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Clinton News-Record, 1948-02-12, Page 2
tPAG1 TWO Clinton P eWs-Record ME • CLINTON NEW ERA THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Established 1865 Established 1878 Amalgamated 1924 In the Hcap•t of Huron Couoaty Independent'Newspaper, devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District MEMBER Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario-Quebee Division, CWNA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable; ii advance — Canada and Great Eritain: $2 a year; United States and Foreign: $2.50 a year. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Cards on Request Sworn ;Circulation as at October 31, 1947 — 1,846 (77% concentrated in iaptnediate trading area) Published EVERY THURSDAY • at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada Its S. ATKEY - - - Editor and, Publisher THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1948 A RECREATIONAL DIRECTOR FOR, CLINTON DOES' CLINTON need a Recreational Director? How could o. ne.be appointed? Who would finance the e pro- je'ct? Wheat would constitute his, duit'ies1 What benefits might be expected? All these questions and maw mom will be answered at a public' meeting, called by K7litnton and District Chamber of Commerce, which is being held in the Town Hall, Clinl- itJo Tireediay; February 17, 'a t 8 p.m. The Chamber has arralige 1 for T. A. Leishman, London, formerl3r of Auburhli, but naw' Regional Director of Community Programmers for the Ontario Government, to explain the proposal and lead the discirssi!on, netting to wheat extent the Government will support 1t The Chamber requests ,all interested organizations to send representatives, and ladies—interested in the welfare of ithe Cownmunity to as great if not,greater extent than mem — are especially welcome. Clinton High School Area Board already has placed i"t if Mt record as being in favor of the plan by adopting ;zesoq'uti'on that, providing the town is favorable to the project, the Board pay half the salarry of the director in tretund !fq'r half-time teachhltig services. Recreational Directors have been, operating most successfully for some time in Exeter, Goderieh, W ingh'am and many other similar communities. For the sake of their children acid themselves, and the future of the communritA Clir'itanians should hear the question discussed at Tues'daty ilvveniivng's meeting. © © C? SEES WORLD DANGER UNLESS CHILDREN ARE FED B OYS and girls in wartorn countries in Europe and Asia are today turning their eyes toward Canada dur- ing the Canadian Appeal for Children, au ,appeal in which Canadians are being asked to contribute $10 million to as- sist children whose lives have been blighted by war. The Appeal started this week and similar drives are under way simultaneously in 26 other countries in the world as the "have" mations Celine to the assistance of the "have hoe's'/'.• Backed by organized labor and industry in Canada and supporlted by charitable and "service` clubs - as well as women's organizations, church groups, farmers' col -oper- atives and cultural societies — the Canadian Appeal for Children seeks to breathe life and knowledge into the exist: ance of the children who have survived man's most deter- mined efforts to kill them. C. F. Fraser, chairman of the campaign operating con rnittee of the Canadian Appeal for Children, has describ- ed the appeal as ithe most challenging of any appeals ever organized in Canada, "Canada will reap credit — or shame — depending on the success of the Appeal," Mr. Fraser said. "More itched 400 Million children in Europe and Asia are slowly dying from hunger and freezing from the cold. Their need is ur- gent. Canadians may have a role to reclaiming half of the. children in the world who occupy one-third of the world's Food is high on' the list of products which will be purchased in Canada and sh'ippe'd overseas to feed the hum'- gry children. Next conies clothing; then medical 'supplies. Nor is the Appeal being limited to the :needs' of the bodies. Contributions may be made at any bank. 0 © © ' PROGRESS ALONG,,reflective look alt an adding.machine will non- vitice even the most sluggish thinker that the beastly, thing isn't much to look a t. Neither is an egg -beater, nor a sump pump. Furthermore, people can still be found, even in cities, who persist in enjoying 4'liiet, old-fashioned things. They may go so far as to prefer the sofitly changing wooded of a sunset to the shrieking idiocy at the neighborhood ;theatrre, cohnments The Printed Word. The fact is that somethhi!ng new, or' labor-saving, may be a deplorably inadequate reason for achieving 'additiienal ugliness' and noise in the world, but progress can't waiit to be dolled up. Man seems congenitally unable to resist the urge to surround himself witth. new gadgets. Perhla(ps he will finally wind up with so many of thein that he'IU have enough free time to go off in search of the beauty and quiet ,it hey destroy. He'll probably 'als'o use some of that time looking for a good repairman. Thought for Today •— Socialism is economic control or reveryone for the political profit of the few. If you are 21 years of alge or over and reside in the riding of Huron, you should cast your vote hi the by-election Monday next, February 16. Polls will remail open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. © O O • EDITORIAL. COMMENT a Thought for Today — Somebody has just discovered) what Scotchmen do with odd razor blades. 