HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR,
omen, ands Ch uric
'Engagements Announced
M. H. P. Phinrsteel, Clinton an-
nounces the engagement of his young-
er daughter, Lorna Effie Jane, , to
Earl Webber D'Aubin, younger son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. D'Aubii , Kent-
ville, Nova Scotia. The wedding is to
take place the latter pare of 1Cebruary,
Ontario St. Girls'
Club Plans Bazaar
The Girls' Club of Ontario St.
United Chureh held -its monthly meet-
ing at the parsonage on Thursday ev-
ening of last week. The meeting open-
ed by a call to worship read by the
president. The devotional period was
in- charge of Mrs. Maltby, The husi-
noss of the evening was discussed. It
was • decided to have a bazaar next
Miss E, Wiltse gave a missionary
reading "1047, year of reconstruc-
t on in Japan". Mrs. N. heard gave
a whistling solo and a reading- "Hew
Angela helped the Heathen", was
given by Miss Grant. Miss Gloria
Palmer rendered two solos, "Danny
Boy" and "Indian Love Call". Cur-
rent events were given by Mr's. N.
Tyndall. Miss Wiltse sang a solo; "At
Dawning". A contest was combated
by Miss Courtice. The entire program
was very much enjoyed by all present.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Woolfrey
and Miss Ethel Thompson, and a
pleasant social hour was spent.
94 2/ou 4Zai uht
''till /it gi{o?
Why albs have your fain-
ily group photographed
now ?
REMEMBER — It is hi-
evitable that some day
your family. will met a12
be around you and -it is
at this time you wi112 be
wishing you had a family
group portrait.
Make year appotndanerdt todary1
9owle'' 1&oJ.
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Phone 84
•^. � Crv.
PERSONALS St. Paul's Friendship
• Club Plans for Year
The annual meeting of The Friend-
ship Club of St. PauI's Anglican
Ohureh was held at the home of Mrs,'
Cliff Epps, and in Spite of the severe
cold there was a good turnout.
The meeting opened under the lead=
ership of ars. George MeLay, Viee-
Presidont. A11 repeated the Lord's
/prayer and club prayer.
Mrs. Joe Hart gave a resume of
the year's work and the financial
statement reporting a goodale/l'ance in
the bank.
The'atriking cornrriittee gave their
report on the slate of officers for the
year 1948, and was accepted. The fol-
lowing officers Were elected: Presid-
ent, Mrs, E. Ellwood; Vice -President,
Mrs. G. MeLay; 2nd Vice -President,
Mrs. A. Mayhew; Treasurer, Mrs. Soo
Hart; Secretary Mrs. W. Burton;
Sewing Committee, Mrs. Bert White;
Knitting Committee, Miss E. Hall,
The club are making plans for fat,
are work in the chards ns well as in
the mission fields and intend to make
the year 1.948 the best ever:'
A later meeting of the Club was held
at the home of Mrs. Roy Fitzsimmons.
Wednesday evening, February 11
with a good attendance The President
Mrs, E, Ellwood opened the•meeting,
all repeated the club prayer and
Lord's prayer. The minutes were read
by the Secretary Mrs, W. Burton and
Miss E. Hall gave the financial state-
Plans wore made for various activ-
ities during the coming months. Aftoi
the business of the evening. Members
kept busy sowing and knitting. After
which a. dainty lunch was served by
the hostess. All members please take
notice. Tho next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. E. Ellwood, •Wed-
nesday evening February 25. A good
attendance is requested.
Mrs. W. T. Herman spent a few
days in Toronto last wesk,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin. Craigo, St.
Marys, were recent guests ea Mrs.
Elizabeth Kennedy.
Mao. Herbert Oolgnhomi, Seaforth,
is visiting at the Home of Mr, and
Mr's. M. T. Corless,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rushton, Was-
kada, Mau., visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. W, M. Aiken.
Miss Viola Fraser, who has spent
some time in Santa Barbara, Calif,,
has returned to her 'home in town,
Mrs. David Laicllew, who has spent
the past month with relatives in East-
ern Ontario, returned home last week-
Miss Harriet Caustico spent the
weekend in Sarnia and on Monday
attended the funeral of the late Mrs,
S. T. Murch,
Mrs. G. T. Gregory, Cookstown, vis-
ited last weals at the atones of her sis-
ter, Mrs, W. H..Hellyar, and nephew,
George B. Beattie.
Ellwood Epps attended the 31st an-
nual meeting in Quebec City this week
of the Canadian Bicycle and Sport
Goods Dealers' Association.
