HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-12, Page 8• i AGE EIGHT' OIr]NTON NEWS-11.EOQRD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 190; Interests :erns NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Miss Beverly York, London, was home over the weekend. Mrs. B. B. Johnston, London, spent a day in the village last week. Mies Inane Denby left on Saturday to spend a fortnight at her home in St. Thomas. H. Kirkham, Aylmer, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard over the weekend, George • Bell, Kitehener, spent the Weekend with Me parents, Mr. and ',Mrs. Charles W. Bel/, Mrs. Fred Weston and two children returned home on Friday after hav- ing spent a' Week in Tbronto. Free moving •pietures will be pre- ' panted in Bayfield school Friday, Fob- ruary 27 at 8 ,p.m. by the National Fihn Board. Herb Sturgeon has returned home atter having visited in Clinton and Seaforth for a couple of weeks. Mrs. F. W. Baker returned home on Saturday after having spent a fort- night in London. Her son, tiatry Bak- er, accompanied her to the village. Miss Elizabeth Reid is spending a few days with her niece, Mils. Grant Turner, after having visited in Sea - forth, London, and New Dundee during the past two months. • Misses A., M. and E. J. Stirling left on Saturday to spend some time at the home of their •brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Laren. HELP TO KEEP ONTARIO THRIVING When ironing,prepare clothes in advance, then turn on the iron ; .. turn it off os you near the end and use the stored heat its Your iron. Clinton Public Utilities Commission Works Day of Prayer The Women's World Day of Pray- er will be observed by a joint service in Trinity Church on Friday after- noon, February 13. Sells 'Building Lot. William .T. Elliott, Blue Water Highway, Goderich Townshiip, recently sold a lake -front lot at Elliott's Grove to W. J. Pope, London, who is making $preparations to build a cottage in the Spring. Gone to Florida .Arnold Makins left on Friday in company with Grant Stirling and Frank Thompson, Goderich Township, on a motor trip to Florida. They ex- pect td -go as far as Key West, Ladies' Guild. Meets The Ladie's' Guild of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Scotehmer on Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Emerson Heard, ipresi- det, couducted the opening and clos- ing exercises. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and ap- proved; Pians for the summer were discuesed. Following the meeting the hostess served tea. Successful Tea A very successful tea and sale of home-made baking was held at the home of Rev. and. Mrs, LaVerne Mor-• gan on Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the Girls' Auxiliary. Joan MeLeod was at the door. Mrs. L. H. MacLeod poured tea and was assisted by Barbara Bassett and Beulah Par- ker. The other girls assisted in sell- ing home-made baking and candy. Tho affair was under the direction of the advisors, Mia. LaVerne Morgan and Mrs. Maynard Corrie. Women's Meetings The Women's meetings of tho''Un- ited Chtureh were held on Thursday afternoon, February 5, at the home of; the Misses Stirling, with an attend- ance of 25. M.S. Watson was in charge of the W.M.S. meeting and the theme was "Friendship". This was carried out in the hymns, "Blest be the tie that binds", and "What a friend we have in Jesus"; also' in Mre. Campbell's story from David Grayson's "Adventures in Friend- ship", and again in the reading by the president of a list of aetivitiee for those who would practise the "Stew- ardship of Friendehip ", viz., to wel• - come newcomers, to visit the sick and shut-in, to encourage Christian hospi- tality in our homes; to win others to church membership; to promote racial friendship, and to work for a Chris- tian community. Mrs. Watson also read from the study book the chapter dealing with the corning of the first missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands in 1820 and their difficult 'task of translating the Bible into the language of the Island people. In the W.A. meeting, the discussion centred around the improvements un- der way in the parsonage kitchen. Plane were also discussed for the Irish Social on Mareh 17. At the close a fine Iunch was served by the lunch committee, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. D. McKenzie, Mrs. Sturgeon and Mrs. Dewar. (Intended for last week)' Miss Phyllis and Grant Mountain, Kincardine, were week -end Iguests at the borne of the latter % brothr-in-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs., LaVerne