'They shave with them. i,rIV 17I.,.,+, Be careful, you baseball fans! If a tail, witty glentA.e- man fro;xl the south of the County happens to umpire any garr•es in this district next summer, we advise you not to "kill the Umpire". He might 'bumf, out to be His Worship Hugh Berry, Warden of Huron County for 1948, who has umpired baseball games for the past quarter century, and,. 1s-'8Ll I going strong, although nearly 67. (ct ri 1 OBITUARY 1 CECIL E. WILEY (By our Varna correspondent) There passed away in Wyandotte General Hospital, Detroit, on January 28, Oeei1 E. Wiley after an ilinoss of ton days. Deceased suffered a very' heavy stroke, from whish he never. fully recovered: He was born June 24, 1895, on the Wiley .homestead, Pair Line, Stanley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Wiley. Deceased wont to the United States hi 1926, and on May 11, 1940, was tna,rried to Prances Buster. He loaves' to mourn his passing, his wife and atspdaughter, Mrs, C. Grlmnts, Detroit; one sister, ' Mrs, Gertrude Reid, Varna, A sister, Mrs. Amos Keys (Agnes), predeceased him in 1925. The funeral was held from Gin:back Funeral Home, River Reugo conduct. ed. by Rev, Mr. Duekot, rnsrnister of. the Presbyterian Church, of whish de- eoasod was a member, Interment was in Oak Ridge Cemete).y. The sympathy of the community is oS cnto Mrs, Gertrude Reid, Var- na, MRS. ROBERT POWERS Lester and Wilbur Martin andfam- ilies were in Wallaceburg last week to attend tete funeral of their youngest sister, Janet, Mrs. Robert Powers, wiio .massed away vary suddenly in bar 25th year on Monday, Fobruar 2, 1948. Mrs. Powers resided in Clinton for a period of two and a half years and made many friends in this community. Pox the past 18 months she and her husband resided in Halifax, N.S. Mrs, Powers had not been in good health for some time and returned by plane 1 to her home town ono week prior to her death. Her passing same as a severe shook to her family and many friends. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband, her father, Eugene Martin, three brothers, James, Wallaceburg, and Lester and Wilbur, both of Clin- ton, linton, and one sister, Ruth, Mrs. L. M. JudcO,'R.N., Chatham. Burial was made in Riverview Cemetery, Wallaceburg, on Wednes- day afternoon, February 4. 0 Huron in Fourth Place In Production of Flax Bruce county has taken the lead in the revival of flax -growing in Western Ontario, but important amounts were also grown in 1047 in Grey, Middlesex, Huron, Dufferin, Wellington, Perth, it is repotted by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, In Ontario as a whole flax production jumped from 169,000 in 1946, to 671,000 bushels in 1.9.47. Huron county, in fourth place, produced 23,772 bushels of flaxseed from 1.,698 acres; the crop was valued at $116,245. Nearly' half of the province's pro- dnetion tool: place in the far north- western district of Rainy River, in the river -bottom lands along the border between Ontario and Minnesota. In tete production of the other half of the province's total, Bruce had a com- mending lead with 1.16,454 bushels, Wellington was second with 56,470 and Grey third with 55,102, BLYTH FAIR PLANS SPONSOR BEEF CALF CLUB Simon Hallahan was re-elected president of Blyth Agricultural Soc- iety for his third term at the cental erecting in tate Orange hall, Blyth. Other officers elected were: M. Henry, 1st vice-president: H. Sturdy, 2nd vice -resident; Miss Lena Living- ston re-elected secretary -treasurer, with a subdtantial increase in salary. The auditors will be G. Elliott and If. Voclden. It was decided to affiliate again with the Federation of Agriculture. • Sponsor Calf Club Gerald, E. Nelson, Clintonassist- ant agrieu-]tern representative, re- porting on junior work, said tia^t in spite of the incienent weather, the fair had progressed., by leaps and bounds. The quality of eaves entered in the calf club was much improved, but should be classed as junior and senior calves, he argued. Two of the calves exhihiteel here were selected to Me exhibited at the .Royal Winter Far. her. Nelson