 local branches throughout Ontario, repre- senting 3,000 members. The school will provide a high standard .of training for apprentices recommended by the garage men. It will he located in Torgnto and partial expenses of board and lodging will be paid, Mr, Wells said. 1 1 Martins Phone 36W I OPEN . SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22 And Every Night Next Week Goodrich TIRES Cities Service BATTERIES Cities Service Station Charles Shanahan, Lessee Phone 342 Clinton CLI TRY US FOR SERVICE Any Place — Any Tiine Special Rates on Long Trips • • m OFFICE PHONE No. 44 REG. SHIPI ,EY Res.: Phone 229 RAROLD CRITTENDEN Res: Phone 173 OSCAR PRIESTAP Town Council Chamber SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 at 8 pan• G DPRI ES Auspices Clinton Branch No. 140 Canadian Legion ROXY THEATRE' CLINTON Now Playing—(Feb. 19.21) "LOVE AND LEARN" Dual Attractions Mon., Tues,, Wed,—(Feb.23-25) CRY WOLF A drama that rises to "terrifying su- spense and crashes with shattering shock TLrrol Flynn and Bambara Stamwycic — Added Attraction -- DEATH DEATH VALLEY Thurs., Pri., Sat.—(Feb. 26-28) Randolph, Scott and Barbara Bratton In a sizzling Western saga scented with gonsmeke and sagebrush and filmed in Cineeolor, GUNFIGHTERS Coming— "FOREVER AMBER" Anuat Entertainsenent Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 eua� CAPITAL THEATRE GODBRICH Now Yvonne De Carlo "SLAVE, GIRL" In Technicolor REGENT,THEATRE S EA F O R T H Now— Jack Carson in a laugh -hit "LOVE AND LEARN" Notice to Creditors Notieo is hereby given to all per- sons having any claim against the e$tato of Prank Triek, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired fariner, who died on or about the second day of January, A.D., 1948, to send same to the un- dersigned on or before the thirteenth day of March, A.D., 1948, as on and after that date the executor of the said Estato shall proceed to make a distribution of the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims of whish he has notice. DATED at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this eight- eenth day of February,ary, A.D.> 1948, R. C. Hays, K.C., Goderich, Oratorio, Solicitor for the Estate. 8-9-10-b Wanted STATIONERY ' ENGINEER Third or Fourth Class Permanent Position IMPERIAL RATTAN Co. Limited Stratford Ontario 8-9-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE. Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Prineess St. East Phone 585 5942 Mon. -Tues. -Wed. — One show each night, nit 8 o'clock Admission: Adults 60c Children 30c GONE WITH THE WIND The screen's greatest triumph, a nuiperib Technllcoiored epic of the South Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard - Matinee Prices: Adults 48c iChlldren 30e Thurs., Fri., Sat. ABBOTT and COSTELLO with Joan Fulton and Beverly Svmmone The boys are back from the front and twice as terrific in :their newest ]off show Buck Privates Come Home Thurs., Fri., Sat— Edomvnd Lowe, Brenda Joyce • Harry Davenport A :pique color -film tolls the whimsical story of an old man's faith and the forces that opposed it The Enchanted Forest Coming— "FOREVER AMBER„ dlolning— Asualt Entertainment c'BUCK`PRIVATES COME HOME" emmemormammememee mar• "AS I LIVE, SAITH THE LORD GOD I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye—for why will ye die'"f — Ezekiel 33:9 "The LORD is long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should parish.—" —11 Pet., 3:9 TUNE IN—Hear Chao. Miller, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53, cal„ on STATION O1KLW, Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T., Sunday noon. Sheffield DryCleaning A SATISFACTORY GLEANER FOR HOUSEHOLD USE A Gallon 90G • NON -INFLAMMABLE • - -_ HAWKINS HARDWARE Albert St. Phone 244 Clinton FOR SALE Property known as Legion Home, Clinton Contains oil furnace with guaranteed oil contract; complete bathroom and sink upstairs; toilet facilities and sink downstairs. Immediate possession. For information contact HUGH R. HAWKINS or DR. H. A. MCINTYRE Sewerage System Will Soon be in Operation PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW For Installation and for Plumbing Work ORDERS EXECUTED IN ORDER OF RECEIPT HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470 7 0 Our Con suiner'so Domestic, Commercial and Power WE 11 OULD LIKE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE ACUTE POW' R S GE You all know the reasons for the shortage of power at the presenit time, so there is no need of going into the general picture — but wo are concerned in what we can do in the local area here at home. We would suggest that all DOMESTIC USERS keep ail lights to a minimum, cooking as nlueh 011 One plate as possible, and in various other ways which the housewife can see for herself. 'Ti'hc COMMERCIAL USERS, which include stores, small illdnstrres,. churches (dining the week), hotels, restaurants, etc., — by each and everyone doing his or her share, and do your own thinking, — you may help to Win the battle to keep Hydro flowing to your places. of business. The power users might re -organize their working hours in this way: WORK..ONE HOUR LESS from Monday to Friday; and put in the time lost on Saturday afternoon. We might add, Hydro restrictions 'are on from Monday to Friday,, from 7 A.M. to 11 pan. We have to reduce our consumption by about 1500 K.W. hours per day to come within our 10% reduction. So kindly co-operate with your own Utility. A. E. RUMBALL, -• Superintendent, . CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION i