HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-12, Page 7�A�nsealn iSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 3948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE, SEVEN News -Record Classified Adlets BringQuickesufts CASH RATE—(If paid by Wodnes- nla following of insertion)— One o g date ). One cent a word first insertion .(mini- emum 85 cents); subsequent maertions --one cent a word (minimum 25 cents) r 415 centsextra for box number or for -direction to • NEWS -RECORD Offiee, 3B' CHARGED --15 cents extra. .DEA.DLINE-9 .p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE WANTED TOBUY,. OLD HORSES and DEAD ANIMALS suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2e a pound for horses and call and pick up same. Dead animals according to value. If dead phone at once. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21, or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderieh. 45btf RFLP WANTED -WINE STROLLER IN GOOD CON- dition. Apply Box "M", NEWS- RE- CORD. 7p "ONE EIGHT -INCH CIRCULAR SAW in new condition; also sander. Box .r,pNEWS-RECORD 7-8p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIX LITTLE PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS old„ Apply Edgar Rathwell, phone 909r4, Clinton. 7p MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS 20 all makes. Cleaning, de -nothing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314w, Clinton. 2btf 'WEEP HEALTHY BY USING NAMELESS COLD REMEDY. It's quick to relieve. PIeasant to use. Eco- -siomical. 60c—$L00 at Pennebaker's "Thug Store. 7.8p -ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE maeonwork done in the Springtt Now is the time to• make the necessary ar- stangemente. Por assistance in your ,plans and other information eontaet William Bender, phone 911r24. 4-8-p aOHARIS — DITRING FEBRUARY every garment sold as a second sale -wilt be aedured 20 per sent. In other wards Bell one garment at regular price, sell the other 20 per cent off -retail. Phone 173, Mrs. Critfenden. 6.7p ROU CAN NOW GET NAMELESS 'COLD REMEDY, the quick relief for -Sinus, Hay Fever, Beadcolds and 'Earache at Pennebaker's Drug Store, -Jars 604—$1.00. Try .it to -day- 7-8p LOST AND FOUND -LOST — SMALL CHANGE PURSE -containing sum of money, just bills, no silver, between the farms of Clif- ford Glazier and Charles Mann, on '"Tuesday, February 3. Reward. Finder please notify Mies Jennie Manu, phone 800r31, Clinton. LOST — BLACK AND TAN PDX hound in vicinity of Maitland River south of Auburn. Reward. Elmer Ro- "bertson, R.R. 5 Godorich, phone 1530 Carlow. ' 7p LOST — SNOW BOY TOBOGGAN, .about four or five feet, between Royal "Bank corner and James Mair's farm -on Goderich Highway on Sunday after - 'noon. Reward. Phone Clinton 163W. 7b WANTED '84,500 ON FIRST MORTGAGE ON .good 100 -acre farm. Good investment. .Apply Box "S" NEWS -RECORD. 7-8p 'SMALL FARM OR PRIVATE HOME an Hayfield. Will pay cast- for rea- nonable price. Apply Box "7", NEWS -RECORD. 6-7p MIDDLE-AGED LADY for HOUSE - work, two children. Phone Blyth 281.5. 7h SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Aver- age $45 weekly for man or woman to supply more than 250 Fondles neceesi- ties to the people in your neighbor- hood. Write to -day for complete de- tails of our time -tested plan for fast, easy, direct -to -customer sales, CATA- LOGUE FREE. FAMILEX, 1 00 De- lorimier, Montreal. ` 2-7b NOTICE SAW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoaro's Orchard,'one mile north of town; also Ladders for sale various lengths. Enquire. 3 -lop PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 1s/a STOREY, six -roomed dwelling, modern conven- iences, u11 basement, double garage, good location, immediate posession, Apply to H. 0. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251, Clinton. 3btf IN THE VILLAGE OF BLYTR ON Paisley St., a solid seven -roomed white brick house with tbree•pieee bath, hot water beating,', garage and good garden space. Immediate pos- session. Carman Hodgins, Blyth, phone Blyth 34. 6.7.8p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 PONTIAC MOTOR; HEAR end transmission. Apply Frank Greml- in, Clinton. 6-7p 1935 UHEV COACH in EXCELLENT condition, completely overhauled in duly, four new tires, heater, sealed beam lights. Inquire at Guard House, RCAF, Clinton, H. N. Smyth. 7p 1935 FORD COACH IN EXCEL - lent condition, good tires and new battery. Apply Raymond Cantelon, phone Clinton 620r21. 6p 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE IN GOOD condition. Apply Cale Doucette, Clin- ton. 7p ACCOMMODATION AIR FORCE COUPLE AND DOG require one or two furnished rooms. All clean in habits. Write Box "G" NEWS -RECORD, 6.7rp FOR RENT A SMALL HOUSE TO RENT, FUR- nished. Phone 199W. 6-7p FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRE FARM, HALF MILE west of Varna on Bayfield Road, Ap- ply to John McClinohey. 6-7p An Open Mind Woman. "I'm not prejudiced at all. I'm going with a perfectly. open and unbiased mind to listen to what I'm convinced is pure rubbish." What's In A Name? To -day, more than ever before, people are quaitty- conscious. They do not approve of paying ,twice as much as an article is worth, but they do believe in getting real dollar for -dollar value. That is why it pays to buy Branded Merchandise. Years of experience and expense have been required to build up a name for quality and dependability, so don't you be fooled, buy NAME BRANDS such as STETSON and ADAM Haas, SCOTT and MCHALE Shoes, SUN VALLEY Sport Shirts, TD' TOP Tailors., C2 MRR1DGE Clothes, ARROW, 11001(E and B.V.D. Shirts, . DT7-VA I. Spert'swear, JOSEPH GOULD and SONS, HAUGH'S Big 88 Overalls, BRADSHAWS Big B Work Clothing , PENMAN'S and STANFIELD'S Underwear, DOMINION and B. F. GOODRICH Rubber Footwear, HYDRO CITY Work Shoes, and many other well-known' lines. "Quality is Never Expensive" Pickett & Campbell PHONE 25 CLINTON Just the Thing On a Cold Night! 4'- * * alAMBURGERS 15c ',Golden' Brown FRENCH FRIES 10c 1ROT DOGS 10c SANDWICHES TEA COr lr'.RE MILK SOFT DRINKS CIGARETTES -TAKE-AWAY CONES to TAKE AWAY HOME! PARRY'S SNACK BAR Huron St. Phone 696J .BIRTHS BURROWS — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, February 10, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burrows, 400 Burwell St., London, (nee Borva Mair), a daughter( still horn). PIi7'LEY-In Clinton Public Hospital bn Wednesday, February 11, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. George Finley,. 'Clinton, a daug4ter (stillborn). MARRIAGES SIMMONS-MUNN — Li the United Church manse, Honsall, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 7, 1948, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Betty Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •R, J. Munn, Heiman, to John Frederick, son of Mrs. Alda Simmons and the Iate' F. Simmons, Henson., DEATHS ASHDOWN—In Strathroy on Sunday, February 8, 1948, following two weeks' illness, Annie Taylor, widow of the late Rev. Charles R. Ash- down, in her 77th year. Funeral from Loelawood Funeral Home, Blyth, to Blyth Union Cemetery, February 10. HIGGINS — On Thursday morning, February 12, 1948, at his late reel - deuce, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, following a lengthy illness, William Higgins, in his 76th year. Resting at the Beattie Funeral Home,-Rat- tenbury St. E., where service will be held Saturday afternoon, Febru- ary 14, at 2.30 o'clock, to Clinton Cemetery. POWERS—At her Home in Wallace - burg, following a lengthy illness, on Monday, February 2, 1948, Janet Martin, beloved wife of Robert Powers, Halifax, N.S., formerly of Clinton, in her 25th year. Funeral at Wallaeeburg to Riverview Ceme- tery, Wednesday, February 4- WILEY—In Wyandotte General Hos- pital, Detroit, Mich., on Wednesday, January 28, 1948, after an illness of tea days, Cecil E. Wiley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiley, Parr Line, Stanley Town- ship, and brother'of Mrs. Gertrude Rei, Varna, in his 53rd year. Fu- neral from Girrbaak Funeral Home, River Rouge, Mieh., to Oak Ridge Cemetery, CARD OF THANKS Mr. Harry Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston would like to take this op- portunity to thank all their friends and neighbours for kindness and sym- pathy shown during their sudden and sad bereavement. They would also like to thank all those who sent flowers, loaned ears, or Helped in any other way, with special thanks to Dr. J. A. Addison, the nurses at the hospital and Rev. W. J. Woolfrey. 