recommended that a beef calf. chub be sponsored; and re- poted that in the 7Toistein calf club 24 nlonilrcrs had enrolled and 21, boys and girls had 'completed the project,. the largest group ever to exhibit in tate county. He announced that the Holstein breeders trill again sponsor a show. It was dMdcd 1„ sponsor a, boot Calf club, es suggested by Mr. Nel- son, with G. Nothory 1s chairman : and the age, limit of senior calves to be. May 1, thus giving 0 wider local choice. LeRoy G Brown, Clinton, a rionit- ural representative, reported the :' g- ulatiors govenhrg field crop cent - petitions hard been amended, to ex. pond the acreage, from. tin'ee 1.o five acres an oatrv, and that when reg- istered grain can not ho precatred car- tifiecl grain may bo used. Ter O ttrios' are to be oracle in each 000ipetition, It was deei.decl to spencer the field crop competition, with. William Yonug as cheiyman and the Beacon variety of oats to he used. Miss L. Livingetan, seorotar y tr e;us. wen reportedthat receipts for Ila,: year hid, shown a substantial increase, but that expenses had been wars- pondingly high. The president, .in his address, re- marked that the fait of 1947 .had been the boat held an, years Tre mcutioued the work Sone to improve the grounds, 'Sieh as the removal of. the unsightly board fence and the erection. of a new wire fence, also the levelling of the adjoining street. OLINTON NEWS-REcoR,II DR; H. F. POTTER HONORED BY USS A FOR WAR SERVICE Dr. Hat'voy F. ,Motu@., only son oP Mr. and Mrs: 0. W. Potter, and bro- ther of Mrs. A. E. Haddy, Olinton, a native of this district ,brit for some years a resident of the United States, has been honoured by his country of adoption with the presentation of the Bronze Star Medal, in recognition of his services during World War 11. The citation read as, follows: "Pot- ter, Harvey; F., 0.494433, Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, 300th General. Hospital, for meritorious achievement inthe performance of outstanding ser- vice in Italy from 15 September, 1945, to 10 January,, 1946. As commanding Officer of the 30018 General Hospital, inaddition to ids duties as Chief of Surgical Service, 3000. General Hos- pital, and Surgeon, Peninsular Base Section, Southern District, Colonel Potter performed services over and beyond those normally required or ex- pected of him. When it ibecame ap- parent that the redeployment prog- ram would leave this theatre definitely handicapped both in administrative and professional personnel, Colonel Potter voluntaltlly remained at his duties ponding arrival of qualified replacements to insure continued wel- fare of the troops which his unit served. By his constant devotion to duty, initiative, forcefulness, and su- perior ability, both administrative and professional, Colonel Potter has not Only reflected great eredit upon him. self, bait on the Medical Department and the U.S. Army. Entered service from Long Island, New York." The NEWS -RECORD joins Dr. Pot- tor's friends in eongratttlating him on r0eoiving this high and coveted hon- our, 0 Higher Loss From Brooder Stoves The 73rd annual mooting of Hay Tewnehip Farmers' Mutual Fire In- suranee Company was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, with a good at- fandance and keen interest. President Barry C. Beaver was chairman and Herbert K. Faber' secretary of the meeting. The president'i report stated that the Company had 2,295 policies in force with a total insurance of $13,- 356,995, an increase of $1,025,525 over the .previous year. The Company had entered into re -insurance agreementrt with The McKillop Mutual Fire In- surance Company and the West Wa. wanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany during the year in order to take care 'of the Iarger risks. The losses consisted of 89 claims amounting to $6, 411.63, compared with 75 losses of $18,179.35 for 1946. Losses to colony houses and their contents, as well as livestock, were high. Considerable eon - cern is felt by the Directors as to the increased danger from fire caused by brooder stoves and tractors opor• ating on barn, floors. Election of Directors resulted in William Haugh, Oscar. Klopp and Reinhold Miller being 'elected direct- ors for three years; William H. Loyd Director for two years to fill the va- cancy caused b ytho death of Thomas Love. The auditors, 3'. W. TfaSerer and George Deichert, wore reappoint. ed. 0 DUNGANNON — Breakdown of a snowplow which was opening the road to Dungannon cemetery, held up the funeral fortege of David Malayan for 20 minutes. Mr. Mellwain, 64, who died in Goderioh at Alexandra Hospital, was buried at .Dungannon cemetery. The snowplow which was clearing the road, struck drifts so heavily packed that it broke down, on the fourth concession of Ashfield township, the road between