Morgan, Bayfield. THE NEWS RECORD PHONE 4 .FOR FINE PRINTING Goderich „Township Miss Olive Johnson apart the week end at her home at Varna. • Mr. and Mrs. Alf Seotchmer and family,; Tiamilton, spent the week end with relatives on, the Bayfield Line. The ladies of S.S. No. 9 Goderich Township, held a successful party in. the school house on Monday evening, February 9, with the proceeds going to Clinton Public Hospital. Loses Cow Robert Welsh had the misfortune to Thee one of his hest cows on Friday. Leaves for Florida Charles Durst, Detroit, accompanied by Frank Thompson, Grant Stirling and, Arnold, Matins, Bayfield, left on Friday by motor for a trip to Florida. Gone South Frank Thompsgn, Grant Stirling and Arnold Matins left on Friday for Miami Florida. We hope they find warmer weather than we have here. Enjoyable Party Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Hebden loaned their home Friday for an enjoyable euchre party under the auspices of S. S. No. 4 Community Club. A small do- nation for each family was charged for the purpose of inereasing the club's finances. A nice _ sem was re- alized. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Coe saunity Club Meets • The January meeting of, S.S. No. 4 Comnmuity Club was • held at the Name of Mrs. A. T. Hebden. Owing to bad roads and weather only eight members were present. Tho meeting opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The secretary's and treasurer's reports -were read and the afternoon was spent In .quilting, At the close of the meet, ing a delicious Iunch was served by tine hostesses, Mrs. A. Hebden and Miss Tosophine Muir. The February meetnig will be held at the home of Mrs. R. G. Thompson. S.S..4:Pane; Rermac The S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum meet- ing was held this week at the home of Mr. and Mus. Jack Merrill. The subject for discussion was "What price shall we ask?"'- There was an interesting discussion of the group's findings with Jack Merrill as leader. With Josephine Muir and •Irvine Tebbutt as recrea- tional leaders, games and contests were enjoyed, following which Iuneh (ryas served by the ladies. Tile next meeting will bo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Thompson and ;hire. A. Hebden and Robin Thompson will be on the recreation committee. Hospital Aid Pamty The Hospital Aid party held in No. 9 schoolhouse Monday evening, Feb- ruary 9, sponsored by the South End ladies, was very well attended. The 'first part of the evening was spent in playing, progressive euchre, the winners being: ladies' high, Mre. Wilfrid Colclough; lady with most lone bands, Mrs. Don Harris; men's high score, John R. Middleton; most lone hands, Fred Middleton. A special feature of the evening was the raffle of a large box of as- sorted groceries donated by the ladies of St. James W.A. The tickets sold amounted to $17.25 and the lucky winner was Walther Jervis, Holmes- ville. The ladies served refreshments and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the splendid music provided by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Mr. James Murray. Spe- cial aceordion selections by Mrs. Gar- diner were very much appreciated. The ladies wish to thank all those who contributed to the sueeess of this evening, which extended into the wee sma' hours. Total proceeds were I3RUCEFIELD Brueefield W. A. The W. A. of Bruee£ield United Church held its regular monthly meet- ing on February 3 in the basement of the Church. There was a very good attendance and the roll call wee an- sweredby a Valetine message. Mrs. Walter Meieath was at the piano and the 'president Miss E. Dewey was in charge of the meeting. The devot- ional was in charge of Mrs. A. Mc- Queen. A short talk on Valentine Day was given by Mrs. Henry. After the sing- ing of the second hymn the meeting was open for business, Mrs. Lorne Wilson secretary reading the minutes of the previous meeting. Among the items of business brought up for dis- cussion was the serving of refresh- ments for the Ice Carnival on,'3'riday February 6. It was decided that the W. A. serve refreshments giving pro- ceeds to the rink committee. It was also decided that after the cupboards in the manse kitchen were punt, the walla he papered and the woodwork painted. There is to be a drive for member- ship for the W. A. Stanley and Tuek- 'dremith will each endeavour to in- rease the membership from the town- ship in which they live. Points will be given for attendance, answering the roll call etc. The roll call for March will be "Something Trish" In March at regular meeting, a tea will be served in place of the cotton goods sale which previously had been. held in this month. After the business meeting the programme committee entertained with• some interesting con- tests and a social hour concluded the afternoon aetivities. CONSTANCE Sympathy of the community is ex- tended to the bereaved Nott family. Mies DonaIda Adams, Clinton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Adamc. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Riley, Seaforth, and Mrs. J. Edwards, Sault Ste. Marie, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Victor Roy, Londesboro, will pre- sent the National Film Board pietures M the basement 'of the church. Every- body welcome. No admission charge. Fred Riley, Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Miss Shirleyan )Riley, who has spent the past six weeks here, returned home to Kitch- ener with him. $54,50. (Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs. Arlin Lockhart and Gail spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perdue and family, Mrs. Dave Pollock and daughter, Olga, Parkhill, spent the weekend with Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd Miller, hav- ing come up to visit Mrs. Pollock's mother, Mrs. Emily Miller, who has been sick for some time. Farm Forum Meets The S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum meet- ing was hold on February 2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, it. G. Thompson with an attendauoe of 12 members, The subject for discussion was "Is farm income used efficiently?" There was a very interesting diseuesion with Robin Thompson as leader of the dis- cussion groups. Mrs. Jack Merrill and Bert Lobb were on the recreation com- mittee, with contests and games for recreation. Luneh was served by the ladies. Josephine 'Muir and Irvine Tebbutt were appointed on the re- creation committee for next meeting. THE WORLD'S FUTURE ISBEINC DECIDED NOW ,OUR TOMORROWS depend on, what happens to the world's children TODAY. In ruined lands around the globe there are millions of them in. misery — scrambling for shreds o£ food on garbage dumps, shivering in rags. On the continent of Europe, half the children - born since the war are already dead of mat utrition. Those who survive --- there and else, where -- are desperately in need of food and clothing. They need schooling, too, for their tteglected minds grow as sick as their withered bodies. They are the future . if they are not saved, our world k lost! Canadian Appeal for Children is now conducting its campaign to meet the challenge of these desperate and immed*ate needs. This is a cam- paii'by the people of Canada, with a minimum objective of $10,000;000 to 'provide food, clothing ,rind school supplies for the children—safeguard the health of expectant and nursing mothers -- in in devastated lands around the world. /Wherever possible, all donations will be used for the purchase of Canadian .goods, and the 'distribution of goods will be under the direction GIVE TO THE of responsible United Nations operating agencies. Your help is needed sww. You sympathise. You want to give. But goodwill and good wishes are n't enough. Since you may not be eanvasaed, don't let failure to cot be on your conscience. Any BANK will accept your donation. Turn your sympathy and good wishes into a tangible contribution — go to your bank now and glia. FARMERS AND MEMBERS OF CO.' OPERATIVES: consult your local organization as to the best way, to make your contribution, APPE.ALFOR CHILDREN Appeal jointly, eoniiuctedl bjs UNITED NATIONS APPEAL TOR CHILDREN CANADIAN COEUR 'FOR RECONSTRUCTION MORON NEM VARNA �orrespo��nt BLYTI-I Mr. and Mrs, Soper and.' family; visited with friends in Straffordville Sunday. Misees Barbara McConnell and Margaret McClymont spent last week end in Toronto. The World Day of Prayer will bo held in United Church on Friday, February 12 at three 'o'clock. The many friends of Orrin Dowson .ill be pleased to know he has re- armed home, much improved in health Lloyd Keys and Mr. and MTs. Her- vey Keys, motored to Port Huron Swrday to attend the funeral of their Mint, Mrs; Reid. World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer will be held in the United Church on Fri day, February 13, at 3 o'clock. In in Hospital The many friends of Henry Ald- iwinekle, who, at time of writing, ie m Victoria Hospital, London, regret to know that be is not improving very rapidly, but we hope for recovery soon. Home from Hospital We are pleased t report that Orrin Rowson is home and able to be out after his recent operation in