Mrs. Harry Watkins and Barbara,
Mrs, Weldon Tyndall and Mas. Roy
McVittie spent Tuesday in London
with their sister, Mrs. °anima Me -
Miss Shirley Henri, who has been
working out of town for the', past two
years, has returned and will assist
her mother, 'Alm. Irene Henri; in hoe
beauty parlour.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue spout
the latter part of last week in To-
ronto where Me. Perdue attended the
School on Refrigeration sponsored by
the Frigidaire Company.
*Earl H. Leyburne, who has been
employed as bookkeeper with Ellwood
!Epps Sport Shop' for the past two
years, loft Sunday for North Bay
whore he has accepted a 'similar
position. Mrs. Loyburno and daugh-
ter will remain here for the time
Mrs. H. Fitzsimons received a tele-
gram on Monday with the news of
the death of Mr. James F. Brooks,
Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Brooks has been
very ill since Christmas and passed
away on Sunday, February 15. Mrs.
Brooks is a sister of Mrs. Elizabeth
Itennedy, alas. M. T. Corless and Mrs.
H. Fitzsimons, all of Clinton.
The Mother's Club of Wesley -Willis
United Church will hold its regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Horner, on Tuesday evening, Febru-
ary 11, at 8.15 p.m. Mrs, Tones Mac -
Laren will be in charge of the pro -
grant, All mothers of young child-
ren are invited.
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/3c�c°l / 40.1.he leateriaitallaine
The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are
,Not the Least.
There is. No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions.
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'Evening Auxiliary
Forwards Clothing
The Evening Auxiliary of Wesley -
Willis church met at the home of Mrs.
Archie Douglas Tuesday evening, I! eb-
riiaay 17. The president, Mrs. George
Beattie, was in the chair: Miss Helen
Grealis read the Scripture and Mrs.
Wilfred Jervis led in. prayer. The roll
call was answered by a favorite Bible
verse. The treasurer's report amount-
ed to $11,50in annual foes, and $1.50
in birthday fund. The Misses Davies
volunteered to pack the bale of baby
clothes to be sent to London, There
were 15 community friendship calls
made during the month. Miss Helen
Ncdiger read an article on temper-
Mrs. William Murclt took charge of
the study period, assisted by the fol-
lowing girls: Mao George Braithwaite,
Mrs. Janes McLaren, Mrs. Rog Ship-
ley, bliss Helen Grealis, Mrs. Percy
Livermore, Mrs. Wilber Martin, Mrs.
Douglas, Miss Dorothy Mutch. This
was followed by a Bible quiz, taken
from the chapter studied during the
evening. The meeting closed with
hymn 188, and a elosing prayer by
Mrs. Murclt,
--- 0
Wesley -Willis WMS
Forwards Clothing
The W.M.S. of Wesley -Willis United
Church met at the home of Mrs. J.
A. Sutter, Thursday afternoon, Febru-
ary 12, with a fairly good attendance,
with the president, Mrs. Hearn, in the
chair and Mrs. E. Adanis at the pi-
ano. The meeting opened by singing
Hymn 348, followed. by the reading
of a New Year's Message from the
Dominion Board president, Mrs. Self.
A short season of silent prayer was
led by the president.
Tho minutes of the ,last meeting
were read by Mrs. A. T. Cooper and
the treasurer's report road and adopt-
ed by Mrs. Pingland, The Friendship
secretary reported 217 calls made an
the sick and shut•ius for the montS of
January. Three nice boxes of used
clothing were sent to the needy ones
in Europe titr'cugh the W.A. and W.
M.S. of the Outwit.
Plans were made for the Easter
Thanlcofferiug to be belt' in April.
A committee consisting of the presie
dent and'grottp leaders was appointed
to look after this meeting.
After the business discussion Mrs.
Hedcly's group took charge of the
study period..4 hymn was sung end
Scripture lesson, Psalm 145, was read
in unison, followed) by prayer by Mrs,
Maddy. Mrs. Addison gave tate cur-
rent evrbrts. The Study Book f1Great
is the Company", the 11111111 ehaptor
entitled "Langnoge without Love",
was very ably present d by Miss Da-
vies. The hymn "In Christ there is
no east or west", was sung, end the
llizpah Bneediction closed the meet-
The hostese, assisted by Mrs. Haddy
and. Mrs. Charlesworth, served after-
noon to and a social half-hour was
Ontario St. WMS
Holds Valentine Tea
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of Ontario St. 'Carted Claire/1
was held on Saturday, February le,
with the President, Mrs, Woolfrey, in
the chair. Mao, Radford had eharge
of ••tits devotional exercises.
Miss Maud Wiltse hash charge of the
Study book. Mrs. McLean contribut-
ed a solo and Mrs. Olde a reading.
Mrs. Aiken gave a reading on Chris-
tian Stewardship.