7p TUCKERSMITH ROXY THEATRE PROVIDES FOR CLINTON Now Playing—(Fob, 12-14) "THE FABULOUS DORSEYS'' Mon,, Tues., Wed. (Feb, 16-18) Gone With the Wind In Technicolor Starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh The greatest picture of all time re- turns to the Roxy screen. See gipeeial advertisement elsewhere in this week's issue of the Clinton News -Record. FOX BOUNTIES Tuckersmith Township Council held its February meeting in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday,,February 7, at 2 p.m. All members wero pre- sent and Reeve 'Arthur Nicholson pre- sided. P. L. McNaughton and Thos. Sher - rift were present as a deputation from Hensel Branch of the "Canadian Le- gion and requested a grant toward the purchase and equipment of a Le- gion Hall. Council deferred action on the matter. John Troniosr, Jr., waited on eonneii and reueeted that consid- eration be given to widening and grading of Con, 5, L.R.S. The Clerk was instructed to write Public, Soleil Inspectors J. H. Kin-. kead. and R..0. Staples and request that a joint meeting of Hibbert, Mc- Killop and Tuekeremith Councils be held with a view to dissolving Ugion School Section No, 1, McKillop, as this school has been closed for sev- eral years. By -Laws Ne, 2 and No. 3, eonfirm- ing the appointment of Road Super- intendent and other officials in the township wero passed and By -Law No. 4 rescinding By -Law No. 3, 1947, was passed. By -Law No. 3, 1947, provided for the payment of Fox Bounty for foxes, destroyed within the municipality, and as ,the County of Huron at its Jon- i nary Session established a Hy -Law providing for payment of bounty of 103, for a mature fox and $2 for a fox pup for foxes destroyed within the boundaries of the County, Council de- cided that the local by-law was no longer necessary. Bounty paymente, 'however, will still be made directly from the munieiptlity upon -presentat- ion of the whole carcase within 48 hours of destruction to the clerk. The township, in tarn will be reimbursed by the County - The Clerk was authorized to apply to the Department of Highways for the balance of Road Subsidy for 1947, and to call tenders to supply, crush and lay on roads approximately 6,000 yards of gravel in 1948. Tender ad- vertisement appears elsewhere in this paper - Road &Counts in the amount of 106,549.86 were passed and included payment to Seaforth Fuel and Supply .ot ($3,152 payment on garage con- struction; snow plowing, *2,678.50; fuel, $30.71; plank, $30.75; superint- endence, $157.20; fuel oil, tires and repairs, $500.69♦ General accounts were passed as follows: Relief, $35; Hospitalization *3.23; Fox Bounty, $3; Legal fees, CLINTON CAB TRY US FOR SERVICE Any Place --- Any Time Special Rates on Long Trips • • • OFFICE PHONE No..44 REG. SHIPLEY HAROLD CRITTENDEN Res.: Phone 229 Res: Phone 173 OSCAR PRIESTAP Good News! Good News! Page and Shaw Manufacturer.; of world famous Chocolates' for Over Fifty.'ears Have Appointed CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR as their Exclusive Representative in Clinton SO DON'T FORGET for that SPECIAL OCCASION "Complirnent Her Good Taste" with PAGE and SHAW The 'Candy of Excellence Clayton's Ice Cream Bar carries a good assortment of BRICKS and ICE CREAM PIES at all times Tasty SUNDAES MILK SHAKES that are a meal Delicious Creamy HOT CHOCOLATE Clayton's Ice Cream Bar RATTENBURY ST. E. PHONE 134 I 0 Town Council Chamber SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 at 8 p.m. GOOD PRIZES Auspices Clinton Branch No. 140 Canadian Legion Thurs., Fri,, Sat. (Feb. 19-21) Jack Carson, Robert Hutton and Martha Viokers LOVE AND LEARN A rollicking comedy with romance that warms the heart. Coming—(Feb, 23.25) "CRY WOLF" and "DEATH VALLEY" Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 CAPITAL H T EA T RE GO•DER I CH Now—Stewart Erwin, 'Robert Henry in "THE GREAT MIKE" Mon., Tues., Wed-- Ida