Toronto General Hospital. Varna Y. P. 17. Meets The regular meeting of the Varna ,Y. P. U. was held at the home of Doris Reid with an attendance of 16. The meeting opened by singing hymn. 43. Miss Hern read the scripture and followed with prayer. A business per- iod followed. Hymn 27 was then sung and Joyce Stephenson gave ,the topic which was "A Prosperous New Year' Hymn 43 was sung and the Mizpah benediction pronounced. Mr. and Mrs. John Keys led in a period of recreation- Mary Beatty will have the topic for the next meeting and Barbara Mc- Connell and Helen Erratt will have charge of the recreation. The.next meeting will be February 16 at the home of Anson McKinley. EBENEZER W.A. Meets ,The February meeting of the W.A. was held at the homeof Mre. A. Heb- den, on Thursday, of last week. The president, Mrs. F. Jones, presided' at the meeting; the theme of which was "Work and Service". The hymn, "There is work to do for Jesus", fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Ten members responded to the roll call by repeating a verse of a hymn containing the word "work" or "ser- vice". service". The Scripture reading and prayer wore given by Mrs. Mervin Lobb. Mrs. Frank Jones sang a solo accompa- nied by Mrs. M. Lobb. Following the business discussion, final arrangements were discussed in connection with the Valentine soeial, which is being hold in the church on Friday evening, Feb- ruary 13. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the benediction by Rev. 0. Ta- venor. Mrs, M. Lobb then conducted a contest, following which lunch• was served by Mrs. Hebden assisted by Josephine Muir. Miss Hazel Potts, London, visited with MTs, Ida Potts. Dr. D. G. I9odd left last week to resume his work cis superintendent the hospital at Harrington .Harbor. During the Sunday School session of the United 'Church Sunday, Mrs, Prank Marshall read a latter of ap- preeliation- from the secretary of the Grenfell Mission for the "white gift" from the Sunday school of $54. The money is to be used to buy bedside tables for the mission hospital at Harrington Harbor. ' Mrs. Boyars in Pulpit In the absence of Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, who is in Regina with his father, who is critically ill, Mrs. W. J. Rogers ece'trpied the pulpit of the United Church here Sunday morning and preached a fine sermon on "God, a Personal Spirit." Mrs, Rogers was assisted by Miss Clare McGowan and Mrs. Frank Marshall, who contributed a reading. At the evening service, a film en the work of the United Church across Canada was presented by Mrs. Rogers and Miss McGowan.. Officers were elected' as follows at the annual meting of Blyth Horticul- tural Society; Honorary president, Mrs. A. Lyddiatt; past president, Mrs. Margaret Johnston; president, Mrs. A. R. Talker; first vice-president, Mrs. D. McCallum; second vivo -presi- dent, Mrs. N. P. Garrett; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Cowan; auditors, Mrs B. Hall, Mrs. F. Bainton, LONDESBORO Miss Mary Ellen Prest, Miteholl,, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs., Fred Prest on Sunday. Sustains Accident The friends of Willis Mountain. are sorry to hear of his misfortune to fall and break Itis hip en • Sunday morning He is now a patient in 015. ton Public . Hospital. Everyone wishes, him a speedy recovery. \ The W. A. will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Pipe on Wednesday, February 18 The• hostesses will be Mrs. Stanley Carter, Mrs. Bert Brunsdon, Mrs. John Arm strong, Mrs. Tom Millar. The roll •call will be answered with wawa of courtesy. All ladies of the eongreg ation are cordially invited to attend.. Hullett Township Fasm .Forum Meets The Farm Forum of S.S. No, 1. Hallett, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland on Monday even,. ing, February 9, with 18 members - present, Two groups were formed for the discussion period, the subject being "What price shall we ask?" After a short recreation period spent in play- ing five hundred, lunch was served. Next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Nott, APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR Township of Goderich Applications for the position of ASSESSOR, for the Township of Goderieh — Salary $150.00 -- will he received by the undersigned until February 29, 1948. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk R.R. 2, Clinton 7-8-b TENDERS WANTED Township of 'Tuckersmith Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 3 p.m., MARCH 6, 1948, for tate supply of approxi- mately 6,000 Yards of CRUSHED GRAVEL through 3/4 inch screen, to be laid on township roads in 1948. Contractor to supply all requirements including gravel, crushing, trucking, labor, etc.; work to be com- pleted by September 1, 1948. Work to be done under the direction and supervision of the township Road Superintendent. A bond of $200 in the form of a marked cheque must accompany each Tender. Tenders must state the price per cupric yard and envelopes must he plainly marked "Tender" and mailed to table ldlerk. For further information apply to Robeiit Dal- rymple, Road Superintendent, Eglnondville, On!baarib. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tackersmith, R.R. 4, Seaforth 7-8-9-b To The Electors Of Huron: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: In 'view of the approaching by-eleetion in this electoral district, the Temperance Federation deems it to be its duty to address you with reference to the temperance situation in the lirovince, and in this county in partieular. First, we wish emphatically to disclaim any al - Home with or intention to promote the interests of either political party. In this county the temperance forces have no reason to look with favor upon either party. Oar cause has suffered greatly at the hands of both. We do not forget that in defiance of Iaw, the Liberal Government of Mr. Hepburn established beer par- lors in this county and continued to operate them even after the Supreme Court of Canada had decided that the Canada Temperance Aet was in force in Huron, and the Supreme Court of Ontario had de- clared it to be valid law. When Mr. Drew's govern- ment came to power it was appealed to, to right this wrong, but declined to do so, choosing to con- tinue' the illegal practice of its predecessor. i At the last session of the legislature, the pre- sent government had a law enacted that deprives this county of the protection of certain restrictive :motions of the Ontario liquor laws—a condition that a rad prevailed for many years. This act we regard as one calculated to • make the enforcement of the Canada Temperance Act more difficult and that will undoubtedly tend to produce lawlessness, drunk- enness and disorder. We regard it as a deliberate attempt to weaken and discredit the Canada Tem- perance Aet—a law deelared by the .highest court in the British 4 ossmoaweallk sad 1a/18ri r coati Lw, sawed to 1 O>_b !!fid' IF We dee people, and a law that by' promoting sobriety has been of great benefit to the people. ' The Federation is gratified that the two tam didatee at this election, Mr. Thos. Pryde, Progressive Conservative, and Mr. Benson W. Tuckey, Liberal, are both moa of estimable, ammeter. In casting their ballots, however, voters must consider not only the personal character of the candidates, but also the record of the Government. The Federation submitted to' each of the Wadi. dates the following questions: (1) If elected, will yon in the Legielatard insist on effective enforeement of all liquor laws through• out the province, and especially in Huron Countyt (2) In the interests of sobriety, law and order, and effective enforcement, will you in the Legislature support legislation repealing Section 3 of Bill 151 passeed at the session in 1947, and which renders provineial liquor laws inoperative in territory undee the Canada Temperance Act? Mr. Pryde answered the first question in the affirmative and with referenee'to the second stated that personally he sympathized with the Federation% position, and that in caucus he would do his beet to persuade hie fellow members to adopt that view. He Telt, however, that in the Rouse he would have to vote with his party. Mr. Turkey answered both the questions in the affirmative without reservation. ' In a democracy governments are required to ettli- mit thbir record to the verdict of he people, Eleen tions are held to give the people an opportunity of expressing approval of disapproval of the Govern- ment's conduct in office. A vote for a Government candidate is an endorsation of the Government's acts. A. vote for an opposition candidate is a con- s, damnation of the government's acts. We believe that we have placed the issue fakir before you. It is our opinion that it is the duty of all good citizens to place great moral and social b. sues above persona/ or party considerations. No more important issue Than this is before you. We ask you to give ityour most careful consideration. Go •t0 the polls on February 16th' and cast your ballot as your intelligence and conscience dictate. The Huron County Temperance Federation J: HOWARD CAMRBFT.T; President NORVAL T.:ANDIBSO3h Seerotbry