At kite close of the meeting, a arm
sal half Boils• was spent. Mrs. Wool -
fray and Mrs. Shipley poured tea. The
school room was decorated `with spring
Dowers. and Valentine decorations.
Altairs in Clinlon Di*trict
The women of Clinton, representing
all Protestant'dono iinations, and join-
ing with -women all over the Christian
world, gathered in Ontario St. United
Church. on Friday afternoon last to
hold' the annual Women's World Day
of Prayer service. Mrs. W. J. Wool-
frey presided and Mrs. E. Wendorf
was aralte organ.
Tho theme of the meeting was
"The Lord's Prayer" ar4 repro•
eentative of each cluirch.
articles on various sectio
Prayer, and prayer was o
member of the correspond
Articles were read by
Hudie of St, Paul's Angliaau Church,
Mrs. A. Forsyth of the Baptist Church,
Mrs. D. J. Lane of the Presbyterian
Marek, and Mrs. 13. C.
gave short
100 of the
ffered by a
ing church.
H'it's. Fred
Hearn of
Wesley -Willis United Church.
Prayers were offered by Miss W.
Thompson of St. Paul's Anglican
Church, Mrs. Henry Pickett of tie
Baptist Church, Mrs. 0. Twitchell and
Mrs, C. Clifton of the Presbyterian
Chufch, Mrs, F. Townsend of Ontario
St. United Chm'elt and Mrs, J. P.
Manning of Wesley -Willis United
During the service Mrs. H. C. Law-
son sang very sweetly, "Tile Tile Lord's
Prayer". The Scripture lesson was
marl by Mrs. Sams Castle Jr. The off-
ering was received by Mrs. Town-
send, Mrs. D. M. Maltby, Mrs. W,
S. R. Holmes and lairs. 3', C. Radford,
with Mrs. D. 3. Lane giving the dada.
eatery prayer.
. The guest speaker of the taternoon
waves Mrs. R. '•Ill, 1'. 1',ulteel of. St.
Dad Anglican Maven, who spoke
on the • theme of the meeting. Mrs.
Qulteol stressed the need for more
prayer in every one's life and urged
her audience to pray the Master's
aravcr with thoughtfulness and not
just a mumble of words. There was a
3004 attendance. ,
Clinton Lodge No. 83 held a special
meeting when the members of the
Lodge conferred the second degree on
two candidates.
* * .0
A number of carloads motored to
Exeter on Tuesday evening when Ro
men Lodge, Stratford, conferred the
third degree on 18 eandidates, two of
whom were from Clinton. Lodges were
present from Seaforth, Brueefield
Clinton, Stratford and Exeter, Ap-
'proxintately 200 were in attendance
This was one of the biggest nights
held in this clistriot in some time, Fol-
lowing the degree which was eonfefred
in the Town Hall, delicinus refresh-
ments were served in the Lodge rooms.
and an enjoyable social hoar was
gooPER—Si nT.H
A lovely wedding was solemnized in
Bloor Street United Church, Toronto,
when Norma Mae, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Smith, Hensall, be-
came the bride of Donald William
Copper, son of Mr. and Mr's. W. R.
Cooper, Yippee, The attendants were
Mr, end Mrs. James Campbell, To-
ronto, laretlter-in-law and sister of
the gYeorYi,
roe her . wedding, the attractive
bride chose a powder blue dress tritn-
mod with silver beads, black access-
ories and a corsage ` of pink roses.
Her bridesmaid also wore a powder
blue dress with black accessories and
corsage. of pink roses.
A short honeymoon was spent in
Toronto, and upon their return they
will reside on the groom's farm in
* * *
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized) at the United Church
manse, Hensel', Saturday, February 7,
at 10 0,m,, when Betty Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mas, R. J. Munn,
Hensall; bee/Attie the bridle of John
Frederick, son of Mrs. Alda Sinttnons
ens the late Mr, 17. Simmons, Hensel'.
Rev. 11. A. Brook porformea the core -
The attendants were Mr,and Mrs,
laugh McEwen, Jr,, Hensel].
For her wedding, the bride ehose a
brown suit with accessories its brown.
land her bridal bouquet was American
Beauty roses, For their wedding trip
they motored to London, Hamilton
incl St. Catharines.
s *
A. quiet wedding tools place at the
Olivet United Church manse, Hamil-
ton, on Tuesday, February 10, at.4.30
p.in., when Evelyn Jean, eldest daugh-
ter of. Mr, aatd Mrs. William Webster,
Luelmow, was united in marriage to
James Clifford, youngest son of Mr.
end Mrs. George Henderson, Rippon.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Loss W. Carlson. The bride wore an
afternoon dress of powder blue crepe
with matching hat and navy blue ac-
After the 'ceremony,' a dinner was
served at the manse for the bridal
gouple said friends by Mrs. Carlson,
who•has been a friend of tite bride
since they attended Hight School to-
gether in Winghant. Before ;joining.
the staff of Clinton Pablie School,
where she has been teaching until re-
cently, Miss Webster taught at Wing -
ham Junction School. The wedding
was of.particular interest to :the tom
numity because it was the first to ,be.
held in the nowy-built manse of Oli-
vet Church.