ed—Ida Lupine, Robert Hila and Bruce Bennett The ideal combination of perfect cast and flawless `stony reaehes the screen in this unique romance THE MAN I LOVE Thurs., Fri., Sat, Yvonne DeCarto, George Brent and Brod Crawford A caravan of Technicolored thrills set to a theme of lusty laughter and Iusty love. SLAVE GIRL Coming --One showing each night "GONE WITS THE WIND?" STOP PRESS OH.A INTERMEDIATE "1" PLAY-OFFS Clinton RCAF 7—Seaforth 7 (10 minutes' overtime) COI WINS 50-48 Clinton Collegiate Senior boys de- feated Exeter H.S. 50-48, in the first game of a two -game home -and -home playoff series, total (pointe to count. $2.50; stationery, printing and post- age, *12.70; salaries, *100; sundry, $15.47. Council adjourned to meet March 6 at 2 pm. 11.114611 • a,. MIRACLE WALL FINISH COVERS WALLPAPER! ONE GALLON X 75, 1. - PER IMP. GAL. «aaantrgU pile Nint j Hawkins Hardware Phone 244 Clinton YOUR 040"&e;D611EIl CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w,and 66j ' BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf KIPPEN REGENT THEATRE O R,T H Now— "DON'T FENCE ME 317" A new -tune musical hit Mon., Tues., Wed Vivien Leigh, Claude Bekaa and Stewart Graivnger `" A magnificent Technicolor epic brings to life the multi -colored romances' of an ancient age Caesar and Cleopatra Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Jack Carson, Martha Vickers and Robert Hutton If its laughter you need, try this fun. ful tale of a guy who knew from ne. thing about ,romance LOVE AND LEARN Coming— ."THE ENCHANTED FOREST" In Cineeolor with Edmund Lowe mar MNIMMINP A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper, Kippen (nee Norma Smith), a recent bridal couple, was held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Tuesday evening, February 10. The hall was packed to capacity for the event. During the course of the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were presented with a studio couch, Ed Corbett doing the honors. Music for the dance was furnished by Rau's orchestra. Refreshments were served. "AS I LIVE, SAITII TILE LORD GOD • I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye—for why will ye die'"? — Ezekiel 33:9 "The LORD is long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish.—'' —II Pet. 3:0. TUNE IN—Hear Chas. Miller, Box 123, Los Angeles, 63, cal., on STATION CKLW, Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T., Sunday noon. SPECIAL ATTRACTION ! "GONE WITH THE WIND Playing at Roxy. Theatre MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16 - 17 - 18 One .Show Only -- at 8 p.m. ADMISSION: Milts 60c Children 30c SPECIAL MATINEE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 at. 2.30 p.m. ADMISSION:. Adults 48e Children 30e Sewerage System Will Soon be in Operation PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW For Installation and for Plumbing Work ORDERS EXECUTED IN ORDER OF RECEIPT 11UGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470 Sliced Side BACON 1/, Ib. 39e Anniversary Cash Specials at Johnson's Grocery From SATURDAY, FEB. 14 to SATURDAY, FN)B..21 Domestic Fluffo Jewel Supreme SHORTENING 1. lb. 31e Velvet Catty FLOUR 214 ib. Box 29c Clark's Soup Mus'hreom or Asparagus 3 for 29c Lyons TEA White Label 1/, lb. 44c. Robin Hood OATS 5 lb. Bag 370 gets white clothes whiter, colors brighter, than brand new VEL 1 Large 1 Small 31c Catelli Ready SUGAR White or Brown 10 lbs. 87e Club House voollell. PEANUT 'SPaghet i hied, size J.i 2 for 25e BHTTr 29c 16 oz. Jar 39e LUX -- CAMAY 3 Bars 25c Maple Leaf SOAP FLAKES 24e LIPTON'S TEA 1 Lipton Noodle Soup FREE with 1/, lb. Lipton's Tea 500 -- 530 — 58c Danny Boy CHOCOLATE SYRUP 390 Aylmer — Heinz Libby's BABY FOODS 3 for 23e Swifts BABY FOOD 3 for 29c Swifts JUNIOR FOOD 2 for 39c Tip Top Choice TOMATOES 28 oz. tin 25e Aylmer Pineapple JUICE c Oxford Inn Pure STRAWBERRY JAM ' 12 oz. ,lar 29e Cl'ark's or Stokeley's TOMATO SOUP' 3 tins 25c Franco -American Spaghetti or Macaroni 2 for 29e Oxford Inn CHILI CONCARNE 19c PHONE 286 CLOTHES PINS 3 doz. 25c Heinz Tomato JUICE 20 oz. ti 13e Heinz Sandwich. SPREAD 39c Heinz Tomato areal' 7 P1EE DELIVERY