Dungan- non and the cemetery. The body was removed from the hearse, and trans- ported by sleigh to the cemetery half a mile away. 4. second sleigh was used for the mourners. �13R TH[iRSDAY, F);I Bt1 ; f' 54 19451 II. Baker, W. Robb id D. TiltiradY• From Our Early. Files; 40 Years Ago tains the irse of the tom., THE OLI'rproN Nvws.aECoan Thursday,February 13, 1908 Organization of the C. C. L Board i9 as follows: president, Rev. C. R. Gonne; secretary -treasurer, Oaptain, M. •D. McTaggart; property commit- tee, W. Jackson, D. -A. Forrester,1s .. C. W. Thompson; discipline committee J. Bamford, J. Scott, Rev. C. R. Gonne. Joe Rattenbury has sold his liquor business to C. H. Pugh. William H. Swan, Clinton's oldest resident, died Monday. He is surviv- ed by his wife and seven children, Mrs.. Flintoff, Mrs. G. Abell, Mrs, Alf Barge, Mao. A. Abott, George, Charles. and Joseph. Rev. W. E. Kerr officiat- ed and pallbearers were R. Jenkins, T. Churchill, 0. Baker, W. Parker, J. Parker, J. Holmes and T, Lindsay. W. J. Cooper has been re-engaged as caretaker of the Model School. Colelough has opened a butcher shop next to Plumstoel Bros. Mrs. M. D. McTaggart and Mrs: ixundry have been entertaining this week. On account of the severe snow storm the worst in the history of the town the load papers could not get through. to the surrounding districts, Walter Holmes snow shoed to both Holmes- ville, and Londesboro taking both the New Era and News -Record with him. s * * THE CLINTON NEW ERA Friday, February 14, 1908 0 Officers of the Literary Board are: president, W. lerydmre; secretary, W. H. Manning; treasurer, M. D. Mc- Taggart; Property Committee, A. Me - Kenzie, Dr. Shaw, W. H. Manning; Finance committee, F. R. Hedgens, Mayor Wiltse, E. AL McLean; book committee, W. Brydono, W. H. Man- ning, and E. M. McLean. Thomas Shipley has rented his farm on the outskirts of town to Will Fish- er for a period of five years. He re - 'DREAMS The softest dreamsa ... and the finest of diamonds. Each precious Bluebird Diamond is a gem of -everlasting ;beauty . , . sparkling loveliness From. $37.50 to $5,000, each one is registered ... guaran- teed perfect ... and insured against doss, Drip in and see our fine new };tock of these lovely ring's . . the perfect Valentine Gift. Bluebird Diamonds for Happiness (WIN. COUNTER Cawntcrs for Finer Jewellery for over Half a Century in Huron County just "DIAL" the heat you .need! ... and leave the rest to your Westinghouse Good cooking is a "natura with ,your new Westinghouse Electric Range, Five -heat surface elements (not merely three) give you everything from gentle "SIIiIMEI4" cooldng to record "1114381" speed. And the frilly automatic oven - heal; control takes all the guesswork oat of roasting, baking and oven -cooking. Clinton Electric Shop r;' D. W. CORNISH WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS PHONE 479 RES. 358 ata 15'+i' r 41;1" '5 .0 4r 1°0%4 John Hardy passed away in his 80th year. Surviving are his wife and three children, Mrs. A Neal, Thomas and William. Rev- W. B. Kerr offic- iated and pallbearers ,:were 'James. Stevens, Yames tt,'oraish, John Govet, Johnatoh Lover ,'On Wednesday, February 12, 1908, y gem C E. Gunn ne, at the hero: of to bride's parents, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Dfra, pharles Lovett, to Robert Gordon Johnston, Mise -Helen Doherty is visiting at the home of Rev. and Mks, 'Manning, Peterbore. James SneR has been elected ono of the officials of the Dominion Horse Breeder's Association. A. B'eatte Funeral ... Always Includes carefut consideration to every detail including that of economy. Beattie Funeral Home Ri ttenbnry St.. E. Geo. B. Beattie Fighting Colds? BRONCHOZONE works fast — 50c Certified COD LIVER Extract — $1.00 A Wonderful Reconstructor • A. Hot Water Bottle -- warms your bed $1.29 -- $1.50 W. S. R. HOLMES YOUR REXA.LL STORE Sanitary Sewerage ' Services EXPERT WORK DONE Due to ground conditions, digging eau stiff{ continue Get your work done now, to prepare for spring cleanup( CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING Lanes and Driveways REASONABLE RATES McKay Contracting Co. Princess St. W. CLINTON Phone 378M HEAR 1Illeeu's Park Report No: 4" by PREMIER GEORGE DREW "AGRICULTURE LOOKS ' AHEAD" CKNX — WINGHAM Dial 920 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 8.00 8.15 p.m. Come ane. Hear Premier GEORGE DREW Speak in The Town Hall GO ICH Friday, FEB.: tUA Y l3th-8 pan. Part of the Meeting be Broadcast from;., CKNX WINGHAM — 9.3E to 10 p.p. CICS — STRATFORD — 9.30 to 10 p.m. CIiOIC • SARNIA 9.30 to 10 p.m. CFPL—LONDON (dekclyed)---11:15 to 11.45 p.m. Vote f i°`1 t ii P 'ItIPOGRESSIVE,CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE And Keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT Ranks 1