For travelling, the bride wore a
grey coat with black hot and other
accessories. After visiting Niagara
Falls and points an the U.S.A., Mr,
and Mrs. Henderson will return to live
on the groohn's farm near Kippen
Miss Elizabeth McTavish, a resident
of Stratford for about the past 17
years, died Monday, February 16, at
Mus, Webber's Rest Homo, 258 Hu-
ron St,. She had been is poor health
the past two years:
Miss McTavish was born in Stanley
Township, near Clinton, • the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Me-
Tavish. She did private nursing in
this district befere moving ,to Strat-
ford. She was a member of St. John's
United Church, Stratford.
Surviving are three brothers, Rev.
Douglas McTavish, Telfordville, Alta.,
Alexander McTavish, Vancouver, B.C.,
and William McTavish, Edmonton,
Alta. A sister, Mrs. John C, Stewart,
Stratford, died Last fall:
The ftmeral was held from Greon-
woocl-Gilbart Funeral Home, Strat-
ford, on Wednesday, February 18,
with Rev. A. G. Donald officiating.
Interment took "place in. Avondale
Among those who attended the fu-
neral were Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Waymouth, Londesboro, and Mi'. and
Mrs. Thomas Barber and daughter,
Diana, Toronto.
BAPTIST CHURCH Institute Members
Entertain Husbands
Tho ual' business of Clinton Bap-
tist Church was held on. Wednesday
night February 4, in the parsonage
after a congregational supper.
Encouraging reports were presented
of the activities of the various organ-
izations during 1947. A new furnace
was, installed in the camel,. and
;proverneate made in the parsonage.
All accounts had been paid and a
good balance to begin 1948 was• inband:
The following officers were appoint
od:— Deacons: William Cochrane,
Fleury Piekett; Trustees: The,, done
ons. Clerk: C. R. Creasman; Treasur-
er: J, R. Butler; Envelope Secretary;.
Mrs. W. Aikenhead; Property Com-
mittee: Messrs 13. Cochrane, W. Pick-
ett, E. Graelis, and J. Murray. Flower
Committee: Mrs. Loppington,' Mrs.
Butler; Ushers: Messrs W. Cochrane,
H, Cochrane, H. Pickett, E, Graelis;
Organist: Mre. E. Adams; Choir
Leader: 3. R. Butler; Auditors: T. 11.
A pleasant social evening was spent
on Thursday, February 12, in the
Board Room of the Agricultural offiee
when the members of the Women's
Instituto entertained their husbands
and friends.
The game of the evening was euehre,
the honors going to Mrs. Cliff Ash-
ton, Mrs, Wes, Hoggart, George Ginn
and Harvey Jenkins. Delicious re-
freshments were served at the close
of the evening.
Butler. and Rev. A. Forsyth; Com-
munion Table: Mr. and Mrs. W.
Cochrane; Sunday School Superinten-
clent: II, Cochrane; Assistant S. S.
Superintendent: W. Blacker, J. R.
Tho sleigh ride for the children of
the Sunday School was held on Wed-
nesday afternoon last. W. W. Cook
was the efficient driver who drove
the children on their ride. Sulppor was
served at the parsonage.
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Church Directory
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader
11.30 a,m.—Sunday Sehool
7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship
— Everyone Weenie —
Presbyterian Church
REV, D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bent Boyes, Organist
and Choir Loader
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Diving Worship
"Acceptable Service"
2,30 p.m.—Serviee at Bayfield
All Welcome
Wesley -Willis United
Mrs, Morgan 3. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
1100 a.m.-Morning Service
"The Christian Church"
12.15—Sunday School
7.00 p,ni,—United evening worship in
Ontario St. United Church.
St. Paul's Anglican
REV, R. M.• P. BUI,TEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. 3. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
11. a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday
7.00 p.m.—United evening worship in
Ontario St. United Church.
Thursday --Chancel Guild at the home
of Mrs, G. M. Counter -8 p.m.
Ontario St. United
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
B. 3', Gibbings, Choir Leader
Mrs. E. Wondorf, Organist
11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship
"Not Being Ourselyes" '
12.15. p.m. -Sunday School
7.00' p.m.=United evening worship in
this church,
' "If 'Christ had not •Come"• '
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